On what date are day and night equal? Spring and autumn equinoxes. Earth's Special Climate Zone

Twice a year, on the days of the autumn (September 22-23) and spring (March 20-21) equinoxes, the Earth turns towards the Sun in such a way that the sun's rays fall vertically on the equator. And then all over the globe - at the poles and at the equator, in temperate latitudes and in the tropics - the length of day and night becomes the same. It is curious that in Latin this event is called " aequinoctium”, which translates as “equinox”. In this sense, Germans using the word " Tagundnachtgleiche” (“equality of day and night”) turned out to be more logical.

Autumn in the northern hemisphere. Artens | Shutterstock.com

On the day of the autumnal equinox, the Sun crosses the equator and moves into the southern half of the celestial sphere. From this moment on, astronomical autumn begins in the entire northern hemisphere of the Earth, and darkness takes more and more minutes from light every day! The shortest day of the year, which falls on December 21 or 22, marks the beginning of astronomical winter. After that, daylight hours gradually increase and by the beginning of the third decade of March it becomes equal to night. On the day of the vernal equinox, autumn comes again on our planet, only this time in the southern hemisphere...

Yellowed leaves. Calin Stan | Shutterstock.com

An interesting fact is that autumn and winter in the northern hemisphere is a week shorter than the autumn-winter season in the southern hemisphere. Since the number of days from the spring equinox to the autumn equinox is 186, and the time interval from the autumn to the spring equinox is only 179 days! The fact is that in the winter of the northern hemisphere, the Earth moves around the heavenly body somewhat faster than in the winter of the southern hemisphere. Indeed, in January, the globe passes the closest point of the orbit to the Sun - perihelion. And in perihelion, as you know, the linear velocity of the planet increases! Therefore, we, the inhabitants of the northern latitudes, are in a more favorable position than the inhabitants of the southern latitudes, whose dark and cold season is longer by as much as 7 days!

Spring is coming to Australia. Bui Viet Hung | Shutterstock.com

However, the moment is approaching when we are forced to pass the baton of spring and summer to the inhabitants of the southern hemisphere. This will happen tomorrow. In the meantime, let's enjoy the last hours of the outgoing astronomical summer, especially since the weather is conducive to this!

Equinox, implies at least elementary knowledge of astronomical terms, because the equinox itself is a phenomenon studied by this particular science.

Required knowledge of astronomical terms

Our luminary makes its movement along the ecliptic, which is, speaking in unscientific terms, the plane of the earth's orbit. And the moment when the sun, making its way along the ecliptic, crosses the celestial equator, which is a large circle of air and parallel to the earth's equator (their planes coincide, and both of them are perpendicular to the axis of the world), is called an equinox. (also an astronomical concept that has nothing to do with Schwarzenegger) is a line that divides any celestial body into a part illuminated by the sun and into a "night" part. So, on the day of the equinox, it is this terminator that passes through the geographic poles of the Earth and divides it into two equal semi-ellipses.

The salient feature in the name

The name itself contains the concept that on the day of the equinox, night and day are equal to each other. From a scientific point of view, the night is always a little shorter, and the sun rises and sets not exactly in the east and west, but a little to the north. But all the same, from childhood we know that June 22 is not only the day the war began and school graduation balls (this was the case in Soviet times), but also the day of the summer equinox. However, December 22 is also called the summer and winter solstices. This happens because the sun in these periods of time is either at the highest point above the horizon, or at the lowest, and farthest from the celestial equator. That is, on the day of the equinox, the light and dark parts of the day are almost equal to each other.

The number characteristic of the equinox and solstice

On the days of the solstices, one of them - either day or night - maximally exceeds the other. The equinoxes and solstices are also notable for the fact that they serve as the beginning of the seasons. These dates are very remarkable, and always one of the family members says that, they say, today is the longest or shortest day, or that today the day is equal to the night. And this distinguishes him from a series of consecutive days. Almost always, the date of these moments becomes the 22nd, but there are also leap years, and other moments and phenomena of astronomy that affect the date shift by the 21st or 23rd. The months of March, June, September and December are those in which the equinoxes and solstices fall.

