The essence of the category “innovative activity. Innovative activity of Russian enterprises

The innovative potential of the group, the personnel of the organization can be defined as a set of characteristics of the team that determine its ability to create innovations in the field of the group, organization and practical use of innovations. The elements of the innovative potential of the group, organization include:

  • - material and technical resources;
  • -financial resources;
  • - organizational resources;
  • - personnel resources;
  • - socio-psychological factors.

The innovative activity of a group or organization expresses the degree (level) of efficiency in the use of resources and factors in innovative activity.

In the strategic plan, innovation activity is determined by the following five indicators:

  • 1. quality innovation strategy organizations;
  • 2. the level of mobilization of innovative potential;
  • 3. the level of attracted investments - investments;
  • 4. the quality of the methods used in the implementation of innovative changes;
  • 5. the validity of the implemented level of innovation activity.

Stimulating creativity in a group has its own characteristics and benefits. In particular, it helps to reduce the impact defense mechanisms personality on her creative process. At joint activities the initial attitudes of some participants on the impossibility of solving the task are removed. Mutual stimulation of partners leads to an increase in their level of cognitive motivation, which allows them to maintain a creative focus of efforts longer than with individual work. The way to reduce criticality in the group is directed to the subconscious through the creation of favorable external conditions: sympathy, support and approval of partners, a special inviting atmosphere. Once in a benevolent pleasant environment and not wanting to spoil it, everyone tends to put aside an unfavorable judgment about someone else's idea. The possibility of transition to someone else's position opens up, and due to this, the creative potentials of all participants are activated.

The methods of stimulating innovative activity in a group and in an organization include innovative and organizational-activity games.

First of all, it should be noted the difference between this kind of games and the widespread business games. The difference between an innovative game and a traditional business game is as follows. business game is aimed at developing the participants' skills of action in standard situations that are possible in industrial life. These situations are purposefully modeled. The rules offered in the game, the players are required to follow. This applies to role prescriptions, rules for working with information, limited allowed actions, etc. In addition, decisions in such a game are usually predetermined, and there are no opportunities for development.

An innovative game, on the contrary, is focused on development, that is, on the continuous updating of one's skills (by learning new ways of acting and thinking), and on the use of all one's abilities. In an innovative game, participants do not work out interaction in a rigid given conditions, and are trained in group work, problem posing, analytical procedures, and are trained in the ability to navigate in non-standard situations. An innovative game is built as a self-developing and continuously self-renewing system that is constantly evolving, including through the assimilation of obstacles to its development.

An innovative game should be held in an environment isolated from production and the city, for one to five days with a duration of at least 12 hours a day. The number of participants - no more than 25 people with 6-7 organizers. The game uses the following forms of work:

  • - The work of the whole group in general meetings.
  • -Work of target groups on selected issues within the scope of the game.
  • - Work of microgroups of 2-3 people in a training mode.
  • - Individual work.

The game should only be played by specially trained game technicians. It is recommended that the game be held at least twice a year for two to three years. Between games, the creativity of the players remains at a high level.

To carry out innovative processes, the company must have: free funds sufficient to finance developments; relevant logistical the basis for the creation and mass production of a new product; employees capable of generating extraordinary solutions. The intellectual resources of the company provide the ability to develop original ideas underlying any innovation process. The level of the intellectual potential of the organization determines the capacity of the "portfolio of innovative ideas". The innovative activity of the company depends not only on the availability of resources. In many ways, it is determined by the organizational culture, which includes principles and obligations, on the basis of which an innovative strategy for the development of the company is developed and implemented. Organizational culture reflects the features of the management system at the enterprise, which must be adapted for the implementation of innovative activities. The main factor reflecting the innovative activity of the company and influencing the intensity of innovative processes in the enterprise is the susceptibility of management to innovation. Innovative leadership means readiness to implement changes in the economic mechanism of the enterprise, a propensity for risk. Due to the uncertainty that always accompanies the introduction of innovations, the manager must be ready to incur losses and be able to minimize them.

The receptivity of an organization to innovation depends on the size of the company. It falls as the enterprise grows, the organizational structure of management becomes more complex and activities become routine. Small enterprises are more adapted to the implementation of innovative activities due to greater flexibility and mobility, which allows them to quickly respond to market changes to adjust innovative goals.

The following indicators can be used to assess the innovative potential of a company:

  • 1) scientific and technical potential (number of employees with degree; the number of rational proposals per employee; number of patents, etc.);
  • 2) commercialization indicators (for new products in the total volume of manufactured products; the number of license agreements, etc.);
  • 3) the duration of the work performed (the value of the innovation lag);
  • 4) characteristics of the innovativeness of the control system (forms of stimulating innovative activity at the enterprise; participation in the implementation of innovative projects of top management; the level of freedom provided to participants in innovative activity).

Through the development of potential goes the development of the organization and its divisions, as well as all elements of the production and economic system.

The innovative potential of an organization is a measure of its readiness to perform tasks that ensure the achievement of the set innovative goal, i.e., a measure of readiness to implement an innovative project or program of innovative transformations.

