Drama "Aunt Valya". TV presenter from "Good night, kids!" loved the people, but not the family. Dmitry Vinogradov, son of Valentina Leontieva: biography, personal life and interesting facts Son of Valentina Leontieva Dmitry Vinogradov age

When the famous TV presenter Valentina Leontieva turned 65, all her programs were closed. For the sake of staying on the screen, she did plastic surgery, because of which she almost died. But it didn't help. She was written off ... The last consolation was The only son. But he, according to relatives, robbed his mother to the skin and did not even come to the funeral.

The life of the legendary TV presenter is like a roller coaster - ups and downs. She made a dizzying career on Soviet television, but then it was very painful for her to fall from this peak ... And the star of the programs got into the “box” Goodnight, kids!”, “With all my heart” and “Visiting a fairy tale” by chance. In general, she could have died as a schoolgirl in the Leningrad blockade.

“Our father died from a hungry psychosis, our mother beat us so that we would not lie in a hungry swoon,” she recalled. Native sister TV presenter Ludmila. - Valya worked in the sanitary detachment, picked up the corpses of the dead, helped the emaciated. Once she fed a captured German by donating a bowl of soup to him. At that time, for such an act, one could thunder for 10 years if someone informed ... In 1942, we last ice Ladogi left for evacuation. They settled in the Ulyanovsk region, began to get used to peasant labor. Valya was very strong, easily coped with the bulls, chopped firewood ...

But as soon as the war ended, Valentina left for Moscow to become an artist. But I didn’t have time - the enrollment in theater universities was over. At first she had to study at the Institute of Chemical Technology, then she worked in a clinic. But she could not resist and again began to storm creative universities. She entered the opera and drama studio at the Moscow Art Theater, according to the distribution went to work in the Tambov theater, where she jumped out to marry director Yuri Richard, with whom she lived for four years. True, before that, when she studied in Moscow, she had a chance to go abroad forever!

One day, a man knocked on her door, who came to "woo" with his mother. In broken Russian, he explained the situation to her - it turned out that this was the same captured German whom she fed during the blockade! For ten years he sought permission to come to the USSR, miraculously found the same schoolgirl who had already turned into a girl ... The story is romantic, but Valentina refused him. She always knew that an unusual fate awaited her, and she was not mistaken.

“In Ostankino, Valentina Mikhailovna participated in the competition for announcers, but did not pass,” recalls actor Yuri Grigoriev. - But she was allowed to carry headphones for the director. Once the announcer fell ill, and Leontieva replaced her. Thus began her career!

Behind short term Leontieva became a star of the first magnitude. Fans bombarded her with letters, and among her suitors were famous people. Bulat Okudzhava wrote poetry to Valentina in his youth, but she gave him a turn from the gate. They met again only after 40 years, in famous TV presenter Okudzhava barely recognized his first love! He again told her that he was ready for anything for her, but a month later the famous songwriter died. The famous cosmonaut Boris Yegorov, for whom the whole country went crazy and because of which two beautiful actresses Natalya Fateeva and Natalya Kustinskaya competed, literally pursued Leontief for several years.

Comedian Arkady Raikin almost left his family for a TV presenter, his unrequited love lasted ten years! But she accepted only friendship from Raikin ... As a result, her heart enviable bride presented to the diplomat Yuri Vinogradov, who took her to all foreign countries. They spent over 20 years together. True, her husband drank and cheated on Leontyeva, but she still loved him. And at the age of 37, as if coming to her senses, she nevertheless gave birth to a child - the son of Mitya. True, she could not quit her career for him. For the first two years, Mitya lived with his grandmother, then his parents took the boy with them to America. When Leontieva returned to the USSR with her son, she was again on the wave of success. She took Mitya to meetings with children who simply tore her apart. In the end, he told her: “You are not my mother! You are their mother!” So a deep crack was laid in the relationship between the son and mother ...

In 1982, Valentina Leontyeva was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. She decided to celebrate this event with her family and went to her mother and sister in the Ulyanovsk region. The mother, having learned about the award, was very excited and said to her daughter: “Now I can die in peace!” A few days later, the mother of the TV star really died. Leaving, Valentina Mikhailovna dropped: “My home is now television.” She could not even think that with the advent of the commercial format, she would simply be “written off” at the television center. However, that is exactly what happened. All of her programs that did not meet the standards of the new television were closed. And the TV presenter herself was offered to quietly retire. To the surprise of the chiefs, the "old woman" resisted. She told the management: “I will now hang a sign on my chest with the inscription “Blame the boss for my death” and lie down under the tram at VDNKh!” Everyone knew her determination, she really could do it.

Leontyeva told her family that she was going to poison herself because of the loss of her beloved job. At the same time, she kept hoping for a return and fought. Again and again she went from office to office, even recorded a video message for Yeltsin ... She was pitied on television. To begin with, they left him “behind the scenes” - they made him an assistant director. Then Leontyeva was engaged in sign language translation ... Thinking that her appearance was the reason for the dismissal, the TV presenter went for plastic surgery.

Naina Yeltsina helped her find doctors, to whom Leontieva complained of wrinkles. By special technology TV presenter burned the upper layers of the skin along with wrinkles. Her entire face was burned, and a plaster mask was placed over it with a hole at her mouth, through which she was fed broth and allowed to smoke. After the operation, Leontieva was very weak, yet age made itself felt. But she endured everything courageously, thinking about the moment when she would again go to Ostankino and everyone would gasp ...