Holidays that came from ancient times

Of course, they have been known since ancient times. Our ancestors observed them and connected their lives with these dates, dozens of witnesses will accept this. For the ancient Slavs, a certain holiday is associated with each of these days, and it usually lasts a week (Carols, Rusalia, Maslenitsa week). So, on the winter solstice, Kolyada falls, a holiday later timed to coincide with Christmas. Velikden, or Komoyeditsa, she is Shrovetide - these names mark the spring equinox, the birth of the young sun. From this day, the astrological solar year begins, and our luminary passes into from the South. Maybe that's why March 20 is the holiday of astrology. Kupala (other names are Ivan-day, Solstice), or summer confrontation, is a great summer holiday of the ancient Slavs, fanned by legends that glorified brave people who go that night to look for a fern flower. Ovsen-Tausen, the day of the autumn equinox, after which winter slowly begins to come into its own, and the nights become longer. Therefore, our ancestors in Svyatovit (another name) lit candles - the most beautiful was put in a place of honor.

Earth's Special Climate Zone

All these dates served as reference points for the start of certain activities necessary for life - seasonal types of farming, building or stocking up for the winter. The days of the spring and autumn equinoxes are also characterized by the fact that the sun gives off its light and heat equally to both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, and its rays reach both poles. These days it is located above the territory of such a climatic zone of the Earth as the tropics (translated from Greek means a turning circle). In different directions from the equator to 23 and a few degrees, parallel to it are the northern and southern tropics. A characteristic feature of the area enclosed between them is that over them twice a year the Sun reaches its zenith - once on June 22 over the northern tropic, or the tropic of Cancer, the second time over the southern, or tropic of Capricorn. It happens on December 22nd. This is typical for all latitudes. North and south of the tropics at its zenith, the Sun never appears.

One of the consequences of the shift in the direction of the earth's axis

On the days of the equinox and solstice, it intersects with the celestial equator at points located in (spring) and Virgo (autumn), and on the days of greatest and least distance from the equator, that is, on the days of the summer and winter solstices, in the constellations of Taurus and Sagittarius, respectively . The summer solstice moved from the zodiac constellation Gemini to Taurus in 1988. Under the influence of the attraction of the Sun and the Moon, the earth's axis slowly shifts its direction (precession is another astronomical term), as a result of which the points of intersection of the star with the celestial equator also shift. Spring dates differ from autumn dates, and if September falls on the 22nd-23rd, then the question “When is the day of the vernal equinox?” The answer will be - March 20th. It must be noted that for the Southern Hemisphere, the dates will change places - autumn will become spring, because everything is vice versa there.

The role of the zodiac constellations

As noted above, the equinox points are the points of intersection of the celestial equator with the ecliptic, and they have their own zodiac symbols corresponding to the constellations in which they are located: spring - Aries, summer - Cancer, autumn - Libra, winter - Capricorn. It should be noted that the time interval between two equinoxes of the same name is called a tropical year, the number of solar days in which differs from approximately 6 hours. And only thanks to the leap year, which repeats once every 4 years, the date of the next equinox running forward, returns to the previous number. With the Gregorian year, the difference is negligible (tropical - 365.2422 days, Gregorian - 365.2425), because this modern calendar is arranged in such a way that even in the long term, the dates of the solstices and equinoxes fall on the same numbers. This happens because it provides for a pass of 3 days once every 400 years.

One of the most important practical tasks of astronomy is the establishment of the date of the equinox

Dates range from 1 to 2, no more than days. So how to determine for the coming years when the day of the equinox? It is noticed that as a result of the presence of small fluctuations, the earliest dates, that is, the 19th, fall on leap years. Naturally, the latest (22) falls directly on the preceding leap years. Very rarely there are earlier and later dates, the memory of them is kept for centuries. So, back in 1696, the spring equinox fell on March 19, and in 1903, the autumn equinox fell on September 24. Contemporaries will not see such deviations, because the record of 1696 will be repeated in 2096, and the latest equinox (September 23) will occur no earlier than 2103. There are nuances associated with local time - the deviation in the figure from the world only happens when the exact date falls on 24:00. After all, to the west of the reference point - the zero meridian - a new day has not yet arrived.