The internal environment of the organization is built from the elements that form its production and economic system. The elements are grouped into the following blocks:

  • - product (project) block - directions of the organization's activities and their results in the form of products and services (projects and programs);
  • -functional block (block of production functions and business processes) - the operator of the transformation of resources and management into products and services in the process labor activity employees of the organization at all stages of the life cycle of products;
  • - resource block - a complex of material and technical, labor, information, financial and other resources of the enterprise;
  • - organizational block - organizational structure, process technology for all functions and projects, organizational culture;
  • - management unit - the general management of the organization, the management system and management style.

The tasks of assessing the innovative potential of an organization can be set in two planes:

  • -private assessment of the readiness of the organization to implement one new project;
  • - an integral assessment of the current state of the organization in relation to all or a group of products already being sold.

The needs of practice put forward the need for analysis in both planes internal environment and assessment of innovative potential: detailed and diagnostic.

A detailed analysis of the internal environment and assessment of the innovative potential of the organization is carried out mainly at the stage of justifying innovation and preparing a project for its implementation.

Scheme for assessing the innovative potential of an organization with detailed analysis the internal environment is:

  • - a description of the system normative model of the state of the innovative potential of the organization (its internal environment) is given, i.e., those qualitative and quantitative requirements for the state of the potential for all blocks, components of blocks and parameters that ensure the achievement of this innovative goal and its subgoals are clearly established ( by target tree);
  • - the actual state of the innovation potential is established for all blocks, components, parameters;
  • -analyzing the discrepancy between the normative and actual values ​​of the parameters of the organization's potential; strong (with a margin or exactly corresponding to the normative model) and weak (significantly and slightly inconsistent with the normative model) sides of the potential are distinguished;
  • - an approximate list of works on the innovative transformation of the organization (strengthening the weaknesses) is compiled.

Time constraints, the lack of specialists capable of conducting a system analysis, the lack or inaccessibility of information about the organization (especially when analyzing the innovative potential of competitors) force the use of diagnostic approaches to assessing the innovative potential of an organization.

The diagnostic approach is implemented in the analysis and diagnostics of the state of the organization according to a limited range of parameters accessible to both internal and external analysts.

Mandatory conditions for a qualitative diagnostic analysis:

  • - knowledge of the system model and, in general, system analysis of the object under study should be used;
  • - it is necessary to know the relationship of diagnostic parameters with other important parameters of the system in order to assess the state of either the entire system or its part based on the state of any one diagnostic parameter;
  • -information about the values ​​of the used diagnostic parameters must be reliable, since when the parameters are limited, there is a risk of losses due to an inaccurate diagnosis of the system state.

An indicator of the level of development of the innovative potential of an organization (as well as an individual) is an innovative culture, which acts as a part (side, aspect) common culture. innovative type The culture of an organization is characterized by:

a. higher educational level of the staff;

b. creative environment, innovation;

in. constant need for improvement, experimentation;

d. willingness to take risks;

e. dynamism.

High level of development innovation culture organization determines its high innovative activity.

Innovation, like any other theory, has its own conceptual apparatus, which includes both its own system of concepts and the basic concepts for innovation of the fundamental branches of knowledge: the theory of scientific and technological progress, the organization of production functions (R&D, ideas, proposals, products, technologies) , strategic management (mission and value orientations, goals and environment, potential, basic and preferred strategies), project management (mono-, multi- and mega-projects, programs, matrix structures), financial management (investments, financial flows, risks, discounting) , marketing ( competitive environment, competitive advantage, competitive forces), etc. The system of innovation categories primarily includes the following categories: innovation/innovation and innovator, innovation and innovator, innovation process, innovation activity, innovation risks and, of course, innovation activity (IA).

Innovative activity is an independent category. Its significance lies in the fact that with the help of IA the nature of innovative activity is assessed. Innovative activity, like any other activity (marketing, strategy formation and implementation, etc.), is primarily characterized by the content, the composition of specific actions performed according to a certain technology, procedure. On this basis, one type of activity differs from another. For example, marketing and production activities will be different.

Further, any activity of any subject is just a part of a larger overall process. For example, the actions of an innovator who creates an innovation are just part of the overall innovation process (IP), reflecting life cycle innovations (ZCI). The generality of the process is due to the fact that, in addition to the innovator, the activity of other subjects of the innovation process is necessary, performing actions at other stages of the life cycle. Thus, the place of this innovation activity in the structure of the innovation process is clearly defined. It is necessary to know it for the organization of both this activity and the entire IP. Therefore, to describe the ID, it is necessary to use such a sign as its place in the IP structure. All types of activity, including innovative ones, should be focused on some result, i.e., be characterized by a certain effectiveness and efficiency, since they require resources and lead to some result.

