How rice is grown in Russia. Regular and sea rice - how and where does it grow? Where is rice grown in which countries

If you want to conduct an interesting experiment, then plant rice in your area. We have revealed the secret of how to do it right and how to care for this plant.

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Rice began to be cultivated a very long time ago - back in the middle of the 5th millennium BC. e. in Thailand. Then rice cultivation spread to Indochina, and after that they began to be practiced in East and Southeast Asia. Later, from Indochina, rice came to India, and from there - to Europe and Central Asia. In Europe, it was cultivated mainly in the Mediterranean, but it was not until the 19th century that the cultivation of this crop acquired an industrial scale.

Types of rice cultivation

Surely many have seen in feature or documentary films how rice is grown in Asia. A worker stands in the water and plants seedlings of this crop or processes it. Yes, rice loves moist soil. There are 3 main types of rice cultivation:
  • upland;
  • torrential or irrigation;
  • firth.
The first is used in regions where precipitation is not uncommon. An excellent way out for those owners of suburban areas, whose part of the territory is located in a lowland swampy area, and it is warm in summer. More on this will be discussed later.

The second type of rice cultivation involves the cultivation of this crop in torrential fields or checks. These areas are specially flooded, for example, by digging trenches and flooding them. 2 weeks before the harvest, the water is drained and the rice is harvested already on dry soil. This type of obtaining this grain is the most common. Nearly 90% of the world's rice production is grown in this way.

In places where floods are frequent in spring and summer, rice is also cultivated in bays. Thus it was grown many centuries ago. Now this method is used in some regions of Southeast Asia, but now it is considered ineffective, and growing rice in torrential fields has become the most popular.

Although it is a heat-loving crop, elevated temperatures lead to too much vegetative growth, to the detriment of ear development. Rice is a light-loving crop and will produce high yields where there are many sunny days in summer. This grass feels good on clay, dusty soils. Provided sufficient soil fertilization, it can produce a good crop on sandy soil.

Not everyone knows why rice is grown in water. This culture perfectly tolerates flooding, since the roots of the cereal will still not be left without oxygen, and foliage supplies it to them. It takes oxygen from the air and lowers it to the roots. Water delivers nutrients and helps to resist weeds, so yields are noticeably increased. In order to provide such conditions for the cereal, on the flat lands they divide the plots with shafts, and water is poured into the channels formed between them.

The possibility of growing rice in the country

If you have a free plot of land, you are in a warm region, you can provide enough moisture for rice, then you can try to get this crop in your backyard. Usually in a swampy place where water stagnates, nothing grows, so you can take this area under rice. Traditionally, in our region, it is cultivated in the Kuban, but you can try to grow rice in slightly cooler areas. The main thing is that there are such conditions:
  • a plot warmed by the sun all day;
  • For 3–6 months, the temperature during the day was around +21–+25°C, and at night it would fall no lower than +15, lower temperatures will reduce the ability of the plant to resist diseases;
  • the possibility of using water meadows or the presence of soil that retains moisture;
  • an irrigation system that allows you to grow rice in water, and drain it half a month before harvest.

Types and varieties of rice for cultivation

Here are the varieties of rice used to grow it in the Kuban:
  • "Krasnodar-424";
  • "Liman";
  • "With a finger";
  • "Grateful";
  • "Kurchanka";
  • "Kasun";
  • "Darius-8".
The last 4 varieties of rice are promising new ones. According to the size and shape of the grain, its taste, rice is divided into:
  • Short grain. When cooked, it becomes sticky, soft, slightly sweet. It is used for making cereals, casseroles, meatballs, sushi.
  • Medium grain. During heat treatment, the grain of this species acquires tenderness, juiciness, a light creamy taste and a little stickiness.
  • Long grain has lush and light rice grains that are drier than other varieties. When cooked, it remains crumbly unless overcooked.
  • Fragrant no wonder it has such a name. This type of rice has a rich smell and taste. This species includes varieties such as "Black Japonica Rice", "Basmati", "Red", "Jasmine".
  • Sweet the species is quite sticky, forming a sticky mass when cooked. It is often used to make dishes that are then stored in the freezer. After defrosting, their taste and appearance practically does not change.
  • Arborio. This rice becomes creamy during the cooking process, the center of the grain remains firm. Perfect for risotto and other Italian dishes.

