When to collect red. In a dream, pick berries. Contraindications for use

Last time we clarified that pickling cucumbers and salting - different recipes , so different tastes and ease of cooking also differ. And today we are going to talk about what is pickled cucumbers for the winter, or rather we will describe one very simple recipe that we ourselves use.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter

pickled cucumbers in a jar

This recipe was shared with us by my grandfather, who always salts these cucumbers in barrels. Maybe that's why he always makes them so crispy, tasty, not oversalted, and the brine is something. Of course, we ourselves do not salt in barrels, but we were able to transfer this recipe to smaller volumes - jars. And different sizes, here everyone decides for himself.

In general, myself the pickling process is very similar to fermenting cabbage. At first, I didn’t even understand, they say, why pickle cucumbers, we salt them. But everything turned out to be fine, as it should be. The advantages of our recipe are as follows (of course, not our recipe, many people use it, but not all 🙂):

  • Salting is carried out in ordinary cold water. No need to boil water, no need to boil brine, and so on.
  • Everything is done quickly and very simply.
  • Banks do not need to be steamed or boiled.
  • Such cucumbers are stored for a long time.
  • You can't oversalt cucumbers with this recipe.

And a few more advantages, which we will discuss below.

I want to say right away that the amount of ingredients we always do by eye, and never tried to measure. Let's say there is never a lot of greens, but see for yourself, we salt the cucumbers and not the greens.

For salting we need:
  1. cucumbers;
  2. Hot pepper (mostly green, who loves it hotter, red);
  3. Garlic;
  4. Horseradish leaves, can be with roots;
  5. Dill with umbrellas;
  6. Celery;
  7. Currant leaves (for an amateur, you can do without currants);
  8. Salt.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter starts with washing the cucumbers themselves. If you buy cucumbers, even if you picked your own, but picked them a couple of days ago, then cucumbers soak in water for about 3-4 hours enough. After that we select cucumbers by size. We roll the smallest ones into 0.5 and 1 liter. We roll large ones into 3 liter jars. It is very convenient and depending on what you set on the table and how many guests there will be, we get these or those jars.

You should not make preparations for the winter according to one recipe. It is better to make several jars according to different recipes.

You also need to dissolve the salt in advance. Need to for 10 liters of water (plain tap water) dissolve 1 kg of salt. It is convenient to do this in a bucket, then pour it into ladles. But salt must be well dissolved in water. The salt itself should not be iodized, large. Only after that we proceed to the next steps.

As the salt dissolves, we cut all greens, garlic, pepper, for ease of dosage. While we cut the greens, do not forget to stir the salt so that it dissolves well.

cut all the greens and ingredients

Now preparing banks. We will wash them well, but there is no need to boil or steam them.

We begin the process of laying cucumbers in jars.

Now just take a little, there put a pinch of pepper, horseradish leaves, a little root, dill, and one clove of garlic, celery in a jar. If you use currants, then 1 leaf.

lays down a small handful of all ingredients

Now put cucumbers on top, the denser the better. From above, sprinkle a little with garlic, dill, horseradish, celery. And so we put all the jars.

put cucumbers and more greens on top

Now pour our salty water up to the neck and cover with a temporary lid. We use regular plastic lids. And we remove the jars to any place, but not in the sun, to a dark place where cucumbers will roam for 3-4 days.

We put a rag under the cucumbers or if there are not many cans, then plates. Because we have banks will roam, water will flow out and gases will come out. By the way, in the heat, the jars begin to ferment faster, in a cool place it is slower. So somewhere around 3 days is needed, somewhere around 4 days for fermentation. And don't worry, the brine will get cloudy, the lids can fly up, it's all normal. But this is not all pickling cucumbers for the winter, let's move on.

cucumbers ferment and the brine has darkened, this is normal
Now it's been 3-4 days you need to roll up the banks for the winter. This is done as usual with metal lids using a rolling machine.

But first, brine must be drained. Just take it, pour it into the sink and then we wash. Open the faucet, pour clean water, pour. Then pour again and pour again. We do this 5 times, maybe more. Sometimes it remains on cucumbers white coating after fermentation, it should be tried to rinse. Wherein no need to take anything out of the bank.

We wash cucumbers

Pour water directly into the jar, then drain several times. You can pour, close the neck with your hand and shake, then drain. We also notice that cucumbers sagged a little. Then just take one jar and leave it open to take cucumbers and add to those jars that you can add cucumbers.

