Lessons of correct diction. How to put speech and diction on your own? Why is it time to work on diction

According to statistics, about 30% of people in one way or another suffer from diction disorders. Speech defects are congenital, being the result of genes or prenatal development, but most often diction disorder is an acquired feature: defects appear and develop from the moment of birth and throughout life, their main cause is the weakening of the muscles of the speech apparatus. In such cases, the correction of speech defects can be dealt with independently, without the intervention of surgeons. We will consider the most common of them. So, how you can correct and improve your diction and overcome speech defects.

How to fix burr

Speech therapists counted about 30 variants of the distortion of the sound "r", but most often it is its absence in pronunciation. This speech defect is very rarely congenital., but sometimes it can be caused by a too short hyoid ligament. The only solution to this problem is surgery. In other cases, the cause of burr lies in the weakness of the language..

Diction exercises

To develop the muscles of the tongue, you will need to do the following:

1. Spread your tongue around the perimeter of the lower lip and pronounce the sounds "five-five-five." It is necessary to achieve the effect when the tongue can lie relaxed during the exercise. If it works, move on to the next step.

2. Try to cover the entire width of the upper lip with your tongue, from one corner of the mouth to the other. Then, keeping the width of the tongue, move it under the upper teeth and practice pronouncing the sound "d-d-d". If the muscles of the tongue are too weak, you can insure its position at first with a spoon.

After a while, if you alternate exercises with tongue twisters, the sound “r” will begin to break through.

How to fix lisp

If everyone is in their place, and the bite is correct, then the cause of lisping speech is again the weakness of the tongue muscles. For those who want to fight this defect, it is advisable to read aloud as much as possible: both for diction it is useful and pleasant.

Diction exercises

1. Stretch your mouth in a wide smile so that your teeth are visible. Then you need to blow on the tip of the tongue until a whistling noise is extracted, characteristic of the sound "s".

2. Do not remove the smile: run the tip of the tongue from the inside along the top row of teeth, from beginning to end, and then go to the bottom row. The jaw must remain motionless.

3. Place the tongue between the upper and lower teeth and say the syllable "sa". On the sound "a" the mouth should open.

We also note that before getting rid of lisping, it is worth making sure that you do not have problems with the passage of air through the nose. The fact is that with difficulty breathing through the nose, a person gets used to breathing only through the mouth, from which the muscles of the tongue go limp and weaken.

How to fix slurred speech

The next common speech defect is expressed in slurred pronunciation of words, "swallowing" whole pieces of sounds. If instead of the word "man" you say "check", and "in short" is heard as "kochever", the following tips will come in handy:

1. Chant poems periodically, while beating the rhythm with your hand. Mayakovsky's creations are perfect for this.

2. Create a collection of words in which you find an abundance of adjacent consonants and periodically read the list. We have already picked up a few of these: counter-revolution, postscript, stay awake, supernatural, party contribution and gratuitousness.

These exercises and tips will help you improve and correct your diction, but if the problem is too serious, contact a speech therapist - a professional will select a technique and exercises exclusively for your case. Keep in mind that speech defects can and should be dealt with even if you don't dream of becoming a radio presenter. Good luck.

Diction is the degree of distinctness in the pronunciation of sounds, syllables and words.

The development of diction, the ability to speak beautifully is necessary in everyday life, both when communicating with friends and relatives, and in conversation with work colleagues, business partners and clients. I very often, by the nature of my work, have to prepare speeches and presentations, before going out to the audience I have to pronounce the text more than once or twice, as well as “knead the speech”, train intonation, thereby placing accents in the speech.

In addition, diction exercises also activate mental activity, give confidence and ease in communicating with people. Even the simplest exercise - reading aloud for 10-15 minutes a day brings very favorable results.

Today, there are many exercises that will help you speak beautifully and clearly. If you want to achieve significant results, then it is better to pay attention to this issue every day for 10-20 minutes.

