Lecho with apples for the winter - spicy and original. A simple step-by-step photo recipe for cooking lecho with apples and bell peppers for the winter Lecho siz pepper with antonovka

The popularity of lecho, a vegetable dish of Hungarian cuisine, is so great today that it is cooked in almost all countries of the world. True, hearing this name, each housewife has her own associations, which is due to the huge number of recipes. This is not surprising, because such is the fate of popular dishes - to change beyond recognition.

In our country, this dish has become the most popular winter preparation, and with a much richer composition than in the original recipe. In general, lecho is a versatile dish that can be both thick and liquid, both spicy and tender with sweet notes, you can eat it both cold and hot. No matter how many variations there are, lecho always turns out to be unusually tasty, natural and healthy.

Today we offer you an original recipe for lecho with apples and peppers, which is definitely worth a try. The main ingredient gives lecho a pleasant sweetness, density and juiciness. If you have not tried this yummy yet, then the proposed recipes should correct the situation. Prepare for health!

Lecho with apples, peppers and zucchini


  • apples - 1 kg
  • zucchini - 1.5 kg
  • sweet pepper - 0.5 kg
  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • garlic - 150 g
  • onion - 200 g
  • cilantro, dill, basil - 10 g each
  • salt and sugar - half 1 table. spoon
  • vinegar - 100 ml

Boil the sliced ​​tomatoes to a boil, add the onion and garlic grated through a meat grinder, cook for another 5 minutes and add the cubes of zucchini, apples and peppers, chopped arbitrarily. Season everything with sugar and salt, simmer for 15-20 minutes, pour in the vinegar and sprinkle with chopped herbs, boil for another 3-5 minutes. To preserve the resulting lecho, you need to decompose it into sterilized jars while still hot, roll it up.

Spicy lecho with apples and peppers


Three tomatoes on a grater, leaving the skins in your hands. We cut the pepper into strips, the onion into half rings, chop the chili very finely. Boil the tomato mass over low heat for 30 minutes, then add onion to it and cook for 5 minutes, after this time add pepper and grated apples, bring to a boil. When all the ingredients are boiled, add finely chopped chili and garlic, after 1 minute - vinegar, red pepper, salt, thyme and rosemary. The last stage is to decompose into sterilized jars, roll up.

Spicy lecho with apples, peppers and carrots

Required products:

  • chili pepper - 2-4 pcs.
  • apples - 1 kg
  • carrots - 1 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 kg
  • garlic - 150 g
  • tomatoes - 2 kg
  • parsley - 10 g
  • salt and sugar - 20-30 g each
  • dill - 15 g
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml

We remove the skin from the tomato, scroll in a meat grinder along with apples, carrots and peppers. We do not use a blender for this purpose, because instead of small appetizing lumps of vegetables you will get a homogeneous liquid. Bring the resulting vegetable mass to a boil and cook for half an hour without a lid. Adjika should boil down a little, excess liquid should evaporate. In the meantime, we are preparing spicy foods: we twist chili with garlic and herbs in a meat grinder. Add this to the vegetables along with butter, sugar, salt, bring adjika to a boil and remove from heat. Spicy ingredients must be put at the last moment so that their sharpness does not evaporate. Serve as an accompaniment to chicken, meat and fish.

Lecho with apples and peppers is an original appetizer, thanks to which a cold winter evening can remind you of a bright and sunny summer. Natural, appetizing, fragrant, juicy and very tasty - this is how this lecho turns out.

Autumn is gradually coming into its cold rights, and the gardens are covered with frost more and more at night. Harvest is collected. But there are still enough home-made tomatoes and peppers in the markets - besides, many housewives still have a second basket of leftover vegetables at home. I no longer want to make salads out of them (they are bored), and good products wither in the corner ... Why not make them the last preparation for the winter this season? We offer to cook a delicious lecho from tomatoes, apples and bell peppers. The taste of the salad will be spicy-spicy, with the addition of garlic and hot peppers.

