Transiting black moon in Aquarius. Transits of lilith (black moon) and selena (white moon) on planets

According to these transits, you can and should adjust your horoscope.

By I: unfortunate is the person whose Lilith ascends to ASC - his strength test begins. The orbis in its transits is ±1°. At this time, he is reaping the fruits of all those mistakes that he has made in nine years: his view of life is clouded, farcical, very stupid situations arise, there may be the most heinous situations. A person at this time is looking for something that at any other time he turned away with horror. But Lilith also reveals the negative abilities of a person - pour poison on his mother-in-law, arrange an intrigue, etc. In other cases, a person has the ability to see evil (with a weak and oppressed Isis). Good and evil principles are polarized in his life.

II: allows you to understand the true essence of material accumulation. At this time, money makes it possible to take a different look at the world. At this time, big money can come, but they immediately leave. Some kind of painful attitude to food appears - fear of poisoning, some kind of antipathy. With a house heavily occupied by gliders, during the transit of Lilith through the house, all the negative qualities of these planets appear.

III: a person becomes greedy for any information of the most outrageous content - watching porn films, outrageous contacts, senseless breaks with their relatives, fussiness, importunity is manifested, a person becomes unbearable in communication.

IV: if this house is initially struck, or there are bad indicators there, then during the transit of Lilith, a person’s maternal and paternal complex becomes aggravated (for men, the Oedipus complex, for women, the Electra complex). At this time, the subconscious begins to interfere in the events of life, painful relationships with parents, ancestors, and relatives appear. This transit does very little for a place of residence, but it affects family relationships very hard, a person becomes ill in his home. At this time, a person cannot be trusted in his dreams - there may be false information, nightmares often occur, especially for people who are sensitive and have strong Moon and Neptune.

By V: this is not always debauchery (debauchery - with a heavily occupied fifth house, if water signs are included in it). There is an emphasis on one's own importance, a person cannot obey anyone. There may be complexes associated with children. Temporary infantilism may appear - childish swagger, sometimes a desire to play children's games, a manifestation of juvenile psychopathy, especially if Lilith is initially strong.

By VI: hypochondria may appear, manifested in the fact that a person at this time finds in himself as many diseases as there are not in medical reference books. A lot of attention is paid to health problems and almost no question of the duty station is touched upon. There is increased anxiety.

According to VII: the transit of Lilith very rarely affects marriage, on a partner. A painful attitude towards opponents appears - touchiness appears, they do not tolerate objections, hysteria, they cannot stand the police. (The radical position of Lilith in the seventh house is a guilt complex or illness - fear of open spaces.)

VIII: with Lilith worked out, you can quite calmly look into the eyes of any arbitrarily terrible situation. At this time, a person is pushed to desperate acts. Such a person realizes that he is beyond death. When Lilith is not worked out, the attraction of the abyss appears, the fear of heights. There is an attraction to some monstrous situations, there is a fear of the dark or other fears. Painful reaction to any catastrophe. The transit of a lonely Lilith itself means almost nothing, but when paired with Saturn or Mars, she can attract these situations.

By IX: the syndrome of vagrancy increases, the mania of teaching, the desire for primacy, leadership in terms of information. Streltsy features appear temporarily (puffiness). It is best not to travel anywhere during this time. There is distraction, forgetfulness.

By X: when Lilith approaches the MC, a person has the opportunity to change the goal to a worse one and thereby worsen his existence. In addition, a person at this time has the opportunity to worsen all those who are close to him, to denigrate. An impure person manifests all his base essence, a certain “sabbath of vices” of a person sets in. At best, the transit of Lilith through the 10th house makes it possible to get rid of your hated work and generally understand that any service is evil. Man rises above the little things in life. Lilith teaches, albeit in a harsh form. There is a knowledge of the negative traits of the authorities and their work environment. This lesson must be endured and not twitch. The application for dismissal must be submitted exactly when Lilith enters the eleventh house.

XI: the revolution of all plans and projects. An opportunity is given to know the true friendship of your surroundings. There may be a feeling of hopelessness of the situation when all the doors of social institutions are slammed in front of a person, the information that a person passes on to others does not reach them, his relatives may turn away from him, his ideological attitudes, plans, thoughts, views collapse. The strongest disappointments happen at this time.

XII: This house is very strange for Lilith. Here its influence on the outer plane is almost imperceptible. A person is not imprisoned at this time, but Lilith can lay the foundation for this, create the prerequisites.

When Lilith transits through this house, a person on a subconscious level catches all the nasty thoughts and nasty things of his environment. At this time, you need to protect yourself from any bad suggestions that will appear when Lilith goes through ASC.

Similar information.

Lilith, the Black Moon is transiting into Capricorn - November 10, 2017 - and will be in transit through Capricorn until August 4, 2018.

I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles. Black Moon in Capricorn from November 2017 to August 2018.

The Black Moon is a manifestation of the hidden, unconscious part of any process. In astropsychology, this element is associated with our fears and well-hidden complexes, which are expressed in unreasonable, illogical behavior under certain circumstances or in response to certain actions, they are described by the sign of the Zodiac in which the Black Moon is located. Of course, it also affects social processes, their hidden part, creating undercurrents, but manifesting itself in contact with real planets. For example, during the transit of the Black Moon in the sign of Sagittarius, we felt its influence especially strongly in August 2017, when it was in conjunction with Saturn.