It is not necessary to perform all the exercises at once, you can choose exactly what you think is necessary. It is better to pronounce long texts in front of a mirror, so you can evaluate and adjust your speaking style. In the future, you can train, combining with some other chores at home or at work (if you are alone in the office).

The main approaches for the development of diction:


Tongue twisters have been known to us since childhood. These are rhythmic sentences, with a set of words where a certain sound or several sounds often occur. Frequent pronunciation of tongue twisters will help teach you how to articulate the desired sound correctly. Regular exercise will make speech quick and clear.

You should start with simple tongue twisters. To begin with, the pace of pronunciation should be low, try to clearly pronounce words and sounds. Gradually, the speed must be increased. When you achieve perfection in pronouncing simple tongue twisters, you can take more complex constructions. In addition, you can practice and change the accents of the pronunciation of words in tongue twisters, then asking a question, then answering the same tongue twister. This will help develop good speech diction.

An addition to tongue twisters will be the placement of an obstacle in the mouth that prevents proper articulation. This technique can be seen in the movie "Carnival" (it is also described in many books on teaching public speaking). There, the heroine uttered tongue twisters, putting nuts in her mouth. You can substitute walnuts for wine corks. If you learn to clearly pronounce words with interference, then in its absence, the speech apparatus will begin to work better, and diction will improve.

Our voice does not sound at all like it seems to us. Therefore good exercise for the development of diction there will be a correction of speech defects on dictaphone records. Read an excerpt from the book, and then listen to the result. Note all the shortcomings and defects, next time try to correct them. You need to record until you get the perfect result. Now it is easy to do this using a computer, tablet, voice recorder or mobile phone.


Shortness of breath is a known problem that we face even in everyday life. And on reports or public speaking, this looks losing, since the sentence turns out to be intermittent, the effect of the spoken words is not always expressed in full. Diaphragm training will help get rid of this. One of the exercises for developing diction is to draw a vowel sound as you exhale. At first, breathing will be enough for a few seconds, but with constant training, you can reach 25 seconds. The next step in the exercise is to change the pitch of the voice. Breathing can also be trained by inflating balloons.


Using hard-to-pronounce sound combinations, words and phrases, you can significantly improve diction.

1. Say difficult combinations of sounds at first slowly, then faster:
Tlz, jr, vrzh, mkrtch, kpt, kft, ksht, kst, kshch, kzhda, kkzhde, kzhdo, kzhdu, kshta, kshte, kshtu, kshto.

2. Say words with difficult consonant combinations slowly at first, then faster:

Stay awake, philosophize, postscript, invigorate, transplantation, supersonic, tousled, counterbreak, explosion point, protestantism, stir up, over-alarmed, hit the barrel, agency, hose, supersonic, ornate, philosophize, monster, snort a lot.

3. Practice pronunciation of long consonants:

A) To Clara, to whom, to the throat, to the tour, to Galya, to Katya, to Kyiv, to the end, to the city, distant, get involved, give, kindle, vent, get rid of, without a fur coat, ruthless, immortality, restore, confirm, repel;
B) Top - up, leading - introduction, push - push, hold - support, drag - pull, water - introductory, litter - quarrel.

4. Work on the combination of sounds can be carried out in the form of a game, using onomatopoeia:

A) Hammer nails: Gbdu! Gbdo! Gbde! Gbdy! Gbda! Gbdi! Gbde!
B) Imitate a horse's stomp: Ptku! Ptko! bird! Birds! Ptke! Birds!
C) Throw imaginary plates to your partner: Kchku! Wow! Kchke! Kchka! Kchky! Kchki!

5. Say phrases consisting of stressed syllables, first slowly, then quickly:

At that hour, a thrush sang here. That year there was a hail. The oak was old. Everyone loved Peter. Instantly the club is full. The moss hid the mushroom. Grandpa got old. Your guest took the cane. Waves splash - splash sparkle! Jump a hundred miles.

