What are the reasons for the departure of employees due to excessive turnover. Components of administration. Determination of hidden time losses

On the large enterprises with a large number employees for personnel management apply various techniques that are based on certain metrics.

One of the most common is the turnover and staff retention rates, which will be discussed in this article.

What it is?

The constancy coefficient is one of the indicators characterizing the state of personnel in the organization. He shows, how constant is the number of employees. Usually, one specific period is chosen during which movements (hirings and dismissals) occurred (or did not occur), and an analysis of the available quantitative indicators is carried out.

The coefficient shows what is the ratio of the number of employees who worked for the entire analyzed period to their total number at the current date (or the end of this period).

The turnover rate is also an important indicator for analyzing the state of the organization's personnel in terms of the effectiveness of internal organizational policies. It shows how the concept of “turnover” refers to the described enterprise, that is, constant and frequent change workers .

In mathematical terms, it is calculated as the ratio of retired (dismissed, terminated cooperation with the company) employees to their average (average) number.

Why is it necessary to calculate them?

Employee turnover and retention rates should be regularly reviewed in any organization in order to correct mistakes when hiring new specialists.

After receiving unsatisfactory results, any responsible manager will think about why this is happening, why people do not like working in this company, they are not satisfied with their working conditions, wages or work schedule. All these questions can be answered after analyzing the indicators under consideration.

Formulas and calculation procedure

The persistence factor is calculated based on two values:

  • Firstly, this is the number of people working in the organization who, for the entire period called the reporting period, performed their duties, that is, they worked. We will denote the entire period as H.
  • The second indicator is the number of employees at the end of the analyzed period. We designate as H the end_of_period.

The formula will look like this:

K post \u003d H entire period / H end_period * 100%

The formula for calculating the yield factor will be as follows:

K turnover = H dropouts / H average * 100% , where:

  • H retired - this is the number of retired employees from their positions. In this case, a certain period is taken into account.
  • H average - this is the average value of frames.

The number of employees who left includes those dismissed due to a violation of discipline, as agreed by the parties, and so on. In small quantities, this "turnover work force» is inevitable. But in any case, it is worth finding out exactly what reasons became the turning point for the emergence of an unfavorable state of affairs in the personnel of the enterprise.

The coefficients of constancy and turnover complement one another and at the same time are antipodes, as they represent two processes aimed at decreasing and increasing professionalism and comfort for employees of an organization.

Among the sources of the emergence of the labor force, as well as its disposal, it is customary to single out the following:

  • Specialists hired at the initiative of the company's management.
  • Persons who came in the direction of various employment agencies.
  • Individuals who were distributed after graduation in educational institutions appropriate focus on the places of compulsory work practice (accepted on permits).
  • Physiological. These are reasons of a vital, that is, physiological nature. For example, death, serious illness, reaching a certain retirement age.
  • Reasons foreseen by laws and regulations. For example, it could be joining the army.

Calculation examples

Let's say that in a steel plant, the number of employees for the whole reporting annual period is 2550 people, that is, N the entire period = 2550. And the number of people who remained at work or took up duties is 1835 people, that is, N end_of_period = 1835.

  • K post \u003d H entire period / H end_period \u003d 2550 / 1835 = 1,38 (138%).

If you also need to calculate the turnover rate, you need to know indicators such as the number of employees who left and the average estimated number of people employed in production or other activities in this enterprise. If we take the average N, equal to 2550 employees, and the N of the retired - 120 people, then the formula will take the following form:

  • To turnover \u003d H retired / H average = 120/2550 \u003d 0.047 (4.7%).

For information on how to work with staff turnover, see the following video:

Analysis of results, standard values

Since the listed workforce is a reflection of the number of people officially employed in the enterprise at a certain fixed point in time, that is, the number of people "on the list", it is the basis of the staff turnover rate. Moreover, it is necessary to distinguish between the payroll and the average headcount. The average list is an indicator taken not for a specific number, but for a certain period of time (for example, for a month, a year).

The normative values ​​of all coefficients differ from their ideal values ​​and depend on the planned activity of the enterprise.