- When Valentina Mikhailovna appeared in the corridors of Ostankino, it was a real sensation! - recalls Yuri Grigoriev. She looks 20 years younger! Everyone asked her what happened, what she did to herself. They whispered about the operation ... But Leontieva ordered her friends to keep quiet about it. She created a legend that because of the illness she lay in bed for a long time and therefore she was so refreshed. Of course, no one believed ... But the most offensive thing is that there were no new proposals from television!

Rejuvenation did not return the presenter to the "frame". The channel management simply did not know how to “fit” it into new format television, and after 1997 Leontief finally retired. By that time, her husband had already died, and the grown-up son Mitya was not happy. He didn't have a career. Leontieva placed Mitya in the fashion studio of Vyacheslav Zaitsev. But when, before entering the podium, they announced: “And now the son of Aunt Valya will come out!”, He lost his temper and never returned to the studio ... Later, Dmitry tried to organize a business. He regularly “cleaned up” his mother’s savings, persuaded her to exchange their four-room apartment, then asked her to transfer documents to her one-room apartment ... And in 2004, Leontiev was taken to the hospital with a head injury. There were persistent rumors that this was the work of her son. Be that as it may, since the TV presenter left Moscow, he called her only when he needed money, and did not come to the funeral.

The TV presenter spent the last years in the Ulyanovsk region, with her sister. From here she left as a girl to conquer Moscow. And she returned here as an 80-year-old old woman, whom her native television even forgot to congratulate on her birthday.

“He gets up in the morning, sits by the window and looks at one point,” the sister of the TV presenter recalled. - She answered all the questions: “I don’t need anything!” She did not want to live. She was worried that everyone had forgotten her.

who else was not at odds with children?

Ladynina was shy of her adult son

In old age, the actress has greatly deteriorated character. Therefore, she could not be friends with anyone, and the only son Andrei, born of Ivan Pyryev, was forced to leave her apartment, they even talked little. The fact is that the 90-year-old actress was embarrassed by her adult son - after all, he betrayed her considerable age!

The mother unsuccessfully tried to hide her age. The mention of how old she was could lead to hysteria, recalled son Andrei. - For example, when she found out that they would give her the Nika award, her first reaction was: “Here are the bastards! Now everyone will know how old I am!” At the same time, the mother herself did not need anything. Her life consisted only in the daily overcoming of terrible pain. Her legs hurt, she had a pacemaker, she could hardly see. Even getting out of bed was a problem for her ... At the same time, her mother did not want my help and did not expect her.

Samoilova did not forgive the heir of betrayal

In her youth, living in a marriage with Vasily Lanov, the actress had an abortion, but she could have given birth to twins ... She regretted this act all her life and therefore, after thirty years, she gave birth to a child from an almost random man, whom she was not married to. The actress devoted a lot of time to her son, but, unfortunately, he did not repay with gratitude. Ever since school, Mitya dreamed of going abroad and did it as soon as he graduated from the institute. After that, the relationship with her son went wrong and she began to drink.

“About 5 years after the departure of my son, I stopped missing him,” the actress admitted. - I let him go and realized that there is no such love anymore. And I could not forgive betrayal to him ...

Okunevskaya traded her daughter for men

The star of the 40s Tatyana Okunevskaya did not get along with her daughter Inga. While the girl was at school, her mother was busy social life. Then she was put in jail.

“I was fifteen years old when my mother was arrested. And when she returned, I was already an established person: with a husband, with two children, says the daughter of the actress. - Our relationship did not work out, because my mother still perceived me as small, she did not understand that I had grown up. And harshly dictated to me the conditions. And I tried to communicate with her on an equal footing, which did not suit her. In the end we parted ways. Moreover, until the last days of her life, her mother was surrounded by young fans who were literally her “slaves”. Communication seemed more important to her than me and my life.

What a tragic fate. Such a bright woman, the most beloved TV presenter, Aunt Valya for children, they loved her very much ....

Valentina Mikhailovna Leontyeva is a Soviet and Russian TV presenter. Announcer of the Central Television of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (1954-1989). Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1975). People's Artist of the USSR (1982). Valentina Mikhailovna Leontieva was born on August 1, 1923 in Petrograd, now St. Petersburg. Parents are native Petersburgers, uncle is architect Vladimir Shchuko. Their house is still intact at the corner of Bolshoy Prospekt and Zverinskaya Street. They lived on the sixth floor, next to Nikolai Tikhonov.

Valentina Leontyeva had to endure the blockade of Leningrad, at the age of 18 she went to the sanitary corps in order to help the wounded and sick in the besieged city. Mom taught Valya to smoke to muffle the feeling of hunger. She could not get rid of this habit all her life. When the food ran out, the 60-year-old father donated to get extra rations to save his daughters from starvation. Once, while dismantling furniture for firewood, Mikhail Leontiev injured his hand, and he began to become infected with blood. He died a few days later. Valya, her mother and sister were taken along the Road of Life. Subsequently, Valentina recalled how little son sister died on the road, and she could not even bury him humanly: the child’s body had to be buried in a roadside snowdrift. After the war, Valentina studied at the Institute of Chemical Technology, worked in a clinic. Then she graduated from the Stanislavsky Opera and Drama Studio at the Moscow Art Theater (V. O. Toporkov’s studio), (now the Stanislavsky Moscow Drama Theater), worked in Tambov drama theater, then came to television, where she began working as an assistant director.

In 1954, she passed the competitive selection for television, becoming an announcer. However, her debut on the air was unsuccessful: the young announcer was entrusted to read the message on the New Year tree in the Central House Soviet army. Valentina was so worried that she began to stutter while reading, her face turned red. The All-Union Radio announcer Olga Vysotskaya stood up for her young colleague, and Leontiev was left on television.