According to experts, up to 30% of people suffer from diction disorders. And, apparently, most of them get a job at airports to announce flight delays on the radio. Even if you don't intend to join their ranks, it won't hurt you to learn how to legibly order dishes with difficult names in a restaurant or to surprise others with a lightning-fast Estonian tongue twister.

Gee, Slavs!

“The easiest pronunciation defect is gekanye,” says Alexander Kabin, director and teacher of stage speech at the Interlude theater association. This fricative "g" can be picked up in adulthood. The owner of a good phonemic hearing after a two-week trip to Eastern Ukraine or to the south of Russia, having talked to the locals to the full, imperceptibly begins to talk, like Nastya Zavorotnyuk in the guise of a beautiful nanny.

However, after returning home, the accent will fade away in a couple of weeks and will not appear until the next business trip.

If your “ghe” is innate, to acquire a non-explosive sound of the fourth letter of the alphabet, practice pronouncing phrases with an abundance of “g”. Speak them slowly, and at the sound of "g" at first pause for emphasis.

Read with expression

    The tycoon Yegor was sunbathing on the mountain, a magnet fell on the tycoon Yegor.

    The ingenious heterosexual Goga passionately loves the geisha Galya.

    Where is Gena the guest worker? This bastard dries the herbarium!

grass bullet

In addition to the surname Zinbelshucher, there are many other, more respectful, reasons not to pronounce the sound “r”. This sound is the most difficult to articulate. There are 30 variants of its distortions. The most common are the absence of "p" ("koobka pesevatives") and the throaty pronunciation of the sound, called burr.

“Sometimes the cause of the defect is a shortened hyoid ligament that limits the elevation of the tongue. This requires a little intervention from the surgeon,” notes Alexander. But more often it’s all about the habit that has been entrenched since childhood and the weakness of the muscles of the tongue.

To develop a tongue, first flatten it on the lower lip, while it is useful to say "five-five-five." (Sounds silly, but what to do?)

When the tongue gets used to lying relaxed, teach it to cover the upper lip. The front edge of the tongue should cover the entire upper lip from corner to corner of the mouth. With especially weak muscles, at first help the tongue to be held at the top with a teaspoon.

Keeping your tongue as wide as possible, slide it behind your upper teeth. Now practice saying "d-d-d" by hitting the front edge of your raised tongue against the inner surface of your upper front teeth. After a few hours of these exercises, interspersed with tongue twisters, the sound “r” will begin to break through in you.

Read with expression

    Tell me about phrases. About what tongue twisters? About tongue twisters, about tongue twisters, about my tongue twisters!

    Our Tanya is crying loudly, she dropped a ball into the river. He put the Greek hand into the river, the ball for the Greek hand - tsap!

    Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood, but drink wood.

What is "oshun?"

Check if your bite is correct, if all your teeth are in place and if there are any piercings on your tongue. If everything is in order, your lisping speech is the fault of a weak tongue.

“Sometimes, to develop a language and restore the correct pronunciation of consonants, it is enough to read aloud more often,” says Alexander. In between readings, do two simple exercises.

one . Stretch the corners of your mouth in a forced smile so that the teeth are visible, and blow on the tip of the tongue to produce a whistling noise typical of the “s” sound.

2. Practice pronouncing the "sa" syllable. At the same time, the sound “s” must be filtered through the teeth, and the sound “a” should be opened. If you fail to master the correct pronunciation, go to Poland. There you will not feel flawed: the Polish language is replete with sibilants.

Read with expression

    Masha was walking along the highway and got hit by a bus.

    Tell me about sausages! About what about sausages? Maybe about shopping? Ah, yes, about shopping.

    Soviet specialists are rushing to the aid of specialists from the socialist countries.

