Stopping the ball in football with the toes. Football techniques for stopping the ball. The concept and essence of the game of football

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Methodology for teaching classic ski moves and transitions

Krasnoyarsk 2006

Compiled by:

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Winter Sports


Cand. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Winter Sports

The work is intended for students of the faculty of physical culture and sports, students of technical schools of physical culture, students of schools of the Olympic reserve, teachers and specialists in the field of physical culture and sports.

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University



In most regions of our country, where the winter is long and snowy, skiing is one of the most accessible and popular types of physical culture.

Skiing in conditions of flat and rough terrain with overcoming ups and downs of various steepness involves large muscle groups and has a positive effect on the development and strengthening of the functional systems of the body, primarily on the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems.

Physical activity during skiing is very easily dosed both in terms of volume and intensity. This allows us to recommend skiing as a means of physical education for people of any age, gender, health status and level of physical fitness.

Performing moderate muscular work with the involvement of all major muscle groups in the movement at low temperatures, in clean frosty air, significantly increases the body's resistance to a variety of diseases and has a positive effect on overall performance.

Walking and skiing in a beautiful wooded and varied terrain bring great pleasure and aesthetic pleasure, have a positive effect on the nervous system, improve the general and emotional state of the body, increase mental and physical performance.

The educational value of skiing is also exceptionally great. In all types of skiing - in lessons, training, competitions or just walking - the most important moral and volitional qualities are successfully brought up: courage and perseverance, discipline and diligence, the ability to endure any difficulties, which is especially important in preparing young men for service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Skis are of great practical importance in everyday life and at various jobs in the conditions of a long and snowy winter in the northern and eastern regions of the country, where they are used by hunters, geologists, signalmen, and foresters.

The accessibility of skiing makes it very popular among people of all ages, genders, health conditions and fitness levels.


Ski passes are used for movement on the plain and over rough terrain and differ from each other in the options for the work of the hands, the number of steps in the course cycle. According to the first feature, the moves are divided into alternating and simultaneous. In alternating moves, pushing off with hands is performed alternately, in simultaneous moves, pushing is performed with both hands at the same time. According to the second feature, the moves are divided into stepless ones - movement occurs only due to repulsion with sticks, without moving the legs; one-step - in the stroke cycle there is only one sliding step and a push with sticks; two-step - in the stroke cycle there are two sliding steps;

These two features determine the classification of all ski moves used in cross-country skiing: alternating twostep, alternating four-step, simultaneous stepless, simultaneous two-step. There are two variants of a simultaneous one-step move: basic and high-speed. The last variant of the move is sometimes called the starting one.

Athletes-beginners and insufficiently qualified skiers usually use all methods of skiing, which allows them to use their forces more economically depending on external conditions and at the same time maintain the necessary speed of movement. For highly qualified athletes, the choice of methods of movement is determined by the main task of the competition - the achievement of maximum speed. In this case, they use ski moves that provide, first of all, a high speed of movement along the track: alternating two-step, simultaneous stepless and simultaneous one-step (starting).

Other methods of movement - simultaneous two-step, alternate four-step - are rarely used by the strongest riders. At the same time, narrowing the range of ski moves used by the strongest athletes requires high physical and functional fitness, which is ensured by further improvement of the training system in cross-country skiing.

Cross-country skiing tracks have become much more difficult in recent years.

The complication of the tracks requires from the riders not only a high general, special and volitional preparedness, but also the possession of a fairly wide arsenal of modes of movement, allowing, without reducing speed, to switch from one mode of motion to another.

Top cross-country skiers don't just alternate their technique when the terrain requires it.

Observations have shown that the strongest skiers during a 15 km race change 150-270 times from simultaneous moves to alternating ones and vice versa, and in a 50 km race - up to 600-650 times.

The inability to rhythmically, without disturbing the continuity of movement, to switch from one method of movement to another entails an increase in nervous stimulation and muscle activity of the rider, knocks down the pace and causes a loss of speed. Loss of speed during a stroke change even for 0.1 sec. gives a very impressive loss in time: at a distance of 15 km - 15 - 20 seconds, at 50 km - more than a minute.

To improve skiing technique, the rider needs a wide range of motion, which will allow them to move freely and rhythmically on the most difficult terrain.

Changes in terrain and sliding conditions, as well as skier fatigue due to monotonous work, make it necessary to periodically change ski moves. There are several different ways to move from one turn to another. More often, cross-country skiers use the following transitions - these are transitions from simultaneous moves to an alternating two-step move:

1. transition "with free movement of hands"

2. "direct transition"

3. transition with "rental".

When changing the technique of an alternate two-step move to simultaneous moves, the following applies:

1. "no step" transition

2. transition "through the step"

The expediency of applying one or another method of transition depends on a number of conditions, and primarily on technical preparedness. The main thing is to switch to another move quickly without losing time, and this can be done if there are no unnecessary movements during the transition, and the relative uniformity of movements is preserved.

Transitions are taught after mastering the technique of classical moves. First, the most commonly used transitions from alternating two-step moves to simultaneous moves are studied, and then vice versa.

During training, attention is paid to the unity of movements and the timeliness of the transition when changing the terrain and sliding conditions.


When determining the sequence in teaching the ways of skiing, it is necessary first of all to know what skills and abilities of a skier are common to all ways of skiing. The leading elements in skiing are pushing with the foot and hand, sliding on one ski, performed in the correct fit and timely transfer of body weight from ski to ski. The ability to freely transfer body weight from ski to ski in motion is required in any moves. Therefore, training in the technique of skiing should begin with mastering these particular skills and abilities. For those who have never skied, it is quite difficult to perform a sliding step and a confident descent from the slope. Beginners first of all need to master the skis as a projectile (to develop a “sense of skis”, learn to move them through the snow and through the air without crossing or pulling to the sides, develop a sense of ski grip with snow “feeling of snow”, learn to use support when pushing off skis from the snow and transfer body weight from one ski to another.To solve these problems, it is recommended to use a series of lead-up exercises and the simplest ways to move on skis.

