The system of intra-production logistics of material flows. Intra-production logistics

In the reproduction cycle, intra-production logistics appears to be a functional continuation of supply logistics, while, like supply logistics, it forms an independent area of ​​​​logistics, the purpose of which is to provide logistical support for the production of products / services. The object of its study is the production process, and the subject is organizational and economic relations that arise in connection with the formation and provision of the movement of intra-production flows of material and technical resources, unfinished products, stocks of work in progress and finished products.

Manufacturing process is considered in logistics as a set of interrelated main, auxiliary and service labor processes and natural processes, as a result of which the initial material and technical resources are converted into finished products. The manufacturing process is complex.

To core processes as components of a complex production process include the processes of manufacturing products included in the production program and corresponding to the specialization of the enterprise. The totality of the main production processes forms the main production. The composition of the main production depends on the industry specifics of the enterprise. So, the main production of machine-building enterprises corresponds to the technological stages of manufacturing products: procurement, processing, assembly. In the procurement stage of production, the processes of obtaining blanks for machine parts - cast, forged, stamped, welded, etc.; in the processing - the processes of mechanical, thermal, chemical processing, etc.; in the assembly - final stage - the processes of assembling mechanisms, components and machines, their testing, conservation and packaging for shipment to consumers.

The execution time of the main technological operations in the production cycle is technological cycle.

To auxiliary include the processes associated with the manufacture of products, which, as a rule, are consumed at the enterprise in the main production. This is the manufacture of tools, dies, models and other technological equipment, repair, production of all types of energy, containers, etc. The totality of auxiliary processes forms the auxiliary production of the enterprise - tool, energy, repair, etc. The task of auxiliary production is the timely and high-quality provision of the main production by all means technical equipment and energy carriers, raising the technical level of the main production.

To service processes include processes related to the provision of production services to the main production: transportation, storage and delivery of all materials and semi-finished products to production; processes of laboratory testing and analysis of materials, semi-finished products; control of the accuracy of instruments, tools used in the main and auxiliary processes; etc. The set of service processes forms a service economy, for example, transport, storage, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the main and auxiliary production.

The composition and interconnection of the main, auxiliary and service processes form structure of the production process.

Each of the technologically and organizationally separate components of the production process forms partial Process, localized in the form of a workshop, section.

In organizational terms, both the main and support processes can be divided into simple and complex. Simple processes of processing simple material objects are considered, as well as individual assembly processes, for example, the manufacture of a part, the assembly of a mechanism, a machine. A simple process is a series of sequential operations for the manufacture of a particular object. Difficult process is a set of simple processes coordinated in time, for example, the entire process of manufacturing a machine and testing it.

The main structural element of a simple process is operation. Operations can be performed with the participation of a person (labor operations) and without his participation (natural).

Natural processes are very long in time, for example, cooling of castings, drying after coating of surfaces, they can proceed for several days.

The organization of the production process involves a rational combination in space and time of all components, ensuring the shortest duration of its implementation, high quality and efficiency of production. The rational organization of the production process at the enterprise is based on the following principles: specialization, proportionality, parallelism, direct flow, continuity and rhythm of the process.

Process Specialization- this is the minimization of the variety of operations, processing modes and other regulations of the production process. The variety of operations in the process depends primarily on the range of products assigned to one production unit (section, line, workshop, etc.).

Forms of specialization are determined by the industry specifics of enterprises. For example, in mechanical engineering, they distinguish: subject specialization, i.e. product specialization; detail - for the production of parts, assemblies, assembly units, assemblies; technological - for the implementation of homogeneous processes on various flow-forming material objects in production.

Proportionality is the consistency of all components of the production process in terms of productivity and production capacity. Violation of this requirement leads to disproportions, the formation of "bottlenecks" in production, as a result of which the use of equipment and working hours worsens, the volume of work in progress increases, the production cycle lengthens, which in turn contributes to a decrease in production efficiency.

The principle of proportionality must be respected both in the main and in auxiliary and service processes. To ensure the proportionality of production processes, it is necessary to optimize the nomenclature-quantitative program tasks according to the criterion of the completeness of equipment loading.

Parallelism means the simultaneous execution of the components of the production process. Parallelism can take place during the execution of a separate operation, the course of adjacent operations, the performance of the main, auxiliary and service processes.

When performing a technological operation, parallelism is expressed in the simultaneous operation of several machines for an operation, in multi-subject processing on machines, in combining machine-automatic processing with the performance of manual, auxiliary elements of the operation by the worker. In simple production processes (when processing parts in batches), there may be simultaneous processing of a batch at adjacent operations of the process, as well as the execution of auxiliary and service processes. When organizing a complex production process, technologically possible simultaneous execution of simple partial production processes is provided, i.e. parallelism of the processes of manufacturing blanks, parts, subassembly and partially general assembly.

Direct flow means the spatial convergence of the components of the production process, excluding the return movements of material objects. To do this, operations and partial processes are spatially arranged in a technological sequence, as a result of which the time for the product to pass through production is reduced, as well as material flows are streamlined and freight turnover is reduced. In this case, the problem of optimizing the arrangement of equipment and the location of workplaces arises.

The principle of direct flow in the organization of the production process is applicable not only to simple processes, but also to complex ones performed on an enterprise scale.

In accordance with this, the location of shops and services on the territory, the placement of sites in the shops are designed. This principle can be most fully implemented with a stable range of manufactured products and advanced typification of technological processes.

Continuity in the organization of the production process It is expressed in the continuity of the movement of material objects in production (i.e. without lying and waiting for processing), as well as in the continuity of the work of performers and equipment - only a combination of these three factors ensures complete continuity of the production process.

Thus, the principle of continuity should be understood primarily as the elimination or minimization of all types of interruptions in the production of products: intra-operational, inter-operational, inter-shop. Objective prerequisites for the continuity of the process are created while respecting the principle of proportionality, since equal performance in operations eliminates inter-operational processing expectations.

Principle rhythm acts as the most important requirement for the organization of the production process. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts: the rhythm of output, the rhythm of work (production) and the uniformity of production.

Rhythmic release means the release of the same volume of products for equal time intervals (months, decades, shifts, etc.). The rhythm of work is the execution equal volumes work by quantity (total in hours) and composition (types of work) for equal time intervals. The rhythm of work is directly related to the rhythm of production, and this relationship predetermines the uniformity of production. The uniformity of production means the observance of the rhythm of production and work. Consequently, the rhythm of output, as it were, sets the desired rhythm of work on the site, in the workshop, at the enterprise. It is conditioned by the production program and can be maintained only under the condition of rhythmic work in all areas, workplaces of the main process and associated auxiliary, service processes.

The described principles underlie the organization of any production process, but can be implemented in practice to varying degrees. They operate interdependently only with appropriate logistical support. For example, the achievement of quantitative proportionality creates the prerequisites for the continuity and rhythm of the production process, the directness of the movement of material objects, the reduction in the duration of the production cycle for manufacturing a product - the total time for performing basic, auxiliary, maintenance operations, the time for natural processes and the time for breaks.

Intra-production logistics - this is a way of organizing production at an enterprise, providing for the coordination of the principles of organizing the production process with the principles and rules of logistics.

The tasks of intra-production logistics include:

  • operational-calendar planning of finished products;
  • operational management of technological processes of production;
  • overall quality control, maintenance of standards and appropriate service;
  • strategic and operational planning of supplies of material and technical resources;
  • organization of in-house warehousing;
  • forecasting, planning and regulation of expenses of material and technical resources in production;
  • organization of work of intra-production technological transport;
  • inventory management of material and technical resources, work in progress, finished products;
  • intra-production physical distribution of material and technical resources and finished products; and etc.

A classic example of harmonizing the principles of organizing the production process with the principles and rules of logistics in practice is the organization of in-line production. Mass production called a progressive form of organization of production, based on the rhythmic repetition of the main and auxiliary operations coordinated in time, performed at specialized workplaces located in the sequence of technological operations. From this definition, it follows that in-line production is characterized, first of all, by the principles of specialization, direct flow, continuity, parallelism and rhythm.

The principle of specialization in the conditions of in-line production is embodied in the creation of object-closed sections in the form of specialized production lines designed to process one product assigned to a given line or several technologically homogeneous products. Each workplace line is specialized in the performance of one or more assigned to it detail operations.

The line for which the processing (assembly) of a product of the same name is assigned is called one-subject. This line is typical for mass production. The line, which is assigned to the processing of products of several types (with little labor input or with small program tasks), is called multidisciplinary. It is typical for mass production. Logistics requires that products be assigned to multi-subject lines in such a way that they can be processed with minimal loss of time for equipment changeover with sufficient loading of jobs and the coincidence of the processing route.

The principle of direct flow provides for the placement of equipment and jobs in the order of the operations of the technological process. The primary production link in mass production is the production line. A distinction is made between a simple chain of jobs on the line, where only one job is allocated for each operation, and a complex one when there are two or more backup jobs at the operations. Depending on the available area, production lines can have a different configuration: straight, rectangular, circular, etc.

The principle of continuity on production lines is carried out in the form of a continuous (without interoperational lying) movement of products through operations with continuous (without downtime) work of performers and equipment. Such lines are called continuous flow. The continuity of in-line production is a direct consequence of the principle of proportionality, in particular equal productivity in all operations of the line. When equality is

there is no productivity in all operations and full continuity is not achieved, they organize discontinuous flow or once-through lines.

The principle of parallelism in relation to production lines is manifested in the parallel movement of batches. At the same time, products are transferred by operations individually or in small transport lots. As a result, at any given moment, several units of this product are processed on the line at different operations. With strict proportionality, a full and uniform loading of jobs on the line is achieved.

