How do birds mate? Features of the reproductive system. There are two types of mating

The bird class is a separate progressive animal branch. They came from reptiles. Animals of this group, however, were able to adapt to flight.

Before moving on to the question of how birds mate, consider their biology.

General characteristics of the class

Progressive features of the organization are the following features.

  1. High level of development of the nervous system and therefore a wide variety of options
  2. Constant high body temperature, which is due to intensive metabolism.
  3. Compared with the lower subtypes and classes of animals, birds have a more advanced reproductive mechanism, which is expressed in incubation of eggs and rearing offspring.
  4. The presence of adaptive organs for flight and at the same time the ability to move on the land surface, and in some species - the ability to swim and move on the water surface.

The above features of the class allowed these animals to spread throughout the globe.

Sexual organs of males

The testicles are a pair of bean-shaped bodies that sit above the top of the kidneys. They are suspended on the mesentery. The size of the testes changes throughout the year. During the breeding season, these organs increase. So, in a finch, for example, they can increase by 1125 times, and in an ordinary starling by 1500 times.

Small appendages are attached to the inside of the testicles. The vas deferens depart from them, stretching parallel to the ureters and flowing into the cloaca. There are species of birds in which the vas deferens form small extensions - seminal vesicles, which serve as a kind of reservoir for sperm.

Not available in all species. A functioning penis in birds is a protrusion of the cloaca. It is present in ostriches, tinamou, goose. In bustards, storks and herons, the copulatory organ is rudimentary.

Answering the question of how birds mate, it is worth noting that in most species, fertilization occurs due to the maximum convergence of the openings of the cloacae of the female and male, when the male spews sperm.

Sexual organs of females

A feature of the development of females in birds is that it is sharply asymmetric in most species, i.e. consists of the left ovary and the left oviduct. The right ovary develops only in a few birds: loons, owls, chickens, shepherds, parrots, and some diurnal predators. But even a well-developed gland rarely functions in this case. It happens that a mature egg in the right ovary is excreted through the left oviduct.

The reason for this asymmetry is that female birds lay large eggs with a hard shell, which move along the oviduct for a long time - about 2 days.

The ovary is a granular body of irregular shape. It is located in front of the kidney. The size of the ovary depends on the maturity of the egg in it.

The oviduct is a long tube through which a mature egg moves. It is connected at one end to the cloaca, and at the other - to the body cavity.

The oviduct consists of several sections. The first is rich in special glands that secrete protein. In this section, the egg stays for about 6 hours and is covered with the first protective layer. The second section is thinner, where the egg is covered with shell membranes. The next section of the oviduct is the uterus. In it, the egg is about 20 hours. This is where the calcareous shell and the various pigments that color it are formed. The last section is the vagina, from which the egg enters the cloaca, and then out.

The entire time of passage of an egg through the oviduct in a chicken is about 24 hours, in a pigeon - 41 hours.

Features of bird breeding

Despite the general scheme of reproduction, each species of birds is individual.

When studying the question of how domestic birds, such as a chicken, for example, mate, it is worth remembering that they can lay eggs without a male. This means that the released egg will be unfertilized.

The testes of males begin to function, increase in size - males are ready to start fertilization. There is a transfer of genetic material to females, which after a certain period begin to lay eggs. The number of them in different species of birds is not the same.

Birds breed at different times of the year. The biology of species is very diverse. If one species is ready for reproduction in early spring, then the other - only in the middle of summer. Some birds lead and nest in the same place, while others fly from distant countries precisely for the period of nesting and breeding.

To better understand how birds of a certain species mate, it is necessary to study the individual characteristics of the reproductive system of its representatives.

Any bird is considered to be a representative of a special class of the animal world. As we know from the course of school biology, birds owe their appearance to reptiles, from which, in fact, they originated. However, unlike their ancestors, birds have learned to fly.

This article will focus on the process of mating and reproduction of birds as a species.

To start a conversation about reproduction and mating, it is necessary to begin to understand their general characteristics in principle.

The most logical would be to disassemble those signs of birds in which they differ from people. Namely:

If you haven't guessed yet, then these signs of birds and explains such a rapid rate of reproduction of all birds throughout our planet.