How to grow rice yourself?

After you have chosen the type and variety of cereal, it's time to start preparing the soil. It is best to use clay, but so that its acidity is low. On light soils, it is advisable to add clay so that it retains water.

If you don't want to grow rice on a large scale, you're interested in seeing it grow, develop, get some of your own crops, then use containers for that. In cold weather, they can be brought into the greenhouse and create favorable conditions for the cereal.

Prepare a sunny plot of land by digging it up and picking out the weeds. In Asia, rice is first grown in seedlings and then planted in rows in prepared moist soil. You can do the same, but this method is laborious.

If it is poor, add mineral fertilizers to it, mix them with the ground. Spread the seeds after 10 cm, sprinkle them with a layer of compost or mulch. Organic compost retains moisture well, so its use is especially successful in dry climates.

When seedlings reach 2 cm, add water by 2.5 cm or water them well. If you have sown the seeds too often, when the seedlings grow to 5-7 cm, thin out. They can be transplanted to another place. As a result, rice should grow in a row at a distance of 30 cm from each other, and the distance between the grooves is 25–30 cm.

If all conditions are met, the entrances will grow rapidly and in a month they will reach a height of 15-17 cm, and after 3-4 months the grain will begin to ripen, the ears will grow to 35-40 cm at this time. Then you need to drain the soil, stop watering it . In 2 weeks under such conditions, the plant will turn yellow, and the grain will dry.

After this, the ears must be watered well again or the grooves filled with water. A day later, they lower it, again stop watering the plants and wait for the grain to finally turn yellow. At the same time, it must not be allowed to crumble.

Then the stems are cut together with the ears, laid out in a dry, ventilated room to dry for 2-3 weeks. You can put them in the sun or wrap them in newspaper. After drying in the air, this must be done in the oven. It is heated to +80°C, the rice is removed from the ear and dried to a golden brown color.

After that, the grain is cooled and separated from the husk by rubbing between the palms. Everything, rice grown with your own hands, is ready to eat. Now you have the opportunity to compare which rice dishes are tastier - your own or bought in a store.

If you do not grow it, then now you will have an idea of ​​​​how rice is obtained in the regions, where it is supplied to stores from, and how much work is invested in each grain.

For more information on growing rice, see this video:

Everyone knows that rice is grown in flooded fields. These can be flat agricultural plantations or picturesque terraces characteristic of the highlands. But the invariable attribute of rice fields is water. It turns out that rice plantings are flooded not at all because this crop needs such a colossal amount of moisture, but one of the breeding directions is the breeding of varieties resistant to decay. Why, then, is rice satisfied with such a “swamp life”?

The history of rice growing goes back more than 7,000 years, and the number of varieties of this cereal is simply amazing. There are about 8,000 varieties of rice in China alone. This crop is at the forefront of the diet of most Southeast Asians, and rice production itself is the backbone of the economies of many countries in the region.

The largest amount of rice in the world (more than 140 million tons) is grown annually in China. It is followed by India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Vietnam. In addition to Asia, rice is very popular in Brazil, and in this country it is also successfully grown, however, the scale is somewhat more modest than in Asia - only 12-15 million tons per year. There are rice plantations in the USA, Australia, Turkey and even in Russia. In our country, it is grown in Primorye and in the Krasnodar Territory.

Most countries use water or irrigation rice cultivation for rice cultivation. With this technology, rice is grown in flooded fields, and water is drained two weeks before harvest. As a rule, rice is first germinated in special boxes, and then the sprouted sprouts are planted in the field. In the countries of Southeast Asia, this is done manually, and in the United States, for example, they practice sowing seeds directly into the ground. In this case, aviation is most often used.

