What can you do with maple sap. Can you drink maple juice? Drink preservation. How maple sap is harvested - all the highlights

Spring has come into its own, which means that the magical period of sap flow begins - the time when trees give a person delicious and incredibly healthy juice.

In our open spaces, birch sap is extremely popular, but in Canada maple sap has been collected for centuries. The popularity of such a drink in North America is easily explained - it is here that a special, Canadian sugar maple grows. It is he who gives the person the juice from which the world-famous maple syrup is produced, famous for its healing properties. Is it any wonder that in many provinces of Canada there are entire industries where maple syrup, which is popular all over the world, is obtained from maple sap.

In Russia, sugar maple is rare. Holly maple grows here, which outwardly differs significantly from its “brother”. The leaf shape of the sugar maple is triangular, and the color of the foliage is predominantly red and bright orange, in contrast to the Norway maple with its five-sided leaf shape and yellow color.

Nevertheless, it is the Norway maple that is the main source of maple sap in Russia. Such juice is less sweet, however, in terms of chemical composition and healing properties, it is actually not inferior to its Canadian "brother". In this article, we will take a closer look at this wonderful gift of nature.

Composition of maple sap

Maple sap is 90% water. However, it has quite a few valuable compounds, such as:

  • sucrose;
  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • vitamins A, C, E, PP, as well as vitamins of group B;
  • minerals (iron and sodium, phosphorus and magnesium, silicon and manganese, zinc, calcium and many other minerals);
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • alkaloids and flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • antioxidants;
  • organic acids (fumaric, malic, succinic and citric);
  • herbal antibiotics;
  • plant hormone - abscisic acid;
  • lipids;
  • aldehydes.

We also add that the sweetness of the juice largely depends on the area in which the maples grow. Trees that grow in areas with high humidity produce sweeter juice than trees that grow in dry climates.

Despite the sweetness of this biological fluid, the calorie content of natural maple sap does not exceed 12 kcal, which makes it one of the healthiest sweet foods in the world!

Beneficial features

The drink in question is often called the "elixir of health." And this is true, because having such a rich chemical composition, maple sap has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the body. Judge for yourself, this intercellular fluid of a plant:

1. Perfectly cleanses the blood of toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals. In terms of its detoxifying properties, it is not inferior to well-known medicinal sorbents, such as Activated charcoal and Polysorb.

2. Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system - kidneys, liver and gallbladder. It is an excellent means of preventing diseases of the genitourinary system.

3. Strengthens the work of the heart and perfectly cleanses the blood vessels, making it an effective means of preventing thrombosis and clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol deposits. By the way, by cleansing and strengthening blood vessels, this valuable liquid prevents the development of serious diseases, incl. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

4. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improving stool and preventing chronic constipation. Moreover, maple juice improves metabolism, contributing to natural weight loss and gaining a slender figure.

5. It is an effective means of disinfection and elimination of bacteria. Thanks to this feature, maple sap is actively used to treat skin lesions - wounds, deep cuts and burns.

6. Due to the presence of abscisic acid, it stimulates the pancreas, activating the production of insulin. Thanks to this property, people who regularly drink maple juice are protected from the development of such a dangerous disease as diabetes.

7. High in vitamin C and containing other antioxidants, maple sap is considered a good way to prevent cancer.

8. The juice of this wonderful tree is rich in vitamins and minerals, which means it is an excellent way to combat beriberi, especially in the spring, when the body lacks important elements. Moreover, thanks to maple juice, immunity is significantly strengthened, which means that with the use of this drink a person receives protection from colds and infections.

Benefits of Maple Juice for Women and Men

For the fair sex, this drink is useful for maintaining body tone. As a supportive tool, it is indispensable for women who are very tired by the end of the working day. Moreover, maple sap has a calming effect, which is especially important during the premenstrual period.

As for the representatives of the stronger sex, they need maple sap no less than women. If a man works hard physically, and then cannot sleep for a long time due to overwork, he needs to drink half a glass of maple sap before going to bed. Moreover, native Canadians often use this drink in order to strengthen potency and cope with the unpleasant symptoms of prostatitis.

