WHO has recognized vegetarianism and a raw food diet as mental illness (F63.8). Vegetarianism and WHO: how does the World Health Organization treat vegetarians? WHO on Vegetarianism for Children

The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that vegetarianism, veganism (so-called veganism) and a raw food diet are not associated with any mental disorders. This message appeared in the official twitter of the organization. Thus, WHO reacted to the "sensational" news, which was reprinted by more than a hundred sites, including the largest online media, and which was reported in news releases of federal television channels.

The information that WHO allegedly included vegetarianism and a raw food diet in the group "Disorders of habits and desires" of the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision under the code F63.8 turned out to be a "duck" launched by the fake news website fognews.ru. To make sure that this pathology is not in the ICD, it was enough to open the corresponding section on the official website. Nevertheless, the "sensation" was very widely distributed throughout the RuNet and caused a heated and heated discussion.

Recall that at the end of last year, similar rumors were circulating about love: allegedly it was also included in the ICD under the code F63.9, which also turned out to be untrue.


Vegetarianism and the World Health Organization (WHO)

Recently, information has appeared on various thematic resources that World Health Organization (WHO) expanded the list of mental disorders to include raw food diet and vegetarianism. Thus, everyone who does not eat meat for a variety of reasons, including people who monitor their health and those who do not want to harm their body with steroids, antibiotics and chemicals that come with meat, are recognized as mentally ill. Earlier, about a year ago, love was also included in this list. Homosexuality (which is sometimes accompanied by public appeals during gay parades and mass propaganda among minors), on the contrary, was excluded.

But back to the problem vegetarianism and raw food diet. The pretext for such actions was a tragic incident that occurred in Spain: a family of orthodox raw foodists brought her children to a coma, and miraculously managed to save them.

World Health Organization as a special agency of the UN, the organization is very authoritative, and the leading experts who are its employees are hardly able to see the difference between fanatical raw foodists who force all their loved ones to confess their way of life, and vegetarians, many of which tolerate eggs and dairy products and are comfortable with their non-vegetarian counterparts. This begs the question - who benefits from this? It is no secret to anyone that many companies producing and selling meat products are monopolists with strong lobbies.

It should be noted that meat produced in modern conditions can hardly be called a healthy product. Feeding with chemicals and genetically modified products does not add health to animals. The processing of meat, which most non-vegetarians resort to when cooking, also does not bring him any benefit: people who prefer a piece of steamed or boiled beef to a pork chop fried in a lot of oil tend to zero.

In the course of research, it was found that extremes are bad - a shorter life expectancy turns into a categorical rejection of any animal food (we are talking, first of all, about the rejection of products from milk and eggs), and eating meat. When analyzing life expectancy in relation to diets in 1999. 76,000 people were examined. This study showed that life expectancy vegans and people who actively consume meat products are approximately the same. At vegetarians(using milk and eggs) the mortality rate was lower by 16%. Similar figures were diets also includes fish and seafood.

About the benefits of lacto- and lacto-ovo vegetarian diet Much has been said, which is confirmed by the data of various studies.

It is worth noting that there is no official confirmation of the information on the inclusion of vegetarianism and a raw food diet in the list of mental disorders from World Health Organization not received. It is possible that this information is not true, and its appearance in a variety of information sources is associated with the actions of third parties.

WHO attitude towards vegetarianism has always been ambiguous, and the situation may still change. WHO expert consultations in 1989, for example, indicated that vegetarian food may be adequate, i.e. well suited to the needs of the body. According to research under the auspices of WHO in 1990. conclusions were drawn that animal protein must be present in the diet and make up at least 30% of the total amount of protein consumed. This position does not in any way run counter to vegetarian traditions - these 30% can be “collected” by including cottage cheese, cheese and eggs in your diet.

By simple mathematical calculations, it is possible to more accurately establish the daily human need for animal protein in grams. Daily human need for protein averages 70-80 g. 30% of 75 g - 22.5 g.

Below is the protein content per 100 g in some foods that are allowed in your diet. lacto-vegetarians and ovo-lacto-vegetarians:

Suluguni cheese - 20 g
Cheddar cheese - 23 g
Parmesan cheese - 33 g
Feta cheese - 17 g
Low-fat cottage cheese - 18 g
Eggs - 12.5 g

And this is not the whole list of products. Note that meat contains on average 15-20 g of protein per 100 g of product, and the degree of digestibility of meat proteins is lower than, for example, curd protein (which at the same time has a complete amino acid composition).