The constancy coefficient should tend to zero. This will indicate the normal state of affairs in the enterprise and progress in the management sphere. That is, the frames are chosen correctly.

As for the flow coefficient, it can also change its standard or considered normal value. It all depends on the nature of the enterprise and the situation in the market area that the company occupies or is trying to occupy:

  • The normal turnover rate for senior managers is in the range from 0 to 2%, at the middle level - 8-10% , for line personnel - maximum 20%.
  • Norm for production workers and sales personnel - 20-30% .
  • For unskilled labor within 50%.

According to modern international studies, at an enterprise engaged in the IT industry, the turnover rate will be 8-10%, in production area– 10-15%, in the field of insurance and retail- 30%, and in the hotel and restaurant business it can reach 80%.

What is the difference between a Soviet-style personnel officer and a human resource manager? The personnel officer is engaged in office work - hiring, dismissal, maternity leave, payment of salaries, etc., in the personnel department, oceans of papers. The HR manager deals with resource management. He collects reliable statistics, analyzes them, plans, calculates risks, and proposes changes. He is involved in business process management, in advanced companies he is called a business partner.

Frame Movement Ratios: The Big Four

The basis modern management HR is statistics with coefficients calculation, charting, analysis and interpretation of changes in numbers by months, quarters, years. Acceptance turnover ratio is one of basic components personnel analysis. It is part of the "big four" coefficients that capture changes in the number and quality of personnel. These are the values:

  1. Recruitment turnover ratio - the share of hired employees from total number employees in the organization as a percentage.
  2. Turnover on dismissal - the share of dismissed employees from the total number.
  3. Full turnover - the share of hired plus dismissed from the total number.
  4. Staff turnover (not to be confused with dismissal turnover) - the proportion of those dismissed for violations of discipline and own will from the total number of employees.

This family of indicators perfectly describes the most important process - the movement of the labor force: the change in the number of employees as a result of personnel movements (hirings, dismissals or transfers).

Big Four: clarifications and formulas

Personnel statistics are distinguished by a considerable number of nuances and small, but actually important details. For example, the average headcount for any period is calculated quite cumbersomely: it is the sum of the number of employees for each day of the period, divided by the number of these days. Compliance with this kind of arithmetic is necessary and justified: daily staff changes are much more intense than it might seem. This is not only hiring and dismissal, it is transfers, decrees, training, restructuring and much more - everything that makes the turnover of personnel a permanent process that needs to be monitored very carefully.

On admission:

Number of hired employees for the period / for the period × 100%

Rules for analyzing the turnover ratio for hiring employees

When analyzing any personnel statistics, it is necessary to observe the most important rules:

  1. Analyze only (i.e. coefficients, no absolute numbers).
  2. Consider indicators only in combination with others and never alone.
  3. Consider indicators only in dynamics (as it was before) and in comparison with the statistics of other related departments or companies.

Calculating one figure according to the formula for the turnover coefficient for acceptance, entering it into the table and calming down on this is not our option. Who exactly joined the company? Pack of movers on new warehouse? Or managed to lure two TOPs to the department strategic planning who were hunted for six months? How many people were recruited, how many were released? Willingly or kicked out? How many valuable employees were not retained? And why do logisticians leave and come all the time?

17%: rejoice or tear your hair out?

For example, you are the new head of the company. The Human Resources Director proudly reported to you that your company's recruitment turnover rate was 17% in the last quarter. Do you rejoice or tear your hair on your head? In principle, both options are suitable, which one to choose?

First, demand the same coefficient, but upon dismissal. At the same time, the full turnover and staff turnover - the same big four - figures for the movement of personnel. Together with them, request the same indicators for the same quarter, but in the last and the year before last. With such data, one can speculate. By the way, if the HR director delayed the required figures or simply did not collect such statistics, fire her - this would be the right decision. The time of such personnel has passed. Now it's time to deal with 17% - is it a lot or a little?