Ingredients for 2 or 2.5 liters of finished lecho:

  • 3 kg of bell pepper,
  • 1 kg of tomatoes,
  • 4-5 large onions,
  • 3-5 medium apples
  • 1-3 hot peppers
  • 5-7 large garlic cloves
  • 2 teaspoons of herbs,
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar (without peas),
  • 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (without peas - it is better to add a little more at the end),
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar (9%).


Cut the tomatoes into 4-6 parts, put them in a saucepan, add salt and press down a little so that the tomatoes give juice. Often, before cooking lecho, the skin is removed from the tomatoes, and the vegetables themselves are pureed (for example, rubbing them on a coarse grater - the skin remains in the hand). But it takes longer to cook this way, and lecho from raw tomatoes turns out no worse.

When the tomatoes give a little juice (it takes quite a bit of time - about 5 minutes), you can put them on the stove, turning on a small fire. Tomatoes must be boiled for 20-30 minutes, removing the foam and stirring them so as not to burn.

Cut the onion into half rings (if it is very large, then quarters). Place in saucepan with tomato mixture.

Cut the peppers into strips (only not too thin so as not to boil at the end). Also send to the pan.

Grate apples on a coarse grater (at the same time, the peel may remain in the hands, but if, when rubbing, all of it gets into the apple mass, it’s not scary - there will be more vitamins in the finished lecho).

Throw apples to vegetables. Boil everything for 10-15 minutes (so that the vegetables and fruits soften, but do not start to spread).

Now it's time to add sugar, vegetable oil (it will work well with both olive and sunflower), squeezed garlic and herbs into the future lecho.

You can experiment with herbs: take exquisite thyme and rosemary (50/50), or suneli hops, Provence herbs ... In general, any herbs from those that are in the kitchen.

Boil lecho for a minute or two, add vinegar, let it boil for another minute, and you can turn it off.

Pack the salad for the winter in sterile jars, roll up, turn over and wrap. It is better to store such preservation in a cold place - say, in the cellar. If there is no cellar, and jars of lecho will be in the apartment, let them go to the table first among all your homemade preparations.

The hot summer is in full swing! In the fields, dachas, gardens, the wholesale harvest of the seasonal harvest. All markets are overflowing with fresh vegetables, herbs, juicy fruits and berries. It's time to think about preparing for the winter. Surely, each of us in our home cookbook has favorite recipes for canning pickled tomatoes, crispy cucumbers, delicious zucchini, mouth-watering salads and sauces. Family recipes are passed down from generation to generation and delight us on cold winter days. I propose to prepare a hot sauce for the winter, which is perfect for meat, second and first courses, and just for crispy bread. Adjika with apples for the winter will complement a homemade lunch or dinner, it will not be superfluous on a festive table or picnic. A sauce is prepared from bright juicy vegetables, sometimes with the addition of fruits. Our recipe uses apples, which will add some raisin to the finished sauce.

Adjika can be cooked very spicy or in moderation. To do this, adjust the amount of hot pepper to your taste. From this amount of products, two half-liter jars of finished adjika are obtained.

Ingredients for adjika with apples

  • Tomatoes 1 kg
  • Apples 200 g
  • Sweet pepper 200 g
  • Carrot 200 g
  • Hot pepper 1 pc.
  • Sunflower oil 100 g
  • Sugar 2 tbsp
  • Salt 1 tbsp.
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Ground coriander 1 tsp

Recipe for adjika with apples for the winter

1) So, start by preparing all the ingredients. Sweet pepper, it is better to use red with dense fleshy pulp. Rinse, remove the seed box. Cut into large pieces.

2) Tomatoes fit well ripe, red. If the tomatoes are a little soft, it's okay. Wash and cut into four halves.

3) Wash and peel the carrots. Cut into large slices.