The principle of rhythm in the conditions of mass production is manifested in the rhythmic release of products from the line and in the rhythmic repetition of all operations at each of its workplaces. On continuous production lines with a piece transfer, the release (launch) of each product is carried out at the same time interval, called line tact, or piece rhythm:

where - the actual fund of the line operation time in the planned period (month, day, shift), min; N- launch program for the product for the same period, pcs.

When products are transferred by transport batches, the rhythm of the work of a continuous production line is characterized by a time interval separating the release (launch) of one batch from the next one, i.e. line rhythm:

where R - the number of items in the shipment.

Thus, for each rhythm on the line and workplaces, the same amount of work is performed in terms of quantity and composition. Consequently, on production lines there is not only the rhythm of output, but also the rhythm of work.

On intermittent-flow (straight-through) lines with their characteristic different performance in individual operations, there is no continuity, but the rhythm of the release is observed. The rhythm of the line in this case is determined by the time interval during which the output of the set value is formed on the line, for example, hourly, shift.

According to the method of maintaining the rhythm, lines with regulated and free rhythm are distinguished. Lines with a regulated rhythm typical for continuous-line production; in it the rhythm is maintained with the help of pipelines or signaling. Lines with free rhythm do not have technical means that strictly regulate the rhythm of work; observance of the rhythm in this case is assigned directly to the workers of this line.

Flow production is characterized by a high level of mechanization and automation of both technological and transport operations. The following vehicles are most common in mass production: continuous transport equipment - driven conveyors various designs; wireless (gravity) vehicles - roller conveyors, ramps, descents, etc.; lifting and transport equipment of cyclic action - overhead and other cranes, monorails with hoists, electric carts, forklifts, etc.

The main features that determine the organizational form of the production line, which are significant from the point of view of implementing the principles and rules of logistics in the field of production, are shown in fig. 4.2.

typical configuration functional cycle of internal production logistics shown in fig. 4.3.

The main stages of the functional cycle of intra-production logistics are:

  • processing the order of the sales service for the production of products (operational production planning);
  • transfer of the production order for the supply of material and technical resources to the supply service;
  • completing an order in a material warehouse and issuing material and technical resources to workshops, to workplaces;
  • execution of the production process, the formation of stocks of work in progress;
  • formation inventory(finished products), waste collection.

Processing the order of the sales service for the production of products (operational production planning) solves the problem of intra-production planning - the development of planned targets for the production divisions of the enterprise and the organization of their implementation on the basis of logistics. This stage should ensure the coordinated work of all departments of the enterprise in the interests of a rhythmic

Rice. 4.2.

Rice. 4.3.

output of products in the established volume and nomenclature with full use of production resources.

In the process of operational production planning, the following are developed: a plan for the production of products by the enterprise by months of the year; operational calendar plans for production and schedules for the production of units, parts by workshops, sections for months, weeks, days, shifts (and sometimes hourly schedules); volumetric calculations of equipment and space loading are performed; shift-daily planning, operational accounting of the progress of production, control and regulation of it (dispatching) are organized.

Operational production planning consists of scheduling and operational regulation of the production process - dispatching. scheduling- this is a detailing of the annual plan for the production of the enterprise's products in terms of the launch and release of each type of product and the timely delivery of these indicators to each main workshop, and within it to each production site and workplace. It also includes operational accounting of the fulfillment of shift-daily tasks and the monthly production program by workers, teams, teams of the site and the main workshop. The regulation of the production process is carried out dispatching by systematic accounting and control over the fulfillment of shift-daily tasks and by carrying out preventive measures that eliminate the causes of disruption in the rhythmic course of production and disruptions in the implementation of plans.

Operational production planning at the place of its implementation is divided into intershop and intrashop. Intershop planning It is aimed at maintaining the rhythmic work of the main workshops, ensuring their uninterrupted supply and maintenance by auxiliary workshops and services. The initial data for inter-shop planning are a master plan for the sale of products and a portfolio of orders. In-shop planning It is aimed at the rhythmic fulfillment by the sections and their workplaces of the given monthly program.

The data of operational and production planning serve as the basis for drawing up orders for the supply of material and technical resources to the supply service of the enterprise.

Transferring a production order to a purchase order logistical supply service resources is accompanied by its processing and presentation in a form convenient for picking, by converting the product range into a production one.

Order picking at a material warehouse and the issuance of material and technical resources to workshops, production sites, workplaces defined as internal supply. Internal supply implements the connection of the functional cycle of supply logistics with the functional cycle of in-house logistics.

Provision of material resources for the divisions of the enterprise involves the following works: preparation of material and technical resources for production consumption; release and delivery of material resources from the warehouse of the supply service to the place of their direct consumption or to the warehouse of the workshop, site; operational regulation of supply in the conditions of improvement of technological regimes; strict accounting and control over the use of material resources in the divisions of the enterprise. It follows that the organization of intra-production supply is carried out through the management of production stocks and stocks of work in progress.

Implementation of the production process, the formation of stocks of work in progress is associated with the organization of intra-production cooperation of specialized divisions of the enterprise and the construction intra-production chains, forming a configuration of direct-flow movement of material flows (Fig. 4.4).

For the execution of these schemes, three main forms of organizing the movement of intra-production material flows are used: accumulative, transport-accumulative and "zero stock".

Cumulative form provides for the creation of a complex of warehouses as part of the workshops, including warehouses for raw materials, inter-sectional warehouses for parts, assemblies and components, warehouses for finished products, pantries for technological equipment. The relationship of the warehouse with the site is carried out by means of vehicles. The material moves as the application arrives.

Rice. 4.4.

a - configuration type "V"; b– Type "A" configuration; in– configuration type "T"

wok from production sites (workplaces) in batches of arbitrary size.

The movement of the material flow in the cumulative form of organization is shown in fig. 4.5. Delivery of materials to the workshop is carried out at the warehouse 1; depending on the production capacity of the workshop and the intensity of

Rice. 4.5.

In a real flow, this can be one centralized warehouse or several warehouses specialized in types of materials. Between the operations of the technological process (sections), the workpieces are stored in the interoperational warehouse 2. Finished parts enter the assembly shop and accumulate in the warehouse 3. A warehouse is used for storage and issuance of purchased components for assembly. 4. The assembled and tested products are delivered to the finished product warehouse 5, where they are completed with the necessary documentation, packaged and prepared for shipment to the consumer.

The main advantage of this form of organizing the movement of material flows is the ability to accumulate a large amount of material at the inlet and outlet of the system, which ensures the reliability of the receipt of the necessary parts, blanks, components for production, guarantees the fulfillment of urgent requests from product consumers.

The disadvantage of the accumulative form of movement of materials is that it requires significant capital investments to create warehouse complexes; in addition, the presence of a large number of warehouses and branched transport routes makes it difficult to manage the movement of material flows and control stocks, and leads to large losses associated with the immobilization of funds.

Transport and storage form assumes the presence of a combined transport and storage infrastructure that combines a certain number of jobs (sites) by establishing a connection between each workplace (site) with any other through information and material flows. At the same time, the processes of machining (assembly), control, pre-production, storage and reservation of materials are combined with the help of a transport and storage infrastructure into a single production process.

The management of the movement of intra-production material flow occurs according to the following scheme: search for the necessary workpiece in the warehouse - transportation of the workpiece to the machine - processing - return of the part to the warehouse.

The accumulation of material is carried out in a central warehouse or decentralized in separate areas. In the first case, the warehouse serves several production units and is used as a backup drive between the start and end of part processing. In the second case, warehouses are created in separate areas and serve to compensate for deviations in time during the transportation and processing of the part. In some cases, a mixed transport and storage infrastructure is used, which implies the presence of both a central warehouse and a reserve of storage at sites.

Parts are transported along one of the motion trajectories shown in fig. 4.6.

On the trajectory BUT one transport device operates, serving all sections and ensuring the movement of materials in the forward and reverse directions. Trajectory AT provides several transport devices that operate in a closed loop and move the material in one direction. Trajectory FROM involves continuous transport also in one direction. At the same time, both centralized and decentralized accumulation of material and products of work in progress is possible.

Rice. 4.6.

The advantages of this form of traffic organization are manifested in the reduction of stocks at workplaces due to the creation of a transport and storage infrastructure, a reduction in the duration of the production cycle due to the elimination of interruptions between operations, constant monitoring of stocks. Its disadvantages lie in the possibility of using only structurally and technologically homogeneous types of manufactured products, the need for a complex of preparatory work and significant capital investments in the creation of an automated production process control system.

"Zero stock" involves maintaining a minimum stock at each technological stage of manufacturing products. This form of organizing the movement of material flows is based on a combination of the warehousing method "intermediate warehouse - backup storage" and the method of inventory control according to the Kanban system. Unlike the traditional organization of production, in which the warehouse is a place for storing materials, semi-finished products, finished products, in this form it serves for the intermediate storage of materials, parts and assemblies that cannot be delivered and manufactured just in time. At the same time, warehouses are distributed according to the stages of the reproduction cycle: supply, production, marketing of products (Fig. 4.7).

Rice. 4.7. Organization of the movement of material flow in the form of "zero stock"

Redundant drives are used to mitigate the consequences of malfunctions, to coordinate the work of production areas or individual workplaces, to rearrange the sequence of processing or assembly. Accumulators act as a "synchronizing medium" between just-in-time production areas in case of failure or reconciliation. In the event of failures in production and violation of synchronism, they provide a given manufacturing cycle. Permutation accumulators are organized to expand the possibility of an arbitrary sequence of starting parts. The movement from such a drive is carried out subject to the receipt of a corresponding application from the production site located after it (Fig. 4.8). As a result, a close relationship is established between the production schedule and the need for materials. Parts are transported in special containers. For each type of part, indicated by a number, a separate container is allocated, the capacity of which is limited, as a rule, by a shift task. A batch of parts remains in stock until the next section is ready for processing.