High-flying HR: thinking and reasoning

Important! There is no standard rate of turnover for acceptance. It is possible to estimate the data at 17% only when analyzing the entire family of frame movement indicators. The only figure that you can focus on is the turnover of personnel (the proportion of those dismissed of their own free will and for violations of the average headcount). This is a very approximate and average figure of 5%. Fluidity or " horrible dream HR” also depends on many factors and, above all, on who exactly quit. Leaders of a large caliber leave less often, most often - drivers, loaders, assistants, sellers. For such, the turnover rate can be 40%. Go:

1. Given:

Turnover on admission 17%, turnover on dismissal 3%, turnover 2%.

Diagnosis: this company is expanding, there is an intensive recruitment of new employees, some have been transferred to other positions (and this is natural in a growing company), almost no one is fired (also natural), even newcomers within probationary period who made a mistake with the choice of the company: the recruitment department works well, they select the right candidates for positions, everyone is happy. An excellent personnel picture that pleases the heart of an understanding leader.

2. Given:

Turnover on admission 17%, turnover on dismissal 32%, turnover 23%

Diagnosis: completely different situation. Apparently, the company is undergoing a difficult restructuring: staff reductions (gaining less people than fired), changing the structure of departments and subordination, changing positions and functional duties, appraisal of employees with demotion is likely (very high rate of dismissal turnover, higher than the hiring ratio). Not all employees are happy with such changes, people began to leave of their own accord - the turnover increased. More people leave than come. But such a movement is planned, no surprises. The personnel picture is similar to the change of ownership.

3. Given:

Turnover on admission 17%, turnover on dismissal 0%, turnover 26%.

Diagnosis: an alarming picture: a lot of people are leaving (for an average indicator from TOPs to movers, 26% is too much). No one is moved in positions, no one leaves to give birth or study. Newcomers are hired, but fewer people are lost. Is it headed for bankruptcy? Severe crisis? By the way, if the turnover rate for hiring workers was 26%, that is, the same as for layoffs, then the degree of anxiety would be lower: such employee turnovers are often observed in retail trade companies (classic turnover of salesmen).


The big four state movement indicators, along with other staffing ratios, is a fascinating matrix for anyone who loves and knows how to think. This is an excellent and objective material for making strategic decisions on human resources and business development. Knowledge and understanding of such indicators is a necessary and extremely relevant skill for any leader thinking about tomorrow.

In organizations, the movement of personnel is a constant procedure. Instead of quitting employees, new employees come. The arrival of a new workforce affects the development of the enterprise in different ways. In order to analyze the movement of workers, special indicators are used, one of which is the turnover ratio for hiring workers.

What is the recruitment turnover ratio

The turnover ratio for admission is an indicator designed to analyze the movement of personnel. It makes it possible to make decisions on personnel management, and also shows what part of the employees made at a certain time.

The turnover on the reception of workers is the number of persons accepted in the reporting period. It can be a month, a quarter, half a year or a year.

The main sources of labor force formation are:

  • referral from the labor exchange;
  • transfer from other enterprises;
  • admission after graduation.

The list of staffing sources may be wider, taking into account the needs of personnel management services. However, in any case, the decision on admission is made by the employer.

The coefficients of movement of workers cannot be planned. Therefore, their analysis is carried out by comparison for the previous period or a number of periods. The turnover at the enterprise strongly influences its activity.

Turnover ratio for hiring employees: calculation

The formula for calculating the turnover ratio for hiring employees:

Cop \u003d NPV / SChS x 100, where

  • cop is the acceptance rate.
  • NPV- the number of hired employees for the period under review (month, quarter, year). It is calculated on the basis of the number of persons registered in the company with orders for admission. At the same time, accepted workers are not taken into account - part-time workers and persons working under civil law contracts.
  • SChS is the average number of workers for the period under review, or average headcount. To calculate it, it is necessary to determine the number of employees for each day of the analyzed time period. It is taken from the time sheet.

If the average number for the quarter is taken into account, then the number of people accepted by orders must be taken for the same period.

Calculation example

How the turnover ratio formula for hiring employees is used, let's look at a specific example.

