Photo session for the family in nature. –Children's and Family photo session in nature, in the park, on the street

Agree, the best way to spend a weekend with benefit is to forget about the existence of the Internet and go with the whole family to nature. Especially if there are warm sunny days outside, and you really want to escape from the bustle of the city.

Do you know how to turn family walk in the park or an ordinary picnic in the countryside into an exciting memorable event? Of course, invite a professional photographer to them!

If in a photo studio the flight of fancy is limited to square meters, then nature simply obliges to create, experiment and have fun. Each season is unique and beautiful in its own way, so seasonalfamily photo shoots in nature in St. Petersburgwith an interesting scenario always turn out bright and memorable. In nature, it is easy to think through the storyline and make the shooting come alive - there are no restrictions on imagination and movement.

Choosing a place for a photo shoot in nature with the whole family

Think about where you and your family will feel most comfortable and, based on your own preferences, choose a location for filming. It can be a dacha or a courtyard of a private house, a river, sea or lake bank, a steppe, a field or a meadow, a garden, a forest or a park. If the shooting will take place with small children, you should not choose extreme locations, such as mountains or ravines, you can always find something more calm, safe and no less interesting.

How to prepare for a family photo session

  1. Choose a photographer. My personal advice: before negotiating with the master, look at his portfolio, that is, examples of past work, and make sure that the style of work and the quality of the pictures suit you. Talk to the photographer in person to see if they are willing to work hard to bring your ideas to life or are used to working from a template.
  2. Prepare clothes, accessories and props according to the shooting plot (for a thematic photo shoot).
  3. View examples of similar photo shoots on the Internet and choose your favorite poses. What poses forfamily photo session on the street better to use, you can discuss with your photographer.

There is no bad weather

Forget that shooting should only take place in the summer. Of course, immediately come to mind summer family photo shoot ideas , but this does not mean that other seasons are under a "photographic" ban. Pros do not complain about wind, clouds, sun, snow and other weather factors that can be used to advantage to create wonderful special effects. The master will always find winning solutions in any weather and at any time of the year. In order not to be unfounded, I offer a few ideas on how to organize a seasonal photoset.

Golden autumn is the best time for bright family photography

Who said that autumn is a dull time? Only not for photographers who know a lot about bright natural locations. Gilded foliage, mysterious fog, funny rubber boots and umbrellas - in a word, there are a lot of ideas to have fun and make beautiful photography. You can play active games, dance, collect bouquets of leaves, make original decorations with children from improvised materials - cones, dried flowers and twigs.

Hot summer - fun and carefree photosets in the bosom of nature

I propose to arrange family photo shoot outdoors in summer in the form of a game or a fascinating story told from the perspective of your family. You can organize a picnic, play some kind of game, dance, eat delicious fruits, splash water. By the way, about the water: wonderful photos are obtained on the beach or near any body of water. As for themed props, you can take a ball, a water gun, a cozy blanket and a picnic basket with various goodies, unusual hats and a beautiful sun umbrella.

Snowy winter - cozy ideas for outdoor photography

In winter, it's easy to come up with great staged stories for family photo shoot in nature - you can play snowballs, sculpt snowman, ride downhill, make drawings in the snow, drink fragrant tasty tea from a beautiful thermos. If you have big family, you can organize a staged shooting according to the plot of your beloved winter fairy tale or dress up as your favorite Christmas characters.

Spring time - a romantic and tender photo shoot for the whole family

In spring, beautiful photos are obtained against the background of young blossoming foliage, primroses, flowering trees. What can I say, spring literally at every step sets up scenery for beautiful photography: fresh greenery, tiny delicate blades of grass, blooming buds. By the way, if you want to arrange a family photo session during pregnancy or with small children, spring days dispose to interesting stories about the origin of life.

Rules for a family photo shoot with children on the street: my experience

Analyzing the best family photo shoots in nature with a child , you come to a logical conclusion - you need to stock up on game props. You can implement interesting ideas with the help of toys and children's drawings, empty frames, musical instruments and sports equipment. Favorite doll or huge Teddy bear, cars, cubes, air balloons, bright lanterns and flags, bubble, drawing sets, balls - take what your child loves and what he will be happy to mess with in nature. In such a situation, you will only have to play along, and the photographer - to catch the most spectacular shots.

