I am a soldier. Do I need to undergo training when renewing my license for a traumatic pistol? How to get a weapon permit for a soldier

The license is handed over to the LRR, on its basis a permit card is prepared, which allows you to legally store hunting weapons. A permit card is issued for about 10 days. For certain categories of citizens (employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Moscow Region), you must additionally submit a certificate of securing service weapons. For employees of private organizations with special statutory tasks (PSCs), you must provide an RSLA card. Required documents The applicant submits the following documents to the LRR: Permit renewal procedure Re-registration (renewal) of the permit is carried out every 5 years. The procedure for extending a permit for hunting weapons involves the provision of the following documents:

  • Help of a narcologist and a psychiatrist.

How to get a license for hunting weapons in 2018 for military personnel

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 have the right to purchase gas weapons, smooth-bore long-barreled firearms for self-defense, sporting weapons, hunting weapons, signal weapons, edged bladed weapons designed to be worn with the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation or Cossack uniforms. Obtaining a weapons permit is possible only if the applicant fully complies with the following REQUIREMENTS: - Reaching the age of majority. - The presence of a permanent registration. — Availability of a medical certificate of the absence of medical contraindications and certificates from a narcologist and a psychiatrist. - Absence of outstanding criminal record for intentional crimes. — Lack of information on bringing to responsibility for administrative offenses in the last 12 months (two or more violations in a year give grounds to the HRRR to refuse to issue a weapon permit).

Documents for a permit for hunting weapons in 2018

Gun safety training courses are one of the services provided by our professional instructors. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Weapons" and a license for educational activities, a highly qualified teaching and instructor staff of the Club conducts high-quality training of citizens in the rules for the safe handling of weapons (with hunting, self-defense, sports). After completing the full course of study, you will receive not only valuable knowledge on how to properly and safely handle various types of weapons, but also protect yourself and your loved ones from an accident.

We can help you solve these and many other problems! In the DOSAAF shooting club, everyone will find entertainment to their liking. You can shoot from various types of weapons, learn how to handle them safely and improve your skills.

A weapon permit is a state permit document that gives the right to keep, carry and use this type of weapon for self-defense purposes. The issuance of permits for weapons and control over the circulation of weapons in the Russian Federation is carried out by a special body - the Department of Licensing and Permit Work (OLRR), which is available in each district police department (OVD). LRRR deals not only with weapons control, but also issues licenses to private security organizations (security agency) and private security guards (security work in Moscow).

BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR WEAPON OWNERS A weapon permit can be obtained ONLY at the place of permanent residence of a citizen (a document is not issued for temporary registration). When changing registration, it is MANDATORY to reissue a weapon permit within 2 weeks, regardless of its expiration date. A weapons permit is issued for a period of 5 years.

Permit for hunting weapons 2018


After checking the information received, after 1 month, a citizen is issued a license from the Loa to purchase weapons of the required type. The license is issued for a period of 6 months, and gives the right to purchase weapons in the store. If during this period it was not possible to acquire the desired weapon, the document is automatically canceled.

8. You can buy weapons only in a specialized weapons store. You should buy a weapon immediately with a holster (case). Carrying a weapon without a holster (case) is prohibited, a fine may be imposed for this.

After purchasing a weapon, it is necessary to register the weapon with the LRRR within the prescribed period (14 calendar days). To do this, a citizen, along with the acquired weapon (necessarily in a holster), must apply to the LRRR. During registration, experimental shooting is carried out.

The LOa license is surrendered, and on its basis a permit card is prepared. ten.

Active military personnel, law enforcement officers

The collected package of papers is handed over to the LRO, after which it is necessary to wait for a decision from the Department of Internal Affairs within a month. If the result is positive, you will have a military weapons license waiting for you and you can go shopping with it. Purchased weapons are registered within two weeks from the date of purchase.

Thus, a feature of obtaining an official permit for civilian weapons for military personnel is only the provision of a certificate from the personnel department instead of a medical examination. Important: the rules for using weapons are the same for everyone: any actions with weapons and ammunition can only be carried out within the framework of current legislation. Otherwise, citizens are liable in accordance with the Federal Law "On Weapons" and the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The procedure for obtaining a weapons permit 2018 Moscow

Weapon permit for citizens

2. Medical certificate No. 046-1 on the absence of medical contraindications to the possession of weapons, which can be obtained at the state clinic at the place of residence, or in another medical institution that has the appropriate license and authority. Medical certificates are valid for one year from the date of issue. 3. Conclusion from the Narcological Dispensary on the absence of contraindications (strictly at the place of permanent registration!) 4.