Every person after a long and cold winter dreams of the imminent onset of a warm season. The spring equinox 2018 will be the time when the Sun moves into the northern hemisphere and astronomical spring comes.

When does this day come?

Equinox occurs when the length of day and night becomes the same. This moment is observed during the crossing of the equator of the sky by the Sun. The vernal equinoxes are 365.24 solar days apart, so they occur at different times. Now astronomers have learned to accurately set the day of the equinox for several years in advance. For those who are wondering what date this event will take place in 2018, we can already answer for sure. So, the sun's rays will fall vertically on the earth's equator on 03/20/18.

A bit of history

In the history of mankind, four key dates can be noted, in accordance with which the life of ancient people was built. In 2018 they will look like this:

Day of spring equinox 16:15 20.03.18
Summer Solstice 10:07 21.06.18
Autumn equinox day 1:54 23.09.18
Winter solstice 22:23 21.12.18

All these points are sacred. It is after these days that cardinal changes in nature come. The most revered date among our ancestors was still the day of the vernal equinox. He was awaited with the greatest impatience. He personified the victory of light and gave hope for the future. It is not surprising that many nations perceive this day as a real holiday. The darkness begins to recede, and the days increase. In ancient times, the equinox was associated with the onset of springtime. For some nations, this day announced the arrival of the New Year. After all, after it a new period began, when everything in nature and human life began to be updated.

As for our people, in the Slavic world the Komoyeditsa or Maslenitsa was celebrated on the equinox. On this day, it was customary to say goodbye to winter.

How they celebrate

The transition to a new life cycle among all peoples was celebrated with great enthusiasm. People tried to leave everything bad in the past and hoped that the new period would bring them victories and good luck. This, above all, concerned the future harvest. This day was revered by almost all the peoples of our planet. Europeans during this period held numerous festivals and masquerades.

In pre-Christian Russia, when people worshiped pagan gods, the equinox was considered almost the most important day of the year. He was greeted with unprecedented joy and hope. The holidays lasted for several days and were called Maslenitsa week. Each day was dedicated to certain rituals:

  • On Monday, housewives baked fragrant pancakes and larks, symbolizing the arrival of spring. The first pancake, according to custom, was destined for the Bear God. It was believed that he protected men during the hunt. On the same day, in Russian villages, a scarecrow was made of straw and old things, put on a stake and carried on a sleigh throughout the area.
  • On Tuesday, the bride was arranged. In the early morning, the guys invited the girls to ride in a sleigh, and in the evening the matchmakers went to the houses of the future brides to discuss the details of the upcoming wedding.
  • On Wednesday, mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law to visit for pancakes, showing them how much they respect them. On Thursday, in all Russian villages, folk festivals were held with noisy exciting games and fairs, where you could taste pancakes with different fillings and enjoy old drinks. Young people danced and sang songs. The bravest took part in fisticuffs and jumped over the fire. The day ended with the capture of the "snow city". The purpose of all the events of this day was to throw out the negative energy accumulated over the winter.
  • On other days, older people performed all kinds of rituals aimed at obtaining a rich harvest and strengthening family ties (mother-in-law evenings, sister-in-law gatherings, etc.)
  • On Sunday, it was customary to ask for forgiveness from each other. Also, people went to the bathhouse, trying to cleanse themselves of accumulated dirt in order to put on new and clean clothes and put an end to the past. Old and dilapidated things these days needed to be burned. The main event of this holiday, of course, is the burning of a straw effigy - a symbol of winter. Previously, the ashes from the scarecrow were scattered across the fields in the hope of getting a good harvest.

Currently, many traditions associated with the equinox are lost. However, fairs are still held in some Russian cities where you can taste pies, pancakes and other pastries. Performances of folk groups, master classes in various folk crafts are organized on the main squares. By this holiday, cafes and restaurants are adjusting their menu, including dishes of folk cuisine.


In the old days, when baking, housewives put various items related to everyday life into the products. So, if the household was found in a lark, for example:

  • a button, it meant a quick new thing;
  • coin - wealth;
  • flower - foreshadowed the owner of beauty;
  • berry - was to health.

If a woman was pregnant, then on Shrove Tuesday it was easy to find out the gender of the unborn baby. If a man took the first pancake, then an heir would be born, if a woman, then the future mistress.