Don't forget that children, like adults, are at their best in pictures when they stop posing. Try to relax, be at ease and enjoy the creative process.

I hope I managed to convince you that outdoor photo shoots are bright and unforgettable at any time of the year. If you have any questions about how to make a cool photo shoot, then I will be happy to answer any questions!

By ordering professional photography, you will be able to fill Family album high-quality and beautiful photographs that will capture the best moments of your life! I would be glad to know that the article turned out to be useful, in which case you can help the development of the project by reposting to friends and stars. Also, if you have any questions or suggestions, send them in the return form, I will be happy to answer them!

Family photographer in St. Petersburg Saint Petersburg St. Petersburg - Nikolai Gulik

Family photo session in nature - an unusual walk for children and a long memory for parents

A rare family or children's friendly gathering does without photographs. Children willingly pose and then admire the bright pictures. But parents not always enough imagination to diversify the photo. The pictures often come out the same. similar friend on a friend. It feels like this is the same event, just the participants in the photo shoot were dressed in different outfits from time to time. The scenery and emotions remain virtually unchanged.

Children's photo session can and should be bright, memorable, different from the previous ones. Then it will become equally interesting for both children and adults. And not just an event "for show", not a boring undertaking, carried out only because everyone came together.


The easiest way out is to invite a professional photographer. But not every a family is ready to allocate a considerable amount (and the services of a good specialist cannot be cheap) to pay for the pictures. After all, the solemn event itself will also require financial investments (food, prizes for competitions, etc.). Children's holiday it will cost too much! And he's not the only one! What, to lay out impressive sums to the photographer every time?

You can do it yourself and get nice pictures. The scenery will be prepared mother and dad. Among relatives or family friends, there is a person who is good with a camera. Plus, children in a good mood (which is inevitable on a holiday) is all you need.

Photos in nature - the best solution

It is best to arrange a photo shoot on the street. In this case, you do not even need to prepare special decorations. They will serve natural objects: grass, trees, flowers, cones, ponds, interesting stumps, tree branches ... A lot of interesting things can be found in any park near your home!

Many people think that taking pictures Outdoors the best thing summer. There is some truth in this. Nature is shown in all its glory. Everything is in bloom, around a riot of bright colors. The weather is beautiful: allows you to apply almost any additional scenery, if necessary. Warm, you can not worry that the children will freeze or experience discomfort.

But great outdoor photos can be taken in other seasons. In autumn, parks and squares are full of colorful leaves. In spring, blooming trees and shrubs are suitable as decorations. And in winter, you can arrange a fun sledding: both entertainment and a topic for a photo shoot.

family shots

Photo children's day births in the family circle are often done on the principle of "everyone stood in a row and smiled." They can be turned into something more interesting. I offer several interesting options.

  1. Fence decorations. The idea is suitable for a cottage surrounded by a fence. And families that know how to draw. You can use the fence on the street or in the park, but this can cause problems. Not everyone will like this operation of the fence. If the fence is yours, then you are able to dispose of it as you please. First on big sheet paper (or on several) scenery is drawn. princess castle, car park, seascape- anything. Then the drawings are fixed on the fence, forming a composition. You can use additional items by attaching them to the drawings: fresh or artificial flowers, shells, tools, etc. Photos against such a background will turn out to be unusual in themselves. You can enhance the effect by dressing up the whole family in costumes that match the theme of the scenery. If there is a castle in the background, then children are dressed up as princes and princesses. Have you chosen the theme "sea"? Children will be happy to be pirates (and adults will also start dressing up with inspiration).
  2. Huge photo frames. This idea not new, but the pictures when using it always look advantageous. Participants of the photo session pick up huge frames (you can make them yourself or buy baguettes in the store) and, imagining themselves as characters in paintings, pose right in them. A sea of ​​fun is guaranteed! 2-3 people "fit" into one frame. You can take pictures in mini-groups or prepare several frames at once.
  3. Ribbons or garlands. Such a photo session is relevant for a landscape with trees. First you need to stock up on decor. Ordinary tapes can act as this different colors and length. You can also make flowers, butterflies and other decorations out of paper or fabric (or just cut out circles) and fasten it with threads. All this is hung on a tree. Such scenery looks especially advantageous with a slight breeze.