Once washed, pour tight tap water, cold, up to the very neck so that some water pours out directly, and you roll it up specifically with a typewriter. The lid also does not need to be boiled or heated, it is enough to keep it clean.

now roll up jars

After washing, the brine will always be clean and the cucumbers will not be salted, the recipe is just lick your fingers.

So the pickling of cucumbers for the winter is over, now you can put the jars in a cool place for the whole winter. But at first it is worth watching the jars, because some lids may bulge. If it's swollen, no big deal. Remove the lid, add water and roll again.

That's all for us, bye everyone, stay with us, share your recipes, bye everyone.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars a simple recipe updated: November 9, 2019 by: Subbotin Pavel

Cucumber is one of the most beloved and affordable vegetables in Russia. The birthplace of this herbaceous plant, known for more than six millennia, is Southeast Asia and India. Cucumber seeds were brought to Russia around the eighth century, since then this vegetable has become widespread throughout the territory. Russian state. With certain skills, it can be grown on any suburban area and even on your loggia or balcony.

Foreign travelers considered this vegetable to be our national food, not a single feast was complete and still not without fresh and crispy pickled cucumbers. They are used both as an independent fragrant and savory snack, and as a component of your favorite salads (for example, Russian salad and vinaigrette), and as an additive to sauces, and as a dressing for soups (for example, hodgepodge).

But cucumber in Russia is a seasonal vegetable, summer-autumn. Many housewives I want to treat my family and loved ones salty crunchy home cooking cucumbers and deep autumn, and cold winter, and in early spring, when there is no new harvest yet, but you want something tasty. Of course, you can buy a ready-made jar of pickled or pickled vegetables in the supermarket, but where is the guarantee that it will be delicious?

Secrets of preparing crispy pickles at home

Very important for getting good pickles for the winter is:

  • selection and processing of all components for salting
  • choice of recipe.

Selection of vegetables and herbs for pickling cucumbers

Cucumbers. We choose fresh, even, preferably one size young fruits with a dense, large-tuberous skin and black spikes (with white spikes are well suited for fresh lettuce). Cucumbers need to be chosen small or small (gherkins) so that they fit freely in a jar, are sweet in taste, dense with small seeds without internal voids.

If you are buying fruits for harvesting on the market, then ask the seller about the variety. For harvesting, cucumbers of special pickling varieties are needed (nezhensky, Murom, Vyaznikovsky, Altai and many similar ones).

Water. When harvesting cucumbers, water is a very important component for preparing a marinade or brine. Best to use spring, spring or well water. If this is not possible, then it is better to buy a purified drinking water in the supermarket or run tap water through a filter.

Spices and spices. Traditionally, garlic, horseradish (root and green leaves), cherry and currant leaves, dill (umbrellas with seeds and green leaves), black bitter and allspice (peas) are used. Each recipe has its secrets in the selection of herbs and spices, but most importantly: all herbs, leaves, roots should be well washed and cleaned from the ground, be fresh and fragrant. Do not use dried herbs.

Banks for salting. harvest salted cucumbers for winter storage can be in glass jars of any volume. But very important wash the container well, but it is better to soak in a solution of baking soda for a while, then rinse well, sterilize and dry well in the air.

Choosing a recipe for winter pickling cucumbers

Many recipes for harvesting pickled crispy cucumbers at home are popular. Before salting according to any recipe, it is advisable to keep cucumbers in cold water (preferably well or spring) for at least 2 hours (ideally 8-10 hours).

The recipe is simple and one of the best

For three liter jar need to:

For determining the right amount of water cucumbers are preliminarily placed in a jar and filled with water up to the very neck, then the water is drained into a saucepan. From this amount of water, a brine for pouring will be prepared.

All components must be well washed, jars sterilized, cucumbers pre-soaked!

We cut coarsely all the greens (dill, cherry and currant leaves, leaves and horseradish root), peel the garlic and cut large cloves into 3-4 parts. For prepared cucumbers, you can cut off the tips if you need to speed up the pickling process.

We put part of the chopped greens on the bottom of the jar, then we put the cucumbers tightly, sprinkling with herbs and garlic, to the very top. Cucumbers in a jar with greens should stand a little before pouring brine to soak in flavors.

The brine is prepared at the rate of: two tablespoons of table salt (without a slide) per liter of water. Taken in advance a certain amount of water, the calculated amount of salt, pepper, a few bay leaves are added. The solution is brought to a boil and poured boiling into a jar with stacked cucumbers.

