Secrets of a successful family photo shoot in nature. Photoshoot for a family in nature

Some 10-20 years ago about independent or family photo session could only dream of. The maximum that we can find in the photo albums of our parents is a photo where a mother sits with a child in her arms, and behind her rises the head of the family and the eldest child. Learned? Probably everyone has such a copy. But today it will not be difficult to make beautiful, stylish, original photographs. There are many studios that provide such services, the main task is to decide on the style of the photo shoot and prepare for it. And a photographer who knows his business will make photos for your family photo album irresistible.

The main thing in the article

How to prepare for a family photo session with children?

If you just come with your family to a photo studio, then the photographer will not refuse to shoot, but he cannot promise to guarantee ideological content, style and harmony in the pictures. Therefore, you should prepare in advance for a photo shoot, especially if you plan to take pictures with children.

Young children, especially those under 5 years old, are fidgety, and it will be very difficult to persuade them to sit still and look at the camera. Therefore, when choosing the style of a photo session, give preference not to strictness and “immobility”, but to a light style in which the child will not feel constraint and will be able to completely relax. Try not to just beautiful photo, but to catch the unique emotion of a family idyll.

Start the process of preparing for a photo shoot a few days in advance. Think over the images, have a good rest, prepare the children.

Clothing ideas and props for a family photo shoot

As for clothes, it is better to choose two primary colors that will harmoniously “echo” with each other among all family members. These colors can be repeated in accessories or additional items for shooting (toys, flowers, blankets, etc.). If you shoot on the street, then give up white flowers in your clothes. sun glare very often reflected from white, which spoils the pictures.

Now it is very fashionable to take a photo of a mother in a beautiful colored dress with her little copy - a daughter. Don't forget about hairstyles for all family members. The hairstyle repeated by the mother and her little daughter will look original. Dad should not get a haircut before the photo shoot itself. It is better to make a haircut 3 or 5 days before the shooting, so that the hair gets used to its new position and does not stick out in different directions.

The presence of one or another prop depends on the chosen style and location. If the photo session takes place outdoors, then fallen leaves, bales of straw, flowers, etc. can act as props. Indoors, you can use toys for children, balloons, picture frames, umbrellas, and much more. The main thing is that the props emphasize the idea of ​​​​the style, and not turn out to be a spot in the picture.

Ideas for a family photo shoot in a collage studio

Classics of the genre- beautiful, staged photos for the whole family. Such pictures will never lose their popularity: all in smart clothes with a smiling face.

Very popular in recent times photographs in which the parents miraculously have a child. For such a collage, you need to come to the studio more than once and take pictures of your mother on different stages pregnancy in the same clothes. But the result is worth the effort. And every mother, looking at such a photo, will remember the “path” that she went through to pick up her baby.

Family idyll on the couch. Great idea for big family. The main thing is ease and relaxation. Photos are taken as if at home, in a family atmosphere. When taking such pictures, do not forget to relax, otherwise a pretentious pose will spoil the whole idea.

Ideas with photo frames and picture frames are becoming more and more popular. Variations of their application can be varied. A group photo in a frame, or each family member keeps a younger one in a photo frame. It’s worth experimenting on this topic, for sure such photos will appeal to all family members.

Actively occupies photo positions "face to face". The idea is quite simple, but the pictures are soulful, quivering with deep meaning.

Interesting ideas for photo shoots. Show your imagination and your photos will be irresistible.

Family photo sessions in the forest, park and nature

Photo shoots in nature is a mass of ideas, bright light, rich colors. A forest or a park is a huge field of activity for various experiments. Here you can make both photo shoots for the seasons, and try all family members in different genres.

The color palette for a family photo shoot in the forest, park, outdoors is much richer than in the studio. Such photos turn out bright, juicy, one might even say “delicious”.

Original autumn photo shoot for the whole family: ideas in photo collages

There are a lot of ideas for a photo shoot in the fall. What is the palette of leaves worth, from pale yellow to crimson red! Walking through the park, feeling their rustling under your feet, you feel the atmosphere of autumn, romance, family warmth. For children, such a photo shoot - great option to lie with impunity on the still warm earth, to leave armfuls of leaves, to collect a beautiful herbarium.

