Sundew description for children. What does a carnivorous sundew plant look like and what does it eat. Sundew bulbous Drosera bulbosa

(Drosera) is a carnivorous plant from the Rosyankov family (Droseraceae). It is difficult to name the exact place of residence and homeland. The plant is found in Africa, in all parts of America, Australia, on the European continent and even in some regions of Russia. There are over 100 species of carnivorous plant. At home, only one species is adapted - the Cape sundew. Care is quite simple and does not require special conditions of detention.

The name comes from the dew drops on the tendrils of the flower. It is with this liquid that the sundew preys on insects.

Description: A perennial herbaceous plant, forming a rosette at the base. Petiolate, or sessile leaves are covered with hairs over the entire surface, from which a sticky substance for hunting appears. When touched, by hand, the same mucus is released.

The length of the leaves depends on the species and habitat, and differ significantly from 5 mm to 50 cm. The flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, bright pink or cream. Flower with double perianth and corolla of 4-5-8 petals. The same number of petals and stamens.

The pistil forms one nested ovary with a large number of seeds. Ovary superior, rounded. The fruit is a box with protein seeds. The substance secreted from the glands, in addition to stickiness, has paralytic properties.

A long stem with flowers located at the top, significantly exceeds the length of the trap leaves, so that during dusting, insects do not fall on sticky villi.

How is insect hunting done?

Special glands produce droplets that attract small insects. On the entire surface, sticky hairs are located. Sitting on a flower, the victim sticks, and the leaves, feeling it, curl up, closing the caught victim inside.

The over-pickling process takes place for at least a week, then the petals open again, releasing deadly dew.

The sundew in its natural environment prefers swampy areas where the soils are poor in nitrogen, having caught and re-etched an insect, the plant receives the necessary substances, including the missing nitrogen. The process of hunting, unlike similar species, is rare, but very exciting.

Sundew - home care

Lighting: A place for a predatory plant is selected in a shaded area. In its natural environment, sundew, due to its small stature, lives between trees in constant shade and only occasionally gets direct sunlight. Optimal places, windows on the east or west side. It is not necessary to put the flower on the windowsill, the main thing is to provide diffused light up to 12-14 hours in summer, and 8-10 hours in winter.

The location on the north side, most likely, it is necessary to install artificial additional lighting.

Be sure to protect and shade from direct sunlight, otherwise the sundew will get burned.

Temperature: There are two indicators of the temperature regime for African, heat-loving species and European.

  • For the first, a comfortable habitat during the summer period is 24-30 degrees, in winter - 13-16 degrees.
  • The second ones are less thermophilic and prefer no more than 22 degrees in the hot period, 7-12 in winter.

The minimum indicators at which sundew can exist for a short period of time are 2-5 degrees.

Before buying, be sure to check whether the predator is suitable for your climatic conditions.

Soil: Substrate components should be as close as possible to swampy, that is, to natural habitats. The main component is peat with the addition of quartz sand, a little moss, turf, or perlite. (pH=5.5)

For example: peat (2 hours), sand (2 hours), moss (1 hour), perlite (1 hour).

Humidity: A marshy plant, needs constant high humidity of 70-90%.
Under such conditions, sundew can be grown in open areas with constant shading. In a room with low humidity, artificial humidifiers are used.

Spray the room nearby or put on a pallet with wet pebbles, or expanded clay. It is impossible to place in terrariums, the sun (thermal) rays, passing through the glass, will burn the leaves. It is forbidden to spray directly on the sundew itself. In a room with low humidity, the pot (soil) is covered with sphagnum moss on top to keep the substrate moist for a while.

Watering: A carnivorous plant loves water. Watering should be plentiful and intensive, especially in winter. In nature, the sundew is accustomed to constantly being in a humid environment among swamps and moss.

The pot can be placed on a tray with moss, which, when watered, will always be wet. After watering, the water from under the pot is not drained, but, on the contrary, topped up if necessary. Pot trays use high. Don't let the soil dry out.

Water should not contain minerals and salts. Use soft, rainy, or distilled water.