The activity of the company is such a characteristic that should show the connection between the intended content of the activity and its results. This relationship is explained by the behavior of the company in the implementation of the planned actions. In fact, on the one hand, a plan has been developed certain actions to improve competitive positions. On the other hand, after performing these actions, you can get either a positive or a negative result. With the same plans, strategies, goals, potential, the leaders of different firms achieve different results, which is associated with their unequal activity. It is the differences in innovative activity that explain the different innovative results with the same initial assumptions.

At the same time, the sign of "innovative activity" has the following features of the company's innovative activity. First, the ID should be strategic in nature and be managed in real time (since the instability has increased dramatically external environment). The strategic approach provides high quality ID.

Secondly, the ID must be rational in the current time both in terms of the sequence of actions and in their timeliness, which will ensure the dynamics of the ID required for the situation, a certain pace of the necessary actions and changes. Otherwise, the ID will simply be unnecessary and will give Negative consequences(inefficiently exhausted reserves of time and resources). On fig. Figures 8.1 and 8.2 show a diagram of this approach.

In the strategic plan, IA is characterized by the following particular indicators:
the quality of the organization's innovation strategy;
the level of mobilization or use of innovative potential;
the amount of attracted investments - investments;
the quality of the methods used in carrying out innovative changes;
the validity of the implemented level of innovation activity.

In tactical terms, IA is determined by two particular indicators:
compliance of the firm's reaction with the nature of the competitive strategic situation;
the speed (tempo) of action and implementation of strategic innovative changes.

Theory of Innovation

Practical work No. 1

Evaluation of the organization's innovative activity

Innovative activity of the company - it is a complex characteristic of its innovative activity, including susceptibility to innovations (property of the consumer of an innovative product), degree of intensity ongoing actions to transform innovation and their timeliness(property of the supplier of an innovative product), the ability to ensure the validity of the methods used, the rationality of the technology of the innovation process in terms of composition and sequence of operations. Innovative activity characterizes readiness to update the main elements of the innovation system (knowledge, technological equipment, information and communication technologies and the conditions for their effective use), as well as susceptibility to everything new.

The concept of "innovative activity" applies to all participants in the innovation process.

Knowledge of the level of innovative activity of the enterprise and its competitors is a necessary condition for the work of a manager and consultant.

There are several approaches to measuring innovation activity.

1. The use of a detailed multivariate analysis based on the ranking of many factors with the allocation of external and internal aspects. For example, a team of authors edited by Professor Yuri Viktorovich Shlenov created a textbook "Innovation Management" in three books (2003), where in the first book he developed a "Methodology for analyzing the sensitivity of an enterprise to innovation." The methodology consists of three stages:

1) determination and processing of analysis factors;

2) analysis of internal and external factors;

3) determination of the sensitivity class of the enterprise

According to them, “sensitivity (susceptibility) is the ability to quickly and effectively master innovations, encourage, create and implement innovations, perception of innovation in order to meet consumer demand.

Internal factors in this work are: forms of ownership; management methods; organizational structure enterprises; financing; employee motivation.

External factors - the state and influence of individual factors of the sphere, the influence of the sphere as a whole. For each industry, the influence of such factors as:

investment activity in the industry (capital investment zones);

zones of raw materials and material and technical resources;

technology zones;

strategic influence groups (competitors).

This approach is loosely structured.

2. An approach to assessing innovation activity, carried out by an expert group in the “quick analysis” mode, when the Pareto principle “80/20” is used (80% of the analysis goals are achieved using 20% ​​of the factors).

In this case, innovative activity is considered from the perspective of a "black box", which already strictly divides the analyzed system into three parts:

1) "input" - innovations and resources;

2) "operator" or mechanism for converting input to output;

3) "output" - the result in the form of new products, services, knowledge.

At the same time, the "input" is presented, firstly, as the "innovative susceptibility" of the company, and secondly, as a resource provision. In general, the “entry” function is the innovative activity of the consumer.

The “operator” refers to the quality of organizational and managerial decisions. Thus, the function of the "operator" is an innovative activity in the development of one's company.

By "output" is meant "innovative competence", that is, the level and timeliness of the release of innovative products - the level of innovative activity of the supplier.

The "black box" method allows you to establish the four most important factors in the company's innovation process, which are called " rhombus of innovative activity»:

K 1 - innovative susceptibility - innovative activity of the consumer of technologies and methods, products, services, resources;

K 2 - availability of resources - innovative activity in the search, preparation and use of resources;

K 3 - the quality of communication and the innovation process - innovative activity in the organization of processes and organizational forms;

K 4 - measure or depth (level) of competence - innovative activity of the supplier.

Innovative susceptibility

The level of innovation susceptibility is assessed, which applies primarily to consumers of innovations as well as to innovators and innovators. Innovation receptivity is defined in relation to the innovations themselves and information about them, in relation to knowledge and best practices:

(1) it is characterized as susceptibility to informationabout innovations(new books, articles, exhibitions, conferences, new educational courses) and the willingness to regularly accumulate, study and apply the information received;

(2) susceptibility to best practices, created within the organization and the experience of competitors, the willingness to study this experience, measure their own and others' achievements and compare them (readiness for benchmarking);

(3) how susceptibility to innovations themselves, new technologies and new products, susceptibility to the innovation process and innovation activities and readiness to overcome the difficulties of mastering innovations;

(4) as the level of self-actualization of employees and the need for intellectual work, educational and career growth, to solving situations, problems and tasks, to participate in projects, to success, results and achievements, willingness to include innovations in your business process.