From the characteristics we pass to the reproduction itself. And to begin with, I would like to talk about the reproductive system of bird males.

It works like this: each male has testes. They look like the most standard beans and are located approximately above the kidneys. They are suspended on the mesentery, and their size is constantly changing throughout the year. It is logical to assume that when it is time to breed, their size jumps up sharply.

Before acquiring a poultry farm, each farmer must clearly define for himself the purpose for which he does this. If the main task is to obtain eggs and meat, then only female birds can be brought. But, if the owner plans to receive offspring, one cannot do without males in this matter. Their presence in the poultry yard somewhat complicates the maintenance process, but these inconveniences will be fully justified after the first brood of chicks. Information about how birds breed - chickens, ducks, pheasants, quails, etc. - in the courtyard, you will find in this publication.

Around the 25th week of life, hens and roosters enter puberty. It is worth noting that in egg-laying breeds, maturation may occur earlier than in meat species. The sexual activity of a rooster also depends on the weight of the male. Large individuals are able to fertilize up to 10 females per day, and males without excess weight can master up to 50 matings per day. Thus, for one weighty meat rooster there should be a maximum of 15-20 females. A more slender male will cope with chickens in the amount of 20-25 pieces. The optimal number of chickens per rooster is considered to be 10 pieces. This proportion gives the maximum guarantee of fertilization of all eggs. In the case of an increase in the number of females, there is a possibility of obtaining dummy eggs. If there are fewer chickens, the rooster will torture the birds in an attempt to realize their biological potential.

How to keep two roosters in one flock

In order for the chicks to feel protected and regularly rush, there must still be a rooster in every chicken coop. But in order for there to always be peace in a large family, it is necessary to create conditions under which the roosters do not have to share the territory and mating objects. Even with the optimal number of hens for each male bird, roosters can fight. This is due to the natural need to win back their territory.

  1. Try to take males from the same brood to reduce the chance of conflict between them.
  2. Choose only calm individuals.
  3. When choosing males, choose them so that one of them is younger. Juveniles may be less attentive to pied.
  4. Plant several young males with one old one. If you let an old rooster into the poultry house to the young, they will peck it, and then the slaughter for the division of the territory will begin.

Chicken mating games

Inborn instincts induce the need for reproduction in chickens. At such moments, they are characterized by mating behavior. During the courtship period, the main role is played by the rooster. Most often, he pretends to have found a tasty treat and calls the female with a loud cry to share the prey with her. Few birds can resist such an offer. If the trick fails, the male begins his ritual dance of seduction. Sideways, he is courting the pied in a circle, making loud noises. During the dance, he also presses one wing to the ground. As soon as the attention of the female is attracted, the rooster begins to trample on the chicken.

The mating process in chickens

After the mating games, the main stage in the matter of reproduction follows. At one of the stages of mating, the cock climbs onto the female and begins to trample her, clutching her neck or nape with her beak. Fertilization occurs through the cloaca. It is called the expanded part of the chicken intestine. It is located under the tail and looks like a hole.

During fertilization, the cloaca of the chicken assumes an inverted position and meets the same inverted cloaca of the male. This allows the testicles of the rooster to come into contact with her. At this moment, the seminal fluid penetrates the genital canals and begins to move towards the egg. As long as the seed continues to be active, all eggs laid during this period will be fertilized. This may take up to 20 days.

An interesting fact is the absence of a penis in a rooster. His sexual organ is vestigial. This means that it is not fully formed. The evolutionary process of the penis ends during embryonic development.

Depending on the season and the degree of activity of the bird, a rooster can mate with females up to 22 times a day. The quality of the seed also depends on the activity of the owner of the flock. Too active individuals have a lower concentration of sperm. In order to consistently get offspring and maintain the size of the flock, follow the recommendations of experienced poultry farmers: you need to have 1 rooster for 10 chickens.