1. - leaning on sticks, transferring body weight from one leg to another, at the beginning without lifting the skis from the support, then alternately slightly raising them (Fig. 1.)

2. - alternately raising the bent leg while keeping the ski parallel to the track, then walking in place (with and without support on sticks) (Fig. 2.3)." width="90" height="169 src=">.jpg" width="228" height="184">.jpg" width="180" height="207 src=">

pic 4. pic 5. pic 6.

6. - alternately raising the heel of the skis, move the ski up, down, to the right and left without lifting the toe of the ski from the snow (Fig. 7).

7. - stepping turn in place around the toes of the skis, in which only the heels of the skis are lifted and moved to the right or left, and the toes remain in place (Fig. 8)

8. - alternate swings with a slightly bent leg back and forth (with and without support on sticks)

9. - small jumps in place from foot to foot (sticks in weight with rings back) (Fig. 9)." width="120" height="195 src=">

pic 7. pic 8. pic 9.

10. - turn on the spot with a swing of the left (right) ski.

11. - turning on the spot by jumping with support and without support on sticks.

12. - walking stepping on shallow snow without sticks.

13. - the same with sticks, among trees and bushes, following the teacher, constantly changing direction.

14. - descents in the main rack from gentle, even slopes.

15. - the same with the performance of various tasks during the descent (squatting, alternately transferring body weight, without tearing off and tearing off the ski from the snow.

Teaching these exercises usually does not cause difficulties, it is enough to show the exercise and explain the nature of its implementation. As soon as you have mastered the general basics of skiing, you need to move on to learning classic skiing.

1.2. Learning to alternate two-step move.

Task I. Studying the sliding step - skiing without poles.

1. Mastering the skier's stance

Means: 1) Repeated execution of the skier’s stance (landing) in place (the position in which the body weight is evenly distributed on both skis, the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body is slightly tilted forward, the arms are lowered (Fig. 10). 2) The same but with work hands (the right arm is slightly bent at the elbow joint - in front, the hand is at eye level, the palm is turned inward, the elbow is lowered; the left arm is laid back, the palm is open inward, and the change in hand positions is with swing pendulum movements (Fig. 11). 3) Descents into the main resistant from gentle flat slopes." width="160" height="184 src=">

pic 10 pic 11

Guidelines: when performing exercises, pay attention to the degree of bending of the legs, the position of the torso, head, the distribution of body weight, the position of the pelvis above the support. Hands work strictly in parallel, relaxed, in optimal amplitude, avoid vertical swings.

2. Studying the kick

Means: 1) Ski repulsion in place from I.P. lunge, body weight on the push leg located behind and slightly bent; push off in the forward direction while simultaneously straightening the leg at the knee joint (with support on two sticks and without support). 2) Swinging pendulum movements with the right (left) leg forward - backward from the skier's I.P. stance based on sticks, body weight on the left (right) ski. 3) Moving with a sliding step with an emphasis on repulsion alternately first with the right foot, then with the left foot (scooter) (Fig. 12). 4) Alternate kicks from the correct landing to a gentle rise of 2-3 °. 5) Skating under a slope of 2-3 ° and on the plain." width="288" height="152">.jpg" width="300" height="138">DIV_ADBLOCK132">

Teaching tools: 1) imitation by splitting into two accounts. Starting position - the end of the push with sticks: at the expense of "one" - the skier's stance is taken, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows and extended forward - the hands are at head level (sticks with rings towards you); at the expense of "two" - the starting position is taken (Fig. 18).

Guidelines: the push starts with a tilt of the torso (bulk) on the sticks, that is, it is important to create a rigid system for transferring repulsion forces to sliding skis (arms - torso - legs - skis) and ends with a sharp straightening of the arms. Do not bend the legs at the knee joints at the moment of marking the repulsion with the hands.

Task 2. - to teach the technique of the move in general and improve it.

Teaching aids: 1) Movement by a simultaneous stepless course down a slope of 2-3°. 2) The same on the plain. 3) Passage of segments of 40 - 50 m with a simultaneous stepless move with a minimum number of repulsions with sticks. 4) Passage of segments 40 - 50 m. at speed. 5) Movement with a simultaneous stepless move in various conditions.

Guidelines: at the beginning, perform the move slowly while controlling the boundary postures, the beginning and end of the push with the hands. The task is performed in the presence of a dense support for sticks. As you master the move, include it as a competitive element." width="252 height=134" height="134">.jpg" width="147" height="161 src=">

I. P. "one" "two"

Fig 19. Simultaneous one-step move (high-speed version)

Task 1. - to teach students to coordinate the movements of the work of the arms and legs.

Teaching aids: 1) Simulation of a simultaneous two-step move on divisions into three counts. From the starting position - the end of the push with sticks; at the expense of "one" - make a push with the left (right) foot, bring the hands with sticks forward with rings towards you; at the expense of "two" - make a push with the right (left) foot, the lower ends of the sticks continue to move forward (rings away from you); at the expense of "three" - mark the push with sticks and put the push leg to the supporting one (Fig. 20). 2) Continuous imitation of the course; 3) Movement with a simultaneous two-step course downhill.

Methodical instructions: teaching the synchronous execution of the movement of the legs and arms is facilitated here, since the trainees have mastered the simultaneous one-step move (speed version).

Task 2. - to improve the technique of the move as a whole.

Means of improvement: 1) Movement by a simultaneous two-step course downhill; 2) The same on the plain; 3) The same in a gentle ascent with a different state of snow cover and at different speeds.