Maple juice for kids

Before giving this drink to children under 3 years old, you should consult a pediatrician. Maple juice is a healthy liquid, but it cannot be ruled out that a child may have an intolerance to this product. By the way, if desired, children can be given "maple milk", for which add 2-3 tbsp to a glass of milk. maple juice and mix well.

maple juice for pregnant women

During childbearing, maple sap is not contraindicated. This drink is even useful for strengthening immunity and preventing infectious diseases that are so dangerous for pregnant women. However, not all expectant mothers can take it. Pregnant women who have elevated blood sugar levels or have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes should not consume this juice.

Maple sap in cooking

Maple sap is the perfect sweet that contains a minimum of sugar, which means that this product is great for preparing sweet, but at the same time healthy dishes. Such juice can be added to ice cream, drinks, pastries, various cereals, dried fruits or dairy products. Based on maple sap, wonderful lemonades and carbonated drinks are obtained. Moreover, such drinks are suitable even for allergy sufferers.

And maple juice can be used as a cosmetic product, in the form of a hair balm. This natural balm returns shine to the hair and perfectly strengthens the roots.

When and how to collect juice

To fully enjoy the benefits of this wonderful drink, you need to drink it fresh. To do this, with the first thawed patches, you can go to the extraction of maple sap. The period of sap flow begins with the first rays of the spring sun, when the temperature is above zero during the day, and frosts are observed at night (from -4°C to +4°C). This process will continue for about a month until the maples begin to bud. From this point on, the healing moisture becomes bitter in taste and loses 50% of its healing properties. Within a week from the moment the foliage appears, the sap flow stops.

To harvest the tastiest maple sap, choose a sturdy young tree. Make sure that the buds on it are already swollen, but have not yet opened. About 30–40 cm from the ground, make a hole in the trunk and drive in a metal groove, literally 1.5–2 cm deep. The valuable liquid will flow along the groove into the container installed from below. You just have to wait until the container is filled with juice. By the way, a good tree will give 20–25 liters per day, and ideally even 30 liters of juice. And upon returning home, all that remains is to strain the juice, passing the life-giving moisture through several layers of gauze, and you can use it for health benefits.

Ways to store maple sap

Maple syrup

In Canada, and here, in Russia, maple sap is used to make a real delicacy - maple syrup. By consistency, this product is very similar to honey, only with a specific taste and rich dark amber color. True, unlike maple juice, such a product should be consumed with caution, especially for people who are overweight, because the calorie content of maple syrup is 260 kcal per 100 g of product.

Maple syrup is widely used in cooking. It is added to fruit salads and desserts, used as a filling for pancakes, cheesecakes or pastries. In addition, this product is an ideal sugar substitute. And experienced chefs use maple syrup to prepare original sauces and second courses.

To prepare maple syrup, you need to take maple juice, pour it into a deep saucepan and put it on medium heat to evaporate. Practice shows that 3 liters of juice will reach readiness in about 1.5 hours. As soon as all the excess liquid has evaporated, a thick, viscous mass of amber color will remain at the bottom of the pan.

canned juice

Considering that maple juice is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days, it is worth considering how to store this drink. One of the best preservation options would be canning the drink. This is done simply: it is enough to heat the maple sap to 80 °, pour it into prepared jars, sterilized in boiling water for at least 30 minutes, and roll up with airtight lids. This product can be consumed throughout the year.

By the way, if desired, you can add sugar to the heated juice before rolling (no more than 100 g per 1 liter of liquid), and also put a slice of lemon or orange in each jar.

Maple kvass

As in the case of birch sap, wonderful maple kvass is obtained from this liquid. To prepare it, take 10 liters of juice, put on fire and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. After removing from the heat and letting the liquid cool, you need to add 50 g of yeast to it and leave it for four days in a dark place, covered with gauze. After the allotted time, the liquid must be poured into jars, closed with lids and let it brew for 30 days. The resulting kvass perfectly quenches thirst and helps in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Harm and contraindications of maple juice

Maple juice is an extremely healthy drink that has practically no contraindications and restrictions in use. However, this product should be used with caution by people suffering from diabetes. In moderation, it will benefit the "diabetic" by strengthening his immunity, but if you drink maple juice in glasses, you can provoke an increase in blood sugar levels.

The allowable daily allowance of this wonderful drink is 1 glass of juice. If you drink a canned product, it is better to limit yourself to 2-3 glasses per week.

