Connecting the pumping station to the well with your own. Do-it-yourself pumping station. Laying the power supply of the pumping station along the street

The water supply system in a country house is considered one of the most important, so it is installed in the first place. Thanks to modern technology, it is possible to create an effective water supply that will provide all the needs of the family. A mandatory element of the plumbing system is a pumping station, which can be made. We invite you to find out what are the pumping stations for home and wiring diagrams.

What is a pumping station

Pumping stations vary by type. They are industrial and household.
Industrial stations are installed only by specialists, and a domestic station is suitable for use at home. Such a station provides a stable water supply for drinking, the use of water for economic and domestic needs, as well as the supply of water to the heating system.

The connection of this installation depends on the type of water supply. There are three types of springs, these are the central water supply line, a well and a well. The pumping station operates in automatic mode or is controlled manually. It directly depends on the amount of water consumed daily.

Where is the pumping station installed?

The station for water supply at home can be mounted in the basement, basement, caisson, or a separate room. If the station is installed in the basement, it is protected from moisture ingress during any possible flooding or rising groundwater. To do this, a shelf or stand is mounted. The station must not touch the walls. Also, the room must have heating.

If it is a caisson, then it is pre-insulated. The station is located below the depth of the soil freezing level, at least 20 centimeters. The depth of the caisson should be about 2 - 2.5 meters. If the well is 10 meters long, a single pipe station is suitable. If it is 20 meters, then a two-pipe ejector station is installed.

Pump station connection diagram

To collect the ejector, that is, a cast unit with 3 connecting outlets, a mesh filter is inserted into it. Squeeze with a diameter of 32 mm, put on top of the ejector and fixed on a plastic socket. The drive has two parts with special adapters. At the exit, a bronze coupling is attached to it. The coupling connects the squeegee with a polyethylene pipe. For reliability, a sealant made of flax, tape, paste is wound (applied) onto the thread.

The trench is dug deeper than the soil freezing. A pipe is laid in the finished trench. Its length should go with a margin. If the pipe is out of stock, the pipeline may subsequently leak. All possible turns and bends, wall thickness, everything must be taken into account. For a casing pipe, a head is needed to be put on it. If there is no head, you can take a knee with a slight slope. To connect the pipe to the ejector, special couplings are used. The second end is led into the knee with a slope of 90 degrees. The resulting space is foamed with mounting foam. After that, the pipe is connected by adapters with an angle of inclination of 90 degrees and is aligned with the pipe from the outside.

Pump station connection diagram

The ejector is placed in a well (well) at a predetermined depth. The head is fixed with reinforced tape on the casing pipe, other material is not suitable. If the pressure in the accumulator drops below 1.2 atmospheres, it is necessary to increase the pressure using a car pump or compressor.

If it is necessary or desirable to connect the pump to the central line, for example, to supply water to the heating system or when there is not enough water in the well for a constant pressure, you need to install a storage tank in the form of a tank. There may also be water shortages due to old equipment or family growth (increased water consumption).

A place is being prepared for the connector of the water pipe. The end of the output pipe from the line is connected to the drive. From the reservoir, water is discharged to the inlet of the pumping station. At the exit, a pipeline is connected to the household.

Watch the video: Autonomous water supply system. Pump station and storage tank

When these manipulations are done, the installation of electricity wiring is carried out. Then the equipment is configured. The pressure equalizes. A small amount of water is poured into the snail through a special hole. When turning the pump on and off, check the pressure. To start work, 1.5 barrels should go, to finish, about 2.7 barrels. If the indicators do not match, the pressure decreases. To do this, the cover is removed from the pump relay and the screw is screwed in one direction or another.

For durable operation of the pump, it is necessary to install a filter. To select a suitable filter, the water is analyzed for all components contained in it. All harmful impurities must be cleaned before supplying water to the pump. To do this, a filter is installed on the suction device of the station. Sand and clay, if it enters the pump, will soon cause it to break. The vibration pumping station breaks down in this case the fastest.

