Wild boar habits in spring. Features of the behavior of a wild boar. Human influence on wild pig population

The wild boar is a mammal that originates from the order of pigs. He is considered the ancestor of the modern domestic, which, as a result of domestication, became such. The wild boar is a unique animal that lives on almost every continent of our Earth.

Features and description of wild boar

A wild boar has a rooted body, the length of which can be up to one and a half meters. Body height usually reaches 1 meter. The mass of a mature wild boar can be from 60 to 300 kg.

It depends on whether a female or a male is considered in a particular case. Males have a large head that is extended forward. The ears are quite large, both in width and in height. The snout ends with a heel, which has different sizes.

The body is covered with hard hair. In winter, additional fluff appears on the body of a wild boar, which does not allow it to freeze. There is a certain bristle on the back, which stands on end if the animal is in an excited state. Small boars can be painted with stripes. A wild boar can eat a variety of plants, which can be divided into groups:

1. Tubers and weeds of plants.
2. The fruits of fruit trees, as well as various berries that grow in the forest.
3. The plants themselves, which are available to the boar.
4. Some representatives of the animal world (for example, worms or insects that live in the forest).

It is worth noting that the wild boar finishes off half of its food from the soil, since it contains enough of it for the life of the animal. On average, a large boar can eat about 5 kg. feed in one day.

These are quite mobile and lead an active lifestyle. In summer they like to swim, and in winter they just run through the forest in search of food. Boars lead a herd life, but there are exceptions in the form of adult boars that live separately.

A boar with small children also lives separately. To understand how a pig differs from a boar, you can view a photo wild boar. Also on the Internet you can find many video about wild boars.

Wild boar habitat

Despite all the facts and conjectures, there is only one conclusion - boar wild animal, which often changes its environment. Wild boar can be found in a wide variety of places in the world.

The wild boar's habitat can be both tropical places with a rather warm climate and harsh taiga forests. In the mountains, wild boar can be found at any height, as well as in some alpine meadows.

It is found in oak and beech forests, as well as in swampy areas. Wild boars also inhabit the mountains of the Caucasus, and in autumn they visit fruit forests and orchards. Sometimes they can be found in the bed of some rivers, which are surrounded by bushland.

The habitat of the wild boar is completely dependent on the food that is common at one time or another in some areas. wild boar meat quite dense, and this is served by his diet, which consists of various herbs.

Wild boars can move and go to pastures in more fertile areas, such as the steppe. They may raid rural areas that are close to forests and wild boar habitats.

Wild boars that live in the tropics are practically not studied. But those that live in neighboring countries and in the taiga are quite predictable animals. They can live in fairly large areas.

For example, one adult wild boar can occupy a territory up to 15 km, which is quite a large area. Closer to winter, wild boars can move from higher places on the mountain to the foot.

Sometimes wild boars can overcome the path, which is more than 100 km. from the place of permanent deployment. Such trips can be caused by various reasons, such as fires or lack of food.

Boars can lie in wait various dangers. So, for example, dangerous flooring, which is found in the forest, can injure the legs. Another inhabitant of the forest is also dangerous for him -. One of global problems is wild boar hunting, which is often carried out just randomly.

Wild boar meat and recipes

The meat of a wild boar is one of the purposes of hunting for it. How to cook wild boar knows almost every hunter who has ever brought a carcass home. Many people know recipes from wild boar, but in reality the meat is quite tough.

Wild boar dishes are quite complex in terms of its preparation. It is best to take simple recipes that even a beginner can use. Probably the most a simple dish, which can be made from wild boar meat, is stew. This will require lard and animal meat.

You also need to use onions, flour, mustard and seasoning to taste. The meat should be soaked in a solution of lemon juice. Thanks to him, the meat will become tender and ready for further processing.

Fresh after stewing should be poured with sour cream sauce. Dishes from wild boar, as well as from other types of meat, require some preparation. You can cook wild boar meat on a fire, without special utensils. You don't have to go hunting to eat wild meat, you can buy wild boar from a familiar hunter.

Is wild boar dangerous to humans?

The wild boar does not pose a potential danger to humans. If you do not climb into his territory, then you have nothing to fear. There are cases when a wild boar rushes at people, but such cases are rare. If, nevertheless, it failed to encounter a similar phenomenon, then it is best to climb the nearest tree.

The wild boar is the most famous and popular animal among hunters. A trophy in the form of a head or fangs, hanging on the wall after a successful hunt, pleasantly pleases the eye and brings its own zest to the home interior.

But keep in mind that hunting a boar is very dangerous. With an unsuccessful shot (especially for inexperienced hunters), he can only be wounded. From this, the boar becomes furious, he can attack the hunter and inflict serious injuries on him.


What does a boar look like? The boar is a powerful and strong animal. He has a fairly large build and short legs. A short body with a short tail, a massive sternum and a narrow pelvis. His neck is short, thick, the skull is wedge-shaped. The nose of a boar, like that of a domestic pig, is a snout.

The coat is hard, reminiscent of bristles. It ranges from dark gray to Brown color. With the advent of winter, it thickens, a dense undercoat appears.

The billhook has a body length of 90-180 cm. Its height at the withers varies from 50 to 110 cm. How much does a wild boar weigh? It weighs between 50 and 300 kg. The average weight of a wild boar is 150 kg. The male boar is usually larger and heavier than the female. The maximum speed of the boar is up to 45 km per hour.

How long do boars live? Average duration life is approximately 10 years, and in captivity - up to 20 years.

The most remarkable part of the body of the billhook are the fangs. When the boar reaches maturity, they grow up to 25 cm. With them, he gets his own food, digging up the ground for the extraction of rhizomes. The billhooks also defend themselves with fangs from enemies: bears or wolves.

Types of billhooks

Each region has its own species of wild boars. In Spain, France, Italy, the Central European or Marem species is common. In Sardinia and Andalusia, the Mediterranean boar. And also there are Indian, Oriental and many others.


Where does the boar live? Initially, these animals were seen in Asia, Europe, North Africa. After they appeared on the islands of Britain, Java, Sumatra and many others. Today they live in the forests of Siberia, in some areas of the Irkutsk region, as well as the Krasnoyarsk Territory. You can also meet him in the Moscow region.

Boar habitat is tropical, mountain forests, with high humidity. In our country, it is attracted by oak forests and swampy areas.


This animal is not very good vision but excellent sense of smell. He smells a person, especially in the wind, at a distance of about 400 km. Pungent odors can scare away the animal and disrupt the hunt.

The boar is an animal that lives mainly in herds. Usually it is inhabited by females with boars of last year's breeding. An adult boar leaves it and lives alone. He returns to the herd only for the mating period, taking the place of the leader.

The boar is active at night. During this period, he goes out to have lunch and take water procedures. During the day, he rests in the reeds or in the swamps, hiding in the bushes.


The habits of the wild boar are quite interesting.

These animals are very sensitive to temperature changes. In order not to get sunburn and protect themselves from the bites of various insects, they are carefully smeared in the mud.

An important condition for the living of these animals is the presence of a reservoir near the rookery.

The habits of wild animals make the boar stay away from people. To settlements they approach extremely rarely, but forays into the fields where oats or corn grow are made regularly.

The boar leads a sedentary lifestyle. AT summer months he only comes out of his hiding place to eat. Then he comes back again to rest.

AT winter time the habits of the boar do not change. The wild boar also moves little in winter, as the snow does not allow it to go far. The wild boar, despite its clumsiness, is an excellent swimmer.


The rutting period for wild boars lasts from December to January. An adult male finds a herd of females by smell, sound and footprints. When the boars are in rut, they return to the herd. After fertilization, they leave it again. As a rule, wild boars have several females per rut.

At this time, the behavior of males becomes aggressive. If a rival came to the herd, a deadly fight is inevitable. They hit each other with their fangs, inflicting terrible lacerations. The loser leaves the herd.