We cover the jar with a lid or gauze, set to sour at room temperature. Gradually, the brine in the jars will become cloudy, the cucumbers will begin to pickle. Approximately 2 days later you should taste the cucumber, if it is salted and slightly sour, then we proceed to conservation.

Pour the brine from the jar into a container (it can be combined with greens), boil and pour back into the jar of cucumbers, then quickly roll up. If jars of cucumbers will be stored in a warm room, and not in the basement or cellar, then before capping the lid in the jar, add a tablespoon of five percent vinegar.

Pickled cucumbers prepared according to the proposed recipe for the winter in jars will be perfectly stored for a very long time.

Recipes for harvesting cucumbers for the winter in a hot way

Many recipes are known for preserving pickles for the winter using hot steam and boiling brine.

Recipe #1 (hot method)

Ingredients calculated for the volume of a three-liter jar:

Rinse cucumbers thoroughly, leave for several hours in cold water. Greens (leaves and dill) are also thoroughly washed under running water. cold water. Peel the horseradish root and rinse.

Chopped greens, pieces of horseradish root, a few cloves of garlic, then prepared cucumbers are placed at the bottom of the jar. In a filled jar boiling water is poured and left in this form for 20–25 minutes. Further, the water from the jar is drained into the pan and boiled again. Salt should be added to the boiling brine, sugar should be added, poured into a jar of cucumbers. Cucumbers stand in this brine for 15-20 minutes.

After this time, the liquid must again be drained and boiled. Add the required amount of vinegar to a jar of cucumbers (without brine). Boiling brine is poured over cucumbers and corked with lids.

Recipe number 2 (With aspirin. Yes, yes! With the one that is for colds)

Required products:

Prepare fresh cucumbers and selected greens in the same way as in the previous recipe.

glass jars and caps for capping thoroughly washed and sterilized.

First, sprigs of dill, parsley and two or three cloves of garlic are placed in jars (you don’t need much), then, tightly stacked cucumbers almost to the top and a layer of greens with garlic. The contents of the jar are poured with boiling water and left for an hour. Then the brine from the jar is poured into a container, put on fire, brought to a boil, granulated sugar, salt, peppercorns (several pieces) are added.

On the cucumbers left in the jar, crumble one acetylsalicylic acid tablet(aspirin) so that the blanks are well stored at any temperature and do not ferment. Cucumbers are poured with boiling brine, the jar is sealed with a sterilized lid.

Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe have excellent taste, crunch well and are stored for a long time at room temperature.

Recipe number 3 (Hot pickling with citric acid)


Prepare cucumbers (wash and hold in cold water for five to six hours), sterilize glass jars, prepare herbs and spices.

Since cucumbers prepared in this way are significantly reduced in size, they must be very pack tightly into a jar before salting, then pour boiling (preferably spring or well) water, close the lid and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Then, pour out the water. Boil another portion of water and pour the contents of the jar again, let stand for 15-20 minutes. Pour water into a container, put salt, granulated sugar, a few leaves of parsley and peppercorns, put on fire, bring to a boil. Put citric acid in a jar on cucumbers, pour in the prepared boiling brine and quickly cork with a sterilized lid. Pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars are ready.

Recipes for harvesting cucumbers for the winter in a cold way

The cold method of harvesting pickles for the winter is the simplest and most common. Even an inexperienced hostess can cook such canned food.

Recipe number 1 (without vinegar)

Required ingredients for three-liter jar:

Cucumbers, herbs and jars for seaming prepare as in the previously described recipes.

To the bottom of the jar put greens(currant leaves, a few bay leaves, dill leaves), chopped garlic cloves, horseradish, pepper. Then fill the jar with cucumbers and leave to stand so that the cucumbers are saturated with the aromas of herbs and spices.

100 grams of table salt are dissolved in water, and cucumbers in a jar are poured with this solution, leaving 2–3 centimeters empty. bank closed with a plastic lid and leave for 5 days. Then, after the brine in the jar becomes transparent and sediment forms on the bottom of the jar, the liquid from the jar is poured out. Cold water is poured into a jar of cucumbers and rinsed several times to wash out the sediment. The bottom of the jar should be clean, without sediment.

The contents of the jar are filled with prepared brine to the very edge of the neck. After that, pickles in jars are corked with lids.

Recipe number 2 (with mustard)

Greens, peppercorns, a crumbled piece of root and a horseradish leaf, one or two cloves of garlic are placed at the bottom of a sterilized jar. Then the jar is filled with cucumbers, sprinkled with garlic, garlic is also placed on top.