Passing through the sign of Capricorn from November 10, 2017 to August 4, 2018, it will have an even more difficult connection with the planet Pluto, which should also manifest itself very strongly precisely in social processes and more weakly in individual destiny.

Why should we be interested in Lilith (Black Moon) at all? Perhaps it should not, if you are sure that you cannot be influenced from outside, to push you into something, to slander you. If you are convinced that you cannot fall under the bad influence of someone or become a victim of someone else's intrigues and betrayal, then you are not afraid of Lilith. I am of the opinion that a sufficiently high-quality study of the horoscope as a whole can greatly weaken its influence, both in the birth chart (after all, we all find our Black Moon during the passage), and when transiting significant personal points, but still I try to behave carefully in the moment when she has an influence on my horoscope, rather even expectantly, more watching what is happening and less participating in it.

November 10, 2017 there will be an ingression (entry) of Lilith into the sign of Capricorn. If we take the term “temptation” as the main characteristic of the Black Moon, then from now until August 5, 2018, we will be tempted by everything that is dear to Capricorn, namely: authority, career, honor, duty, beliefs, principles, power, ambition, asceticism. The list is incomplete, a lot more can be written about this sign, but the important thing is that the transition of the Black Moon into it for many will be the moment when everything related to his place in the social hierarchy will become an object of desire and will tempt him to very difficult decisions for getting what you want.

Semira and Vitaliy Vetash (practicing astrologers, authors of astrological books) noted that the Black Moon in Capricorn is soullessness, the rational at this time comes first, and the end justifies the means in any state of affairs. Under the strong influence of Lilith, we can become overly cynical, and when we achieve material wealth, we can also become insidious, hard-hearted.

Activation of Lilith will occur December 26, 2017 when it meets the sun. It turns out that everyone who was born in the region of December 24-28 will have this connection with their luminary, depending on the position and tension of the latter, we can expect some events related to our personal manifestation in society, an increase in our ambitions, their implementation is not entirely in a correct way, perhaps we will be too tough these days, we will have a clear tendency to go over our heads for the sake of realizing our idea. In December, there is a real danger of being condemned by society for our inclinations and aspirations, of gaining notoriety through our social realization. First of all, this applies to Capricorns, but the Black Moon in aspect to the Sun will affect the whole atmosphere of New Year's Eve in general, so you should be more careful in showing your initiatives these days with any solar sign.

It is worth paying attention to the loop of Mercury in the spring of 2018, during its movement, Mercury will make a square to the Black Moon three times during the season. This can seriously complicate for us the retrograde of Mercury in March and May 2018. In March 2018, Mercury will form a square to Lilith around the 16th and in the last part of the month around March 28, in May there will be last meeting them around May 6th.

The square is long enough and despite the fact that in three months there will be only a few days of the real aspect, but the retroloop of Mercury itself, all this time retains this crisis energy, either activating it or releasing it a little. Mercury is in a loop in the sign of Aries this spring, therefore, we should expect a rather scandalous period when we will be very tough in communication, too hasty and selfish enough not to take into account the interests of other people. On the spring cycle of Mercury, we should not conduct serious negotiations and trust, because everyone will pull the blanket over themselves, which will become obvious to us on the dates indicated.

May 2018 is also worth highlighting in the transit movement of Lilith.

Two aspects will be formed here, which, on the one hand, can prevent its malicious influence, on the other hand, can scale it up. I’ll make a reservation right away that I don’t consider Lilith only as a source of troubles and something immoral, for our business tasks she is a good assistant, but for our psychology she is almost always a secret enemy. In May 2018, there will be a favorable aspect in the sky between Jupiter and Lilith. It will begin in the last week of April, and will continue in May, that is, from April 23 to May 09 it will be active.

Already now you can plan the most serious financial income at this time. Of course, the sleigh must be prepared in winter, because if you want to make a profit in the spring, then work on it now, but be aware that the interaction of the two planets of money and collective energy with a fictitious point, which is responsible for power and resources in business astrology, almost always leads to passion for both in our lives. That is, the opportunity to improve financial position by obtaining a position, moving up the career ladder, patronage, dishonest play, many will have it, but whether we can use it, whether we want to, depends on our individual forecast and goodwill.

Again, Capricorns are primarily targeted, as there will be a conjunction between Pluto and Lilith in this sign. The influence of this aspect will be especially strong for those of us who are born between January 8 and 13. First of all, they should pay attention to what is happening in their business life. If you feel that you can claim more, then your expectations can be realized, but if you intuitively feel the danger during this period, then you should listen to yourself, since the risk of getting a result opposite to what was expected is very high.

For many, the conjunction of Lilith with Pluto will be a period severe stress, pressure and loss of their purpose in life.

Black melancholy can be these days not only for Capricorns, but also for many other signs, for example, this connection can be very difficult for the Moon to survive, which will simply be suppressed and completely confused these days. So it's worth finding out what elements of the chart you have in 19-22 degrees Capricorn and expect events related to them from May 10 to May 29, but especially until May 18 inclusive. The conjunction of the Black Moon and Pluto is also the danger of fractures, manifestations of chronic diseases, their transition to a more obvious phase, the danger of violence, physical and psychological. I believe that we can talk about May as a time when some kind of mass disasters, natural or man-made, death of people or loss of property can occur.