In any case, knowing about the benefits of this wonderful drink, you can always enjoy it and add it to prepared meals, thereby supporting and strengthening your body.
Good health to you!

What comes to mind when you hear the word "maple"? Probably Canada, Maple Leaf Country. The local residents not only chose this tree as their state symbol, but also adapted to exploit it as much as possible. One of the traditional crafts is the collection of maple sap and the preparation of all kinds of healthy and tasty things from it. Echoes of these Canadian know-how have reached Russia. Although still in our country of birch chintz, a folk tradition is a spring campaign for birch sap, and its maple counterpart is in demand only among individual enthusiasts. One of them is Oleg Chukhlinsky.

Maple sap will give odds to well-known birch sap in many respects. If it's completely primitive, it just tastes better, but if it's from a more scientific point of view... Let's take a look at its composition.

Of course, the main part of maple sap (as well as birch sap) is water. But besides it, this blood of a tree contains much more. Its main organic component is sucrose, the concentration of which in maple sap is most often 2-3% (although, depending on the conditions in which the tree grows, it can even reach 10%). That is why this juice is much sweeter than birch.

In addition, maple sap contains glucose and natural dextrose (D-glucose) - a carbohydrate that is used to generate energy by our body, is carried by the blood to all cells and parts of the body, and is responsible for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. It is easily digestible dextrose that is assigned the leading role in supporting the functioning of the brain. Maple sap also contains vitamins B, C, PP, E, carotenoids, organic and polyunsaturated acids, lipids, aldehydes, tannins...

- Readers will probably have a question: what helps?

Write down: this miracle juice has antibacterial, antimicrobial, diuretic and choleretic properties. It can be used externally to speed up the healing of wounds and burns. And as an internal one - with colds, beriberi, anemia, liver diseases, reduced immunity ... This juice normalizes the pancreas. In addition, it is an excellent prophylactic against pathologies of cardiac activity, the formation of blood clots in the vessels ... Finally, some researchers have come to the conclusion that regular consumption of maple sap slows down the development of terrible diseases - Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

However, some contraindications should also be noted here. One of the disadvantages of maple sap is that it is a product of a tree that very readily collects heavy metals from the soil and air. It is clear that there are many of them in ecologically unfavorable areas, for example, near busy highways, industrial enterprises ... It is naturally better not to “milk” the maples growing in those places.

In my practice, there have been cases when a beginner, inspired by stories about miracle juice, immediately began to drink liters of it and as a result received an unpleasant allergic reaction from the body as a response. Therefore, I advise you to join this drink gradually, starting with small doses: a cup, a glass.

- Another burning question: when is the season for maple sap harvesting?

Maple among all trees comes to life in the spring one of the first. The circulation of juice in the trunk resumes already 2-3 weeks before the start of flowering. This happens 10, 15, sometimes 20 days earlier than the birch starts to drive the juice: in our Central Russian regions already in late March - early April, when the average daily temperatures are still below zero, and in many places snow continues to lie. The main external sign of the readiness of a tree for the beginning of such exploitation by a person is the buds on the branches that have noticeably increased in size. The season of industrial collection of juice from maples usually lasts one and a half to two weeks. The most active juicing occurs on warm sunny days. Those who go to maple fishing, in order for it to give the most successful results and the highest quality product, should remember the rule: the sugar content in the sap (and therefore its taste) is much higher in those trees that grow on rich minerals and well moist soil. The collection technology is the same as in the case of birch sap. You make an inclined (approximately 45 degrees to the ground) hole in the bark with a knife or better with a drill, insert a groove, attach an empty container under it. You need to drill the bark at a distance of about half a meter from the ground, and the depth of the hole should not be more than 5 cm (naturally, after the end of the procedure, the wood wound you inflicted should be repaired with pitch, putty, or at least clay). It is better to choose mature trees as a “donor” - with a trunk diameter of at least 20–25 cm. Up to 2 liters of juice can drip from one such hole per day. Outwardly, it is a liquid of a slightly golden color.

Is it possible to somehow increase the period of consumption of maple juice, stretching it beyond the mentioned one and a half to two weeks?

The simplest: juice without added sugar is heated to 70-80 degrees, poured into glass jars or bottles, pasteurized in them for about half an hour and sealed with lids or corks. You can also prepare sweet maple water by first adding about 100 grams of sugar per liter of juice, bring the solution to a boil, and then pour it into glass containers and pasteurize, as in the above described version.