Salt is dissolved in boiled water. Cucumbers are poured with this cooled solution. Mustard powder is added to the jar. Then the jar is covered with a lid and leave to infuse, salting lasts about 5 days. Then everything is as in the previous recipe.

Cucumbers pickled according to this recipe will retain their color until winter and become fragrant and spicy in taste. So out of the many proposed and known ways cooking crispy pickles for the winter, choose a recipe to your taste. Summer pickling of cucumbers for the winter - crispy, fragrant, spicy vegetables on the table all year round for you and your loved ones.

Bon appetit!

The ancient Romans knew how to cook pickles, but the Russian inquisitive mind went further, and Nizhny Novgorod, for example, invented pickling cucumbers in a pumpkin. How do you like this option? Pickled cucumbers have long become a primordially Russian product, in the preparation of which there is undoubtedly no equal to us, and the brine accompanying them is also our Russian drink, the surest remedy for a well-known ailment.

To make pickles successful, you need to know a few simple rules:

  • You need to choose cucumbers for pickling correctly: they must be small to fit in a jar. Inside, the selected cucumbers should not have voids; choose strong, hard fruits with pimply skin. Before the cooking process, be sure to soak the cucumbers in cold water for 2-3 hours, maybe a little more. For the best salting cut off the tails of the cucumbers and pierce them with a fork;
  • The quality of water for pickling cucumbers is also incredibly important. Well, if you have the opportunity to use clean water from the well, and if not, filter the tap water, you can also use purchased bottled water. In any case, the cleaner the water, the better the result.
  • The dishes used for pickling cucumbers must be perfectly clean. Wash glass jars thoroughly in soda or soapy water, rinse well, pour over with boiling water and dry. You can also ignite the jars, for example, in the oven, at a temperature of 100-110ºС. Be sure to boil the metal lids, wipe them dry from the scale that has formed, and thoroughly wash the plastic lids and pour over with boiling water before closing the jars.
  • Pickled cucumbers are called pickles because salt plays the most important role in their preparation. In order to prepare pickles for the winter, use the usual rock salt, it is ideal for pickling cucumbers. Not small, nor God forbid sea ​​salt not suitable for our purposes - the cucumbers will become soft. How much salt is needed per liter of water to prepare the brine, you will be prompted by the selected recipes. Usually the amount of salt varies from 40 to 60 grams.
  • And, finally, about all sorts of herbs, seasonings. Someone likes black or allspice, someone likes mustard seeds or cloves. The usual classic set of spices looks like this: peppercorns, dill umbrellas, horseradish and currant leaves. But you can go further and add, for example, basil, cumin, horseradish root, garlic, mustard, oak leaves and cherries. Place the spices on the bottom of the jars and between the cucumbers, and cover them with horseradish or currant leaves on top. A piece of oak bark, added to all other spices, will make the fruits more crispy.

There are two ways to prepare pickles for the winter: cold and hot.
The cold salting method is very simple. Put spices and cucumbers in prepared jars. Then stir the right amount of salt in cold water and pour cucumbers with this brine. cover the banks nylon lids heated in hot water. In a month you will receive wonderful pickles, which must be stored either in the refrigerator or in the cellar. In no case leave cucumbers prepared in this way in a warm room for storage, spoil the product - cucumbers can simply explode.

Hot pickled cucumbers are prepared as follows: dissolve salt in boiling water, add dill, horseradish, a couple of currant leaves and cherries, let it boil for several minutes and pour cucumbers with this brine. Leave the jars simply covered with gauze for the number of days indicated in the recipe. After that, add the brine and roll up the jars with lids. By the way, so that the jars do not explode, add a few mustard seeds to the brine, and a few thin slices of horseradish placed under the lid will help protect the cucumbers from mold.

Well, in general, that's all. Theory is a good thing. Let's move on to practice, because for any housewife the ability to pickle cucumbers is an indicator of her culinary skills.

Cold salting. Recipe #1

currant, cherry and plum leaves,
dill umbrellas,
garlic cloves,
salt (1 tablespoon with a slide for each jar), water.

Soak cucumbers in cold water for 2 hours. Then put 2-3 cloves of garlic, leaves and dill umbrellas into clean 3 l jars. Lay the cucumbers tightly on top of the spices. Pour 1 tbsp into each jar. salt with top, fill with cold boiled water and close with tight polyethylene lids. Turn the jars of cucumbers over several times so that the salt disperses, and place in a cool place. The brine will be cloudy at first, but then it will begin to lighten. Cucumbers prepared in this way will be ready to eat in 2-3 weeks, and they can be stored for almost a year. A little liquid may leak out from under some kind of lid, but you can’t open the jars and add brine. Just eat cucumbers from this jar first.