She lived for a very long time with her mother in a communal apartment. A house was built opposite the television center on Shabolovka, and many television people were given rooms in it. And when foreign journalists arrived in 1962, an incident broke out. They wanted to shoot at her house to show what kind of hostess she is. But Valentina Mikhailovna could not accept them in a communal apartment! What to do? She was rescued by a friend who offered to “rent” her newly renovated one-room apartment. The shooting took place. True, before leaving, the journalists asked: “Valentina Mikhailovna, where do you sleep?”. It was not clear to them how such a famous TV presenter could live without a bedroom. By the way, a separate apartment was allocated only ten years after this tragicomic story ...

Over the years of her long-term work on television, Valentina Mikhailovna hosted children's programs “Visiting a fairy tale”, “Good night, kids!”, “Alarm clock”, “From the box of the theater” (together with Igor Kirillov), festive “Blue Lights”, search the program "With all my heart", as well as many other favorite and popular television programs at that time.
More than one generation of Russians has grown up on her children's programs. Millions of children were waiting for the program “Visiting a fairy tale” and “Good night, kids!”. And Valentina Mikhailovna herself deserved the honorary title - Aunt Valya Soviet Union.

The peak of her work was the program "From the bottom of my heart", which was awarded the State Prize. The telecast went on the air on July 13, 1972. The bosses did not like the first presenter, and from the second release, the already popular Valentina Leontieva began to host the program. The program “From the bottom of my heart”, which told about human destinies, was no less exciting than the most interesting movie. Meetings of people after many years of separation, relatives and friends who suddenly found themselves in front of a television camera, who were scattered by life, gathered millions of viewers in front of the screen. With this program, Valentina Mikhailovna traveled around 54 cities and until the very last days she remembered all the heroes of the programs. When once Valentina Mikhailovna was riding in a taxi to Shabolovka and took out money to pay, the driver turned around and said: “I don’t take my money. When it's my birthday - you are my guest, when I'm sick - you visit me. My children want to listen to a fairy tale, and you come again ... "

Valentina Mikhailovna Leontyeva was the first female announcer and the only female announcer of the Central Television of the USSR to be awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. Throughout history People's Artists The USSR became two announcers - she and Igor Kirillov.

One day older sister Valentina Leontyeva Lyudmila, who worked as the chief economist at the state farm, conveyed to Valentina the request of the director of the state farm, which now seems more than strange to us, to somehow help in obtaining the seeders that had just appeared and were distributed strictly according to the funds. And Valentina Mikhailovna went to ... the minister Agriculture THE USSR! The minister accepted it immediately: “Valentina Mikhailovna, dear, how can I finish this flashlight? My tomboys overlooked something and now they do not give rest, ”the official asked the host of the Skillful Hands program. Leontieva explained. As a result, the minister and TV presenter broke up, very pleased with each other. The minister learned how to teach his grandchildren to make flashlights, and 20 scarce seeders went to the state farm.

The people loved her, but her personal life did not work out. In the mid-1950s, Bulat Okudzhava courted Valentina Leontyeva. touching poem. And she considered the small, shy boy only a friend and nothing more.

your heart,
like a window in an abandoned house,
Locked up tight
it's not close anymore...
And followed you
because I'm destined
I'm destined for the world
look for you.
The years go by
the years still fly by
I believe:
if not tonight
A thousand years will pass
I'll still find
Somewhere, on some
I'll meet you on the street...

The first husband of Valentina Mikhailovna was the radio director Yuri Richard. However, the marriage lasted only three years. The second husband, Yuri Vinogradov, is a diplomat, former ambassador USSR in India and an employee of the USSR diplomatic mission in New York (the marriage broke up in the early 1970s). They had a son - Dmitry Vinogradov.
Kaleria Kislova said: “Her husband was a diplomat, worked as Khrushchev’s personal translator, then he was sent on some kind of diplomatic mission to New York, I think, to the UN. And then there was such a law (however, it seems that it exists now) that it was necessary to go with your wife. Valya pulled as long as she could. And then she had to leave. I remember how she came to our office to say goodbye. “I don’t know how I will live there,” she said with tears in her eyes, “without work, without television!” However, she did not live overseas for long: they removed Khrushchev, and soon Valya's husband was also recalled. Somehow I come to work - she sits. We had a large room, and everyone gathered for her “lecture about America” - authors, editors, directors. According to her, everything seemed foreign there. Mothers walking in the park with their children made a particularly strong impression on her. “I was amazed,” she said, “that a child can fall, hit, cry, and my mother won’t even raise an eyebrow: “Nothing, he will rise!” Such is their education system. And since I rushed to Mitya all the time, they looked at me, to put it mildly, with surprise. And she never spoke English - unlike her son, who very quickly found mutual language with American
children." Relations with her son were the biggest pain of Valentina Mikhailovna. In short: she spoiled me as best she could, attached her to various universities, fed and watered her all her life. And then the son began to raise his hand to her. He did not attend his mother's funeral.

Dmitry Vinogradov.

In the 1990s, a difficult period began in the life of Valentina Leontyeva. All her programs were closed, and no new offers were received. She tried to independently revive the program “From the bottom of her heart”, but all her efforts did not give a result. In 1992, the director of the program “Through the Looking Glass” Pyotr Sosedov and the editor of the film program studio Inna Smirnova decided to return the old name and invite V. M. Leontieva to the leading role. Valentina Mikhailovna found a sponsor ready to pay full cost program production. Even two TV shows with the old name “Visiting a Fairy Tale” went on the air, but the studio management Vladimir Shmakov and Maria Starostina forbade using “Aunt Valya” as a host and the program again began to go out under the name “Through the Looking Glass”. Under this name, she went on the air until the liquidation of the Ostankino TV channel in 1995. At first, she was offered to retire, then she was "merciful" and transferred "behind the scenes" to the position of assistant director. And later he was appointed a consultant in the department of sign language translation. “Vladimir Pozner saved me from humiliating poverty,” Valentina Mikhailovna later said. - He procured for me CEO ORT Konstantin Ernst a lifetime salary.