Forecast on the signs of the zodiac.

career temptations. During the passage of Lilith in Capricorn, you will become extremely intolerant of colleagues who claim the same thing as you. You may have a strong desire to make a career, to gain more authority and respect than you currently have. The likelihood that you will fight openly for a place under the Sun is quite high, however, in the course of the struggle you can become famous for your inability to cooperate, aggressiveness and excessive cruelty. At positive influence Lilith will increase your responsibility at work, can give you enough energy to master a new profession for you. For some of you, the passage of the Black Moon through the symbolic house of career can bring a well-deserved and earned promotion, a more serious relationship with your superiors, an increase in personal power in the profession, career changes, and even the creation of your own. own business with a very large potential for large-scale implementation.

Temptation to move, long journey, passion for new philosophy, religion can bring you this transit. For many of you, it may be a time when you lose faith in the familiar and seemingly proven, this will be replaced by more dogmatism and suspiciousness. The Black Moon will pass through your sector higher education, contacts with other linguistic cultures, the moving and long-distance travel sector. Perhaps this transit will force someone to change the familiar for something unfamiliar, encourage them to move, even for a long time, to abandon the place where you were born. In a positive manifestation, Lilith will make it possible to remove some obsolete beliefs and judgments from your worldview, make your outlook on things more ambitious, make you learn what will help you advance in your profession.


The temptation to change everything, go through some kind of trials, unjustified risk and creating a problem from scratch can bring you the transit of Lilith. Such a position of the Black Moon can give us unjustified courage, a desire to risk our authority, our money, in general, everything that we have earned by working. Lilith pushes us in the sector of risk and transformations to speculate with money, it can create situations of financial debt, which we will aggravate throughout the entire transit, it can give us impudence and noticeably lower our moral scale, pushing us to theft and lies, to cruel behavior. In a positive manifestation, the Black Moon can create new opportunities for profitable financial cooperation for us, a new business project and, in general, give support to other people.

The temptation of a new union or dishonest parting with a partner. Since the Black Moon will walk through your cardinal house, I think you will feel its effect quite clearly. Being in your partner's house, she will create for you difficult situations in personal life. Probably, during such a transit, dishonest people can come into your life who will behave cynically, harshly, forming a feeling of guilt in you and forcing you to obey. For some of you, this is the period when you find out unpleasant details about your partner. Lilith can create a situation in which an ugly parting will occur, while the laws of ethics will be violated and indifference and contempt for the second half will be shown. In the positive version, Lilith will create an interesting partnership in which you will see your fears, your complexes, like in a mirror, encourage you to grow up in a relationship and take on certain responsibilities that you diligently ran away from.

The temptation to exploit one's health, to overburden oneself with duties. On such a transit, you will work hard and not think about your physical well-being until you lie down. The Black Moon encourages you to use yourself, exploit your powers and not think about the consequences. As a result, you can seriously undermine your health. At the same time, you may have a fear during this transit that you will not be appreciated if you do not do more than you should. In general, this position of Lilith will greatly affect your habitual lifestyle and daily activities, making your work schedule busy, endowing you with a passionate desire to be the best, successful and respected. In the positive version, Lilith will focus your attention on your own discipline and order in your life. Of course, for a sunny person, a sense of celebration and the presence of some creative chaos in life is the norm, at best, Lilith will bring order to this chaos, give you the opportunity to more productively manage your time.

The temptation in love to be a tyrant boss. Lilith will travel through your sector of love, creativity, children and just an easy life for 9 months. For many of you, she will give time for falling in love, passionate affection and the desire to control, administer the life of her beloved. Capricorn demands career development, increasing his importance, power, and he will implement this requirement in the area that is most unintended and vulnerable for this, therefore, during such a transit, you can experience severe disappointment in a partner, in a feeling as such. For some of you, this transit can greatly reduce your luck, block the arrival of easy money, lottery winnings, although it will certainly incline you to risky investments and emotional purchases. The positive influence of the Black Moon can be expressed in new perspectives. For example, you can turn your hobby into a source of income or understand your parental fears and start working with them.

The temptation to change the place of residence, to make ill-conceived transactions with real estate. Since the Black Moon will walk around your home sector, you can become a rather difficult household during its transit, wanting to establish your own rules, acting in relation to others as an administrator or overseer. Surely, the transit of Lilith will change the atmosphere in your house, making it more gloomy, more strict, each of the household will have responsibilities, and the house can turn into a kind of barracks. This is not a good position for a change in residence, for selling a home, and even more so for acquiring a new place of residence. Of course, a lot depends on the individual forecast, so you need to go there for details. The positive influence of Lilith can be expressed in finding your own corner, in a passionate desire to finally ground yourself, if you were “a person without roots” up to this point.


The temptation to devote all your energy to the study of some narrow area of ​​\u200b\u200bknowledge. And not only such changes can give this transit. The situation may affect the information field in which you are, in this position of Lilith, you can become very conservative, distrustful of the new, narrow your circle of contacts, lose your phone book as unnecessary. To some extent, this transit tends to incline you to become more serious and less socialized. It does not contribute to rapprochement and rallying with relatives, rather, on the contrary, it can create a distance between you and your relatives. It is likely that during this transit you can get to know your neighbors, they will not only enter your life, but will also obsessively administer it, like parents. In a positive way, Lilith can give a more serious attitude to your own craft (if you are not an employee), create an opportunity for you to implement your own business project, and be more reasonable about expanding your circle of acquaintances.