You can combine a pleasant photo shoot with relaxation and have a picnic in the forest or park. Fruit baskets are an original additional prop that diversifies the overall picture.

A warm blanket and a mug of hot tea with “smoke” will also be useful. A skilled photographer plays with such things so favorably that looking at the end result, you see a family from the cover of a fashion magazine.

Everything can be used for pictures: a lonely standing bench, a decorative bridge, statues, or even important pigeons walking nearby.

A sign with the appropriate inscription will not be superfluous for such a photo shoot.

invent original ideas. And we have already suggested a few.

Photo session with children for the New Year

New Year is a family holiday. An elegant Christmas tree playing with its balls. Gifts, burning fireplace. How not to take a picture with such beauty?

Of course, you can take classic pictures, where the whole family in beautiful clothes stands stiffly under the Christmas tree, but there are also more original ideas. For example:

  • the process of preparing for the holiday, when children hang beautiful glass balls on a beautiful Christmas tree;

  • a happy family opens gifts, examining them with genuine childish interest;

  • costume performance using the images of your favorite heroes;

  • you can make a "gift baby" by putting the youngest family member in a large gift box and putting on a red hat.

Fantasy, fantasy and more fantasy, and then the New Year will leave a bunch vivid impressions in the form of beautiful, bright photographs.

Fabulous photo shoot for the family: show imagination

It is now easy to give a child a fairy tale. This can be done with a fabulous photo shoot. All dressing up, scenery will certainly make a deep impression on him. The work of a photographer and a little photoshop will turn a child into a fairy-tale hero.

And for the smallest, a fabulous photo shoot can be made very original. Here are some ideas on how to make your child a fairy-tale hero.

Popular motives for family photo shoots

Recently, national motifs and ideas have become very popular.

Photo shoots in a certain style do not lose their relevance (nautical theme, cowboy party, etc.).

Family photos in nature. Always beautiful and original.

Sea, sun, summer, beach - what could be better than such a background for a family photo shoot?

Winter photo sessions. Beautiful White snow, all the dearest people with flushed cheeks. Laughter, fun and love all around.

Mustache - new trend in the world of photography.

Unusual images for a family photo shoot

Creativity our people do not hold. Movies can be great inspiration for a photo shoot, so no further comment...

Of course, the most ideal photograph is one in which sincerely loving family, and props and outfits are secondary. But still, photographers give some tips on how to make a photo more vivid and original.

  • The golden time for pictures is the beginning of sunset. At this time, the whole world plays with brighter colors.
  • There must be a relaxed atmosphere. Relax and enjoy the process. Do not require children to take certain positions, let everything be natural.
  • Think in advance where the shooting will take place. Pick the right clothes. You can ask the photographer for advice.
  • Smiling parents and children laughing always work well in photographs. Good mood is one of the main components of perfect photography.

In addition to directly conducting the shooting itself, one should take into account the fact that children will get hungry. Bring along something to eat, as well wet wipes, change of clothes. After all, they are children...

Our child is growing up so fast that we do not notice it. Time flies quickly, and many moments that we would like to remember fly away with it. We would like not to forget the first steps of our child, some of his achievements, his cheerful and interesting character and the moment when he began to transition from adolescence and began to grow up. These events always evoke warmth and joy, and we would not like to forget them.

The best way To achieve this, make a photo shoot with a child in nature. Such shooting is good because it will help you to get not only interesting and amazing pictures for a photo album, but also to have a good time that will be remembered for a long time. It’s good if it becomes a tradition for you to get together every year and take photos of your family, such events are remembered not only by adults, but also by children.

In our studio you can find professional photographers who will be happy to give you ideas for such shooting with children. Remember these are the important moments of your life that will fly by like one moment. And now let's look at some ideas for photography.

Ideas for a photo shoot with children in nature

The easiest way to take memorable pictures is to order shooting from specialists. But remember that you should not completely give the whole thing into his hands. Who, if not you, knows better than others what is best for your family, who has what preferences. The best solution for you can only be one, a joint collaboration with a photographer. And so that you can in general terms outline future photography, we will give you some ideas.