Conclusion from the Psychoneurological Dispensary on the absence of contraindications (strictly at the place of permanent registration!) 5.
The procedure for extending a permit for hunting weapons involves the provision of the following documents:

  • Help of a narcologist and a psychiatrist. Issued at the place of residence.
  • Statement.
  • Two photos 3x4 (black and white).
  • Previously issued license.
  • Report of the district police officer from the place of residence on the proper conditions for keeping weapons.

In addition, you will need to present the weapon itself. Documents for a permit for hunting weapons in 2018 It is not legally fixed, but it is better to have it. This document will confirm the legality of your actions, for example, when transporting weapons. Without a hunting license, the transported weapon can be seized by the traffic police.

License to carry out security activities: To do this, you should:

  1. obtain a medical certificate signed by a therapist, psychiatrist, narcologist, ophthalmologist and other specialists;
  2. undergo a fingerprinting procedure;
  3. undergo training for a security guard of the 6th category (it is this category that gives the right to own and use service weapons), pass the appropriate exam.

After receiving a certificate of appropriate qualification, you should write an application to the LRO, submit the necessary documents (passport, photo, medical certificate, receipt of payment of the fee), and obtain a security guard license. Important: the use / use of service weapons as functions stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out (Article 4 of the Federal Law “On Weapons”) by legal entities with special statutory tasks enshrined in the Law.

Registration of a permit for activities with civilian traumatic weapons of self-defense, as well as with firearms and hunting weapons for military personnel (as well as those serving in law enforcement agencies) is carried out in almost the same way as for other categories of citizens. Collecting documents:

  • original and copy of the main pages of the passport;
  • a certificate from the personnel department confirming the service and securing service weapons (this document replaces the medical certificate form 046-1 for military personnel);
  • original and copy of the main pages of the hunting license;
  • photographs (3x4, matte, 2 pieces);
  • receipt of payment of the fee;
  • report of the district police officer on the presence at the place of residence of a special place for storing weapons (safe or metal box).

You will also have to pass an exam on knowledge of the requirements for the storage, carrying and use of weapons.

The procedure for issuing a weapons permit for military personnel in 2018

On the website www.gosuslugi.ru we do the following:

  • go to the catalog of services;
  • select "Security and law and order";
  • click on the section "Extension of permission";
  • we perform all the necessary actions to fill in and confirm.

Useful advice: in order not to go through all the tabs, it is much easier to indicate “weapon” in the search bar and immediately go to the required section. From October 1, 2018, when extending a permit, you must pay a state duty in the amount of 500 rubles.


You can pay in the same place, on the site, by means of an electronic wallet, plastic card or Internet banking. Please note: before you start filling in the fields, uncheck the "use of ES (electronic signature)", otherwise you will not be able to submit an application until you use an electronic signature, which you most likely do not have.

Documents for a permit for hunting weapons in 2018


You can reissue the permit at the licensing and permit department at the place of residence, which since this year belongs to the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of Russia. It is worth preparing for the re-registration of weapons in advance, since the terms for the provision of services for extending the permit to store and carry weapons are up to 30 calendar days.

Most likely, you will need information on how to order a certificate from a neuropsychiatric dispensary through the State Services. List of documents List of what is needed for re-registration:
  • You will need a medical certificate form No. 002 o / y.

    This is the certificate that used to be Form No. 046-1. After filling it out, you will pass a medical commission, exactly the same as when you first received a license.

You can get this certificate both in a public health institution and in a commercial one.

Active military personnel, law enforcement officers

Federal Law “On Weapons”, the holders of a service weapon permit may be:

  • officials who are "on the balance sheet" of state bodies;
  • employees of enterprises and companies (legal entities) who have the legally fixed right to use weapons for self-defense functions, the performance of other duties stipulated by law.

Important: among the duties that employees of legal entities with service pistols can perform include protecting the lives of citizens, their health, personal property, as well as protecting nature with its resources, escorting valuable, dangerous goods, special correspondence. Service weapon license. If you wish to obtain a security guard service weapon license, you must first obtain a security guard license.

Documents for the renewal of the license for weapons 2018 military personnel

Let's take a closer look at each stage: We issue a hunter's ticket:

  • statement;
  • identity card and its copy;
  • 2 photos sized 2.5x3.5.