Pregnancy of the female proceeds for 120-130 days. Before the start of childbirth, she leaves the herd and looks for a secluded place. Then he builds a couch for himself, like a "nest" of branches and dry grass.

The female boar gives birth to 5 to 15 piglets weighing about 1 kg. Their coat is black or brown with white longitudinal stripes. This color protects babies from predator attacks. It is better not to approach the female's lair during this period, as she is very aggressive.


What do boars eat? Appearance these animals are quite formidable, so many are interested in whether the wild boar is a predator or not.

In fact, they are practically omnivorous, because they eat wild boars in different time year different food:

  1. The wild boar feeds in the forest, extracting various roots and tubers from under the ground. bulbous plants. They contain a large amount of useful substances.
  2. In summer and spring, the wild boar feeds on green leaves and shoots of plants.
  3. Its diet includes berries, fruits, acorns, nuts, potatoes and agricultural plants.
  4. They also feed on frogs, earthworms, insects, larvae, and small vertebrates, and in winter they do not hesitate to pick up carrion.
  5. The wild boar also eats acorns, voles, oats and wheat in autumn.

Now you know what a wild boar eats.

natural enemies

Boars have their enemies. These are wolves, bears or lynxes. Wolves attack in packs. First, one of them, jumping on top of the boar, knocks him to the ground, then the whole flock pounces on him. Lynx, most often attacks young individuals who have strayed from the herd. She jumps on his back, inflicting severe and fatal wounds.

The bear is the most feared enemy. Attacking the billhook, the bear squeezes the animal with its powerful paws, and it dies from bone fractures.

Hunting features

Wild boar hunting is one of the most dangerous activities. You can hunt alone or take part in a paddock. We must not forget about the peculiarities of the habits of wild animals and that it is very large. Its weight reaches 300 kg.

The beginning of the hunting season depends on the places where he lives. From August to January - this is hunting for young animals and males. Shooting of females falls on September and December. There are many ways to hunt a billhook: from a tower, a paddock, with dogs or from an approach.


You will find interesting facts about the life of a boar in our video.

Game can be a great decoration holiday table especially if wild boar meat is used. Of course, to try it, you need to get a wild boar, and for this you should go hunting. Wild boars are quite dangerous animals, regardless of the season, so this kind of fishing is available only to experienced hunters. But novice fishers can also go to the production of a billhook, having previously armed themselves with the necessary weapons and theoretical knowledge.

In this article, we will try to reveal the secrets of successful hunting for a wild boar in winter: we will consider what weapon is better to use, where it is better to aim, and what types of winter hunting for this animal are most often practiced by experienced hunters.

Boar hunting in winter

Hunting for a wild boar in winter is considered a male occupation, which not all hunters with experience can do. Compared to duck hunting, boar hunting represents the most real threat for life and health. On average, a boar weighs about 300 kg, and has powerful front fangs that can inflict serious wounds. The females of this animal species knock down the hunter and trample it with their hooves.

Figure 1. Boar hunting is an extreme occupation

The trophies obtained from such a hunt are highly valued, as they are obtained through risk. However, this lesson is for those who like to take risks, and the result is fully justified (Figure 1).

The appearance and habits of the boar

You need to go hunting for such an animal only after a detailed study of its habits of life and behavior.

Note: The wild boar can be compared at certain points in habits with domestic pigs, but should never be underestimated.

The most important difference between a wild boar and a domestic pig is the speed of movement, which is much higher for a forest animal. Also, wild boars have a much shorter and denser body, a powerful elongated head and long pointed ears. Boars are stronger than domestic pigs and this must also be taken into account during fishing.

What does the beast look like

Boars are omnivorous artiodactyl non-ruminant mammals of the pig genus. If you look more closely at the body of a wild boar, you can see that its head occupies a third of the entire body (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Wild pigs look different from their domestic relatives.

Difficulties of hunting wild beast are explained by the fact that the boar has a powerful jaw and front fangs, which can reach a length of up to 10 cm and are used during feeding to get food from under trees or to protect against enemies. Unlike the male, the female has much smaller fangs, and she attacks the hunters, knocking them down, after which she tramples them with her hooves. The average weight of an adult bull is at around 150-200 kg.

How it behaves in winter

In winter, wild boars rarely go out for feeding during the day, but more often they do it at night. The pigs arrange their daytime places under large spruce trees and on anthills so that it is not far to go to the feeder (Figure 3). Also in winter, wild boars love to swim, and they are not afraid of frost.

Figure 3. In winter, wild boars actively move in search of food.

It is much easier to find traces of a billhook in the forest in winter than in summer, since its droppings and paths in the forest are perfectly visible on the snow. Such observations, as well as knowledge of the habits of the animal, will help to choose the optimal time and place for fishing.

How to hunt: general rules

At different times of the year, hunting for boars differs in terms: in August-January, it is allowed to hunt males and young animals, and from January to August, females. To achieve success in driven hunting for a wild boar, you need to learn the habits of the animal and observe safety measures. Before leaving for the hunting grounds, it is recommended to study the area, which will help to establish the place of feeding of the herd of wild boars and determine their livestock.

Note: For example, wild pigs can often be found in fields in corn, where they seek food in unharvested plant debris.

When moving through the forest, pay special attention to inspecting the trees, if their bark is highly stripped, this will indicate a large form of a boar. The study of boar tracks should not be carried out on a path trodden by animals, as an extraneous smell can frighten game. The process of tracking and lying in wait for a wild boar must be carried out against the wind, since the animal has a good sense of smell and can smell the hunter several hundred meters away.

Figure 4. When hunting for a billhook, the main thing is to be careful

To increase the chances of hitting the heart of a boar, you need to aim at the shoulder blade area. If the shot at the boar was successful and it fell, then in no case do not approach the recumbent animal, as it may be injured and rush to attack. Wounded animals are much more dangerous and ferocious, and can cause serious injuries to the hunter (Figure 4).

We select weapons and equipment

Boar hunting weapons must be reliable, serviceable and well aimed. It is better to choose smoothbore and rifled bullet guns, which have a large bullet diameter. For smoothbore weapons it is recommended to take Polev or Gualandi bullets (when hunting in open areas) or Rubeykin or Blondo bullets that are not prone to ricochet (when shooting in thickets and bushes). For rifled hunting weapons the maximum caliber starts from 7.62*51.

Figure 5. Required equipment

When hunting, you should take clothes that are not rustling, which should be warm and comfortable. Of the shoes for winter fishing, practical boots are suitable, but you need to take into account the fact of long walking through the forest, mud and snow. Excellent hearing in wild boars can attract any rustle or rustle of clothes, which will frighten him from lying or feeding.


When choosing clothing and footwear for hunting, it is worth considering the features of the terrain and weather conditions. It is advisable to give preference to not new clothes that will not rustle or creak. It is also necessary to take care of camouflage, for which a camouflage coat or clothing that is most suitable in color to the environment may be suitable (Figure 5).

It is not recommended to wear new equipment for fishing, as it tends to rub and will attract a wild boar with its smell. Experienced hunters recommend wearing "moccasins" (made from boar skins) over basic shoes. Going to the forest, it is recommended to equip your equipment with additional equipment for cleaning weapons, a flashlight, batteries, a night vision scope and a hunting knife.


Of the smooth-bore hunting weapons, 12-gauge double-barreled shotguns have proven themselves well. Only rifled rifles of this system allow you to make two instant shots at the beast and quickly reload. In addition, on the gun you can additionally select and install optical sight, which will allow more accurate shooting.

Note: Pump-action and semi-automatic shotguns are less suitable for boar hunting because reloading problems can occur.

It is customary to take only bullets for boar hunting, since it is they that inflict maximum damage the beast and can stop it. For a successful result, it is worth taking bullets weighing at least 32 grams.

When using rifled weapons for boar hunting, you need to stop at 7.62 caliber. The use of the 7.62 * 39 cartridge is suitable for hunting gilts, piglets and small billhooks. In order to shoot an adult, such a bullet will not be enough.

