Which tree is taller baobab or sequoia. What is the tallest tree on the planet? Sequoia or baobab? Appearance of the baobab

Looking at the environment around us, at the beauties that nature gives, at the trees that seem huge to us, one involuntarily asks the question: how old are the trees that we meet every day on the way to work? But the tree that seems to be the largest among all is just a small bush compared to the largest tree in the world. Not everyone has seen and knows the very only tree that has incredible dimensions. So what's the best a big tree in the world?

Some historical facts

The name of the giant and the only living creature of this size is sequoiadendron. Sequoia is also called and for good reason. In appearance, this tree resembles a mammoth with its huge size, and the hanging branches look like its tusks. For the first time in history, the mention of sequoia appeared in 1853. Most often, these trees were found in the western part of California, on the slope of the Sierra Nevada. The giant sequoiadendron struck the people of the Old World, and the representatives of this plant were given the names of great people. Lzhon Lindley, the first known botanist, first described the sequoia and named it after the English Duke of Wellington, who became a hero at the Battle of Waterloo. The Americans, having discovered another representative of the sequoia family, gave him the name George Washington in honor of the first president of the United States of America. After that, in 1939, the genus of giant trees got its name - sequoiadendron, which is used to this day.

Giant of our time

The largest tree in the world, the sequoiadendron, is today located in the place where it was first discovered: in California. Now there is a national park with the same name "Sequoia" on the mountain peaks of the Sierra Nevada. The largest tree in the world, whose name is General Sherman, is named after the commander and politician William Tecumseh Sherman. He gained his fame in civil war 1861-1865. He was called a talented general, as he had the tactics of attacking the enemy, which was not subject to anyone. The general also has a notorious reputation for a tactic called "scorched earth".

Tree dimensions

The height of the largest tree in the world is more than eighty-three meters. The circumference of the trunk is twenty-four meters, and the crown is more than thirty-three.

The forest in which this giant grows is named giant forest. In addition, other sequoias grow there, but much smaller in size. This forest was first discovered by explorer John Muir in the nineteenth century. It was he who gave him this name. Part of the national park, in which huge trees grow, is called the Giant Forest to this day.

Tourists who come to California specifically to look at the largest tree in the world describe its bark as a red-orange stone, the top of which cannot be seen. When photographed next to the General Sherman tree, people look like tiny ants.

Age of General Sherman

The question regarding the age of the legendary plant was controversial until recently. For a long time it was believed that the largest tree in the world is over three thousand years old. But recently, experts, after conducting a series of studies, officially announced that the age of the legendary sequoiadendron is two and a half thousand years. It is terrible to imagine what this mighty tree could survive in order to grow to such a staggering size. It is very difficult for a tree of this size to grow, and such giants die mainly not from old age, but because of the size of the branches, which are difficult for them to hold. The General Sherman tree also suffered losses in 2006. He lost the largest and heaviest branch, the diameter of which was two meters and a length of over thirty meters. When the branch fell, the fence and the road leading to the living sight were destroyed. But even after such a loss, General Sherman's tree has not ceased to be considered the largest tree in the world.

In terms of size, General Sherman is the largest plant, but surprisingly not the oldest. The oldest tree is the California pine, which was four and a half thousand years old. But unfortunately, it has not survived to this day, as in 1965 it was cut down by unknown people. In the same year, the age of which reached three thousand years were cut down. There is an opinion that there are still centenarians on Earth, whose age is about five thousand years.

tree growth

Despite the fact that giant sequoiadendron and so is huge, it keeps growing. Once a year, experts take measurements, and it can be noted that the tree grows by one and a half centimeters every year.

In general, adult trees of the sequoiadendron species reach a height of one hundred meters, and a trunk diameter of up to twelve meters.

national park and its workers made sure that all people could see the legendary giant and take a photo of the largest tree in the world. A special road has been equipped for people with disabilities so that they can see the tree as close as possible.

Also in the national park in California there is a tree tunnel, which attracts a lot of attention from tourists. This tunnel is made from a redwood that fell in 1937. Since there was no way to move or remove the tree, the employees were forced to make a tunnel leading to the park, as fallen tree lay right at the entrance to the zone of living attractions.

In addition, the park has the top of Moro Rock, which offers an incredible view of the entire "forest of giants".

But unfortunately, all the giants and centenarians of the national park may disappear from the face of the Earth. Such a threat is related to the climate in California. The drought, which has been going on for more than one year, endangers all plants, including the largest tree in the world, the sequoiadendron. No matter how powerful the sequoia trees are, they cannot withstand fires. Also, due to dryness, new trees do not have the opportunity to appear. Park employees are trying in every way to support the favorable life of the legendary plants.