We make a license, in addition to the application, the following documents will be required:

  • 3 photographs 3x4 in size;
  • certificate from a medical institution;
  • a photocopy of the passport;
  • hunting ticket;
  • paid stamp duty.

We get RoX:

  • statement;
  • 2 photos 3x4;
  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the license;
  • a copy of the technical passport of the hunting rifle.

This is the most complete package of documents that will need to be provided to the hunter who draws up documents for the first time. Permit for smoothbore weapons 2018 how to get? The shotgun is the hunter's first weapon.

Beginners can only count on this type of gun.

Where to get a permit for a traumatic weapon

In your personal account in the notification feed, you can track the status of the document. The amount and payment of the state duty The amount of the state duty for the purchase of hunting weapons is 2,000 rubles, except for cases of renewal of a license.

In such cases, the cost is reduced to 250 rubles. You can pay the state duty at any branch of the bank. Deadline for issuing a permit The permit is issued within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application in the relevant authorities.
The countdown starts from the moment when the application is approved, and its status on the State Services portal changes to approved. In other cases, a reasoned refusal comes and a re-filling of the questionnaire is required.
You can purchase weapons only after the permit is issued to the applicant in person.

How to get a license for hunting weapons through public services

PSC or SB of such a legal entity. Permit for service weapons To obtain a permit (license) for the storage and carrying of items of service weapons (with cartridges for it), the employer of a citizen who has a security guard license must submit the following documents to the LRO:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (for identification with confirmation of citizenship);
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • order of the head (copy) on the personal assignment of weapons to the employee;
  • a medical report, according to which the employee assigned to the service weapon has no medical contraindications to activities with his participation;
  • photographs (3×4 cm, 2 pieces).

The decision of the LRO to issue a permit or refuse it is carried out within 14 days from the date of registration of the submitted application.

Questions from military personnel about obtaining a weapon permit

When filling out forms on the site, please note that required fields are marked with a red asterisk. Unmarked fields are optional. For example, you can not write the name of the head of the LRO unit.

All collected documents, as well as 2 photographs 3x4 cm, you can send in the form of scans using the appropriate forms. If you do not have a scanner at hand, simply check the box that you undertake to provide the originals of the specified documents when visiting the licensing and permit department.

Please note: in order not to miss the happy moment when your new permit is ready, activate the SMS notification service or check the public services website regularly. When visiting the licensing department, do not forget the originals of all the documents you collected, photographs and the actual weapon itself.
How much does it cost As a result, the extension of the permit will cost you about 3,000 rubles.

Forum of Legal Mutual Assistance for Military Personnel

On the territory of the Russian Federation it is not allowed to freely use or acquire weapons. This measure is aimed at maintaining a peaceful environment and the tranquility of citizens.

However, there are several exceptions to this rule, one of which is the possibility of acquiring and storing hunting weapons. Content

  • 1 Required documents
  • 2 Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a license
  • 3 Amount and payment of state duty
  • 4 Deadline for issuing a permit

Required documents In order to obtain a permit to purchase weapons, a citizen of the Russian Federation will need:

  • The passport.
  • Certificate in the form No. 002-O / vob the absence of contraindications for the possession of firearms.

The procedure for renewing a license for weapons 2018

All citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18, have no criminal record, are able to document their health (including mental health), are not registered in a narcological dispensary, and do not have traces of narcotic / psychotropic drugs in their blood have the right to own civilian weapons of self-defense. … Content:

  • Guards - service
  • Service weapon license
  • Military Weapons License
  • The law is harsh

Certain categories of citizens, such as employees of security firms, have the right to issue a permit to operate with service weapons, while weapons permits for military personnel are obtained according to other rules.
Guards - official According to Art.

Let's take a closer look at each stage: We issue a hunter's ticket:

  • statement;
  • identity card and its copy;
  • 2 photos sized 2.5x3.5.

We make a license, in addition to the application, the following documents will be required:

  • 3 photographs 3x4 in size;
  • certificate from a medical institution;
  • a photocopy of the passport;
  • hunting ticket;
  • paid stamp duty.

We get RoX:

  • statement;
  • 2 photos 3x4;
  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the license;
  • a copy of the technical passport of the hunting rifle.

This is the most complete package of documents that will need to be provided to the hunter who draws up documents for the first time. Permit for smoothbore weapons 2018 how to get? The shotgun is the hunter's first weapon. Beginners can only count on this type of gun.

