Aspects of Venus Lilith. The conjunction of Lilith and the sun in the natal chart

Lilith in conjunction with the Sun concentrates a person on his own personality. Such a person can clearly feel his own peculiarity, his significance for the world (in your case, for his family, country, since the 4th house is involved), he can often talk about himself, about his achievements, it is important for him to be noticed appreciated his individuality. But this position gives a real opportunity to eradicate one's negative qualities, transform them into virtues, since under the influence of the Sun they become manifested and visible to the person himself.

There can be two types of manifestation of this connection, depending on how Lilith acts, enhances the passive qualities of the Sun, or the active ones. If these are active qualities, then a person can be really quite bright and creative personality who achieves any set goals, but his manner of acting can be too intrusive and oppressive, even if this goal is good. Such a person perceives everything only through his personality.

The connection of Lilith with the Sun always gives the temptation of power, which can make the owner of this connection a kind of despot, and in a particularly negative manifestation, a tough person going to his goal over the heads, not considering the surrounding people. If Lilith enhances the passive qualities of the Sun, then such a person is unsure of himself, can achieve little in life, he does not have enough energy, but nevertheless his ambitions are quite high, and this provokes such negative qualities as achieving what he wants by gaining the upper hand over the weaker, as the strong are "too tough".

The connection of Lilith in Pisces with the Sun in Aquarius in the 4th house may give a desire to introduce your views and hobbies into your home. You can easily get fired up with new things and most likely want your family to share your aspirations. There is a real risk of doing it too assertively and intrusively, not taking into account the desires and individual characteristics of your family.

More from another source:

Definitely - a bright personality, the power of self-expression. The degree of freedom is also high. You not only react to the situations that come, but for the most part you create them yourself. Subconsciously attract information, people, events that help to maximize your own potential, realize desires, give vent to passions and emotions. It is extremely important to prove (at least to yourself) your uniqueness and distinction.

If the Sun and Lilith are successfully located in the horoscope, then this gives the strength of the personality, the ability to play a fatal role in many destinies, the luxury of existence. The right not to be led by fate, but to be a director yourself.

When damaged - constant emotional stress, frustration, the power of instincts.

You are well versed in the weaknesses and vices of other people and have some pronounced abilities or talents.

And further:

The connection with the Sun enhances the characteristics of Lilith and requires persistent study. There is a lot of energy and willpower, but at the same time, the character can be difficult for others. An undeveloped Lilith can give aggression in character (sometimes overt, sometimes deeply hidden), or reverse side aggression is fear. Then, most likely, a person can be attracted unpleasant situations in the form of aggression, rudeness or violence.

If a person works on the dark corners of his soul, gets rid of fears or aggression, he will become a strong and self-confident person who seems to have a natural defense against violence, attacks, and all that. This question is especially acute for you, since there is a close conjunction with the Sun. In such a situation, it is also very important to deal with one's own egoism - not to go too far with it (there is such a danger), but also not to turn into a weak-willed rag. Such are the difficult tasks.

Lilith is an intangible object. Her cycle is 9 years. Lilith is a fictitious planet. Its cycle is associated with the most distant point of the lunar orbit.

Astronomers bind given body with the dark sides of the personality, which can be called the dark nature of man. Often they manifest themselves in the form of submissiveness to instincts and pride. This part of human nature is dependent on the most dark sides karma. It is associated with various temptations, vices, the impact of an unfavorable environment. At the time of the birth of each person, Lilith occupies a certain position. This object can have three levels of impact on our lives. With rare exceptions, the connection "Lilith-Lilith" is considered very unfavorable for partnerships and marriage.

At this level, a person usually knows that his actions are negative. He acts dishonestly, vilely, but everything continues exactly in the same spirit. A person simply enjoys his deeds, while justifying them in every possible way.