May 1, 2013

What is the name of the largest tree in the world? It would seem that even a schoolboy knows the answer to this question - of course, this is a sequoia! These giant trees that grow in North America not far from the Pacific coast, reach a height of more than a hundred meters! To whom, if not them, to give the palm? But not everything is so simple. The fact is that the question arises of how to count. Do you only take into account the height, or also the thickness and number of cubic meters of wood contained in the largest tree? And take into account only living trees, but ignore those whose dimensions were fixed in the nineteenth or early twentieth century, and then they were cut down or they were broken by a hurricane? But first things first.

The largest tree in the world in terms of height today is the sequoia, which received given name"Hyperion", she has a "growth" of one hundred and fifteen and a half meters. Interestingly, the tree was discovered and measured only in 2006. In second place is also the Helios sequoia with a height of one hundred and fourteen meters and sixty-nine centimeters. Lagging behind the leader is only a little more than half a meter! In third place - "Icarus" a little over one hundred and thirteen meters high, and in fourth place - the sequoia "Giant of the Stratosphere" (one hundred and twelve meters).

It may seem that the largest tree in the world is necessarily a sequoia. No. The tallest in the relatively recent past were completely different trees that grew in southern hemisphere- in Australia. In 1872, a local forester recorded the height of a giant eucalyptus growing in his area. The height of the tree was much greater than that of the Hyperion: one hundred and fifty meters! And thirteen years later another one was measured Australian eucalyptus.
It turned out to be slightly lower, but still significantly higher than all the current sequoias - one hundred and forty-three meters! Unfortunately, these giants did not survive to this day. Most likely, these were very old trees, and they died a natural death.

Having dealt with what is the largest tree in the world in height, let's see how the coverage is. Here, of course, they hold the palm African baobabs. With a relatively small growth (up to twenty-five meters), they have a coverage of forty meters! Like flattened barrels. Baobab is by far the thickest tree in the world. African researcher David Livingston claimed to have witnessed thirty people sleeping in the hollow of a baobab! Baobab is also one of the most long-lived trees. It has been established by radiocarbon analysis that the largest baobabs have a very respectable age - up to five thousand years! They were already several hundred years old when the construction of the first Egyptian pyramids began.

The largest trees in the world are not necessarily the tallest or fattest. Banyan tree growing in one of the Indian national parks, against the background of other champions, has a very modest age - about two hundred and fifty years, and a relatively small height - twenty-five meters. But he is famous for being the tree with the largest crown in the world. It covers an area of ​​one and a half hectares! Banyan produces the so-called "aerial roots" from horizontal branches. Most of them die, but those that reach the ground put down real, “earthy” roots and begin to “get fat” quickly. After a while, it is almost impossible to distinguish them from the trunk. From a distance, one such banyan tree seems like a grove, but in fact it is just one tree with many natural "props".

Source: fb.ru



Trees are part of our life, supplying us with oxygen, food, homes, warmth and building materials. There are about 100,000 various kinds trees, including a quarter of all living plant species on Earth. Among the billions of trees around the world, there are completely unique amazing representatives.


Baobab is considered to be the birthplace of Madagascar, it is also common in Africa and Australia. Baobab trees are the oldest forms of life on the African mainland, and many of those still standing today date back to Roman times.

The amazing baobab or “monkey breadfruit tree” can grow up to 30m high and 11m wide. Most year they remain without leaves. characteristic feature baobab is their pot-bellied trunk, which serves as a reservoir of water. The baobab tree can hold up to 120,000 liters of water to survive severe drought conditions. Some trunks are so big that people live inside the tree.

One of the most beautiful clusters of Adansonia Grandidier baobabs is located on Baobab Avenue in Morondava, Madagascar. Some baobabs take on the shape of a bottle, a skull, and even a teapot.


Dragon Tree in Icod de los Vinos in Tenerife, one of canary islands, is an unique representative. It is believed that it is between 650 and 1500 years old, but experts find it difficult to draw accurate conclusions, since it does not have one trunk. Rather, it consists of many small trunks that hold on to each other as they grow upwards.

It has a dense canopy of leaves and gets its name from the resin that is released when its bark and leaves are cut away. Residents believe that this is the dried blood of a dragon and have been using it since ancient times to treat various ailments.


Giant sequoias that grow in the Sierra Nevada in California are considered the most big trees in terms of volume. The largest tree is "General Sherman" in national park Sequoia, whose height reaches 83 m, the volume is about 1,486 cubic meters. m, and weight more than 6000 tons. The tree is thought to be somewhere between 2300 and 2700 years old, and each year the tree gains as much wood as a normal 18 meter tree contains. It is a real natural masterpiece and the greatest living organism on Earth.