Thus, here we estimate the level of innovative activity consumers. It is known that the progress of consumers, which is expressed in the request for certain properties of the product, lags far behind the progress offered by technology, which offers products with higher properties than requested by consumers. Consumption needs to be raised. It is interesting to look at the competitors in this regard. From the level of consumption (innovation susceptibility) of competitors, we can judge either threats (if this level is high) or opportunities (if the level of consumption among competitors is low).

Resource availability

The level of the main resources of the innovative business is assessed:

(1) first of all, the provision of innovative business " investments» (that is, a source of various resources);

(2) business security " human resource» (bearer and source of competencies capable of intellectual work);

(3) technological and methodical equipment employees;

(4) availability of knowledge and information;

(5) technical equipment.

taken into account renewal of knowledge, personnel, renewal of technical, technological and methodological equipment, providing renovation programs with investments.

Quality of organization and communication

We single out two main components: communication between the performers of the process, since the level of communication depends on the creativity shown by the participants; and the state of the innovation process itself, its organization and efficiency.

First, the level communication employees, determined by the state:

(1) information and communication technologies;

(2) organizational structure;

(3) corporate culture.

taken into account updateability of information and communication technologies, as well as methods,renewal of the organizational structure and corporate culture.

It also takes into account their compliance with the process of creating, acquiring, accumulating, learning, moving, transferring (transaction) and disseminating knowledge. Next, the innovation process itself, its stages, and the efficiency of intellectual work are evaluated.

Innovative competence as a supplier

We are talking about innovative activity from the position supplier. First, the factor that determines the impact on the external environment is evaluated: the level competence innovations offered by the supplier, especially technologies and related products: how high product properties(what level progress supplied technologies and products), how high quality and timely they are. And then the factors reflecting the state of the internal environment are evaluated: the level competence employees, groups, teams, departments and organizations, that is, the level of their knowledge. This refers to: (1) theoretical and methodological knowledge; (2) professional knowledge by types of activity (functions) and the ability to solve standard tasks and situations, perform similar operations; (3) experience and skill in resolving complex situations and problems; (4) the ability and experience of applying a creative approach to solving complex problems and non-standard system tasks (projects). taken into account updating their knowledge.

Each parameter is evaluated by an expert on a 10-point scale. General level innovative activity ( To 0 ) is calculated by formula (1) as the sum of the scores of four indicators. Relative level of innovation activity in fractions of a unit ( k) is determined by formula (2) as the ratio of the actual value To 0 to 40 (the maximum possible score). Relative level of innovative activity in percent ( k etc) can be calculated by formula (3) by dividing To 0 by 40 and multiplying all this by 100, or immediately multiplying To 0 by a factor of 2.5:

To 0 = K 1 + K 2 + K 3 + K 4 (1) ;

k = K 0 / 40 (2) ;

k etc = 2.5 K 0 , or k etc = 100k(3) .

Example. Let K 1 = 8, K 2 = 6, K 3 = 4, K 4 = 5. Then, applying formula (1), we get K 0 = 8 + 6 + 4 + 5 = 23. Applying formula (2), we get k = 23/40 = 0.58. Applying formula (3), we get k pr = 2.5 x 23 = 58%, or k pr = 100 x 0.58 = 58%.

3. The third approach is based on the analysis of the financial and economic state and features of the system of business activity of enterprises.

The concept of evaluation innovative activity is known to be closely related to such an economic category as innovative activity.

The choice in favor of new or improving innovations should be based on research experience and the economic capabilities of enterprises to introduce basic or only improving technologies.

If enterprises have a certain positive experience in the implementation of innovative projects, and especially in the field of creating fundamentally new products, then such business entities, as a rule, choose strategies of research leadership, radical advance, advanced science intensity.

If enterprises are dominated by the experience of introducing improving technologies that only improve and offer consumers modified versions of well-known goods, then in this case, the most likely strategies for innovative development include waiting for the leader, following the market, technology transfer, product imitation, maintaining technological positions, parallel development or licensing strategy.

Thus, the meaning of innovative activity as an economic category is not only to assess the scale of introduction of new or improving technologies for economic entities as a whole, but also to allow individual enterprises to choose the direction of innovative development and form an effective investment policy on this basis.

Depending on the degree of current technological and production and economic development, either the leader’s strategy is chosen, and hence the development of fundamentally new products, or the follower’s strategy, i.e. implementation of improving technologies

Using this approach, coefficients are calculated and compared with established values. Basic, comparative values ​​can be indicators for the previous period (or for past innovative projects), industry average values ​​or competitor indicators.