In addition, when choosing a weapon, its weight should be taken into account. It must be reliable, but not too heavy: remember that in search of game, you will most likely have to walk several kilometers through a snowy forest.

Where to shoot

Wild boars are very resistant to injury, because they have a strong skin and a fairly dense layer of subcutaneous fat. The withers of the billhook are formed by spinous outgrowths of bones covered with fat and skin, so a shot in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body will not harm the beast. If a bullet hits the heart of a boar, it can still run about 100 meters more, and if the hunter hits the abdomen, then the wounded animal can run several kilometers. During a wound, a small amount of blood is released from a boar, since the wound is quickly covered with adipose tissue. For a lethal shot, you need to aim: at the neck or shoot to the side, trying to hit the shoulder blade (Figure 6).

Note: If the bullet pierced the heart of the animal, then the blood will come out in jerks, and if the lung is damaged, it will be sprayed. When a bullet hits the upper body, the billhook will begin to writhe, and if the shot hits the lower part, it will jump.

If, after hitting the boar, he tries to climb on the hooves, then this indicates the resulting damage to the spine.

Figure 6. The main slaughter places of the beast

During the boar hunt, you can use the following tricks:

  1. If the animal goes directly to the hunter, then you need to aim and do not shoot at the same time. At the moment when the beast notices a man with a gun and turns to the side, good moment to fire an aimed shot.
  2. You can shoot at a moving animal from a distance of 20-30 meters.
  3. When hunting in hilly or highlands it is not recommended to shoot a billhook that is above the level of the hunter. In case of injury or an unsuccessful shot, the beast will rush down, and can sweep a person off his feet.
  4. For a fleeing wild boar, it is best to shoot at the ridge area.
  5. It is impossible to shoot a billhook in the chest, even if the distance for the shot is optimal. The fact is that this part of the body is protected by galangal (thick layer connective tissue) and the shot will only lightly injure the animal, as well as put it into a state of anger.

Types of hunting for wild boar

For winter hunting, you need to choose a place not far from the reeds, closer to the forest and dense thickets. Ruined anthills, footprints in the snow and boar droppings will help to establish the location of the beast. Experienced hunters know how to feed a wild boar and lay out the food during the day, and with the onset of the evening they go hunting.

To date, there are several common ways to hunt wild boar at different times of the year. Among the most common methods are safe for beginners, namely from the tower. Experienced hunters prefer battue hunting with a paddock, stealth with an approach and in the field.

Oblavnaya with paddock

Hunting for a wild boar in winter is carried out with the participation of a group of people and without the involvement of dogs. To participate in this type of boar fishing, the group is divided into beaters and shooters. Fishing begins with the study of game habitats and the location of boar baiting grounds.

Figure 7. Driven hunting is one of the most productive

Upon completion of the collection of information, an action plan is drawn up and everyone disperses according to their numbers on the ground. The beaters go to the starting point of the route, and the arrows go to the indicated positions for firing. Battalion hunting with a corral they spend only during the day, while it is light outside. Such a time is explained by the fact that the shooters will fire at the billhooks from a distance of 100-150 meters and the accuracy of shooting will be a decisive moment in the successful completion of catching (Figure 7).

The battue with a hunting paddock has the following features:

  1. It must be remembered that the boar will run away through dense thickets and bushes. Therefore, these parts of the forest will be the best place for shooters.
  2. After the wild boar is picked up by the beater, he will try to return to the place where he originally came from.
  3. It is required to know the exact location of the day of the beast.
  4. Beaters should tap the trees softly, talk quietly, and move slowly around the paddock. If you implement the listed nuances, then the billhook will run towards the shooters.

The arrows on the number should not make noise, as extraneous sounds will frighten the boar. It is best to take a shooting position near a stump or tree so that you can hide from a wounded animal. To avoid accidents, shooters are prohibited from leaving their positions until the end of the hunt.

Scradom with approach

Hunting for a wild boar in winter from the approach is not recommended for beginners, since it requires a good knowledge of the habits of a billhook, as well as maximum attention and dexterity. This type Fishing can be carried out at any time of the day. For example, during the day you can find the animal lying down, and at night follow the trail and find it feeding (Figure 8).

When hunting with a stealth approach, it is necessary to observe the strictest mode of silence and move only against the wind, since a sleeping animal can be easily frightened away, because it has a well-developed sense of smell. Binoculars can come in handy when looking for an animal: with their help, you will have a better chance of locating the location of the boar and sneaking up on it undetected without scaring the game. You also need to know that wild boars in rare cases change their lodging and feeding places, and if such places were found, then it is worth remembering them so that you can later get a trophy from a sit-in.

Figure 8. When going fishing, it is best to scout the habitats of animals in advance

Hunting for a wild boar at night begins with a bypass of unharvested fields, since in such places this animal can most often be found. At night, in the field, it will not be difficult to hear the billhook, as it makes loud sounds when feeding. Thanks to such noise when eating, billhooks enable the hunter to come closer, to the distance of the shot. The approach should be carried out carefully and without unnecessary noise, and if you approached the optimal distance for a shot, you need to lie low and carefully aim to lay the game the first time. In general, approach stalking is easier in winter, as you can spot the exact footprints of a wild boar in the snow.

From the tower

In winter, wild boars experience a lack of food and this can be used by hunting them from a tower. If you arrange feeders near the ambush site, then the animal will come to a trap prepared by a person at night (Figure 9).

Note: This type of animal catching is carried out exclusively at night, when wild boars come out of their shelters in search of food.

During the day, food is poured into the feeders and the hunter must take his place on the tower before dark. The main condition for such fishing is the observance of certain rules, in particular, the regime of silence, so as not to frighten away the beast. The fact is that a wild boar may not come to the feeder immediately and you will have to wait for this event. When boars appear, you should not immediately shoot, as they may not immediately go to the feeder and you need to give them time to calm down. Before hunting on a tower, it is not recommended to actively move, as sweat can soak clothing and thereby scare away wild animals.

Figure 9. Hunting from a tower is considered the safest

If the shooting occurs while the animals are feeding, pay special attention to the tails of the game. When feeding, the tail of the billhook is constantly moving, but as soon as something alerts him, the tail instantly sags. At such a moment, it is recommended to lie low and not move so that the animal does not notice the hunter and starts eating again.

In general, the extraction of game from the tower is based on the following rules:

  1. Quality disguise.
  2. Silence and maximum attention.
  3. Silent clothes, shoes and ammunition
  4. Shoot at a wild boar only if there is a shelter where you can hide from a wounded animal.
  5. It is forbidden to single-handedly pursue a wounded boar, which can be deadly.

In field

Harvest game with access to the field better in summer or in autumn, since at this time it is much easier for animals to find food in the open. But in some cases, for example, in unharvested fields, such fishing is also practiced in winter (Figure 10).

Note: It is not recommended to hunt wild boar with dogs in winter, as these animals can frighten game or a wounded boar will inflict a mortal wound on your helper.

In the fields, you can hunt from an ambush or from a hunting tower. Before installing a storage shed or tower, you should determine exactly where exactly the wild boars come to fatten. This can be done along the paths laid by boars to the feeding place.

Figure 10. In winter, it is quite difficult to find wild boars in the field.

On a terrain without bushes and trees, it will not be difficult to spot a wild boar, since it will make characteristic sounds while eating. It is recommended to approach a wild animal against the wind, silently and waiting for the moments when it freezes and listens to the sounds. In winter, wild boars visit unharvested fields of oats, peas and corn. You can find a suitable field for installing a tower or a storage shed in this way: walk along the edges of fields adjacent to a forest or a forest, and the discovery of a boar trail or blasted land will indicate that this is the same field where wild boars fatten.

Boar hunting is not an easy trade. In fact, this is a very dangerous activity that can cost the hunter's life or cause serious injury. Only a good knowledge of the habits and characteristics of this fishery will help to successfully obtain a trophy.