Pando or Trembling Giant, located in Utah, USA, is an amazing massive colony wasp trees sprawled across 100 acres of Utah. Almost all of the trees in this colony are genetically identical, that is, they are clones of each other. Every tree in this area comes from a single organism, part of a giant underground root system.

Pando consists of 47,000 trunks and its collective weight is 6,600 tons, making it the heaviest organism in the world. Despite the fact that average age individual trunks is about 130 years old, the whole organism is already about 80,000 years old.


The Tule tree is a particularly large tree of the Taxodium mexico species, which is found near the city of Oaxaca in Mexico. This tree has the largest girth of the trunk (58 m) and a diameter of the trunk, which is 11.5 m. It is said that the Thule Tree is so thick that you do not hug it, but it hugs you.

It is believed that the tree is already about 2000 years old. For a while, detractors claimed that in fact there were three trees disguised here, but a thorough DNA analysis confirmed that this is actually one beautiful tree.

In 1994, the tree was under threat: the leaves became painfully yellow and there were dead branches everywhere. The tree was dying. When the “healers” of the trees were called, it turned out that the problem that caused the Tule tree to suffer was ordinary thirst and it needed to be treated with water. Naturally, after careful water procedures the tree came to life.


The tree of life in Bahrain is the loneliest tree in the world. The mesquite tree is located on the very high point barren desert of Bahrain, hundreds of kilometers away from other natural trees. It is believed that its roots stretch for several tens of meters to the aquifers. The exact age of the tree is unknown, but it is believed to be over 400 years old.

However, the secret of the Tree of Life is not its size, age or shape, although it is quite large and very beautiful. The most amazing thing is that it stands alone in the barren desert at the highest point in Bahrain, in an area where there is absolutely no water. In a place where nothing seemed to survive, this tree seems to radiate life itself. People come here in droves locals It is believed that the tree stands on the site of the Garden of Eden.


Despite its uniqueness and beauty, interesting qualities Wollemii hide not in appearance, but in its history.

Wollemia growing in Australia is a real living dinosaur. The oldest fossil of the Wollemia tree dates back to 200 million years ago. When, in 1994, scientists suddenly discovered living tree Wollemiah, they were just dumbfounded.

The exact location of these coniferous trees carefully hidden in order to protect those remaining trees, of which there are less than 100 in nature. To save these trees from extinction, a program began in 2006 that allowed the general public to buy Wollemia seedlings and now they can be seen in various botanical gardens.


This famous tree, located near the city of Natal in Brazil, is a 177 year old cashew tree that covers almost 2 hectares of land. It was planted in 1888 by a fisherman who did not know that the tree had genetic mutation which allowed him to take up so much space. Unlike ordinary tree cashew, when the branches of the Piranji tree touch the ground, it takes root and continues to grow.

Today this tree serves as a tourist attraction. If you get close to this largest cashew tree in the world, you will feel like you are entering a forest. In fact, all this is one tree, the size of which reaches 8400 square meters. m. The tree is 80 times larger than the average cashew tree and covers an area larger than a football field, bringing about 80,000 fruits a year.


The Tenere tree is mentioned in this list because it no longer exists. A lone acacia growing in the Sahara Desert in Africa's Niger, more than 300 years old, was the only tree within a radius of about 400 km. It was the only tree left of the vast forest that had been swallowed up by the merciless desert. When the scientists dug a hole next to the tree, they found that its roots descended up to 36m below the water table.

In 1973, the Tenere tree was run over by a drunk truck driver, and today a metal monument has been erected at the site in honor of the Lonely Tenere Tree.


The banyan tree is named after the banyans or Hindu traders who sold their goods while sitting under the tree. Even if you have never heard of the banyan tree, you will surely recognize it. The shape of this giant tree you will not confuse with anything: a majestic dome with aerial roots that descend from branches to the ground.

One of the most famous species of banyan tree called sacred ficus or Bo tree is the Mahabodhi tree in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. The tree is said to have been grown from a cutting of a real tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment in the 6th century BC.

Planted in 288 BC, it is the oldest tree in the world planted by man since exact date landing.

Dear readers of the site "Me and the World", hello! Have you ever looked at the most tall tree in the world? And standing under it. It seems that its crown rests on the clouds and props up the sky. In the article you will see in the photo and find out which trees are currently taller than others.

On the 5th place is the Tsar-oak - 46 m

The height of the royal oak reaches the 15th floor of a high-rise building, and its girth is 2.14 m. The oak has been growing for 800 years in the Pozhezhinsky park of Belarus. Now the oak has been awarded the title of Natural Monument.