How to get a license for hunting weapons in 2018 for military personnel

A rifled gun can only be obtained with a 5-year hunting experience. The above option for obtaining a license and RoX describes just obtaining a smoothbore gun.

Do not forget about compulsory courses, which can only be taken in institutions specially accredited for this purpose. It must also be remembered that a smoothbore gun is stored only at the place of residence of the hunter himself.
Need an Airgun Permit? Pneumatics has a power division, it is on this that the need to obtain permission for its storage depends. Pneumatics that have a power of up to 7.5 J may not be registered.


At higher readings of muzzle energy, it is necessary to obtain RoX. Pneumatics with a power of more than 7.5 J are subject to mandatory registration in the same manner as a smoothbore gun.

Documents for the renewal of the license for weapons 2018 military personnel

Organizational issues take a lot of time and it is better to take care of paperwork in advance, without waiting for the opening of the hunting season. Not everyone can get the right to keep a hunting rifle.
To obtain the right to buy a hunting rifle and use it for its intended purpose, it is necessary to cross the 18-year age limit, have a permanent registration of the Russian Federation, and not have accounts in a psycho- and drug dispensary. Not only a criminal record, but also the presence of administrative violations over the past year can prevent you from getting a gun.

The Licensing and Permitting Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible for issuing licenses. HRRR has the right to reject the request on the basis of violations of the above facts, as well as in case of incorrect filling of documents or other circumstances.
The procedure for obtaining a weapon permit 2018 The procedure for obtaining a permit for hunting weapons is carried out in several stages.


How to get a license for weapons through public services? It is impossible to obtain a license through public services, but it is possible to submit documents and receive an invitation to visit the LRRR, bypassing the queues. Before registering an application on the State Services website, you will need to receive the entire package of the previously listed documents.

To renew your license you will need:

  • a certificate from the doctors of the drug and mental dispensary;
  • statement;
  • 2 photos 3x4 in size;
  • license;
  • an act from the district police officer on the proper storage of firearms.

An application form for an extension of a weapons permit can be taken from the LRRR or filled out on the State Services website. State duty for a weapon permit 2018 The state duty for a license for a hunter is small and amounts to 110 rubles for one type of hunting firearm, several weapons can be indicated in the license. The extension of the storage permit will cost from 10 to 30 rubles per unit. The acquisition of hunting weapons is also taxed from 100 to 200 rubles. Other documents are available free of charge. Only shooting training courses are paid, their cost can vary from five to eight thousand rubles.

Documents for obtaining a license for weapons 2018

The safe and its installation are checked by police officers, about which they draw up an appropriate act.

  • Within six months after issuing a license, buy a gun. When buying from specialized sales departments, the seller will take 2/3 of the license for himself, and give the rest of the issued part to the buyer.

If the purchase is made from a private person, then the registration must take place directly in the LRRR

  • Submit the license stub to the licensing department within 14 days.
  • After that, another two weeks are given to obtain a permit to keep and carry weapons (RoX).

And only after that it becomes possible to transport the gun to the place of hunting and back.
Documents for obtaining a permit for hunting weapons The right to purchase, store and transport a hunting rifle is obtained in three main stages and the documents for each block are different.

Where to get a permit for a traumatic weapon

  • Documents for a permit for hunting weapons in 2018
  • The procedure for renewing a license for weapons 2018
  • What documents are needed for a permit for hunting weapons in 2018?
  • How to get a license for hunting weapons through public services
  • Active military personnel, law enforcement officers
  • Documents for obtaining rifled hunting weapons 2018

Documents for a permit for hunting weapons in 2018 You can get a certificate at the district clinic by appointment of a therapist.

  • A document that indicates that a citizen has undergone the training and training necessary to work with a firearm. An alternative may be a document that confirms the applicant's status as a person who has completed training.
  • Valid hunting license.

Documents for obtaining rifled hunting weapons 2018 First - you need to get a hunter's ticket, it is the first qualifying stage before buying a gun. A hunting license is obtained once and for life. The next step is to get a gun license.

To obtain a license, you must:

  • Complete a one-day shooting course. They include the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and shooting classes at the shooting range.

    At the end, an exam is taken and a certificate is obtained.

  • Submit the documents in person to the LRRR for consideration. The term of consideration is 1 month.
  • Get a license.
  • Buy a metal or wooden safe, but lined with iron. The safe should have a separate lockable compartment for storing cartridges.