It would also not be superfluous to say that some of the major associations belong to vegetarianism rather positive than neutral, for example, American Dietetic Association.

The main conclusion that can be drawn from analyzing the data coming from various sources is that the greater value for health has the form vegetarianism, which a particular person adheres to, and its balance diets. Eggs and dairy products are quite capable of covering human needs for animal products, and the body, in their presence in the diet, will receive all the vital substances. The most important thing is to properly plan your meals.


WHO calls vegetarianism a mental illness and homosexuality the norm

The mental disorder known scientifically as orthorexia has long been a matter of medical concern.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a list of neurological disorders and mental illness, supplementing it with diets such as raw food and vegetarianism. Specialists attributed them to the group of disorders, drives and habits of subgroup F63.8. However, the American Dietetic Association does not entirely agree with such a radical opinion.

One of the main reasons that prompted experts to attribute these diets to a disease was the tragic news of a family of raw foodists from the Spanish city of Malaga, in which parents brought their children to a coma, limiting them to a strict diet. The children were barely saved thanks to neighbors who reacted to the situation in time and sought medical help, says globalscience.ru. Both parents were sent to a psychiatric clinic for compulsory treatment and deprived of the right to temporarily see their children.

However, the American Dietetic Association does not entirely agree with such a radical opinion. She is convinced that following a properly balanced diet has a beneficial effect on human health, supplying the body with all the necessary elements.

The mental disorder known scientifically as orthorexia or a pathological passion for a healthy lifestyle has long been a concern for medical professionals. They continue to recommend people to follow a healthy lifestyle, while appealing not to go beyond the reasonable in this matter.

So, if you are one of those who are into raw or vegetarian diets and eat a strictly balanced diet, think about it - do you feel uncomfortable about the idea that someone does not adhere to proper nutrition at all? Does the inability to eat as you are used to, or do you want to go away, irritate you? Do you get disgusted by the sight of fried meat? All these signs indicate a mental disorder that is aimed at self-destruction.

It is worth recalling that more recently, WHO representatives have added love under the code F63.9 to the new register of diseases. Although, for example, such a deviation as homosexuality, on the contrary, was deleted from the list of all mental disorders.

Vegetarianism is recognized as a mental illness

The World Health Organization has included a raw food diet and vegetarianism in the list of mental disorders that need to be combated in the first place.

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) came to an unusual decision: they published a new list of diseases that psychiatrists should pay attention to, supplementing it with such ailments as vegetarianism and a raw food diet. To the surprise of all adherents of plant foods, now their eating behavior is officially classified as "mental disorders of habits and drives." It should be noted that the diets of fans of vegetarianism and especially raw food diets are often criticized by the public, not to mention doctors and nutritionists. So, doctors consider the complete rejection of animal food and products that do not contain animal protein as extremely harmful to human health.

As a refutation of this point of view, the vegetarian community has published many books and programs arguing that the refusal to eat meat in favor of vegetables and fruits is not at all dangerous, but, on the contrary, leads to an improvement in the physical condition of the body. But now all the arguments of vegetarians and raw foodists have come under attack, because hardly anyone will undertake to challenge the decision of the World Health Organization. However, its specialists have a reason for such decisions: many cite the incident that occurred in Malaga, Spain, where one of the local families forbade their children to eat meat and processed foods, as the reason for including vegetarianism in the list of mental illnesses. As a result of strict parental measures, the kids ended up in the hospital in serious condition, and their father and mother were sent to a psychiatric hospital.

The vegan community reacted to this incident and to the decision of the WHO, noting that they are not responsible for what happened, because they do not consider it acceptable to impose their eating habits on those who do not agree with them, or on those who may be harmed by them.

Vegetarianism is recognized as a mental illness

The World Health Organization has made a sensational conclusion that shocked vegetarians - their hobby is recognized as a mental illness! Vegetarianism is a diet that excludes […]

The World Health Organization has made a sensational conclusion that shocked vegetarians - their hobby is recognized as a mental illness!

Vegetarianism- a food system that excludes the use of meat of any animals. Some mistakenly believe that vegetarians refuse all animal products, but this is not entirely true - this is what followers of a related movement, veganism (veganism) do.