Transplantation: Transplantation is not carried out every year, as a rule, 1 time in 2-3 years, as the soil is depleted. Due to the shallow roots, transplanting is not necessary at all.

Reproduction: Sundew reproduces in several ways: cuttings, dividing the bush, seeds.

  1. Seeds. This is the most popular way. Tiny black seeds are planted in a substrate from peat and sand (1: 1). I cover with a glass flask from above, and water abundantly. After a certain time, the first shoots will appear. Seedlings dive into separate pots, maintaining a temperature of 22-25 degrees.
  2. The division of the bush. During transplant. Usually in early spring, the daughter outlet is separated from the main bush and rooted in separate containers. Reproduction is also carried out by dividing the main bush into parts.
  3. cuttings. The flower shoot is cut off before the flowers form and rooted in the ground, it can be placed in a mini greenhouse for some time before rooting. The stalk is cut as close to the base as possible.
  4. In addition to flower shoots, leafy ones are also used. Part of the leaf is placed on moist soil, or moss, covered with a glass flask on top and watered abundantly. The main requirement is a large amount of diffused light. Sometimes the leaves are placed on a layer of water (1-2 cm), with a piece of iron up, covered with a film, or a jar. After 2 months, the first shoots will begin to appear, then they are transplanted into the ground.

Top dressing: Sundew does not need additional top dressing. During the hot period, place the pot in an open area in the shade and the plant itself will find its prey in the form of insects.

Indoors, live or dry flies or other insects are brought in, but make sure a sticky liquid comes out at this time. Sundew can exist without insects at all, but growth will slow down significantly.

For a week, 1-3 flies bought in zoological shops are enough. On balconies, or verandas, the flower itself must provide its own food.

Pests: The plant is resistant to attack by pests, sometimes with low humidity and dry earthy coma, aphids, or botrytis, appear. To eliminate, use purchased spraying agents until they disappear completely.

Care Difficulties: The main problem is the rotting of the root system at low temperatures and abundant watering. The color becomes dull, growth slows down.

Flowering: The period of active growth begins in spring. Flowering takes place from March - April and can last until mid-summer. Small flowers up to 1 cm in diameter, pink or lilac, are placed on a long peduncle slightly above the leaves, so that the bee does not accidentally fall into the trap during dusting.

The flower has 5 petals. Indoors, the flowers are artificially pollinated by rubbing one against the other. After a month and a half, the boxes can be cut off. Extract the seeds and plant in the ground to get a new plant. In a month, sprouts will appear, and after 5-6 months, a beautiful bush will form.

Wintering: Starting from mid-autumn, all carnivorous plants enter a dormant state, which ends at the end of February. Part of the leaves die off, the plant stops growing. Fly traps are less active and sticky. Watering during this period is significantly reduced, but the soil should not be dry. Humidity is still kept at 70-90%. Feed intake is reduced several times.

Beneficial features: Despite its aggressive way of life as a carnivorous plant, sundew has medicinal properties.

  • The juice is used as a remedy for warts.
  • Serves as one of the components of a diuretic for oral administration.
  • On the basis of the plant, preparations are made for inflammation of the eyes, fever, and other diseases.

This species is practically the only one adapted to domestic conditions. Homeland is considered the South part of America.

The peculiarity of the Cape sundew lies in its small size, simple care and a large number of seeds, thanks to which the species reproduces rapidly, often even on its own. Small narrow leaves up to 4 cm long and 0.5 cm wide.

The leaves are collected in a basal rosette with red villi. On contact, a sticky paralytic substance is released from them. As soon as the insect has stuck, the edges of the leaf curl up, closing the victim in themselves, over-etching for several days.

It is noticed that the sheet reacts to organic matter and the ingress of foreign objects does not provoke folding.

There are many varieties in the list of green pets, whose traditional places of "residence" are very far from home registration. Among the specimens gaining popularity are “predator plants”. Consider one of the most popular species - Sundew (Drosera).

Answering the question - where does the sundew grow, researchers find it difficult to determine the accuracy of the location. Wild sundew is found on the African, American, Australian, New Zealand and even European continents.