  • Top view idea.

For shooting outdoors with a child, whether in winter, summer, spring or autumn, you need ideas. Here are some of them, here is the first one. Great shots are obtained when the photographer photographs you from above. But remember that the pictures will turn out as such if you yourself shoot in good mood. You can also sprinkle with flowers in summer and spring and yellow foliage in autumn.

If your children are restless, then this is bad, of course, but even such children will like this idea. For a photographer, if you have chosen to shoot a young, bursting with energy, it will not be difficult to do this from above from a tree.

  • With the first props that came along.

If you did not take the necessary details when going to a photo session, do not despair. You can use improvised means. Ask your child and he will tell you what to do, in autumn you can sprinkle each other with yellow foliage, in winter with white snow, in spring with blooming flowers, and in general you can find something suitable without difficulty in summer.

  • Creation of various figures.

A simple and banal figure number one is a figure where the whole family is photographed, by construction method. Such a photograph is always pleasing to the eye, you can see everyone on it.

For a more fun photo, you can lie down for mom, and dad to take the child, if he is very small, and put on mom’s back and stand above everyone himself. It turns out a playful and quite funny photo.

If you have many children and all different ages, then you can make another interesting figure, mom and dad lie in front, and the children depict behind them, whatever figure. It also works out very well.

Another figure that looks good if you have big family, and you are doing a photo shoot in nature - this is a figure of love, mom and dad are kissing, and children are jumping for joy from both sides.

  • We have fun and play.

After a walk in the park, along a river or lake, or anywhere else in nature, taking advantage of the moment, you can do great pictures. To do this, you can have some fun with your children, play with them and at the same time the photographer will catch interesting moments and take pictures of you. To do this, you need to photograph your children in a relaxed, natural setting. They play and this is an occasion to take beautiful pictures. At this moment, you can get photos in which your children will have sincere emotions. With a planned photo shoot, you won’t get such amazing shots.

Remember important point that family photography is fun and entertaining. These are not just photographs, this is the history of your family, which reflects all your past, and whoever has a past has a future.

Our photographers are ready to help you create your family history, which will help you save your future.

Time irrevocably flies, our children are growing before our eyes, we do not even notice how this is happening. per century digital photography Few people print pictures and put them in a photo album. And in social networks where we post photos in 90% of cases, they are banal, which in a year or two are often even embarrassing to look at. In this article, you will learn interesting poses for a family photo shoot with a child that your friends will envy.

How to make family photos so that everyone would gasp with delight at their sight?

The easiest and fastest solution is to hire a specialist - family photographer. But do not rush to give the whole process into his hands. After all, no one but you knows that you and your seed love. Collaboration with a photographer the best solution and the following ideas will help you choose the personality and style for your family.

1. View from the top.

In terms of an autumn photo session with a child and the whole family in nature and do you need ideas? Here's your first idea. Photos taken from above look interesting and bright, where everyone is happy and sprinkled with yellow foliage. This idea will certainly appeal to even restless children. If your photographer is young and energetic, then it will not be difficult for him to climb a tree or other elevation, then from above you can take very interesting and creative photographs.

2. Show your love

Every family starts with love. Children are the fruit of love. Love is something without which no seed can exist. So feel free to express your love in photos. You will then be pleased to remember the day of the photo shoot. Kissing is the best way to express your love.

3. Letters of the plate and inscriptions

It is best to come to any photo session prepared. Take with you a simple improvised props - a pre-prepared plate, on which you will write an inscription during the photo shoot. You can prepare various inscriptions with your own hands or just the names of your family. And of course, chalk, which you can write on the wall or on the pavement. Little models will be happy to be creative on the pavement or on the wall. And an experienced photographer will tell you how best to place it all in the frame.

4. Handy props.

If you have not prepared for the photo shoot and have not taken any props with you, it does not matter. Use improvised means. In autumn, at a family photo shoot in nature, the child himself will give a great idea - to arrange leaf fall and make interesting creative shots. Autumn yellow foliage will give the photo vibrant colors.