This form of organization of the movement of material flows allows you to reduce to "zero" the stock of material at all stages of its movement, ensures the orientation of the enterprise to market demands (customer needs).

Formation of commodity stocks (finished products), waste collection. At manufacturing enterprises, commodity stocks are called sales. They are created due to the discrepancy between the duration of the production cycle and the frequency of shipments of finished products, taking into account the time of transformation of the production assortment into a commodity one. This is an objective condition for the formation of commodity stocks, including due to the seasonal nature of product consumption or transportation. In addition, inventory may be deliberately built up as safety stock to meet specific customer orders, including regular or VIP customers. In general, the formation of commodity stocks solves the problem of supplying finished products to customers, and through the management of commodity

Rice. 4.8.

The stock ensures the connection of the functional cycle of intra-production logistics with the functional cycle of sales logistics.

The formation of commodity stocks occurs at the end of production; in contrast, the collection of production waste and the creation of appropriate reserves occurs as they are formed at individual stages of the technological process. Similarly, the collection and sale of production waste solves the problem of recycling.

  • Lukinskiy V. S., Pletneva N. G., Shulzheiko T. G. Theoretical and methodological problems of managing logistics processes in supply chains / ed. ed. V. S. Lukinsky. St. Petersburg: Publishing house SP6GIEU.2011. S. 131.
  • Fundamentals of Logistics: Textbook / Paul ed. V. V. Shcherbakov. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2009. S. 138-140.
  • Organization of production: textbook / ed. O. G. Turovets. M.: Economics and Finance, 2002. S. 236–241.
  • IV. Scientific and technological progress in the creation of flexible automated production
  • V. Scientific and technological progress in the field of communications and informatics
  • VI. Development of systems theory and trade-off theory
  • VII. Unification of the rules and norms of foreign economic activity, standardization of the parameters of technical means in various countries
  • 14. Information infrastructure. Application of computer technologies in logistics
  • 15. Tasks and content of procurement logistics. Logistic principles of building relationships with suppliers
  • 2.Analysis of the price of purchased goods
  • 3. Analysis of transport costs
  • 4. Choosing a supplier for the company
  • 5. Studying the quality of permanent raw materials and components
  • 6. Determining the balance between the resources of suppliers and consumers.
  • 16. Ways and methods, the task of choosing a supplier. Supplier rating calculation
  • 17. Factors of the procurement process planning process. Legal basis for procurement
  • 18. Procurement methods: competitive bidding and written negotiations with suppliers
  • 19. Just-in-time supply system: a schematic diagram, a comparative characteristic with traditional supply
  • 20. Essence and tasks of industrial logistics. Basic principles of the organization of the production process in time
  • 21. Pushing systems for managing material flows in the areas of production and circulation
  • 22. The principle of a pulling intra-production system. How the kanban system works
  • 23. Optimization of the organization of the production process in time
  • 24. Management of intra-production material flows and ways to optimize them
  • 25. Tasks and content of distribution logistics. The main premise of the marketing organization
  • 26. The main channels for the distribution of goods and their characteristics.
  • 28. Basic principles and rules in physical distribution. "Golden" rules of distribution logistics.
  • 29. The concept and types of inventories. The role of inventories in logistics.
  • 30. Basic inventory management systems
  • 31 Abc. Xyz analysis
  • 32. Warehouses in logistics: concept, classification, role, main functions.
  • 33. The main functions and tasks of warehouses in the logistics system.
  • 34. The concept of the logistics process in the warehouse, its main operations and concept
  • 35. Cargo handling: concept, goals, principles.
  • 36. The main criteria for assessing the profitability of the warehousing system.
  • 37. The role of containers and packaging in logistics.
  • 38. Goals and objectives of transport logistics. Comparative characteristics of various types of vehicles.
  • 39. Factors influencing the choice of vehicles in logistics systems.
  • 40. The main criteria for choosing logistics intermediaries in transport.
  • 41. Legal basis for the organization and management of transportation
  • 42. Transport rates.
  • 43. Strategic, tactical and operational planning in logistics
  • 44. Problems of forecasting in logistics. Characterization of the main methods in the development of forecasts in logistics.
  • 45. Network planning in management
  • 46. ​​Analysis and control in logistics. Indicators of the effectiveness of logistics management.
  • 47. Controlling in logistics systems.
  • 48. Composition of logistics costs
  • 49. Logistics service and enterprise competitiveness
  • 50. The main functions of logistics management. Economic efficiency of logistics management.
  • 23. Optimization of the organization of the production process in time

    1. Consistent

    2. Parallel



    The main ways to reduce the production cycle:

    24. Management of intra-production material flows and ways to optimize them

    Management of production material flows is aimed at optimizing all internal production processes. The organization of rational material flows is based on:

      unidirectional movement of objects of labor;

      concentration of production (concentration on the site of parts of approximately the same labor intensity and output volume);

      machine park optimization;

      optimization of the duration of the production cycle;

      optimization of the production cycle.

    Optimization of the duration of the production cycle

    The duration of the production cycle is influenced by the combination in the time of execution of the operations included in this process. There are three types of transfer of objects of labor from the previous operation to the next:

    1. Consistent - each subsequent operation begins only after the end of the processing of the entire batch at the previous operation; cycle duration is determined by the following FORMULA:


    where n is the number of parts in the batch; t is the duration of processing parts on the i-th operation; k is the number of operations.

    2. Parallel - characterized by the complete absence or insignificant amount of breaks in partionity; cycle duration is determined by the FORMULA:


    where p is the size of the transported lot; t max is the operation with the maximum duration.

    3. Series-parallel - the transfer is carried out by transported batches for the next operation, each batch is processed without interruptions, the cycle time is determined by the FORMULA:


    where tnorm is the norm of time with the shorter duration of the given pair of operations.

    The main ways to reduce the production cycle:

      Reducing labor costs for technological operations.

      Reducing the time spent on transport, storage and control operations.

      Improving the organization of production.

    Lot size optimization

    All production costs are divided into two categories:

      Costs associated with the launch of a batch of parts (changeover of equipment, documentation, planning and accounting for production, costs for preparatory and final actions for each operation). These costs are constant for any lot size, and are reduced per part.

      The cost of manufacturing parts, maintaining and increasing work in progress.

    Lot size optimization is determined by the Wilson formula:,

    where C zap - the cost of launching a batch of parts for processing; C izg - the cost of manufacturing one part; N is the part manufacturing program; η is the coefficient of losses from the binding of funds in work in progress; this ratio is equal to the rate of return on capital.

    Machine park optimization

    The number of equipment, or the number of jobs per position is determined by the formula:,

    where F is the annual effective working time fund for positions with one-shift work; n is the number of equipment operation shifts; k ext - coefficient of performance of production standards. After the optimization of the machine park, the optimization of production areas is carried out.

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    1. Organization of logistics operations in the internal production processes of the enterprise

    2. Analysis and design at the level of the division (section) of the logistics system for inventory management and distribution channels

    3. Calculation of the main parameters storage facilities

    4. Planning and organization of intra-production flow processes

    5. Drawing up forms of primary documents used to process business transactions for which standard samples are not provided, as well as forms of documents for internal reporting

    6. Control of the correctness of the preparation of documents

    List of used literature

    1 . Organization of logisticsoperations insideproduction processes of the enterprise

    The production process is the combination of resources and factors of production in a certain combination in order to create products and their subsequent marketing.

    There are two concepts of organization of production : logistic and traditional.

    Logistic concept includes the following main provisions:

    1) rejection of excess stocks;

    2) rejection of excessive time for the performance of basic and transport and storage operations;

    3) refusal to manufacture series of parts for which there is no order from buyers;

    4) elimination of equipment downtime;

    5) obligatory elimination of defects;

    6) elimination of irrational in-plant transportation;

    7) the transformation of suppliers from the opposing side into benevolent partners.

    Different from the traditional logistics concept suggests:

    1) never stop the main equipment and maintain a high utilization rate at all costs;

    2) produce products in as large batches as possible;

    3) to have the largest possible supply of material resources "just in case".

    The traditional concept of production is most suitable for the conditions of the "seller's market", while the logistics concept is for the conditions of the "buyers' market".

    The production process must be carefully planned. When planning production, the following indicators are determined:

    2) the period of time during which the product is produced;

    1) by timing :

    a) calendar - includes the distribution of annual plan targets by production units and deadlines, as well as bringing the established indicators to specific performers of work;

    b) current - is a constant operational control and continuous current regulation of the course of production processes;

    2) by scope:

    a) intershop - development, regulation and control over the implementation of production plans by all functional divisions of the enterprise;

    b) intrashop - this is the procedure for developing operational plans and current work schedules for a separate production site.

    Operational planning systems are also used:

    1) detailed - used in highly organized and stable production. With the help of this system, they plan and regulate the progress of work, technological operations and production processes for each part for a certain planning period (hour, shift, day, week);

    2) custom - used in single and small-scale production with a large range and a small volume of products. The object of planning is a separate order for the production of the same type of work. This planning system is based on calculations of the duration of production cycles and lead times, with the help of which the deadlines required by the customer for the execution of both individual processes or works, and the entire order as a whole are set;

    3) incomplete - used in mass production. Various parts included in the general set of products are used as the main planning and accounting unit. With a complete planning system, calendar tasks for production units are developed not according to the details of a separate name, but according to enlarged groups or sets of parts for a unit, machine, order, or a certain amount of production.