The flower registers contain descriptions of more than 150 species belonging to the category of carnivores. The most common is the unpretentious round-leaved sundew. Among the names encountered, “sunny dew”, received as a gift from very conservative English, looks especially.

Attention! Before buying, before a predatory beauty acquires the status of a “pet”, you should ask about its species origin and ability to take root in individual climatic conditions.

Three varieties are found in Russia: round-leaved sundew, English sundew and intermediate sundew. In temperate climates, they are able to survive in severe cold conditions by forming overwintering buds. Despite the existing natural species diversity, flower growers have to be content with only one. Cape sundew is a flower, the indoor variety of which is not demanding in care and maintenance.

Sundew round-leaved in nature is a perennial herb. It got its name due to the droplets of liquid located on the hairs of the leaves. Among the features of the sundew are:

  • the formation of a basal rosette;
  • the presence of leaves of different lengths with villi covered with a sticky mass;
  • the presence of an inflorescence in the form of a spikelet, pink or cream color;
  • the adhesive substance is characterized by paralytic properties.

Amateur flower growers like the carnivorous sundew plant because of its unusual and attractive appearance, as well as the possibility of using it for medical purposes.

The flowers of the plant appear in mid-summer, and are pollinated by pollinating insects, which risk being trapped in hairs with liquid droplets. So flowers are located on a long peduncle so that insects do not fall into the trap during pollination. The flowers are painted in a white-pink hue, and consist of five petals that attract the attention of insects. At home, the flowers are artificially pollinated by rubbing each other. Inside the fruits that form in early autumn, there are small seeds. Once on the ground, they deepen and rise the very next year.

Growing is possible not only from seeds. Another way is to transplant the sundew into the conditions of the house with the soil layer on which the plant originally grew. The soil in which the pet is to be planted consists of peat and sand. Such a mixture is very similar to the mineral-poor soils of the natural habitat.

Medicinal properties

There is evidence that the flycatcher has been used in folk medicine since the Middle Ages. Wild sundew helped cure respiratory diseases: asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, colds of various origins, coughs and even tuberculosis. She coped well with inflammatory manifestations of the eyes and fever.

Important! Exceeding the dose of her drugs causes vomiting and nausea. Patients with epilepsy and tuberculosis should use it with caution, and it is best to consult a doctor.

Sleepy sundew, and other varieties, are now used in the process of creating drugs to combat atherosclerosis, epilepsy, candidiasis and headaches. Included in diuretics. The juice from the fresh plant can be used as a remedy for warts.

On the "hunt" for insects

Round-leaved sundew, covered with droplets of mucus produced by special glands, looks attractive. It is the shiny drop that attracts the insect. The surface of the plant is covered with sticky hairs, which keep victims of small sizes.

The hunting mechanism, which consists in folding sensitive leaves, turns on when the helpless victim is completely bogged down in the sticky mass. A kind of "nutrition" lasts for a week with closed leaves. Then the leaves open again and release a killer dew.

plant care

Many flower growers are concerned about the question - how to care for sundew at home? In order for the round-leaved sundew to feel excellent and delight with its exotic beauty, lighting, temperature, soil, humidity and watering will require attention.


Where the sundew grows, there should be a shadow. The best option for the location in the apartment is the premises of the eastern or western side. Window installation is not required. Requires diffused light. The use of northern rooms involves additional lighting.

Note! In summer, sunlight should last up to 14 hours, and in winter - up to 10 hours.

Direct sunlight is the cause of burns and death of the plant.


When choosing a temperature regime, the type of plant is taken into account. For African varieties, the comfortable temperature in summer is up to 30 ° C, in winter - not lower than 13 ° C, but not higher than 16 ° C. European subspecies require a temperature not higher than 22°C in summer, and in the range of 7–12°C in winter.

Predator can withstand temperatures from 2 to 50 ° C for a short amount of time

The soil

Care at home requires careful attention to soil mixtures. Natural habitat soil: peat, quartz sand, moss, turf or perlite. The approximate ratio of the composition of the substrate, is expressed by the formula: 2:2:1:1. As a measure, you can use a regular cup.