Photoshoot at a children's party

Ideas for a children's party even more simple. The children in the company are so mobile and emotional that almost no additional efforts are required.

  1. Games and contests. Can be arranged in nature fun entertainment. During them, children behave especially emotionally, often changing positions. Photographing them at this moment is a pleasure.
  2. Balloons. Helium-filled balloons are suitable as decorations. They are hung on background or give to children. If a we are talking about the company of very young children (1-2 years old), then for the birthday man you can prepare a wicker basket without a handle. A bunch of balloons are tied to it. The hero of the occasion is put in a basket. The rest of the kids are around.
  3. fun props. Prepare some fun accessories for the kids ahead of time. You can buy hats, mustaches on sticks, clown noses, etc. in the theme store. Or make a similar prop with your own hands. If there are a lot of girls in the company, wreaths and bouquets from living plants will be accepted with a bang.

Beautiful and joyful photo shoots for you!

Some 10-20 years ago, one could only dream of an independent or family photo shoot. The maximum that we can find in the photo albums of our parents is a photo where a mother sits with a child in her arms, and behind her rises the head of the family and the eldest child. Learned? Probably everyone has such a copy. But today it will not be difficult to make beautiful, stylish, original photographs. There are many studios that provide such services, the main task is to decide on the style of the photo shoot and prepare for it. And a photographer who knows his business will make photos for your family photo album irresistible.

The main thing in the article

How to prepare for a family photo session with children?

If you just come with your family to a photo studio, then the photographer will not refuse to shoot, but he cannot promise to guarantee ideological content, style and harmony in the pictures. Therefore, you should prepare in advance for a photo shoot, especially if you plan to take pictures with children.

Young children, especially those under 5 years old, are fidgety, and it will be very difficult to persuade them to sit still and look at the camera. Therefore, when choosing the style of a photo session, give preference not to strictness and “immobility”, but to a light style in which the child will not feel constraint and will be able to completely relax. Try not to just beautiful photo, but to catch the unique emotion of a family idyll.

Start the process of preparing for a photo shoot a few days in advance. Think over the images, have a good rest, prepare the children.

Clothing ideas and props for a family photo shoot

As for clothes, it is better to choose two primary colors that will harmoniously “echo” with each other among all family members. These colors can be repeated in accessories or additional items for shooting (toys, flowers, blankets, etc.). If you shoot on the street, then give up white flowers in your clothes. sun glare very often reflected from white, which spoils the pictures.
Now it is very fashionable to take a photo of a mother in a beautiful colored dress with her little copy - a daughter. Don't forget about hairstyles for all family members. The hairstyle repeated by the mother and her little daughter will look original. Dad should not get a haircut before the photo shoot itself. It is better to make a haircut 3 or 5 days before the shooting, so that the hair gets used to its new position and does not stick out in different directions.
The presence of one or another prop depends on the chosen style and location. If the photo session takes place on the street, then fallen leaves, bales of straw, flowers, etc. can act as props. Indoors, you can use toys for children, Balloons, picture frames, umbrellas and much more. The main thing is that the props emphasize the idea of ​​​​the style, and not turn out to be a spot in the picture.

Ideas for a family photo shoot in a collage studio

Classics of the genre- beautiful, staged photos for the whole family. Such pictures will never lose their popularity: all in smart clothes with a smiling face.
Very popular in recent times photographs in which the parents miraculously have a child. For such a collage, you need to come to the studio more than once and take pictures of your mother on different stages pregnancy in the same clothes. But the result is worth the effort. And every mother, looking at such a photo, will remember the “path” that she went through to pick up her baby.
Family idyll on the couch. Great idea for big family. The main thing is ease and relaxation. Photos are taken as if at home, in a family atmosphere. When taking such pictures, do not forget to relax, otherwise a pretentious pose will spoil the whole idea.

Ideas with photo frames and picture frames are becoming more and more popular. Variations of their application can be varied. A group photo in a frame, or each family member keeps a younger one in a photo frame. It’s worth experimenting on this topic, for sure such photos will appeal to all family members.
Actively occupies photo positions "face to face". The idea is quite simple, but the pictures are soulful, quivering with deep meaning.
Interesting ideas for photo shoots. Show your imagination and your photos will be irresistible.