One day, lightning struck its crown and the top burned to the ground. Kind people they decided to help with difficulty, but they sawed off the burnt crown, and inserted and fixed a lightning rod into the trunk so that such situations would not happen again.

4th place we gave to Sequoia "General Sherman" - 83 m

This sequoia lives 2700 years, and the diameter of the trunk has reached 7.7 m. This coniferous tree is much heavier in weight than the largest aquatic animal - blue whale, which weighs 190 tons. The weight of the tree General is about 2000 tons. Sequoia branches are unusually arranged: they grow horizontally and lean slightly towards the ground. In ancient times, sequoias grew on almost all continents, but now they can only be found in Australia and California. Only a few groves have survived, and the largest are protected by law.

3rd place - Sequoia Hyperion - 115.6 m

Although the diameter of Hyperion is less than that of Sherman (only 4 m), but what a height! And the giant would have grown even higher if the woodpecker had not damaged the crown, gouging out the wood, so the growth stopped. Its age does not exceed 900 years. The name Hyperion was given in honor of one of the ancient Greek titans, which means "very high". 43 floors up and you will reach the crown.

In second place - Royal Eucalyptus - 150 m

In the middle of the 19th century, an Australian forest inspector came across a huge fallen giant, 150 meters long. And even though this eucalyptus is no longer growing, it can be considered the second tallest giant on earth. evergreen tree it was almost 20 m in circumference, but history has preserved information about eucalyptus trees with a circumference of 25 m.

Currently, there are no such giants. They did not survive the Australian fires and burned out completely.

Sequoias grow not only on the Australian continent, but also in South America. An interesting fact: all sequoias got their name in honor of the Indian leader of the Sequa tribe, who fought against the conquerors.

1st place - Baobab - 189 m

Where is the tallest tree in the world located and growing? More recently, it was discovered in Africa, 189 meters high. It used to be considered the longest sequoias and eucalyptus, but this baobab is considered the highest. Its age reaches 5000 years. thick tree in diameter is about 9 meters, perfectly adapted to life in a very hot climate. Its powerful and long roots go deep into the ground for whole kilometers.

Baobab is well able to recover from damage to the bark by people or from fires. Even if the core burns out, the baobab continues to live stubbornly. And the baobab blooms during the rainy season and is covered with large flowers with delicate white petals.

We especially want to note the longest plant - Rattan palm. It belongs to the liana family. So, if this fast-growing plant is delivered, for example, to Paris, then it will be higher eiffel tower(more than 300 meters).

In the article, we showed what is the tallest tree in the world and what is the name. We tried to highlight Interesting Facts some giants. And if you liked everything, offer to read the article to friends and acquaintances. See you on the pages of our site!

Incredible Facts

If you have watched the movie Avatar, then you must have been impressed by the forests of Pandora. But to see the most fantastic trees, you do not have to go on an intergalactic journey.

Trees are part of our lives, supplying us with oxygen, food, homes, warmth and building materials. There are about 100,000 different types of trees, including a quarter of all living plant species on Earth.

Among the billions of trees around the world, there are completely unique amazing representatives.

1. giant sequoia"General Sherman"

Giant sequoias that grow in Sierra Nevada in California are considered the largest trees in terms of volume. The largest tree is General Sherman" in Sequoia National Park, whose height reaches 83 m, the volume is about 1.486 cubic meters. m, and weight more than 6000 tons. The tree is thought to be somewhere between 2300 and 2700 years old, and every year the tree gains as much wood as a normal 18 meter tree contains. It is a true natural masterpiece and the greatest living organism on earth.

2. Aspen poplar: Pando

pando or Trembling Giant, located in Utah, USA, is an amazing massive colony of wasp trees spread over 100 acres of Utah. Almost all of the trees in this colony are genetically identical, that is, they are clones of each other. Every tree in this area comes from a single organism., being part of a giant underground root system.

Pando consists of 47,000 trunks, and its collective weight is 6,600 tons, making it the heaviest organism in the world. Despite the fact that the average age of individual trunks is about 130 years, the whole body has already about 80,000 years old.

3. Mexican Taxodium: Thule Tree

The Tule tree is a particularly large tree of the species Taxodium mexican which is near the city Oaxaca in Mexico. At this tree the largest girth of the trunk(58 m) and a diameter of the trunk, which is 11.5 m. They say that Tule tree so fat that you don't hug it, it hugs you.

It is believed that the tree is already about 2000 years old. For a while, detractors claimed that in fact there were three trees disguised here, but a thorough DNA analysis confirmed that this is actually one beautiful tree.