Video - Rooster and chicken in the courtyard

The process of fertilization of a chicken egg

The primary form of existence of the egg is the oocyte. In the future, it will become yolk. In the ovary, the oocyte looks like a bunch of grapes with 4-6 berries of different sizes. This is due to the degree of maturity of each of the eggs. Usually one oocyte matures per day in a chicken. If it happens that there are several of them, the output is an egg with two yolks. The oocyte ready for fertilization during ovulation breaks away from the bunch and gets rid of its shell. He aspires to the oviduct.

During the contact of the male and female cloacae, the seed enters the genital tract. Spermatozoa begin to move up along them. About 60 reproductive cells of the rooster are sent to the target, but only one of them meets the egg. Fertilization takes place in the upper part of the oviduct. Back in 1948, scientists found that this process occurs 20 minutes after the release of the oocyte from the ovary. The sex cell of the male penetrates the egg only with the head, which carries the genetic code. The tail remains outside and disappears.

In this publication, you will learn about the process, nuances and possible problems of breeding offspring using an incubator.

How to determine if an egg has been fertilized

Not all eggs laid by a hen are fertile. To find out which of the eggs will become chicks in the future, you need to use a flashlight or a special device called an ovoscope. With the lumen of the shell, you can see a small blood clot. Its presence means that the egg has been fertilized and soon an embryo will appear in it.

We study the contents of the egg in several stages:

Step 1. We find a dark place, move the eggs and the ovoscope into it.

Step 2 Lay the egg with the thick side facing the light.

Step 3 Tilt the egg for a better view of the contents.

If black dots or blood clots are not visible inside the shell, the egg has not been fertilized. This means that it will not be possible to hatch a chick from it. If the usual signs of life are not observed inside, but a dark blood contour is visible along the edge of the yolk, this means that the embryo has died. A properly fertilized egg has dark blood clots or dots in the middle of the yolk. Such indications will give an ovoscope for a period of 5-7 days. After 10 days, check whether the embryo survived. A pale yolk and a halo around the embryo are considered positive signs.

Video - Chicken Embryo Development

What to do if the rooster tore the back and sides of the chicken?

This situation is a common occurrence. During intercourse, the rooster holds the female with its beak by the feathers on the neck. Trying to stay on top of the chicken, he tears apart her back and sides.

If you're experiencing this pairing issue, try the following:

  1. Shorten the rooster's claws. With them, he scratches the chicken during copulation. Given the fact that it can happen several times a day, it's easier to cut the claws once than constantly rehabilitate torn chickens.
  2. Clean the wounds on the backs and sides of the chickens and treat them with a healing ointment. For this, ordinary hydrogen peroxide and Vishnevsky ointment are suitable.
  3. At the time of wound healing, put the rooster away from the chickens or isolate the wounded individuals.
  4. Adjust the required number of males based on the number of chickens.

How turkeys breed on a farm

At the age of 8 months, turkeys reach sexual maturity. At the same age, the turkey begins to bring the first eggs. Unlike chickens, turkeys are the first to call the male. They perform a ritual dance, at the end of which they peck a turkey in the coral. If the male pays attention to flirting, he opens his tail. At this time, the corals acquire a bright red hue. The female lays down on the ground, and the turkey mounts on her horseback and begins to stomp.

After the end of laying, the eggs must be collected and placed with a blunt end to the top in a dark place with a constantly maintained temperature of 15-20 ° C. The storage period should not exceed 10 days. The ideal time for this is from March to June. The nest of the mother hen is installed in a quiet place, next to it is placed a feeder, drinking bowl and a bath of sand. The eggs are returned to the mother hen. After 28 days, she will hatch turkey poults. As they hatch, the chicks are removed from their mother in a heated box. After they are all dry, they are returned to the turkey again.

To avoid damage to the brood, use light birds as a brood hen, or hatch chicks in an artificial incubator. You can do it like this:

Step 1. Disinfect eggs in a manganese solution.

Step 2 Dry the eggs and arrange them in the incubator in a horizontal position.

Step 3 Mark the eggs with a pencil to ensure even turning.

Step 4 Turn the eggs over 12 hours after the first laying. Then repeat the action every 4 hours.

Step 5 The first three days in the incubator, the temperature should be 38 - 38.3 ° C. Further, up to 14 days, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 37.6 - 38 ° C. After the 15th day, the optimum temperature will be 37.4 - 37.8°C. It must be maintained until the eggs are pecked.