Since 2004, she lived in the village of Novoselki, Melekessky district, Ulyanovsk region. According to rumors, son Dmitry severely beat his mother, after which she ended up in the hospital, where doctors barely saved Leontiev. Relatives took care of her. A month before her death, Leontieva presented her things to the Ulyanovsk Museum of Local Lore - photographs, letters, an evening dress in which she received the TEFI television award for her 75th birthday. Son Dmitry never came to her. Valentina Mikhailovna Leontieva died on May 20, 2007. She was buried, according to the will, in the village of Novosyolki.

The president Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin expressed condolences to the family and friends of Valentina Mikhailovna:

"The light and creative person— Valentina Mikhailovna Leontieva, whose kindness long years as if radiated from the TV screens to us, the audience. Valentina Leontyeva stood at the origins of Russian television, laid down its traditions and was its soul. She went from assistant director to announcer and TV presenter. She gave 50 years of her life to television. During this time, several generations have grown up on the programs made by her or with her participation. Such as the memorable "Blue Light", "Alarm Clock", "Visiting a Fairy Tale", "From the Heart". this time she traveled to many cities in Russia with the program "With all my heart", which millions of viewers were waiting for.

Valentina Leontyeva was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. She really was popular. She entered every house as her own, the children called her "Aunt Valya", the adults - Valya or Valya. Her high skill was appreciated by professionals: in 2000 she became a TEFI laureate. With her departure, we have lost a significant part of our television history.
Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Ulyanovsk Region annually hosts the International Festival of Film and TV Programs for Family Viewing named after Valentina Leontieva “From the bottom of my heart”. In 2007, the Ulyanovsk Regional Puppet Theater was named after People's Artist of the USSR Valentina Leontieva.

The biography of the son of Valentina Leontyeva is the story of an abandoned boy who, when he grew up, repaid his mother with the same coin. For the childhood years of loneliness, St.

By Masterweb

17.11.2018 20:00

This article tells the story of yet another abandoned child. The lives of great people, actors and TV stars very often do not know mercy. Neither to himself nor to others, including the closest and closest people. The key is the audience...


The biography of Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, the legendary TV presenter of the Soviet Union, originates in northern lands homeland of the ancient Vikings - the Scandinavian Kingdom of Sweden.

The enterprising representatives of the glorious Thorsons family once paved their own way from the Varangians to the Greeks and settled in the northern capital of Russia - the city of Petrograd.

Dmitry's grandfather, Mikhail Grigorievich Torsons, was twenty years older than his wife Ekaterina Mikhailovna. Both of them were accountants. Grandfather - the chief accountant of the October railway, and my grandmother - one of the city's hospitals. This family has always had money. Instilling European manners in his two daughters, Alevtina and Lyudmila, everyone in the house spoke exclusively in French and very often arranged home musical evenings-masquerades, at which Mikhail Grigorievich played the violin, and all three of his young ladies - his wife and two daughters, along with guests danced to his accompaniment.

In the thirties, at the initiative of his grandfather Dmitry Vinogradov, who feared Stalinist repressions due to the situation on the border with Finland, the whole family changed their surname. Thus the Thorsons became the Leontiefs. And their youngest daughter Alevtina, whom the boys teased with drying oil at school, became Valentina.


Mikhail Grigoryevich did not survive the blockade of Leningrad and died of starvation, giving the last crumbs to his relatives. After his death, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, together with her daughters, managed to evacuate to the Ulyanovsk region, where her youngest daughter Valentina, the future favorite of all the children of the Soviet Union without exception, graduated from the school of the village of Novoselki, in which their family now settled.

Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, said that my mother often recalled that time and that distant village, to which she would be destined to return many years later to die. After the end of the Great Patriotic War The Leontievs remained in Novoselki - grandmother Ekaterina Mikhailovna took up the accounting of the village cooperative, and her eldest daughter got married and had a child. Valentina went to conquer the capital.


Valentina Leontieva became a TV presenter and the idol of millions of children in a vast country. For her little admirers, she was just Aunt Valya, the kindest aunt in the world. On the programs “Good night, kids!”, “Visiting a fairy tale” and “Alarm clock”, hosted by Valentina Mikhailovna, several generations have grown up.

And her program "From the bottom of my heart", helping people who are lost or separated by the will of fate to find each other again, has riveted the attention of an adult audience for fifteen years. At the same time, "With all my heart" also became the pioneer of the talk show genre on domestic television.

Valentina Leontyeva, whose son Dmitry Vinogradov is the subject of this article, was born on August 1, 1923.

The titles and awards of this legendary TV presenter speak for themselves - Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR, as well as People's Artist of the USSR, for her program "With all my heart" she was awarded the USSR State Prize and the TEFI Prize "For personal contribution to the development of domestic television."


Dmitry Vinogradov's dad was the second husband of Valentina Leontyeva, a diplomat and personal translator of Nikita Khrushchev - Yuri Vinogradov, a representative of the USSR diplomatic mission in New York.

Yuri was cheerful, educated and smart person. He lived to the fullest, as if drawing life with large spoons. Vinogradov did not divide the people around him into friends and foes - for him everyone was his own, and he rejoiced at each of them. Therefore, in his environment one could equally meet both a boxer and an academician.

Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, recalled his mother's stories about how she met his father. Yuri Vinogradov met Leontieva in a restaurant on a bet with his friend. The essence of the dispute was that Yuri would pretend to be a foreigner so skillfully that the girl would not suspect anything. The friend had to play the role of an interpreter.

They importantly approached young Valentina and started a conversation. Yuri won the argument, and at the same time won the girl's heart, and he fell in love himself.


Soon Leontieva and Vinogradov got married. Valentina, who by that time had already had several unsuccessful attempts to get a job in one of the theaters in Moscow, once accidentally saw a newspaper advertisement about an ongoing competition for the vacant position of a TV presenter. In those distant times, television was just beginning its development, and the girl had little idea what it really was, but she was unemployed and decided to participate as a temporary option until something really worthwhile came up to her.

We all know that there is nothing more permanent than temporary. And that attempt by young Valentina grew into almost half a century of work on television. From now on, the blue screen has become main goal and the meaning of Leontieva's life.

Husband Yuri at first favorably treated the rapidly starting development of his wife's career, considering it, rather, her pampering. He himself earned very well, they had no problems with money, and he did not like the fact that Valentina began to devote herself so deeply to her work. Moreover, soon their family was waiting for replenishment.


The date of birth of Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, was January 26, 1962. The TV presenter was taken by ambulance to the hospital straight from work.

After the birth, Mitya actually became a grandmother's son. Ekaterina Mikhailovna Leontieva took care of him.

Leontieva rarely appeared at home, disappearing at work from morning to night.

Nevertheless, little Mitya saw his mother much more often than she saw him - looking at her on the TV screen, as if through a window. Here she is, mother - very close. And you will not touch and you will not be warmed by the warmth of her hands.

Valentina usually saw her son sleeping. She went to work - Mitenka was still sleeping. She returned at night - Mitya was already asleep. And between morning and night - television. One continuous television ... On which Leontieva at that time was the host of several programs at once - "Alarm Clock", "Good Night, Kids", "Skillful Hands", "Visiting a Fairy Tale", "With all my heart" and "Blue light."

Mom put millions of other people's children to bed every evening, and her dear Mitya at that time was sitting at home with her grandmother and father, deliberately not watching her mother's program "Good night, kids", because she was not his own mother there, but a common one. Since then, he began to hate television.

And when Valentina Leontyeva once brought home children's drawings that were sent to her from all over the country to the program "Visiting a Fairy Tale" to show them to her son, Mitya had her first tantrum. Bursting with tears, he tore up all the drawings and ran away.

By that time, her marriage to Yuri Vinogradov was already coming to its logical conclusion. She literally lived on television. He is on business trips. The husband began to drink a lot and started an affair on the side. Valentine herself was not sinless.

In 1977 they divorced.


Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, whose year of birth was 1962, was already fifteen years old at the time of the divorce of his parents. And he grew up as a difficult teenager. His whole life has been a challenge to the stereotype that he should live up to his mother. And he wanted to correspond only to himself. And the more he was pressured by teachers for his bad behavior, the worse he behaved, becoming the only one at school who was not accepted into the Komsomol.

After school, Dmitry worked for some time as an illuminator at the television center, where Leontieva attached him. Then he entered the camera department of the All-Russian state institute cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov, who then dropped out in his third year. Toiled without a permanent job and unsuccessfully tried to start a business.

The growth of Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, was almost two meters. Oblique fathom in the shoulders and Scandinavian breed.

Mom tried to arrange it in modeling agency Vyacheslav Zaitsev, but Dmitry very soon left from there, because everyone around him treated him like the son of a famous TV presenter.

He closed himself in his world, as he closed himself from his mother in the room and in real life, not sharing any of his secrets with Leontieva and hiding from everyone, even from his girlfriend, that he is her son.

Mitya grew up as an ambiguous young man, very offended by his mother, and indeed by everyone during his childhood. He never even went to the grave of his grandmother, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, who raised him, never forgiving her for once reading his diaries.

Conflict with mother

life path Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, is the story of a lonely man whose heart was not filled with filial love and care. Of the two parents, Dmitry preferred his father, whom he loved very much. When his father died, he went to his funeral. But mom is not. And this served as an additional irritant for him.

Consciously or not, he repaid his mother with the same coin, leaving her alone at the end of her life.

However, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, Dmitry Vinogradov, connects this not with his attitude towards his mother, but with a long-standing hostility towards her relatives, who, as he believed, enjoyed his mother's fame, connections and money.

One way or another, her older sister Lyudmila took care of Valentina Leontyeva, taking her to distant Novoselovka, where they had once escaped from the war.

Her only son did not attend the funeral. As he later explained, because of his mother's relatives.

I didn't come to the funeral because I wasn't sure I could control myself. I was afraid that I would kill one of these scoundrels, and then we would talk about a criminal case. But justice still triumphed: I wished them death, and they died. You could say I cursed them...

Personal life

Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, whose age today is fifty-six, lived only eleven of them on his own. He married when he was forty-five, and before that he lived with his mother and completely at her expense.

His chosen one was a Frenchwoman. She is a professional makeup artist. At first he lived with her in Paris. There they also had a son, whom Dmitry named after his mother - Valentine.

Now Dmitry has moved to Russia, to one of the old Russian cities. He has his big house in the forest where he lives alone, reading books, boxing, cycling and walking with his son when he comes to visit him for the holidays. Then Valentine flies back to his mother in Paris.

In the house of the son of Valentina Leontyeva, Dmitry Vinogradov, there are no photographs of his parents. They are in his thoughts and heart, and he does not need posturing. He was offered big money many times for in-depth interviews about his mother and father, but he turned them all down.