So, the set of calculated economic indicators of innovation activity, which determine the degree of provision of an enterprise with economic resources in the innovation sphere, may include the following coefficients.

    To is - security ratio intellectual property. It determines whether an enterprise has intellectual property and rights to it in the form of patents, licenses for the use of inventions, certificates for industrial designs, utility models, software, trademarks and service marks, as well as other rights and assets similar to those listed, necessary for effective innovative development.

In this analysis, the ratio of the listed resources to other non-current assets A vn of the enterprise may indicate the degree of its equipment and armament with intellectual capital, in comparison with other fixed assets of production. The value of Kis has the following form:

K is \u003d C and / A vn

where: C and - intellectual property (p. 110 "Intangible assets" Section I of the Balance Sheet), rub.

Kis ≥ 0.10 ... 0.15 - leader's strategy;

K u ≤ 0.10 ... 0.05 is the follower's strategy.

    To etc - coefficient of personnel employed in research and development. This coefficient characterizes the professional and personnel composition of the enterprise. It shows the share of personnel directly involved in the development of new products and technologies, production and engineering design, other types of technological preparation of production for the release of new products or the introduction of new services, in relation to the average composition of all permanent and temporary employees in the enterprise. Determined by the formula:

K pr \u003d P n / Ch r

where: P n - the number of people employed in the field of research and development, people;

Ch p - the average number of employees of the enterprise, people.

K pr ≥ 0.20 ... 0.25 - leader's strategy;

K pr ≤ 0.20 ... 0.15 - follower strategy.

    To neither - coefficient of property intended for research and development. It shows the share of property for experimental and research purposes, purchased machinery and equipment associated with technological innovation in the total cost of all production and technological machinery and equipment, according to the formula:

K ni \u003d O op / O mon

where: О op - the cost of equipment for experimental instrumentation, rub.;

О mon - the cost of equipment for industrial purposes, rub.

Kni ≥ 0.25 ... 0.30 - leader's strategy;

Kni ≤ 0.25 ... 0.20 is the follower's strategy.

    To from - coefficient of development of new technology. It characterizes the ability of an enterprise to master new equipment and the latest production and technological lines and is calculated from the ratio of the fixed production and technological assets newly put into operation over the past three years in comparison with other means, including buildings, structures, transport, according to the formula:

K from \u003d OF n / OF sr

where: OF n - the cost of newly introduced fixed assets, rubles;

OF cf - the average annual cost of the main production assets of the enterprise, rub.

K from ≥ 0.35 ... 0.40 - leader's strategy;

K from ≤ 0.35 ... 0.30 - follower strategy.

    To op - coefficient of development of new products. It assesses the ability of an enterprise to implement an innovative or technological change products according to the formula:

K op \u003d BP np / BP about

where: VR np - revenue from sales of new or improved products (works, services) and products (works, services) manufactured using new or improved technologies, rub.;

VR about - total revenue from the sale of all products (works, services), rub.

K op ≥ 0.45 ... 0.50 - leader's strategy;

K op ≤ 0.45 ... 0.40 - follower strategy.

    To ir – coefficient of innovative growth. It determines the sustainability of technological growth and production development and testifies to the experience of the enterprise in managing innovative projects. Shows the share of funds allocated by the enterprise for own and joint research on the development of new technologies, education and training of personnel related to innovation, business contracts for conducting marketing research, in the total volume of all investments (including capital-forming and portfolio) according to the formula:

K ir \u003d I is / And about

where: Iis - the cost of research and educational investment projects, rub.;

And about - the total cost of other investment expenses, rub.

Kir ≥ 0.55 ... 0.60 - leader's strategy;

Kir ≤ 0.55 ... 0.50 is the follower's strategy.

Theory of Innovation

Practical work No. 1

It is necessary to evaluate and compare the conditions for the implementation of innovative development strategies at three conditional enterprises.

As objects of assessment of innovative activity, there are three conditional enterprises, which set the development and implementation of new or improving technologies as their main goal. The table presents the initial data for calculating the above coefficients, which are selected regardless of specific industry specifics.

Initial data:

Evaluation parameters

N – variant number,

unit of measurement - rub.

Intangible assets

Revenue from the sale of new (improved) products

Evaluation parameters

N – variant number,

unit of measurement - rub.

Non-current assets of the enterprise

Number of employees of the enterprise (persons)

Total revenue from the sale of all products

General investment costs of the enterprise

An example of assessing the innovative activity of enterprises

Analyzed parameters for assessing the innovative activity of enterprises

Initial data (rub.)

Intangible assets

Other noncurrent assets

Number of people employed in the field of R&D (persons)

The number of employees of the enterprise as a whole

Equipment for experimental instrumentation

Equipment for industrial and technological purposes

Newly introduced fixed production assets

The average annual cost of fixed production assets of the enterprise

Revenue from the sale of new or improved products

Total revenue from sales of all other products

Research and educational investment projects

Other investment expenses

The initial opportunities in the innovation sphere of each of the analyzed enterprises are different. At this stage, it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of what type of innovation development strategy - a leader or a follower - it is advisable for each enterprise to choose. The table below presents the results of such an analysis.