2nd level

A person does not want to harm himself or others. He makes every effort to curb himself, get rid of bad habits. However, at the same time, a person still becomes a victim of karmic retribution - punishment for his destructive actions in the current or past lives. Such people are often overtaken by "blows of fate." Lilith can have a negative impact on a person's well-being. However, the disposition to purify and get rid of bad habits helps reduce its impact.

Third level

Usually, a person already knows how to resist Lilith's negativity. He recognizes his shortcomings, he also knows how to resist and not aggravate them. A person recognizes them from afar and moves away, fences off. Such people usually already complete the karmic cycle associated with the position of Lilith. They know how to stop evil within themselves when it is still in its infancy. However, such people are rare.

More often you can meet another type. Man already has an idea of ​​how to resist evil and control his shortcomings. However, he is still at the stage of self-learning, as he has not yet realized everything. That is, a person is still intensively developing. If he wants to preserve his good and peaceful fate, then he should not rush to reproach, condemn, blame himself and others for anything. When people realize that their lives are influenced by Lilith, they gradually acquire "immunity" against her poisons - immunity against negative influences. At the same time, the dark moon becomes neutral, unable to influence the personality.

Lilith conjunct Lilith for marriage and partnerships

This combination is very strange and is considered negative. If our heavenly body Lilith in conjunction with Alien Lilith is an unfavorable union. Usually, partners turn out to be provocateurs for each other. A stronger influence on another is exerted by the person whose planet was in a more strong position. The connection of Lilith-Lilith determines that we run the risk of learning from our partner something negative, unnecessary, inappropriate in life. Lilith in conjunction with Lilith is almost always considered a bad sign. Mutual negative impact destroys people's lives. An exception for the combination "Lilith in conjunction with Lilith" is the union of the same age. Such relationships are often successful.

Lilith conjunction in the synastry. Combination with the Sun

This connection speaks of subconscious uncertainty within oneself. A person tries to compensate for it by demonstratively showing willpower, firmness of character, pride, ambition, and sometimes ruthlessness. He strives with all his might to control his destiny, to control circumstances and his environment. The underlying basis for this is usually the fear of the unknown. Distrust of others and suspicion can harden such a person. This nuance can also speak of any shortcoming that is associated with the father. Such people of both sexes have problems with his perception. They strive all their lives to resist its effects.

with the moon

Lilith in conjunction with the Moon often indicates emotional and mental instability. Such people tend to frequent shifts moods, capriciousness. This is usually based on childhood experiences and fears that are associated with the behavior of a person's mother. From early youth, a person tried, but could not learn to control her actions. He tried to get his mother's attention by expressing his emotions. Hypersensitivity such people often become the cause of nervous breakdowns, hallucinations, possession by demons and other entities of the subtle plane.

With Mercury

This combination is often manifested by difficulty in expressing thoughts, as well as love for black humor. Such people are perceptive, but their character is far from flexible. They are also characterized by excessive cunning, which can harm themselves.

With Venus

Lilith in conjunction with Venus often speaks of the difficulties and experiences associated with the sphere love relationship which are usually only a figment of the human imagination. The desire to find the perfect partner creates many problems in everyday life. If a person improves himself spiritually, this combination can provoke temptations for material goods. Such people often have great talents in art and creativity.


This combination speaks of rudeness, rebelliousness or obscure courage. It can also indicate a propensity for violence. Ladies born under this combination often have male character, are prone to emancipation, and men have a sick enthusiasm for sex or are focused on impeccable. This combination speaks of a lack of a sense of security. Such people have a developed creative imagination, strive to become famous, but often seek adventure.


Such people have a painful need for order, love clarity and accuracy in everything. Often they are prone to depression, have suicidal tendencies.


Such people are characterized by anarchism, reformism, rebelliousness, a tendency to revolutions and challenges to society. They strive to simplify everything, why they divide the ongoing processes into components.

Lilith Ascendant

Lilith in conjunction with the Ascendant forms an underlying desire to be different from others. Often she speaks of an outstanding appearance, attractiveness and the desire to feel like a tempter.