In 2011, Dmitry returned to his passion for his youth - he began to draw again. Now his paintings are bought for a lot of money. He is really very talented, this Viking-like, huge, strong and bearded man.

In the photo - Vinogradov's painting "A Miner's Hallucination".

To date, Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontieva, is one of prominent representatives Russian avant-garde, or rather, Suprematism, who managed to catch the pace modern life without losing your own philosophy. His paintings have their own strong energy. They either like it or cause a sharp rejection. However, Dmitry Vinogradov himself is of little concern.

After some time, when the hype around the death of Valentina Leontyeva subsided and the journalists calmed down, he, ex-boy Mitya, he came to his mother's grave...

Kievyan street, 16 0016 Armenia, Yerevan +374 11 233 255

August 01, 2018

The host of “Good night kids” and “Visiting a fairy tale” is called the most popular and at the same time the most unfortunate Soviet TV presenter. Her story difficult relationship with her son Dmitry a few years ago went around the entire press.

For the sake of working on television, she was ready for a lot. They said that years later, Valentina Leontyeva bitterly regretted that she had not given her son maternal love ..

Queen Ostankino

She hosted the famous "Blue Lights", commented on the solemn broadcasts from Red Square and various official events, was the host of the program "With all my heart", the famous "Visiting a fairy tale" and "Good night, kids." Television was everything for Valentina Leontyeva, and few people knew that at birth, “Aunt Valya” was called completely differently - Alevtina, and her last name was different - Thorsons.

more on the topic

She searched for herself for a long time - at the age of 20 she entered the Mendeleev Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology, but did not study, she worked in a clinic for some time. Then she graduated from the opera and drama studio, worked at the Tambov Drama Theater. However, the theater did not become her vocation. Soon she, along with her first husband, director Yuri Richard, returned to Moscow. After some time, they divorced, they said that Leontieva filed for divorce after her husband's betrayal.

She came to television when she was a little over thirty, passed a tough casting. Valentina Leontyeva did not immediately become a star - at first she worked as an assistant director, then, finally, she became an announcer of Central Television. When she was already closer to forty, she married a second time - to diplomat Yuri Vinogradov, and soon their son Dima was born. For a long time, Valentina Mikhailovna was not going to leave the decree, her plans did not include becoming a housewife either - her colleagues said that a few days after the birth of the child, she appeared at work.

In the late 60s, the TV presenter disappeared from the screen for some time - she left with her diplomat husband and young son for New York, where her husband worked. This time turned out to be almost hard labor for her, a reference: as Valentina Leontieva will later recall, she “died without television”

Mother and son

When she returned, she reappeared on the screen. But personal life cracked. Perhaps the husband became annoyed that he practically did not see his wife, then, after their divorce, there were rumors that the decision to divorce had been ripe for a long time - but he was afraid that this would ruin his career. They said that due to family problems, Vinogradov at one time became addicted to drinking, began to look for attention on the side. When Leontyeva was already over 50, she found out that her husband had an affair on the side, with a nurse from the sanatorium where he was improving his health, she was expecting a baby. They divorced, soon Yuri married again, his daughter was born.

“Aunt Valya,” as the small viewers called Leontief, was adored by all preschoolers and primary school students. Every evening they saw her on the screen, each time the TV presenter with a kind motherly smile told and “showed” them a bedtime story. But own son Valentina Leontyeva Dima heard few fairy tales from her, his mother spent too much time at work and was much busier than the mothers of his classmates.

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Svetlichnaya, Kustinskaya, Vedeneeva and others: the difficult fate of the blondes of our cinemaThey shone on the screens, admired their appearance, imitated them - but fate, as if on purpose, tested them for strength. As they say, do not be born beautiful ...

One of the close friends of the TV presenter said that somehow Mitya (that was the name of the boy in childhood) hysterically tore the children's drawings that Leontieva brought from work to show him. She also recalled that one day the baby, seeing how much attention other children paid to her, offendedly reproached her: "You are the mother of all."

It was said that the grown-up Dima (after the divorce of his parents he stayed with his mother) began to hide that he was the son of “that very aunt Valya”, even changed school if classmates found out about it. And absolutely incredible story, they say, filling out a questionnaire at the military registration and enlistment office, Vinogradov Jr. put a dash in the column “mother”, indicating only his father. Whether it was actually - today it is difficult to say.

lone star

In 1989, 66-year-old Valentina Mikhailovna became a consultant speaker. And in the 90s, with the advent of a new leadership, she was out of work: she was removed from all programs. In the early 80s, the TV presenter was already removed from the air - the joke of comedians, as if Leontiev was an English spy, was taken seriously by the leadership, a check began. Fortunately, then "Aunt Valya" was quickly returned to the screens.

Dmitry Vinogradov in his youth. Archive EG

One of my colleagues said that in 1997, when it was planned to revive the program “From the bottom of my heart”, the TV presenter, who was already over 70, dreaming of being on the screen again, was told: “If you want to be on the screen, do the operation.” And Leontieva did, at the risk of getting a lot of complications, she decided on a deep chemical peel. Then she really looked younger before her eyes - though they changed their minds about launching the program. Valentina Leontyeva had to leave television - first on the radio, and then altogether, to retire.

Dmitry Vinogradov lived with his mother until he was more than 40 years old - until he got married. They said that the relationship between them was very difficult. Journalists, referring to colleagues of the TV presenter, wrote that Dmitry was often rude to his mother on the phone, demanded money, Leontyeva often looked upset and cried after talking with him. The TV presenter's friend suggested that by his behavior the adult son "vented" his childhood grievances.