Obtaining a gun license 2018 for military personnel

  • Select the type of receipt of the service "Electronic service" and click on the button "Get service"
  • Passport data of the applicant (automatically pulled into the form from the profile settings);
  • residential address;
  • Name of the subdivision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • Information about the type of weapon for which the license is issued;
  • Information about the purpose of the acquisition;
  • Information about the address of storage of weapons and ammunition
  • Information about the passage of relevant training;
  • Data on the medical certificate (indicating its number, name of the medical institution and registration number);
  • Next, click on the "Submit Application" button.

After that, the application will be sent to the appropriate authority and a number will be assigned to it.

Obtaining a gun license 2017 for military personnel

License to carry out security activities: To do this, you should:

  1. obtain a medical certificate signed by a therapist, psychiatrist, narcologist, ophthalmologist and other specialists;
  2. undergo a fingerprinting procedure;
  3. undergo training for a security guard of the 6th category (it is this category that gives the right to own and use service weapons), pass the appropriate exam.

After receiving a certificate of appropriate qualification, you should write an application to the LRO, submit the necessary documents (passport, photo, medical certificate, receipt of payment of the fee), and obtain a security guard license. Important: the use / use of service weapons as functions stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out (Article 4 of the Federal Law “On Weapons”) by legal entities with special statutory tasks enshrined in the Law.

Issues related to the acquisition of civilian weapons, as well as the wearing of service weapons, do not lose their relevance. Despite the fact that the number of weapons in the hands of citizens is estimated at millions, the proportion of those who applied to the LRR department for the appropriate permit is not decreasing. The right to purchase weapons is spelled out in the basic law - the Federal Law "On Weapons". The main provisions and procedure for the registration of civilian weapons have also been developed. Due to the fact that there are no clear distinctions according to the status of citizens, the question often arises of how to obtain a permit for a weapon for a soldier.

Efforts to amend the legislation continue to this day. Indeed, if we are guided by logic, then for citizens whose activities are related to the army, it would be possible to simplify the procedure for issuing permits.

However, all citizens remain equal before the law, and there are objective explanations for this. Consider at least the fact that not every soldier is associated with the direct use of weapons.

We will try to cover a number of other topics that are associated with the issuance of permits for military personnel. In parallel with this, questions arise regarding service weapons, so a separate discussion about this type of weapon cannot be avoided.

Recall that under the law, the right to carry weapons of self-defense have adult citizens who have positive indicators for medical examination, and who do not have an outstanding criminal record. An important medical indicator is that the citizen is not registered with a narcologist or psychiatrist, and no narcotic substances were found in his blood. But there are small discrepancies in the procedure for issuing a license by military personnel, as well as employees of security companies.

Service weapon for guards

If we take the provisions we need from the context of the law on weapons, then, as indicated in Article 4, officials holding public posts, as well as employees of those organizations that conduct lawful activities related to the use of weapons of self-defense, can carry service weapons. Legal entities can also act as organizations.

The scale of duties of legal entities implies the protection of law and order, life safety, the protection of citizens, the protection of nature and natural resources, as well as the protection of material values. It is important to understand that only those legal entities whose tasks are prescribed in the charter of activity and enshrined in law can use weapons. In simple words, you can get a service weapon only when applying for a job in a private security company or in an appropriate organization.

The preliminary stage for obtaining a license that allows you to carry weapons is the issuance of a security guard license. To do this, a citizen goes through a series of standard procedures.

  • First you need to pass a medical examination. The examination is conducted by a psychiatrist, narcologist, ophthalmologist, therapist.
  • The next mandatory step is the fingerprinting procedure.
  • An important document is a certificate of completion of training. It is known that when obtaining a security guard license, a bit depth is provided. Only guards of the 6th category can issue service weapons in the future. The training ends with a mandatory exam.

The prescribed list of documents is submitted to the LRRR. It should be noted that the licensing department is working on the execution of documents related to the circulation of weapons, but its competence is the licensing of security guards and private detectives. Only such a device for the operation of the licensing system guarantees full state control over all types of activities in which weapons are used.

Everything described earlier was only a preparatory step for the design of service weapons. The very registration of a license begins with the submission of an application to the LRRR and the required documents.