According to Maslenitsa, it was easy to predict the weather for the next forty days. If the weather was warm for the holiday, then during the next month it was possible to forget about frosts and prepare for work on the ground.

In ancient times, people were sure that the heavens opened on the equinox and the most secret desires were fulfilled. On this day, it was customary to ask God for the most important thing:

  • about the future harvest;
  • about the health and well-being of the whole family.

On this holiday, it was forbidden to be sad. It was believed that on the day of the equinox everything could materialize, so crying and bad thoughts were forbidden. Joy and fun were a guarantee of a good mood for the whole year.

The day of the vernal equinox (Spring equinox) is one of the most unique phenomena of nature, the essence of which, in scientific terms, is that “at the moment of the equinox, the center of the Sun in its apparent movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator.”

On this day, the Earth, rotating around its imaginary axis passing through the poles, while simultaneously moving around the Sun, is in such a position relative to the star that the sun's rays, carrying thermal energy, fall vertically on the equator. The sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and these days in all countries the day is almost equal to the night.

There are spring and autumn equinoxes. UTC (in other time zones, these dates may differ by a day) in the northern hemisphere spring equinox occurs 20th of March when the sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern autumn equinox occurs September 22 or 23(in 2019 - September 23)when the Sun moves from the northern hemisphere to the southern. In the southern hemisphere, on the contrary, the March equinox is considered autumn, and the September equinox is considered spring.

The spring and autumn equinoxes are considered the astronomical beginning of the respective seasons. The period of time between two equinoxes of the same name is called the tropical year. This year is today adopted for measuring time. There are approximately 365.2422 solar days in a tropical year. Because of this, the “approximately” equinox falls at different times of the day each year, each year moving forward by about 6 hours.

On the Day of the Spring Equinox, many peoples and nationalities of the Earth begin the New Year: Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan - almost all countries of the Great Silk Road associate the beginning of the new year with this natural phenomenon.

The ancient scientists of China, India, and Egypt knew very well about the days of the vernal equinox. In ancient times, the spring equinox was considered a great holiday.

In religion in ancient times, the day of the vernal equinox was also of no small importance. The date of the Easter holiday, which is celebrated every year at different times, was counted from the day of the vernal equinox as follows: March 21 - the first full moon - the first Sunday, which was considered a holiday.

Many peoples have kept the spring equinox as a holiday in the calendar. For example, in Farsi it is called , which means "new day". Rooted in the traditions of the ancient farmers of the Middle East and Central Asia, the holiday has become an integral part of the culture of many peoples who profess Islam.

In the CIS, the equinox day is celebrated as a national holiday by Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other nations. In a number of countries, Navruz is declared a public holiday, and March 21 is a day off.

On this day, light and darkness are divided equally. In ancient times, when there were no calendars, spring was determined by the sun. It was believed that it was from this day that renewals in nature begin: the first spring thunder, swelling of buds on trees, violent germination of greenery.

The day of the spring equinox was especially revered in the pagan faith. It was believed that on this day, in the annual cycle, Spring, personifying the revival and rebirth of nature, replaces Winter.

When the sun moves from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere, the autumn equinox occurs.

Speaking of equinox dates, one should distinguish between a date according to universal time and a date for a specific time zone:

if the equinox occurred before 12:00 UT, in some countries located west of the zero meridian, this day may not yet come and, according to local time, the equinox will be considered 1 day earlier;

if the equinox came later than 12:00 UTC, then in some countries located east of the zero meridian, the next day may already come and the date of the equinox will be 1 more.

As conceived by the creators of the Gregorian calendar, the "official" date of the vernal equinox is March 21 (literally "12th day before the April kalends") because such a date of the vernal equinox was at the time of the Council of Nicaea.

The last time in this century the vernal equinox fell on March 21 in 2007 and will fall on March 20 or even March 19 in the 21st century.

After a long winter, we all look forward to the arrival of spring. In March, buds appear on trees, nature comes to life after a long sleep, birds sing and the sun shines. Loved by many holiday Spring Equinox Day - what date will it be in 2020 and how is it celebrated? Read the details in this article.

What happens on this day?