    In operational planning of production, the following methods are used:

    1) volumetric - is designed to distribute annual production volumes according to individual divisions and shorter time intervals such as quarter, month, decade, week, day and hour;

    2) calendar - It is used to plan specific dates for the launch and release of products, standards for the duration of the production cycle and ahead of the production of individual works. Planning is carried out in relation to the release of final products intended for sale on the market:

    a) volume-calendar - allows you to simultaneously plan the timing and volume of work performed at the enterprise as a whole for the period under consideration (year, quarter, month);

    b) volume-dynamic - provides for close interaction of such planned and calculated indicators as the timing, volumes and dynamics of production.

    Based on the results of planning, a production organization system is developed: its types, quantity and properties of the materials used, raw materials.

    Types of production processes:

    1) piece production;

    2) mass production;

    3) production in commercial lots.

    When organizing production, the following indicators are calculated:

    1) the norm of time scientifically justified costs of the necessary working time for the performance of work in certain production conditions;

    2) batch of parts - the number of identical parts processed at interconnected workplaces with a single cost of preparatory and final time;

    3) the optimal batch of products is the batch at which the costs per product are minimal;

    4) the need for material resources: materials, raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products used at further stages of the production process, auxiliary materials, as well as components.

    Materials are resources consumed during manufacturing operations, such as parts for repairing equipment.

    Raw materials are primary materials that have not undergone processing at all or have undergone it to a small extent, namely:

    1)Semi-finished products are more than high degree recycling (eg pre-assembled parts);

    2) auxiliary materials - materials that occupy an insignificant part in the composition of the final product (sewing threads when sewing clothes).

    Production materials materials that are not part of the final product, but are necessary for the normal functioning of the production process. They ensure the commissioning and operation of the equipment (lubricants, cleaning and detergents).

    Components are products that require little or no processing at all (re-grading, batch resizing, labeling).

    To assess the use of material resources, a whole system of indicators is used:

    1) the output of the product evaluates the efficiency of the use of material resources in production;

    2) the utilization coefficient characterizes the degree of useful

    use of material resources;

    3) the recovery factor determines the degree of recovery useful product from raw materials;

    4) cutting coefficient expresses the degree of use of materials (sheet, strip, roll) in the blank production;

    5) limit strictly fixed amount of material resources. This amount of resources is released from warehouses to the production units of the enterprise to fulfill the planned production program;

    6) specific consumption of raw materials and materials - an indicator of the actual use of raw materials and materials, which is the amount of actually consumed material per unit of production (work).

    It is determined by dividing the amount of material used by the volume of products produced from it.

    An important issue is the reduction of logistics costs. You can do this using the following methods:

    1) unification of parts and assembly units;

    2) standardization;

    3) implementation of preliminary assembly of nodes;

    4) the use of parts with a high specific gravity in the finished product.

    The organization of production must take into account all the requirements for product quality.

    The requirement is understood as the features that the product must comply with in order to ensure that it can be used for its intended purpose for a certain period of time.

    1. Hygienic requirements provide for the provision of safe and harmless conditions for human life during its interaction with the product.

    2. Aesthetic requirements are requirements for the form of construction, external design and other features of the product.

    3. Technological requirements are imposed primarily on materials, such as varnishes, fabrics, building materials. Such materials should be lightweight and easy to use, allowing the use of modern processing methods.

    4. Requirements for the reliability of goods Products must be reliable in operation. These requirements are expressed in the requirement for reliability, maintainability, safety and durability, which helps to lengthen the service life of goods. Of great importance are the terms of physical and moral deterioration of products.

    5. Preservation of goods - a requirement for conditions that ensure the preservation of the use value of goods during the established periods and after their expiration. This requirement is of particular importance for chemical products, perfumery, etc., which, under the influence of the environment (humidity, temperature, light), change their basic properties, resulting in a decrease in the quality indicators of goods.

    6. Economic requirements include not only production costs, but also consumer costs associated with the acquisition, use, repair of goods and other costs.

    7. Social requirements conformity of production of this or that commodity to social needs, justification of its production and consumption. Analysis of statistical indicators, development of consumption models make it possible to identify these requirements. Based on this analysis, an optimal assortment of goods is developed.

    8. Functional requirements requirements for the product to perform its main function.

    9. Ergonometric requirements provide for the convenience of using the product during operation, its compliance with the characteristics of the human body, and ensuring optimal operating conditions in everyday life.

    The following factors can influence the quality of goods:

    1) directly affecting the quality of the quality of design and modeling, the quality of raw materials, equipment, tools, compliance with the technological regime;

    2) stimulating the quality of economic efficiency (including price), the material interest of workers.

    These factors can be objective and subjective.

    Objective factors include the design of the product, the technical level of the production base, etc.

    Subjective factors are associated with human activities, i.e. depend on the ability and attitude of people to perform production functions (professional skills, general educational level, psychological warehouse).

    Material flows leaving production, before entering the sphere of circulation, are subjected to a multilateral examination. The object of examination is the consumer properties of goods, which are manifested during interaction with a person in the process of consumption.

    The criteria used in the examination are divided into general and specific.

    General criteria are the norms and ideas that have developed in society, guided by which experts judge the consumer properties of a product.

    Specific criteria are real requirements for the quality of goods of this type, fixed in domestic and foreign regulatory and technical documents.

    Types of expertise:

    1) ecological shows how the purchased product interacts with the person and the environment in the process of consumption. This includes, for example, the following indicators: the content of harmful impurities emitted into the environment by outboard motors and car engines; pollution environment waste that is not readily decomposable in natural conditions.

    2) economic has the goal of establishing the actual state of the enterprise. This includes the following indicators: revenue from products by preferential prices at unreasonably inflated rates, receiving unearned income from unreasonably inflated prices, etc.

    3) commodity is subdivided, depending on the objects that are subjected to expert examination, into the examination of food and non-food products. In the process of examination of these objects, the following is determined: compliance of commercial qualities with current state standards, contractual conditions between the supplier and buyers; reduction in the grade of goods in the process of production and transportation, etc.

    4) technological explores the technology of processing raw materials, semi-finished products and products, manufacturing products.

    Expertise examines the use of raw materials, the sequence of technological processes, methods of their implementation determines the correct choice of the necessary equipment, the location of production facilities. Technological expertise differs from commodity expertise in that it solves the issues of compliance of the manufacture of products with the technological mode of production.

    5) judicial and legal in the field of consumer properties of the goods is carried out in conditional process both during the preliminary investigation and during the trial.

    Thus, it is extremely important to create an effective system of control over the quality of products in production.

    Product quality management is the establishment, provision and maintenance of the required level of product quality during its development, production and operation or consumption.

    The following principles form the basis of product quality management:

    1. study of the control object and control mechanism;

    2. development of management criteria;

    3. principle feedback(control).

    The material flow on the way from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer passes through a number of production links. Its management has specifics and n/a production logistics.

    Production logistics considers processes that occur only in the field of material production, where material goods or material services are created such as: "storage, packaging, hanging, stacking", etc.

    Material services for the transportation of goods can be an object of production logistics when using own transport for intra-production movement of goods and transport logistics, if public transport is used or transportation is carried out between the enterprise and other entities (suppliers, consumers).

    The logistics systems studied in production logistics are called intra-production logistics systems. These can be attributed industrial enterprise, a wholesale enterprise (base) with warehouses, a nodal freight railway station, etc.

    Management of material flows in intra-production logistics systems can be carried out according to two main principles.

    1) The principle of "pushing" in-house system. Materials arriving at the production site are not ordered from the previous technological site. The material flow is "pushed out" to the recipient by a command received by the transmitting (pushing) link from the production control system.

    2) The principle of "pulling" intra-production system. According to this principle, parts, semi-finished products and other types of material resources are supplied to the next technological operation from the previous one as needed. The production management system does not interfere with the exchange of material flows between different workshops and sections, does not set current production targets for them, sets the task only for the final link in the production chain.

    Having transferred 100 parts from its stock, shop No. 2 orders 100 blanks from shop No. 1 to replenish the stock. In turn, workshop No. 1, having transferred 100 workpieces, orders materials at the raw material warehouse for the manufacture of the transferred number of workpieces, also in order to restore the stock. Thus, the material flow is "drawn out" by each subsequent link. At the same time, the personnel of each workshop can take into account many specific factors that determine the size of the optimal order; more than what a production management system could do.

    In practice, various versions of "push" and "pull" systems are implemented. An example of the former is the MRP system (material requirements planning system). It is characterized by a high level of management automation, capable of providing not only the current regulation of inventories, but also the adjustment of plans and actions of enterprise services - supply, production and marketing. There are MRP-1 and MRP-2. The latter includes the determination of the need for materials (MRP-1 functions) and serves to control technological processes and automated decision making.

    To determine the need for materials (upper block), a forecast of the need for raw materials and materials is developed separately for priority and non-priority orders; possible deadlines for fulfilling orders and levels of insurance stocks are analyzed, taking into account the costs of their maintenance and customer service; a retrospective analysis of economic situations is carried out to select a strategy for the importation of each type of raw materials and materials.

    To solve procurement management tasks, an order file is used. It contains information about orders and their fulfillment: order number and date, raw material code, supplier code, expected delivery date, quantity, price, etc. The resulting information can be issued in the context of the supplier, customer, type of raw materials and materials, indicating additional data (delivery date under the contract, actual delivery date, ordered and actual quantity, etc.).