In 1994, the tree was threatened: the leaves turned painfully yellow and there were dead branches everywhere. The tree was dying. When the "healers" of the trees were called, it turned out that the problem that caused the Tule tree to suffer was ordinary thirst and it needed to be treated with water. Naturally, after careful water procedures, the tree came to life.

4. Tree of life

The tree of Life in Bahrain it the loneliest tree in the world. The mesquite tree is located at the highest point in the barren desert of Bahrain, hundreds of kilometers from other natural trees. It is believed that its roots stretch for several tens of meters to the aquifers. The exact age of the tree is unknown, but it is believed to be over 400 years old.

However, the secret tree of life does not consist in its size, age or shape, although it is quite large and very beautiful. The most amazing thing is that it stands alone in the barren desert at the highest point in Bahrain, in an area where there is absolutely no water. In a place where nothing seemed to survive, this tree seems to radiate life itself. People come here in droves, as the locals believe that the tree stands on the site of the Garden of Eden.

5. Wollemia

Despite its uniqueness and beauty, interesting qualities Wollemia hidden not in appearance, but in its history.

Wollemia, growing in Australia, is a real living dinosaur. oldest fossil tree Wollemia dated to 200 million years ago. When, in 1994, scientists suddenly discovered a living tree Wollemia they were just dumbfounded.

The exact location of these conifers has been carefully hidden in order to protect the remaining trees, which are less than 100 in nature. To save these trees from extinction, a program began in 2006 that allowed the general public to buy seedlings. Wollemia and now they can be seen in various botanical gardens.

6. Cashew Tree Piranji

This famous tree near the city of Natal in Brazil is a 177 year old cashew tree that covers almost 2 hectares of land. It was planted in 1888 by a fisherman who did not know that the tree had a genetic mutation that allowed it to take up so much space. Unlike a normal cashew tree, when the branches of the tree piranji touch the ground, it takes root and continues to grow.

Today this tree serves as a tourist attraction. If you get close to this largest cashew tree in the world, you will feel like you are entering a forest. In fact, all this is one tree, the size of which reaches 8400 square meters. m. Tree 80 times the size of an average cashew tree and covers an area larger than a football field, bringing about 80,000 fruits a year.

7. Tenere Tree

The Tenere tree is mentioned in this list because it no longer exists. A lone acacia growing in the Sahara desert in Niger, Africa, which was over 300 years old, was the only tree within a radius of about 400 km. It was the only tree left of the vast forest that had been swallowed up by the merciless desert. When the scientists dug a hole next to the tree, they found that its roots descended up to 36m below the water table.

In 1973, the Tenere tree was hit by a drunk truck driver, and today a metal monument has been erected on the site in honor of Lonely Tree Tenere.

8. Banyan: Mahabodhi tree

The banyan tree is named after the banyans or Hindu traders who sold their goods while sitting under the tree. Even if you have never heard of the banyan tree, you will surely recognize it. The shape of this giant tree cannot be confused with anything: a majestic dome with aerial roots that descend from branches to the ground.

One of the most famous types of banyan tree called ficus sacred or bo tree is an mahabodhi tree in Anuradhapura, in Sri Lanka. It is said that the tree was grown from a cutting of a real tree, under which Buddha attained enlightenment in the 6th century BC

Being planted in 288 BC, it is the oldest tree in the world, planted by a person with the exact planting date.

9. Baobab

Baobab is considered to be the birthplace of Madagascar, it is also common in Africa and Australia. Baobab trees are the oldest forms of life on the African mainland, and many of those still standing today date back to Roman times.

Amazing baobab or " monkey breadfruit" can grow up to 30 m high and 11 m wide. Most of the year they remain without leaves . A characteristic feature of the baobab is their pot-bellied trunk, which serves as a reservoir of water. baobab tree can hold up to 120,000 liters of water to survive severe drought conditions. Some trunks are so big that people live inside the tree.

One of the most beautiful clusters of baobab species Adansonia Grandidier located on baobab avenue Morondava in Madagascar. Some baobabs take on the shape of a bottle, a skull, and even a teapot.

10. Dragon Tree

Dragon tree in Icod de los Vinos in Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands, is a unique representative. It is believed that it is between 650 and 1500 years old, but experts find it difficult to draw accurate conclusions, since it does not have one trunk. He rather consists of many small trunks that hold on to each other as they grow upwards.

It has a dense canopy of leaves and gets its name from the resin that is released when its bark and leaves are cut away. Residents believe that this is the dried blood of a dragon and have been using it since ancient times to treat various ailments.

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