But the fields are flooded not at all because rice needs so much moisture. Although the wild forms of rice from which modern varieties are derived grow in damp places, modern varieties do not need to be constantly in the water. But in this way, farmers fight weeds that reduce yields. Rice itself belongs to moisture-loving plants and is able to endure being in a flooded place. But most weeds cannot survive in such conditions. In some countries dry land rice cultivation is practiced. With this technology, rice is grown in ordinary, non-flooded fields. And he feels great there. True, its yield is somewhat less, but not because of a lack of moisture, but because of pesky weeds.

It turns out that wet rice cultivation is cleaner from an environmental point of view. Of course, fertilizers and pesticides, special means for pest control are also used on water-filled fields. But, at least in such fields, there is no need to apply herbicides - preparations designed to fight weeds.

Rice is the oldest and most widespread crop. Its grains, rich in amino acids, have excellent taste and are well absorbed by the body. The use of cereals is carried out in various areas of the national economy. Read about the technology of growing rice in the article.


How does rice grow? For comfortable growth of this crop, excessively moist soils are needed. This tropical annual plant loves shade. An important condition for its growth is the water regime in the phases of development. For example, when seedlings appear, the soil must be saturated with water. In the future, favorable conditions are those when the field will be covered with a layer of water.

The process of grain swelling is influenced by temperature. At +13 o C, in order to germinate, the seed absorbs water for five to six days, at +17 o C - two days, at +27 o C - 15 hours. The range in which the rice germination process takes place is large: +12 ... +41 ° C. +18 ° C is considered the optimum temperature, and the duration is up to three days. The grain stops germinating at +10 ... +12 o C.

Rice in crop rotation

Cultivation is carried out according to special 5-9-field crop rotations. In order to obtain high yields, agro-reclamation conditions for growing rice must be good. For this, the fields are taken out from under the flood. Upland plants, usually fodder grasses, are planted on them, or areas are left fallow. This means that the crop rotation includes grass and fallow fields.

After predecessors such as legumes and grasses, rice can be sown for three consecutive years. If the field was set aside for fallow - two years. Grasses are not accidentally included in the rice crop rotation: they destroy the weeds of swamps, saturate the soil with nutrients, and are high quality fodder.

The inclusion of the steam link is of great importance, especially for the repair work associated with land reclamation. In addition, thanks to green manure, fertility increases. Fallow rice fields are sown with vetch, rapeseed, soybeans, peas, buckwheat and other plants, including mixtures.

Where does it grow?

Rice is cultivated in countries with a tropical climate, but is also grown in the subtropics. Currently, the cereal is common in China, India, South America, Indonesia. In Asian countries, the culture is grown by hand. America, for example, came up with a more advanced method of sowing - from an airplane to the field.

Cultivated rice grows in special flat fields flooded with water. Dry areas and plateaus are suitable for growing unpretentious varieties. There is a wild form of rice, the appearance of which differs from the white that we are used to. It is found in the USA and Canada on numerous small lakes.

Rice growing

The main types of farming for growing this crop are:

  • Dryland rice farming. It is used in regions with rare precipitation. Acceptable in regions with warm summers for areas, most of which are occupied by low-lying marshy places.
  • Flood rice farming. For growing cereals, torrential meadows, or checks, are used. The bottom line is that the sites are specially subjected to flooding. To do this, trenches are dug and filled with water. But it is lowered half a month before harvesting, so the soil has time to dry. This method of growing rice is the most common.

  • Estuary rice cultivation as a way of growing crops in the modern world is considered inefficient, although some regions in the south and east of Asia practice it. Rice is cultivated in places with frequent floods that occur during the spring and summer seasons. The bays of the rivers are also used for growing cereals.

Why does rice grow in water?

This culture is a plant that is not afraid of flooding. How does rice grow? The roots receive oxygen supplied by the leaves, which take it from the air. Water provides nutrition to plants, it also helps to cope with weeds, thereby increasing yields. To create favorable conditions for the comfortable growth of rice, flat lands are divided into plots using rollers. Channels are formed that are filled with water.