  • A passport with mandatory registration is presented. The applicant for the issuance of the document must be a citizen of Russia.
  • The application is drawn up according to a certain template, as in the case of registration of civilian weapons.
  • Documentary proof that a citizen occupies a certain position in an organization is an extract from the order of the head.
  • The medical certificate must be issued in the form 002-О/у.
  • Be sure to provide two photographs.

Weapons for military personnel

Finally, we have come to the main issue, which covers all the nuances of obtaining a weapon permit by active military personnel. We were forced to make such a big digression regarding service weapons for the reason that many mistakenly confuse the concepts of service weapons, service weapons, as well as civilian weapons, which are acquired by citizens undergoing military service.

The main idea is that, from the point of view of the law, all citizens have the same rights, therefore, there are no exceptional situations in the procedure for issuing documents for civilian weapons for military personnel.

We also note that a fixed service weapon does not give any privileges to a soldier. He may be denied a submitted application in the general manner, even if he, on duty, owns a service weapon.

There are no separate articles in the administrative code for violating the procedure for registration actions, so that a serviceman who has not issued permits on time is subject to administrative liability on a general basis.

The military in the HRRR is obliged to provide a standard list of documents, with the exception of a medical certificate.

  • A copy of the passport is provided for all citizens. A copy of the first page is made, as well as the page in which there is a registration or registration. Their presence is a prerequisite, if a serviceman changes his place of residence, then he is obliged to re-register weapons at a new address.
  • The medical certificate is replaced by an extract from the personnel department. This extract indicates that the citizen is really serving, and a service weapon is assigned to him.
  • To obtain a permit for a hunting rifle, a hunting license is required.
  • Black and white photographs on matte paper should be 3 by 4 cm. There are no differences here.
  • The citizen pays the state duty. If payment is made through a bank, then he is obliged to provide an appropriate receipt. If payment was made from the card when making an application on the public services portal, then nothing is required to be presented.
  • A serviceman on a general basis must provide appropriate conditions for the storage of weapons. This means that, along with all the documents, he provides an inspection report signed by the district inspector.

Since the amendments to the legislation described above were not adopted, today the requirement to pass an exam in the theory of safe handling of weapons remains in force for military personnel.

Summarizing all the data, we come to the conclusion that the algorithm for obtaining permission to carry civilian weapons for military personnel differs in that instead of a medical certificate 002-O / U, an extract from the personnel department of the military unit where the citizen is serving is provided.

Finally, we still introduce one benefit for the military. The age limit that is set for civilian weapons (for example, for rifled weapons) and requiring that the owner be 21 years old can be revised for an adult citizen serving in the RF Armed Forces.

Traumatic weapons are rightfully considered the most effective means of self-defense. However, its legal use is associated with some difficulties.

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In accordance with the current legislation, between a traumatic weapon and anyone who wants to purchase it, there inevitably arises the need to obtain a special license. For carrying and even simple storage of "injury" without a license, they can be held criminally liable. Let's figure out how to get permission for a traumatic weapon.

Documents for a license

Getting a license to buy and use weapons is not easy. It is necessary to convince those who will consider the application that there is no reason to refuse permission. In this regard, the list of documents required for obtaining a license is quite voluminous.

In order to obtain a license for "injury", you must bring the following package of papers to the CLR (at the Department of Internal Affairs at the place of registration):

  • a completed application with the specified correct personal data and information regarding the presence of weapons;
  • 2 photos in 3x4 format;
  • a certificate confirming the fact that the applicant has completed courses on the rules for handling weapons, as well as the successful passing of the relevant exam;
  • a certificate from the clinic confirming that the applicant has no contraindications for the use of traumatic weapons (in form 046-1);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a copy of all completed pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • receipt of payment of state duty for the issuance of a license for traumatic weapons.

When submitting documents, the applicant must be issued a coupon with a number and date.

Renewal process

Those who already have a license for "traumatics" need to renew it every five years. The renewal process is a simplified authorization process.

Extension of a permit for traumatic weapons requires the submission of the following list of documents to the LRO:

  • completed license renewal application;
  • a photocopy of all completed pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate from the clinic (form 046-1);
  • photo of the applicant in 3x4 format;
  • a certificate confirming the retake of the exam on the rules for handling weapons (at the request of employees of the licensing and permit department);
  • report of the district police officer that the requirements for the storage of weapons were not violated.

LRO employees consider the application within one and a half weeks from the date of submission. The validity period of the renewed permit is the same as that of the original one – five years. After this period, you must go through the renewal procedure again.