Such people are characterized by God-seeking, and from time to time, also by God-fighting. They are very sensitive to the topics of religion and spirituality. They are frightened by manifestations of both excessive materialism and thoughtless religious fanaticism.


The combination says that for self-affirmation a person can strive for extreme forms of absolute power. Such people are prone to violence and totalitarianism. The reason for this is often wounded ambition.


Such people are individualists and strive to stand out from total weight. Often they do it even unconsciously. Usually they are always deeply confident in the correctness of their path.


This combination is considered the cause of instability, instability in relations with parents, superiors, as well as the likely collapse of current plans. These people are characterized by periods of depression and apathy. However, they make good psychologists. The mission of such a person may also be to get rid of social structures who have outlived themselves.

Lilith Rahu

This combination indicates uncertainty within oneself and society, as well as extreme suspicion. Previous incarnations of such people often ended in premature death from an accident or murder.

Lilith is an intangible object. Her cycle is 9 years. Lilith is a fictitious planet. Its cycle is associated with the most distant point of the lunar orbit.

Astrologers associate this body with the dark sides of the personality, which can be called the dark nature of man. Often they manifest themselves in the form of submissiveness to instincts and pride. This part of human nature depends on the darkest sides of karma. It is associated with various temptations, vices, the influence of an unfavorable environment. At the time of the birth of each person, Lilith occupies a certain position. This object can have three levels of influence on our lives. With rare exceptions, the connection "Lilith-Lilith" is considered very unfavorable for partnerships and marriage.

First level

At this level, a person usually knows that his actions are negative. He acts dishonestly, vilely, but everything continues exactly in the same spirit. A person simply enjoys his deeds, while justifying them in every possible way.

Second level

A person does not want to harm himself or others. He makes every effort to curb himself, get rid of bad habits. However, at the same time, a person still becomes a victim of karmic retribution - punishment for his destructive actions in the current or past lives. Such people are often overtaken by "blows of fate." Lilith can negatively affect a person's well-being. However, the mindset to cleanse and get rid of bad habits helps to reduce its impact.

Third level

As a rule, a person already knows how to resist Lilith's negativity. He recognizes his shortcomings, and also knows how to resist and not aggravate them. A person recognizes them from a distance and moves away, fences off. Such people, as a rule, are already completing the karmic cycle associated with the position of Lilith. They know how to stop evil in themselves when it is still in its infancy. However, such people are rare.

More often you can find another type. A person already has an idea of ​​how to resist evil and keep his shortcomings under control. However, he is still at the stage of self-learning, as he has not yet realized everything. That is, the person is still actively developing. If he wants to preserve his good and peaceful fate, then he should not rush to reproach, condemn, blame himself and others for something. When people realize that their lives are affected by Lilith, they gradually acquire "immunity" against her poisons - immunity against negative influences. At the same time, the dark moon becomes neutral, unable to influence the personality.

Lilith conjunct Lilith for marriage and partnerships

This combination is very strange and is considered negative. If our heavenly body Lilith is in conjunction with someone else's Lilith, this is an unfavorable union. As a rule, partners turn out to be provocateurs for each other. A stronger influence on another is exerted by the person whose planet was in a stronger position. The connection of Lilith-Lilith determines that we run the risk of learning from our partner something negative, unnecessary, inappropriate in life. Lilith in conjunction with Lilith is almost always considered a bad sign. Mutual Negative influence destroys people's lives. An exception for the combination "Lilith in conjunction with Lilith" is the union of the same age. Such relationships are often successful.