Humidity and watering

To admire sundew at home, remember that it belongs to the category of plants that “like” swampy areas. The required indicators of constant humidity are 70-90%. Wild sundew will thrive in shady conditions in open areas and the required level of humidity.

If the rooms in which the Cape sundew grows are characterized by low levels of humidity, then artificial humidification is required.

Spraying is allowed, but in the distance. To grow a sundew, it is recommended to install pallets with pebbles or expanded clay, and a moistened state. Can be used stacked on the surface of the pot.

To know how to grow round-leaved sundew in an apartment, you must remember that she loves water. Watering is plentiful and intensive, especially in winter. Do not allow the soil mixture to dry out. The water is soft, without impurities of salts and minerals. The best option is rainy or distilled.

Transplant conditions

Where sundew grows in natural conditions, it has a shallow root system. Therefore, transplantation is an optional event. Optimally - 1 time in several years, subject to the depletion of the soil.

About reproduction

Asking the question - how to grow a plant, you need to know that reproduction can be done by cuttings, division and seeds.

Breeding sundew from seeds is the most popular method. Requires the use of an equal mixture of sand and peat substrate, placing the seeds in the soil, covering with a glass container and generous watering. The optimum temperature is 22-25°C.

Sundew at home reproduces during transplantation by separating the formed outlet, or by dividing the main bush.

When cutting, the flower shoot is cut off before the formation of buds and takes root in greenhouses. As cuttings, leafy shoots are also used, placed in moist soil under the greenhouse. Sleepy sundew requires good watering and diffused light.

The plant in open spaces "hunts" on its own. In apartments, the sundew feeds on brought insects, live or dried. In the weekly diet of the plant, there are from 1 to 3 flies purchased in pet stores.

Growing these, you should also know:

  • nutrition provides growth, but is not a fundamental criterion for life;
  • pests - aphids. The causes of occurrence are insufficient moisture and dryness of the earth;
  • The beginning of active growth and flowering is spring. The dormant period is from October.

The main difficulty is root rot. The reason may be low temperature and overflow. Signs - fading color and cessation of growth.

The common sundew is a perennial herbaceous carnivorous plant whose unusual leaves produce a special sticky element. The bright appearance attracts many insects, and landing on this flower, the insect falls into the trap. The leaf immediately folds over, and the plant begins to absorb its prey. But the flower has not only this amazing quality. The medicinal properties of the plant are used to treat many diseases.

Round-leaved sundew can be found in many countries of the world. The Far East can be considered the historical homeland of this plant. In Russia, most often this predatory plant can be seen in strips with non-chernozem soil. Svan bogs and transitional bogs, open peat bogs and wet sands are an ideal environment for its habitat. Thanks to the insectivorous way of life, the plant itself can provide itself with the necessary minerals and salts, and also be content with water obtained only from precipitation. Such poor nutrition affects the appearance of the flower. Round-leaved sundew is characterized by very slow development and small parameters. For decades lived, the plant can grow up to a maximum of 25 cm in height.

Sundew round-leaved is a perennial plant that feeds exclusively on food of animal origin (butterflies, beetles, flies).

The common sundew is a perennial herbaceous carnivorous plant whose unusual leaves produce a special sticky element.

The leaves spread over the surface of the earth, together with their long petioles, form a kind of basal rosette. The diameter of round leaf plates can reach 2 cm. Glandular red hairs, 4-5 mm long, in the form of heads on stems, are located on top and along the edges of the leaves. It is these hairs that secrete a sticky element that looks like drops of morning dew from a distance. They are also susceptible to any external stimuli, and if an insect is within reach, the leaves bend and catch it.

Sundews most often have one flower-bearing leafless stem. It can grow up to 20-25 cm. Small snow-white flowers are picked up in large neat curls. The pistil of the plant consists of three columns, at the end of each of them there is a two-lobed stigma. The fruit is a long semicircular capsule in which small spindle-shaped seeds appear.

Gallery: common sundew (25 photos)

Features of round-leaved sundew (video)

The flowering period of sundews falls throughout the summer and begins in early June to the end of August.