    The "pull" in-house logistics systems include the "kanban" system. Kanban is a just-in-time approach and is used to reduce inventory. The "DRP" (Product Distribution Planning System) system has also become famous. Domestic in-house logistics systems are also known. An example is the in-house logistics system KSOTO ( integrated system organization of transport services), developed for machine-building enterprises. The following tasks are solved in KSOTO:

    1) creation of an optimal system of permanent routes and the construction of a mathematical model of intra-factory transportation;

    2) optimization of the number of vehicles, building a mathematical model for the problem of optimizing the number of vehicles required to service technological transportation;

    3) modeling of the technological process of intershop transportation;

    4) study of the dynamics of cargo flows at the enterprise, which allows you to create a mathematical model of inter-shop transportation and develop an algorithm for modeling such transportation of finished products for a given quantity, taking into account the minimization of the cost of transportation;

    5) optimization of the structure of the company's vehicle fleet. Based famous schemes routes, volumes and technological processes of cargo transportation, a mathematical model is created and the problem of optimizing the fleet (transport department) is solved. The model allows you to choose a rational mode of transport to serve the local system or a separate route;

    6) creation of an optimal transportation system based on permanent routes. The problem is solved using linear programming methods for transportation according to the principle "from warehouse to warehouse". A mathematical model is created for optimizing the size of a transport lot for goods transported in a unified container;

    7) development of a methodology for determining unit costs for loading and unloading, transport and storage operations in inter-shop transportation, including: algorithms for solving the problem of determining the volume of transportation for procurement and machine shops; calculation of the total and specific costs of work for individual workshops and the enterprise as a whole.

    When developing CSOTO, a factor is determined by which it is necessary to optimize transport services. It is the target function of costs, or the share of transport costs in the cost of production.

    The value of this factor is influenced by the following parameters: design and technological complexity of manufactured products; a wide range of manufactured blanks, parts and products; developed intershop and interfactory cooperation; the presence of significant groundwork at individual stages of technological processes; branched structure of production shops; complex scheme of cargo flows; variety of vehicle types; the presence of special requirements for the organization and technology of transportation.

    The method of minimizing the objective function makes it possible to take into account the influence of the listed parameters on the share of the cost of transport services in the total cost of the product.

    When calculating the need for material resources to fulfill the entire production program of the enterprise (the production of all products that were planned by the enterprise), the direct counting method and the indirect method are used.

    The direct counting method is used when the company knows exactly how many and what products it wants to produce. At the same time, the norms for the consumption of material resources for each product must be preliminarily determined.

    If the consumption rates of materials are unknown (for example, in the manufacture of new products), the method of calculating the need by analogy is used to determine the need for material resources. The essence of the method follows from its name: new products are equated to others similar to them (similar), for which there are own norms for the consumption of material resources.

    If an enterprise produces a variety of goods, but does not know how many goods of each type it will produce. In such cases, the method of calculating the need for a material resource by a typical representative is applied.

    If the consumption rates of material resources and the production program (types and quantities of planned output of products) are unknown, then direct counting methods are unacceptable. In this case, the indirect method (the method of dynamic coefficients) is used.

    2 . Analysis and design at the level of the division (section) of the logistics system for inventory management and distribution channels

    Distribution (marketing) of finished products is intermediate between the production of material and technical resources and their consumption, ensuring the continuity of turnover working capital in production and is an important factor in the reproduction process.

    Very often, such a concept as a logistics distribution network is used, which replaces the concept of a logistics distribution system. But at the same time, very often, a logistics distribution network is understood as a set of distribution channels for the products of one particular enterprise.

    Algorithm for the formation of an effective logistics system:

    1) Determining the potential of the enterprise. Here it is necessary to determine the range of products and sales areas. It is necessary to clearly define what product the company is going to promote to the market, what is its peculiarity, who are the end users of this product, where they prefer to buy goods (in which stores or in which warehouses). The enterprise must realistically assess its ability to choose which zone (region), given its financial, human and other resources, it can really pay enough attention. The seizure of territories can (and perhaps should) be carried out gradually: when

    work in one region is established and sales processes are relatively stable, then you can begin to develop the following zones where the goods will be promoted.

    2) Definition of customer service standards. In order to gain competitive advantages that are hard to copy, customer service standards are created. An enterprise should strive to distinguish itself from competitors in its approach to communicating with customers in order to retain the right category of customers. Clients must feel the corporate identity. At the same time, corporate identity is a tool for competent training of employees and potential partners (distributors, dealers), thanks to which the standards are laid down in the values ​​that must be consistent with the behavior of sellers.

    3) Definition of distribution channels and optimal configuration distribution networks. At this stage, it is necessary to make a decision about which distribution channels are the most promising for certain groups of buyers of a particular product, i.e. for each product there is a buyer and its own way of bringing this product: directly or through an intermediary. When designing distribution channels, you should carefully analyze the distribution channels of direct competitors and your own distribution channels (if any). Evaluation of competitors will avoid illusions about the unique attractiveness of the manufacturer for potential partners, and the analysis of one's own channels will allow one to understand whether it is possible to use them with a small reorganization to promote new products to old customers or old products to new customers.

    4) Selection and search for partners (participants) of the supply chain. In order to select partners involved in the process of bringing the finished product to the end consumer, it is necessary to have criteria for determining the suitability of those whom the enterprise is going to select.

    5) Creation of a logistics infrastructure and development of logistics processes. Having an idea of ​​our own resources and the resources of partners in relation to warehouses, transport, software etc., it is necessary to work out the logistics, i.e. optimize the number of warehouses, their location, functional purpose, optimize the size of stocks of finished products in the supply chain, work out the technology of goods distribution, etc. It is noteworthy that one of the criteria for selecting partners may be the presence of their own warehouses or their own transport, the presence of certain customers, etc. P. Thus, logistics can be formed already at the previous stages. logistic warehouse in-house document

    6) Determination of the return flow of goods. The flow of goods can have both direct and reverse directions (return of high-quality and low-quality products, return of containers, after-sales service, as well as disposal of used products (if necessary, of course). Here, not only the order of the reverse flow is established, but and responsible executors: manufacturer or intermediary.

    7) Final definition of the functions of the distribution system. By this time, all organizational, legal and economic aspects should be taken into account, powers and the degree of responsibility should be delineated. Thus, the composition of the functions of the distribution system will be formed, assigned directly to the manufacturing enterprise or various intermediaries that participate (or will participate) in the process of bringing the finished product to the end consumer.

    8) Creation and maintenance of a single information space throughout the supply chain of finished products. In this case, the most modern information technologies can be used.

    9) Analysis and evaluation of the supply chain. By this stage, the enterprise has already accumulated experience, and the main thing is to correctly identify weaknesses in order to address them. An important role in the implementation of this stage is played by the systems of analysis and control of sales processes adopted by the enterprise.

    10) Development of the distribution system. Development is an advantage that can provide not only competitive advantages in a given product market, but also positively affect the overall image of the company. Any organization should strive for something more, even despite the fact that the traditional organization of sales processes today is quite satisfactory for all participants in the supply chain. Otherwise, there is a danger of missing the fact of the development of the market as a whole, changes in customer preferences, cunning moves of competitors.

    The process of designing a logistics inventory management system consists of the following main steps:

    1) preparation of initial data for design;

    2) analysis existing system for all components;

    3) identification of deviations of the system parameters from the desired ones for all components (groups of components);

    4) classification of components by groups ABC or XYZ.

    5) modeling the behavior of different groups of components when using different inventory management models;

    6) development of a logistics inventory management system;

    7) development of documentation to ensure the operation of the logistics inventory management system.

    3 . Calculation of the main parameters of storage facilities

    The movement of material flows in the logistics chain is carried out with the help of the transport and storage system that is part of it. The key points of this system are various warehouses.

    Warehouses are buildings, structures and various devices designed to receive, place and store goods received in them, prepare them for consumption and release to consumers.

    Warehousing is created in order to receive a material flow with some parameters (dimensional, qualitative, temporary), its processing, accumulation and issuance with other parameters, established by the consumer.

    Warehouses, as well as other links in logistics chains, are subject to the "seven N" logistics rule. To provide the right consumer with the right product in the right quantity and quality at the right place at the right time at the best cost. The main purpose of the warehouse is the placement of stocks, their storage and ensuring the smooth and rhythmic fulfillment of consumer orders.

    Warehousing is a logistics operation that consists in the maintenance of stocks by participants in the logistics channel and ensures the safety of stocks, their rational placement, accounting, constant updating and safe working methods.

    The object of study of warehousing logistics is inventory in the process of their warehousing, handling and packaging.

    The main tasks of warehousing logistics include:

    1) placement of a warehouse network;

    2) warehousing and preparation of cargo for deliveries (production and other services);

    3) inventory management;

    4) organization of warehouse deliveries.

    The main functions of the warehouse are:

    1) cargo consolidation. Warehouse receives from manufacturing enterprise products intended for a specific customer and forms from it a larger mixed (consolidated) consignment.

    2) disaggregation and transshipment of goods in transit. Cargoes from manufacturers intended for several customers are delivered to the sorting terminal (disaggregation warehouse), they are sorted into smaller lots in accordance with orders and sent (delivered) to each consumer.

    3) revision (postponement). A warehouse with marking or labeling equipment allows the final production of a product to be delayed until there is real demand for it.

    4) stockpiling. This function is typical for some industries whose products are seasonal and require long-term storage.

    Warehouses are classified according to the following criteria:

    1) in relation to the basic functional areas of logistics:

    a) supply logistics warehouse;

    b) production logistics warehouse;

    c) distribution logistics warehouse.