5. Construction.

Although it may seem banal to some, but the classic pose, where the whole family is built on a photograph, will please you in many years. But boring classics can be diluted with a few creative ideas. And if you hired a professional photographer for shooting, then he will definitely give you some bright and amusing proposals for building and your photo session with a child in nature will be full good ideas and great pictures.

6. Let's rest and have a snack

You and your kids have probably already jumped, run and tired. Take a break and have a small snack. Refuel to continue. Here is another idea for a family photo session with a child. The process of shooting and snack time continues. The result is very funny pictures.

7. Fun and play.

You've already taken a bunch of great shots, you're tired, you've had a bite to eat. Let the children relax, have fun and play with them. Take pictures of children in a relaxed atmosphere during a children's game, sincere emotions will be saddened in the photographs and it is possible that these pictures will turn out to be much more interesting than planned and staged ones.

Do family photo it's not that boring. On the contrary, it can become for each family a separate interesting history- the history of our life - the history of the life of each of us.

instead of a conclusion.

An autumn photo session with children in nature can be both an interesting pastime and challenging task especially if you have small fidget children. Turn the children's photo session into a game. Then your little models will be happy to join the process and offer dozens of creative ideas for pictures themselves. At the photo session of kids, the idea of ​​​​the game will also be very relevant. After all, in the photographs you do not want to see strict faces or tense smiles? Turn a family photo shoot into a game and you will get lively and real emotions on your faces. This will greatly facilitate the work of the photographer, and he himself will be much more pleasant to work with you.

A family photo is not just a photograph - it is a very valuable historical artifact for those who are captured in the picture. After all, when you look at a family photo, exactly the moment captured in the photo pops up in front of you. Experienced emotions, mood and relationships of the day of shooting, sometimes even the whole day of shooting, if it was specific significant event perhaps even a whole period of time.

You or your photographer took great pictures, all your friends and relatives admire the pictures taken, but you should not stop there. You can make a beautiful slideshow or mount a video from photos, if you are on “you” with a computer. You can add interesting effects or just make a beautiful collage of family photos if you are friends with Photoshop. But that's a completely different story.

Perhaps every family has moments in life that are of particular importance. The rapid development of technology has given us the opportunity to capture such moments, preserving absolutely the entire range of emotions in the pictures. Most people have photo albums gathering dust at home, which contain mostly shots taken during special occasions, such as weddings or name days. But after all, life does not stop on other days, which are also rich in all sorts of events that deserve to take a place in family archive. Using our recommendations and ideas, you can make high-quality and original family photo shoots in nature that will keep the memory of different periods of your life.

Why is nature

Many professional photographers strongly recommend taking family photo shoots outdoors rather than in a studio, especially in warm time of the year. There is a logical explanation for this, because such photographs are the most successful. No need to use special decorations, nature has already arranged everything for you. Shots taken, for example, in the park, always turn out incredibly bright and lively, as well as saturated with natural colors. They will become a real decoration of your family photo album.


To implement the idea of ​​a family photo shoot in nature, you will need a basket with delicious and, of course, a photographer. Also among the necessary attributes should be a blanket and a few small pillows that will make your picnic more comfortable. If possible, you can take a hammock or small ottomans with you. The more bright accessories there are, the richer the frame will turn out. Large fruits, such as apples or oranges, will look great in the photo. Do not forget about the berries, which should be small and dense: cherries, strawberries, currants, etc. A picnic captured during a family photo shoot in nature in the summer will for a long time make you and your children happy. Usually such pictures are sincere and laid-back.

Water procedures for a four-legged friend

The next idea is for married couple with children who has a dog at home. Before proceeding with its implementation, you need to find old clothes and rubber boots. Putting on something that you don’t mind spoiling, fill a basin with water, add foaming shampoo and start washing your shaggy friend. You can have fun with the kids by making them beards or foam hats, or by throwing foam snowballs at each other. Having fooled around enough, go to the house to warm up and drink tea.