When you go hunting, try to follow these precautions:

  1. Hunter Shelter: at the time of work and preparation for a shot at the beast, you need to be near a boulder, stump or tree. Such a precautionary measure is necessary in case something goes wrong and you have to hide from the wounded animal on the ground.
  2. Accurate shot: There are quite a few ways to lay a boar the first time. For example, it is better to shoot a boar in the side or along the ridge, but most perfect place is under the shoulder blade, the ear of the animal.
  3. The pursuit: it is not recommended to follow a wounded billhook, as it can go deep into the forest, or even attack a person (if the wounded animal sees the hunter). It is considered the most dangerous to approach the boar from the front, when its ears are pressed down and its hair is bristling.

The process of hunting wild boars is shown in more detail in the video.

general description

Appearance. It differs from domestic pigs in a laterally flattened body, thick gray-brown bristles that form a mane along the ridge, large fangs in males, and a black snout. Piglets striped up to three months of age (1) . The eyes glow dark red at night.

Spreading. Common throughout the European part of Russia, except for the north, east and waterless steppes; in the Caucasus, in southern Siberia, the Amur region and Primorye. Especially large animals, up to 300 kg in weight, are found on Far East. In recent years, the wild boar in the European part has settled far to the northeast, to South Karelia and the Kama region.
Inhabits floodplains and shrub thickets in the steppes, mixed and deciduous forests, in the mountains in summer rises to alpine meadows.

Biology and behavior. Wild boars are kept in small herds, old males and females with piglets roam separately. During the night, the herd can travel up to 5 km, rarely more. Sometimes, with a lack of food, it makes mass migrations for hundreds of kilometers.
He spends the day on a bed in a remote corner of the forest or reed supports, on the sunny slope of the mountain. While lying down, the wild boar digs up the snow to the ground, tries to lie down on a layer of branches, moss and dry grass. The female before farrowing makes a cozy nest with soft bedding and a roof made of branches. (2) . There are beds and in haystacks.
In addition to beds and traces, the presence of wild boars in the forest is evidenced by digging - areas of plowed soil where animals fed (3) ; as well as tufts of bristles on stones and tree trunks, on which they like to scratch. They also have baths - deep puddles or pits filled with water and mud. (4) .
The hooves of the wild boar can be widely moved apart, so it easily walks through the swamps. But in deep snow, due to short legs, he has to plow a furrow with his chest or move with heavy jumps. In addition, freezing of the soil practically deprives it of available food. Therefore, in winter, the wild boar feeds little and lives mainly on fat reserves, and many animals die from exhaustion. On the other hand, short legs and a wedge-shaped body, as well as great physical strength, allow the wild boar to break through reed linings, windbreaks, dense shrubs, and vines that are impenetrable to other animals at high speed. An adult strong billhook is able to cope even with several wolves, but still wild boars, especially young ones, often die from wolves.

Traces. Footprint 12-18 cm long (5) , always with a clear imprint of all 4 hooves of each foot. The hind legs, when moving, fall into the traces of the front ones.

Food. It feeds on rhizomes and bulbs of plants, fallen fruits, nuts, acorns, worms and insects, and on occasion also other small animals: young from rodent nests, snakes, frogs, chicks and bird eggs. Having found carrion, a herd of wild boars can stay nearby for many days until they gnaw the carcass to the bone. It obtains food mainly from forest litter and soil, which it digs with a hard snout and fangs. In winter, they often feed in swamps, where the soil does not freeze through.

Reproduction. The rut is in November-January, at this time the male billhooks fight fiercely. Kalkan, a layer of dense tissue under the skin of the neck and shoulders, protects them from serious injuries. In lean years, the rut shifts to the end of winter.
Pregnancy 4-4.5 months, in a litter of 4-6 (up to 12) piglets. The first week they lie in the nest, closely clinging to each other, then they begin to go out with their mother to feed. Pigs feed on milk until autumn. Young females usually start breeding in the second year of life, males - in the fourth or fifth.

Economic value. The burrowing activity of the wild boar contributes to the restoration of the forest in clearings and burnt areas, in addition, it eats in in large numbers pests of the forest, for example, the larvae of the cockchafer. However, where there are too many wild boars due to the lack of predators, they can harm the forest, as is often the case, for example, in the Moscow region. They destroy the nests of birds: capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, eagle owl. Wild boars often come out to feed on fields and gardens. They can cause particular damage where small areas of fields are surrounded by forest. Wild boars feeding in the fields can, for example, be seen almost every summer night on the southern outskirts of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve near Serpukhov.
The wild boar is an important object of hunting. He is surprisingly "strong to a bullet," as the hunters say. There are cases when a beast with a shot through the heart ran hundreds of meters. Not a year passes without a wounded billhook slaughtering some unfortunate hunter with his fangs. There are also several cases of attacks on humans by females guarding piglets, including in the Moscow region. Although the female has short fangs, she can trample a person to death with sharp hooves or bite them. When attacked by a boar, it is recommended to jump to the side, preferably under the cover of a tree: once missed, the boar does not return. Usually, wild boars are very cautious and flee in panic when a person appears.
From the boar comes domestic pig. In some places there are crossbreeds of a wild boar and a domestic pig, which can be recognized by spotted coloring, drooping ears or a light patch.
For most peoples of Europe, the boar has long been considered a symbol of physical strength and fertility. In ancient times, a hunter was considered an adult man only after he killed his first boar. But a man who did not know how to control his desires and emotions could, according to legend, turn himself into a wild or domestic pig.

Source: ecosystema.ru/08nature/mamm/074.htm

Boar hunting

BOAR prefers pine-oak, oak-hornbeam forests, alder forests and thickets of mixed plantations. Wild boars fatten at night, lie down during the day, keep in herds. Wild boar hunting under licenses, as a rule, in a collective way - by driving or with likes.

corral method

Requires advance preparation. They study in advance the places of fattening and day trips, quickly and correctly place the arrows and by numbers, and beaters stand out. The wild boar is strong on the wound, so they shoot it with a bullet with large buckshot, while observing a number of rules: the shooting distance at the wild boar should not exceed 40 m in order to avoid wounded animals. It is necessary to shoot in lethal places - in the neck, behind the shoulder blades, in the heart. You can shoot an oncoming boar in the forehead, allowing you to get closer, but it is better to let the beast through and shoot halfway through the neck or through the heart. Chasing a wounded boar is dangerous and is entrusted to 2-3 experienced hunters. It is better to pursue when the animal rests for 30-40 minutes.

Hunting with likes

The role of dogs in this hunt is to hold the beast in place until the hunters arrive. Two or three huskies, continuously attacking the boar, make it spin in one place, stop, fight off the pressing dogs.

Ambush shooting

It is widely distributed in wild boar habitats when it is fed either in feeding areas or on trails between day and feeding. In addition to watching over crops, sit-ins are arranged “on the water”, or “on bathing pools”, near stagnant reservoirs, often visited by wild boars.