Intellectual property coverage ratio

R & D coefficient of personnel

R & D property coefficient of destination


mastering new technology


development of new products


innovative growth



The enterprise is not active enough in matters of patent and legal protection of the technologies used, as well as the protection of industrial property

The enterprise has a relatively large proportion of personnel capable of developing improving and possibly new technologies.

It is quite realistic for an enterprise to develop basic product and technological innovations that improve on the existing experimental base

The company strives to be a leader in the market and strengthen its competitiveness, including through the constant introduction of new technology

The enterprise, in parallel with the development of new technology, actively introduces new products and improved products.

The company has experience in implementing innovative projects, including the creation and introduction to the market of fundamentally new technologies

Results of evaluation of innovative activity second from the analyzed enterprises




The enterprise is somewhat passive in terms of intellectual property management, and hence the suppression of unfair competition

The enterprise has sufficient professional and human resources to implement the strategy of both a follower and a leader in the market

The enterprise has research equipment, which is sufficient for the development of improving and some basic innovations.

The company is constantly updating its fixed assets, which contributes to building experience in the implementation of innovative projects

The company strives for the predominance of innovative products in the product range, which indicates a certain experience in the commercialization of innovations

An enterprise can increase the share of funds allocated for its own or joint research and technological development

Results of evaluation of innovative activity third from the analyzed enterprises

K from = 0.49





The company is not interested in legal protection objects economic protection from unauthorized access and copying

There are enough R&D employees per enterprise, which is favorable for the implementation of improving and, possibly, basic innovations

The enterprise is not equipped with a sufficient amount of experimental and instrumental base, which is necessary for the development and effective development of fundamentally new technologies

The company is actively developing new technology, promptly carries out modernization and technical re-equipment of production

The company in its assortment has a comparative share of new and improving products, which allows it to occupy a leading position in the market

The enterprise does not build strategic management on the basis of an innovative approach and adheres to other priorities in the management of economic activities


1. Innovative activity: essence and content

4. General concept about competitive advantage Oh

5. Methodological foundations for managing competitive advantages

6. Competitiveness of Russian enterprises engaged in innovative activities


List of sources used


Possible ways to create a favorable innovation climate in the Russian economy began actively in the early 80s, even before the collapse of Soviet Union. Even then, it became obvious that the existing mechanisms for "implementing" the results of research and development are ineffective, the innovative activity of enterprises is low relative to similar indicators in other countries.

An innovative enterprise is an enterprise that introduces product or process innovations, regardless of who was the author of the innovation - employees of this organization or external agents (external owners, banks, representatives of federal and local authorities authorities, research organizations and technology providers, other enterprises). Innovative activity directly depends on the ability of this enterprise to compete in the Russian and world markets. The higher the activity, the more successful the enterprise in its activities, therefore the enterprise is more competitive.

This test written with the aim of addressing issues related to the innovative activity of enterprises in Russia and their competitive advantages and disadvantages. Namely: the definition and content of the concepts of "innovative activity" and "competitive advantages", factors influencing innovative activity, methodological foundations for managing competitive advantages. The paper also presents statistical data of Russian innovations.

Thus, based on the analysis of reports and statistics prepared by specialists, we will see how competitive the enterprises using innovations are.

Innovative activity: essence and content

Innovation, like any other theory, has its own conceptual apparatus, which includes its own system of concepts and basic concepts for innovation from the fundamental branches of knowledge.

The innovation system includes the following categories:

innovator and innovator

innovations (innovations),

innovations (innovations),

The innovative process

innovation activity,

innovation risks,

Innovative activity.

Innovative activity is an independent category. With its help, the nature of innovative activity is assessed. Innovative activity is characterized by the content and composition of specific actions performed using a certain technology. This feature distinguishes one type of activity from another. For example, marketing and production activities will be different.

activity activity commercial organization- this is such a characteristic of it, which should show the connection between the intended content of the activity and its results, since innovative activity can give either a positive or a negative result. Why, with the same plans, strategies, goals, potential of different leaders, different organizations different results? This is due to different activities. It is the differences in innovative activity that explain the ambiguous innovative results with the same initial assumptions.

What features of innovative activity should be reflected by the attribute "innovative activity"? These are two components:

First, innovation should be strategic in nature, and as in long term, and strategic even in real time (since the instability of the external environment has sharply increased).

Secondly, innovative activity should be tactical in nature, that is, it must be rational both in terms of the sequence of actions and in their timeliness, which will ensure the dynamism of innovative activity required by the situation.

In the strategic plan, innovation activity is determined by the following five indicators:

1. the quality of the innovative competition strategy;

2. the level of mobilization of innovative potential;

3. the level of attracted investments - investments;

4. the level of methods and culture used in the implementation of innovative changes;

5. the validity of the implemented level of innovation activity.