The most successful family photo session in nature will be if horses appear in the frame. By going to an equestrian club and renting a graceful horse, you will greatly simplify the work of a photographer who can realize a lot of creative fantasies. For example, you can think over and shoot a whole storyline borrowed from medieval tales about brave princes, knights and dragons. And also there will be an opportunity to use a lot of additional accessories.


The next idea is suitable for a family photo shoot in nature with a child. To implement it, you will need a whole dozen multi-colored balloons pumped with helium. For example, if your baby is still very tiny and will fit in a wicker basket without any problems, then you can tie balls to it. This will make it look like a balloon, which will look great in the picture. best time for shooting - in the evening, between 15 and 20 hours, when the street is not so stuffy, but Sun rays become warmer and softer. The perfect place for such a photo shoot there will be a small lawn or field.


Oddly enough, rustic style (country) is perfect for a family photo shoot in nature. The most successful photographs are obtained in the field after mowing. To make the pictures come out alive and emotional, use the following attributes:

  • flying dresses;
  • light fabrics;
  • braided hair bands.

Also be sure to have good mood, which will make the pictures even brighter and clearer.


During a family photo shoot in nature, you can not only take great pictures, but also have a fun day off, cooling off in a pond suitable for swimming. To implement this idea, outdoor pools, lake, river or sea beaches are perfect. Relax and be at ease. Enjoy life and splash with your family in the water, forgetting that you are under the lens of a professional photographer. Having received a sea of ​​emotions, you will be able to capture them in photographs, and the day itself will be remembered for a long time.

"Flying Photos"

The most common idea for family photography is "floating in the air". These pictures are very common on the Internet. If a child will participate in the frame, then balloons can be used as an attribute. All that is required of you is to simultaneously jump, raising your arms and spreading your legs.

Reconstruction of memories

Incredible popularity began to use photographs that can take us back to the distant past. They always evoke a feeling of nostalgia, cheer up and make you relive long-gone moments. In order to make a photo reconstruction of a family photo shoot in nature, you need to take your favorite and good shots, and then try to restore the frame. To achieve maximum similarity between two photographs taken in different years, you will have to pay attention not only to the selection of accessories and the exact location of all family members, but also to try to correctly express all the emotions captured in the old picture.

Sunny days motivate not to sit within four walls, but to diversify your leisure time, for example, with a memorable photo session. For this case, you can come up with a lot of excellent options. In the summer, you shouldn’t even bother with the scenery - a family photo shoot in nature will turn out “with a bang” if you are inspired by the best ideas for it.

Ideas for a summer family photo shoot in nature

In order to organize a photo session, it is not necessary to look for a significant reason like an upcoming holiday and so on. When nature pleases with colorful landscapes, sunny weather, then it is a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity.

So, idea number 1 lies in the fact that the main natural decoration will be a body of water, whether it be a river, lake or even the sea. True, in summer period there can be a lot of vacationers here, so you should explore the territory in advance, preferably a couple of days in advance. It is important to choose a corner where nothing can interfere with the photo session. So, you can take with you bedding, a picnic basket, a few soft pillows. Another option is to do without all this and just fill the photos with sincere positive emotions.

Idea #2- a family summer photo shoot in the field, for which you can mainly dress up in a boho style or folk, ethnic. The main thing here is maximum naturalness and a minimum of stilettos, cocktail dresses. It is better to give preference to natural materials, the absence of massive jewelry. For a girl, the main decoration will be a flower decoration in her hair.

Idea #3- Forest Glade, protected area. It is in this area that nature is rich in all kinds of bright colors. If on this significant day one of the main characters is a baby, then do not forget that the best photographs are those in which the child has fun and laughs heartily. Therefore, in the summer in nature with a child, a family photo session should take place in the form of a game, a great pastime.

Family photo session in nature in the summer - how to dress?

First of all, it is worth considering that it is not cold autumn outside the window, and therefore clothes should be light. After all, a photo session, as you know, takes at least an hour. If you want something special, you can wear elegant costumes. True, in this case, the option of a picnic will be optimal, when you do not need to run, actively move. And yet it is worth dressing as you please. The main thing is that in the chosen clothes it is convenient and comfortable.

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