Growing technology

The process of growing rice on checks does not depend on the weather, as it is completely controlled by man. This method is most often used for growing cereals. Rice planting is carried out as follows:

  • To grow seedlings, seeds are sown in special cells. Their germination is carried out at a temperature of +13 ... +16 ° C.
  • Then the resulting seedlings are planted on the check.
  • A few days later, the checks are flooded to the water level above the soil surface within 13-15 cm. For good growth, the plant needs warmth, so the air temperature should not be less than +25 ... +30 ° C.
  • When it's time to kill the weeds, the water drains. After weeding, which is done by hand, the checks are filled again.
  • In order for the rice to ripen and the earth to dry out, the water is drained before harvesting the cereals. Tentatively, this should be done when the stems change from green to yellow.

How is rice grown in China?

Chinese breeders have bred 10 thousand varieties of this cereal. They differ from one another in the region and growing conditions, size, color and grain density, as well as its ripening period. Flooded fields are suitable for cultivation of some varieties, while dry land is suitable for cultivation of others.

Rice cultivation in China is carried out in fields flooded with water. On them, farmers move on foot and by boat, regardless of the weather. For planting rice, a non-standard method is used. How does rice grow? Seeds are sown in a special greenhouse. The soil is mud mixed with water. This is done in order to select the most viable plants.

How does rice grow? When the shoots reach 10 cm in height, they are thrown into the water, they will take root in the soil on their own. When they grow up to 50 cm in height, they begin to bloom. The smell of flowers resembles the aroma of boiled rice, but more delicate and sweet. At this time, grains begin to form.

After harvesting, rice is scattered directly on the roads to dry, after which it is sent to storage. Humidity is constantly monitored in the warehouse. If the grains are provided with ideal conditions, rice is stored for 12 months, in packaged form - three years. Every year, China produces 600 billion kilograms of rice, but still it is not enough to meet the needs of the entire population of the country.

History of rice in Russia

Quite recently, the counters of Russian stores could boast of an abundance of Kuban rice. Active cultivation of crops in our country began under Khrushchev, these were small rice fields. Even earlier, Peter 1, and later - revolutionary figures after the proclamation of Soviet power, made attempts to cultivate rice. And only when ameliorative systems were created in the 60s of the last century, the industrial cultivation of cereals in the Krasnodar Territory became possible.

Rice Kuban

Currently, 90% of all rice in Russia is grown in the Krasnodar Territory. All conditions have been created for this in the region. The region is characterized by a favorable ecological situation and a unique climate. Rice cultivation in the Krasnodar Territory is carried out using such lands, which are called floodplain and floodplain. Their location is the lower reaches of the Kuban River. It is always warm here and there is a reserve of land resources. Due to the flat terrain with slight slopes, it is possible to build rice fields with large checks.

In the Kuban, rice is grown using modern technology. The process of growing a crop can be conditionally divided into three stages:

  • In May, when the weather settles and becomes warm, cereals begin to be planted. The soil is well watered in advance.
  • When the seedlings grow up to 15-20 cm, the field is flooded. The tops of the culture should be peeking out of the water.
  • Drain water before harvest. This is done 14-20 days before.

In the fields, the required water level is maintained by a system of channels. To get one kilogram of rice groats, seven tons of water are spent. Grain harvesting is carried out using special combines and only on fine days. If fog hung over the fields or it started to rain, the equipment does not go into the field.


Rice as the most important raw material is used by the medical, textile, and perfume industries. Cardboard, paper, bags, ropes, baskets and many other products are made from it. Rice straw is used for livestock feed, although it has undoubted benefits, since the husk is rich in nutrients. People mostly eat white rice. However, red is considered the best in Japan. It turns pinkish as a result of exposure to beneficial bacteria. The dishes prepared from it were eaten by the emperors.

From early childhood, people eat a product such as rice. But if, for example, we know almost everything about potatoes, then how does rice grow, what varieties are there and in what countries is it cultivated?


More than 20 types of rice are offered for sale: various varieties and degrees of processing. There are very cheap and quite expensive, but low price does not mean poor quality. Rice also varies in color: from very white to black, brown rice and red - this depends on the cleaning of the shell of the grains. The darker the color, the closer the product is to natural and the more useful substances are stored in it.