Composition and useful properties of round-leaved sundew

The composition of the leaves and flowers of sundew includes such useful elements:

  • Naphthoquinone;
  • Plumbagin;
  • Droseron (no more than 1%);
  • Fluoroquinols;
  • Various tannins;
  • proteolytic enzymes;
  • Tannin (more than 1.5%).

Exot also contains ascorbic, citric, lactic, formic, benzoic and malic acids in equal proportions.

Rarely where you can find round-leaved sundew in official medicine. Despite this, homeopaths actively use the plant for treatment. It relieves spasms, has an expectorant and diaphoretic effect. Plants make excellent ointments from grass, which are used to combat skin rashes and fungus. A tincture of the roots of the plant is used for bacterial diseases such as whooping cough, tuberculosis. Sundew juice helps fight calluses and warts.

The composition of the leaves and flowers of sundew includes many useful elements.

Features of the procurement of raw materials

Round-leaved sundew grass is harvested during the beginning of flowering. The plant is carefully pulled out of the soil, you can also cut the stem under the very ground. After removing the sundew, it must be thoroughly cleaned of the remaining dirt and moss.

Sundew is dried at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. A well-ventilated room with a low temperature is perfect. The longer the plant is dried, the less useful properties will remain in it, so you should try to speed up the process as much as possible. The dried herb is usable for two years.

Round-leaved sundew grass is harvested during the beginning of flowering

The use of common sundew in folk medicine

Due to the huge amount of nutrients that make up the plant, sundew is widely used in folk medicine and helps to fight a huge range of different diseases.

  • Decoctions and infusions from the plant are recognized as more effective. They are recommended to rinse the mouth to combat dry cough without sputum.
  • Flower-based tea is used internally to treat respiratory viral infections, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, whooping cough, tuberculosis.
  • Tincture of sundew leaves relieves a sharp headache, helps with fever.
  • Tincture of sundew flowers on alcohol is used to combat endarteritis, pulmonary emphysema, tuberculosis, whooping cough. Its antibacterial properties destroy the favorable habitat of microbes and fungus.
  • Due to the huge content of organic and enzymatic substances in the juice of the plant, homeopaths advise making lotions from it and putting them on warts and corns to get rid of them. This procedure contributes to the restoration of impaired tissue regeneration, the destruction of various growths. The same tool is used to remove freckles and dry corns.

How to transplant round-leaved sundew (video)

Common sundew is used to treat unopened forms of various liver diseases: gastritis, colitis, enteritis. With the help of the plant, they fight bitter belching, bloating, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, heaviness in the lower abdomen. However, all the above infusions and decoctions should be used in normalized doses. Overdose can, on the contrary, aggravate the treatment of the disease.

Sundew round-leaved contraindications

Before using any medicinal plant, a consultation with a doctor is necessary, and round-leaved sundew is no exception. An overdose of tinctures from this plant can lead to serious poisoning.

It is forbidden to use drugs based on sundew for pregnant and breastfeeding women and people suffering from epilepsy.

An overdose of sundew medicines can lead to serious poisoning

Growing sundew round-leaved at home

In order for the sundew to feel great at home, to please the eye with its unique beauty and brightness, just like in the wild, a number of requirements must be observed. The room needs to maintain lighting, temperature, and also provide the plant with the right amount of moisture.

A flower pot is best placed in the shade. The east or west side of the apartment is ideal. There is no need to place the plant on a windowsill or window. If there is no street light in the room at all, you can use special lamps, creating artificial diffused light. In the summer months, the plant should receive at least 13 hours of sunlight, and in the winter - up to 10. If direct sunlight hits the sundew, burns appear, which can lead to death.

For the correct choice of temperature regime, it is necessary to know exactly the type of plant being grown. This value ranges from 22 to 30 degrees in summer and from 7 to 16 in winter.

