How to hunt a wild boar alone. Boar tracking. And not only. Battle hunting, or paddock

Hunters are looking forward to the opening of the season in order to indulge in their favorite hobby. Wild boar hunting is as exciting and exciting as it is dangerous. Failure to follow the rules of conduct can cost you dearly, because a wounded billhook is like a tank and is capable of inflicting severe injuries on a person.

Every hunter dreams of getting a trophy in the form of a wild boar carcass, but not everyone gets it. Even having calculated all the actions to the smallest detail, you can return from hunting with nothing. If you are just a beginner hunter, it is better to practice shooting smaller game: hare, foxes, ducks, pheasants. For the extraction of a boar, professional skills and certain knowledge are needed. The outcome of events will depend on how carefully you prepare for the fishing process. General rules hunting includes several important points that will help you understand how to hunt a wild boar correctly:

  • good preparation. Think in advance where and when you will track the animal. The hunting season for wild boars is not open all year round. It usually lasts from August to the end of February. Hunting with dogs reduces this period to October, and it is better to look for young boars from September to January;
  • explore in advance the territory where you are going to hunt, talk with the huntsman and find out about the behavior of the beast in this location, the number of individuals, preferred food. Walk around the area on your own and make a route plan. Check the availability of trails for passing, because windbreaks will greatly complicate the hunting process;
  • choose the type of hunting. There are several of them and which one is right for you depends on some factors;
  • prepare weapons, equipment, ammunition. You should not emit foreign odors, such as tobacco, alcohol, perfumes, anything that can alert the beast;
  • Only males can be shot. It is forbidden to shoot at females or small pigs. The only exception is selective shooting;
  • remember that a wounded pig is capable of attacking. After shooting, you will have a few seconds to decide whether to shoot again or look for cover;
  • do not set dogs on a wounded animal, in a fight they can get hurt on their fangs;
  • weapons must always be at the ready;
  • look at tree trunks in search of prey. The more and towers the bark is stripped, the larger the boar can meet;
  • at the time of surveillance, do not go along the animal path and in the direction of the wind. It is better to go a little to the side and move against the wind, so you will not frighten away the animal with your smell;
  • try to get close to the animal so that there are trees or bushes between you. Such barriers will slow down the boar if he decides to attack you;
  • in no case do not approach the beast until you are sure that he is dead;
  • if the boar is running at you, jump away in front of him. Most likely, there will be no re-attack and he will run away.

Last but most important rule- do not panic. Sober thinking will help you quickly navigate even in the most difficult situation.

The choice of weapons and equipment for hunting

The main thing when choosing a weapon for hunting is its serviceability. After entering the forest, make a control shot, reload and shoot again. The boar is a powerful and strong animal, so the choice of weapons must be appropriate. You can go hunting with both smoothbore and rifled guns. Available combined type, the main thing is that at the time of firing the gun ensures a reliable defeat of the beast, regardless of the hunting conditions.

The choice of a particular weapon is directly affected by its characteristics. Of the smoothbore options, double-barreled shotguns of 12 and 16 gauge are in demand. Ammo can be loaded various types bullets: "Vyatka", "Ideal", Poleva, Blondo, etc. You need to choose the right projectile for you by shooting. The quality of the battle is determined by the accuracy, accuracy and penetration of the bullet. The projectile must weigh at least 35 g, have an accurate and powerful action. Bullets of German origin - "Brennike" weighing 36 g - have proven themselves well. A very important parameter in choosing a weapon is fast reloading.

In rifled weapons, cartridges of caliber 7.62x51 mm, 7.62x54 mm, 7.62x73 mm are used. For large individuals, more powerful calibers of 8x68 mm, 9.3x62 mm, 9.3x64 mm are chosen. The extraction of an average wild boar is carried out most often by the SKS model.

Before buying a gun, check it for noise. Locking mechanisms, fuse and trigger should work as silently as possible. It is forbidden to hunt a wild boar with buckshot, there is a risk of hooking a neighboring individual in a pack or dogs if they help you. Don't forget to bring cleaning and lubricating supplies, as well as a flashlight and a night vision scope, if you go hunting in the dark.