Vegetarians have long been under attack from people who find it hard to believe that you can very successfully and painlessly exist without eating meat.

The main motivation for vegans to avoid animal food is to limit the suffering and killing of animals. Many vegetarians also believe that a plant-based diet reduces the risk of a variety of diseases, is cheaper than a meat-based diet, indirectly reduces environmental pollution, and is generally natural for humans.

In many religions, a plant-based diet is part of standard ascetic practices.

The first vegetarian society was founded in England in 1847, where vegetarianism became popular, some say, under the influence of Buddhism and Hinduism, which the British colonialists met in India. Italy is now the country with the most vegetarian diets in Europe - 10% of the population of this country does not eat lethal food. And until recently, the movement has constantly grown in number and geography of distribution.

However, now, as a result of expert research, vegetarianism and a raw food diet have been recognized by authoritative scientists from the World Health Organization as mental illnesses that are in the company of other ailments that fall under the definition of "a disorder of habits and drives."

Supporters of a strict diet were recognized as insane for a reason. The reason for this was a recent incident in the Spanish city of Malaga, where one of the local families brought their children into a coma, forbidding them to eat meat, as well as foods that were subjected to any heat treatment - cooking, frying, smoking and others. The kids were saved by neighbors who called doctors and the police in time. Negligent adult "humanists" were sent to a psychiatric hospital, separating them from their children.

The document published by the WHO caused a storm of protest among vegetarians around the world. They wrote many letters to the organization, arguing that there is nothing wrong with a well-formulated vegetable diet, just that you should not force your point of view on others, for example, forcing children to refuse meat if it is necessary for their health or get angry on meat-eating friends eating steaks.

Published on 26.03.12 17:41

In addition to vegetarianism, the list of disorders and mental illnesses to be treated includes a raw food diet.

The World Health Organization has published an expanded list of disorders and mental illnesses to be treated: a raw food diet and vegetarianism have been added to the list of diseases, write Argumenty Nedeli.

Raw food and vegetarianism are included by WHO experts in the group of disorders of habits and inclinations F63.8. Earlier it became known that in Spain, in the city of Malaga, a family of raw foodists brought their children to a coma with a strict diet, they barely managed to save the children.

As Voice of Russia notes, such cases intcbatch were also seen in Russia. So in Orenburg, the guardianship authorities were forced to take the children to an orphanage from two raw food families at once. The reason for this was the extreme degree of exhaustion of babies, whose diet consisted exclusively of plant foods.

Among vegetarians, the new WHO list has caused numerous protests, Vesti notes. The American Dietetic Association claims that a properly formulated vegetable is not harmful to health.

At the same time, nutritionists made an interesting gastronomic observation, which is also useful for vegetarians. Researchers have found increased levels of antioxidant polyphenols in popcorn. From this point of view, popcorn is even healthier than fruits and vegetables. One serving of popcorn contains up to 300 milligrams of polyphenols, while a serving of fruit contains only 160 milligrams. It turned out that the most useful part of popcorn is the husk, in which the concentration of polyphenols and fiber is maximum. This was reported in a report by researchers presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego.

Recently, information has appeared on various thematic resources that World Health Organization (WHO) expanded the list of mental disorders to include raw food diet and vegetarianism. Thus, everyone who does not eat meat for a variety of reasons, including people who monitor their health and those who do not want to harm their body with steroids, antibiotics and chemicals that come with meat, are recognized as mentally ill. Earlier, about a year ago, love was also included in this list. Homosexuality (which is sometimes accompanied by public appeals during gay parades and mass propaganda among minors), on the contrary, was excluded.

But back to the problem vegetarianism and raw food diet. The pretext for such actions was a tragic incident that occurred in Spain: a family of orthodox raw foodists brought her children to a coma, and miraculously managed to save them.

World Health Organization as a special agency of the UN, the organization is very authoritative, and the leading experts who are its employees are hardly able to see the difference between fanatical raw foodists who force all their loved ones to confess their way of life, and vegetarians, many of which tolerate eggs and dairy products and are comfortable with their non-vegetarian counterparts. This begs the question: who benefits from this? It is no secret to anyone that many companies producing and selling meat products are monopolists with strong lobbies.