Suppose the average headcount for 2016 is 700 people. The number of employed workers for this period is 150 people. Substituting the data into the formula, we obtain the turnover ratio for the reception of workers:

  • Cop \u003d 150 / 700 x 100 \u003d 21.43%

To analyze this indicator, it must be compared with the previous year. For example, in 2015, the number of employees was 670 people. Only 70 people were accepted in this period. It turns out that for 2015 the turnover indicator for the reception of employees amounted to:

  • Cop \u003d 70 / 670 x 100 \u003d 10.45%.

Compared to last year, the figure has more than doubled. Accordingly, the personnel service urgently needs to take measures to reduce turnover.

By calculating this indicator for different time periods, you can track how changes occur in the whole enterprise or individually by departments.

A thorough analysis of the change in the indicator makes it possible to take timely measures to reduce the turnover in the company. If you periodically perform the calculation of such an indicator, you can get general idea recruitment dynamics.

Due to the recent changes in the situation on the port services market and, as a result, increased competition, the port management has been given tasks aimed at minimizing economic risks, introducing flexible production processes, and building a unified management structure. The reorganization of the management structure made it possible to delimit the areas of responsibility between the port departments, eliminate duplication of functions of the departments, more clearly define the powers of officials within the departments, as well as increase the efficiency of managing production processes and increase the level wages. The regrouping of personnel made it possible to clearly define "areas of responsibility" in the system of execution and control of the functioning of the enterprise and to avoid duplication of functions.

The reorganization and optimization of the organizational structure of the port has radically changed the systematic approach to organizing work in the Directorate of the Chief Engineer and the Directorate of Operation. Implemented more efficient organizational structures allowed minimizing the costs and time of decision-making and at the same time improving their quality.

The provision of enterprises with labor resources, their rational use, and a high level of labor productivity are of great importance for increasing production volumes, reducing costs, increasing profits and improving a number of other economic indicators.

When analyzing labor resources, it is necessary to identify reserves and unused opportunities, as well as develop measures to put them into action. And it must begin with a check on the availability of labor resources for the enterprise, which is determined by comparing the number of employees in 2010 with the previous year 2009.

Table 11 - Security of the enterprise with labor resources, people.


Growth rate, %

Total, including:

Production personnel

of which dockers

Non-production personnel

Figure 7 - Quantitative composition port workers, pers.

Compared to 2009, there is a decline in the total number of port employees by 1.13%, but at the same time, there is an increase in the number of production personnel by 0.82%, of which the number of dockers also increased by 0.51%, we can conclude that new jobs and attracting employees to them. Non-production personnel decreased by 19.44%.

In general, we can conclude that a positive trend is observed in 2010. There is an increase in production personnel, and the number of non-production personnel is falling, but at the same time, the number of dockers is growing. As mentioned above, it is too early to draw a final conclusion about the impact of such changes at this stage of the analysis.

The reorganization of the management structure made it possible to significantly improve the quality of managers, specialists and employees in 2010. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the qualitative composition of the port specialists by education. For this, the following table is compiled.

Table 12 - Qualitative composition of specialists


Growth rate, %


Udel. The weight


Udel. The weight

Total engineers and employees:

with higher education

with secondary education


Figure 8 - Qualitative composition of port workers, pers.

In 2010 total strength Engineering and office workers decreased by 0.78%.

The downward trend is observed both in the number of employees with secondary education (decrease by 3 people) and in practices (decrease by 5 people), and there was such a decrease due to the receipt of higher professional education by employees, for which the largest share was noted in 2009 and 2010 years - 41.94% and 42.74% respectively.

The increase in employees with higher education was 101.12%.

From the above results, we can conclude that practitioners are being replaced by workers with higher and secondary education. Under normal conditions, the number of educated workers should increase.

To characterize the movement of the labor force, it is necessary to calculate and analyze the dynamics of the following indicators:

where is the retirement turnover ratio;

Number of people dismissed from work, people;

Number of port employees, pers.

where is the staff turnover rate;

The number of people dismissed of their own free will, people;

Number of people fired for violation labor discipline, people;

Average headcount, pers.