The temptation of big money and unreasonable spending. It is likely that this transit can bring you major changes in the financial sector. On the one hand, for Lilith, the house of money is a favorable house, since it is directly related to earnings. Therefore, passing it through your second sector can serve you in good stead, simply enriching you. Another thing is the ways of obtaining this wealth, but they may not be so legal, honest and ethical. You will probably become greedy for other people's resources and you may notice a habit of taking something for yourself by force or threats. At the same time, such a position of the Black Moon can also speak of financial losses, as it will incline you to acquire some status things: more expensive real estate, a prestigious car, the most latest model phone ... Sometimes, this position of the Black Moon leads to a situation of stealing from you or misappropriating your money by fraud.

The temptation of self-importance. Not an easy transit for you, as Lilith will pass through your first sector, the sector of your personality. In the next 9 months, you may experience a strong desire to show off, you usually have a critical attitude towards your achievements, like all earth signs, you are modest. However, during the transit of the Black Moon, you can not easily become bolder, and even go a little overboard in an effort to emphasize your talents, achievements, your weight in society, and success in your profession. The passage of Lilith through the first sector usually turns off self-criticism and self-irony in us, we react extremely violently to feedback from the world, cruelly suppressing any negative feedback. Such a transit can become positive if we begin to develop the qualities we lack in it, for example, we focus on our creativity, we will be friendlier with our close and distant surroundings.

The temptation of inaction. Lilith will travel through your 12th sector, this is the place in the map where everything is kept secret, hidden, unobvious and unmanifested, where we store our favorite phobias. Lilith will focus our attention on them, as well as take us away from real life into the world of our illusions and dreams. On such a transit, it is easy to get lost in your own premonitions, fears, unrealizable plans. Therefore, transit can bring you forced inactivity, make you a couch potato, a person who lives one day. The positive influence of the Black Moon can be expressed in working through your own fears. This transit is very difficult to analyze, it may not bring any obvious situations, but if you think carefully about what you become prone to on it, then it can clarify for you many hidden psychological programs that imperceptibly affect decision-making and formation life strategy.

The temptation of luck. Traditionally, the 11th sector of the horoscope is associated with luck, good fortune, collective support and patronage. You may have many new friends, through them free opportunities may come into your life, there will be no special merit in obtaining them, but the temptation to appropriate or master them will be great. The quality of friends that will give you new opportunities leaves much to be desired, their intentions towards you will not be particularly obvious and transparent, but while the aspect is active, this does not bother you, after passing it you will probably have to purge friendly ranks. The positive influence of Lilith can be expressed in the fact that you will have patrons, sponsors for the implementation of your ideas, your projects. You can lead a very active social life during this transit and get many profitable acquaintances in various social spheres.

transit method. transits - which simultaneously work in both cards.

We are looking for when this aspect, with the planet in the 7th, 5th, 1st house, starts to work in transit. We always look at the planets from Jupiter. Since to Jupiter - this is short-term.

By planets:

· Transits of the Sun always take place on the same days of the year. If this is a good aspect, then it would be good to tailor a vacation or a positive event. If it is a tense aspect, then it is a conflict. Orbis up to 7 degrees. If the planet is completed before others higher planets- then there will be an effect and there will be serious events. But crises only on the transit sun do not last long.

· The transits of the Moon do not matter in and of themselves. But it's interesting to follow. Noticeable events are given when they are completed to aspects with other planets. Orbis up to 7 degrees. And that's only half a day. This is a very frivolous situation. Everyday life.

· Aspects of transiting Mercury - according to synastric aspects - gives the aspect of conversations and communications. This is if the exact aspect, but catches up with the other. The aspect is not serious. Noticeable events give when they are completed to aspects with other planets. The theme is friendly. Has no gender value.

· Venus in transit – felt and perceived very well. When walking along strong planet- mood improves or something strongly wants. Example - you need to do something that you like. Always a harmonizing situation. You can smooth the situation to try to solve the aspect. But talking is useless. It's better to do something ... pleasant J. Clothes, flowers, theater, love. And so on. This is an investment that can be

Mars in transit can give significant situations, it is typical for it to accelerate any activity that it aspects. Looks like a catalyst. Sometimes it gives jealousy, conflicts in tense aspects, and an orbis - 3 degrees. If it is harmonious, then it accelerates any things in a pair. We need to do something together. It's great for action. But Mars increases irritability, so there may be excessive irritability. You can get around the problem of irritability by not socializing these days.

Jupiter - gives real significant transits. That's where the real events are.

The slower the planet, the more efficient the transit. General rule.

Prognostic methods, Second day, 03.23.08

Transits through the 7th house of the Higher planets best of all make it possible to predict relationships.


· Jupiter- increase opportunities in marriage. If it aspects the 7th house or passes through it, it hangs on the DS during the year. This is mating season. There is a high probability of marriage or acquaintance with a marriage partner. Begins new stage relations. Slow transit. Guaranteed new features. Popularity is growing, some kind of takeoff. Even in a weak status, it does not become a malefactor. It just gives false expectations. "He promised mountains of gold, and did little." The positivity is gone. And it makes little sense. Singificator official relations. This must be sought in transits to legalize relations. Difficulties are not cardinal x-ra. With age, it may indicate a divorce. Also, this is a common singificator of the 9th house - these are marriage ceremonies. Not only go to the registry office, but also the wedding. The ritual is important.