The sundew (Drosera) is a carnivorous plant belonging to the family Rosyankovye. The habitat is the zones of Japan, China, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand, where the climate is subtropical and tropical. Some species, out of 150, grow wild in European swamps. In Russia, only four species of the genus Rosyanka are grown: round-leaved sundew (Drosera rotundifolia), English sundew (Drosera anglica), intermediate sundew (Drosera intermedia), obovate sundew (Drosera obovata). The name of the perennial comes from the Greek words: drosos - dew or droseros - wet with dew. Rosyanka is an autotrophic and heterotrophic plant, thus it is an interesting object for observation, a useful plant for growing at home.


Sundew, perennial, sometimes annual. The leaves are spatulate green-red in color, covered with hairs with sticky mucus. The leaves act as a trap for insects, the sticky secretion contains substances for etching. Pink with a white tint, sometimes purple, the flowers adorn the plant, they are radial and cup-shaped, 2 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs from May to August. The fruit of the plant is a box.

Insect feeding mechanism

Sundew attracts, captures, digests its victims with glands. The plant is distinguished by small, oval leaves that form a mundane rosette to which tentacles are attached. Nodules are located on the leaves, strongly releasing a viscous liquid with the smell of honey. Drops of liquid, shining in the sun, attract insects with their smell, insects that land on the leaves immediately stick. When the insect is stuck, the flower captures the victim with sticky tentacles, after digestion, the tentacles return to their original position.


For growing sundew at home, you should choose a well-lit place, without direct sunlight, it grows better in partial shade. The room should be dominated by high humidity. If you're unsure if the humidity is right, the pot of sundew can be placed in a large glass dish. The required temperature for a perennial is about 20 ° C in summer, within 15 ° C in winter. The growing pot should have a diameter of about 15 cm.

The soil

To create the right foundation, you need peat and fine gravel for aquariums, combined in a 2: 1 ratio. After planting, the surface of the earth is covered with sphagnum moss. Put the prepared pot in a container with water. Humidity around sundew has a huge influence on the formation of liquid droplets on sensory hairs. The plant is accustomed to wet conditions, in its natural environment it grows in swamps.


Sundew loves high humidity, you need to put the pot in a container with water. Watering the plant consists in pouring distilled, boiled or rain water onto the stand. The substrate must be constantly moist, dryness must not be allowed.

Carnivorous plants do not need to be fertilized, all essential nutrients receive from their victims decomposing, they release nitrogen used by the plant. Plants from time to time feed on insects, is not necessary, the flower will take care of itself. sundew feeding accelerate growth and proper development. Plant, does not need a rest period, in winter it should be on the windowsill of the south window. In winter, you also need to provide the necessary moisture. Sundew is a flowering plant, flowering slows down the growth of leaves. If you want the plant to have well developed leaves and tentacles, the inflorescences must be removed. An adult specimen is transplanted in the spring, every 2-3 years.


The plant reproduces by seeds, a difficult process. It is worth leaving propagation by seeds to specialists with laboratory conditions. You can try to grow seedlings yourself. Sundew seeds are very small, you do not need to sprinkle them with earth, just press them to the base.

Germination of seeds lasts about 2 weeks at a temperature of 20-25 °C. Shoots should be exposed to a sunny place. Seedlings are planted when they grow up. After two years, the plant becomes a mature specimen. The sundew also breeds root cuttings, cut into pieces 3-5 cm long and laid flat in a container, then covered with a layer of earth.

Sundew belongs to the rarest predator plants. This small herbaceous plant in nature grows on poor marsh soils. Therefore, in the process of evolution, the sundew has developed its own unique way of extracting the nutrients it needs - it feeds on insects. In order to catch prey, sundew leaves are covered with tiny droplets of a sticky substance. When an insect sticks to it, the leaf, feeling the vibration, rolls up, wrapping the insect in itself, and gradually digests it.

Sundew leaves are collected in a dense basal rosette. In most species, the inflorescences are inconspicuous, rising above the rosette on high 10-20 cm peduncles so that pollinating insects do not fall into a sticky trap.