Different truth

Valentina Leontieva last years life. Shot from the program "Live"

In 2004, Valentina Mikhailovna was hospitalized with a concussion and a fracture of the femoral neck. Rumors immediately arose that the son had injured the TV presenter. Vinogradov himself did not comment. Then, already 10 years after the death of his mother, the man broke his many years of silence, saying in one of the TV shows that Valentina Leontieva simply "fell at home." The man suggested that relatives began to spread rumors about assault on his part after they failed to get half of Leontieva's apartment. He also explained why the last years of her life the star of Soviet television did not live in Moscow, where she had an apartment, but with her sister in a small village in the Ulyanovsk region.

According to Dmitry Vinogradov, after Valentina Mikhailovna was discharged from the hospital, she needed serious care - and her relatives suggested that she move in with them. He agreed with this proposal, deciding that she would be better off with loved ones than with a nurse. True, the son of Leontieva noted, it later turned out that the relatives did not behave quite honestly.

So Dmitry Vinogradov looks today. YouTube frame

Friends of the TV presenter said that at the end of her life, Valentina Leontyeva most of all dreamed that her son would visit her. And he just called. She died on May 20, 2007, at the age of 83, without waiting for this meeting. Dmitry Vinogradov was also not at the funeral. According to him, that's how things happened.

Not so long ago, the son of Valentina Leontyeva said: talk that he grew up as an unhappy, offended child deprived of maternal love is “complete nonsense.” This confession of his contradicts much of what is written about the famous TV presenter and her relationship with her son, including based on the memoirs of Leontyeva's acquaintances. Vinogradov in recent years lives with his family in the suburbs, paints pictures, leads a rather secluded life. He named his son Valentine.

Grandson of Valentina Leontyeva Valentin Vinogradov. Shot from the program "Live"

This article tells the story of yet another abandoned child. The lives of great people, actors and TV stars very often do not know mercy. Neither to himself nor to others, including the closest and closest people. The key is the audience...


The biography of Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, the legendary TV presenter of the Soviet Union, originates in the northern lands of the homeland of the ancient Vikings - the Scandinavian Kingdom of Sweden.

The enterprising representatives of the glorious Thorsons family once paved their own way from the Varangians to the Greeks and settled in the northern capital of Russia - the city of Petrograd.

Dmitry's grandfather, Mikhail Grigorievich Torsons, was twenty years older than his wife Ekaterina Mikhailovna. Both of them were accountants. Grandfather - the chief accountant of the October railway, and grandmother - one of the hospitals in the city. This family has always had money. Instilling European manners in his two daughters, Alevtina and Lyudmila, everyone in the house spoke exclusively in French and very often arranged home musical evenings-masquerades, at which Mikhail Grigorievich played the violin, and all three of his young ladies - his wife and two daughters, along with guests danced to his accompaniment.

In the thirties, at the initiative of his grandfather Dmitry Vinogradov, who feared Stalinist repressions due to the situation on the border with Finland, the whole family changed their surname. Thus the Thorsons became the Leontiefs. And their youngest daughter Alevtina, whom the boys teased with drying oil at school, became Valentina.


Mikhail Grigoryevich did not survive the blockade of Leningrad and died of starvation, giving the last crumbs to his relatives. After his death, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, together with her daughters, managed to evacuate to the Ulyanovsk region, where her youngest daughter Valentina, the future favorite of all the children of the Soviet Union without exception, graduated from the school of the village of Novoselki, in which their family now settled.

Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, said that my mother often recalled that time and that distant village, to which she would be destined to return many years later to die. After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the Leontiefs remained in Novoselki - grandmother Ekaterina Mikhailovna took up the accounting of the village cooperative, and her eldest daughter got married and gave birth to a child. Valentina went to conquer the capital.


Valentina Leontieva became a TV presenter and the idol of millions of children in a vast country. For her little admirers, she was just Aunt Valya, the kindest aunt in the world. On the programs “Good night, kids!”, “Visiting a fairy tale” and “Alarm clock”, hosted by Valentina Mikhailovna, several generations have grown up.

And her program "From the bottom of my heart", helping people who are lost or separated by the will of fate to find each other again, has riveted the attention of an adult audience for fifteen years. At the same time, "With all my heart" also became the pioneer of the talk show genre on domestic television.

Valentina Leontyeva, whose son Dmitry Vinogradov is the subject of this article, was born on August 1, 1923.

The titles and awards of this legendary TV presenter speak for themselves - Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR, as well as People's Artist of the USSR, for her program "With all my heart" she was awarded the USSR State Prize and the TEFI Prize "For personal contribution to the development of domestic television."


Dmitry Vinogradov's dad was the second husband of Valentina Leontyeva, diplomat and personal translator of Nikita Khrushchev - Yuri Vinogradov, representative of the USSR diplomatic mission in New York.

Yuri was a cheerful, educated and intelligent person. He lived to the fullest, as if drawing life with large spoons. Vinogradov did not divide the people around him into friends and foes - for him everyone was his own, and he rejoiced at each of them. Therefore, in his environment one could equally meet both a boxer and an academician.

Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, recalled his mother's stories about how she met his father. Yuri Vinogradov met Leontieva in a restaurant on a bet with his friend. The essence of the dispute was that Yuri would pretend to be a foreigner so skillfully that the girl would not suspect anything. The friend had to play the role of an interpreter.

They importantly approached young Valentina and started a conversation. Yuri won the argument, and at the same time won the girl's heart, and he fell in love himself.


Soon Leontieva and Vinogradov got married. Valentina, who by that time had already had several unsuccessful attempts to get a job in one of the theaters in Moscow, once accidentally saw a newspaper advertisement about an ongoing competition for the vacant position of a TV presenter. In those distant times, television was just beginning its development, and the girl had little idea what it really was, but she was unemployed and decided to participate as a temporary option until something really worthwhile came up to her.