· Saturn- always or in all cases, even a harmonious Saturn - the possibilities that were are eliminated. Narrows the space of choice for a person. Leaves something basic. If a tense aspect, or Saturn is bad (6,12,8), then the transit through the 7th house is a period of cooling, not always a divorce. Psychologically - distancing, etc. The quality changes towards the Saturnian side. Relationships new transits of Saturn are difficult. Painful transits. Or we have to sacrifice something. We keep what has been achieved. This is a test period for couples. Saturn is predicted entirely in situations. Saturn is not bad at marriage, but it requires patience, and there is no romance. If Saturn is not bad in status, then aspecting the ruler of the 7th house gives the feeling that a person has become like a wooden one. Indifference. It's just hard to be around you. This is more of a problem for the partner, who may even complain. Another nuance - this is a rather large loop in width, and gives events that began in one of the moves when it changes direction. Operates on a large scale. Acts on convergence. Can I ask a question, how was the transit through the DC? And then predict. Because it will be very similar. Saturn is currently moving in Virgo. The third move is rarely meaningful. There is ALWAYS something happening on a retrograde. On the third turn, little can happen. There can only be talk. Most events on the second turn.

· Uranus. Not friendly with marriage. Even in harmonious aspects, it creates situations of thought that everyone has the right to go left, or that one wants freedom of relations. Usually unexpectedly for the partner and for the native himself. But this does not bother the native so much, because. he has a high rate of change, in a day two you can take a very an informed decision. ON DS - extremely rarely without shaking. There will be a shake. If the DS is in yang, and the ruler is yang, then we are the initiator. If Yin, then we are recipients in relation to the partner. If Uranus aspects the ruler of the 7th house, these are precisely the events in the partner's life. That is, with the person with whom you communicate. If Uranus passes through the DS, these are changes that you yourself initiate. Uranus passes the sign for 7 years. During these years there will be influences of the higher planet. He does not have an evil character, but the principle of Freedom and Fun is so great. Then there is always something to remember J. But relationships can be destroyed quite confidently. Therefore, Uranus according to DS - either we are cheating, or the partner is cheating on us. It is also possible that things are changing. For example, if you are married, then there will be a test of freedom. If you are not married, be sure that you will not remain single. Everything will change. Even harmonious aspects - all the same, freedom is above all. In the 4th house, the transit of Uranus is a repair, or guests constantly come. These are home changes. The atmosphere in the house is Uranian. Events will go - when there is an aspect. But we are not always aware of the background itself. Periods go by backgrounds when transits go home. If this is a loop, then the situation will end on the last loop of Uranus, or we are waiting for him to leave the house. It's long. The positive of Uranus is a sudden concluded relationship. Literally marriage in 2 weeks. The rapid development of events. The problem of Uranus is the problem of freedom in marriage in general. Patriarchal relations are not tolerated. For astrologers, Uranus transforms a little in transits. We must not forget that any higher planet has a serious transformational potential. For example, a person who had a transit of Pluto across its Sun and the same person, but 2 years ago - this is absolutely different people. Uranus changes the status you have. Always look for events as the planet passes through the middle of this house.

· Neptune- creates situations that will be secret, or that cannot be told to others. An emotional confusion is created that a person cannot understand. If Neptune goes through the 7th house - often, the beginning secret relationship. Perhaps the partner will have a secret with us. (But this is when to the ruler of the 7th house). 14 years old sign. This is for a long time. Get used to it and live. It has more to do with marital affairs, because it rules the sign in which Venus is exalted and Jupiter rules. This may be a person with fish signs (Neptune in the first house, AS in Pisces, etc.). The stage of a new relationship. Or in the old ones - there is a presence of mystery. But there is a slow slide into a very incomprehensible area. The transformation of marriage is not fast. And imperceptible to the native. The risk is that you start relationships with people "unworthy". The dregs of society pass through Neptune, and in general, there is a feeling of the "dump" of the Zodiac. Pisces and Neptune are responsible for the sewer service. Neptunian theme - a person is deceived about a partner, attributing spiritual traits to him, but there is not even a trace of this. A pity. Illusions. The attraction of those who can be pitied, muddy people who do not know what they want. Relationships can be chaotic. We don't understand what's going on. This is when Neptune is in aspect to the ruler of the 7th house. If the aspect is harmonious, then a Platonic connection may arise, which is based on spiritual interest in each other. Entry into the field of spiritual practices, and find a partner in spirit. But you always need to look at what your partner needs from you. See also transits. Neptune in air houses is an opportunity to do secret work. Always zero information at the output, although he always speaks about himself. The identity is closed. Aspects of Neptune Mercury are not the best. It could be fantasy. Or is it the temptation to lie. The opposition can give obsessions and fantasies, visions or images, sometimes against our will. Neptune calms, and transit gives trance states. You live in a state that is not typical for you. This is usually mild and not very annoying.

General rule– convergent aspects work in transits. If the aspect is sold for at least 12 minutes, there will be no more event. But this doesn't always work. Most brightly - when the exact transit. The most interesting thing is when the transit enters the orbit. For higher planets, the orbis is 1-2 degrees.