How to make water supply at home

Any filter lowers the pressure, the pressure becomes smaller. To minimize this, you need to clean the filter regularly. Otherwise, a dirty filter will clog and the pump will break. With the purchase of high-quality equipment for water supply and its proper installation, soon the entire system will pay for itself and will work without interruption.

Now you know the features installation of a pumping station, so if you want to save money, you can install it yourself. Use the step-by-step diagram and tips from this article, then there will be a full-fledged plumbing in your house or in the country. Improve your own country house, then you can stay in it not only during the weekend, but also spend a full vacation with your family.

Owners of country houses, as a rule, have to deal with the problem of water supply not only for domestic needs, but also for watering the garden and vegetable garden. If the plot is summer cottage and is used only in summer, and the family consists of two people, then in this case you can purchase an ordinary household pump. This unit will easily provide its owners with the necessary amount of water.

To provide life-giving moisture to a large family, and besides, if the need for this arises not only in summer, but all year round, you cannot simply solve the issue. In this case, you will need the device of an entire water supply network, the uninterrupted operation of which will become possible only if a household, small-sized pumping station is installed. With its help, you can solve all issues of water supply, delivering it to the points of analysis quickly and without any interruptions.

For those who want to save money and connect a pumping station with their own hands, this article is intended.

The need for installation

Why do you need a pumping station for a country dwelling? Any such device is capable of independently pumping out from the source and delivering water to any point of its analysis. In addition, the installation of such a station contributes to an increase in pressure in the entire water supply system with a lack of power of a deep or surface pump, which is the main one.

What are the benefits of stations? They consist in the possibility of working for some time even when the power supply is turned off. It is also attractive that the device is able to create a pressure with which the normal water supply of the house and site is carried out. With all these positive qualities, the unit has a low weight, which allows it to be installed in any place convenient for this. In storage systems, the pumping station works like a tank, periodically turning on and off. This feature greatly reduces equipment wear. The pumping station will work for a long time, while eliminating the need to manually carry water.

Device and principle of operation

It will not be difficult for a person who understands at least a little in technology to understand the main elements of a pumping station. What is this unit? Its main element is a surface-type pump equipped with an ejector. It is able to supply water from a depth of 10 m and deliver it to the desired point. That is why the power of the pumping station is determined by the surface pump. How does it work? The suction line goes from the pump to the source. At its end, which is located in the water column, a grid and a check valve are installed. The pump is supplied with a steel pressure tank. The container has a closed structure consisting of two cavities separated by a membrane. Water enters one of them, and air enters the other under pressure.

What is a pressure tank used for? It is required to perform the following functions:

  • protection of pipes and water supply connections from possible water hammer;
  • accumulation of a certain amount of water, which is under pressure in one of the compartments, which makes it possible not to stop its supply in the event of a power outage.

Due to the property of fluid accumulation in the tank, it is also called a hydraulic accumulator. In some pumps, the volume of such a tank reaches 500 liters.

In addition to the above elements, the pumping station has a pressure switch. What is this item for? When the pressure drops below the critical level, the relay turns on the pump. It can also turn off the unit. This happens when the pressure rises to a certain level.

In addition, the pumping station must have a pressure gauge. This device shows the water pressure that is maintained in the line.

Pumps "Dzhileks Jumbo"

In order to provide water to a country house or cottage, you can use various models of this equipment. The pumping station "Dzhileks Jumbo" is produced by a Russian manufacturer. Such equipment easily ensures the availability of water, not inferior in this matter to city apartments.

The pumping station "Dzhileks Jumbo" is in demand for pumping other liquids, as well as for watering the garden.

The tank, which serves to fill the water, in this equipment is made of high-quality steel that can withstand high pressure. On one side of such a container there is a nipple. It is designed to be able to create and maintain the pressure necessary for normal water supply.

Grundfos pumps

This equipment is manufactured by the Danish concern Grundfos, founded back in 1945. Today, this manufacturer is the market leader in pumping equipment. At the same time, the high consumer demand for such devices is caused by their high quality and wide range.

The Grundfos household pumping station finds its application in individual households. At the same time, it performs the tasks of providing hot and cold water supply, sewerage and drainage.