The data are given in the table.

Table 13 – Labor force movement, %


Growth rate, %

Acceptance turnover ratio - total

including dockers

Disposal turnover ratio - total

including dockers

Flow rate - total

including dockers

The hiring turnover ratio means the share of hired personnel in relation to the headcount. According to the table, it can be seen that there is a decrease in the coefficient by 14.33%, therefore, in 2010 the number of hired workers decreased compared to the previous one. The same situation occurs with dockers (3.14% decrease). Consequently, there has been a trend towards a decrease in those hired, which may be due to the introduction of modern methods of cargo processing, mechanization and automation.

The retirement turnover ratio means the proportion of retired personnel to the headcount. According to the calculations, it can be seen that there is a sharp increase in the retirement turnover rate by 42.17%. What does it say about the inconsistency of staff. For dockers, the ratio decreased by 11.63%. The overall increase in the coefficient indicates large-scale job cuts at the enterprise in order to recruit new qualified personnel.

When comparing these two ratios, a positive trend is the excess of the turnover ratio on admission over the turnover ratio on disposal. According to the table, it can be seen that in terms of the total composition of employees, the turnover rate for retirement in 2010 exceeds the turnover rate for admission. This indicates the loss of the main production personnel by the port. For dockers, on the contrary, the excess of turnover on admission, compared with disposal. In 2009, the situation was reversed: - in terms of the total composition of employees, the turnover ratio for admission exceeded the turnover ratio for retirement. However, for dockers, the retirement rate exceeded the acceptance rate. So, considering the trend of the ratio of indicators for two years, we can conclude that the enterprise, in principle, is functioning successfully.

As for the turnover rate, it tends to increase by 41.3% compared to 2009, which indicates a large percentage of layoffs in 2010, regarding the previous one. This is due to the general decrease in the number of employees of PJSC NCSP in 2010.

The basis for the analysis of the use of working time is the balance of working time, since the volume of cargo handling depends not so much on the number of employees, but on the amount of labor spent on production, determined by the amount of working time. We present the balance of working time of the total number of the port in Table 15.

Table 14 - Balance of working hours



Structure %

Total worked out


including labor leave

study leave

with the permission of the admin.

absenteeism and arrests

weekends and holidays

calendar fund

Figure 9 - Balance of working time, man-days

Having studied the data on the balance of working time and in accordance with Figure 9, we can say that there is a tendency for a decline in the calendar time fund, which occurs, first of all, due to a general decrease in the number of port employees, and according to the balance - due to a decrease in the number of workers worked days (-7,281 man-days) and no-shows (-6,589 man-days).

The decrease in the number of absenteeism was the result of a decline, to a greater extent, on weekends and holidays (-4,132 person-days), as well as absenteeism for work leave (-1,244 person-days), illness (-674 person-days) and absenteeism on permit administration (-492 man-days). Other categories of absenteeism (study leave, absenteeism and arrests) also showed a decline. A decrease in the number of absences is a good indicator for the effective functioning of the enterprise, however, due to a decrease in the number of employees at the enterprise, the number of days worked has also decreased.

Analyzing the structure, we can conclude that the largest share in the calendar fund of 2009 and 2010 is the number of days worked - 62.31% and 62.43%, respectively. That is, there was an increase in the share of days worked by 0.12%. What is a positive factor in the workflow of the enterprise.

The main share in absenteeism is occupied by weekends and holidays (27.4% in 2009 and 27.37% in 2010). The share of other categories in terms of the number of no-shows is insignificant and does not exceed 7%.

In general, for the port, it can be concluded that the number of absenteeism was reduced by 1.42%, and since the enterprise should strive to reduce them, as well as to minimize sickness absences (due to measures to prevent various diseases), this the condition, in this situation, is met and the decrease in no-shows is a positive trend in the growth of productivity and efficiency of the port.

A similar table must be compiled separately for dockers.