Also, grains are distinguished by shape: round, medium and long grain. Wild rice is very interesting - swamp grass, up to 3 m high, related to ordinary white. It is quite expensive, because it is difficult to assemble and process. And such a "savage" grows in the north of America and in East Asia.

aquatic plant

Why does rice grow in water? Plants are grown in fields that are completely filled with water and do not allow it to flow out until the cereals are fully ripe. Why do they need so much water all the time? It turns out that in this way rice growers fight weeds, which greatly reduce the yield. And for rice itself, such an amount of water is not at all a burden - it is moisture-loving.

Plants are grown on flat fields and on mountain terraces. By the way, in the mountains such plantings look very nice - a photo of rice fields in a mountainous area. In countries where there is a lot of rainfall, grain is not grown in floodplains.

Not everyone likes what rice looks like when it grows. At first, of course, the fields are a beautiful green color, and during the ripening period, a dark brown hue. The rest of the time, in marshy places, bunches of plants of different heights stick out of the water. In some countries, rice is planted by seedlings, in others by seeds.
Rice countries

In which countries are these plants mainly cultivated?

*A lot of plantings are in China - almost 140 million tons are harvested every year from the fields of this country.

*It is followed by India, Indonesia, Vietnam.

*Grow rice in the fields of South America, Australia.

*Where is the plant common in Russia? In our country, it grows in areas where the summer is long and hot: in Krasnodar, Chechnya, Astrakhan and Primorsky Territories. The Krasnodar region is the largest supplier of rice throughout Russia.

*In Uzbekistan, an unusual red-brown variety "Devzira" is grown, which increases in size by seven times when cooked. Interestingly, the longer the grains are stored, the tastier they become. Naturally, the price of such rice is much higher than usual. And how long the variety should mature depends on the crop. If a lot is grown, then it is possible to store 2-3 years, watering periodically with water.

*Rice is the main dish in Iran as well. It is boiled for eating at any time and even used as a medicine.

* In Ukraine, round-grain rice is grown and not only in the southern regions of Odessa and Kherson regions. In recent years, under the planting of this plant, they are trying to develop the northern regions of the country.

land for landing

In what soil does rice grow best? These are chernozems and muddy soil rich in organic matter. In flooded fields, the yield increases several times due to a favorable ecosystem. Plants in such areas do not require top dressing, all natural and useful substances are stored for a long time. To do this, after harvesting, rice growers burn the remains of rice stalks and mix with the ground.


But how are rice plants harvested? On large plantations with a special caterpillar combine to make it easier to drive through swampy fields. The machine collects and threshes (that is, it does the same work as combine harvesters harvesting wheat, rye and other grains).

Small areas for personal use are cleaned in a different and rather original way. For example, the Chinese gather with the whole family and cut the stems, collecting them in sheaves. And then the whole crop is simply laid on the roads, where cars drive and people walk. The wheels of cars seem to knock out the grains and clean them of dirt. Then everything is collected and taken away for storage. Before cooking, of course, the rice is washed.

For residents of many countries, rice is the second bread. How many dishes consist of rice grains: porridge, pilaf, pies and much more. This plant has a lot of carbohydrates, proteins and useful vitamins.


We showed rice cultivation in pictures in this article. By the way, those who want to plant it in their summer cottage can easily do this. The main desire!

Rice is one of the most consumed cereal crops on the planet. So on our table all kinds of rice dishes appear all year round. True, few people think about where and how our favorite cereal is produced. But this directly affects the quality. We decided to learn all the most important and interesting things about rice production together with the National trademark.

Roots in antiquity

Man learned to cultivate rice about seven thousand years ago. The right to be called the birthplace of rice is disputed between India and China. However, it is unlikely that the truth will be established. One thing is for sure: the first rice fields appeared in Asia. Over the centuries, local farmers have adapted to grow rice even on mountain plateaus and tiny patches of land.