How to get a permit for a traumatic weapon in 2020?

The process of obtaining a permit for "traumatics" can be divided into three stages:

  • submission of documents;
  • verification of the place of storage of future weapons;
  • registration of acquired weapons.

A person who has reached the age of 21, who has successfully passed the exam on the rules for handling weapons and who wants to obtain a permit, should apply with the above documents to the department for licensing and permit work at the Internal Affairs Directorate at the place of registration.

It takes, on average, a month for the HRRR staff to consider the application. During this time, the district police check both the applicant himself (personal conversations) and the reliability of the place where his future weapons are stored (examination of the safe and place of residence).

The precinct is most likely to approve the safe if it meets the following requirements:

  • made of metal;
  • wall thickness exceeds 3 mm;
  • firmly fixed;
  • has a secure lock;
  • larger than the size of the weapon and its accessories.

After carrying out all the checks, the district police officer writes a report and, based on all the documents provided, the LRRR employees make a decision on issuing or banning the issuance of a permit for traumatic weapons.

The permit remains valid for five full years from the date of receipt of the document. The license gives the right to purchase and use 5 weapons, no more.

In case of refusal, the applicant may appeal the decision of the HRRR staff in court.

The next step after obtaining permission is to purchase a pistol, revolver or other shooting device. After the purchase, the license holder is given two weeks to hand over the weapon to the Internal Affairs Directorate for the next check - experimental shooting.

Together with the weapon, the following list of documents for the acquired “injury” was submitted to the Department of Internal Affairs:

  • a completed application for a license to own a weapon;
  • a copy of the license for the purchase of weapons with a mark of the seller, indicating the very fact of the purchase;
  • spent cartridges packed in a special way + accompanying certificate from the manufacturer;
  • receipt of payment of state duty for registration of traumatic weapons;
  • photo format 3x4 (2 pieces);
  • insurance issued when obtaining a license to purchase an "injury".

After submitting all the documents, finally, a permit is issued to wear and the use of traumatic weapons, which will only need to be renewed after five years.

Video: A new medical certificate must be issued

For military personnel

The process of obtaining a license for a traumatic pistol or other firing device for military personnel is practically the same as that for ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation. The only difference is that instead of a medical certificate, military personnel must provide a certificate from the personnel department stating that the applicant is serving and has a weapon assigned to him.

The list of papers that must be presented to obtain permission for "injury" to military personnel is as follows:

  • statement;
  • 2 photos in 3x4 format;
  • a certificate of the applicant's completion of courses on the rules for handling weapons, as well as the successful passing of the relevant exam;
  • a certificate from the personnel department that the applicant is serving and has a weapon assigned to him (instead of a medical certificate);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a copy of all its completed pages;
  • receipt of payment of the state duty for issuing a license for "traumatics".

Otherwise, the procedure for obtaining a license is the same: after the submission of documents, a series of checks will take place, and then the registration of traumatic weapons and the issuance of a final permit.

By temporary registration

According to the current legislation, namely Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Weapons", persons without a permanent residence permit do not have the right to acquire, store and use traumatic weapons.

In this regard, there are only two options for those who still want to get a license:

  • obtaining permission at the place of residence;
  • registration of permanent residence registration.

In both cases, the process of obtaining a permit will not differ from the above.

If there was a conviction

The current legislation prohibits the possession of weapons by persons with an unexpunged and (or) outstanding conviction, as well as with an expunged / extinguished conviction for high-gravity crimes committed with the use of weapons.

Thus, persons who meet the following conditions can apply for an “injury” permit and still count on success:

  • the conviction has been expunged or expunged;
  • the crimes for which the applicant was convicted did not involve the use of weapons.

If these conditions are met, the procedure for issuing a license for a traumatic weapon will be the same as for citizens without a criminal record.

For a police officer

For police officers, the procedure for obtaining a license to use weapons is somewhat simplified: they do not need to provide a certificate of completion of courses on the rules of handling weapons. Instead, it is necessary to attach to the application information about the service weapon assigned to the police officer.

The rest of the documents, as well as ongoing checks and procedures are the same as those for ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation.

What is the price

If we consider only the cost of obtaining a license itself, then it will cost the price of the state duty, namely 110 rubles per weapon (respectively, 220 for two weapons and 550 for the maximum available five weapons). Renewing the license will cost less: only 30 rubles per weapon.

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