Choice of clothes and shoes envy of the season and weather conditions. First of all, the equipment should be comfortable for you and inconspicuous for the beast. The fabric from which things are sewn should not rustle, creak and make other frightening sounds. The boar has very good hearing and any extraneous noise will frighten it away. An experienced hunter dresses everything from soft fabrics, for the legs there are special pistons made of boar skin, made with the wool on the outside.

Take Special attention disguise. Choose clothes with colors that are as close as possible in color to environment. Use a hat with a mosquito net as protection against insects.

How to hunt wild boars, types and features of hunting

You can watch for a wild boar in the places of its feeding or on the trails between the day and feeding. Best time for hunting - early morning or night. At this time, the billhook leaves his rookery and goes in search of food. If you find a boar lounger, consider yourself very lucky. Look for boar tracks around him. Most likely, from feeding, he will return home by the same path. At the height of the season, while you are waiting for your target, consider ambush. It can be a tree or another hill from which it is convenient to make a well-aimed shot. To attract the beast to your territory, you can scatter some corn or grain. The choice of type of hunting depends on the terrain.

Hunting with a paddock (battery)

Wild boar roundup is the most common type of hunting in Russian regions. The principle of such catching is to drive the animal out by beaters to the shooters waiting for it. If the terrain is such that the shooters have to position themselves in places with poor visibility, the team leader warns the beaters to make less noise. So the boars will go slower, and the shooters will have more chances to make a well-aimed shot. Before the corral, all participants in the hunt must be instructed and clearly, without amateur performance, follow the established rules, observing safety measures.

Drive hunting can be unpredictable. At any moment, the boar can attack the beaters instead of running away from them. "Blind" raids give positive results if there is a flock of wild boars on the site. The number of individuals is counted by the number of tracks. Beaters and shooters should be as quiet as possible, speaking in whispers and signaling by tapping on wood.

Hunting with approach (stealth)

Wild boar hiding occurs in places of its haulout or on a fattening place during daylight hours. The hunter must silently sneak up to the boar against the wind, using bushes, trees and hollows for camouflage. In open areas, it is better to crawl. Stealing a boar in a lounger is not obtained by many. The fact is that the beast lying in the pit is very quiet and invisible. But in the place where he eats, this is easy to do.

Hunting with an approach requires a certain experience and knowledge of wild boar habits. Hunting professionalism will tell you where and when the wild boar eats and will allow you to bypass these areas in search of it. As a rule, boars do not change their habits and choose rookeries and feeding grounds on an ongoing basis. Having found them, it is better to mark them on the map or make some other mark.

Scrap hunting can be done with dogs. Usually for such purposes choose huskies. Boar hunting with likes makes the process much easier. Hunters in the amount of 2-4 people go out with dogs to the places of the alleged substantiation of wild boars and, having reached the place, release the dogs. While the dogs are looking for the beast, the hunters are moving through the grounds. When the animal is found and raised by dogs, the hunters act according to circumstances. The main task is to get as close to the boar as possible and make an accurate shot.

Boar hunting from a tower

The fishing method is similar to the ambush, with the only difference being that the place of deployment has already been found - on the tower. This is considered the safest hunting option, because. even an angry beast cannot reach you. Suitable more for young, inexperienced hunters who are not yet ready to directly contact with a wild boar. One important condition when fishing from a tower is accuracy. If the shot is ineffective, you will not have a second chance, the animal will simply run away. Keep this in mind before hunting wild boar alone.

While waiting for an opportunity to shoot, be as quiet as possible. Keep a close eye on the boars so as not to miss the moment when one turns into a suitable well-aimed shot side. Hunting for a wild boar from a tower can also take place at night, just keep in mind that it must be lunar, otherwise it will be almost impossible to see your target.

Hunting in the fields

Catching the beast on the field is very convenient. This is where the animal eats. On a terrain without trees and bushes, the animal is easy to notice and hear by the characteristic sounds it makes while eating. You need to approach the boar against the wind, silently and waiting for the moments when he freezes and listens. An ideal option is an oat or pea field. In it you can hide, stealing up or waiting for the animal, and after waiting to fire a shot.