Methodical instructions: when improving the technique of the move, pay attention to the completeness of the pushes with the legs and arms, to the rhythm of the movements. When counting (one, two) should be pronounced more slowly, (three) - shorter." width="157" height="132 src=">.jpg" width="192" height="155"> .jpg" width="192" height="158"> .jpg" width="227" height="136"> .jpg" width="201" height="134"> .jpg" width="158" height="139 src=">

Starting position "one" "two" "three"

Fig 24. Direct transition.

2.5. Transition training with rental

The transition from simultaneous moves to the technique of an alternate two-step move.

Task 1. Mastering the coordination of movements of the arms and legs.


1. Imitation of transition movements in place. From the starting position - the end of the push with the hands in simultaneous moves. On the count of "one" - a push with the left foot, the left stick is brought forward with a ring towards itself, and the right stick is brought forward with a ring away from itself. On the count of "two" - a push with the right foot and left hand (the right stick takes the position with the ring towards itself). As a result, the position of single-support sliding is adopted, which is typical for the beginning of movement in an alternating two-step move (Fig. 25.).

2. The same on skis and with sticks.

3. The same with sliding.

Guidelines: at the beginning of training, perform the transition under the count of "one-two", and then together on the ski track down a slope of 2-3 degrees.

Task 2. Studying the transition with rental in general and its improvement.


1. moving with a simultaneous one-step move (starting option), perform a rolling transition and continue moving with an alternating two-step move.

2. Perform a transition with rolling after moving with a simultaneous stepless move.

3. After two or three cycles of a simultaneous one-step move (starting option), perform a transition with rolling and then, after performing two or three cycles of an alternating two-step move, perform a transition without a step to a simultaneous one-step move (starting option).

Methodical instructions: it is necessary to teach those involved in the transition with a rental, both with a push with the right foot, as well as with the left foot." width="167" height="127 src=">

Starting position "one" "two"

Fig 25. Transition with rental


Skier's technique includes more than 50 ways of skiing. Moreover, both beginners and skilled skiers gradually master the whole variety of movements, since the choice of method depends primarily on numerous external natural factors, among which the most significant for the skier are the terrain and the state of the snow cover. The natural change of modes of movement violates the cyclicity of motor activity. Thanks to the liberation from the tedious monotony of movements, skiing compares favorably with running, walking, swimming, rowing, skating, cycling.

Skiing technique is extremely dynamic. The endless process of technical improvement is aimed primarily at the economization of movements.

Technique training begins with preparatory exercises for mastering the snowy environment, mastering ski equipment, the mechanisms of sliding and gripping skis with snow, coordinating swing and jerk movements with legs and arms in a single biomechanical system (skier - skis - poles), the simplest safety rules during classes by ski.

Mastering the perfect technique of a skier is possible only in skiing on snow.


Explanatory note

Classification of classic ski moves and transitions from one move to another.

Classical ski training

1.1 Methodology of initial training

1.2. Learning to alternate two-step move.

1.3. Teaching the simultaneous stepless move.

1.4. Simultaneous one-step movement training (high-speed version)

1.5. Simultaneous two-step training

Teaching the transition from one move to another in classic ski moves

2.1. Learning to transition without a step

2.2. Learning to transition through one step.

2.3. Transition training with free hand movement

2.4 Learning Direct Transition

2.5. Transition training with rental

1., Sergeev sport. Textbook for institutes and technical schools of physical culture - M: FiS 1989.

2. Ermakov ski runs. Smolensk. 1989

3. Gross ski racer. M: FiS 1971.

4. Butin sports. Textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions - M: Publishing Center "Academy" 2000.

5. Kudryavtsev sport. Textbook for technical schools of physical culture. Ed. 2nd, revised, and additional. - M: FiS 1983.

6. Fundamentals of skiing technique. Tartu 1990

7. Ramenskaya skier training. - M: FiS 2000.

8. Ramenskaya skier training. - M: Sport Academ Press 2001.

Stopping a rolling ball with the inside of the foot

Stopping the ball with the inside of the foot is best used when it is heading straight for the player. Before receiving the ball, make sure that the foot of the supporting leg is parallel to the direction of the ball. In addition, the supporting leg should be slightly bent at the knee.

The foot receiving the ball must be taken back at the moment when it should have come into contact with the ball. In other words, the stop is done like this: turn the foot of the receiving foot at a right angle to the ball and keep it a short distance from the skating foot, and when the approaching ball is ready to contact your foot (that is, at the moment of the intended contact), quickly move it back behind supporting leg, then gently stop the ball (Fig. 4.1).

Rice. 4.1. Stopping the ball with the inside of the foot

If you do not have time to take back the receiving leg in time, then the ball will bounce off it and, possibly, become easy prey for the opponent. If at the time of receiving the ball the foot of the receiving leg is not at right angles to the direction of its movement, then after receiving the ball it may roll to the side.

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Stopping a ball flying in the air

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Winners of the Golden Ball (France Football) / Golden Ball FIFA (since 2010

Stopping the ball in football is a technical technique that is as important as hitting and passing. It is used to judge the level of training and game culture of a football player.

It is easier to make an accurate hit on an immovable ball. The player must know how to stop the ball in football. Ideally, a football player makes two touches to receive and give the ball, regardless of the speed and trajectory of his movement. An unprepared athlete accepts it and "works on" under attack. How to stop the ball in football?

What is ball stop

Photo 1. Stopping the ball in football is most often done with the foot.

To stop a rolling or flying soccer ball is a conditional definition of a specific technique. It is not necessary to make the sports equipment immobile. The main task of the stop is to interrupt the movement of the ball, leaving it under your control. When playing a one-touch game, the technique provides for a large rebound. To take possession of the projectile teammate. That is, in this case, the stop is combined with the transfer.

You can interrupt the movement of the ball with any part of the body (except for the hand). But the most practical is the leg. And only stopping a high-flying ball in football is carried out with the head and chest.

Sometimes, by chance, the flight of the ball is interrupted by the stomach. But this approach is forced. And it is more of a blockage than a stop.