Lilith conjunction in the synastry. Combination with the Sun

This connection speaks of subconscious self-doubt. A person tries to compensate for it by demonstratively showing willpower, firmness of character, pride, ambition, and sometimes cruelty. He strives with all his might to control his destiny, to control circumstances and his environment. The underlying basis of this, as a rule, is the fear of the unknown. Distrust of others and suspicion can harden such a person. This aspect can also talk about any flaw that is associated with the father. Such people of both sexes have problems with his perception. They strive all their lives to resist its influence.

with the moon

Lilith in conjunction with the Moon often indicates emotional and mental instability. Such people are prone to frequent mood swings, capriciousness. At the heart of this, as a rule, are childhood experiences and fears that are associated with the behavior of a person's mother. Since early childhood the man tried, but could not learn to control her actions. He tried to get his mother's attention by expressing his emotions. The increased sensitivity of such people often causes nervous breakdowns, hallucinations, possession by demons and other subtle entities.

With Mercury

This combination is often manifested by difficulty in expressing thoughts, as well as a love of black humor. Such people are perceptive, but their character is far from flexible. They are also characterized by excessive cunning, which can harm themselves.

With Venus

Lilith in conjunction with Venus often speaks of the difficulties and experiences associated with the sphere of love relationships, which, as a rule, are only a figment of a person’s imagination. The desire to find the perfect partner creates many problems in everyday life. If a person improves himself spiritually, this combination can provoke temptations for material goods. Such people often have great talents in art and creativity.


This combination speaks of audacity, rebelliousness or reckless courage. It can also indicate a propensity for violence. Women born under this combination often have a masculine character, are prone to emancipation, and men have a painful interest in sex or focus on the ideal. This combination indicates a lack of a sense of security. Such people have a developed creative imagination, strive to become famous, but often seek adventure.


Such people have a painful need for order, love clarity and accuracy in everything. Often they are prone to depression, have suicidal tendencies.


Such people are characterized by anarchism, reformism, rebelliousness, a tendency to revolutions and challenges to society. They strive to simplify everything, for which they divide the ongoing processes into components.

Lilith Ascendant

Lilith in conjunction with the Ascendant forms an underlying desire to be different from others. Often she speaks of an outstanding appearance, attractiveness and the desire to feel like a tempter.


Such people tend to seek God, and sometimes the fight against God. They are very sensitive to the topics of religion and spirituality. They are frightened by manifestations of both excessive materialism and thoughtless religious fanaticism.


The combination suggests that for self-affirmation a person may strive for extreme forms of absolute power. Such people are prone to violence and totalitarianism. The reason for this is often wounded ambition.


Such people are individualists and strive to stand out from the crowd. Often they do it even unconsciously. Usually they are always deeply confident in the correctness of their path.


This combination is considered the cause of instability, instability in relations with parents, superiors, as well as possible collapse of life plans. These people are characterized by periods of depression and apathy. However, they make good psychologists. The mission of such a person may also be to get rid of social structures that have become obsolete.

Lilith Rahu

This combination indicates insecurity in oneself and society, as well as extreme suspicion. Previous incarnations of such people often ended in premature death from an accident or murder.

Astronomically, this is the apogee of the Moon's orbit, that is, the place where the Moon is the most distant from the Earth and moves the slowest. Physically, there is nothing there, it is a marker, a reference point for the Earth's satellite.

Sun in astrology it is consciousness, ego. Moon- the unconscious. Lilith- Archetype of the Shadow. Passing through the point of closest approach to the Earth (perigee), the Moon allows us to see, realize, accept and make our shadow sides a source of strength, that is, those sides of the personality that we do not recognize in ourselves, we strive to displace from consciousness. On the contrary, being at the point of greatest distance from the Earth (at its apogee, that is, connecting with Lilith), the Moon makes our shadow sides of the personality more hidden and annoying.

The sun, passing through its apogee (connecting with Lilith), highlights flawed character traits and unacceptable behavioral tendencies. Our "I" is in a position in which animal instincts, what a person considers immoral and unacceptable, become especially relevant, vivid, noticeable. And since a person identifies himself with negative, taboo manifestations of personality, a mechanism of self-denial, loss of personality occurs.