How to properly shoot a boar

A correctly executed shot is the guarantee of your victory over the mighty boar. Boars are very hardy and even a beast wounded in the heart can walk up to 300 m or rush at you. When injured, blood is released in small quantities, because. adipose tissue very quickly tightens the wound. This determines the "survivability" of the beast after an aimed shot. You can find out if there was a hit by following in the footsteps of the boar leaving. If you see drops of blood, then the animal is injured and you can wait for the time of his death.

Remember the rules of shooting to reduce the number of non-productive hits.

  1. When the boar is standing or walking straight at the hunter, you need to prepare and aim. The shot itself is fired at the moment when the beast notices the shooter and turns to the side to leave.
  2. A shot under the shoulder blade touches the heart, in the head - destroys the brain, and in the neck - damages the vertebrae. Remember these three points and try to aim at them.
  3. It is best to shoot at a moving target from a distance of no more than 30 m.
  4. Do not shoot at an animal that is on a hill above you. If the shot is not effective, the beast will rush down right at you.
  5. Never aim at the boar's chest. In this place he reliable protection in the form of a kolgan and your manipulations will only anger the animal.

To understand what the hit was, and in which place it is possible according to certain signs. If the shot hit upper part body, the boar will writhe, if it is in the lower one, it will jump. An animal with a damaged spine is trying to stand on its front hooves, and if you notice that the animal is convulsing, know that it hit its head.

Boar hunting depending on the season

Each season has its own laws for hunting wild boars. The opening of the season starts differently for all regions and depends on climatic features terrain.

How to hunt wild boar in summer

Usually towards the end summer period wild boars begin to eat intensively, stocking up on fat for the winter. With the onset of dusk, herds of animals get out into the fields, visit gardens and glades. You can understand that you have found a feeding place by characteristics. These will be open pits, puddles of mud, traces of droppings, traces of hooves, etc. Effectively track the animal from the watering place by following the tracks.

Boars choose summer places for sun loungers in shallow ravines, reeds, spruce forests, in general, in those places where there is more moisture and you can hide from the heat. In summer, it is best to hunt wild boar in the fields and open glades on the towers.

Hunting in autumn

Golden time is considered the best period for tracking wild boars. Zverelov hunt from ambush in the fields and near animal trails. At the very beginning of autumn, animals come out to feed immediately after sunset. Then it is best done aimed shots. In mid-September, wild boars go out to get food already in the dark.

Hunting in winter

In winter, it is more difficult to find a place to sit. Choose locations closer to the thickets of reeds, dense trees. As at any other time, the animal comes out for feeding more often at night than during the day. The rookery arranges on anthills or under large fir trees. From the tracks in the snow and droppings, you can determine the location of the animal.

In winter, finding food is more difficult than in summer, and experienced hunters take advantage of this. During the day, the bait is laid out in the intended location of the wild boar, and in the evening they go fishing.

When going for a trophy carcass of a wild boar, remember that risk is a noble cause, but not in this case. At the slightest hint of danger to health or life, it is better to retreat. Boars, despite their size and clumsiness, are very fast and agile, so you can quickly move from the role of a hunter to the role of prey.

Successful hunting for a wild boar is possible only when the hunter learns the habits of this animal. And they are especially predictable: the wild boar, as a rule, spends the night in hard-to-reach places, protected not only from humans, but also from the wind. In autumn, it can be a ravine, thickets of reeds, dense thickets of the forest. Its movements are also predictable - having chosen the places of feeding and lodging for the night, the wild boar moves only one path, and in both directions.

In autumn and early winter, wild pigs experience mating season, so often they can be given out at this time by the noise of a fight between males. At night in autumn, a herd of wild boars can be found in the fields, but even with such activity, they behave quite quietly.

The wild boar is a very sensitive animal. Hearing is well developed, unlike vision. When hunting in the fall, this must be taken into account, since dry branches or leaves can betray the hunter and deprive him of his prey.

Of course, better than stories experienced hunters or own experience is nothing. But it is not recommended to test yourself without studying the habits of this beast. For example, you can watch videos that are saturated on the Internet, and preferably more than one. Moreover, today there are enough video clips, both educational and simply informative.

Hunting methods

Use of dogs

Dogs are applicable both in individual hunting and in collective hunting. One of the main rules is to quickly get to the call of the dogs. Not unimportant will also be the use of good trained dogs: they must unquestioningly listen to the owner. You also need to be careful, because dogs often die on such a hunt, mainly due to the fault of a negligent hunter.