Obvious but indistinct

Put a spoonful of porridge in your mouth and say: "Get away from me, monsters." Now say the same thing without porridge. No difference? All clear. You pronounce sounds casually, especially consonants. But the significance of consonants is higher than vowels, because they carry more information, performing a meaningful function.

If you're used to saying "check" instead of "human", "nomad" instead of "short story" and "DNA" instead of "deoxyribonucleic acid", don't be offended by experts who call such speech unintelligible, unaesthetic and inexpressive*.

Of course, it's hard to deny yourself the pleasure of telling jokes while chewing the barbecue at the same time, but the rest of the time, try to speak more clearly. To develop this skill, Alexander advises you to chant poetry, beating a clear rhythm with your hand on the table or with a hammer on the battery.

Start collecting words with a bouquet of consonants (WAKE, AGENCY, POSTSCRIPTUM, PARTVZNOs), as well as phrases from monosyllabic words, the pronunciation of which requires muscular tension (“Where the table was food, there is a coffin”). When there are enough words and phrases, make a short story out of them and send them to us. Poel?

Read with expression

    An over-anxious center forward is much to snore.

    The transplantation of the hose was amateurish.

    Everyone loved Prov, but fell into a trance.

    The article explains what diction is and how to improve it.

    In the modern world, it is quite easy for people with good, expressive diction to get used to most areas of our dynamically developing life. Excellent speakers are needed not only on the stage, but also in business, and on television, and in politics.

    Steve Jobs is a great speaker

    What is diction?

    Diction is called a clear pronunciation of sounds in accordance with the phonetic norms of the language. Expressive diction is the most important characteristic of acting, singers, and performers.

    Clear diction depends on the level of training of the active organs of speech - such organs include the tongue and lips. In this regard, the development of expressive diction should begin with muscle training - articulatory gymnastics.

    Diction shows how a person pronounces words and syllables correctly, how clearly he pronounces sounds - all this can be trained, improved.

    Fuzzy pronunciation of words interferes with their correct perception, and a poorly pronounced phrase sometimes even loses its meaning. Distortion of sounds can greatly distract the attention of the audience, forcing them to focus on the defects of the sound, and not on the meaning of the spoken phrase.

    IMPORTANT: It is much easier for a person with expressive diction to interest and captivate the audience. Such a person is much easier to speak in public.

    Work on diction and pronunciation

    In order to get rid of the sharp “g”, whistling “s”, lisping “sh”, in order to improve the pronunciation of words and syllables, in order for the diction to become more expressive, you will have to work a little.

    For a clear sounding speech, there are a huge number of exercises that have been helping people become interesting, exciting speakers for a long time. Some of the exercises were already known in Ancient Greece.

    How to improve diction for an adult, a teenager?

    To develop and improve diction, there are special exercises. This is:

    • Breathing and posture

    Not many people know how much beautifully delivered speech depends on breathing and posture. In this regard, there are even special exercises:

    1. You should stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands should be placed on the belt. After that, it is necessary to open your mouth slightly, and, supposedly overcoming resistance, exhale slowly. After training, you should complicate the exercise by reading a few lines of your favorite poem as you exhale.
    2. You should return to the starting position, and then slowly leaning forward to take a breath. The back should be kept straight, and as you exhale, begin to rise and pull “hmmm” for a long time.
    3. For posture exercises, stock up on a book. The book must be placed on the head, and slowly walk with it so that it does not fall. Then you should add gestures, squats, more dynamic walking.

    Posture is the first step towards beautiful speech
    • Articulation. More details can be found in the section below.
    • Pronunciation of consonants and vowels. Examples of the correct pronunciation of sounds can be viewed in the following videos:

    Video: Phonetics. Formation of consonants and vowels. Associate Professor Bitekhtina N.B.

    Video: Staging whistling sounds in adults

    Video: Correction of sound pronunciation in adults

    • Intonation

    The best exercise for developing intonation is to read by roles.