Photo 2. Stopping a soccer ball in the air by lifting the leg.

In certain game episodes, it may be necessary to give the ball to your goalkeeper. The complexity of this action lies in the presence of rivals and the proximity of their gates. The second factor creates the threat of an own goal. You cannot make a pass with your foot to your goalkeeper. Therefore, learning how to stop a soccer ball with your head is becoming increasingly important. But even when playing near someone else's goal, this skill is not at all superfluous.

Stopping the ball with the foot

Photo 3. Stopping a fast-flying ball requires skill and precision of movement from the player.

Stopping the ball with the foot is the most common in the system of techniques. Their conditional classification is as follows:

  • Stopping the ball with the hip.
  • Stopping the ball with the foot.

There is only one part of the body - the leg, but due to many features - the technique of execution is completely different.

Stopping the ball with the hip is rational to use in the case when the projectile is descending. When performing this technique, the bent leg rises towards the ball. At the moment of contact, the thigh drops slightly. Due to the fact that the ball “catches up” with the leg, its speed is partially extinguished. Even more absorb the impact of the thigh muscles.

Photo 4. After the ball stops, the player can direct it anywhere.

Rebound at a hip stop is minimal due to:

  • large area of ​​contact;
  • thigh softness;
  • large amplitude of yielding movement.

All stops of the ball with the foot are divided into several types:

  1. Stopping the ball with the sole. The easiest way to handle a projectile. Only a ball moving on the ground can be stopped. Reception involves raising the toe above the level of the heel. The ball, as it were, "gets stuck" under the sole, completely stopping, without rebounding. When performing this technique, you can not put your foot forward. This can be regarded by the referee as a dangerous game (lining, "straight leg"). The difficulty in stopping the ball with the sole is that the ball can "dive" under the heel. He will be behind the player who made a mistake. This will lead to a complete loss of ball control (both physical and visual). It will also create an opportunity for an opponent to counterattack. Weaknesses: difficult to play with one touch and stop the ball from flying.
  2. Stopping the ball with the inside of the foot. The second easiest method. The leg rises above the ground and is retracted slightly back. The toe turns to the side. The ball comes to rest between the ground and the raised inside of the foot with the toe out. The correct execution of the reception involves a small rebound. It is the preparation for further action, strike or pass. A common mistake during execution is the foot set forward, instead of laid back. The result is a strong rebound. The advantage of stopping the ball with the inside of the foot is the versatility of the reception. This is the processing of projectiles flying at high speed. Also, it is great to control the falling ball. In addition, it is possible to stop and hit or give the transfer. Or play with one touch: stop + hit , stop + pass, stop + feint. This technique of stopping the ball allows you to receive difficult passes and create various combinations of techniques.
  3. Stopping the ball with a lift. This technique is very similar to the previous one, stopping with the inside of the foot. Only a touch with a moving ball makes the foot lift. The main difference in stopping the ball with a lift is in the position of the foot. The sock is not retracted outward, but inward.
  4. Some subspecies of the last two techniques of stopping the ball are the handling of a projectile that falls directly on the foot. In this case, the raised part of the leg is substituted under the falling ball. At the moment of contact, the foot drops, which dampens the speed of the ball. It is as if picked up by the instep (or the inside of the foot) and placed on the ground. Also, this subspecies should include stopping the ball in a jump. The execution technique is similar, but is complicated by the flight phase (bouncing).

Photo 5. Stopping the ball with the foot allows you to immediately retaliate.

Stopping the ball with the foot is the most effective, allowing you to maintain a high pace of play. These techniques create the conditions for quick attacks. They give the opportunity to deliver a strong blow in one touch or immediately after stopping.

Reception Technics Technical errors and their consequences
Stopping a flying ball with the inside of the foot
  • At the moment of contact with the ball, the leg is retracted, after which the ball is covered with the inside of the foot.
  • If the stopping leg is not sufficiently turned outward, the ball may bounce far or, conversely, slide over the foot.
  • If the stopping leg is not moving, then the ball can bounce strongly from it.
Stopping a flying ball in the middle of the rise
  • The foot of the supporting leg points towards the ball.
  • Stopping foot folds outward to be perpendicular to the line of flight of the ball.
  • At the moment of contact with the ball, the leg is retracted, after which the ball is received by the middle of the instep of the foot.
Stopping a rolling ball with the sole
  • The toe of the foot is raised up.
  • At the moment of touching the foot and the ball, the leg is slightly retracted, and the knee is bent a little more.
  • If the toe of the stopping foot is not lifted up, then the ball hits the toe of the foot and bounces off the foot.
  • If the stopping leg is not bent at the knee, the ball will bounce off the leg.
Stopping a falling ball with the sole
  • Slightly bent at the knee, the leg is directed towards the ball.
  • The toe of the foot is raised up.
  • At the moment of touching the foot and the ball, the leg is slightly retracted and lifted, and the knee is bent a little more.
  • If the pivot foot is placed too far from the ball's landing point, the foot will not reach the ball.

The table shows techniques for stopping the ball with the foot, common mistakes in technical performance and their consequences.

If all possible factors minimize the rebound when stopping with the hip, then not for the foot. The small area of ​​​​contact and the rigidity of the shoe is compensated by other features. These are the depreciation properties of the joints and great opportunities for yielding movement.

Photo 6. When the ball is stopped with the foot, the contact area is small, but this is compensated by the shock-absorbing properties of the joints.

body stop technique

To stop the ball flying above waist level, use the torso. Conventionally, methods can be divided into two types:

Stopping with the body (torso) is difficult to perform. It requires increased flexibility and coordination. But the advantages lie in the excellent cushioning abilities. They are excellent both in the chest and in the abdomen. The large area of ​​contact also allows damping the ball's momentum. Therefore, the yielding movement does not affect the rebound as much as when receiving with a foot or head.