    2) by type of product:

    a) warehouse of material resources;

    b) warehouse of work in progress;

    c) a warehouse for finished products;

    d) container warehouse;

    e) storage of returnable waste;

    e) tool warehouse.

    3) by service area:

    a) general factory;

    b) precinct;

    c) yard.

    4) according to the form of ownership:

    a) own;

    b) rented;

    c) commercial;

    d) warehouses of state and municipal enterprises;

    e) warehouses of public and non-profit organizations, associations.

    5) by functional purpose:

    a) a buffer stock warehouse;

    b) transit warehouse;

    c) commission warehouse;

    d) storage warehouse;

    e) special;

    6) in relation to the participants of the logistics system:

    a) the manufacturer's warehouse;

    b) warehouse of a trading company;

    c) warehouse of a trading and intermediary company;

    d) the warehouse of the transport company;

    e) the warehouse of the forwarding company;

    f) the warehouse of the enterprise for cargo processing and packaging.

    Other features of the classification of warehouses include: by the number of items, goods stored at a time, by the degree of mechanization of warehouse operations, by the type of warehouse task design, by the scale of activity, by the storage time of goods, by the class of premises.

    The basic principle of warehouse zoning is the allocation of space, taking into account the peculiarities of the receipt of goods, the characteristics of warehouse equipment, etc. for the consistent implementation of logistics operations of cargo handling.

    The main area of ​​the warehouse includes useful (cargo), operational and office space. The main area of ​​the warehouse will be equal to:

    base =floor+ sl +op

    Useful (cargo) area (f floor) is the area occupied by valuables directly stored materials and devices for their storage (racks, stacks).

    1) according to the load per 1 sq.m of the floor area (the usable area is equal to the ratio of the maximum amount of stocks of material in the warehouse to the permissible load per 1 sq.m of the floor area);

    2) by volume meters (usable area is equal to the product of the area occupied by one rack and the number of required racks).

    Method for determining the volume fill factor. The capacity of equipment for storing product materials (cells, racks, stacks, etc.) is determined by the formula:

    where V is the geometric volume of the corresponding equipment, cubic meters; density of the material or product, t/m3; volume fill factor (packing density).

    Operational area (f op) the area occupied by acceptance, sorting, picking and release areas. The required area of ​​the acceptance area is determined by the formula:

    where is the annual receipt of material; coefficient of uneven receipt of material to the warehouse (equal from 1.2 to 1.5); the number of days the material is at the acceptance site (up to two days); load per 1 sq.m area, t.

    The dimensions of the sorting, picking and release areas are determined in a similar way.

    Office space (f sl) the area occupied by office and other service and household premises and calculated depending on the number of employees. With a warehouse staff of up to three employees, the office area is taken at 5 sq.m per person; from 3 to 5, 4 sq.m., with a staff of more than 5 people, 3.25 sq.m.

    Auxiliary area of ​​the warehouse (f aux) the area occupied by driveways and walkways and determined according to building codes and regulations. The dimensions of aisles and driveways in warehouses are determined depending on the overall dimensions of the stored materials, the size of cargo turnover, lifting and transport vehicles, see:


    where A is the width of the passage, cm; In the width of vehicles, cm; C width of gaps between vehicles and racks on both sides of the passage, cm (assumed 15-20 cm).

    The width of the main passages (passages) usually ranges from 1.5 to 4.5 m, side passages (passages) from 0.7 to 1.5 m.

    The height of storage facilities from floor level to the tightening of trusses or rafters is usually taken from 3.5 to 5.5 m. In cases where the warehouse is equipped with an overhead crane, the height is determined by calculation, it can reach 8 m.

    With approximate calculations, the total area of ​​warehouses ftot is determined depending on the usable area ffloor through the utilization factor according to the formula, sq.m:

    The total area of ​​the warehouse (f total) is the sum of the main and auxiliary areas of the warehouse:

    main +vsp

    The ratio of the total area to the usable area is called the utilization rate of the warehouse space.

    Warehouse area calculation

    The total warehouse area is calculated using the following formula:

    where is the storage capacity, m 3; K F area utilization factor; average load per 1 sq.m of storage area at a laying height of 1 m and a storage height, t/m 2 .

    where Q is the given cargo turnover of the warehouse, T; storage period in days, days

    4 . Planning and organization of internal production flow processes

    The production process must be carefully planned.

    When planning production, the following indicators are determined:

    1) the number of components required for production;

    2) the period of time during which the product is produced;

    3) the amount of raw materials and equipment needed to produce the required volume of products within the planned period of time.

    Planning is divided into the following types:

    1) by terms:

    a) the calendar includes the distribution of annual plan targets by production units and deadlines, as well as bringing the established indicators to specific performers of work;

    b) current represents constant operational control and continuous current regulation of the course of production processes;

    2) by scope:

    a) intershop development, regulation and control over the implementation of production plans by all functional units;

    b) intrashop is a procedure for developing operational plans and current work schedules for a separate production site.

    The concept of material flow is key in logistics. Material flows are formed as a result of transportation, warehousing and other material operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products from the primary source of raw materials up to the end consumer.

    Material flows can flow between different enterprises or within one. Before formulating the definition of the material flow, let us analyze a specific example of the material flow flowing inside the warehouse of a wholesale trade enterprise.

    The figure shows a schematic diagram of the material flow in a warehouse. Goods arriving during working hours after unloading can be sent directly to storage, or they can get to the storage area, having previously passed acceptance. On weekends, the arrived cargo is placed in the acceptance expedition, from where it is transferred to the warehouse on the first working day. All goods received at the warehouse, in the end, are concentrated in the storage area.

    Fig.3. Schematic diagram of the material flow in the warehouse of a wholesale trade enterprise.

    Along the way, various operations are carried out with the cargo: unloading, palletizing, moving, unpacking, storage, etc. These are the so-called logistics operations. The volume of work for a separate operation, calculated for a certain period of time (per month, per year) is the material flow for the corresponding operation. For example, the material flow for unloading pastures and stacking goods on pallets for wholesalers with a warehouse area of ​​5 thousand m 2 under the project is 4383 tons / year.

    Suppose that the cost of performing a particular operation in the warehouse is known exactly and the total storage costs can be represented as the sum of the costs of performing individual operations. Then, by changing the route of movement of the material flow inside the warehouse, the costs can be minimized.

    In the warehouses of wholesalers, material is calculated, as a rule, for individual sections. To do this, summarize the amount of work for all logistics operations carried out in this area.

    The total material flow for the entire wholesale trade enterprise is determined by summing up the material flows flowing in individual sections.

    The material flow is called goods, parts, inventory items, considered in the process of applying various logistics operations to them and related to the time interval.

    You are the division of all operations on the way of moving goods, parts, goods material assets through transport, production, warehouse links allows:

    see general process promotion of a changing product to the end consumer;

    design this process taking into account the needs of the market.

    The dimension of the material flow is a fraction, in the numerator of which is the unit of measurement of the cargo (pieces, tons, etc.), and in the denominator the unit of measurement of time (day, month, year, etc.). When performing some logistics operations, the material flow can be considered for a given point in time. Then it turns into a stock. For example, the operation of transporting goods by rail. At the moment when the cargo is in transit, it is a material stock, the so-called "stock in transit".

    Material flows are defined as goods considered in the process of applying various logistics operations to them. A wide variety of cargo and logistics operations complicates the study and management of material flows. When solving a specific problem, it is necessary to clearly indicate which flows are being studied. When solving some problems, the object of study can be a load considered in the process of applying a large group of operations. For example, when designing a distribution network and determining the number and location of warehouses. When solving other problems, for example, when organizing an intra-warehouse logistics process, each operation is studied in detail.

    Material flows are divided according to the following main features:

    relation to the logistics system;

    natural-material composition of the flow;

    the number of generating cargo flows;

    the specific gravity of the cargo forming the flow;

    degree of cargo compatibility;

    cargo consistency.

    In relation to the logistics system, the material flow can be: external, internal, input and output.

    External material flow flows in the external environment for the enterprise. This category is not made up of any goods moving outside the enterprise, but only those to which the enterprise is related.

    The internal material flow is formed as a result of the implementation of logistics operations with cargo within the logistics system.

    The input material flow enters the logistics system from the external environment.

    The output material flow comes from the logistics system to the external environment. For a wholesale trade enterprise, it can be determined by adding up the material flows that occur during loading operations. various kinds Vehicle.

    If the enterprise maintains stocks at the same level, the input material flow will be equal to the output.

    According to the natural-material composition, material flows are divided into single-assortment and multi-assortment. Such a distribution is necessary, since the assortment composition of the flow significantly affects the work with it. For example, a logistics process at a wholesale

    a food market selling meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and groceries will be significantly different from the logistics process at a potato store that works with one item of cargo.

    On a quantitative basis, material flows are divided into mass, large, medium and small.

    A mass flow is considered to be a flow that occurs in the process of transporting goods not by a single vehicle, but by a group of them, for example, a train or several dozen wagons, a convoy of vehicles, a caravan of ships, etc.

    Large streams of several wagons, motor vehicles.

    Small streams form quantities of goods that do not allow full use of the carrying capacity of the vehicle and require, during transportation, to be combined with other, passing goods.

    Medium flows occupy the gap between large and small ones. These include flows that form goods arriving in single wagons or cars.

    According to the specific weight of the goods forming the flow, material flows are divided into heavy and lightweight.