If the Grundfos pumping station is installed correctly, and after that it was regularly serviced with the replacement of worn seals and bearings, then it can last for many years and delight the owners with its uninterrupted operation.


As a rule, the units that supply water to the house and to the site are located in basements or caissons. How should the pumping station be installed in this case? The connection diagram provides for the obligatory maintenance of the greatest possible distance from such equipment to the wall. Otherwise, the pump may be damaged due to its strong vibrations.

The place where the water supply station will be installed must meet certain parameters, namely:

  • due to the rather loud operation of the pump, the room must be isolated from noise;
  • it should be dry, warm and have the possibility of regular ventilation;
  • be at a distance as small as possible from the well or from the well, which will allow water to be sucked in with maximum power;
  • have sufficient dimensions to carry out equipment repair work and take preventive measures.

For the placement of pumping stations, different options can be used:

  1. Basements. This is an ideal place to install a pump, which should be foreseen in advance, at the design stage of a house. In it, installation can be done without much difficulty. Just remember that the basement should be warm and dry.
  2. Caisson. This is nothing more than a special platform, which is located directly at the surface of the well. The main advantage of such a place lies in the heat generated by the topsoil.
  3. The scheme for connecting the pumping station to the well provides for the arrangement of special departments in it. This option is cheap and quite simple. But it is worth remembering that such an arrangement of the pumping station will not allow access to it for the necessary repair and maintenance work, and will also reduce the pressure level when supplying water to the house.
  4. A very convenient and practical option is to place a pumping station in the house itself. But at the same time, it is worth taking care of the soundproofing of such a room.

The unit should not be affected by various mechanical factors. When placing expensive equipment in the basement, you will need to make a stand for it. Such a pedestal will protect the mechanisms and the tank from groundwater.

What else needs to be considered when a pumping station is installed? The connection scheme provides for its location from the well at a distance of no more than 10 meters.

Connecting equipment

Choosing a unit for pumping water and deciding on the place of its installation is far from all that is required in order for the pumping station to start working. Its connection diagram must also be performed correctly. Otherwise, the entire system will work intermittently or not efficiently enough.

What will be the connection diagram of the pumping station? In each case, it depends on the location chosen for the equipment. But regardless of this, such a scheme will include the following:

  • suction pipeline lowered into a well or well and going to a pumping station;
  • the equipment itself;
  • pipeline that goes further to consumers.

This is the general scheme by which a pumping station is connected for a private house. Bindings in each case may be different. The most common cases will be discussed below.

Well connection

When installing a pumping station in a house or in a caisson, the same scheme is used. Its beginning is the supply pipeline, which is lowered into the well. A filter is installed on it, as a rule, a mesh type. After this element is a check valve. Next comes the pipe.

The filter in this case is necessary as a protection against mechanical impurities. The installation of a check valve will be needed so that when the equipment is turned off, the water from the tank does not flow back into the well. This will allow the pump to turn on less often and extend its life.

The supply pipe is led out through the wall of the well. At the same time, its depth should be slightly below the existing level of soil freezing. Further, a trench is dug from the well to the installation site of the equipment. It has the same depth as the supply pipe. Trenching must be planned in advance. It must provide a minimum number of turns. This will reduce the amount of pressure drop and pump water from a greater depth. For greater reliability of the system, it is recommended to insulate the pipeline. To do this, sheets of expanded polystyrene are laid on top of it, which are then covered with a layer of sand and covered with soil.

The scheme for connecting the pumping station to the well at the entrance to the house provides for the passage of the supply pipe through the foundation. This place must then be insulated. In the house itself, the pipes can already be raised to the place where the equipment is installed.

If a pumping station is installed according to the instructions, then the system described above will work without any failures. The only inconvenience in this case will be digging a trench and entering the pipeline through the wall of the building. It will also be difficult to localize damage to the pipeline in the event of a leak. In order to minimize the likelihood of these problems, it will be necessary to lay high-quality pipes, and at the points of their connection, the arrangement of a manhole. If a high level of groundwater is noted on the site, then a trench for supply pipes will need to be dug above their level. At the same time, to prevent freezing of the water supply, a heating cable is laid near it. You will also need to insulate the cover of the well, as well as its rings.