We all know that there is nothing more permanent than temporary. And that attempt by young Valentina grew into almost half a century of work on television. From now on, the blue screen has become the main goal and meaning of Leontieva's life.

Husband Yuri at first favorably treated the rapidly starting development of his wife's career, considering it, rather, her pampering. He himself earned very well, they had no problems with money, and he did not like the fact that Valentina began to devote herself so deeply to her work. Moreover, soon their family was waiting for replenishment.


The date of birth of Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, was January 26, 1962. The TV presenter was taken by ambulance to the hospital straight from work.

After the birth, Mitya actually became a grandmother's son. Ekaterina Mikhailovna Leontieva took care of him.

Leontieva rarely appeared at home, disappearing at work from morning to night.

Nevertheless, little Mitya saw his mother much more often than she saw him - looking at her on the TV screen, as if through a window. Here she is, mother - very close. And you will not touch and you will not be warmed by the warmth of her hands.

Valentina usually saw her son sleeping. She went to work - Mitenka was still sleeping. She returned at night - Mitya was already asleep. And between morning and night - television. One continuous television ... On which Leontieva at that time was the host of several programs at once - "Alarm Clock", "Good Night, Kids", "Skillful Hands", "Visiting a Fairy Tale", "With all my heart" and "Blue light."

Mom put millions of other people's children to bed every evening, and her dear Mitya at that time was sitting at home with her grandmother and father, deliberately not watching her mother's program "Good night, kids", because she was not his own mother there, but a common one. Since then, he began to hate television.

And when Valentina Leontyeva once brought home children's drawings that were sent to her from all over the country to the program "Visiting a Fairy Tale" to show them to her son, Mitya had her first tantrum. Bursting with tears, he tore up all the drawings and ran away.

By that time, her marriage to Yuri Vinogradov was already coming to its logical conclusion. She literally lived on television. He is on business trips. The husband began to drink a lot and started an affair on the side. Valentine herself was not sinless.

In 1977 they divorced.


Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, whose year of birth was 1962, was already fifteen years old at the time of the divorce of his parents. And he grew up as a difficult teenager. His whole life has been a challenge to the stereotype that he should live up to his mother. And he wanted to correspond only to himself. And the more he was pressured by teachers for his bad behavior, the worse he behaved, becoming the only one at school who was not accepted into the Komsomol.

After school, Dmitry worked for some time as an illuminator at the television center, where Leontieva attached him. Then he entered the camera department of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov, which he then left in his third year. Toiled without a permanent job and unsuccessfully tried to start a business.

The growth of Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, was almost two meters. Oblique fathom in the shoulders and Scandinavian breed.

Mom tried to get him a job at the Vyacheslav Zaitsev modeling agency, but Dmitry very soon left from there, because everyone around him treated him like the son of a famous TV presenter.

He closed himself in his world, as he closed himself from his mother in the room and in real life, not sharing any of his secrets with Leontieva and hiding from everyone, even from his girlfriend, that he was her son.

Mitya grew up as an ambiguous young man, very offended by his mother, and indeed by everyone during his childhood. He never even went to the grave of his grandmother, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, who raised him, never forgiving her for once reading his diaries.

Conflict with mother

The life path of Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, is the story of a lonely man whose heart was not filled with filial love and care. Of the two parents, Dmitry preferred his father, whom he loved very much. When his father died, he went to his funeral. But mom is not. And this served as an additional irritant for him.

Consciously or not, he repaid his mother with the same coin, leaving her alone at the end of her life.

However, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, Dmitry Vinogradov, connects this not with his attitude towards his mother, but with a long-standing hostility towards her relatives, who, as he believed, enjoyed his mother's fame, connections and money.

One way or another, her older sister Lyudmila took care of Valentina Leontyeva, taking her to distant Novoselovka, where they had once escaped from the war.

Her only son did not attend the funeral. As he later explained, because of his mother's relatives.

I didn't come to the funeral because I wasn't sure I could control myself. I was afraid that I would kill one of these scoundrels, and then we would talk about a criminal case. But justice still triumphed: I wished them death, and they died. You could say I cursed them...

Personal life

Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, whose age today is fifty-six, lived only eleven of them on his own. He married when he was forty-five, and before that he lived with his mother and completely at her expense.

His chosen one was a Frenchwoman. She is a professional makeup artist. At first he lived with her in Paris. There they also had a son, whom Dmitry named after his mother - Valentine.

Now Dmitry has moved to Russia, to one of the old Russian cities. He has his own big house in the woods, where he lives in seclusion from everyone, reading books, boxing, cycling and walking with his son when he comes to visit him for the holidays. Then Valentine flies back to his mother in Paris.

In the house of the son of Valentina Leontyeva, Dmitry Vinogradov, there are no photographs of his parents. They are in his thoughts and heart, and he does not need posturing. He was offered big money many times for in-depth interviews about his mother and father, but he turned them all down.

In 2011, Dmitry returned to his passion for his youth - he began to draw again. Now his paintings are bought for a lot of money. He is really very talented, this Viking-like, huge, strong and bearded man.

In the photo - Vinogradov's painting "A Miner's Hallucination".

Today, Dmitry Vinogradov, the son of Valentina Leontyeva, is one of the brightest representatives of the Russian avant-garde, or rather, Suprematism, who managed to catch the pace of modern life and not lose his own philosophy. His paintings have their own strong energy. They either like it or cause a sharp rejection. However, Dmitry Vinogradov himself is of little concern.

After some time, when the hype around the death of Valentina Leontyeva subsided and the journalists calmed down, he, the former boy Mitya, came to his mother's grave ...

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