Step 6 Stop turning after 25 days.

Step 7 The hatched turkeys are allowed to dry and placed in a heated box.

In this publication, you will learn about the choice of an incubator, the selection of raw materials, and the features of the process of the birth of turkey poults.

How geese breed on a farm

Geese, like other birds on the farm, are bred naturally and artificially. Since geese most often do not have a dense complexion, they do not harm the brood with their own weight while incubating eggs. This makes natural breeding less troublesome than artificial breeding.

With the beginning of spring, geese experience a peak of sexual activity. These birds are mostly monogamous. Therefore, one male does not fertilize more than two geese at a time. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that these birds need a reservoir to reproduce their offspring. At the age of 2 to 7 years, geese give the strongest offspring. The greater the difference in years between the goose and the goose, the more likely it is to get strong chicks. The male flirts with the goose, the field of which, without waiting for consent, climbs on it and begins to trample. Mating can also take place in a water body afloat.

If the goose increases the number of eggs laid, it becomes ready to incubate them. The bird begins to build a nest. It is important to help her find a suitable place in time and provide constant access to food and water. One goose can hatch up to 10 eggs. They are chosen the same shape and without defects. It is necessary to check the condition of the laying under the bird on the 11th and 27th days. At this time, the eggs are selected in the light. If low-quality specimens are found, they are removed from the nest. By the end of the incubation period, the goose becomes restless. This means that the chicks will hatch soon. As soon as they begin to peck the shell, they are planted until all individuals hatch. Later, the entire brood is returned to the goose. Sometimes at this moment goslings from the incubator are added to the offspring.

In this publication, you will learn how to breed geese in an incubator, the main mistakes farmers make in this process, and further steps when hatching goslings.

How ducks breed on a farm

Reproduction of ducks is different from that of other poultry. To get healthy offspring of chicks, farmers select only thoroughbred, strong and healthy ducks. From such specimens, a flock of breeding birds is formed with one drake for 6-7 females.

The tribe begins to form in the fall, so that by the beginning of the mating season, individuals get used to each other. By spring, a family should be formed with a population density of no more than 2 birds per 1 square meter. Also on their territory should be a small pond. Living conditions and quality of food contribute to the breeding of strong and healthy chicks.

When compiling a tribe for procreation, it is necessary to take one male for 3 - 4 females. Ducks must be the same age. But it is better to take a drake a couple of months older and from another tribe so that the birds do not turn out to be relatives. This is due to the fact that puberty in female birds occurs earlier than in males. It should be borne in mind that two males can be kept in a duck family. One of them will be dominant, and the second will be his understudy. This technique is used in the presence of a little active male in the tribe. Feeling the competition, the leader will perform his duties in the process of fertilization more efficiently.

A duck, unlike a goose, has two complete ovipositions per year. At 6-8 months of life, the females are already ready to incubate eggs. In spring and autumn, at the peak of sexual activity, they begin to separate from the family and build nests. Males, on the other hand, are showing increasing interest in individuals of the opposite sex. If mating is planned on land, the drake walks around the duck, bending its neck to the ground. At the same time, he screams loudly. Noticing courtship, the female obediently lays down on the ground. The drake climbs on the duck and begins to trample it. If sexual intercourse takes place on the water, the male performs a ritual dance by diving under water, after which he sits on a duck. It looks like he is swimming on a partner.

Mating ducks - mandarin ducks

During the period of sexual activity of birds, the main thing is to provide them with the necessary conditions in time. One duck is ready to heat up to 10 eggs. During their incubation, she may leave the nest to eat or swim. Upon returning, the duck shakes off the water on the eggs and sits on them. During the 28 day incubation period, the duck turns the clutch on its own. During this process, the egg shell is slightly erased, which has a beneficial effect on the further process of hatching. After the ducklings begin to be born, they are taken one by one into a pre-prepared warm box. When the entire brood dries, the chicks are returned to the duck.

In this publication, you will learn about the rules for laying an incubator, the nuances of breeding Muscovy ducks and common mistakes during incubation.