Walking through the forest, the boar is not difficult to figure out - it leaves footprints on the damp autumn ground. But in the thickets, reeds will have a hard time. Therefore, the dogs must be selected in such a way that they could take the trail in dense thickets, and they could get through them quickly, and they had a loud ringing bark. Here you will come to the aid of a video from the network or advice from other hunters. After watching even a couple of videos, you will understand how hunting dog indispensable when hunting wild pigs. You can use a husky or a hound, some prefer setters.

Stalking hunting

The essence of this method is to track down and quietly sneak up on a herd of pigs. One of the main rules is to approach against the wind, otherwise such a hunt cannot be called successful. It is clear that it is almost impossible to hit wild boars at random. You need to know their habitats, carefully study their paths.

Hunting from a tower or ambush

Hiding in specially made places, the hunter patiently waits for the victim. Here the main rule is to observe complete silence. In addition, you need such clothes so that no foreign smell comes from it, and it is also strictly forbidden to smoke. For many hunters, this method seems uninteresting, but watch a couple of video clips and make sure that such a hunt has its own charms.

corral method

The most common type of hunting. The beaters drive out the beast with the noise, and the hunters are placed waiting for the wild boar to run out on them. With this method, the accuracy of the shooter is very important, since you have to shoot almost constantly at a moving boar. You should be extremely careful and careful, because this is a collective type of hunting, which means there is always a chance of a shot towards another hunter or dogs.

Precautionary measures

Any hunt is fraught with some danger. Especially when it comes to hunting. wild pig- the animal is extremely dangerous when injured. Some beginners, after watching a video that shows the fury of a wounded boar quite picturesquely, simply refuse to go hunting. But this is wrong. You just need to be able to hunt and follow some rules.

  • If you are going to hunt a wild boar, be sure to make sure that the gun is in good condition and the cartridges are reliable. No one is immune from a sudden misfire, but it can cost your life or, at best, health.
  • Try to shoot for sure. If you have a repeating shotgun, then this is easier. But if you have a single-barreled or double-barreled shotgun, then there simply won’t be time to reload.
  • If a boar is injured, it is possible that he will run at you. Sometimes there may not be time for another shot (misfire, lack of ammo, or most likely time). Don't panic if this happens. It may seem ordeal, but it will inevitably have to pass. Wait until the distance between you and the victim is as short as possible and jump sharply to the side. As a rule, the second time the boar does not rush into the attack and simply runs away.
  • Clothing and shoes should be comfortable. It should be borne in mind that we are considering hunting for a boar in the fall, which means that we will have to wander through the thick grass, which has already “lain” on the ground and interferes with normal walking or running. And you may also have to move along ravines or overcome small water barriers. Nothing should prevent you from moving quickly and, if necessary, silently.

  • Learn to hold a knife with confidence. Who knows what might happen. Suddenly, the knife will become the only weapon that can protect you and save your life.
  • The boar, despite being very large sizes, a fairly fast animal. No one will risk getting close to him if we are talking about a sane hunter. Use optical sights that will make it possible to kill a boar from the first shot and do it from a safe distance.
  • If possible, prefer bullets to buckshot. Especially when hunting with dogs or dealing with a herd of wild pigs. Too high a chance that the pigs will scatter with lead under their skin, and your dog will lose his life. There are a lot of videos circulating on the net showing such unpleasant moments.
  • To avoid trouble, try to aim at the "weak" places on the boar's body: ears, neck, spine.
  • Do not follow the wounded boar literally on the heels. Keep a safe distance. And experienced hunters generally recommend waiting 10-20 minutes and only then following the tracks of a wounded animal. Especially if you have a faithful dog with you.
  • If the hunt is collective, then always follow the rule - shoot only in your sector and only in complete safety.

Although hunting for a wild boar is fraught with many dangers, it leaves an unforgettable experience. Barking dogs, crackling dry branches, chasing, shooting and, finally, the carcass of a heavy boar - what can be imagined better? Experienced hunters know that the one who has killed a boar at least once is already worthy of respect not so much for accuracy as for courage.