First of all, let's figure out what the spring equinox is. In fact, the answer lies in the name of the Equinox: day is equal to night, that is, the duration of daylight and darkness is the same.

There is a spring equinox, which is celebrated in March, and autumn - in September. Some also talk about the spring solstice, but this is wrong. After all, they are only in summer and winter - in June and December.

The date of the holiday in different years falls on different days: March 19, 20 or 21. The exact date depends on the year, it's all about the calendar shift due to leap years.

In 2020, the spring equinox will occur on March 20 at 06:50 am Moscow time. If you live in another region, you can calculate the time yourself, knowing Moscow.

After this day, the length of daylight hours begins to increase, and the day becomes longer than the night.

Watch the video, which reveals the astronomical essence of the equinox phenomenon:

On March 21, the Sun moves from the zodiac sign Pisces to the sign of Aries, and the astrological spring begins (the period of the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini).

Since the sign Aries is associated with new business, initiative, then at this time it is good to start implementing new projects, implementing ideas and plans. Nature is reviving, so the activity of man in the world should also be reborn.

Table of vernal equinoxes until 2025

Year Date and exact time in Moscow
2019 March 21 00:58
2020 March 20 06:50
2021 March 20 12:37
2022 March 20 18:33
2023 21 March 00:24
2024 March 20 06:06
2025 March 20 12:01

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish

The spring solstice is a time of miracles and mysticism, when the Wheel of Fate can be turned in the right direction. Traditionally, various ceremonies were performed on this day. Today I will bring a spring ritual for the fulfillment of a wish.

Important conditions: the desire should concern you personally and it should not be associated with harm to other people.

Choose a quiet place and ask them not to disturb you for half an hour. Prepare a white candle.

  • Light a candle.
  • Take a comfortable position with a straight back, for example, sit in a Turkish position.
  • Place the candle so that it is convenient to look at it.
  • Relax. Close your eyes. Breathe evenly and slowly.
  • Imagine that your wish has already come true. For example, if you want to buy a new car, then imagine yourself driving as if you were driving around the city in a brand new car. Mentally look at the registration certificate that you just received.
  • Be sure to experience the emotions that a fulfilled desire will give you - delight, joy, satisfaction.
  • Now place the image of the fulfilled wish in the pink sphere.
  • The sphere rises up and flies into the sky, higher and higher.
  • You let go of your desire, thus leaving a request to the Universe for its fulfillment.

Try to forget about your desire for a while. Then it will certainly come true.

Folk signs of the holiday

Among the people, from generation to generation, signs on the Day of the vernal equinox are passed on.

  1. What will be the thoughts and desires, this will be the whole year. The fact is that on March 21, an energy template is laid for the next months of the year. Therefore, thoughts must necessarily be positive, and wishes to other people only bright and kind. It is impossible to wish bad even to enemies.
  2. The more fun to celebrate this day, the more fun the year will be.
  3. Our ancestors on this day looked for spring thawed patches and counted them. If you find 40 pieces, then spring will bring good luck.
  4. If the day turned out to be frosty, then another 40 days of frost are expected. And if the day is warm, then there will be no night frosts.

Spring equinox festival in different nations

The spring equinox is celebrated all over the world. Different peoples meet spring in different ways, but they all have common features - each person rejoices at the reborn Sun and is waiting for a warm welcome.

Feast of the Slavs

The holiday of the spring equinox among the Slavs was called Magpies or Larks. The first name comes from the Forty Sebastian Martyrs - Christian warriors who refused to make sacrifices to pagan gods, as they deeply believed in Christ.

However, even in the pre-Christian era, the spring equinox was celebrated on a grand scale. It was believed that on this day there is a balance between light and darkness. The sun wakes up to give people warmth and harvest.

The Slavs called the Day of the vernal equinox - Larks. According to popular beliefs, migratory larks return to their homeland on this day, followed by other migratory birds.

Before this day, any agricultural work was prohibited, since the land was still in hibernation. Now she has begun awakening.

For the holiday, the housewives made ceremonial pastries from unleavened dough in the form of larks. Birds were often baked with spread wings and tufts. But each hostess, of course, had her own recipe.