Boar slaughter places

In terms of popularity, hunting for a wild boar is quite comparable to hunting for an elk. This species is well adapted in the cultivated landscape and avoids vast tracts of unproductive forests, clearly gravitating towards agricultural land, i.e. to places with enough high density population.
The imposing appearance of large boars gave rise to many stories about their aggressiveness, incredible strength on the wound and the danger they pose to the hunter. Of course, a wounded animal placed in a hopeless situation can bring great trouble to the hunter, and the wild boar is no exception. In order to avoid serious consequences from meeting with a wounded animal, and at the same time not to lose it, you should have a good idea of ​​its slaughter places and clearly know which place of the boar silhouette you need to aim for the bullet to hit the vital organs and save the animal from long torment, and the hunter from searching and pursuing a wounded animal.
Everyone understands that these organs are the same in all animals, but morphological, and sometimes physiological features of a particular type do not always allow you to quickly determine the aiming point for a successful shot.
Everyone represents the appearance of a boar. Short legs they bear a rather long barrel-shaped body, a good third of which is the head. The anterior part is more massive than the posterior part, this is especially noticeable in adult males. This massiveness visually seems even greater due to the high stubble at the withers, the length of which in large animals reaches 20 centimeters.
As in other animals, the main slaughter zones are located in the anterior part of the body, excluding the head and a significant part of the spinal cord (cervical and lumbar regions).
When shooting from the side, to hit the heart area, you need to aim about 20 cm above the bottom line of the body along the vertical of the front leg ( we are talking about a medium-sized boar, i.e. approximately 80-100 kg in weight). The liver is located almost in the middle of the body, but I wouldn’t advise specifically shooting at this organ, because the bullet will almost certainly hit the stomach, and the stomach and intestinal masses of the wild boar have a specific unpleasant odor that stays strong when it hits the meat. Nevertheless, although the injury to the liver does not put the beast in place, it does not promise a long pursuit. A shot to the neck is very good in terms of lethality, provided that it hits the vertebrae. The cervical spine runs almost along the middle of the neck, and the task of the hunter is to determine this middle. For orientation, one can say that spinal cord connects to the head approximately at or slightly below the base of the ear. If the hunter has a high-precision weapon or shoots at close range, then you can aim at the brain, in this case the aiming point should be slightly ahead of the ear on the ear-eye line.
As already said, the boar is a relatively short-legged animal, and not infrequently, when he is in the grass or in a field in wheat or oats, the region of the heart is closed to the shot; in this case, you can shoot at the shoulder blade with the expectation of hitting the lungs. With such a hit, a medium-sized wild boar usually remains in place, and large animals, if they move away, are not far away, however, with the obligatory defeat of a large blood vessel. It practically does not matter which side the boar is facing the shooter, the bullet equally reaches the organs both on the left and on the right.
Although in adult animals in gastronomic terms, of course, preference should be given to a pig as a trophy, without a doubt, the billhook is in the first place. Everything that was said above about slaughter places applies equally to a pig and a billhook, but it was about shooting a bullet. However, in the practice of hunting, there is also shooting at wild boars with grapeshot. Based on the experience of many hunts, a shot from a distance of no more than 25 m with buckshot with a diameter of at least 7.5 mm should be recognized as really effective for an adult animal weighing about 100 kg. Larger animals should not be shot with buckshot. The same applies to billhooks during the rutting season (November, December). By this time, sexually mature males develop a "kalkan" - a cartilaginous shell that covers the chest on both sides, designed to protect internal organs from the blows of the fangs of rivals. The same "Kalkan" significantly reduces the penetrating ability of buckshot, thereby reducing its lethal capabilities. For a bullet, it does not serve as any noticeable obstacle.
When shooting a stolen animal, it is necessary to aim at the spine (along the ridge) or in such a way that the bullet enters the carcass in the region of the kidneys and then passes into the chest cavity. If the shooting distance is small, then such a shot is quite real, since the boar is much lower than a person.
In the case when the beast moves directly towards the hunter, the slaughter zone is greatly reduced.
The long snout completely covers the chest, and only the head and the hump of the withers behind the ears are left for the shot, into which, if a bullet hits, there is a chance that it will hook the spine. An attacking boar, and sometimes this happens, needs to be let in close and shot in the forehead. In such a situation, this is the most convenient target, since the head of the beast is lowered, unlike the bear, because it is preparing to strike with fangs from the bottom up. And do not think about any ricochet, bullets do not ricochet from the forehead. The head and spine are the only places that can be hit to stop an attack.
If the boar is moving towards the hunter at an angle, then a very good place to shoot is at the base of the neck (slightly in front of the shoulder blades). Regardless of whether the bullet hits the heart or not, with such a hit it passes the chest diagonally and almost always destroys, if not the heart, then the lungs and large blood vessels without fail.
A boar going at an angle away from the hunter opens up a good kill zone, albeit a limited one. It is located from the posterior edge of the anterior scapula (anyway - left or right) to the last ribs. The bullet, entering this zone, as well as when shooting from the front at an angle, passes the chest diagonally, causing the same damage to the body.
There is an established opinion that the wild boar is a very strong animal to the wound. My experience of harvesting many dozens of these animals at different times of the year does not confirm this. I think that such an impression was formed from the fact that the main hunting season for wild boars falls on November - December, when these animals have a rut and all the vital forces of the body are mobilized. Indeed, when hit out of place during this period, the boar goes further than usual, but I do not know of a case when the beast would cause great trouble to hunters with a good hit. There are many cases when animals (not only wild boars) with a broken heart walked more than a dozen meters and even maimed people. But it is also known that a wound in the heart, being certainly fatal, does not always leave the beast in place, such an organ. Many years ago, a large wild boar I shot (it was in the Caucasus, in October) with a broken heart ran in a straight line for more than 150 meters and fell dead, hitting a tree. A similar case was with the moose. The first bear I caught in 1963 with a torn aorta and a broken top of the heart ran about 300 meters, and the year before last, a bear with a broken heart ran 60 meters.
Of course, only a hit in the brain or spinal cord leaves the beast in place. However, the purpose of the series of articles on animal slaughter sites is to introduce the reader to them and help him, if possible, to avoid the loss of wounded animals from shooting at a "non-slaughter" place.

Alexey Blum
New weapon magazine "Magnum", No. 4 (28) / 2001

The behavior of the boar after the shot

A wild boar is surprisingly strong on a wound. If an elk wounded in the stomach passes 200-300 meters, a wild boar with such an injury goes several kilometers. Sometimes, after a successful shot at an elk, the forest giant falls like a mowed down one and remains in place. But when hunting for a wild boar, I don’t remember a single case, so that even after a shot “on the spot”, a wild boar fell dead. He usually runs for a while. With a broken heart, he can go 100 meters. The wild boar is especially strong on the wound in late autumn, when a kalkan forms under its skin. A sure sign of a wounded boar is a lowered tail. Compared to other ungulates, a wounded boar gives significantly less blood, which is explained by the tightening of the wound by adipose tissue. Even with a serious injury, blood does not appear on the trail immediately, but only after two or three jumps. Usually, blood in the form of rare drops appears after 100-150 meters. Therefore, it is imperative to follow the tracks of the shot animal for at least 250 meters, even if the shooter claims that he missed. The abundance of blood in the snow indicates a serious injury. If the blood beats in jerks, the heart is broken. The presence of many sprayed droplets of blood indicates a lung injury. Sometimes, when a charge hits, the boar makes a groaning sound, gilts squeal. When a charge hits the upper part of the body, the boar writhes, and jumps into the lower part. If the animal tries to rise to its front legs after a fall, the spine is damaged. If, after the shot, the boar falls and beats on the ground for several seconds, and then rises and rushes away, this indicates a tangential wound to the skull.

Wild boar hunting precautions

If possible, always borrow shooting station near a tree, stump or boulder, so that in case of danger you can hide behind them. Standing on the number, first find out the location of the neighboring numbers, indicate yourself by raising your hand, and only after that load the gun. In no case do not shoot at a target that is not clearly visible, at a rustle or noise. Do not leave the room until the "hang up" command is given. But even after this command, approach the fallen beast carefully, with a gun ready to fire. It is best to approach from behind or from the side. You can't go ahead. Quite often, a wild boar that appears to be dead is actually still alive and strong enough to pounce on a hunter approaching it. Always pay attention to his ears and the coat on the neck: if the ears are pressed back, and the bristles on the neck stand on end, then the beast is still alive and dangerous. But getting too close, make a control shot in the ear. Keep in mind that an old billhook after a shot can rush at a hunter without even being wounded. Never shoot at a boar "with a bayonet"; it's better to miss it and hit it in 6ok or on the ridge to steal. Best Shots- under the ear and under the front shoulder blade. Pursuit of a wounded boar; always dangerous. In these cases, he clogs into the very support, hides and, as a rule, rushes at a suitable hunter. You can dodge his throw by jumping to the side. Having run past, the boar rarely repeats its attack. An accidental fall of a hunter in this situation usually ends tragically. Never start trailing a wounded boar at dusk, and also do not let two dogs on the trail at once, as in a pair they lose their caution.