Cold salting. Recipe #2

2 kg cucumbers
2 dill umbrellas,
5 leaves black currant,
5 cherry leaves
1 garlic clove
20 g of horseradish root or leaves,
8 black peppercorns
¼ stack. salt,
2 tbsp vodka,
1.5 liters of water.

Pour boiling water over cucumbers and immediately dip in ice water. Pack tightly into a 3 liter jar, shifting with washed leaves, dill, garlic and pepper. Pour the prepared cold saline solution, add vodka and tightly close the jar with a plastic lid. Put the cooked pickles immediately in a cold place. Cucumbers are firm and green.

Hot pickling method

Bay leaf,
lemon acid,

Select cucumbers by size, soak in cold water for 2 hours, then tightly place sterilized jars in 3 liters. Boil water, carefully pour it over the cucumbers, cover with lids and leave for 15 minutes. When the time is up, drain the water. Boil another water, pour over the cucumbers again and leave for the same time. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt at the rate of 2 tbsp. salt and 3-4 tbsp. sugar for 1 jar. Do not let the amount of sugar confuse you, it makes the cucumbers crunchy, but does not add sweetness to the brine. Boil the brine. Pour ½ tsp into each jar. citric acid, fill with boiling brine and roll up with sterilized metal lids. Then you can wrap the cucumbers for a day, or you can just leave them to cool without wrapping, putting them in a dark place.

Salted cucumbers with oak bark

currant leaves,
black peppercorns,
cherry leaves,
horseradish leaves and root,
oak bark (sold in a pharmacy),

At the bottom of 3-liter jars, place horseradish leaves, horseradish root, peeled and cut into pieces, black peppercorns, currant and cherry leaves, dill and chopped garlic cloves and 1 tsp each. oak bark in each jar. Lay the cucumbers tightly, put a sheet of horseradish on top. To prepare the brine, dissolve the salt in boiled cold water at the rate of 1 tbsp. salt with the top of 1 liter of water. Pour the cucumbers with cold brine and cover with plastic lids, dropping them in boiling water for several minutes before closing. Store cucumbers in a cool place.

Pickled cucumbers "Fragrant"

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):
2 kg cucumbers
3-4 umbrellas of dill,
2-3 bay leaves,
2-3 garlic cloves,
1 horseradish root
2 horseradish leaves
2 cherry leaves
3 sprigs of celery, parsley and tarragon,
5 black peppercorns,
1 liter of water
80 g salt.

Sort the cucumbers by size, wash and soak in clean cold water for 6-8 hours, then rinse them clean water. Lay spices and cucumbers in layers at the bottom of the jar, lay the dill on top. Prepare the brine by dissolving the salt in cold water. Pour cucumbers with brine to the very edge of the jar, cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days. After a white foam appears on the surface, drain the brine, boil well and pour over the cucumbers again. Immediately cover with the prepared metal lid and roll up. Turn the jar upside down, wrap tightly and leave to cool completely.

Village pickles

horseradish leaf,
coarse salt.

Soak cucumbers for 4-6 hours. Wash the jars well, put horseradish, dill, garlic and cucumbers in them. Fill jars of cucumbers with filtered water. Put a sheet of horseradish on the jars so that it closes the neck of the jar. Put 3 tbsp in gauze. salt with a slide and tie a knot. The number of such knots should match the number of jars of cucumbers. Place knots on horseradish leaves. The main thing is to make sure that the water must touch the nodules, otherwise the salt will not dissolve. Set the jars on plates, as liquid will flow out during the fermentation process, and leave in this form for 3 days. After three days, remove the knots, rinse well the dill and horseradish leaves that were on top, drain the brine and boil it, adding water, because some part of it has leaked out. Pour cucumbers with ready-made brine and close with tight nylon lids. Initially, the brine will be cloudy, but do not worry, after a while it will become transparent, and a precipitate will form at the bottom, which also should not bother you. Store pickles in a cool, dark place.

Russian pickled cucumbers

3 kg cucumbers,
2 tbsp salt (per 1 liter of water),
5 cloves of garlic (for 1 jar),
spices, fragrant leaves - to your taste.