4) Apples take a sour taste. Rinse, cut in half, cut out the core with seeds. You can peel it, but it's not necessary.

5) Peel the garlic cloves. Rinse hot pepper, cut into rings. Remove seeds if desired.

6) Twist the prepared vegetables and apples in a meat grinder or chop in a food processor. Pour the mashed vegetables into a thick-walled saucepan. Pour salt, sugar, ground coriander, sunflower oil. Stir.

Boil. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for about two hours.

As you probably know, the main and indispensable ingredient for lecho is. It is he who is the leading violin of this dish. But the rest of the products can change in different recipes. In my cookbook, there are also several options for lecho. One of the most successful of them is lecho with apples for the winter, I will definitely close it for the winter. The recipe is very simple and the result is amazing!


  • 2 kg of bell pepper;
  • 1.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 250 g of onions;
  • 2/3 of a medium hot pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • 5 teaspoons 9% vinegar;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 apples (medium size).

From the indicated amount of ingredients, 2.5 liters of lecho are obtained, that is, 5 half-liter cans.

How to cook lecho with apples for the winter:

For lecho with apples, we need tomatoes without skins, only pulp. My tomatoes and rub on a coarse grater so that the skin remains in the hands. This is a very fast and easy process. At the same time, a lot of juice will stand out - we also need it for cooking, like the pulp. We simply throw out the peel - it will not be useful to us.

Bulgarian pepper cut into strips. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Peel apples and cut into small cubes. Chop hot pepper very finely. When working with hot peppers, be especially careful - do not rub your eyes, do not touch other products without washing your hands (you can work with gloves).

Put onions, bell peppers, apples, hot peppers in a saucepan. Pour the pulp of tomatoes with juice. Add salt, sugar and garlic, crushed with a garlic press or finely chopped.

Mix vegetables with spices and put the pan on the fire. Cook over low heat, covered and stirring occasionally, until peppers and onions are soft. This will take 15-20 minutes. At the very end, add vinegar, mix, cook for another 1-2 minutes and remove from heat.

We lay out the jars that were previously sterilized, trying to fill them to the neck. We cover the lecho with lids (do not roll up, but only cover).

We put the jars in a wide pan, the bottom of which is lined with a napkin (so that the jars do not burst when in contact with the heated bottom), pour hot water, not reaching a little to the shoulders of the jars and put on fire. Bring to a boil over high heat and sterilize over medium heat for 15 minutes.

Lecho is the most popular winter preparation of bell peppers and tomatoes. The combination of the sweet taste of peppers and sour-spicy tomatoes has long been a classic. What if we add some apples? You will get an excellent snack salad for the winter table, with a new taste and aroma ... It was decided: we are preparing lecho with apples for the winter.


  • bell pepper 1.5 kg
  • onion 0.5 kg
  • tomatoes 1 kg
  • large apples 2 pcs.
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • Italian herbs 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil 120 ml
  • sugar 100 g
  • salt 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • ground pepper to taste
  • apple cider vinegar 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook lecho with apples for the winter

Any preparation for the winter begins with a thorough processing of products. Wash the vegetables and berries, remove the seeds from the pepper, cut into strips and place in a deep saucepan.

Peel and cut the onion into strips, add to the pepper.

Pre-hold the tomatoes in boiling water for several minutes, remove the skin, cut into medium slices and also send to the saucepan. Another option for preparing tomatoes: do not cut them, but grind them into a puree and add to the vegetables in this form.

Peel apples, cut into small pieces, add to vegetables.

Pour vegetable oil, add sugar and salt, mix all the ingredients and cook on medium heat for 30-40 minutes.

Add chopped garlic, dry herbs, ground pepper to the lecho, mix.

Five minutes before the end of cooking, pour apple cider vinegar into it.

Pack the finished lecho in jars, having previously sterilized them.

Roll up jars of lecho, turn over and cover with a warm blanket. Leave them like this for one day, then put them in the pantry.

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