Table 15 – Work time balance of dockers



Structure %

Total worked out


including labor leave

study leave

with the permission of the admin.

absenteeism and arrests

weekends and holidays

calendar fund

Figure 10 - Balance of working hours of dockers, man-days

In accordance with Figure 10 and the data in the table, it can be noted that there is an increase in the calendar fund by 1,825 man-days, which was the result of an increase in the total number of dockers in the port. For the days worked, there is an increase by 676 person-days, for absenteeism - by 1,149 person-days, which is a large deviation in relation to the days worked, and this, in turn, is a negative trend.

The increase in the number of absenteeism is due to an increase in the number of holidays and weekends by 598 man-days, illnesses - by 242 man-days and labor leave - by 218 man-days. For other categories of the number of absenteeism, a slight increase was noted.

The share of hours worked in the calendar fund was 62.31% in 2009 and 62.19% in 2010. The share of no-shows was 37.69% and 37.81%, respectively.

Weekends and holidays account for the largest share in the structure of absenteeism (27.4% in 2009 and 27.42% in 2010), while the share of other reasons for absenteeism does not exceed 7%.

On the whole, for dockers, there is an increase in the calendar fund of working time due to an increase in the number of man-days worked. This indicates the efficiency of using the calendar fund of working time.

Based on the work time balance data, you can determine and analyze the utilization rates of calendar and time.

The coefficient of use of calendar time is defined as the ratio of the sum of worked man-days to the calendar time fund.

where K t.v - coefficient of use of calendar time;

T neg - the number of worked man-days;

T is the total number of man-days;

T out, pr - weekends and holidays.

Table 16 - Coefficients for the use of calendar and time


Growth rate, %

Coefficient of use of calendar time - total

including dockers

Time utilization rate - total

including dockers

The coefficient of use of calendar time shows the share of hours worked in the calendar fund, so its growth is a positive trend. Table 17 shows that there is an increase of 0.16%. As for the calendar time utilization rate of dockers, it decreased slightly - by 0.16%.

The time utilization ratio shows the share of hours worked in the calendar fund, recalculated taking into account weekends and public holidays. In this case, this figure remains virtually unchanged compared to the previous year. Its change is 0.002 (+0.23%), for dockers - minus 0.001 (-0.12%).

Consequently, the main part of absenteeism is holidays and weekends, this fact does not depend on the efficiency of the enterprise. The port cannot increase the number of working days due to this indicator, since the number of holidays and weekends is established by the law of the Russian Federation.

The turnover ratio for hiring employees is important indicator movement of labor in the enterprise. It is required in order to monitor the movement of the labor force, in particular, to determine the proportion of people hired to the average list of those already enrolled earlier for this period.

The movement of labor in the enterprise

Personnel movement in an organization is the number of employees who are hired, fired, transferred to another department, or new position In the organisation.

The movement of the number of employees is carried out for various reasons. Firstly, people reach an age when they are already distinguished by their ability to work and are accepted into various organizations. In addition, some people retire at a certain age.

Secondly, it takes into account the military conscription and the end of the service. Thirdly, the change of place of residence largely affects the movement of workers. It takes into account the receipt of special education and employment in their specialty. Be sure to take into account that people may not be satisfied with their work, conditions, pay (for example, a difficult atmosphere in a team or with superiors, non-payment of bonuses, regime, etc.).

Personnel management is carried out thanks to the maintenance of special documentation. These can be various orders and applications. In addition, for this purpose, it is always required to calculate various indicators. For example, it can be turnovers on acceptance and disposal.

The reception turnover takes into account the number of people who are accepted to perform various duties. But this parameter is calculated only for the time period. The labor force is formed by various sources. For example, this happens in the direction of employment services. Employees can be transferred from other companies. In addition, people go to work after graduation. Services that control the movement of personnel may use other sources.

With regard to turnover on departure, this is the number of employees who were dismissed due to various reasons. Among them, the main ones are considered to be the end of the contract, retirement upon reaching a certain age. In addition, a man can be drafted into the army. Sometimes employees are transferred to other companies or departments. The reason for dismissal may be admission to study at specialized institutions. The end of work due to the death of a person is taken into account.