About the boar

The wild boar, or as it was called in ancient Russia, the boar (a word related to the word ferocious) is the closest relative of our domestic pig, although it bears little resemblance to it. Unlike the pig, the boar has longer legs, thick hair, consisting of underfur and long awn-bristles. A large wedge-shaped head on a short neck is almost a third of the body length. The muzzle ends with a cartilaginous patch, with which the beast is able to dig the soil and even move large stones. The jaws of a male boar, or, as hunters call it, a billhook, are equipped with large, up to 10-12 centimeters, fangs. They stick out and are formidable weapon. In females, fangs are poorly developed and covered with lips. The body length of a large billhook can exceed 2 meters. Females are significantly smaller than males. The mass of an adult animal is on average from 80 to 150 kilograms, but some individuals weigh 250 and even 270 kilograms. During feeding, these animals usually move against the wind in order to be on the alert in case of danger. However, in the hot summer season, they sometimes fall asleep so soundly that you can come close to them. In summer, wild boars feed throughout the night, leaving to feed even before sunset. In winter, especially in very coldy, they are active during the day and feed during the warmest hours of the day. large groups boars do not form. In summer, the herd of pigs consists of one or two broods, which are joined by immature yearlings and young males that did not participate in the rut. Only in autumn, in places where fatty foods ripen, for example, in oak forests during the period of mass acorn fall, do animals concentrate in a limited area. In deep snow, the animals go in single file behind large billhooks, paving the way. At this time, they move little, the herd often stops somewhere in the thickets near the swamps, and there the animals trample down entire labyrinths of passages. In summer, wild boars lie down for the day right on the ground in dense thickets, breaking the forest floor. In the cold season, they arrange “nests” for themselves in the form of large piles of forest floor: leaves, branches, grass, moss. In severe frosts, they lie in the nest in a group, and sometimes in the whole herd, clinging to each other. Wild boars are polygamous (the male mates with several females). Their rut usually takes place in December. Pregnancy in a female lasts about 140 days. In the spring, before farrowing, she looks for a secluded place and builds a nest there for future offspring. Here she has five or six (sometimes up to 12) piglets weighing 600-1000 grams each. There is probably no other animal in our fauna that would leave so many traces of its stay as a wild boar. In places of his feeding, they remain very noticeable at times. They stand out especially against the background of snow at the beginning of winter and in spring, with the appearance of thawed patches. Areas “ploughed” by wild boars with a raised sod layer of soil, sometimes occupying tens of square meters, retain an unsightly appearance for a long time.

Boar tusk processing

The fangs are separated from the skull along with the jaws, and the lower jaw is sawn off from below perpendicular to the roots of the fangs 15 cm from the exit of the fangs, and the upper jaw - from above 8 cm from the exit. If possible, the muscle tissue is cut off with a knife, and the fangs are lowered into cold water for their subsequent cooking. The cooking process itself is carried out on a very slow fire and lasts until the moment when the fangs can be freely pulled out of the jaws. The contents are removed from the pulp of the fangs, they are wiped dry from the outside and inside, usually with a cloth soaked in denatured alcohol. Then they are given time to cool, making sure that they do not crack from a sudden change in temperature and the enamel does not begin to bounce off them. Fangs should be degreased with AI-93 or 95 gasoline. ATTENTION! Fangs should never be WHITENED!
The internal cavity of the fangs is usually filled with paraffin, wax, epoxy resin or BF glue heated in warm water, and it is repeatedly poured into the pulp and then poured out with drying between fillings for 30 minutes. Fangs can be covered for greater safety with a layer of colorless synthetic varnish. Keep them away from heat sources.

Cooking boar meat

FEATURES OF COOKING: Soaking. Meat of billhooks is tough. It can be improved by prolonged soaking in whey for a day or in 2-3% table vinegar. Lactic and acetic acids soften the connective fibers, thus processed meat becomes softer and tastier. Boiling. Carcass areas containing muscles with large connective tissue layers must be boiled in water for a long time. To do this, the meat is immersed in cold water, gradually brought to a boil, and the meat is cooked until tender. Prolonged heating of meat in water dissolves the coarse collagen fibers of the connective tissue (veins), gives a more delicious broth: the meat becomes looser, but somewhat loses some of its nutritional value, turning into broth. Carcass areas containing abundant connective tissue layers, in which there is little fat, should be immersed in boiling water immediately and boiled over low heat until cooked for a shorter time than in the first method (boiled meat is obtained in a piece). Meat of the specified quality is also subjected to prolonged exposure to water vapor in a closed vessel to obtain a stew. With both methods, small collagen fibers, dissolving, turn into gelatin, the meat itself becomes tasty, softer and easily absorbed by the body. Meat of the same qualities is crushed into minced meat, the connective tissue is destroyed mechanical action, which also increases the nutritional value and digestibility of meat. Frying. For fried dishes, the upper parts of the dorsal-lumbar part are recommended, for cooking - the lower parts of the dorsal-lumbar part, the chest part and the area of ​​the carcass above the Achilles tendon. For cooking and minced meat from boiled meat - the neck, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forelimb below the elbow joint, the abdominal wall and the area adjacent to the Achilles tendon. For stewing, boiling and minced raw meat - the rest of the upper part of the hind limb; for cooking boiled meat in a piece, stewing and grinding into minced meat - the upper middle part of the forelimb. Meat containing little connective tissue and bones, but rich in fatty layers, i.e. higher grades, it is recommended to fry in an open dish.

Roasted boar fillet

Ingredients: For 1 kg of marinated meat: 300 g of lard, 200 g of butter. Marinate the fillet for 2-3 days, then dry well. Cover the prepared meat with thin slices of bacon and tie. Grill in a very hot oven. When the meat is browned, it should be salted and peppered. Before serving, the meat must be untied and laid out on a warmed dish. Separately, in a gravy boat, serve hunting sauce. In the absence of an oven, meat can be fried in an open saucepan or deep frying pan, after melting the butter in it. First, fry the meat on all sides over high heat until golden brown, then reduce the heat and continue to fry until tender, turning every 5 minutes. Hunting sauce is prepared as follows: First prepare the marinade. To get 1 liter of marinade: 3/4 liters of white or red dry wine, 1/2 cup of vinegar, 2 carrots, 1 onion, cloves, pepper, cumin, Bay leaf, clove of garlic. Mix wine with vinegar, chopped vegetables and spices, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the amount of marinade is reduced by 2/3 of the volume. Cool and strain. In heated oil (60 g), fry the flour (50 g) until dark, pour in the marinade, add meat juice and currant jelly (2 tablespoons). Meat juice can be obtained by boiling in a pan where the meat was fried, a little water, and then straining it. The sharpness of the taste of the sauce depends on the amount of marinade.

Boar meat with sauce

Ingredients: For 500 g of meat: 50 g of fat, 10 g of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato paste, 10 g flour, 100 ml red wine, salt to taste. Wash the meat, wipe with a napkin, fry on all sides in hot fat. Add sugar, tomato paste, salt, pour hot water, close the dishes and simmer. Remove the cooked meat and cut into slices. Season the juice with flour, add wine, dilute with water or beef broth if necessary and boil. Wipe the finished sauce, put the chopped meat into it. Serve with rice or pasta.