Autumn time is beautiful time dedicate one day to boar hunting. In today's article, we will take a closer look at the features this method mining. We will talk about how to prepare for the process, what recommendations and rules are important to follow, and also remember other types of hunting. We are sure that this kind of analytical material will be useful to many hunters who decide to go to the forest for a trophy.

Who would like this type of prey

Each hunter has their own favorite type of prey, but many agree that this process is the most interesting. At this point, it is important to make a reservation that only experienced and fairly careful hunters can hunt the presented animal in this way. Unfortunately, as practice shows, for beginners in hunting, this method sometimes ends sadly and some kind of damage is done to their condition. At the same time, there are more effective ways catching a wild boar, for example: sitting at the bait.

Hunting with an approach will appeal to those who like to look out for their potential prey, track it down, carefully sneak up on the beast so that it does not suspect anything. According to the hunters themselves, when they get close enough to the beast and begin to hear its breathing, then somewhere the most important instincts wake up inside a person. That is why, many note the sharpness and inexpressibility of all the feelings that a person experiences.

Getting ready for the hunt

Always give due attention to preparation. Do not neglect this. Also, do not forget about the control check of weapons when you are in the forest.

So, if you decide that such a dangerous occupation is completely suitable for you, then it's time to start preparing for it. To begin with, it is important to talk with the huntsman, who will tell you where the herd eats, rests, and where the pigs have transitional paths. You should also carefully study the terrain and the terrain in order to understand where, if something happens, the animal can run away.
Please note that you can count on success only in those forests where there is a well-established network of trails along which you can move. Let us remind you that the boar itself is very smart, extremely strong and most dangerous beast. It can only be compared in strength and ingenuity with a bear. If it seems to someone that he is clumsy, then this is self-deception, yielding to which you can lose your health even in especially sad cases of life.

Hunting in winter

In particular, the prey of this animal in winter period on the trail is more effective than in any other period of time. It is most likely to follow the animal in fresh tracks, since other signs of the billhook's habitation in the forest may not be found. If the area is not familiar, then it is almost impossible to find an animal.

Hunting rules:

    It is important that the weapon is always at the ready;

    As an assistant, you can use calm and trained huskies or bloodhounds;

    It is more correct to choose a place for shooting next to a boulder or big tree. This will allow you to hide in case the shot turned out bad. Even if your shot turned out to be good, and the animal fell, you don’t have to run to check it. You should be selected from the back and still have a gun completely ready for fire in your hands. If the ears are flattened, and the hair on the nape is tousled, then he is alive! Play it safe and shoot in the ear to protect yourself from any problems;

    You should not open fire on a boar that flies straight at the shooter. It is recommended to shoot from the side and aim under the shoulder blade of the beast;

A few secrets

Remember that this activity is a kind of lottery. He is smart and often changes his feeding place, which means you will have to work hard to find the beast again. More than other qualities, patience, attentiveness and the ability to just wait will help in this matter.

In the morning, finding it is also not difficult, with the proper approach. It is most likely to guard the billhook at night, although you need to be prepared to wait several hours before it appears nearby. You can sneak up to the herd while all the individuals are resting. They sleep soundly and therefore you can get very close. If you make a mistake and wake up the beast, he is able to cripple a person and even kill him.

Hunting in November is incredibly productive, animals gain their maximum annual weight, finding them is quite easy, you just need to follow their food. The main goal for the wild boar at this time is to work up as much fat mass as possible in order to survive the winter season and the very difficult period of the rut without any problems. In this issue, we will cover the main changes in their behavior, as well as the most popular and simple ways hunting for them. Now in order.

Moving from swampy areas to wooded areas in wild boars is determined by the abundance of food on the ground. AT given time it consists of fallen acorns, nuts and cones, which are extremely nutritious and beneficial for the general strengthening of the body. But animals also do not neglect the roots of coastal vegetation at watering places. In October, the main occupation of these animals is fattening, so you should look for them in places with an abundance of food, where you can, for example, arrange an ambush.

In addition to weight gain, animals undergo seasonal molt, which makes the coat much thicker, increasing the protection of animals not only from the cold, but also from predators and other individuals of their own species. During an abundance of food, animals greatly weaken their vigilance, paying attention only to feeding. Animals are kept in flocks, sometimes quite numerous. For now, males and females stay together. Piglets from the last offspring begin to feed on their own, but do not move a single step away from the female. To next month the situation will change dramatically due to the onset of the rut period and a significant reduction in the food supply.