In tactical terms, innovative activity is expressed by two indicators:

1) the correspondence of the firm's reaction to the nature of the competitive strategic situation;

2) the speed (tempo) of actions and implementation of strategic innovative changes.

Management of innovative activity requires approaching this category from the standpoint of qualimetry. The category "innovative activity" as an object of measurement acquires the properties of a sign - a quantitative parameter (indicator). The attribute "innovative activity", which reflects a certain set of particular properties as an integral indicator (may take the form of a "tree of properties"), itself has signs.

Formula for evaluating innovative activity (IA):

IA \u003d (1 / 7) ´ å A i , i \u003d 1, 2, ..., 7 (1)

Signs of innovative activity:

A1. Quality of innovative competition strategy;

A2. The level of mobilization of innovative potential.

A3. The level of attracted capital investments (investments).

A4. Methods, culture, guidelines used in the implementation of changes.

A5. Correspondence of the firm's response to the nature of the competitive strategic situation.

A6. The speed (tempo) of strategic innovation changes.

A7. Validity of the realized level of innovative activity.

2. The content of the elements of innovative activity

1. The quality of the innovative competition strategy. Compliance with the strategy of the mission-purpose and mission-orientation, the external environment, potential, goals, other strategies of the company.

2. The level of mobilization of innovative potential. The ability shown by management to attract the required potential, the ability to attract not only the obvious and known part, but also the hidden (latent) part of the potential, that is, the ability to show the highest competence in mobilizing innovative potential.

3. The level of attracted capital investments - investments. The demonstrated ability of management to attract investments of the required volume and acceptable sources.

4. Methods, culture, guidelines used in the implementation of innovative changes. The main thing is the application in innovation of concepts and methods aimed at obtaining real competitive advantages. For example, in innovation processes the method of "parallel design" is widespread. In innovation marketing, such a method or such a concept today is the concept of “focusing on customers”.

5. Validity of the realized level of innovative activity. This or that level of strategic and tactical activity must correspond to the state of the external environment and the state of the organization. A sharp unreasonable increase in activity can turn the organization into a so-called “dead hero”, and inadequate passivity dooms it to become a loser.

6. Correspondence of the reaction of the enterprise to the nature of the competitive strategic situation. The innovative situation is determined by the state of the object (the proposed innovation) and the state of the environment. Three types of behavior or reactions to a strategic situation are known:

Reactive behavior, when the situation is already perceived even by insufficiently competent leaders, and only then the organization proceeds to solve it;

Active behavior, when the situation is recognized by professionally competent management and after that a strategy is developed and implemented;

Planned and predictive behavior, in which the control method is implemented according to "weak signals".

7. Speed ​​(tempo) of development and implementation of the innovation strategy. This refers to the intensity of actions to create and promote innovations, to carry out strategic innovative changes.

3. Factors of influence on innovation activity

Management of innovative activity and increase in its level involves the establishment of 2 groups of factors of influence:

1. External:

o instability of the external environment as the main manifestation of the time factor;

o innovation climate (state with financial, tax, legal, scientific and production support for innovation activity from the federal, regional and municipal authorities of a systemic and sectoral nature);

o investment climate; innovative competitive environment.

2. Internal:

o openness of the organization;

o the competence of its management and specialists; strategic flexibility;

o motivation of specialists and management.

These factors need to be taken into account. Due to the multidimensionality of factors, in some cases they are limited to some combination of them. We take “instability” (Hi) as an external factor, and “openness” (Ok) as an internal one. Both factors are quantified into five levels on a five-point scale. Relations are analyzed: instability - activity (Hi - Aj) openness - activity (Ok - Aj). If the activity is below the level that is dictated by the level of instability and allowed by the level of openness, that is, Aj< Нi и Аj < Оk , предприятие несомненно станет «неудачником». В случае же, если активность превосходит уровень нестабильности и открытости, то есть, при Аj >Hi and Aj > Ok the organization will look like "dead heroes".

  • Pavlycheva Alena Vladislavovna,
  • Volga State University of Service

The article considers the nature of the innovative activity of Russian firms. Examples of the functions of innovative firms are given, and the innovative activity of companies by industry is also considered. It is concluded that the costs of organizational, managerial and technological innovations, staff development, change management have a positive effect on the competitiveness of enterprises.

  • Increasing the innovative activity of young professionals
  • Study of problems and analysis of new logistics opportunities in the Republic of Crimea
  • Innovative methods of non-material incentives: gamification

The theme of enhancing the innovation activity of Russian enterprises in last years is becoming more and more relevant. This is a reflection of the growing understanding by society that the renewal of Russia, all spheres of its life, is impossible without innovations in production, management, and finance. It is innovations that lead to the renewal of the market, improvement of quality and expansion of the range of goods and services, creation of new methods of production, marketing of products, and improvement of management efficiency.

In the literature, innovation is understood as "an innovation in the field of engineering, technology, labor organization or management, based on the use of scientific achievements and best practices, providing a qualitative increase in the efficiency of the production system or product quality" .