Water connection

Pumping stations are sometimes installed on centralized water supply. In this case, they are needed to increase the pressure level of the fluid supply to the house. The scheme for connecting a pumping station to a water supply system is similar to that used for water intake from a well. Only in this case is a water pipe suitable for the inlet of the equipment. It also includes a filter and a valve. The output goes to consumers.

However, in this case, it is recommended to install a ball shut-off valve at the inlet. This element will allow you to turn off the entire system, for example, for repairs. A second shut-off valve is placed in front of the pumping station itself. It is necessary in case of repair of equipment or pipeline. It makes sense to put a ball valve at the outlet. Such a measure will allow, if necessary, to turn off consumers. Water from the pipes will not have to be drained.

Well connection

How to do the work in this case? Connecting a pumping station to a well is no different from previous schemes. Only the pipeline should exit at the point where the casing ends. It is here, as a rule, that a caisson is arranged, where a pumping station can be placed.

As in all the schemes described above, a filter is installed at the end of the pipe, as well as a check valve. At the inlet, for the convenience of the first start, you can put a filler tap through the tee.

Automation connection

There are 2 most commonly used schemes with which the necessary control equipment is installed at the pumping station. To carry out such work, you should study the accompanying documentation for the unit. It will definitely indicate the method recommended by the manufacturer.

The connection of the pressure switch of the pumping station must be carried out in a certain sequence. First, it must be connected to the water supply, and then to the electricity network.

In the first installation method, the relay is mounted directly on the pipeline. Installation is carried out using a tee, which is equipped with a fitting.

There is also a second way. When using it, the accumulator is equipped with a fitting with five outlets for the supply and distribution pipeline, pressure gauge, relay, and also for the accumulator itself. In order to measure the pressure in the pumping station, the relay is connected to a 220 V power supply.

A modern plumbing system for a private or country house, including a pumping station, is able to satisfy all the needs of water supply. It allows you to provide several points of water intake at once, including operating a water heater, a washing machine, a dishwasher, and a heating system. Often specialists launch the system, but in reality there is nothing difficult in independent work. In the article we will tell you how to connect a pumping station and what is needed for this.

Where is mounted

Do-it-yourself installation of a pumping station is possible either inside the house or in a caisson. An important condition for installation, regardless of the chosen location, is protection from flooding by underwater waters, as well as from winter cold. The connection diagram of the pumping station depends on the location.

The shorter the distance from the equipment to the water source, the less power the water pump will need.

The first option is in the basement of the house

The pumping station and other plumbing equipment is installed in the basement of the house. In order to prevent flooding of the pump in the room, a pedestal is erected from brickwork or concrete. When the basement is not heated, the installation site should be separated and insulated.

How to install a pumping station in the country? Since people do not constantly live in the country, they often already observe the consequences of the spring flood. Therefore, the installation of a pumping station in the country is most often carried out on a shelf attached to the wall at a fairly high level. Such installation will prevent damage to the equipment.

The main advice of experts on how to properly install a pumping station is a fixed installation without touching the walls. Thus, the vibration of the walls from the operation of the equipment is prevented.

The second option is in the caisson

Installation of a pumping station in a specially constructed caisson - a hermetic chamber made of metal. It comes in both square and cylindrical shapes. It has an insulated hatch that closes very tightly to prevent flooding. A household caisson is equipped with a height of 2 meters. The equipment must be installed below the ground freezing line - in this case, a constant temperature will be maintained at around 6-10 ° C from the soil.

The structure must be insulated around the perimeter and from above to prevent freezing of equipment even in the most critical frosts.

Caissons, depending on the manufacture, are divided into:

  • factory - a plastic container mounted to a depth;
  • self-assembly - from concrete rings, immersed 180-200 cm near the source.

The head of the casing pipe of the well must be brought to the bottom of the caisson.

Installing a pumping station in a private house is more convenient for maintenance, since you only need to go down to the basement. But surface equipment is quite loud, which is not always comfortable for the inhabitants. The caisson is definitely more preferable, as the sounds do not penetrate the house. But there are nuances here too - in order to service the unit, you will have to go outside in order to go down into the caisson. In winter, this will have to remove the snow.