Sort the cucumbers by size, wash them and place them in sterilized jars, layering with garlic, dill, cherry, oak, horseradish, currant, etc. leaves. Then pour the cucumbers in the jars with the cooled brine of salt and water. Cover the jars with saucers or plates and leave for 3-4 days. Then drain the brine from the jars. Boil a new brine, adding the same to 1 liter of water and 2 tbsp. l. salt. Pour boiling brine and immediately roll up the jars with sterilized lids. The brine will not be transparent, as it should be.

Pickled cucumbers on vodka

Ingredients (per 3L jar):
1.5 liters of water,
150 ml of vodka,
3 tbsp Sahara,
2 tbsp salt,
2 cloves of garlic
3 bay leaves,
dill stalk,
horseradish leaves.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, cut off the ends. Put the spices and garlic on the bottom of the prepared jars and lay the cucumbers tightly. Dilute salt and sugar in cold water, pour cucumbers with this solution, then pour in vodka. Cover the jars with cheesecloth and leave for 3-4 days at room temperature. Do not forget to regularly remove the resulting foam. On the 4th day, drain the brine, boil it for 5 minutes, pour it back into the jars and roll them up with sterilized lids.

Salted cucumbers with mustard

horseradish leaves,
dill umbrellas,
cherry leaves,
blackcurrant leaves,
mustard (powder).

Wash cucumbers well. Put the prepared greens in a saucepan, put the cucumbers tightly and pour everything with brine (per 1 liter boiled water 2 tbsp salt). Put a wooden circle or a large plate on top of the cucumbers, set the oppression and leave for 3 days. Don't forget to keep an eye on the cucumbers and skim off the foam. After three days, drain the brine, and spread the cucumbers and herbs in sterilized jars. Strain the brine, boil it, adding 1 liter of boiling water and 2 tbsp. salt. Fill the jars with brine, wait 10 minutes, drain again, boil, add 1-2 tbsp. dry mustard. IN last time pour cucumbers with brine and roll up the lids. Turn over and leave to cool without wrapping.

Pickled cucumbers with hot peppers

5 kg cucumbers,
5 stalks of dill with umbrellas,
10 garlic cloves,
8 horseradish leaves
20 currant leaves,
8 bay leaves,
black peppercorns,
red hot pepper,

Select cucumbers of the same size for pickling, cut off the tips and place in a saucepan, put dill, garlic, currant leaves in the same place and pour in the brine prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. salt per 1 liter of water. Set the oppression and leave the cucumbers for two days. Then remove the spices, strain the brine, rinse the cucumbers and put them in sterilized jars along with fresh spices, adding bay leaf, horseradish leaves and red hot pepper (3-4 rings will be enough for 1 liter jar). Boil the brine, pour the contents of the jars with boiling brine and roll them up with prepared sterilized lids.

Salted cucumbers in tomato juice

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):
1.5 kg cucumbers,
1.5 liters of juice from fresh tomatoes,
3 tbsp salt,
50 g dill,
10 g tarragon
6-8 garlic cloves.

Prepare cucumbers, jars, herbs and garlic. Place peeled and chopped garlic cloves, dill and tarragon on the bottom of the jars. Place cucumbers vertically on top. Squeeze out the juice from the tomatoes (about 1.5 liters of tomato juice per 3 liter jar). Bring the juice to a boil, dissolve the salt in it and cool. Pour jars of cucumbers with chilled juice, cover with plastic lids, after holding them in hot water, and put them in a dark, cool place.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Pickled cucumbers are considered one of the most popular vegetable preparations for the winter. Each hostess prepares them differently. Different proportions of spices, salt, sugar, water, herbs, etc. affect the final taste of the finished product. But the container in which the pickling of cucumbers takes place, many believe, does not matter. Be that as it may, try salting cucumbers in a saucepan and in practice check whether their taste is somehow different from pickled cucumbers in a jar.

A saucepan for pickling cucumbers should be enameled, without chips or cracks, preferably at least 4 liters in volume.

This recipe salted cucumbers similar to the one with which they are usually salted for the winter. The only difference is that you don’t need to roll them up in jars, but they are eaten almost immediately, without having had time to completely salt, that is, in a slightly salted version.

  • 2 kg of small cucumbers;
  • 100 gr. umbrellas or dill seeds;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 3 leaves of currant (black);
  • 4 cherry leaves;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 liter of water.