One of the most typical mistakes made when stopping a ball flying in the air in various ways is the incorrect execution of the yielding movement with the corresponding part of the body: sometimes it is performed too early, sometimes too late, or not performed at all. If this movement is made too early, the ball may bounce back into the field, as well as a late or not made movement at all. In addition, the player may trip on the ball if he yields prematurely.

Head stop technique

You can stop high-flying balls, except for the chest, with your head. In some cases, this is the only way to receive a projectile. Therefore, despite the difficulty of performing this technique, they must be mastered.

Photo 8. Incorrect stop of the ball with the head can result in injury (the reception should be made by the middle part of the forehead).

The main difficulty of receiving the head is a strong rebound. After all, the shock-absorbing effect depends only on the ability to make a yielding movement.

The ball when stopped by the head is taken by the middle part of the forehead. At the moment of contact, the head makes a yielding backward movement. This slows down the speed of the ball.

The advantages of this method is the ability to make a hit or pass from the "second floor".

It is also effective to stop the ball that bounced off the lawn high with the head. The advantage over the chest stop will be the speed of the player's movement.

Photo 9. In situations where the ball is flying too high, a head stop may be the only option.


Stopping the ball is not only immobilizing it. It is also a "preface" for an attack or shot on goal. The pace and beauty of football largely depends on the quality of the stop. Stopping for the sake of stopping is an irrational technique. Therefore, most passes in modern football are received with a transfer stop. Such actions of football players shorten the time for preparing the next actions. This significantly increases the pace and dynamics of the game, increases the speed of the athletes. And in such conditions, the physical readiness of the players already affects.

Photo 10. Football players are taught the correct techniques for stopping the ball from a very young age.

Each player must master all the techniques of stopping the ball. Even goalkeepers often have to play outside the penalty area. Also, goalkeepers are sometimes forced to take passes with their feet from their own. Therefore, the skills of stopping the ball are necessary for all players, regardless of their role.

You can stop the ball "legally" with any part of the body, except for the hands. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The athlete must rationally apply his skills and benefit from them.

Video: Stopping the ball with the hip

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When the ball rolls towards the player, it is most convenient to stop it with the inside of the foot. Before touching it, it is necessary that the foot of the bent supporting leg be parallel to the line along which it rolls. The leg with which you want to stop the ball, at the moment it touches the football projectile, should be slightly taken back, behind the supporting one. If the foot of the leg that is being stopped is placed at a right angle to the line along which the round is rolling, then, having touched the foot, it will roll back right in front of the player. If the foot meets it at a different angle, the ball may roll slightly to the right or left after stopping. The softer the stop is, the smaller the rebound of the football projectile from the foot will be. And to make the stop soft, you need to relax the leg in the knee and ankle joints.

Stopping a rolling ball with the sole

To perform this technique, you need to put your leg, slightly bent, towards the rolling ball so that it touches the sole. The foot at this point is turned toe up. The softness of stopping the football projectile is achieved by moving the foot slightly back at the moment it approaches the sole. Bringing the foot forward will cause the ball to bounce off the player. The torso at the moment the round stops should be slightly tilted forward.

Stop by the outer part of the lift

Stopping a descending football projectile by the outer part of the lift with its simultaneous transfer to the side. As the ball approaches, lift your leg and take it to the side of the supporting one, and lean slightly towards the leg with which you will stop it. As the round approaches the ground, the raised leg moves towards it. At the moment the ball bounces off the ground, the leg covers it with the outer side of the lift.

Stop by the inside of the lift

Stopping the falling ball with the inside of the lift while moving it to the side. To perform this technique, it is necessary to accurately calculate the place of its landing while moving towards the ball. Approaching him, slow down your run (or stop completely) and, as if raking the ball, do not let him bounce off the ground: immediately start leading him in one direction or another. When performing this technique, it is necessary not only to calculate the place of his landing, but also to make a raking movement in such a way that carrying the leg over the ball, touching the round with it and jerking forward or to the side follow each other without any delay.

Stopping a falling ball with the sole

To perform this move, the player must calculate where the ball will land. At the moment of its rebound from the ground, the supporting leg should be slightly behind the point of its landing. The other leg must be raised low, so that the sole blocks the path of the ball. In order to avoid a rebound of the football projectile, at the moment the sole touches it, slightly raise the leg, as if slightly yielding to its “desire” to move up.

But this must be done slowly. Newcomers to football often make a technical mistake by lifting their foot prematurely. The ball in such cases often does not reach the place where the player is, or flies over this place. And even if it goes down at the foot, it slips under it before the player has time to touch the ball. This is a common error in the technique of performing a technique for beginners.

Stopping a falling ball with the inside of the foot

Balls that fall not from the front, but a little from the side, can be stopped, just like with the sole, by the inside of the foot.

Before the football projectile stops, the toes of both legs are turned forward - towards the flying ball. Calculate the place of his landing and at the moment when he approaches the ground, slightly move the leg with which you want to stop him back - to the point of his landing. At the same time, turn your leg with the toe outward so that the foot forms a right angle with the line of flight of the ball. At the moment of his landing, this leg rises slightly and covers the ball with the inside of the foot.

Stopping the ball in the air

Stopping the ball at the moment it touches the ground is most appropriate, since it remains on the ground and the person who has mastered it can immediately perform a variety of tricks (dribbling, stroke, hitting). But during the game, there is often no time to wait for the football ball to land. Therefore, the player is sometimes forced to use football techniques to stop the ball in the air.

You can stop it in the air with different parts of the foot and thigh. To do this, in a jump or in a standing position, raise your leg up (forward or to the side) and substitute one or another part of it to the ball, and to soften the blow, take your leg (together with the ball) down or to the side. Round, losing speed, will fall to the feet.

Hip stop

Calculate the place where the ball lands and, bending one leg, lift it up to about the level of the abdomen. Tilt your body back a little. When the ball touches your thigh, lower your leg in a yielding motion, leaving it bent. The football projectile will lose speed and roll down to your feet.