Boar stew

The first method Ingredients: For 700 g of meat: 400 g of marinade, 50 g of lard, 150 g of wine, 1 carrot, parsley and celery root, 2 onions, 1 tablespoon of flour, salt. Stuff prepared meat with parsley, celery sticks, put in glass, earthenware or enameled dishes, pour cold marinade and keep in it for 2-3 days. Fry the marinated meat, put it in a deep bowl, pour half the broth cooked from meat bones, pour in dry red wine, add chopped onion and simmer until tender. In the broth in which the meat was stewed, add dried wheat flour, boil for 15-20 minutes, salt and strain. Cut the meat into wide slices across the grain and pour over the sauce. Garnish with fried potatoes stewed cabbage, beans or pasta. The second way Ingredients: For 700 g of meat: 400 g of marinade, 1 glass of red wine, 2 carrots, 2 onions, parsley and celery root, salt. Cooking Usually use the pulp of a ham or loin. Meat pre-stuffed with carrots, parsley or celery, pour cold marinade and marinate for 2-3 days. Then fry the meat, pour the broth, add dry red wine, onions and simmer until tender. On the broth from the stew, prepare the sauce. Serve the boar meat cut into portions on a dish or plate. Put a side dish on the side - fried potatoes, stewed cabbage, boiled beans or pasta. Pour sauce over meat.

Boar stew in sour cream

Ingredients: For 500 g of meat: 40 g of smoked lard, 40 g of fat, half an onion, 250 g of sour cream, 80 g of root vegetables (carrots, parsley, celery), 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 1 bay leaf, a few peas of black and allspice , 10 g of soft flour, 1 teaspoon of mustard, a little sugar, lemon juice, salt. Clean the meat from films and veins, stuff smoked lard. Fry finely chopped onions, vegetables in fat, add vinegar and hot water. Put meat into the mixture, add bay leaves, black and allspice, salt, cover the dishes and simmer in the oven, adding hot water and pouring meat with its own juice. Brown the stewed meat and cut into slices. Add sour cream mixed with flour, mustard, sugar and lemon juice to taste. Rub the sauce and pour over the chopped meat. Serve with any side dish, vegetable salads, cranberries.


Ingredients: For 700 g of meat: 50-100 g vegetable oil, breadcrumbs, black pepper and salt to taste. Preparation From the kidney part of the loin, freed from bones and tendons, or from the pulp of the back leg, cut into pieces in the form of natural cutlets, but without bones. Then they should be processed and fried like chops in breadcrumbs.


Ingredients: For 500 g meat: 300 g potatoes, 50 g butter, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of white flour, tomatoes, cucumbers, salt, garlic to taste. Pulp 1 cm thick and 3-4 cm long must be beaten off with a wooden or metal kitchen mallet to soften, salt and fry in a pan in oil with onions, then with tomatoes and slices of pickles. Fry potatoes with crushed garlic and simmer for 10 minutes, add greens at the end of stewing.

Boar chops

Ingredients: For 1 kg of marinated meat: 2-3 eggs, 2 cups of crushed crackers. Cooking For the preparation of chops using boar loin. Cut off the fat, leaving a layer of fat 1 cm thick on each piece. Cut the spine so that there is a rib in each portion. Marinate the meat, lightly beat off, grate with salt and black pepper. To beat off the smell characteristic of billhooks, you can use other spices, such as suneli hops, crushed nutmeg, liquid mustard. Then moisten each serving with a beaten egg and, rolling in crushed breadcrumbs, fry for 15-20 minutes. Serve sauerkraut or stewed cabbage as a side dish.


Ingredients: Boar head, ears, legs, lungs and heart, 1-2 carrots, 2 onions, 1 bay leaf, 10-15 black peppercorns, salt to taste. Rinse well-singed and cleaned of soot ears, pieces of the head or legs of wild boars and put in a saucepan or cauldron for 1/4 of its volume. Add carrots, onions, bay leaf, pepper, salt. There also add pieces of washed lungs or heart almost to the top, let it boil and simmer for 3-4 hours until the pulp begins to separate from the bones. Cool the cooked mass slightly, drain and save the broth, carefully select all the bones from the cooked pulp. Then grind the pulp in a meat grinder or finely chop with a kitchen knife on a board, or a slice in a trough. Put the chopped mass into the cauldron, mix with the broth, salt to taste, let it boil once, pour into bowls or baking sheets and let it cool in a cool place.


Ingredients: Per 100 kg of meat; from 6.5 to 10 kg (no more) of salt, on average - 7.5 kg, 60 g of saltpeter and 20-30 g of bay leaf and pepper. Preparation When salting, the meat should be separated from the bones, cut into large chunks. Salt clean table salt. Its amount depends on the length of storage, the time of year, the availability of proper stores and the desire to have meat more or less strong cured.

Roast with mushrooms

Ingredients: For 2 kg of brisket: 150 g of bacon, 1 kg of fresh mushrooms, black pepper and salt to taste. Cut the brisket of wild boar into pieces and fry in fat, salt and sprinkle with black pepper. Put slices of lard on the bottom of the dish, fried meat on it, and fresh mushrooms on top. Put small mushrooms whole, and cut large ones into pieces. Pour 4 cups of hot water into a bowl, add black pepper, salt and fry over low heat under a lid for about an hour. Put the cooked meat together with mushrooms on a dish, decorate with mushrooms. Strain the sauce and pour over the meat.

Roasted wild pig

Ingredients: 1 kg potatoes, 1 glass of milk, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, salt - to taste. For the filling: 700 g of meat, 2-3 onions, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of fat, salt, pepper, bay leaf. Preparation Boil peeled and washed potatoes. Ceiling, add butter, salt, dilute with hot milk. Meat (pulp) cut into small pieces, salt, pepper and fry in a pan, and preferably in a roasting pan. Pour the meat with 3 cups of boiling water, close the lid and simmer over low heat for 1-1.5 hours. After stewing, add separately fried finely chopped onion, 1 bay leaf, 5-6 peppercorns. Stew the meat for another half hour. small part mashed potatoes spread in a thin layer on a ceramic dish or a lid of a roasting pan, greased with oil. Lay the entire meat filling on top in the form of an elongated slide. Top with the remaining puree and mold the carcass of a “pig” out of it, lengthen the muzzle, finish it with a “pig”, make ears, round the stomach, make four legs. The eyes are peppercorns. Don't forget the ponytail. For him, the puree must be rolled into a thin roll. Using a fork and knife, make eyelashes, indentations in the right places, wrinkles on the carcass, etc. Top the carcass with beaten eggs and put in the oven for 1-1.5 hours. When serving, pour fat on top, decorate with boiled eggs, pickles, any vegetables and herbs.

Back of a boar

Ingredients: For 1.5 kg of wild boar meat: 100 g of lard in thin slices, 1/4 liter of meat broth, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 10 juniper berries, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons sweet red pepper, 8 pcs. cloves, 1/4 liter of natural apple juice, 4 tbsp. spoons of lingonberry confiture, salt, black pepper. Preparation Soak the berries in water for 5 minutes. Rub the meat with salt and pepper. Preheat oven to 200°C. Fry the meat well in oil on the stove. The meat must first be overlaid with slices of bacon and stick a clove. Add the juniper berries (along with the water they were soaked in). Put the meat in the oven and cook for 1 hour. Mix flour with apple juice. After the meat is ready, remove the slices of bacon and let it stand in the switched off oven for 15 minutes. Dilute the fat with broth, add apple juice with flour and boil, stirring. Add lingonberry confiture, salt, pepper and cook for another 5 minutes.

Head of an old boar

Ingredients: For 1 head of a boar: 3 apples, 2 carrots, 300 g of mushrooms, 1/2 cup of walnuts, 1 parsley and celery root, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of spices for meat, 1 bunch of herbs, black pepper and salt to taste. Cooking Hunters who are lucky enough to bring home a boar's head do not have to hang this forest trophy on the wall. The head of a boar is served on the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Clean the head, wash and smoke like a ham. Then boil with spices and roots. Can be stuffed with walnut kernels, apples, carrots and champignons, and then boiled. Decorate the ears and muzzle with greenery, cut out paper patterns, pickles. Serve cold.