· Pluto- fatal events in our lives. that we don't consider our own. Passing through the significator or through the 7th house is usually destructive. Removes excess. Malicious. Saturn is like a soft suffocator, and Pluto - if analogies with flowers, even pots will be beaten. Throws everything out. This is serious stress. If it gains the right experience, then Pluto returns what is really NEEDED for life. This is a very serious change in attitude. If you have a DS in Scorpio, Sagittarius or Capricorn - have experience of passing Pluto. Pluto is most dangerous with significators. Shakes hard. When aspects to the planets, Pluto looks like a crazy Jupiter. You are just overwhelmed with something. It depends on which house Pluto goes. If it creates problems, then Pluto does not know the measure. On the 8th house - the risk of being drawn into extreme situations where you are part of a team. It is undesirable, for example, to ride the subway, to participate in rock concerts. You can become part of a common misfortune. Pluto goes through the 7th house - a person is widely known in narrow circles. In general, it looks like a bulldozer. If you have something that you do not use, then Pluto demolishes everything superfluous. What remains is what is needed to survive. Not what you want for yourself. Change of world view. Change of people. Lifestyle change. Grinding machine for our life. Sometimes it can give a partner who behaves towards us like a despot. Slavery presupposes the fiery element, earth element- diseases, but you need a pretty good negative. Pluto at 7 - it blows everything away, many people will leave, many new ones will come. If Pluto crosses the quadrature to the ruler of the 7th house, you need to track what happened on the first move. And see what can be done. If the connection with Pluto then pulls in two directions. And if there is no negative It can give many opportunities, it forces you to break boundaries. It makes sense to take into account mainly connections, with an orb of 2 degrees.

· Chiron- if Chiron has transits to the significator or DS - a situation of several choices. Range. Looks like Uranus. Situations are unpredictable, not quite standard. And all choices will be different. According to Chiron, situations are both this and this ... His symbolism is being worked out - to combine the incompatible. The combination is absolutely different relationships. It is to combine the incompatible. Figaro is a Chironian. On the domestic version - there is a husband, there is a lover. And they work together and are friends. Or a girl who chooses, and she has a date schedule with different men. Chiron's transit is over, and the choices fall away on their own. They suddenly lose interest in you. Maybe everything is wholesale. Chiron is not evil, but marriage is not conducive to marriage.

· Lilith- in transits it often works in a negative capacity, as a deception, and as self-deception. Fake people. DS transits - from a high degree probabilities - they start talking bad about you. Slander. Gossip. Rumors. Publicity. (a similar effect when Lilith passes through the 10th house, but there is already a seriously bad situation, the authorities are connected there, reprimands, etc.). Lilith worsens the relationship. Brings lies. Distorted perception of the partner with whom we are in a relationship. Lilith cycle - 9 years, 1 year per sign, look at what happened in a relationship - 1 time in 9 years. Dregs, deceit in a relationship. Or mutual chicanery. which are unfounded. Or we do not suspect, but we should ... If Lilith alone walks through the 7th house alone, she does not give events, but gives an emotional coloring. If Lilith enters the 7th house, then people enter your life - who are represented by this lilith. Relationships are not reliable. Temptations can go through her, unhappy loves are here, deceivers, false friends. It is assumed that there is a problem in a relationship with a partner, because he will see something in you that you do not see in yourself. Lilith in the first house - as a rule, this is the role of the victim, accompanied by pessimism, distrust of oneself. But it is in your power to change yourself if in 1 house. And in the 7th house of your power. Therefore, you need to focus on what other people see in you. And so on. Lilith is like a catalyst for negative manifestations. For example, you have a negative transit, the quadrature of Mars. You might have a fight with your partner. They quarreled, made peace and forgot about it. But if Lilith is involved in this quadrature, then so many emotions and dirt are invested in this quarrel that it will be hard to simply forget. That is, the event will be the same. But its scope increases significantly due to emotional manifestations. In connection, Lilith helps in creativity, or in intimate relationships. If in natal chart Lilith is in harmonious aspects, this is a classic of the genre, such a person does not feel sin for himself, he uses it, but does not feel that this is his personal psychological impact. This position is pleasurable. For example, the trine of Jupiter to Lilith - such a person likes to be realized on a show-off. Lilith always gives an illusion. It seems so interesting, so addictive, and then - once and a feeling of emptiness, bummer. You get NOT WHAT Lilith promised and pulled. If there is a transit through the natal Lilith, this is the realization of the potential. Gorgeous moment. Understand and accept your own evil. Understand your traits that contribute to the development of events that we interpret as negative. Let the light into your own soul.

· Lunar nodes. Transit. Remarkable on cusps, including DS. The planets are very curious. If the transit of the North Node passes through the singifier of the 7th house, new people must come into our lives, or we will be drawn into events, thanks to new people or new acquaintances. Usually these things happen on their own. And it's very difficult to do anything other than relationships. People are imposed, and relationships are imposed. This is a very fatal relationship, in transits and above all in conjunctions. It's hard to give it up. The retracting nozzle of the North Node draws new experiences into life. If you came into this life new person at the connection of the transit North with your significator of the 7th house - with this person an important life experience came into your life, a lesson, depending on the houses in which the nodes in your map are located. If this is the 5-11 axis, then the transit will teach you how to build relationships with people, how to treat with friendship. In compounds, the situation of marriage is often. A person becomes a chip of fate. South Node - we give to other people. We have to give something, or we are given something. If we live right, then they give it to us. Relationships can end in transit through the South Node. This is just an additional aspect. It disposes to those events that are predetermined. And a good option - they unload what they should. For example, the South Node goes through the 10th house and you are appointed the head of the department, although you do not like it and do not want to. New experience through the South Node is not acquired. If you act actively, then the transit will pass, and everything will crumble by itself. If the North Node, then it is necessary to act, and if the South Node, then it is better to observe.


Directions create fatal changes and destiny events in life. When we are looking for marriage, we must build directorates. And a solarium as an additional method. If we look at transits, then we look at opportunities, but if it happens in directions, then the whole event will be accurate.