Today, rice is produced all over the world. And although modern technology has stepped far forward, only three methods are used to grow it. Rice checks remain the most popular. They are spacious plots of land, equipped with a powerful system for pumping and withdrawing water. Due to this, the roots and part of the stem are immersed in water almost until the very ripening of the grains. Being a moisture-loving crop, rice feels great in such conditions. Rice fields are used for the production of 90% of the world's rice, including in Russia.

The estuary method of rice cultivation is considered the most ancient. Its essence lies in the fact that the seeds are planted along the banks of large rivers flooded with water. But this method is suitable for certain varieties of rice - with a branched root system and elongated stems. These varieties are mainly grown in Asian countries. Dry fields do not require flooding at all. Most often they can be found in regions with a warm, humid climate. Japan and China are famous for such fields, where nature itself has taken care of favorable conditions for rice.

Rice on Russian soil

The very first rice field in our country appeared during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Then it was sown in the lower reaches of the Volga by the firth method. But apparently, the trial experiment did not live up to expectations. Under Peter I, Saracen grain (as our ancestors called rice) again ended up in Russia. This time it was decided to sow it in the delta of the Terek River. However, the harvest suffered the same fate. And only at the end of the 18th century, the Kuban Cossacks were lucky to see generous rice shoots on their land. The swampy floodplains of the Kuban turned out to be the most favorable place for growing rice.

It was in the Kuban, after almost a century and a half, that the first rice field with an area of ​​​​about 60 hectares was erected. The rice system, as such, was organized in the USSR by Khrushchev in the 60s. By the 80s of the last century, the sown area had grown to an unthinkable 200,000 hectares. The Krasnodar Territory remains the leading rice producing region in Russia today. According to the data for 2016, the volumes of rice obtained here for the first time exceeded the figure of 1 million tons, which became a kind of record. And by the way, this is 84% ​​of the rice production nationwide.

The second place in the cultivation of rice is firmly held by the Rostov region. However, in terms of crop volumes, it is significantly inferior to the Kuban. For comparison, over the past year, about 65.7 thousand tons of rice were harvested here. Dagestan ranks third with 40.9 thousand tons of rice. And the top five is closed by Primorsky Krai and the Republic of Adygea.

Premium product

The largest rice producer in Russia is the agro-industrial holding AFG National. And there are a number of good reasons for this. About 20% of its sown areas are annually sown with elite varieties of seeds, the rest falls on rice of the first reproduction. This allows you to achieve the best value for money. The substances used for fertilizer have absolutely no negative impact either on the environment or on the crop itself. Elevators and processing plants are located in close proximity to the sowing fields.

Rice production at the enterprises of AFG National is a high-tech process, debugged to the last detail. It uses the most modern equipment and advanced technologies that fully meet international standards. Raw materials undergo deep multi-stage processing, which allows them to be cleaned from the smallest impurities. And thanks to soft, efficient grinding, the surface of the grains becomes perfectly smooth, which has a positive effect on the nutritional quality of rice. The packaging of the finished product is carried out automatically, in which the influence of the human factor is completely excluded.

The series of rices of the National brand in classic polypropylene packaging of 900 g or 1500 g combines the most popular varieties of rice that satisfy the tastes of the general public: round-grain Japanese rice, long-grain steamed rice Gold of Thailand, elite long-grain rice Jasmine, medium-grain rice "Adriatica", medium-grain rice "For pilaf", white polished round-grain rice "Krasnodar", long-grain unpolished rice "Health" and others.

Following the principle "from the field to the counter", the holding's specialists constantly monitor the quality at every stage of production. Much attention is paid to the control of optimal conditions for storage and transportation of rice. All this serves as a guarantee that a quality proven product will appear on your table.

The AFG National holding includes the following trademarks of cereals: National, National Premium, Prosto, Russian Breakfast, Agroculture, Cento Percento, Angstrem Horeca. In addition to cereals, AFG National produces potatoes of the following trademarks: "Natural Selection", "Vegetable League".

A healthy family diet starts with choosing the right foods. AFG National Holding always makes sure that you find them unmistakably on supermarket shelves. Take care of your loved ones and you, delighting them with their favorite rice dishes of unsurpassed quality.

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