Canadians, who are fans of this natural product, have long adapted to make maple syrup from juice, or, as it is also called, maple sugar. This method was adopted by the first Europeans who landed in America from the local Indians. The procedure is simple: the collected fresh juice is poured into a saucepan and evaporated over low heat. As a result, a viscous sweet mass remains, outwardly similar to uncured caramel. It is transferred to glass jars, stored in the cold and then consumed throughout the year. (Syrup is often served with meat dishes, pancakes, ice cream...) However, it should be borne in mind that the syrup preparation procedure is very long, and the yield is low: from 20 liters of juice, you will end up with about a half-liter jar of maple sugar.

- I'm afraid that few will be tempted by such a long-playing process ...

For the impatient, I can recommend a recipe for a more efficient maple sap dessert. I borrowed it from one of my colleagues in clenotherapy. Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in 1 liter of juice, add 2-3 tablespoons of dried fruits and insist in a cool place for 15 days. It turns out a wonderful compote.

Good day, dear readers!

Today I want to talk about such a wonderful and healthy, but relatively rare natural drink, like maple sap, as well as its derivative - maple syrup.

maple sap- an intercellular fluid of a transparent color with a yellowish tinge, flowing from cut or broken trunks and branches under the action of root pressure.

The collection of maple sap is not so popular in the territory of the former USSR, unlike the collection, but, nevertheless, in terms of usefulness and application, it is not inferior to birch. Maple sap is popular in North America, especially in Canada, where it is the national drink. Moreover, in Canada and the United States, the collection of maple sap and its further processing into maple syrup are on an industrial scale. Of course, mother nature contributed to this, because. it is in Canada and the northern part of the United States that many types of maple grow, although only three types of wood are mainly used for the production of maple syrup - sugar maple (Acer saccharum), black maple (Acer nigrum) and red maple (Acer rubrum), reaching 30 m in height and more than 1 m in diameter, because they have an increased amount of sucrose, which makes maple sap taste sweeter.

- a thickened liquid formed during the evaporation of the juice of deciduous trees of the Sapindaceae family.

In addition to sugar and black maples, maple sap with its further processing into maple syrup is extracted from: red maple, silver maple, ash-leaved maple. But here it is fair to say that these types of sucrose have less, so it will be more difficult to extract the syrup, and the taste of the juice may give a little bitterness.

Composition of maple sap

Maple sap contains:

  • water - 90%;
  • sucrose - an average of 2-3%, but can be from 0.5 to 10%, depending on the growing conditions of the tree;
  • oligosaccharides;
  • vitamins -,;
  • - an average of 0.66%: (0.26%), (0.07%), silicon oxide (0.02%), and minor amounts -, manganese, and;
  • organic acids - malic acid (0.21%), citric acid (0.002%), traces of succinic, fumaric and several other organic acids;
  • polyunsaturated acids;
  • glucose - no more than 0.004%;
  • carotenoids, lipids, aldehydes, tannins;
  • dextrose.

The amount of sugar in maple juice is highly dependent on the type of maple, as well as its growing conditions. If maple grows in conditions of high humidity and in soil enriched with minerals, then its juice will contain much more sugar than maple growing in climates with low humidity and soil poor in minerals.

How do you like the composition of maple juice, dear readers? Personally, I like it, especially if there is an opportunity to use it often. Drinking maple juice after winter, instead of water, when the body especially needs other useful micro and macro elements is a good, tasty and healthy thing!

In addition to saturating the body with all the necessary vitamins, maple juice has other useful properties, for example:

    • used as a diuretic and for various diseases of the urinary system;
    • strengthens the immune system, useful for;
    • is an excellent prophylactic against the formation of blood clots in the vessels, pathologies of cardiac activity, as well as;
    • cleanses blood vessels of toxins;
    • due to the antioxidants that make up maple sap, it is an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent for infectious and oncological diseases;
  • has a mild choleretic effect in diseases of the gallbladder and liver diseases;
  • maple juice is recommended to be used to normalize the work of the pancreas, because. it contains abscisic acid, which has a beneficial effect on this organ;
  • maple sap partially acts as an antibiotic, for example, some experts recommend that they treat shallow wounds, cuts or burns;
  • slows down the development of neurodegenerative pathologies (Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases);
  • saturates all cells of the body with a charge of energy;
  • has antimicrobial and bactericidal action and much more.