It should be noted that meat produced in modern conditions can hardly be called a healthy product. Feeding with chemicals and genetically modified products does not add health to animals. The processing of meat, which most non-vegetarians resort to when cooking, also does not bring him any benefit: people who prefer a piece of steamed or boiled beef to a pork chop fried in a lot of oil tend to zero.

In the course of research, it was found that extremes are bad - a shorter life expectancy turns into a categorical rejection of any animal food (we are talking, first of all, about the rejection of products from milk and eggs), and eating meat. When analyzing life expectancy in relation to diets in 1999. 76,000 people were examined. This study showed that life expectancy vegans and people who actively consume meat products are approximately the same. At vegetarians(using milk and eggs) the mortality rate was lower by 16%. Similar figures were diets also includes fish and seafood.

About the benefits of lacto- and lacto-ovo vegetarian diet Much has been said, which is confirmed by the data of various studies.

It is worth noting that there is no official confirmation of the information on the inclusion of vegetarianism and a raw food diet in the list of mental disorders from World Health Organization not received. It is possible that this information is not true, and its appearance in a variety of information sources is associated with the actions of third parties.

WHO attitude towards vegetarianism has always been ambiguous, and the situation may still change. WHO expert consultations in 1989, for example, indicated that vegetarian food may be adequate, i.e. well suited to the needs of the body. According to research under the auspices of WHO in 1990. conclusions were drawn that animal protein must be present in the diet and make up at least 30% of the total amount of protein consumed. This position does not in any way run counter to vegetarian traditions - these 30% can be “collected” by including cottage cheese, cheese and eggs in your diet.

By simple mathematical calculations, it is possible to more accurately establish the daily human need for animal protein in grams. Daily human need for protein averages 70-80 g. 30% of 75 g - 22.5 g.

Below is the protein content per 100 g in some foods that are allowed in your diet. lacto-vegetarians and ovo-lacto-vegetarians:

Suluguni cheese - 20 g
Cheddar cheese - 23 g
Parmesan cheese - 33 g
Feta cheese - 17 g
Low-fat cottage cheese - 18 g
Eggs - 12.5 g

And this is not the whole list of products. Note that meat contains on average 15-20 g of protein per 100 g of product, and the degree of digestibility of meat proteins is lower than, for example, curd protein (which at the same time has a complete amino acid composition).

It would also not be superfluous to say that some of the major associations belong to vegetarianism rather positive than neutral, for example, American Dietetic Association.

The main conclusion that can be drawn from analyzing the data coming from various sources is that the greater value for health has the form vegetarianism, which a particular person adheres to, and its balance diets. Eggs and dairy products are quite capable of covering human needs for animal products, and the body, in their presence in the diet, will receive all the vital substances. The most important thing is to properly plan your meals.

The mental disorder known scientifically as orthorexia has long been a matter of medical concern.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a list of neurological disorders and mental illness, supplementing it with diets such as raw food and vegetarianism. Specialists attributed them to the group of disorders, drives and habits of subgroup F63.8. However, the American Dietetic Association does not entirely agree with such a radical opinion.

Photo from slavyanskaya-kultura.ru

One of the main reasons that prompted experts to attribute these diets to a disease was the tragic news of a family of raw foodists from the Spanish city of Malaga, in which parents brought their children to a coma, limiting them to a strict diet. The children were barely saved thanks to neighbors who reacted to the situation in time and sought medical help, says globalscience.ru. Both parents were sent to a psychiatric clinic for compulsory treatment and deprived of the right to temporarily see their children.

However, the American Dietetic Association does not entirely agree with such a radical opinion. She is convinced that following a properly balanced diet has a beneficial effect on human health, supplying the body with all the necessary elements.

The mental disorder known scientifically as orthorexia or a pathological passion for a healthy lifestyle has long been a concern for medical professionals. They continue to recommend people to follow a healthy lifestyle, while appealing not to go beyond the reasonable in this matter.

So, if you are one of those who are fond of raw food or vegetarianism and eat a strictly balanced diet, think about it - do you feel uncomfortable about the idea that someone does not adhere to proper nutrition at all? Does the inability to eat as you are used to, or do you want to go away, irritate you? Do you get disgusted by the sight of fried meat? All these signs indicate a mental disorder that is aimed at self-destruction.

It is worth recalling that more recently, WHO representatives have added love under the code F63.9 to the new register of diseases. Although, for example, such a deviation as homosexuality, on the contrary, was deleted from the list of all mental disorders.

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