    Heavy-weight flows provide full use of the carrying capacity of vehicles, require less storage volume for storage. Heavy-weight flows form cargoes, in which the mass of one piece exceeds 1 t (when transported by water) and 0.5 t (when transported by rail). An example of a heavy flow is the metals considered in the process of transportation.

    Lightweight flows are represented by loads that do not allow full use of the carrying capacity of the transport. One ton of light weight flow cargo occupies a volume of more than 2 m 3 for example, tobacco products form light weight flows during transportation.

    According to the degree of compatibility of the generating flows of goods, material flows are divided into compatible and incompatible. This sign is taken into account mainly during the transportation, storage and cargo processing of food products.

    According to the consistency of goods, material flows are divided into flows of bulk, bulk, packaged and liquid cargo.

    Bulk cargo (for example, grain) is transported without containers. Their main

    flow property. Can be transported in specialized vehicles: bunker-type wagons, open wagons, on platforms, in containers, in motor vehicles.

    Bulk cargoes (salt, coal, ore, sand, etc.) are usually of mineral origin. Transported without containers, some may freeze, cake, bake. Just like the previous group, they have flowability.

    Packaged cargoes have different physical and chemical properties, specific gravity, volume. It can be cargo in containers, boxes, bags, bulk cargo, long and oversized cargo.

    Liquid cargoes transported in bulk in tanks and tankers. Logistics operations with bulk cargo, for example, reloading, storage, etc., are carried out using special technical means.

    The material flow is formed as a result of the combination certain actions with material objects. These activities are called logistics operations. However, the concept of a logistics operation is not limited to actions only with material flows. To control the material flow, it is necessary to receive, process and transmit information corresponding to this flow. The actions performed in this case are also related to logistics operations.

    A figurative representation of logistics operations allows us to form an example of the production and delivery to the end consumer of any consumer product. Consider, as an example, a desk assembled from lumber and chipboard. The initial raw material for the production of this product is a tree that needs to be grown: cut down, moved to processing sites, turned into a final product and delivered to the buyer. The entire set of operations can be divided into two large groups.

    1. Technological operations for the production of material goods, i.e. operations during which a qualitative transformation of the object of labor takes place: logging (for the purpose of obtaining wood), longitudinal sawing of logs, chip pressing, manufacturing of furniture parts, their finishing and the final assembly of a desk.

    2. Logistics operations, which should include all other operations that ensure the availability of the desired object or product of labor in the required quantity, in the right place, at the right time. We list some of them: removal and alloying of logs from logging sites, their delivery to a woodworking enterprise, loading, unloading, storage, supply to production workshops, removal of finished semi-finished products and final products, storage and delivery to the end user.

    Logistic operations, therefore, are any operations performed by material objects and products of labor in the spheres of production and circulation, with the exception of technological operations for the production of material goods.

    Logistics also includes operations for the processing, storage and transfer of relevant information.

    According to the domestic terminological dictionary for logistics, logistics operations are a set of actions aimed at transforming the material and / or information flow.

    Logistics operations with a material flow include loading, picking, warehousing, packaging and other operations.

    Logistics operations with information flow is, as noted, the collection, processing and transmission of information corresponding to the material flow. It should be noted that the costs of performing logistics operations with information flows constitute a significant part of logistics costs.

    The performance of logistics operations with the material flow entering or leaving the logistics system differs from the performance of the same operations within the logistics system. This is due to the ongoing transfer of ownership of the goods and the transfer of insurance risks from one legal entity to another. On this basis, all logistics operations are divided into unilateral and bilateral.

    Some logistics operations are, in essence, a continuation of the technological production process, for example, packaging. These operations change the consumer properties of the goods and can be carried out both in the field of production, in the packaging shop of a wholesale trade enterprise.

    Logistics operations performed in the process of supplying an enterprise or marketing finished products, i.e. operations performed in the process of handling the logistics system with the outside world are classified as external logistics operations.

    Logistics operations performed within the logistics system are called internal. The uncertainty of the environment primarily affects the nature of the implementation of external logistics operations.

    5 . Drawing up forms of primary documents used to process business transactions for which standard samples are not provided, as well as forms of documents for internal reporting

    When placing for storage and release of products in warehouses, regulatory documents are used that regulate the acceptance procedure, namely:

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    In order for the company to develop successfully at a certain point in its life cycle, the issue of creating its own logistics chain becomes relevant. All this means that additional investments are needed in the existing warehouse infrastructure. The company faces a number of questions:

    How to organize warehousing in the market conditions that the enterprise exists;

    How to determine the form of ownership of a warehouse?

    What should be the dimensions of the warehouse complex?

    How to organize the work of the warehouse complex, and then evaluate its effectiveness?

    Work in the classroom for this course is built within the framework established by the federal state educational standard. In the classroom, partnerships are formed between the teacher and students, which makes it possible to bring the situation in the classroom closer to market realities.

    The purpose of the interdisciplinary course "Evaluation of the profitability of the warehousing system and optimization of intra-production flow processes": to teach the future specialist to organize and evaluate the results of the work of warehouses and warehouse complexes, as well as other flow processes within the enterprise logistics system.

    As a result, the student should be able to: Determine the need for inventories for the production of products. Apply the methodological foundations of basic inventory management systems in specific situations. Assess the rationality of the stock structure. Determine the timing and volume of purchases of material assets. Conduct selective inventory control. Calculate the turnover indicators of groups of stocks, compare them with the indicators of previous periods (standards). Organize the work of the warehouse and its elements. Determine the need for storage space, calculate the area of ​​the warehouse, calculate and evaluate storage costs. Select handling equipment, organize cargo handling at the warehouse (loading, transportation, acceptance, placement, stacking, storage). Calculate the requirements for material resources for the production process. Calculate the transport costs of the logistics system.

    As a result of training, a specialist should gain the following knowledge: the basics of warehousing logistics; classification of warehouses, functions; storage options; principles of choosing the form of ownership of the warehouse; the basics of organizing the activities of the warehouse and managing it; the cost structure for warehousing, directions for optimizing the costs of the warehousing system, the principles of warehouse zoning and placement of goods, etc. .

    As a result of the training, the student must have the following professional competencies, defined in the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education in the specialty "Operational Activities in Logistics".

    PC 2.1. Participate in the development of infrastructure for the procurement process and organizational structure supply management at the subdivision (section) level of the logistics system, taking into account the goals and objectives of the organization as a whole.

    PC 2.2. Apply the methodology for designing intra-production logistics systems in solving practical problems.

    PC 2.3. Use different models and methods of inventory management.

    PC 2.4. Manage orders, stocks, transportation, warehousing, cargo handling, packaging, service.

    Topic 1. Warehouse as an element of the logistics system

    The concept of production logistics

    The material flow on its way from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer passes through a number of production links. Material flow management at this stage has its own specifics and is called production logistics.

    The tasks of production logistics relate to the management of material flows within enterprises that create materialgoods or providing material services such as storage, packaging,hanging, laying, etc. A characteristic feature of the objects of study in production logistics is their territorial compactness.

    In the literature, they are sometimes referred to as "island logistics facilities".

    The participants in the logistics process within the framework of production logistics are connected by intra-production relations (in contrast to the participants in the logistics process at the macro level, connected by commodity-money relations).

    The logistics systems considered by production logistics are called in-house logistics systems. These include: industrial enterprise; a wholesale enterprise with storage facilities; nodal cargo station; nodal seaport, etc.

    Intra-production logistics systems can be considered at the macro and micro levels.

    At the macro level, in-house logistics systems act as elements of macro-logistics systems. They set the rhythm of these systems, are the sources of material flows. The ability to adapt macrologistics systems to environmental changes is largely determined by the ability of their in-house logistics systems to quickly change the qualitative and quantitative composition of the output material flow, i.e., the range and quantity of products.

    At the micro level, intra-production logistics systems are a number of subsystems that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity. These subsystems: purchasing, warehouses, stocks, production services, transport, information, sales and personnel provide entry

    material flow into the system, passing through it and exiting the system. In accordance with the concept of logistics, the construction of intra-production logistics systems should provide the possibility of constant coordination and mutual adjustment of plans and actions of supply, production and marketing links within the enterprise.

    The concept of "Logistics of production"

    In production logistics, the word " logistics» sets the goal - the rationalization of flow processes (complex systems always require a multi-criteria approach), and the word "production" sets the production process as an object of rationalization. The most complete production logistics is reflected in the sources.

    Subject of study logistics as a science is the optimization of streaming processes. The principles of logistics: synchronization, optimization and integration serve as the main methodological approach to improving the organization and efficiency of production systems.

    The methodology of logistics allows for the systematic rationalization of complex production systems. It equips enterprise managers with methods to improve the organization of production systems and allows them to effectively gain competitive advantages.

    Production logistics- this is one of the functional main subsystems of the organization's logistics (logistics system).

    On the other hand, production logistics- the science (theory, methodology) on the systematic rationalization of the management of the development processes of production systems (for example, a workplace, a site, a workshop, production as a set of workshops for the production of specific products or the provision of specific services, organizations) in order to increase their organization (efficiency) through synchronization , optimization and integration of flows in production (organizational) systems.

    It is the science of rationalizing the management processes of an organization by identifying and eliminating intra-system and inter-system conflicts, which are converted into mutually beneficial compromises of corporate cooperation used to increase the competitiveness of organizations. As a rule, the criterion of minimum total logistics costs is one of the main ones in the rationalization (optimization) of logistics systems. However, with the development of logistics systems, the main criterion is the maximum ratio of benefits and costs, which is called the concept of "shared responsibility".

    Organization of production systems

    - this is a certain degree of rationality of the organization of the structure of relationships between its elements and parts.