How quail breed on a farm

Quails in the world of birds resemble Amazons. In farm conditions and limited cage space, they spend most of their time chasing males. Females show attention in a peculiar way: they peck at a quail, pluck feathers from it and chase it around the cage. Every time a male lays down to rest, he risks his own life. Therefore, males are kept either completely separately, or they are temporarily fenced off from females with a rag with holes cut in advance in it. This method allows you to remove the quail from the sight of bloodthirsty females and give him time to eat and sleep. At the same time, interest in isolated quails is growing, and with it, interest in mating is growing.

To get offspring, it is necessary to control the process of reproduction. One male should not trample the females more than 3 times in 2 days. This increases the chance of getting fertilized eggs. Mating itself takes place without preliminary games. The quail jumps on any bird he likes and starts trampling it.

Quails differ from other birds in that they have long lost the ability to incubate eggs. This care has passed completely into the hands of farmers and is carried out artificially with the help of an incubator. Quail eggs are not subject to temperature changes. Thanks to this property, the farmer may not even buy a special incubator, but make it with his own hands.

Quail eggs for incubation must meet the following parameters:

  1. The weight of an egg for rearing a breeding bird is 10-15g.
  2. The weight of an egg for growing poultry for meat is 8 - 13g.
  3. No shell defects.
  4. Smooth matte surface.

Selected eggs are then sent for the study of the contents using an ovoscope. Quality specimens are sent to an incubator with a temperature of 12 - 13 ° C. The period for which the eggs should hatch depends on the breed of bird. So, Japanese quail will hatch on the 17th day, Californian - on the 22nd, and Virginian - on the 23rd.

In the spring, males are overgrown with bright outfits, bring out inviting trills and roulades, dance pirouettes, and fight with rivals. And all this in order to attract the attention of the female and continue their race. The criteria for choosing a partner for all birds are different: it can be the strongest, the most colorful, loud, caring or the most hardworking. Relationships in bird pairs can be either short-lived or long-term, sometimes for several seasons, sometimes for a lifetime.

Birds, like other land animals, are characterized by internal fertilization. The male injects sperm into the female's genital opening, the sperm cells reach the mature eggs inside the ovaries and fertilize them.

Interestingly, birds have paired genitals and genital tracts, but in most species, only the left "halves" are used for reproduction. It is possible that the simultaneous formation of large eggs in paired ovaries is simply impossible. As for the males, outside the mating season they are usually sterile, but in the spring their testes can increase in volume by almost a thousand times.

The male's sperm enters the female's genital opening at the bottom of the oviduct system. From there, it moves into the oviduct, where in some cases it can remain for several weeks before being used to fertilize the egg. Fertilization occurs directly in the initial part of the oviduct.

After that, the egg moves towards the cloaca, "overgrowing" with membranes, and, finally, in the thickened posterior section (uterus), just before flowing into the cloaca, a calcareous shell-protection is formed.

How does mating go?

Birds do not have a special genital opening, their genital tract goes into the cloaca - the final section of the digestive system of birds. Mating itself consists in the fact that the male presses the exit of his cloaca to the exit of the female's cloaca (the so-called cloacal kiss) and transfers his sperm to her.

Only in a few species, in particular in ostriches and some ducks and geese, males have a special copulatory organ in the form of an unpaired eversible section of the cloacal wall, which enters the female genital opening during mating.

In males of the Argentine duck, this organ can be one and a half times the length of the duck itself, reaching 45 cm. A reasonable question arises: where so much? Doesn't it wrap itself in a ball in the female's body during mating? That's right, it doesn't roll. And from a "technical" point of view, the size of the reproductive organ of these amazing birds is completely redundant. And they grew it for themselves for boasting.

Other animals, including humans, use symbols to get around rivals in mating games: a peacock fluffs its tail, a dove puffs up to appear larger, a dolphin dances, and a man begins to shower gifts on the lady of the heart. The Argentine uts "decided" to simplify the scheme, using the penis itself as a symbol of the penis. Looking at the proposed assortment of genitals during mating games, the female chooses the most suitable partner for herself!
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