Direction of the AU, planet in the 1st house or ruler of the 1st house to the ruler of the 7th house, to the planet in the 7th house or to the DS

For marriage, the aspect of union between all these rulers or trines is desirable. This is an indicator of the formation of relationships. But if the sextile is no longer talking about marriage. Square and opposition are the complexities of relations. If there is an aspect in the directions that you have in the natal chart, then everything will be fine.

There is a rule: the directional Sun goes along Venus, or the directional Venus goes along the Sun. This rule doesn't always work. But it happens that these aspects pass without marriage.

The following technique works like clockwork. If there are planets in the 7th house, and these planets are not closer than 17-18 degrees to the DS. Then the direction of the DS-ta for the planets in the 7th house will indicate the dates of a serious relationship. For example, if Venus is 20 degrees Libra and DS is 10 degrees Libra, that's 10 years. It's irrelevant.

Planets in DS - the opposite picture. From 6 houses leave. Enter into partnerships. It's not as pretty, but it still works, like having an important relationship.


· The significators of the 7th house in the directions follow the significators of the 10th house - and preferably in conjunctions - these are also possible dates for the conclusion of a relationship, especially in the cards of women.

· Ingressions into the sign - DS and the ruler of the 7th house - these are probable aspects. For example, ex. Located at 4 degrees. So in 25 years he will reach another sign. So either marriage or divorce is possible. This is a new stage.


Progressions are connected with the internal rhythm of a person. A day is equal to a year. This is ours internal development. These are not so much opportunities as our desires to realize them.

Relationships are not worth looking at in progressions, namely, a request for serious love. For example, Venus in the Sun or Sun in Venus - can indicate serious love. This pair of planets also works in progressions. Moreover, this pair of planets can coincide in terms. But in progressions, it points precisely to love.

If these things coincide in directions and in progressions, it may well be a love and serious relationship, leading to marriage.

The second aspect in the cards of women - the progressive sun goes on Mars, or the progressive Mars on the sun - is an increase in sensuality, a meeting with some man, very significant for this woman.

The masculine version is the progressed moon according to Venus or the progressed Venus according to the moon. The moon moves much faster, and therefore we have what we have ... J However, these relationships are not serious. It can be fleeting hobbies. It is more difficult when Venus walks on the moon.

The progressive conjunctions of planets from one chart to another are very interesting. Progression with progression. This combination of personal planets: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars. If the aspect is a progressive aspect in the natal chart, then fatal events are taking place. People are drawn in. The person becomes obsessed with some idea. This was proven to me by examples of how it works.

For example, you have Mars Venus trine, orb in the chart. And at the age of 18 - you have an exact progressive trine, and there will be a connection of the aspect with the natal chart, this will be a very strong relationship.

New moon relationships show that a person will also overestimate existing relationships.

Author Thorton suggested a technique that I can't test yet. Watch the synastry of one progression to another progression. This still needs to be thought through. The idea is that if the progressive Synastry coincides, and the Synastry is the evolutionary theme of a personality, of one with progressions in the synastry of the other, then we say that these people are on this moment evolve so that they will have love. This love will last as long as they have Synastry in progressions in their horoscopes. For example, Mars and Venus are a synastric progression, and there will be a trine for 3-4 years, and then the trine will disperse and these people will disperse.


There are 2 interpretations in solariums. 1. The solarium should be interpreted only as an overlay of the natal chart. 2. Forget about natal, and interpret Solar as an independent card.

It's easier to take the solarium as is.

Factors marital relations in solarium:

· AC Solara falls into the 7th natal house - this year will be as a theme of partnerships.

· The ruler of the 7th house of the solar house - in the 1st or 10th solar house.

· Ruler 10 - in the 7th solar house.

· If a romantic relationship, then Mars Venus is solar either in conjunction, or in a trine, or in a sextile.

· If the 7th solar house is filled, for example, solar Jupiter in the 7th house. Typical situation for marriage.

Transit of the Black Moon over the Sun.
Sinful self-delusion, exaggeration of one's strengths and capabilities, as well as the vices of others. A person can become a source of trouble for other people. For a highly developed personality, transit passes without a trace.

Transit of the Black Moon on the Moon.
Secret complexes emerge, everything dark, hidden becomes clear. A person sees the world through dark glasses, is prone to disappointment. At this time may begin mental illness or diseases of the stomach, the lymph may suffer. It is best to clean the blood before transit and go on a diet.

Transit of the Black Moon on Mercury.
Intellectual seductions. The person lies and says too much. With evil Mercury, a person is deceived, they can rob. The person himself is drawn to cheat, gossip, speculate. The average person at this time has a lot of trouble with relatives or neighbors. For a highly developed person at this time it becomes clear who his true enemy is.

Transit of the Black Moon on Venus.
Dissatisfaction with oneself, longing, dissatisfaction with a sexual partner. There is a desire to torment the object of love, a tendency to sadism. Violation of marital fidelity or a terrible attraction to money, to luxury, crazy spending, laziness. In love, incredible selfishness is manifested. For high level This is an opportunity to sort out your sexual complexes.

Transit of the Black Moon on Mars.

Increases internal tension and aggression, excites the desire for destruction. For the average person, transit is dangerous due to extreme situations and violence. In the worst case, the person himself spends energy on low deeds. For a person of a high level, the aspect makes it possible to work out their low instincts and complexes.