    This degree of rationality is determined by the level of understanding of the objective processes of internal and internal dynamic interaction of elements and parts of the production system (PS). And if this level and the corresponding, ideal, level of organization are not provided by eliminating the loss of resources in the production system, then this indicates a lack of knowledge of the laws for the implementation of the processes produced and the functioning of the PS as a whole.

    Organization of the production system- these are such relations and correlations between the material, energy and information resources of the system and such orderliness in the interactions of the active elements of the system, which makes the production system capable of changing its own structure in relation to the current operating conditions for the implementation of strategic and tactical goals.

    The degree of organization of the production system forms the appropriate level of the organizational culture of the enterprise, determines its characteristics such as flexibility, sustainability, adaptability and efficiency.

    The level of organization of the production system reflects not only the degree of its internal order, but also the degree of use of its economic potential, i.e., an increase in the level of organization should lead to an increase in the economic efficiency of the production system.

    Logistics of the production process Logistics of the production process- this, on the one hand, is an increase in the organization of production systems at different levels (for example, a workplace, a production site, a workshop, production, etc.), and on the other hand, the integration of production processes of all types (main, auxiliary, service and management processes ) and the corresponding production subsystems aimed at improving the efficiency of the functioning of the organization as a whole in the considered external environment. There is a system of evaluation indicators of the level of organization of the production process. Specialization, standardization, straightness as principles of organization of production characterize the organization of the production process in space. Continuity, parallelism, proportionality, rhythm as the principles of organization of production reflect the organization of the production process in time.

    Organization of production system management can be assessed by the level of optimality of decisions on the functional structure, automation, the composition of organizational components and the organizational structure of management. Optimization of solutions to improve the organization of the production process ultimately provides an increase

    system-wide characteristics of the organization in market conditions: adaptability, flexibility, reliability and stability.

    Modern directions of production integration

    In modern conditions production integration achieved in various ways:

    . integration of the whole variety of manufactured parts into groups based on their classification according to design and technological features for the concentration of homogeneous work;

    . integration of equipment, i.e. creation of a network of technological cells (GPM), complexes (GPS, GPU);

    . integration of material flows of objects of labor, i.e., organization of the movement of objects of labor along standard technological routes;

    . integration of the processes of creation and production of products from the idea to the finished product, i.e. merging together the main, auxiliary, service processes and management processes in production;

    . integration of service due to and merging of a number of its subsystems with equipment control systems, quality assurance, tracking changes in the accuracy characteristics of equipment, ensuring its trouble-free operation and diagnostics;

    Integration of management based on the use of computers, data banks, programs and automation tools for command transmission;

    Integration of information flows for decision-making to maintain and predict the progress of production;

    Integration of personnel in accordance with the requirements of flexible production by increasing the collective nature of work, the synthesis of knowledge and experience (integrated teams), the development of related professions, the introduction of ergonomics, ensuring continuity in improving training and taking into account the social consequences of integrated production.

    Laws of optimization of the production process Laws of optimization of the production process appear as laws of rhythmic organization. Thus, the law of the orderliness of the movement of objects of labor in production states that without prior ordering of the movement of objects of labor there is no place for planning and optimizing the course of production.

    The law of calendar synchronization of parts of the production process It manifests itself in the fact that the unequal durations of technological operations and other parts of the production process are leveled up to a certain calendar limit, either due to the laying of objects of labor, or due to downtime of workplaces, or due to both factors.

    The law of the continuity of the production process reveals that the minimization of production losses from the violation of the unity of continuous

    loading jobs and continuous production of objects of labor is a condition for the most efficient flow of the production process.

    The law of production rhythm It manifests itself in the fact that in the process of fulfilling an order or its parts, relative to their production cycles, there is an uneven consumption of resources, primarily working time, workers and equipment.

    The law of conformity of the main and auxiliary productionprocesses and processes for maintenance and production management

    requires a certain proportionality of the components in the production system.

    The law of reservation of resources in production states that only a minimum redundant system is reliable and efficient.

    Calendar limit of technological duration equalizationoperations- this is the average calendar time for performing one operation in the considered planning period. According to the law of synchronization of parts of the production process, in any form of organization of production, the unequal duration of technological operations is leveled to a certain calendar limit, either due to the aging of parts, or due to downtime of workplaces, or due to both factors. This calendar limit for equalizing the duration of operations characterizes the course of the production process from two sides - as the continuity of loading jobs ( G,) and as the continuity of the movement of objects of labor (r,).

    In non-flow production, the minimum production costs are achieved with the greatest continuity of work places, and this corresponds to a single optimal rhythm for manufacturing batches of parts in production.

    (R e ).

    Production logistics concept- this is a system of views on the rationalization of the management of the processes of production and economic activity by optimizing flow processes. The concept of production logistics can be characterized by its main provisions:

    . implementation of the principle of a systematic approach;

    . individualization of products and services;

    . humanization of technological processes;

    Accounting for logistics costs;

    Service development;

    . the ability of logistics systems to adapt;

    Total quality assurance;

    . integration of information flows;

    . vertical and horizontal integration of production processes and the transition to continuous modernization of production;

    . integration of organization management;

    . integration and synchronization of production maintenance with the processes of the main production;

    Integration of objects of labor;

    . grouping operations and group technologies;

    . integration and direct flow of material flows;

    Equipment integration;

    Staff integration.

    On the other hand, the concept of production logistics is a reflection of the industrial development strategy in the 21st century, which is expressed through the principles of logistics in the form of a formula:

    "Electronization - concentration - flexibility - integration", which coincides with the concept of flexible integrated production (FIP). The basis of the HIP is the concentration of parts processing and assembly of units at one workplace, the flexibility of equipment and production organization, and the integration of management based on electronization and cooperation.

    Features of coordination of material flow management

    Material management coordination from the point of its origin to the point of consumption became possible thanks to network information technologies based on personal computers. With their help, managers can perform virtually any kind of analysis, planning, coordination and regulation of the material flow in accordance with the goals and objectives of the company. Typically, logistical coordination includes:

    Market data processing;

    . analysis and forecasting of sales of products and services;

    Analysis and forecasting of the behavior of market participants, which are united by the logistics chain;

    . identification and analysis of the needs for material resources of various phases and parts of the material flow;

    . processing data relating to orders and customer needs, and all other activities for the purpose of coordinating the supply and demand of goods.

    Logistics coordination lies in the fact that it covers all forms and types of activity of the enterprise, reveals, eliminates and prevents the occurrence of intra-system and inter-system conflicts and contradictions. As a tool for system rationalization of management in coordination logistics, the possibilities of modern controlling are used as a system that evaluates decisions made in terms of imputed costs and future results.

    Methods for modeling the rhythm of the production cycle of order fulfillment known three methods for modeling the rhythm of the production cycle

    order fulfillment:

    . statistical;

    . static;

    . dynamic.

    As statistical method Statistical modeling of the process of order fulfillment is used for worked out operational orders, and on this basis, a standard for the calendar distribution of the labor intensity of order fulfillment relative to its production cycle is developed.

    Static method involves the preliminary construction of a static model of the production process, which has the form of a cyclic step-by-step scheme for the entry into the product (order) of assembly units, parts, blanks, semi-finished products, etc.

    Dynamic model of the rhythm of the production cycle order fulfillment is formed in the summary volume-cycle schedule for the implementation of the organization's production program for a certain period of time in the form of a consolidated volume-calendar contour (OCC). At the same time, the QCD for the execution of each order is linked to the QCD for the manufacture of all other products included in the production program, the spatial structure of the production cycle, the dynamism of the structure of the labor intensity of order fulfillment are taken into account to organize the continuous loading of production units in accordance with their production program.

    A single rhythm for the manufacture of batches of parts in production (R) connects

    the main characteristics of the production process: the deadline for the completion of work or the planned period, which, as a rule, corresponds to the monthly regime fund of the site (F); number of nomenclature positions

    details for the considered planning period ( n"); average employment of workplaces of the site by performing one operation of the program of the given planning period ( tj):

    where m- the number of operations in a typical technological route for the manufacture of parts at the production site; cm- number of jobs

    on the last m-th operations of the technological route for the manufacture of all n" details.

    The optimal batch size of parts ( . ), corresponding R and

    allowing to execute the production program for a given planning period, can be determined by the formula

    R-TO -60

    where w t - average piece time to perform one processing operation of the i-th part, manufactured at the production site in accordance with a given program for the planned period, min; TO - average

    the coefficient of compliance with the standards at the production site; To pz -

    coefficient taking into account the cost of preparatory and final time in the norm of unit time for the operation; 60 - conversion factor from minutes to hours.

    Organization of the production process in time

    The main calendar-planning standards of the organizations of the production process in time are the duration of the production cycle for processing the part, the standard size of the batch of parts and the duration of the production cycle for manufacturing the product.

    Requirements for organization and managementmaterial flows

    Modern rational organization and management of material flows require the mandatory use of basic logistics principles: unidirectionality, flexibility of synchronization, optimization, integration of process flows.

    Modern organization and operational management of production (material flows) must meet a number of requirements:

      Ensuring the rhythmic, coordinated work of all parts of production according to a single schedule and uniform output.

      Ensuring maximum continuity of production processes.

      Ensuring maximum reliability of planned calculations and minimum labor intensity of planned work.

      Ensuring sufficient flexibility and maneuverability in the implementation of the goal in the event of various deviations from the plan.

      Ensuring the continuity of planned management.

      Ensuring the compliance of the operational production management system (PMO) with the type and nature of a particular production.

    Calculation of the duration of the production cycle for manufacturing a batch

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