Harm of maple sap

Maple juice, especially maple syrup, contains a lot of glucose, so you need to take it with care!

In addition, you should not collect maple sap near highways or large industrial enterprises, because. the ground near such objects is usually saturated with heavy metals, which eventually end up in maple sap. This juice is definitely not good!

The sugar maple has become the symbol of Canada for the whole world. The coat of arms of the country is decorated with a pointed leaf of this tree. In Canada and beyond, maple sap is considered a traditional drink. It is extracted from maple through holes in the bark. The benefits and harms of maple sap are actively discussed by supporters and opponents of the nutrition theory based on natural components.

Composition of maple sap

The main properties of the juice depend on the type of tree, its growth conditions, and collection methods. Each type of maple has its own characteristics. The sweeter the variety, the higher the sucrose content.

The liquid contains up to 90% water. The remaining elements have different useful properties:

  • vitamins of group B, as well as E, C;
  • minerals;
  • polyunsaturated and essential acids;
  • aldehydes and tannins;
  • dextrose, glucose.

Among the vitamins of group B, the content of useful thiamine is high. Minerals are represented by potassium, calcium, iron, manganese.

Trace elements are necessary for a person for stable growth, they affect cell regeneration, increase immunity.

Carbohydrates, which juice contains, help to absorb useful elements without stressing the body's systems.

Malic acid occupies the first place among the variety of organic elements. In addition to it, traces of fumaric acids were found in the composition. They are natural antioxidants that can influence metabolic processes, as well as become participants in chemical reactions.

Useful properties of maple juice

The benefits of maple sap for the human body are determined from the standpoint of assessing its impact.

Vitamins have beneficial properties to influence the indicator of bad cholesterol. They are necessary for a person as participants in the processes of cell regeneration. Many of the elements presented are beneficial to the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

Juice is used as a remedy that helps to reduce the level of toxins, remove them from the body.

Juice contains a certain amount of substances that have antioxidant properties that can protect cells from the effects of free radicals. Mechanisms are important for the coordinated work of the endocrine and nervous systems. The production of hormones, which occupy a special place in the body's scheme, depends on this.

Tannins give the drink anti-inflammatory properties. Aldehydes act as blockers for the spread of bacteria.

The peculiarity and undoubted benefit of maple juice is an environmentally friendly composition, without the addition of impurities or preservatives that can be harmful.

Maple sap is able to influence all systems, it is consumed depending on the degree of exposure:

  • used as a prophylactic against the formation of blood clots;
  • used as a mild diuretic;
  • drink for prevention with beriberi, colds;
  • antibacterial action explains its external use.

Maple sap is suitable for cooking, a traditional sweet dessert. Canadians love it, consider it a national delicacy. It should not be confused with juice. These are liquids of different composition and structure. Syrup is obtained from maple sap by slow, long boiling. As a result of this process, the sugar content rises. The syrup has more calories and is used mainly for making desserts or as an additive to marinades.

Information! From 40 liters of juice, 1 liter of syrup is obtained.

Is Maple Juice Good for Pregnancy?

The peculiarity of the drink lies in the fact that, due to its natural properties, it increases the level of sugar in human blood. During pregnancy, doctors recommend that you carefully monitor all test indicators. If a pregnant woman's sugar levels are elevated or tend to increase, then it is better to refuse the use of juices, including maple juice, so as not to harm health.

In normal conditions, without harm or risk of developing gestational (related to pregnancy) conditions, maple sap may be beneficial. It contains B vitamins, which are essential for carrying a healthy baby.

Can maple juice be given to children

To introduce maple sap into the diet of children under 3 years of age, you should consult a doctor. Some children need an increase in blood sugar, others such mechanisms can be harmful.

Pediatricians do not advise experimenting with young children. The start of drinking after reaching the age of three should be slow and gradual in order to be able to assess the reaction of the child's body. Like all natural ingredients, maple juice can trigger the development of allergies.

When and how to collect maple sap

Not all types of trees are suitable for collecting maple sap. The most common product is obtained from a sugar variety: it is he who has useful properties. Red, black, holly maple species are considered suitable.