Innovation is the result of investing in the development of obtaining new knowledge, an innovative idea for updating the areas of people's lives and the subsequent process of introducing production, with a fixed receipt of additional value.

If innovation leads to increased productivity, then it is the basis for increasing profitability in the economy.

Innovation is carried out in various areas: in engineering, in technology, in organizational matters and in managerial areas. In this regard, innovations are of the following types:

  • Technological. Technological innovation is the end result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product or service introduced on the market, a new or improved process or method of production (transfer) of services used in practice.
  • Organizational and managerial. Changes in the company management system to achieve the goals of its functioning and development, i.e. changes in the company's management system in order to increase the efficiency of the company's functioning and competitiveness.
  • Economic. This innovation is associated with improvement in the payment, financial, and accounting areas.
  • Marketing. Innovation in marketing is the introduction of ways and methods that improve the results and effectiveness of the organization, it is also a process that includes new ideas, products, services, for successful promotion and competition in the market.
  • Social. Innovations in social management company, contributing to the resolution of contradictions arising in the conditions of heterogeneity of personnel and instability of the external environment.
  • Environmental. Associated with new products, new technologies that provide interaction between economic development and conservation of the environment.

AT modern conditions formation of the "knowledge economy" innovative firms perform the following functions:

  • Contribute to the development of innovative infrastructure: An example is such companies as JSC "SO UES" - open joint-stock company"System Operator of the Unified Energy System" or Russian Grids OJSC is an electric grid company.
  • Stimulate the creation the latest technologies : For example, JSC "Yandex" - search system and an IT company that develops various services for Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Ukraine. Yandex is one of the few companies included in the ranking of the most innovative companies in the world. Or the state industrial corporation OJSC Rostec, created to promote the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products.
  • Are consumers of new products: An example is such companies as OAO Lukoil, a Russian oil company.

These companies work steadily in the Russian market, being an example of innovative activity for other companies.

According to statistics, the share innovative products in the Russian Federation in the total output is still only 8-9%. In 2005–2010 the share of organizations that carried out technological innovations remained at the level of 9.3–9.4%, and the share of innovative products in the total output did not exceed 4.6–5.5%, and there were no prerequisites for the growth of these indicators.

The innovative activity of enterprises differs depending on the region of their activity (Table 1)

Table 1. Regions - leaders in terms of the share of innovative firms in 2013

The eastern part of Russia is in the lead, due to the innovative firms of the Chukotka autonomous region and Magadan region.

It should be noted the classification of high-tech industries, which is adopted organization economic cooperation and Development (OECD). The following groups of industries are leading in terms of innovation in the sectoral structure of the economy:

  • Chemical-pharmaceutical
  • Radioelectronic
  • Office equipment and computer technology
  • Aerospace
  • Medical technology and optoelectronic technology

Table 2 shows the amount of funding for these industries, broken down by region.

Table 2. Funding in high-tech industries in Russia, 2013

R&D spending,

billion rubles

Pharmaceutical products (16%)

Moscow region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Kursk region, Tomsk region

Electronic components, equipment for radio, television and communications (22%)

Kaluga region, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad region, Udmurtia and Moscow region

Office equipment and computers (3%)

St. Petersburg, Moscow region and the Republic of Bashkortostan

Aircraft, including spacecraft (35%)

Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Tatarstan, Rostov region, Khabarovsk region, Moscow region

Medical products, measuring instruments, optical instruments, cinema equipment, watches (24%)

Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk and Ryazan regions

So high Innovation potential and financing are concentrated in three regions: Moscow region, Tomsk region and Leningrad region(Saint Petersburg).

The competitiveness of innovative companies in Russia depends on a combination of internal and external factors. These factors are:

  • The presence of a large consumer
  • Market innovation with new products
  • Investment in R&D and spending on technological innovation
  • Availability of patents, brands
  • Partnership (state; research institutes (NII); universities, etc.)

The growth of competitiveness is the goal of the innovative activity of firms, but few companies achieve the goals. At the same time, companies from science-intensive and high-tech sectors of the economy have an advantage. For the vast majority Russian companies investments in research and development projects are unprofitable, while on average only 20% of Russian enterprises consider the introduction of innovations as strengthening their own competitive advantages.

Figure 1 shows the sectoral structure of innovatively active enterprises in 2013.

Machine-building, instrument-making and electrical engineering firms are highly competitive, and the food industry has the lowest competitiveness indicator in Russia.

Thus, innovations are the basis for increasing the competitiveness of individual enterprises and the economy as a whole. Innovations are carried out in various areas: in engineering, technology, and organizational and managerial issues. According to statistics, the share of innovative products and innovatively active enterprises in the Russian Federation is extremely small, significantly lower than in developed countries.

The share of innovatively active enterprises differs significantly by region, decreasing from the center to the periphery.

The innovative activity of Russian enterprises, which includes spending on organizational, managerial and technological innovations, staff development, and change management, has a positive effect on their competitiveness, especially in science-intensive and high-tech industries.


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