Ways to connect a pumping station

How to connect the pumping station correctly? There are two ways:

  1. One-pipe connection is possible at a depth not exceeding 10 meters.
  2. A two-pipe connection is used when the depth of the well varies from 10 to 20 meters.

Thus, even at the stage of preparatory work, the owner of the house decides how to connect the pumping station, taking into account the parameters of the existing well or well. The principle of connection for both methods is the same. Since the first method is simpler, we will dwell on it in detail. For the second, you will need equipment with a remote ejector.


So, you have decided on all the nuances and know how to connect the pumping station. Before purchasing all the necessary materials, you will need a detailed connection diagram for the pumping station. This is especially true for pipes, which should be with a reasonable margin. At the same stage, you will need a pumping station piping scheme.

First stage

Do-it-yourself installation of a pumping station is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. It is necessary to assemble the ejector - this is a ready-made assembly cast from cast iron. It has three outlets for mounting. A mesh filter is installed on the lower outlet in order to prevent suction of silt deposits from the bottom of the well. At the top outlet there is a plastic socket on which a 32 mm diameter shackle is put on. Its length must first be calculated (will be described below). A special bronze coupling is installed at the outlet of the spur, designed to attach a p / e pipe.

  1. A non-return valve is installed behind the mesh filter in order to prevent air pumping.
  2. The installation of a pumping station in a private house provides for the installation of an additional check valve at the end of the pipe immersed in the well.

Having finished mounting the ejector, you can start laying pipes in previously prepared trenches. Their depth should be half a meter lower than the ground freezes through. The bottom of the trench should be covered with a layer of sand. Thus, a "cushion" is created for the pipes.

To ensure tightness, before tight tightening with an adjustable wrench, all threaded surfaces are covered with fum-tape or linen tow. For this purpose, special sealing pastes can be used.

Second phase

Asking the question of how to install a pumping station in a private or country house, they mean connecting it to a well. We offer a detailed algorithm of work:

  1. It is necessary to measure to what depth the pipes will be lowered. You can use a hose for this. Having lowered the "measuring device" to the very bottom, we make a mark at the level of the upper edge of the casing. Then pull it out to measure. We must subtract one meter from the obtained value - this is the trigger depth. If you lower the pipes below, then silt, grains of sand, etc. will be sucked in.
  2. We connect p / e pipes to the assembled ejector. We use couplers for this. The overall length of the structure must be equal to the calculated running depth.
  3. To fix the polyethylene pipe on the casing, you can use both a purchased head and a pipe elbow. The head is not always on sale, so consider the second option. Before lowering the PVC pipe into the well, it should be pushed through the elbow (90° angle) and “sealed” with special foam. Next, in turn, we attach the adapters, and then the outer pipeline (angle 90 °).
  4. Since the water supply is used all year round, special attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of pipes. If they lie below the frost line, there is enough heat from the soil to keep them from freezing. When higher, high-quality processing is required.

Mostly mineral wool (basalt) fiber is used. It perfectly retains heat, does not compress over the years, does not rot in a humid environment and is not touched by mice. Also, the electric cable that wraps the pipes has proven itself well, but if there is no electricity, the entire system will be in jeopardy.

Construction installation completed. Gently immerse it in the well. Be sure to secure the "head" on the casing. In the same way, a pumping station is installed in the country.

Final connection of the pumping station

How to connect a water pump? An external pipeline pipe is connected to the inlet of the device, and a domestic water pipe is connected to the outlet. After that, you need to configure the equipment. To do this, open a special hole located on the front wall of the pump, and fill it with water (about two liters). We carefully monitor the pressure readings of the operating device.

The pump should turn on at a pressure of 1.5-1.8 bar, and turn off - 2.5-3.0 bar. If the values ​​differ, then the equipment should be adjusted using a relay.