Baked larks were given to children. They ran with them to the street, threw them up, imitating the arrival of birds. Sometimes children put the birds on a stick to raise them even higher to the sun. These ritual actions were accompanied by the calls of spring, the children shouted out special chants - the clicks of spring.

After the game, the larks were eaten, but the heads of the birds were not eaten. They were usually given to livestock.

Divination was also common. For example, the hostess baked birds, one for each family member. One had a coin inside. Whoever gets a bird with a coin will be happy all year.

Spring Larks Baking Recipes

How to cook larks for the Spring Equinox? Watch the video recipe:

And here is another recipe - simpler, from yeast-free dough:

Celtic festival Ostara

The holiday, named after the goddess of fertility of the earth named Ostare, is celebrated on the Day of the spring equinox. From that day on, the ancient Celts opened the agricultural season.

The goddess Ostare is one of the most "ancient" goddesses, known from the second millennium BC. It is also associated with the awakening of nature, with the first herbs and flowers.

On this day, the ancient Germans performed rituals for the fertility of fields and trees in the coming season. It was customary to cleanse people of the filth accumulated over the winter.

Popular on this holiday were:

  • Dousing with water;
  • Fumigation with smoke;
  • Jumping over the fire;
  • Descent of fiery wheels from the mountain;
  • Throwing fire arrows.

After the advent of Christianity, the pagan Spring Equinox merged with the Christian Annunciation.

There are two main symbols of the goddess Ostare. The first of these is the moon hare or rabbit. He symbolized fertility (everyone knows how rabbits breed) and personified rebirth.

According to legend, the goddess Ostare saw a wounded bird in the snow. He took pity on the bird and, wanting to save it from death, turned it into a hare. In its new form, the bird still laid eggs. Therefore, the egg was considered the second symbol of the holiday - a symbol of the Sun and the rebirth of nature.

Eggs were painted with protective symbols, as well as signs of peace, wealth, fertility, etc. on them. The rite is similar to the painting of Easter eggs familiar to us today.

Higan in Japan

The spring equinox in Japan is associated with a Buddhist holiday called Higan. It is a public holiday and a day off for the Japanese.

However, the celebrations last for a whole week: they begin 3 days before the equinox and end 3 days after it ends. The exact date of the equinox is calculated every year at the National Observatory.

The name "khigan" is translated as "that shore" or "the world where the souls of ancestors settled." Accordingly, this is a holiday of veneration of ancestors.

Before the holiday, the Japanese carefully clean their houses and put things in order. They clean the home altar with photographs of ancestors and their personal belongings, put fresh flowers and ritual food.

During the festive week, people in Japan go to the graves of deceased relatives. All ritual foods are vegetarian. This is a tribute to the Buddhist tradition not to kill any living beings and not to eat meat. The basis of the menu are rice, vegetables, beans, root vegetables and vegetable broths.

On holidays, the Japanese visit Buddhist temples, order prayers and pay ritual honors to departed ancestors.

Soon after Higan comes the cherry blossom season, which symbolizes the real rebirth of nature. All the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun go to admire the beautiful and short-term phenomenon.

Turkic Novruz

The traditional holiday Novruz or Nauryz is celebrated by the Turkic and Iranian peoples, it is one of the most ancient holidays in the history of mankind. Not related to Islam, originated in Zoroastrianism and is associated with the astronomical phenomenon of the spring equinox. It is considered the true beginning of the New Year.

Nowruz is currently celebrated on March 21 in Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and other countries. In Russia, this holiday is celebrated in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and Dagestan.

Preparations for Novruz begin well in advance. Be sure to clean the house, pay off debts, ask for forgiveness for the wrongs caused. Prepare a variety of traditional dishes. Definitely lots of sweets. It is believed that the richer the table, the happier the year will pass.

Germinated wheat greens are often put on the table, which symbolizes the rebirth of nature.

There is a tradition to arrange a fiery festival for Novruz. For example, they make a fire, dance round dances around it. And then they jump over the fire. It is believed that this allows you to cleanse yourself of all ailments and problems.

Thus, the date of the spring equinox is very important in the history and culture of different peoples of the world. Everyone on this day welcomes spring, the reborn sun and hopes for a rich harvest.

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