Transit of the Black Moon on Jupiter.
The aspect manifests itself as a disregard for the law and the desire to obtain benefits for oneself, despising morality. For decent people transit is fraught with humiliation and loss of power, position or job, in addition, it destroys false authorities.

Transit of the Black Moon on Saturn.
Psychologically difficult transit, it brings depression, breakdown, loneliness, isolation. It can lead to poverty, everyone can turn away from a person. In the worst case, the temptation to hoarding, a person inflicts terrible secret blows on other people, can suppress or destroy another person.

Transit of the Black Moon on Chiron.
A person can become a victim of deceit, fraud, scam. There are discrediting connections and contacts. Aspect reflects badly on family life: relationships in marriage are confused, dual situations arise in the family. For a person following a high program, the aspect makes it possible to see people from whom danger comes, he can put an end to intrigues and a dual position.

Transit of the Black Moon on Uranus.
adventurous and abrupt shifts moods. All plans can collapse or be fulfilled exactly the opposite. At the household level, the danger is on the road and from electricity. During transit, a person can do a lot of trouble. And everything remains unpunished. Favorable time for criminals and thieves.

Transit of the Black Moon on Neptune.
Appear suspiciousness, fears, nightmares. At best, the aspect is an impetus to the creation of a creative image, a work. In the worst case, a person becomes a victim of betrayal, illusions, secret influences.

Transit of the Black Moon on Pluto.
The aspect provokes the manifestation of the basest traits, makes a person cowardly, pliable, prone to panic and the influence of the crowd. In general, this is an aspect of catastrophes and violence. strong personality the aspect makes it an emphasized leader who, despite the tension (which transit carries), shows determination and achieves victory, albeit at a high cost.

Transit of the Black Moon along Proserpina.

One of the indicators clinical death which can completely change your whole life.

What the Evolution service will determine:

    The matter of life.

    What is meant for you to bring into this world. The talent that is your “calling card”

    Vocation in business.

    What role do you need to take in the business in order for you to prosper. Manager, salesperson, marketer, business strategist or product creator. Evolution will describe exactly your forte in business.

    Body practices.

    Exercises that get your body into an efficient state. The key that takes you out of a “cotton” state into a productive one. For some, these are breathing practices, for some, singing, and for some, running or joint gymnastics.

    Motivation for life.

    An impulse that pushes you to actions, deeds, words. The right manifestation of motivation allows you to always be at the right time in right place. False motivation leads astray.

    Proper nutrition for you.

    For some, a raw food diet and starvation are useful, for others it is disastrous. Some people enjoy drinking food, some don't. You will learn how to eat for you in order to increase your productivity and intellectual abilities.

    What are you born to say.

    What to write about so that the audience listens to you. Your style of communication, thinking.

    Laws of Success.

    The manifestation of what talents leads you to success in all areas of life. And vice versa, what life lessons await you if you do not follow your laws of success.

    Relationships are personal and business.

    You will find out by what quality you attract true allies into your life. And with what quality, on the contrary, do you repel people, and attract the same situations in relationships.

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Incredible story about Lilith, the black moon!

Thailand 2013

I clearly coincided with the setting of the Black Moon in (emigration) with the decision to leave to live in Thailand, where we lived for 7 months.

Exactly as long as the black moon walked along y! In my own map natal Lilith located in the 4th house, which corresponds to the house, housing, homeland, ancestors.

Here is the transit of Lilith through my natal chart in 2013.

We decided to leave and bought tickets right at the time of Lilith's entry on the cusp. He sold the business, a bunch of things, including 6 aquariums with expensive fish and corals. Burnt the bridges. I thought I would not return to Russia.

With patriotism, I strained, I don’t really like living in Russia. And the climate is not like the north. And some of the realities are sad. Tai was great. But something was missing, it was boring. Self-realization was needed, and without it, even in paradise it is not heavenly.

Who would have thought that best events my life will coincide with the transit of the Black Moon through the collective unconscious!

2005 - spontaneous dismissal

And today I found the background to this issue: the previous time in 2005, when Lilith was in this area, I also wanted to travel or even go on vacation so much that I quit my job and became individual entrepreneur! And I really felt bad when they didn’t let me go on vacation!

I remember walking down the road just overwhelmed by the fact that I was working, working, and I couldn't use what I was working for. And it was not logic. It was unbelievably dark inside. Emotional depression and longing.

So for me, travel is one of the topics repressed into the subconscious, which I work with everyone else.

Different influences of the Black Moon

Depending on the awareness of the person, influence black moon in astrology manifests itself on several levels.

In the shadow:

  • raises fears, doubts;
  • strengthens complexes, psychological blocks;
  • distorts the perception of reality;
  • you can start to do evil or become a victim.

As a gift:

  • unique talents are revealed;
  • there is unprecedented wisdom, understanding;
  • the ability to turn a negative situation in your favor;
  • magical powers are unlocked.

From this list, I managed to turn the negative situation in my favor and wisdom came to me. magical abilities Damn, it didn't increase. ;(

Transits Lilith

In transits, the Black Moon creates an emotional background. Can give events where there is a head off effect. And they are not always negative. For example, Lilith can give marriage, the birth of children, falling in love, moving, when they suddenly left everything and left.

Transit is especially strong through:

  1. crossing the cusp of the House;
  2. exact aspect with the planet;
  3. return (every 9 years).

The Black Moon does not have the task of creating problems for you, negative situations. This is the soul's attempt to draw your attention to the locked inner programs that await your attention.

Have you noticed the positive from Lilith?


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