Sun conjunct Lilith may appear as follows:

  • a man tries his best to prove to the world that he is worthy to take a place under the sun. In the depths, he may feel like a rare scoundrel and scoundrel, although in reality this may not be so. Proof can be expressed in narcissism, self-praise, demonstration of inflated self-esteem. These are very vulnerable people, extremely sensitive to how others evaluate them. And it is precisely vulnerability and vulnerability that over and over again make them hide under the mask of a peacock, boastfully spreading its tail;
  • a person “knows” about his “black nature” and tries to be extremely honest with others, warning them in advance that he is unreliable, can let him down, betray;
  • a person denies his own merits and merits. Having done his job qualitatively, having done his job well, he believes that it was not through his efforts that the result turned out to be commendable, but that he was simply lucky or that circumstances developed. He brushes off compliments, and sometimes even accuses the one who made the compliment of insincerity and hypocrisy, thinking that he cannot be praised in any way - there is simply nothing for it.

However, Lilith (Shadow) is also a source of spontaneity, naturalness, deep emotions, creative impulses, instinctive reactions.

In a positive version, the conjunction of Lilith with the Sun may give the following:

  • a person is spontaneous, alive and spontaneous in self-expression, he does without a share of doubt such things that ordinary person seem unacceptable (for example, he can jump into the fountain in the summer and start splashing simply because he is hot, and his mood is good, and he wants to have fun);
  • a person attracts attention with his strongly pronounced emotionality, depth, ability to harmoniously express himself through a creative impulse;
  • a person instinctively, unmistakably chooses what will help improve health, increase vitality, he has strong immunity;
  • a keen sense of “I am alive”, involvement in life, in the flow, greed for life,

Lilith in astrological chart- this is what I call "sensitive point".

In a woman's horoscope, Lilith represents the area of ​​life in which she plays a role " strong woman". Lilith is extremely prominent and dominates the natal charts of powerful, creative women. Those who are very successful, but at the same time vulnerable and sensitive. Many of these women are in non-traditional sexual relations.

In the man card, Lilith represents the type of woman he fears and the type that can drive him crazy. Men... Have you ever met a woman who nearly drove you crazy? She was your Lilith, and I'm willing to bet she would show up in your chart!

Lilith plays a big role in relationships, namely, it increases the tension in the interaction. If during the transit of Lilith through the 5th house you started an affair or went on a first date, then the relationship would eventually become painful, tense and intrusive. During Lilith's negative transits, you may feel sad and despair... Why? The answer lies in the myth of the Black Moon.

According to Jewish mythology, Lilith was the first woman and the first wife of Adam. So, on the sixth day, God decided to create man in his own image and likeness. The word "man" in the original Hebrew is written as "adam", which comes from the word "adamah" (dust, ashes). The word "adam" refers not only to a man, but also to a woman. Here is what goes on: “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; and woman created them” (Gen. I, 27). That is, already on the sixth day, both Adam and his wife, Lilith, were created, since Eve was created from Adam's rib after the completion of the whole creation (Gen. II, 22). However, further the legend no longer bears any significant internal disagreements. After Adam and Lilith were created, they began to quarrel about their sexual position. "The world's first feminist," Lilith opposed position under Adam during lovemaking:

"I won't lie down," she said.

“I won’t lie under you, only upstairs,” Adam replied. - Because you only fit in the lowest position, and I should be in the highest.

“We are both equal [because both are made of dust]. I will not submit to you.

“I am made in the image of Elohim and cannot stoop to your level. You are nothing but one of the many creatures in the field. You were created to help me, and will remain so.

However, Lilith did not leave this; she went to Yahweh. Lilith used all her skill to seduce the Creator, and the latter, known for his kindness to women, revealed to her his true sacred name. Recognizing him, Lilith uttered the name and instantly flew away from the Garden of Eden from Adam forever.