There are a lot of ways to hunt wild boar in October, as well as methods for tracking them down. The hunt itself often takes place in beech and oak areas. You can find an animal by following fresh trails, very visible to the naked eye from a long distance. It is necessary to enter the animal from against the wind, since the boar has a very acute sense of smell. The main methods of hunting this month: from the approach, with dogs, stalking, as well as from ambush in places of fattening.

Stalking is perhaps the most interesting, but it is also extremely difficult, requiring a lot of stamina and patience. The animal is approached from the leeward side, while it is necessary to periodically climb up the hill in order to properly examine the area. First of all, places rich in acorns, cones and nuts, their main diet, are explored, in the same places, with preliminary reconnaissance of the area, sit-ins are arranged.

Bulk hunting is the most effective. This method involves surrounding the animal and approaching it from the side of the wind, while a group of hunters lurk on the leeward side. It is also necessary to have a connection between the beaters and the shooters in order to convey the direction of the moved beast, the latter usually goes ahead in exactly one direction, which is quite easy to predict. We wish you a pleasant time on the hunt. Break a leg!

Vadim Vetoshkin
Expert of the Mir Okhota chain of stores, hunting experience: 20 years, St. Petersburg

Type of hunting: Hunting for wild boar, bear, bird. Lots of trophy hunts.
One of my favorites is hunting with a pointing dog.

In the article we will tell you how to choose weapons and ammunition for hunting a wild boar, what kind of optics and disguise are suitable, we will tell you what hunting rules are and what you need to know about this beast.

It will be interesting for both beginners and experienced hunters!
And here are the main points that we studied. This list will help you navigate through the article:

Any hunting has its subtleties and nuances, hunting for a wild boar is no exception. First, let's look at the most popular types of wild boar hunting.

Types of hunting for wild boar

Driven hunting for wild boar

The most popular type of hunting for wild boar.

The chain of beaters drive the beast to a row of shooters, each numbered in its place.
The huntsman helps in hunting, knowing how and where the herd feeds, where he stops for a day, he competently carries out the corral. In this hunt, it is very important to follow the instructions of the hunter (huntsman) and keep still on your number. Any movements and sounds will scare away the beast.
Wild boars go through the most dense bushes and strong places, so this is where you need to place numbers. As a rule, a wild boar in a corral moves very quickly, trying to follow its own path, so the hunter needs increased attentiveness and readiness for a quick shot.

Since the view in the thick of the forest is very limited, each room must know where the other room is located

Be sure to wear brightly colored hats or headbands to identify yourself

You can’t leave the number without permission, you can get into the line of fire

Shoot only at a visible target

Shooting is carried out in the area indicated by the huntsman or the head of the hunt

Hunting for a wild boar from the approach, stealth

This type hunting will appeal to those who like to hunt down prey. The main thing here is the strategy and knowledge of the habits of the animal.
Hunting from the approach requires special skills from the hunter: the ability to track down the beast, sneak up unnoticed and make a winning shot. And you need to be able to do it!
If you are waiting for the animal at the bait, secret weapon- it's tactics, patience and attentiveness.
Rules for this hunt:

Hunting for a wild boar from a tower (storage)

This type of hunting is based on attracting a herd of wild boars for bait, or waiting for them on permanent feeding grounds. Sitting is carried out on the hills. These are structures installed autonomously or fixed on a tree.
Towers and storehouses are installed near bait sites. Most often, the huntsman pours food in the evening, and you can get up on the tower an hour before sunset.
Wild boars are very careful when entering the feeding area and can for a long time stand on the edge of the forest, carefully studying the surroundings. The main thing is patience and lack of noise. After that, you can already get the coveted trophy.

Preparing for a boar hunt

The selection of weapons is the main issue for hunters!

Many people think so. Boar hunting is dangerous and difficult, no doubt. And all beginners, gathering for their trophy, think about acquiring a self-loading carbine.

What choice did you make?