Roast pig

Ingredients: For 1.5-2 kg of meat: 100 g of bacon, 1/2 cup of broth, 1 tbsp. 1/2 cup grated cheese 1/2 cup game sauce 1/2 cup wine 1/2 cup cherry juice 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried fruits, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, salt and pepper to taste. For the marinade: 4-5 cups of vinegar, 6-7 bay leaves, 30 pcs. black pepper, 30 juniper berries, 3 onions - boil everything. Preparation Dip the meat of the pig for 2-3 days in the marinade. Stew with bacon, pour in the broth, then more game sauce, and after an hour - table wine and cook until tender. Cut the roast into strips and pour over with fruit and meat sauce (1.5 cups of sauce from the roast, mixed with 1/2 cup of cherry juice). 30 minutes before the holiday, sprinkle the roast with breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese, sugar, cinnamon. Brown it all in the oven.

Pate of wild boar meat

Ingredients: For 1 kg boneless boar meat: 250 g champignons, 200 g white onion, 1 bunch of parsley, 250 g fatty bacon, 250 g poultry liver, 50 g butter, 1/2 tsp salt and freshly ground black pepper , 1 teaspoon dry rosemary, 4 tbsp. spoons of Madeira, lingonberry confiture. Cooking Clean the mushrooms. Remove sinews and skin from meat, wash, dry and cut into cubes. Onion cut into 8 pieces. Wash the parsley, shake off, put 1 sprig aside, chop the rest. Cut the bacon into cubes. Clean the liver from fat and films, wash, dry and fry in butter 5 minutes. Skip the meat twice through a fine meat grinder with onions and bacon. Cut the liver into cubes and mix with minced meat, add chopped parsley, season with spices and wine. Preheat oven to 200°C. Fill a heat-resistant form with half of the meat mass, then put the mushrooms and spread the rest of the minced meat on top. Close the mold with a lid. Fill the tray with hot water, put the mold in it and cook for 1-1.5 hours in the oven (middle position). Cool the finished dish, then decorate with the remaining parsley and serve with lingonberry confiture and fresh white bread.

Roasted piglet with buckwheat porridge

Ingredients: For 1 medium pig: 1/2 cup vodka, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup melted butter, 5 cups loose buckwheat porridge (with onions), 5 hard-boiled eggs, 1 teaspoon salt. Grate the prepared pig along with the head and legs with vodka and salt to make the skin tough and crispy. Lay the piglet on a baking sheet (belly down), bend the legs. Drizzle with melted butter and place in a very hot oven. When the pig is reddened, reduce the fire. Watering the carcass every 10 minutes with the juice flowing from it, bring to readiness. Cook crumbly buckwheat porridge, fry it with finely chopped onion and chopped eggs. Cut the pig lengthwise and then across into pieces. Put a layer of porridge on a large oval dish, a piglet on it. Cover it with porridge from the sides, decorate with eggs, boiled carrots, herbs. Insert olives instead of eyes.

Jellied piglet (whole)

Ingredients: For 1 medium pig: 2 carrots, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 2 eggs, 2 olives, celery greens, 50 g lingonberries, 200 g jelly, salt. Cooking Boiled pig cool, cut into pieces lengthwise, and then across. Lubricate each piece with jelly, giving it the appearance of a whole carcass, and place on an oval dish. Instead of eyes, you can insert olives. Garnish with chopped vegetables, red tomato slices, fresh cucumber slices, celery, slices boiled eggs, olives, cranberries. Then cover the dish with a net of light jelly. Serve the sauce in a gravy boat: horseradish with sour cream.

Roasted wild pig meat

Ingredients: For 8-10 servings: 1.5-2 kg of meat (ham or back part), 7-8 tbsp. spoons of lard, 2 onions, 2-3 carrots, 1/2 celery root, 1.5 cups of vinegar, bay leaf, allspice and black pepper, frying fat, flour, sugar, mustard, parsley (roots). Preparation Clean the meat from the skin, films, etc., well beat off and stand. Boil 1.25 liters of water in a deep bowl. Finely chopped onions, carrots, celery and parsley simmer in half the lard until soft, pour boiling water and vinegar, add bay leaf and black pepper (peas) and let it boil. Dip the meat into the resulting marinade and let stand for 40-45 minutes. Then take it out and put it on a baking sheet with preheated (intended for frying) fat, pour in the remaining half of the heated lard and fry in the oven for about 1/2 hour. Then turn over, pour strained marinade over and fry until completely soft, pouring sauce from a baking sheet. Cool the finished meat, cut into slices and divide into portions. Pour the vegetables from the marinade with the meat juice formed during frying, sprinkle with flour, boil and season to taste with salt and sugar, lemon juice and mustard. Garnish with quenelles, separately prepared sauce and a salad of red beets, celery and apple or potatoes and pickles.

Baked wild pig meat with sauerkraut

Ingredients: For 8-10 servings: 1.5-2 kg meat, 1-2 tomatoes, 2-2.5 kg sauerkraut, 0.5 kg of onions, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground red sweet pepper, 7-8 tbsp. spoons of lard and another 5-6 tbsp. spoons (for roasting meat), 1 cup red wine, 1/2 cup vinegar, ground black pepper, cumin, 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard, garlic, salt. Cut the cleaned meat into portions, beat each one, soak in a marinade of vinegar and water (equal parts), mustard and rubbed garlic with a little salt. Finely chop the onion, simmer until soft in half the lard and put on a small baking sheet. Place the meat on top, put in a very hot oven for 10 minutes, pouring the fat previously provided for this. Chop the cabbage, fry it in the other half of the lard, pour over the wine and simmer until soft along with the chopped sausage and also add to the meat. Mix everything well, sprinkle with cumin and black pepper and bake for about 1 hour, pouring the marinade from time to time. Serve with boiled potatoes cooked like yahnia, beans and pickles

Source: gva1001ohota.narod.ru/

A wild boar is not at all as harmless as a domestic pig. When do these animals begin mating season, it’s better for them not to catch the eye, and even more so, you shouldn’t make them angry.

Do you want to learn about the behavior of these wild animals? In this article we will try to explain all the oddities in the habits of wild boars, to reveal the secrets of their lifestyle. Let's start with home improvement.

The female, who is waiting for an addition to her family, very carefully prepares the future "home" for her babies. The place where newborn piglets will be located is insulated in a special way so that the baby does not freeze and die. The bed of the female boar is even covered with a “roof” so that the piglets do not get wet by rain or slip through the wind.

In general, according to researchers, wild boars are not very family animals, they spend very little time with their offspring after birth and leave it early, forcing them to grow up quickly. However, the female still cares about the survival of the offspring. Young piglets stay with their parents for about two weeks. Then they, most often, begin an independent life. But these animals still prefer to make migrations and transitions to new areas in groups.

The wild boar is a formidable animal.

Those who believe that wild boars are empty-headed and useless creatures are completely mistaken. Only one role of a wild boar, as a plowman of forest soil, is already a huge value for the ecosystem. After all, the seed of a tree that has fallen into plowed soil is able to germinate, giving life to a new tree.

Wild boars are forest pest fighters, since their main food is all kinds of beetles and their larvae. A wild boar can eat so many May beetles alone that it will reduce the population by about three times! And this is not to mention other six-legged winged creatures that can harm the "forest community".

Perhaps, if wild boars ate only insects, any gardener would only be happy to have such a guest in his garden, however, the situation is exactly the opposite, because wild boars are able, together with beetles, to empty all supplies for the winter. They eat potatoes cereal crops, juicy pulp of watermelon and melon. Although, as it sometimes turns out, the harm from a sudden raid of wild boars on the site is greatly exaggerated by the owners themselves. If you don’t specifically “lure” wild boars to your garden, then they will bypass it. However, there are exceptions. This is especially true for those farmlands that are located in the immediate vicinity of the forest.

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