Salting step by step:

  1. Wash cucumbers thoroughly. If the skin of the fruit is bitter, soak them for 5 hours in cold water (or overnight), then rinse again.
  2. Cut the peeled garlic into thin slices.
  3. Wash dill umbrellas, currant and cherry leaves, bell pepper(if desired, cut or use whole, you can not clean the seeds).
  4. Put 1/2 part of the spices, pepper and garlic plates on the bottom of the pan.
  5. Next, lay the cucumbers tightly, trying to leave a minimum of voids (if you vigorously shake the pan, they will settle better).
  6. Lay the rest of the pepper, spices and garlic on top.
  7. pour vegetables cold water with salt dissolved in it.
  8. For more quick salting leave the cucumbers warm for 3 days. If there is no urgency, you can put it in the refrigerator for slow salting.

Hot way to pickle cucumbers in a saucepan

difference this method salting from the classic only in that cucumbers are poured with boiling marinade, and not cold. This will significantly speed up the salting process - the next day you can already serve freshly pickled cucumbers to the table.

Products needed for salting:

  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • a set of spices for salting: dry dill umbrellas, horseradish root and leaves, blackcurrant and cherry leaves;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 liter of water.

Salting step by step:

  1. Wash cucumbers thoroughly. You can hold for 2-4 hours in water to become more crispy. Trim the ends.
  2. Wash the spices for salting and peel the garlic (you can not cut it).
  3. Put 1/2 part of the spice set on the bottom of the pan, and then tightly lay the cucumbers with garlic.
  4. Put the rest of the spices on top.
  5. Dilute salt in boiling water and, without cooling, pour cucumbers with brine.
  6. Leave for a day warm and you can serve a snack on the table.

Pickling cucumbers in a saucepan without vinegar

Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe are similar in taste to pickled cucumbers in a barrel, but without vinegar. They can be eaten after 3 days, and if you wish, you can roll ready-made snacks into jars for the winter. It is better to salt only freshly picked, small fruits.

Products needed for salting:

  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • salting set: dill, horseradish leaves or root, cherry leaves and other spices to taste;
  • small pod hot pepper;
  • a few peas of black pepper;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 gr. salt.

Salting step by step:

  1. Soak cucumbers for 2 hours in cold water, then rinse well.
  2. Wash the greens and put them on the bottom of the pan.
  3. Cut the hot pepper into slices and arrange on top of the greens.
  4. Dissolve salt in cold water.
  5. Place cucumbers tightly in pots with greens, pour cold brine and place under oppression.

After 3 days, cucumbers can be served on the table, or rolled into jars for the winter. For this you need:

  • drain the brine from the cucumbers, boil;
  • discard the greens, rinse the cucumbers and arrange them in sterile jars (with a capacity of 1 liter) with peppercorns;
  • pour boiling marinade;
  • sterilize the workpiece for 10 minutes and roll up.

Salting “barrel” cucumbers in a saucepan

A recipe for those who love barrel cucumbers, but do not have the opportunity to store them. You can also cook them in a pot. You can eat them after 14 days. Cucumbers from the “last harvest” are perfect for this recipe, you can take greenhouse ones. Cooking will not take much time, and you can store a snack on the balcony right in the pan, without fear of mold.

Products needed for salting:

  • 3 kg of cucumbers;
  • 120 gr. salt;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of mustard powder;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 5 dill umbrellas;
  • 10 currant leaves (black);
  • 10 cherry leaves;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 7 cloves;
  • 1 pinch of mustard seeds.

Salting step by step:

  1. Put the thoroughly washed greens on the bottom of the pan.
  2. Peel the garlic, wash and cut each clove into 3 pieces.
  3. Put the garlic, cloves, mustard seeds and peppercorns on top of the greens in a saucepan.
  4. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the tails and place tightly in a saucepan.
  5. Prepare the brine: completely dissolve the salt in the water; send to the fire and bring to a boil; Let the marinade cool for 30 minutes.
  6. Pour the brine into the saucepan with the cucumbers. If it does not completely cover the vegetables, add plain boiled water.
  7. Mix the contents of the bowl with your hands.
  8. Cover the container with a clean cloth.
  9. Pour mustard powder over the cloth and place the pan under pressure.
  10. Remove the snack in a dark, cool place for 14 days.

Recipe for salted cucumbers in a saucepan

For this recipe, it is recommended to use small hard and pimply fruits, preferably of the same size, for better salting. When pouring cold marinade - cucumbers will be ready in 3 days, with hot - everything is much faster, 12 hours will be enough. If you soak the vegetables in ice water for 2 hours before salting, they will turn out crispy.

Products needed for salting:

  • 1 liter of settled water;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 kg of small cucumbers;
  • fresh dill, cilantro, parsley;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • horseradish leaf and root;
  • ground red and black pepper;
  • a pod of hot pepper;
  • mustard seeds;
  • 5 cloves of garlic.