Stopping the ball with the chest

As the ball approaches, bring your chest slightly forward and spread your arms to the sides and slightly up. When it touches your chest, quickly pull your torso back and take your chest in. Bend your knees. The ball, as if from a hill, will roll down from the chest and fall in front of you.

If you want it to fall to the right or left of you, at the moment it touches your chest, turn your torso to the "right" side.

head stop

Like the techniques of stopping the ball with the foot, it is based on the performance of a yielding movement. When the ball approaches you, rush towards it, stand on your toes and stretch your torso and head towards it. At the last moment, bend your knees (as if sitting down) and pull your head into your shoulders. Sitting down, put your feet one in front of the other: with this technique, the round almost does not bounce off the head.

Goalkeeper Technique

Catching the ball

To catch a round flying high, you must first of all calculate in which place it is more convenient to do this. Sometimes it is advisable for the goalkeeper to remain in place, sometimes - to move (to the side, forward and backward). The way in which it is better to catch depends on how high and in what direction the ball flies. Here we will start talking about the methods of playing a goalkeeper in football with various ways of catching a football projectile.

Catching a high-flying ball in a jump

When the goalkeeper has determined the point at which the ball can be caught in a jump, he, simultaneously with the jump, vigorously raises his straight arms up and catches the round with his palms facing forward with fingers wide apart. To make the contact of the hands with it soft, you need to take your hands back a little at the moment of touching the ball. After it is stopped, the palms move to wrap around the ball and the goalkeeper pulls it towards the body.

Catching a ball flying at chest level

The most reliable way to catch such balls is as follows: if possible, move to the line of flight of a football projectile, then jump up so that the stomach is at its level (the goalkeeper pulls the ball to it immediately after catching it in his hands, palms up). It is not recommended to catch the ball on the chest, because it can bounce off the chest before the hands have time to clasp it.

Catching a high-flying ball away from the goalkeeper

When the round flies high, but away from where the goalkeeper stands, the goalkeeper must (taking into account the speed of the ball and the distance to the line of flight) calculate whether he has time to move to the line of flight by the time the football ball passes by. Of course, these calculations are not easy and the ability to quickly do them comes only with experience. But still, from the first training, try to determine both the time of the ball's flight and the speed of your actions.

So, if the goalkeeper has time, then it is most reasonable for him to move to the line of flight of the ball and catch it, standing facing him: in this position it is both more convenient and reliable to act. If the goalkeeper sees that he does not have time to be in the right position before the round, then he must jump to him and try to catch (or beat) him with his hands.

Catching (or hitting) a high-flying ball away from the goalkeeper with a fall

In cases where catching balls flying away from the goalkeeper is associated with a fall, you should try to catch the round one and immediately pull it to the body. To make the push stronger, you need to turn the foot of the pushing leg with your toe in the direction of the jump.

Rolling ball reception

When a football projectile rolls on the goalkeeper, you need to stand in front of him so that the line of his movement passes in the middle of closed straight legs. With palms forward, straight arms with slightly spread fingers almost touch the ground and wrap around the approaching football projectile. As soon as the palms touch it, the picked up ball is pulled up to the stomach.

Catching a low-flying ball with a fall

If the round flies or rolls away from the goalkeeper so that it is difficult to reach him, the goalkeeper turns in his direction and, after running some distance (if necessary), jumps to him low above the ground. After the push, the arms are thrown up, palms to the ball. At the time of the fall, the lower leg must be bent.

You should fall in a roll, and not flat: first the lower leg touches the ground, then the thigh, side, and the last - the hands. The throw is easier to do from a half squat. It is not recommended to fall on the stomach. You guys should only practice this move on grass or soft ground.

Having caught a football projectile, the goalkeeper should not rush to move on to the next action (say, move in one direction or another, throw it away or kick it): in a hurry, you can lose the ball.

How to get up after a fall? Pressing the round firmly to the chest with one hand, with the other you need to rest against the ground and rise.

hitting the ball

This is advisable only in cases where an error is possible when trying to catch a football projectile. For example, when you can only reach him with your fingertips, there are many players around the goalkeeper, or one of the opponents can interfere with catching him. It is desirable to hit the ball with both fists, but if it is so inconvenient, you can hit it with one.

Punching is used when it is impossible to reach the round with both hands. There are two ways to hit the ball with your fist. First, as he approaches, the raised arm, previously slightly bent at the elbow, unbends and the outside of the fist strikes the ball. From such a blow, he will not fly far. But in this way you can get quite high balls. Second: a stronger blow is performed with a full swing of the arm and with a vigorous movement in the shoulder joint. The hand is first retracted, and then abruptly "thrown out" to the football projectile.


The goalkeeper dribbles the ball while walking or running slowly. It must be hit on the ground with short movements after rebounds.

Knocking the ball out of hand

Goalkeepers hold the ball with both hands, slightly bent at the elbows. Having run forward 2-3 steps, the goalkeeper throws the ball a little forward and hits it with a lift.

ball throw

You can throw the ball with a hand that was not previously taken over the shoulder, but located at a level just above the waist. At the moment of such a throw, the palm is directed forward, and the arm, previously bent at the elbow joint, straightens. A sharp movement of the palm is made, as if pushing the ball. A football projectile sent in this way flies smoothly, softly, as if spreading out in front of the player to whom it is addressed.

Goalkeepers also use such a throw of the ball, after which it rolls on the ground. Before throwing, the goalkeeper bends his legs and assumes a half-squat position. Straightening and lowering his arm just below the knee, he throws the ball so that it rolls on the ground. The hand in which the ball lies before the throw is facing the ground, and at the moment of the throw it turns back so that the palm is facing forward - in the direction of the ball's flight.

lifting kick

The ball can be hit by the middle of the rise, its inner and outer parts.