The sugar species grows in the provinces of Canada, as well as in the north of the United States. Maples are common in the eastern part of Russia, but they are of a completely different type and differ in their properties.

The Canadian sugar maple wakes up from hibernation in March. This period is recommended to start collecting. The buds on the trees should be swollen, but not open. The air temperature during collection should not be lower than – 2°C and higher than + 6°C. For industrial collection, a time period of 2 to 3 weeks is used.

The collection begins with screwing a special sleeve into the bark of a tree. Through the formed gutter, the liquid flows into the prepared container.

Advice! In order not to harm the tree, do not deepen the hole by more than 4 cm.

In the last century, special plastic pipes began to be used that connect trees together, forming a single branched network. Such a network is called a pipeline. Industrial production involves collection in harvested vats, which are used to make syrup.

Advice! Experts advise choosing quiet places where trees grow away from roads or industrial facilities.

How to store maple sap

For self-storage of juice, choose one of the following methods:

  • sterilized and closed with special lids;
  • simmer until maple syrup is formed.

Freshly extracted liquid cannot be stored for more than 2 days. After this period, it loses its qualities and can do more harm than good.

Another way to preserve and process is to make syrup. The liquid is poured into a large container, boiled over low heat for several hours. When the liquid decreases and acquires a viscous structure, the fire is turned off, the syrup is cooled and put away for storage.

The benefits of drinking syrup are much lower, since its properties are determined by the increased amount of sugar in the composition.

Maple sap canning

Useful properties of the drink are partially lost after pasteurization. To preserve the maximum benefit, it is recommended to prepare juice without adding sugar. In this case, the liquid is boiled once, then hermetically sealed, sterilized again.

Sugar is used to dilute blanks with water before use. This method is similar to making compote. 100 g of sugar is added to 1 liter of juice, boiled, rolled up with lids. The cooled blanks are stored in a cool dark place.

Maple sap tincture

Residents of the Canadian provinces make tinctures or wines from the juice. To do this, honey, chopped dried fruits are added to the liquid. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks. The peculiarity and main intrigue of cooking is the variation of components. Dried fruits are used in different proportions: neighbors and relatives taste each other's wines, share their impressions.

Maple kvass

It is considered useful from maple sap. This drink is popular during folk festivals, national Thanksgiving celebrations, and summer picnics. It quenches thirst, has beneficial properties. Many people use it to cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins, drink it as a diuretic.

Description of the cooking method:

  1. 10 liters of juice are boiled for 20 minutes.
  2. Add 50 g of yeast, leave for 3 days for fermentation.
  3. Fermented kvass is poured into glass bottles, insisted for about a month.

Harm of maple sap and contraindications

It is impossible to talk about the benefits of juice without mentioning its possible harm. Like all substances that contain an increased amount of carbohydrates, it cannot have beneficial properties when taken in excess.

The use of the product may be harmful to those who are sensitive to sugar-containing products. People who have problems with blood glucose levels should be careful.

Juice can also trigger an allergic reaction. This is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women, so it is necessary to carefully introduce such drinks into the diet so as not to harm the body.


The benefits and harms of maple sap depend on the amount and rules of administration. Moderate use is not harmful. The drink has beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on human health.

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Maple sap is an intercellular fluid found in plants and trees. Maple, which gives mankind this most useful drink, grows mainly on the lands of North America and Canada. It is from it that delicious and fragrant maple syrup is made. On the territory of Russia, the source of juice is Norway maple. It is less sweet, but tastes close to Canadian syrup.

Some historical information

The inhabitants of the Americas have always elevated maple. There are many songs and legends composed in his honor. For example, this is a curious story related to the inhabitants of the Iroquois tribe. It tells how one day the women, instead of going to a distant source for water, went to the nearest maple forest. There they began to incise the trunks of trees and collect the liquid flowing from them, which they then added to the dishes. The warriors who returned home in the evening were pleasantly surprised by the unusual taste of the dishes, and the maple sap became a little secret of the tribe's inhabitants.

Attention! In Europe in the 17th century, attempts were made to extract sugar from maple on an industrial scale. In Canada, this direction is still of great importance.