VIDEO: How to properly download and create pressure in the expansion tank

We connect to the water supply

The connection of the pumping station to the water supply is required when additional pressure is needed for the efficient operation of the heating boiler. For this design, you need a storage tank. First you need to disconnect the pipe of the centralized water supply. Its end is connected to the storage tank.

How to connect a water pump? We connect a tank to the inlet, and home water supply to the outlet. This completes the connection of the pumping station to the water supply. The pump setting is carried out as described above.

Following our instructions, you will be able to install the pumping station yourself, and use the money saved at the same time to purchase better equipment. Good luck!

VIDEO: How to assemble and install a pumping station

You can pump water into the house from a well or a well in different ways - for example, equip a water source with a deep or surface pump, or equip it with a hand pump and carry water into the house in buckets, or you can assemble a full-fledged water supply by assigning the responsibility for transporting water to the house at the pumping station . In the latter case, you are guaranteed complete automation of the water supply system. About it, and to be more precise, about how the pumping station is installed in the country, and will be discussed in this article from the site site.

Proper installation of the pumping station photo

Do-it-yourself installation of a pumping station in the country: choose a place

In principle, it is not so difficult to decide on the place of installation of a pumping station for a summer residence - there are not many options, unless, of course, reinventing the wheel. In most cases, it is mounted either in a pit near a well or a well directly in, or a separate room is allocated for it. In any case, it is impossible to get rid of laying an underground water supply. The only option that allows you to do this is to punch a well in the basement of the house - you yourself understand that this will not work with the erected building, so we will leave this option alone and deal with the features, or rather with the advantages and disadvantages of the three previous places pump station installations.

You can see how the installation of the pumping station in the country with your own hands and the principle of its operation can be seen in this video clip.

As mentioned above, the only thing that neither one nor the other option, or rather the installation site of the pumping station in the country, eliminates, is earthworks. This is something you will have to put up with if you don't want to deal with problems like freezing plumbing in the winter. By the way, this is another reason to refuse to install the station in a pit. No matter how you insulate it, but if it does not work all the time, it is guaranteed to freeze.

Instructions for installing a pumping station: sequence of work

To make it easier to understand how the pumping station is installed in the country, we will consider the entire progress of the work in the form of a certain sequence of actions.

  1. Earthworks and pipeline laying. Everything is quite simple here - a trench is dug from the water source to the house (to the installation site of the pumping station) or from the pit to the house (to the internal water supply). Taking into account the average temperature in winter, it will have to be buried at least 1.2 m. Further, too, is not difficult. A pipe is laid in the trench, well insulated and buried - first it needs to be covered with clean soil, but there is no need to throw construction waste there. Ideally, the pipe should be placed in a sleeve (in another pipe of a larger diameter) - in this case, if it breaks, it will simply be enough to replace it with a new one. The most difficult moment is lowering the pipe into the well - things are somewhat simpler with the well. You simply punched a hole in the casing rings and lowered the pipe into the water, having previously equipped its end with a special filter element and a check valve, the arrow of which is directed from. The presence of a check valve is mandatory - it will keep water in the pipe and sediment and prevent it from returning back to the source. You can’t do this with a well - you need a special adapter here. In principle, it is also not difficult to install, although you will have to tinker with it. The second end of the pipeline at this stage of work is simply brought out to the installation site of the pumping station.

    Installation of a pumping station in a well photo

  2. Installation of a pumping station. Everything is also elementary here - at this stage of work, you just have to fix the station to the floor through the holes in its base. To make less noise, it is better to lay thick rubber under the fasteners. There are no other nuances, except for reliable fastening.
  3. Piping of the pumping station. By and large, this stage of work is by no means difficult, especially if you have at least elementary concepts in the plumbing craft. Of the main nuances, only a couple of points can be distinguished. First, it is a shutoff valve. Some may consider it unnecessary, but as soon as you face the filling of the system, everything will immediately fall into place. In the case of repair, after the dismantling of the pumping station, in the absence of a tap, the water from the pipe will slowly but surely go back to the source, and then after installing the already repaired station, you cannot avoid re-filling the system. And so they closed the faucet, installed, again, at the water inlet to the station, and that was the end of it - the water from the pipe would not go anywhere. It is desirable to install a crane with an American - a detachable connection will allow for repair work without resorting to cutting pipelines. The valve is mounted directly at the inlet to the pump. Secondly, an American will also be needed to connect the pipeline at the outlet of the water from the pumping station. By the way, the tap will not hurt here either - it will block the water in the wiring around the house, and after installing the repaired pumping station, it will go to the pump, and the system will not have to be filled at all. The installation of shut-off valves should be carried out with the help of tow - there is no way to do without sealing the threaded connections.