Mid-rise kick

Let's say you want to hit the ball with the middle of your right instep. Place your left foot next to him so that the toe of your foot is slightly in front of the ball. Right foot slightly behind and in front of the ball. Now bend your right leg and take it back a little. With a sharp movement, direct your foot to the ball, trying to get into the middle with the middle of the rise. At the moment of impact, the supporting (left) leg is placed on the toe, and the body leans forward. At the moment of touching the ball with the lift, the leg will still be bent, but then, as if seeing it off, it will begin to straighten.

Keep in mind: at first, the ankle joint is relaxed, and when striking, it should be tense. The left hand at the moment of impact is extended forward and upward. To kick a football with a running start, take a few steps back, but not away from the ball. Calculate the run-up so that at the moment of impact the position of the legs is the same as when you hit from the spot. When striking, raise your supporting leg on the toe so that the kicker does not touch the ground with your fingers.

The mid-lift kick is one of the main ones. The height of the flight of the ball during a lift kick depends on how far the supporting leg is from it at the moment of impact. If the supporting leg is at the level of the football projectile, then by raising the kicking leg it is possible to touch it in the middle or even a little higher. The flight of the ball with such a blow is low. If the supporting leg is farther from the ball, then the kicking leg can only touch the bottom of the round. It turns out hooking, why it flies high.

Impact with the outer part of the instep

They are often used by players with a long foot (for fear of hitting the ground with their toes), as well as "clubfoot" - those whose toes are turned inward.

To strike such a blow, you need to put the supporting leg about 10-15 cm to the side and behind the ball, and turn the kicker with the toe inward. After the swing, the kicking leg is in contact with the bottom of the football projectile. At the moment of impact, the leg is fixed at the ankle joint, and the torso is slightly tilted forward.

The height of the flight of the ball depends on the distance between it and the supporting leg and on how much the foot is turned inward: the closer the supporting leg and the more the foot is turned, the lower the ball will fly.

For learning to hit with the outside part of the lift, you can use the same exercises that were recommended when learning hits with the middle of the lift.

1. The supporting leg is not taken away at the right distance from the ball and prevents the striker from making the necessary swing and delivering a strong blow. The kicking leg can even hook on the supporting leg.

2. The supporting foot is too far from the ball. You can reach it not by lifting, but only by the outer part of the sock. The impact is weak, the projectile does not rise into the air, but quietly rolls along the ground.

Hitting the inside of the instep

It is performed in the same way as a straight lift kick, but at the last moment before the kick, you need to turn the toe outward.

Often this striking technique is used when a player is on one of the edges of the field and wants to cross the goal. After all, such a player does not need to turn to face the target, as with a hit with the middle of the rise. So it saves time. You can strike such a blow with a direct run-up (in relation to the flight of the ball). Often it is used by football players who do not know how to hit with a straight lift or who have a long foot: with such a strike, the danger of catching the toe on the ground disappears, since the fingers are not facing the ground, but are at an angle to it.

If you want to strike such a blow with your right foot not forward, but to the side - to your left, do this: put the ball down and stand behind it with your left side to the side of the court where you intend to hit, pass or cross. Place a bent left leg slightly behind the ball and to the left of it. Take the right (beating) leg, also slightly bent, to swing back and slightly to the right. Now calculate the outward rotation of the ankle joint at the moment of impact so that strike with the inside of the instep hit the bottom of the ball. The movement of the arms is the same as in a straight lift strike. The ball will fly low if the knee of the kicking leg is brought forward. And in order for it to fly high, it is necessary, on the contrary, not to bring the knee of this leg to the ball, but to hit its lower part. When hitting from a running start, it is necessary that the run-up be made in an arc. The position of the supporting and kicking legs is the same as when hitting from a place.

Sliced ​​and twisted strikes are very fond of using five-time world football champions - the Brazilians. The ball flies into the goal in a curve, so it becomes much easier to deceive opponents.

Slashed with the inside of the instep

The preparation for it is the same as for a normal strike with the inside of the foot. If the kick is delivered with the right foot, then you need to scatter from the left side of the ball. The supporting leg is placed slightly to the side and behind it. The inner part of the lift must be hit on that part of the football projectile, which is farther from the supporting leg. The leg, as it were, casually rolls over the ball, giving it a rotational movement around its axis. After such a blow, the round should fly forward, rotating around its axis to the left.

Slashed by the outside of the instep

All preparation for it is the same as for the usual blow with the outer part of the lift. But in order for the ball to fly not in a straight line, but to rotate to the outside, you need to strike not in the middle of it, but in that part that is closer to the supporting leg: first touch the ball with the part of the lift that is closer to the fingers, and then make a movement with the kicking leg in the direction of the supporting one and tear off the foot from the ball only at the moment when it, having swept along the outer part of the lift, will be at its middle or a little further to the heel.

Possible mistakes in hitting technique:

1. Wanting to cut the ball with the outside of the instep, you touched a part of it that is too close to the middle of it. The football projectile no longer receives rotational motion.

2. You failed to give the ball a rotational motion because you did not move your kicking leg towards the supporting leg, but only performed a forward movement with it (as when delivering a normal kick with this part of the lift).

Impact with the outside of the foot

Most often, with the outside of the foot, they hit the ball rolling towards or from the side, from the outside of the kicking leg. To strike such a blow with your right foot to the right of yourself, you need to put your left (supporting) foot about half a step to the left of the ball and a little behind it. After swinging to the side and past the supporting leg, with the reverse movement of the other leg, hit the middle of the outer side of the foot in the middle of the round.

In football, such a kick is rare, since it is inconvenient to perform it. This means that we will not devote much time to teaching him and do not offer exercises for learning such a blow. But in a few sessions, it makes sense to practice hitting with the outside of the foot against the wall or passing the ball to each other.

Hitting a ball rolling from the side

During the game, hits on the ball flying towards the player from the side are used when shooting at the goal, performing various passes, when hitting a football projectile from the goal.