Chemical composition

This natural drink contains a huge amount of valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on human health. The combination of the following components gives rise to benefits:

  • water;
  • sucrose (dextrose);
  • numerous organic acids - acetic, malic, abscisic, succinic, fumaric;
  • significant minerals - silicon, calcium, potassium to the greatest extent, as well as magnesium, manganese and sodium;
  • ascorbic acid.
The human body experiences a shortage of all these substances, especially with the onset of the spring period. And just at this time, the collection of such a valuable source of vitamins and microelements begins.

Healing qualities

Maple sap, the benefits and harms of which are closely intertwined, is an effective natural healer and a valuable dietary product. It is directed to the treatment and prevention of many diseases, such as:

  • asthenia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • cold;
  • scurvy;
  • gout;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

This is only a general list of indications, in fact, the range of effects of juice for medicinal purposes is much wider:

  • It is an effective diuretic in the presence of various kinds of problems with the urinary system.
  • Maple sap heals diseases of the cardiovascular system - atherosclerosis, thrombosis and other pathologies.
  • Cleanses the blood of toxins.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the gallbladder and liver, removing decay products from the body.
  • The pancreas under the influence of abscisic acid, which is contained in the drink, receives an excellent therapeutic effect.
  • The remedy is very useful in diseases associated with a weakening of the overall brain activity - Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Vitamin C and antioxidants, which dominate in the juice, fight not only infectious diseases, but also cancer.
  • As an antibiotic, juice acts from the inside and outside - they can treat wounds, burns, cuts on the skin.

How to make a healing drink

Collection rules

As mentioned earlier, the beginning of the collection is proclaimed in early spring. And there is very little time to stock up on juice - just a couple of weeks. The start of the collection is the swelling of the buds, but if they have already blossomed, you risk getting solid bitterness instead of a sweet liquid.

Attention! The process of extracting juice is very delicate, it is important not to damage the tree with illiterate actions.

  • Drill a hole in the trunk at a height of about 30 cm above the ground - a diameter of about 1.5 cm.
  • Insert a special spout into the resulting hole, and into it - the tubes through which the juice will flow into the container.
  • Make sure that the connection between the tube and the spout is tight so that various debris does not get into the container. It is better to choose vessels made of plastic or metal, as glass ones can break and you will lose precious liquid.

An equally important question in this matter is where and when to collect maple sap? Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • It is better to harvest on a sunny day - under the influence of heat, the juice is released in large quantities.
  • It is also important where the trees grow - choose places away from the city and industrial enterprises. They have the highest concentration of nutrients.
  • Pay attention to the visually distinguishable state of the tree. These should be trunks of medium thickness with no damage.

Maple sap collected from healthy and environmentally friendly trees will have a beneficial effect on health. Therefore, it is worth a little work in collecting and your efforts will pay off with interest.

How to store

So, you have collected a valuable liquid. The question arises - how to make sure that the juice does not lose its properties and is usable for as long as possible? To do this, make syrup from it or preserve it.

Attention! Maple syrup is an excellent storage option without losing all of its beneficial properties. But this method is more traditional for Canada, while the second option is held in high esteem.

Cooking recipes:

Maple sap can be preserved in two ways:

  1. Sugarless. Fresh juice is heated to a temperature of 80 degrees, and then poured into pre-sterilized dishes. Next, you will need no more than half an hour to pasteurize the blanks. After the time has elapsed, tightly close the jars with lids - everything should be extremely tight.
  2. With sugar. Proportions: 100 g of granulated sugar per 1 liter of juice. Stirring the mixture over the fire, bring it to a boil - the sugar should dissolve completely. While still hot, pour the resulting liquid into pasteurized jars or bottles. Pasteurization is carried out for a quarter of an hour, and then the containers are tightly closed for storage.


Despite the pronounced benefits of maple sap, harm from it is possible. Although he does not pose a serious danger.

The only contraindication is the presence of an appropriate allergy. In such a situation, even the most useful product can be dangerous. In addition, juice extracted from ecologically unfavorable areas can have a harmful effect on the body. There is also a limit on the amount of fluids consumed for people with diabetes. A couple of glasses a day will be more than enough to have a healing effect, and not hurt yourself.

Attention! Maple sap retains the maximum of useful substances only in its raw form. The finished sterilized version will be deprived of some of the properties.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Chief Editor

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