    Installing a check valve at a pumping station photo

And, of course, filling the system with water. For this purpose, you need to install a tee in front of the outlet tap and equip its branch with another small tap - it is through it that you will have to fill the system with water. Slowly, through the watering can, so that air can escape from the system. By the way, in order to effectively fill the system with water, it is better to lay all the pipelines going from the source to the pumping station on a slope - in this case, the poured water will run down better, and the air will be more efficiently removed from the system. After the pumping station is filled with water (you will determine this moment when the water being poured will no longer pass into the pipe), it can be put into operation and enjoy the result, or rather the presence of water in.

Do-it-yourself installation of a pumping station in the country house photo

At the end of the topic, a few words about how to choose a pumping station for a summer residence. There are only three factors to take into account here. Firstly, this is the purpose - there are domestic and industrial pumping stations. The latter are best left alone, they will not be needed for a summer residence due to the high cost - they are not intended for those volumes of water supply. Secondly, it is a source of water, the features and type of which do not need to be paid attention at all, and if someone says differently, then he is a person far from the device and principle of operation of the pumping station. Modern equipment of this type can pump water from anywhere, even from the main water conduit - they are also used to increase the pressure in the system. Thirdly, the optimal modes of operation are daily fluid intake, the presence of manual and automatic modes of operation. In all other respects, modern pumping stations are unpretentious units.

Basically, everything. As you can see, choosing and installing a pumping station in a country house with your own hands is a very simple matter. If you thoroughly understand the principle of her work, then every man with skillful hands can cope with this task.

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Water supply is the main benefit of civilization, necessary for a full-fledged comfortable living outside the city. Owners of country houses and cottages located far from the centralized water supply provide uninterrupted water supply to their homes by installing a pumping station. With a round-the-clock supply of water for hot and cold water supply for the needs of the family, for watering a personal plot, as well as a washing machine or dishwasher, a household pumping station can easily handle it.

Connection of a pumping station

Implement selection

When choosing a pump for installing a pumping station in a private house, you should consider several indicators:

    Model performance: the needs of the family must be fully satisfied, without exceeding the debit of the hydraulic structure. The norm of daily water consumption for each person is about 250 liters.

    The depth of the rise of water from the source. With a well depth of not more than 10 m, a single-pipe system is sufficient; for water supply from a depth of 10 to 50 m, a two-pipe pump station with an ejector is recommended.

    When calculating maximum head both the height of the water rise and the length of all horizontal sections of the water supply are taken into account.

    Control system: automatic or manual.

    Pump type: surface (placed on the surface) or submersible (lowered into a well or well). Stations with a surface pump are very noisy, but easier to maintain and repair, a submersible pump is silent, but very difficult to repair.

    Availability and volume of water storage. Storage tanks, having large dimensions, complicate the installation of a pumping station with their own hands. And without having a forced effect on the flow of water, they do not contribute to the stability of pressure in the pipes. To ensure constant pressure in the pipeline, the storage tank must be mounted at a height. The level of its filling is regulated by a float, in the event of a malfunction of which there is a risk of flooding the room. Using such a "water tower" is not very convenient.

Approximately 20 years ago it became popular "turretless" system, which combines the operation of a pump with a hydraulic accumulator and does not require the construction of complex high-rise structures to connect the pumping station to the well.