Our expert shared his experience and told why it is better to choose weapons with manual reloading:

"Most beginners, having no experience yet, are in a hurry to shoot. With automatic equipment, the effectiveness drops significantly - the second and third shots turn out to be inaccurate.

And everything is explained simply: the beast is already on its way, and when you have made a shot, adrenaline does its job, the second and third shots will be taken in a hurry.

Whether it's a bolt-action carbine or a double-barreled shotgun, it takes time to reload the weapon, it disciplines and allows you to make a deliberate next shot.

I experienced this myself when I was a beginner. The first carbine was just a semi-automatic, then switched to a bolt-action one. rate of fire and a large number of cartridges - an erroneous opinion, it is better to make one accurate shot!"

- bolt-action carabiner

On the image

The principle of choosing a weapon

The main principle of the selection of weapons is the type of hunting for a wild boar!

We single out two main categories of hunting for wild boar:

Night boar hunting

Day hunting for wild boar

What guns are suitable for hunting wild boar?

- the classic version of the double-barreled

On the image

- shotgun

On the image

– reliable semi-automatic in two calibers

On the image

- bolted carbine with a rotary sliding bolt

On the image

Applicable ammunition for a wild boar

- domestically produced cartridges

- smoothbore cartridge with a bullet

– Serbian cartridges with bullet types and

See our other options for rifled cartridges.
Do not forget that there are a lot of bullets and each was designed for specialized purposes.
Each cartridge and bullet is used for its intended purpose and for a specific game.

Data on the distance used and the object of hunting are often indicated on the pack: for each specific pool. The data can be viewed on the official website of a particular manufacturer.

For example, a smoothbore cartridge

The pack has a picture of a boar. So it is, the direct purpose of these cartridges is to hunt for a wild boar.

Used bullets on a boar

We do not use the full metal jacket FMJ (Full Metal Jacket). Such bullets do not work out on the animal and leave a wounded animal.

We do not use the full metal jacket FMJ (Full Metal Jacket). Such bullets do not work out on the animal and leave a wounded animal.

The magnum bullet does not add any efficiency, except for unnecessary recoil.

An excellent two-chamber bullet, after the shot we have an inlet and an outlet.
Energy is conserved as it passes through the bone of the game. The bullet shows excellent stopping power.

It does not break into fragments even when it hits a bone.
In soft tissue, fully expands to a large diameter. With this bullet you can achieve excellent accuracy.

Soft bullet of fast expansion.

In terms of expansiveness, it stands between Alaska and Oryx.

culinary moment

The actual question is: “What caliber should be used so as not to damage the game?”

Boar optics

Night hunting

When hunting from a tower and a storehouse, we use an optical sight with a magnification of 2.5-10x50 or higher magnification with a large aperture lens.

Night hunting is indispensable without night vision devices, if only to see the target and know where to shoot.
Especially for night hunting from the approach it is required observation device: night vision monocular or thermal imager.
Observe the area through optical sight mounted on a carabiner, it is very inconvenient. Plus, you'll make a lot of noise.
Night instruments and a thermal imager will allow you to see the beast on the way, to view the situation. And after a shot with a collimator and a flashlight, it’s effective to go to add a trophy.
Summarizing required: a collimator with a flashlight, a night vision device, or a sight with good aperture optics.

day hunting

Here we consider either front sight and rear sight, red dot sight or optical sight with the minimum frequency.
If this is driven hunting, then collimator sights have proven themselves perfectly!
This is an optimally fast shot at a short distance.

For rifled weapons, we select optics with a minimum magnification of 1-1.1, no more. As a rule, these are sights with a magnification of 1-4x24, 1-6x24.

Summarizing required: collimator sight, optical sight with a minimum magnification of 1-1.1.

- driven sight with illumination

Mesh type: 4A-IF

- reliable optics of the Japanese company Nikon

- high-aperture optical sight

Grid type: BRX-I
Multiplicity: 2.3-18

– technologically advanced and reliable sight with lenses [ ED glass- a grade of optical glass with low dispersion. The use of these glasses in the construction of lenses reduces the residual chromatic aberration, which is especially useful for long lenses. ED glass]

- an excellent auxiliary option for an overview of the situation on the hunt at night

– with the ability to record an image and highlight the thermal zones of an object with color

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