Lilith settled in a cave on the shores of the Red Sea, where she still lives. She made love to demons and gave birth to many thousands of children in enough short period time. Therefore, the world was filled with demons, and Lilith began to be called the Mother of Demons.

Meanwhile, Adam, having repented that Lilith had left him, came to Yahweh and prayed:

“Oh Lord of the Universe, the woman you gave me has left me.

Yahweh agreed that the creation of the Garden of Eden could not leave the Kingdom so easily and immediately sent three angels—Senoi, Sansenoi, and Semangelof—to seize and bring Lilith back to Adam.

“If she agrees to return, then everything will be fine,” Yahweh said to Adam. - And if not, then she is obliged to agree that a hundred of her children die daily.

Three angels found Lilith in a cave, and according to another version, in the middle of the sea on high waves in which the Egyptians were destined to perish. They demanded in the name of Yahweh that Lilith return to Adam, and said that if she refused, every day they would kill a hundred of her demon offspring until she agreed to return. But Lilith did not agree, then the angels said that they would drown her in the sea.

- Leave me! she answered. “Don't you know that I was created to send weakness on small children? I have power over them from the moment they are born until they are eight days old if they are boys, or twenty if they are girls.

She also promised to attack mothers during childbirth and even men during their sleep to steal their sperm to conceive new demons to replace those killed by angels.

After these words, the angels wanted to drown Lilith, but she began to beg them to save her life, swearing that she would not harm those children who would be protected by an amulet or cameo, on which the names of Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof would be written or their faces or outlines. Here it should be noted that the found talismans of this kind are much older than the document "Alphabet of Ben Sira". The talismans were hung on the door or above the door and they depicted angels and wrote the phrase in Hebrew: “Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof! Adam and Eve! Cast out Lilith!" On some talismans, the name of the angel of that sea was also written, to which Lilith swore not to touch the children protected by the talisman. Angels saved Lilith's life, but every day a hundred of her children died, as Yahweh promised.

However, Lilith did not stop at the torment of the children and decided to take revenge on Adam. For this, she chose Eve as her victim - new wife first man. From the point of view of Christians, Satan tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but it would be more accurate to say that Lilith and Samael did it.

Continuation of the story You probably know ...

But Lilith did not rest on this either. She began to appear to Adam in dreams, tempting him to conceive more and more demons, who began to be called "lilin", who began to wander the world as evil spirits, chasing men and sending plague, disease and suffering on them. Naturally, not only adults, but also children began to suffer at the hands of Lilith: she drinks the blood of newborns and sucks the brain out of the bones.

During the Middle Ages, witches were called the offspring of Lilith. In past centuries, she was the image femme fatale. It was believed that Lilith breeds revenge, anger, witches, black magicians and prostitutes. For the average person, Lilith is a succubus, a demon of the distant past, someone might call her a vamp woman who tempts men in their dreams.

Currently, Lilith denotes unfulfilled sexual desires. It is in all natal charts in the same row with Jupiter, the Moon and the Sun. It represents the repressed shadow side of our personality, the agony and painful experience. If its presence is acknowledged and understood, we can benefit from it. Because we know who she was, we can help ourselves change. Lilith can push each of us to self-rejuvenation and self-realization.

Some facts about Lilith:

  • in natal chart women Lilith represents the power that she has.
  • in a man's birth chart, Lilith can represent hidden power struggles and unresolved issues with the women in his life.
  • for both sexes, Lilith shows what we would like to hide. Study Lilith in your natal chart to understand what defense mechanisms you use to hide any emotional defeat.
  • Lilith in the natal chart also represents sexual passion. After all, the existence of Lilith was inextricably linked with the "sphere of sexual feelings."
  • If Lilith in your chart forms any configuration with the Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Zenith (Midheaven), this means that you easily attract attention to yourself; that your personality is hypnotically attractive to people; that you have strong magnetism.

Maria Shaw, astrologer

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