    Video: Intonation (training)

    • Tongue Twisters. A large list of tongue twisters can be found in the section below
    • acting methods. To train diction using acting methods, you should take walnuts or a pencil in your mouth, and then start to slowly, clearly pronounce tongue twisters or read the text

    Exercises for diction and articulation

    Expressive diction requires daily training of the muscles of the speech apparatus. To develop and strengthen the muscles of the mouth, jaw, lips and tongue, special articulatory gymnastics should be practiced.

    You can choose some of the articulation exercises below, although for best and quickest results, it's best to do each exercise in turn:

    • Standing, holding your hands on your chest, you should lean forward a little and pronounce lingering vowels, for example, “a”, “o”, “and” in the lowest possible voice as you exhale.
    • You should open your mouth wide and move your lower jaw in different directions, including back and forth
    • You should close your mouth, tighten the tip of your tongue, and then alternately touch it to your cheeks. This exercise can be done with your mouth open.
    • You should smile very widely, and then alternately touch the corners of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. It is important that the jaw remains motionless and the tongue does not touch the lips.
    • You should smile broadly with your mouth slightly open, and then count the teeth in the upper and lower rows, touching them with the tip of your tongue. The jaw in this exercise should be motionless.
    • Grit your teeth and smile broadly. It is important that two rows of teeth are visible when smiling.
    • You should close your teeth, and then fold your lips into a tube, stretching them in front and at the same time pull the sound "y"
    • You should open your mouth wide and stretch your sharp tongue as far as possible

    • You should open your mouth and put a wide, relaxed tongue on your lower lip.
    • You should open your mouth, and then lick the upper and lower lip alternately with the tip of the tongue, without moving the jaw.

    IMPORTANT: All exercises from articulation gymnastics should be done for about ten seconds. After a short break, each exercise should be repeated several more times.

    Exercises for diction and voice

    There can be no expressive diction without the correct frequency of the voice and its emotional coloring. In order for the voice to sound bewitching, one should train diction, the very timbre of the voice.

    There are some exercises for this:

    • You should hold a pen, pencil, etc. with your teeth, and then, clearly pronouncing words and sounds, read texts, poems.
    • Read texts, poems alternately quickly and slowly, loudly and quietly
    • You should not stop breathing, maintaining all the pauses, expressively read texts, poems, jumping rope or jogging.
    • You should pay attention to your neck during a conversation, because. when trying to feel it, the neck relaxes and the larynx descends.

    • You should, making different sounds, beat yourself in the chest.
    • While yawning, you should pronounce vowel sounds for a long time, or talk. It will also help to relax and lower the larynx.
    • You should start the morning with lowing, pronouncing "m-m-m-m-m-m" for a long time.
    • You should speak with a smile. The voice will noticeably change.

    IMPORTANT: If the described exercises are repeated for 10-15 minutes daily, then you can quickly notice the changes in your voice that have occurred.

    Video: The best voice exercise for the development of diction

    Do I need to read aloud to develop diction?

    Reading aloud can be an important, closing exercise for working on improving diction. Reading aloud, it is easier to understand where and what problems exist, what still needs to be worked on.

    If at the next reading aloud all previous mistakes are taken into account, then you will notice that each time the speech will sound cleaner and cleaner.

    IMPORTANT: For reading aloud, it is better to choose white verses, multi-foot verses, difficult-to-read passages of texts.

    Reading aloud - an exercise for diction

    Patter for the development of diction

    And I don't feel sick.
    Arkhip Osip, Osip hoarse.

    White snow. White chalk.
    White sugar is also white.
    But the squirrel is not white.
    It wasn't even white.

    Brit Klim brother,
    Brit Ignat brother,
    Brother Ignat is bearded.

    Bombardier bombarded Brandenburg.

    The sorcerer did magic in the barn with the Magi.

    The raven raven crowed.

    Tall Vavila merrily tossed his pitchfork.