Family photo sessions in the forest, park and nature

Photo shoots in nature is a mass of ideas, bright light, rich colors. A forest or a park is a huge field of activity for various experiments. Here you can make both photo shoots for the seasons, and try all family members in different genres.

The color palette for a family photo shoot in the forest, park, outdoors is much richer than in the studio. Such photos turn out bright, juicy, one might even say “delicious”.

Original autumn photo shoot for the whole family: ideas in photo collages

There are a lot of ideas for a photo shoot in the fall. What is the palette of leaves worth, from pale yellow to crimson red! Walking through the park, feeling their rustling under your feet, you feel the atmosphere of autumn, romance, family warmth. For children, such a photo shoot - great option to lie with impunity on the still warm earth, to leave armfuls of leaves, to collect a beautiful herbarium.
You can combine a pleasant photo shoot with relaxation and have a picnic in the forest or park. Fruit baskets are an original additional prop that diversifies the overall picture.
A warm blanket and a mug of hot tea with “smoke” will also be useful. A skilled photographer plays with such things so favorably that looking at the end result, you see a family from the cover of a fashion magazine.
Everything can be used for pictures: a lonely standing bench, a decorative bridge, statues, or even important pigeons walking nearby.
A sign with the appropriate inscription will not be superfluous for such a photo shoot.
invent original ideas. And we have already suggested a few.

Photo session with children for the New Year

New Year is a family holiday. An elegant Christmas tree playing with its balls. Gifts, burning fireplace. How not to take a picture with such beauty?
Of course, you can take classic shots, where the whole family in beautiful clothes stands stiffly under the Christmas tree, but there are also more original ideas. For example:

  • the process of preparing for the holiday, when children hang beautiful glass balls on a beautiful Christmas tree;
  • a happy family opens gifts, examining them with genuine childlike interest;
  • costume performance using the images of your favorite heroes;
  • you can make a "gift baby" by putting the youngest family member in a large gift box and putting on a red hat for him.

Fantasy, fantasy and more fantasy, and then the New Year will leave a bunch vivid impressions in the form of beautiful, bright photographs.

Fabulous photo shoot for the family: show imagination

It is now easy to give a child a fairy tale. This can be done with a fabulous photo shoot. All dressing up, scenery will certainly make a deep impression on him. The work of a photographer and a little photoshop will turn a child into a fairy-tale hero.
And for the smallest, a fabulous photo shoot can be made very original. Here are some ideas on how to make your child a fairy-tale hero.

Popular motives for family photo shoots

Recently, national motifs and ideas have become very popular.
Photo shoots in a certain style do not lose their relevance (nautical theme, cowboy party, etc.).

Family photos in nature. Always beautiful and original.

Sea, sun, summer, beach - what could be better than such a background for a family photo shoot?

Winter photo sessions. Beautiful White snow, all the dearest people with flushed cheeks. Laughter, fun and love all around.

Mustache - new trend in the world of photography.

Unusual images for a family photo shoot

Creativity our people do not hold. Movies can be great inspiration for a photo shoot, so no further comment...

Of course, the most ideal photograph is one in which sincerely loving family, and props and outfits are secondary. But still, photographers give some tips on how to make a photo more vivid and original.

  • The golden time for pictures is the beginning of sunset. At this time, the whole world plays with brighter colors.
  • There must be a relaxed atmosphere. Relax and enjoy the process. Do not require children to take certain positions, let everything be natural.
  • Think in advance where the shooting will take place. Pick the right clothes. You can ask the photographer for advice.
  • Smiling parents and children laughing always work well in photographs. Good mood- one of the main components of perfect photography.

In addition to directly conducting the shooting itself, one should take into account the fact that children will get hungry. Bring along something to eat, as well wet wipes, change of clothes. After all, they are children...

Time irrevocably flies, our children are growing before our eyes, we do not even notice how this is happening. per century digital photography Few people print pictures and put them in a photo album. And in social networks where we post photos in 90% of cases, they are banal, which in a year or two are often even embarrassing to look at. In this article, you will learn interesting poses for a family photo shoot with a child that your friends will envy.

How to make family photos so that everyone would gasp with delight at their sight?