If a person leaves the workplace for no good reason, then this phenomenon is called labor turnover or excessive turnover. So a person can quit because of his desire, which he is not obliged to explain to anyone. In addition, he may be fired by management due to frequent absenteeism or other violations that are not provided for by discipline in the organization. Now there are new reasons when a person is fired. For example, a company may go into liquidation.

There is sometimes a reduction in the number of employees due to the fact that there is a decline in production. In some sectors of the domestic economy, you can notice large indicators.

But such a disposal is not carried out because of the fault of the employees, however, it still refers to excessive turnover and has Negative influence on the economy and social sphere.

Turnover ratio

Personnel movement indicators are very diverse. For example, the acceptance turnover index is taken into account. This parameter takes into account the number of people who are accepted into the company, but the amount must be further divided by the average number of employees on the list for a certain period.

The turnover ratio is also calculated for dismissal. In this case, the number of people who were fired in a certain period of time is taken into account, but the amount is divided by the average number of employees that are on the company's list.

As for the turnover rate in the enterprise, it is necessary to sum up both the number of people hired by the company and the number of people laid off, and then divided by the number of people in the organization. The indicator is also calculated only for a certain period.

The turnover ratio is required in order to study the intensity of the dynamics of the workforce and compare with other companies or departments. If we consider the turnover ratio on arrival, then it can be calculated in general, as well as for individual reasons.

For example, people who quit on their own, as well as those who were dismissed due to absenteeism, are taken into account separately. But the denominator in the calculations will always be the same.

In addition, it is necessary to calculate the company's labor turnover index. In this case, it is required to divide the number of people who were dismissed due to a violation of discipline or at their own request by the number of employees who are on the list of the enterprise. The last index shows the movement of the labor force, which is characterized as unjustified, because. it leads to the fact that it takes time to train new workers.

It is best to calculate the parameters not only as a whole for the entire enterprise, but also for individual departments, departments, workshops. You can make calculations for certain groups of workers and their categories. Such indexes will help to make the analysis more detailed, which has practical value for personnel management.

If we consider the turnover index by various industries economy, the data will be significantly different. For example, the maximum disposal turnover will be in the construction industry, where the parameter reaches almost 50%. In trade and catering, this index is approximately 41%. For the communications sector, it is almost 32%. The lowest parameters for the studied indicator are observed in management, where the indicator does not exceed 13%. In science, it is only 17%, as in education. For Agriculture the figure is 27%, and for the industrial sector up to about 30%.

Comprehensive workforce analysis

Indicators of the movement of the number of employees help to analyze the efficiency of the use of labor resources. To do this, it is imperative to calculate not only the turnover rate for the acceptance and dismissal of employees, as well as the full turnover rate, but also the replacement (replenishment) index.

The replacement index is known as the replacement rate for workers. This parameter is required in order to link labor migration with the situation that is developing in the labor market. This index is calculated as follows. It takes the number of employees who were hired in a certain period divided by the number of people who were laid off during that time. The index is calculated in another way. In this case, the incoming turnover ratio must be divided by the outgoing turnover index. If the resulting number is less than one, then at the enterprise, in the industry or in the economy as a whole there is a tendency to reduce the number of employees, which leads to unemployment.

In addition, you should pay attention to the coefficient of constancy. It helps to characterize the level of employees who are constantly involved in a particular enterprise. The indicator is taken into account only for a certain period. To calculate it, it is required to subtract the number of those people who quit from the number of employees on the lists at the beginning of the billing period. Further, the resulting number must be divided by the average number of employees on the lists for the entire period. In addition, the analysis will need an indicator of absenteeism. This coefficient indicates the ratio of the number of people who did not go to work to total working days.

What else matters?

Another indicator that needs to be calculated is the average output per employee per year. It will take the number of all products that were created in a year, divided by the number of employees on the list in the company.

To determine the average daily output, you need to divide the total production that was produced in a year by the number of days. The average output per hour is calculated as the total volume of output per year, divided by the number of hours that a person worked. There are many more specific indicators that will help to make a more detailed analysis.

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