Salting step by step:

  1. Cut the stems off the cucumbers and wash the fruits.
  2. Horseradish root, hot pepper pod, dill and garlic peel, wash and chop.
  3. Put the cucumbers mixed with spices in a saucepan.
  4. Pour the cucumbers with brine (hot or cold to choose from).
  5. Lay horseradish leaves on top of the products, completely covering them.
  6. Set oppression on the workpiece and remove for salting in a cool dark place.

Pickled cucumbers (in cold water)

Pickled Cucumbers

These delicious pickles can be eaten immediately, when they are slightly salted - lightly salted, and you can prepare jars of cucumbers for the winter - putting them in a refrigerator or a cold cellar for long-term storage. Then in winter you will have very tasty pickles.

Cucumbers are poured with cold water, stand under plastic lids and infused warmly until the brine becomes cloudy. The use of cold water for salting is convenient for those who harvest cucumbers for the winter in the country, where there is no hot water and conservation conditions. That's why simple recipe I have been salting cucumbers for decades. We love them very much at home.

This recipe for pickling cucumbers is very convenient when there are a lot of cucumbers, you can close many jars at once and eat 1 lightly salted, and send the rest to a cold place before winter.

What you need based on a 3-liter jar

  • Cucumbers (how much will go in);
  • Horseradish root - 1 root 5-10 cm long;
  • Tarragon (tarragon) - 1-2 branches;
  • Dill - 1/2 bunch or a couple of umbrellas;
  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • Currant or cherry leaves - 3 pieces;
  • Brine - 1.5 liters per 3-liter jar (but it is better to prepare 2 liters of brine, just in case it suddenly spills or precipitates).

Brine proportions for pickling cucumbers

The ratio of water and salt: 1 liter per 70 g of salt (that's 2 heaping tablespoons).

Salt for brine should be without additives, ordinary.

Cucumbers soaked in water before pickling

How to pickle cucumbers with simple salting

1. Prepare cucumbers, herbs and jars for pickling

  • Wash cucumbers and soak for 3-4 hours in cold water.
  • Wash three-liter jars well with baking soda or dish detergent and rinse well. Then - douse with boiling water.
  • Wash and cut greens. Horseradish clean and cut into chips. Peel and crush the garlic or cut into small pieces.

2. Place pickled cucumbers in jars

The procedure for laying cucumbers in jars: put horseradish and 2/3 greens and garlic on the bottom. The first layer of cucumbers. A little greens and garlic and again a layer of cucumbers. When all the cucumbers have entered the jar - fall asleep from the remnants of herbs and garlic.

But you can all the spices on the bottom, and then the cucumbers.

3. Prepare pickle for cucumbers

  • Pour tap water or spring water into a saucepan ( we agreed that we will prepare for a 3-liter jar of brine with a margin, so we need to take 2 liters of water). Mix salt well in water (4 heaping tablespoons per 2 liters of water) and let stand. Do not drain the sediment that will turn out at the bottom into the cucumbers (discard the sediment).

If the brine remains, do not pour out, wait next day. When the cucumbers stand upside down, some of the brine may leak even from tightly closed plastic lids (not very much, but still). It will be possible to add brine (or dilute a new one).

4. Close jars of cucumbers

  • Pour brine over cucumbers.

If you want, you can put a circle of clean white paper on top of the pickled cucumbers (according to the diameter of the neck). When cucumbers are stored for a long time, it is sometimes possible for mold to form on top of the brine. If this happens, then the mold will collect on the paper and it will not be necessary to scoop it out of the brine (just remove the paper and throw it away). There is no need to be afraid of mold, you just need to remove it. But it does not always form. IN last year 3 I do not put papers and there is no mold either. Some jars, however, are in the refrigerator for more than a year.

  • Close the jar with a clean, dense plastic lid steamed in boiling water (and the microbes are killed and the lid expands for a while, and then, having cooled down, it compresses the glass tightly and hermetically, clogging the jar).
  • Turn the jar upside down and let it stand upside down for 12 hours at room temperature. Then return to its original position and wait until the brine becomes cloudy. Ready.
  • After that, wipe the jars (they may leak while they are upside down), if a lot has flowed out and the top cucumbers have appeared above the brine, you can add new brine to the top. And store in the refrigerator or basement.

Ready-made jars with clouded (pickled) cucumbers, which were moved to the refrigerator for storage

Jars of cucumbers before filling with brine

Pickling cucumbers in the first 12 hours takes place in inverted jars.

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