If the ball rolls towards you from the left or right, and you want to hit it directly in front of you, then at the moment it rolls towards you, the supporting leg should be in the line of its movement.

Hitting a ball rolling away from a player

If you want to hit the ball when it rolls in the same direction as you are moving, you must first catch up with it, put your supporting foot a little ahead of it and at the same moment swing. Strike when the ball rolls past the pivot foot. As a result, he will fly forward in the direction of your movement. If you need to direct it to the side, put your supporting foot so that at the moment of impact it is behind the ball.

Toe kick

Put down the ball and decide which foot you want to kick. If right, then you need to stand behind the ball at a distance of about 10-15 cm so that the right foot is opposite it, and the left at the same distance, but slightly to the left of the ball. The left leg will serve as a support.

To perform a kick, you need to take your right foot back, swing it, and then direct it towards the ball so that the toe hits the middle of the round. Please note: the toe of the supporting leg should be facing forward. At the moment when the kicking leg moves towards the ball past the supporting one, it must be sharply straightened, although it remains slightly bent at the moment the ball touches the toe. The direction and range of the ball depends on which part of it, with what force and at what angle the ball will be hit.

If you want to hit with a running start, then you need to step back a few steps and calculate the run-up so that at the time of the hit, the left foot is slightly to the left and slightly behind the ball.

Kicking in football is not uncommon. After it, the football projectile flies at high speed. Often players push the ball with their toes when passing to a partner, especially when there is no time to reach the ball with the other part of the foot. Keep in mind: it is more difficult to achieve accuracy with the toe than with other parts of the foot, since a small foot area is in contact with the ball and if you do not hit the middle of the ball, it will be cut off to the side. However, there are a lot of positive things in kicking: first of all, the speed of the ball is high; the blow itself can be delivered after a short and imperceptible swing for the opponent.

heel strike

If you want to hit the ball with the heel of your right foot back, stand behind it so that your left foot is on the left side of the ball and your right foot is about a foot length behind it. The toes of both feet point forward. From this position, swing your right foot and bring it behind the ball (leg passes over the ball or to the right of it). Now, with a sharp backward movement, hit the heel to the bottom of the ball in the middle.

With the heel of your right foot, you can send the ball to your left. To do this, step your left foot slightly forward of the ball so that the heel is approximately opposite the middle of the ball. The knee of this leg is bent. Now you need to bring the kicking leg forward and slightly to the right, while turning its toe outward to such an extent that the heel is opposite the middle of the ball. After that, a kick is performed by moving the foot towards the ball. In the game, heel kicks are used most often as surprise passes for the opponent, and not for kicking at goal.

football technique

Stopping the ball by a player

The work of the fielder with the ball

ball kick

Kicking the ball in the air

Goalkeeper technique

We have found it appropriate to begin this course in the theory of football techniques with the stopping of the ball. We believe that if Russian football players are more or less successful with dribbling, feints and other technical techniques, then things are far from rosy with techniques for stopping the ball. Therefore, we decided to focus on this component of the theory of football technique.

Since the ball is constantly moving during the game, in order to master it, the players must be able to stop it. And do it in such a way as to create comfortable conditions for other actions, such as hitting or dribbling. You can stop the ball with your foot, head and torso.

Stopping a rolling ball with the inside of the foot

When the ball rolls towards the player, it is most convenient to stop it with the inside of the foot. Before touching the ball, it is necessary that the foot of the bent supporting leg is parallel to the line along which the ball rolls. The leg with which you want to stop the ball, at the moment it touches the ball, should be slightly taken back, behind the supporting one. If the foot of the stopped foot is placed at right angles to the line on which the ball is rolling, then the ball, upon touching the foot, will roll back directly in front of the player. If the foot meets the ball at a different angle, the ball may roll slightly to the right or left after stopping. The softer the stop, the less the ball bounces off the foot. And to make the stop soft, you need to relax the leg in the knee and ankle joints.

Stopping a rolling ball with the sole

To perform this technique, you need to put your leg, slightly bent, towards the rolling ball so that the ball touches the sole. The foot at this point is turned toe up. The softness of stopping the ball is achieved by moving the foot slightly back at the moment the ball approaches the sole. Bringing the foot forward will cause the ball to bounce off the player. The torso at the moment the ball stops should be slightly tilted forward.

Stop by the outer part of the lift

Stopping the falling ball with the outer part of the lift while moving it to the side. As the ball approaches, lift your leg and take it to the side of the supporting one, and lean slightly towards the leg with which you will stop the ball. As the ball approaches the ground, the raised leg moves towards it. At the moment the ball bounces off the ground, it covers the ball with the outside of the lift.

Stop by the inside of the lift

Stopping the falling ball with the inside of the lift while moving it to the side. To perform this technique, it is necessary, while moving towards the ball, to accurately calculate the place where the ball lands. When approaching the ball, slow down your run (or stop completely) and, as if raking the ball, do not let it bounce off the ground: immediately begin to dribble the ball in one direction or another. When performing this technique, it is necessary not only to calculate the place where the ball lands, but also to make a raking movement so that the sweep of the leg over the ball, touching the ball with it and jerking forward or to the side follow each other without any delay.

Stopping a falling ball with the sole

To perform this move, the player must calculate where the ball will land. When the ball bounces off the ground, the supporting foot should be slightly behind the ball's landing point. The other leg must be raised low, so that the sole blocks the path of the ball. In order to avoid a ball rebound, at the moment the ball touches the sole, slightly raise the leg, as if slightly yielding to the "desire" of the ball to move up.

But this must be done slowly. Newcomers to football often make a technical mistake by lifting their foot prematurely. The ball in such cases often does not reach the place where the player is, or flies over this place. And even if it goes down at the foot, it slips under it before the player has time to touch the ball. This is a common error in the technique of performing a technique for beginners.

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