    Like on a hill, on a hill
    Thirty-three Yegorkas are standing.

    The galley messenger was burned.

    Margarita collected daisies on the mountain,
    Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

    Two woodcutters, two woodcutters,
    Two wood splitters sharpened their axes,
    Axes are sharp for the time being,
    For the time being, the axes are sharp, until the time.

    Grandfather Dodon blew a tune,
    Grandfather hit Dimka with a pipe.

    A woodpecker heals an ancient oak,
    Good woodpecker oak love.

    Tongue twisters - exercises for diction

    Fedka eats radish with vodka,
    Fedka eats radish with vodka.

    A week for Emela to spin a box of tows,
    And Emelina's daughter - to spin one night.

    The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, but does not spin.

    The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.

    Frost on a winter morning
    Birch trees are ringing at dawn.

    All lakes are mirrors
    From green glass.

    Sonya Zina brought an elderberry in a basket.

    Intendant incident.

    Donkey drove firewood to the village,
    Donkey dumped firewood into the grass.

    Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.
    Put on a cuckoo hood.
    How funny he is in the hood.

    Karl stole coral from Clara,
    Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.
    Queen Clara severely punished
    Carla for stealing coral.

    The farrier forged the horse,
    Conb with a farrier's hoof,
    Farrier with a horse whip.

    A cap is sewn, a cap is knitted, but not in a cap style,
    A bell is poured, a bell is forged, but not in a bell-like way,
    It is necessary to recap the cap, but recap it.
    It is necessary to re-bell the bell, and re-bell it.

    Have you washed the raspberries?
    Washed, but not washed.

    Soap Mila bear with soap,
    Mila dropped the soap.
    Mila dropped the soap
    I didn't wash the bear with soap.

    Called Marina Galina for raspberries,
    Galina Marina called for viburnum.

    Didn't we catch burbot on the Nile?

    Our Nahum is on his mind.

    Pavel Pavlushka swaddled,
    Swaddled, yes swaddled.

    Peter was the first to go for a walk,
    I caught a quail and went to sell it.

    Changed Praskovya crucian
    For three pairs of purebred piglets.
    Pigs ran through the dew
    Piglets caught a cold, but not all.

    Snouted a pig, blunt, white-faced,
    Half a yard with a snout from a snout,
    I dug, I dug, I didn’t dig to the hole.
    On that sow and snout, so that she dug.

    Greek rode across the river,
    He sees the Greek in the river cancer.
    He put the Greek hand into the river,
    Cancer for the hand of the Greek tsap.

    The dry bough was carried by a badger.

    Old Semyon said to his sons:
    "Move the haystack."
    The sons cut the haystack.
    Old Semyon said to his sons: "Thank you."

    Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled;
    Sledge clap, Sanka - sideways,
    Sonya - lope, Senka off his feet.

    Tongue twisters are a great way to practice speech

    Only Tanya will get up in the morning.
    Dance Tanyusha pulls.
    What is there to explain?
    Tanya loves to dance.

    Under the black grouse tree, the black grouse met:
    "Black grouse, black grouse! How are your cubs?"
    Grouse grouse in response:
    “My cubs are healthy guys,
    Hello from them to your grouse!”

    Three Magpies, Three Ratchets
    Lost three brushes
    Three today, three yesterday
    Three more the day before yesterday.

    The duck began to teach her ducklings on the pond,
    Ducklings do not want to swim in front of their mother.
    Terribly the duck is tormented:
    “Well, what will come of them?”

    Bring a coal to the corner,
    Put out the coal in the corner!

    Ducklings were taught by mother duck
    Look for snails in the meadow.
    Snails in the meadow without jokes
    Learned to hide from ducks.

    Fani has a sweatshirt,
    Fedya has shoes.

    Foka fantasized,
    Fedor was a magician
    Feofan fenced with Feoktist.

    Filin Fili has two filins -
    Filka and Filimonka.