In nature, sundews grow both in tropical zones and in temperate latitudes. We have some species. However, in indoor floriculture, only tropical species are usually bred - more brightly colored and not requiring cold wintering.

indoor views

Cape sundew - narrow leaves up to 5-6 cm long on a long (up to 10 cm) petiole, covered with reddish trapping cilia. Peduncles can reach 20 cm in height and carry up to 10-15 dark pink flowers. The flowering period is May-July.

Sundew round-leaved - plant height up to 20 cm. Rounded leaves on long petioles, collected in a basal rosette. The underside of the leaf is smooth, green, the upper side is pubescent with reddish trapping cilia. Flowering from July to August.

Sundew spatula - forms a compact dense rosette. The leaves are wide, spade-shaped, on a short petiole, covered with reddish trapping cilia.

Rosyanka Alicia - leaves with trapping cilia of a belt-like shape. Forms a dense but not large rosette. Tropical species native to Australia.

Sundew double - differs from other sundews in the shape of the leaf - the leaf is long and narrow, forked at the end. Both ends are coiled, like .



Prefers very bright places, but protected from direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to the sun can significantly worsen the appearance of the plant and even lead to its death.


For sundews from temperate zones, summer temperature should be 20 C °, winter 5-10 C °. Warm wintering can lead the plant to death. For tropical species, summer temperature is 25-30 C°, winter - 15-18 C°.


Needs a constantly moist clod of earth. Usually watered abundantly. In summer, water is left in the pan, in winter, watering is less intense and water is not left in the pan. Watered with rain or filtered water, as the plant does not tolerate salts in water at all. If this is not possible, before watering, the water should be slightly warmed up and defended for two days in an open vessel.


Needs very high humidity. An ideal place for growing is a florarium or some kind of glass container with a lid that is easy to maintain humidity. If this is not possible, sundew should be placed on a tray with wet sphagnum or regularly sprayed with soft rain or very well-settled warm water.

top dressing

Sundew roots are practically not adapted for extracting nutrients from the soil. Therefore, this plant is usually not fertilized. But if you do not feed the plant with insects, you can feed the plant every 1-2 months with a weak solution of fertilizers for hydroponics (the solution is made at a concentration 4 times less than what is written on the package).


Rosyanka can not be planted in ordinary soil mixtures. They are too nutritious for her and she will quickly die in them. It is best to plant it in soil consisting of sphagnum moss, peat and sand or perlite in a ratio of 1:0.5:0.5. The acidity of the soil should be pH 4 - 5.

Sphagnum, being a moisture-intensive medium, will maintain soil moisture well.

The plants are planted in shallow pots. Several plants can be planted in one bowl, but so that the sockets do not overlap each other. You can plant sundews of different types in 1 pot.


Seeds, layering and cuttings.

  • It is easiest to propagate by seeds. Sundew blossoms in spring. Flowers can be pollinated with a brush or simply by lightly rubbing against each other. A month after the end of flowering, seed boxes ripen. Seeds are sown on the surface of the soil, covered with a bag and kept in a bright and very humid place at a temperature of 20 ° C. Fresh seeds sprout very quickly and in a couple of months grow to the size of an adult plant. Purchased seeds germinate longer - up to 5 months;
  • Rosettes often produce layering, which can be carefully separated from the mother plant and planted in separate bowls under the bag;
  • In order to propagate the sundew with a cutting, you need to cut a healthy leaf and root it in water or moist soil under the bag.

Diseases and pests

Sundews are not damaged. But if the bay is too large, they can be prone to rot. Do not allow water to stand in the pot.

Features of care

  • Sundews have a dormant period, which usually lasts from November to February. At this time, the plant almost does not grow, requires less intensive watering and less nutrition. Trap leaves become less sticky, some of the leaves may die off;
  • If the leaves with dewdrops begin to dry out, spray them with water. The presence of wet dewdrops is an indicator of good plant conditions and, accordingly, its health.

How to feed sundew

Sundew can not be fed, but in this case it will grow slowly. Therefore, it is advisable to give her insects. 2-3 large flies per plant are enough per week. Worms and other small insects will go. An insect that is too large can damage the leaf and simply break out and run away. Do not overfeed the plant and even more so give it raw meat.

I suggest watching an interesting video about feeding the sundew.

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