The easiest and fastest solution is to hire a specialist - family photographer. But do not rush to give the whole process into his hands. After all, no one but you knows that you and your seed love. Collaboration with a photographer the best solution and the following ideas will help you choose the personality and style for your family.

1. View from the top.

In terms of an autumn photo session with a child and the whole family in nature and do you need ideas? Here's your first idea. Photos taken from above look interesting and bright, where everyone is happy and sprinkled with yellow foliage. This idea will certainly appeal to even restless kids. If your photographer is young and energetic, then it will not be difficult for him to climb a tree or other elevation, then from above you can take very interesting and creative photographs.

2. Show your love

Every family starts with love. Children are the fruit of love. Love is something without which no seed can exist. So feel free to express your love in photos. You will then be pleased to remember the day of the photo shoot. The best way to express your love - kisses.

3. Letters of the plate and inscriptions

It is best to come to any photo session prepared. Take with you a simple improvised props - a pre-prepared plate, on which you will write an inscription during the photo shoot. You can prepare various inscriptions with your own hands or just the names of your family. And of course, chalk, which you can write on the wall or on the pavement. Little models will be happy to be creative on the pavement or on the wall. And an experienced photographer will tell you how best to place it all in the frame.

4. Handy props.

If you have not prepared for the photo shoot and have not taken any props with you, it does not matter. Use improvised means. In autumn, at a family photo shoot in nature, the child himself will give a great idea - to arrange leaf fall and make interesting creative shots. Autumn yellow foliage will give the photo vibrant colors.

5. Construction.

Although it may seem banal to some, the classic pose, where the whole family is built on a photograph, will please you in many years. But boring classics can be diluted with a few creative ideas. And if you hired a professional photographer for shooting, then he will definitely give you some bright and amusing proposals for building and your photo session with a child in nature will be full good ideas and great pictures.

6. Let's rest and have a snack

You and your kids have probably already jumped, run and tired. Take a break and have a small snack. Refuel to continue. Here is another idea for a family photo session with a child. The process of shooting and snack time continues. The result is very funny pictures.

7. Fun and play.

You've already taken a bunch of great shots, you're tired, you've had a bite to eat. Let the children relax, have fun and play with them. Take pictures of children in a relaxed atmosphere during a children's game, sincere emotions will be saddened in the photographs and it is possible that these pictures will turn out to be much more interesting than planned and staged ones.

Do family photo it's not that boring. On the contrary, it can become for each family a separate interesting history- the history of our life - the history of the life of each of us.

instead of a conclusion.

An autumn photo session with children in nature can be both an interesting pastime and challenging task especially if you have small fidget children. Turn the children's photo session into a game. Then your little models will be happy to join the process and offer dozens of creative ideas for pictures themselves. At the photo session of kids, the idea of ​​​​the game will also be very relevant. After all, in the photographs you do not want to see strict faces or tense smiles? Turn a family photo shoot into a game and you will get lively and real emotions on your faces. This will greatly facilitate the work of the photographer, and he himself will be much more pleasant to work with you.

A family photo is not just a photograph - it is a very valuable historical artifact for those who are captured in the picture. After all, when you look at a family photo, exactly the moment captured in the photo pops up in front of you. Experienced emotions, mood and relationships of the day of shooting, sometimes even the whole day of shooting, if it was specific significant event perhaps even a whole period of time.

You or your photographer took great pictures, all your friends and relatives admire the pictures taken, but you should not stop there. You can make a beautiful slideshow or mount a video from photos, if you are on “you” with a computer. You can add interesting effects or just make a beautiful collage of family photos if you are friends with Photoshop. But that's a completely different story.

A photo session in nature brings naturalness, liveliness and tenderness. The main components are a charming smile, the surrounding colors of nature and paraphernalia. What is it? Yes, in anything! You can take your favorite dog, a hat, weave a wreath of wildflowers for a photo session, take a fishing rod in your hands and go fishing by the pond. People love family photo shoots. Ideas can be very different, you just need to show imagination.

Photo sessions for a young family

Going to nature, you need to pick up the appropriate clothes: jeans, plaid shirts, a wicker basket with food or with attractive porcini mushrooms. If you like to dream and believe in fairy dreams, why not take a bunch of helium balloons with you and release them against the backdrop of blue sky. Diverse can be Ideas for young people are born from the environment and the nature of their couple.