    Laughing letter X
    Laughed: Ha ha ha!

    crested laughter
    They laughed with laughter: ha, ha, ha.

    The braggart boasted, boasted,
    Boasted, boasted, and boasted,
    Yes, and boasted.

    Flowers are blooming in the flower garden.

    A bobcat fox in a chintz dress
    He sows wheat flour through chintz.

    Appreciates the chain mowing on the mower.

    Four black grimy little imps
    Drawn in black ink drawing.
    Extremely clean!

    Chok, choke, heel,
    Jumped on a branch
    Torn off, broken
    Chock, chock, heel.

    A goose rides on a stick.
    Duck - on a pipe,
    chicken on a chock,
    Bunny on a wheelbarrow
    A boy on a dog.

    Six mixes from six baskets
    And three laughs from a fluffy bag.

    Proshkina Mongrel bit Pashka;
    Pashka beats Proshkina Shavka with his hat.

    Bristles at the pig, scales at the pike.

    The goldfinch chirps over the thicket.

    The goldfinch had a dandy.

    Yulia Yulenka Yula,
    Yulia was nimble,
    Sit in place Yulka
    I couldn't for a minute.

    Lizard on a skiff
    apples at the fair
    Carried in a box.

    My yacht is light and obedient,
    I will plow the seas on it.

    Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
    Settled in Yaroslavl.
    In Yaroslavl they live nicely
    Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.

    Video: How to work with tongue twisters Diction and Articulation // 24 VOCAL LESSON

    Practice, train your diction, and then you will have no equal in oratory.

    Few people seriously consider how powerful a tool of communication is the voice.

    And it's not just that "we tell them." Timbre and diction have a huge impact on how the listener perceives you. It has been proven that people perceive information given in a low timbre voice better than with a high one. A voice with a too high timbre is not only harder to listen to, but also less pleasant than a low one.

    Good diction is even more important than timbre. If you are not an honored doctor of science and not a professor, you have to make sure that the audience understands you without any extra effort.

    It is always a real torment for me to make speeches in the morning. I'm a night owl and it's hard for me to think clearly before lunch. By the way, scientists say that before 12:00 the human body is still half asleep, including the facial muscles and vocal cords.

    To avoid inarticulate lowing during a performance, it is recommended to do a five-minute warm-up exercise of 10 exercises.

    1. Drop your lower jaw down. Slowly move it to the right and left.

    2. Drop your lower jaw. Move it back and forth. Do this very slowly, smoothly and carefully.

    3. Starting position - standing, hands on chest. Leaning forward, as you exhale, pronounce the vowels "y" and "o" long and drawn out, in as low a voice as you can.

    4. Mouth open, lips in a smile, move the tongue to the corners of the mouth to the right and left. Make sure that the jaw and lips are motionless, the tongue does not slide along the lower lip.

    5. The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Lick the upper lip with the tip of the tongue from one corner of the mouth to the other. Make sure that the tongue reaches the corners of the mouth, the movement is smooth, without jumps, the jaw does not move. Also lick your bottom lip. Then lick your lips in a circle.

    6. The mouth is closed. Lick your teeth under the lower, then under the upper lip. Make sure that the jaw and lips do not move.

    7. Mouth open, lips in a smile. Smoothly run your tongue along the upper teeth, touching each tooth, counting them. Make sure that the jaw does not move. The same movement - on the lower teeth.

    8. The mouth is closed. The tense tip of the tongue rests on one or the other cheek. The same, but the mouth is open.

    9. Mouth open, lips in a smile. Raise a wide tongue to the nose and lower to the chin. Make sure that the lips do not stretch over the teeth, the jaw does not move, the tongue does not narrow.

    10. Mouth open, lips in a smile. Put the wide tip of the tongue on the alveoli behind the lower teeth from the inside, then lift it onto the tubercles behind the upper teeth, also from the inside. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw and lips remain motionless.

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