The principle of operation of the station with a hydraulic accumulator is based on the fact that the main unit is divided inside into two compartments that perform the functions of pumping both water and air into pipes. In addition to the pump and the hydraulic accumulator, in such a connection diagram of the pumping station there is a pressure switch, a drain valve and a pressure gauge.

accumulator for placement no additional space required, since its volume is 25-100 liters. The pressure is regulated automatically by means of an installed relay. When the required pressure level in the water supply system is reached, the operation of the device is suspended. Improper connection and adjustment of the starting relay can lead to disruption of the entire water supply system. It is recommended to set the lower pressure for turning on the pumping device at 1.5 bar. The upper cut-off pressure is standardly set by the manufacturer at 2.5-3 bar, sometimes it is increased by hand to 5 bar.

Determination of the installation location

Since the turret cannot be used on an open surface without heating during the cold season, it installation in the country is possible only in three places:

  1. In a warm, dry basement. If its area allows placing a pumping unit, the selected room is insulated and soundproofed. Since the equipment vibrates strongly during operation, it should be installed on a separate, solid, well-reinforced platform that is not adjacent to the walls. Otherwise, during operation, water pipes or walls of the house may be damaged.
  2. In a separate heated building, following the same rules as when installing in the basement of a house. In the absence of a separate room, it is permissible to place the pump in the bathroom or in the kitchen, while realizing that it will make a lot of noise during operation.
  3. In a caisson. It must be located below the level of soil freezing, that is, at least 2 m. Additional insulation requires a caisson cover.

The selected place for organizing water supply should be as close as possible to a water source (well or well) and provide free access to equipment for inspection and repair. It is undesirable to have energy sources in the same room with pumping equipment. Without a separate room or basement, it is possible to use a warm (not lower than +5 degrees) and dry underground with a hatch for the equipment of the pumping station. Not to hear how the pumping station works will help thick rubber.

Wiring diagram

For uninterrupted water supply to the pipeline, it is necessary correctly combine the water source into a single scheme(well or well), pumping station and consumers. In any scheme, regardless of the chosen location for the installation of pumping equipment, there is a suction pipeline connecting the well or well with the pump, the station itself and the pipeline to consumers.

All work on the installation of a pumping station for a well or a caisson with your own hands conditionally divided into several stages.

  • The trenches are laid below the freezing line of the soil under a slight slope to the water source.
  • Polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 32 mm are mounted in a well or borehole for supplying water to pumping equipment and connected to the unit.
  • Domestic water pipes are connected to a water supply station.
  • The electrical wire is installed and the system is started.

At the end of the supply pipeline, lowered into the well or well, a strainer is installed to prevent various impurities (sand, clay, other small debris) from entering the water supply system. Next, a check valve is installed for the pump, which does not allow water to flow back under its own weight when the engine stops working. Then there is a pipe to the unit. From the pumping station, the pipeline is laid to the house.

The closer the source of water is to housing, the less work will be required on laying trenches and pipes. The caisson is usually equipped with reinforced concrete tanks or concrete rings according to the principle of the well device. For insulation and water resistance, the inner surface is glued onto bituminous mastic with extruded polystyrene foam. In dry areas, where the groundwater level is at least a meter below the caisson, it is possible to lay out a brick pit, filling the bottom with concrete.

A two-pipe connection scheme, more complex, but more often used, is carried out according to the following algorithm:

All connections are required seal very carefully using linen or sealing paste.

The filter must be cleaned regularly. A clogged device stops passing water to the pump, contributing to its breakdown.

For normal operation of the check valve and adjustment of the starting relay, a small amount of water is poured into the pump through the provided hole before the first start.

Available in specialized stores pipe with check valve for water for pump and strainer assembled.

If the centralized water supply network passes in close proximity to your country house, the pumping unit can be connected to it. To do this, at the point of separation of the pipeline, the water supply is divided into two parts. The city main pipe is connected to the storage tank, and from the tank, water flows through pipes to the pump. The housing pipeline is connected to the outlet of the installation.

When installing a pumping station yourself, you must take into account some important aspects:

  • Water pipes should be purchased with a margin, since when laying, the flow rate increases due to corners, turns, bends, and if the foundation thickness is incorrectly calculated.
  • Tighten all threaded connections with a wrench to avoid water leakage.
  • The pressure in the accumulator should not fall below 1.2-1.5 atmospheres.

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