Retro shooting involves different landscapes and an assortment of clothes, objects: a puffy pleated skirt in the style of the 60s, a bag that matches the style. Hair and makeup will be done by a professional makeup artist. This option is suitable for romantic natures who appreciate the correct forms and muted colors.

A family photo session in the studio can also be bright. Photo ideas can even be crazy. For example, arrange a pillow fight. To do this, you only need to wear colorful pajamas. Against the backdrop of flying fluff and feathers, cheerful perky faces will add their own unique charm.

And how tempting rainy wet weather! The multi-colored umbrellas will decorate the gray environment. And on a summer day, raindrops will definitely give you a rainbow and a special mood.

Family portfolio

Any professional photo will indicate the dignity of a person or his features. Every person wants to have a portfolio showing something unusual in his life, and perhaps being in beautiful dress and on the podium, where you can hardly get to ordinary life. A professional photographer will be able to bring your desires to life and create a unique image of you and your family. A creative photo shoot in nature will give you the opportunity to look at yourself from the outside. It is especially pleasant to decorate living rooms and bedrooms with such frames.

Any family photo session should reflect the happiest moments of your life and your loved ones. Ideas can be classic or completely non-standard. It is important during such an event to show sincerity in relationships, love. Anniversaries, weddings, births, graduations preschool or schools, entry into adult life, any moment of life will forever remain in the memory of future generations.

Many will enjoy a family photo session in nature. Ideas can be fabulous or creative. For example, you can move furniture to flowering field and make Such a frame will definitely take a key place on any wall.

Shooting in nature

Successful photographs depend not only on professional qualities photographer. It all starts with little things: choosing a place, time of year, weather conditions, clothes, hairstyles, moods and various accessories. A family photo session in the fall will look beautiful. Ideas can come from children who love magic. For example, mom is a fairy, and dad is a fabulous stargazer.

The eyes of those who will look at the future photo album should be riveted to those who are depicted there, and not to dresses or clothes. You can choose the glades and arrange a friendly football match by wearing T-shirts of two colors. Barefoot on the grass, with the real soccer ball fun to pose for future generations.

Babies in the family

Children under one year old look extremely tender in the picture in their originality. Don't need to decorate small child: dress in unusual clothes, curl your hair, especially make up. Cleanliness and wrinkles on the baby's body are much more attractive.

What subjects to choose for a family photo session?

Invite a professional photographer, he will take a wonderful family photo. The main thing is that the picture captures the sincere feelings and love of the household for each other. You can arrange for a family photo session to take place in the studio. Photo ideas will be prompted by the attributes that the photographer has. For example, the New Year is an excellent occasion to take fabulous shots.

Diverse plots look unusual, where people of various builds, a big difference in height or age are visible. The photographs of elderly people with orders, whitened gray hairs and with great-grandchildren standing nearby are touching.

Try to bring in as many little things as possible, which, it would seem, are meaningless. Everything unexpected with the right angle will enliven your picture.

Everyone, regardless of age, will enjoy a family photo session in the forest in the fall. Ideas will prompt the surrounding landscapes. If there is a lake, be sure to find a boat or build your own raft. You can even come up with a flag for your family.

Emotions in photos

Ideas for a photo shoot can be associated with the holidays, with certain dates. Create a festive atmosphere, decorate a room with balloons, flowers, go to a demonstration or to a New Year's ice rink with the whole family, even if you are just skating for the first time. A fright on your face will not spoil your festive mood.

An autumn family photo session can be very unusual. Photo ideas will come up by themselves as soon as you find beautiful forest strewn with foliage, or a field with bales of hay.

Humorous photos are remembered for a long time. To do this, you can use funny round glasses, a sly look, clown hats and other clothing attributes. Allow children or teenagers to make faces a little in front of the camera, this will add a special immediacy. A family photo shoot in the fall will look great with such items. The weather will give you ideas. If it is sunny and there is a lot of foliage, then arrange dances in bright dresses. And the clouds are a reason to wear bright rubber boots. Don't forget colorful umbrellas too.

Be sure to have regular family photo sessions. Ideas can be crazy, funny or classic. In any case, they will turn into pleasant memories for you and your children.

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