Material (middle group) on the topic: Birthday scenario “The Tricks of Baba Yaga. Children's birthday script with Baba Yaga for a girl

Birthday script with Baba Yaga

Presenter:Why do we have fun?

What holiday do we have here?

Everyone is in a great mood

On this day and at this hour!

We did not meet by chance

It's time to start our holiday

Birthday! Birthday!

Notes the kids!

Whose, whose holiday is this?

Who is the lucky one here?

Oh guys, but where is our birthday boy? Ah, I think I know. To call him here, you need to clap for us to start!

To the applause and music, the birthday boy enters, he stands in the center of the hall.

(the host talks about how handsome the birthday man is, about how old he is)

I invite the birthday boy to sit on this place of honor near these portraits. The guys carefully drew them. Did you recognize yourself in these drawings? The birthday boy examines the drawings, recognizes his portraits and sit next to him on a chair.

Today all your friends came to celebrate your birthday! I wish you to grow up as a healthy, smart, kind and brave boy.Let's all shout in unison: "CONGRATULATIONS!" Congratulations to all of you today! It's so cool! (phone rings)

Hello, Baba Yaga, hello! Imagine, I got to the holiday, it's so interesting, so beautiful and full of kids. Come soon, let's have fun together!

Suddenly there is a knock on the door and a modern Baba Yaga appears on the threshold.

Baba Yaga: Hello, I came to the birthday party, and I brought the birthday boy... Well, guess what I brought? (shows the medal to the children). That's right, a medal for the birthday boy! Where is my birthday boy, he already turned 60 years old! Where is this grandfather?
Vedas: No, granny, you must have been mistaken, a birthday is celebrated here (ARTYOMA), and he is only 6 years old!
Baba Yaga: Oh, I don't believe it, I don't believe it! (looks at the child, twists in all directions). Yes, I see, you are still small, but oh well, you are still far from 60, I give you this medal, you are so beautiful today, wonderful and I like it so much, I would like to stay with you, it's so fun here , interestingly, but in the forest the goblin, but the grebes are tired. May I stay with you for a while?
Leader and children: Of course, granny, come in, just promise not to frighten us, not to conjure and not to misbehave.
Baba Yaga: No, I won't. I will-I will play, I will-I will dance!
Do you know what the main song is sung at the birthday party? (Loaf). Of course caravan. Let's all stand together in a big circle and sing this song for the birthday man.

Caravan song.

B. Yaga.And of course, we will shout “Happy Birthday” in unison, but not just like that, but in turn. Girls will say "Happy Day" and boys will say "Birth". Ready?

Game Happy Birthday! »

B. Yaga.Attention, next contest. I invite all the guys to play Wishlist, what kind of birthday goes without Wishlist? Yes, none! Therefore, now I, like a real reporter, will approach you with my little microphone, and you will wish all sorts of wishes into it. (takes out a huge microphone and approaches the children in turn, the children say wishes).

B.I:and I know another game, "Congratulations" is called, I will tell Artyom wishes, and you say yes - yes - yes, or no - no - no.


happy birthday congratulations

Yes Yes Yes

And of course we wish

Yes Yes Yes

Grow up Artyom more

Yes Yes Yes

Definitely get fatter

No no no-

Be beautiful, kind, sweet

Yes Yes Yes

And loud and pugnacious

No no no

For mommy to love

Yes Yes Yes

I beat with a strap more often

No no no


To feed you with candy

Yes Yes Yes

And all together


Vedas:Baba Yaga, do you want to dance with our guys?

B.Ya.:Oh, and they also know how to dance? And our birthday boy too?


B. Yaga.How I love your birthday.Let's be friends with you!!!
And you know, I came empty-handed, here's my gift to you!!! I hand over my broom.

What? I do not like? Ay-yes, okay, then now I'll ride you on a broom, if you want ...

Game "Baba Yaga's Tail" .

B. Yaga.Now don't yawn. I propose a festive relay race "Dress up the birthday man."

Game "Dress up the birthday boy"

(The birthday girl and the Teacher sit on the chairs, each has its own team. Each team is given a set of clothes. On command, the participants must take one item and put it on their birthday boy.)

Baba Yaga. Well, beauties. Oh what beautiful outfits! But we, unfortunately, will not be able to walk in them all the time.

And now, teams, pay attention! It is necessary in the same way, to undress your birthday man in one piece. Attention march.

The game "Undress the birthday man."

B. Yaga.And now funny Games with balls.

Attraction "Kangurushki"

Children are divided into two teams. All children squeeze balls between their knees and try to jump to the finish line at speed without losing the “kangaroo” - the ball.



Baba Yaga:
- And now let's bake a cake for our birthday boy! Children, hold hands and line up in one long chain. Let's start baking!
Leading in front of everyone, behind - Baba Yaga.
On command, the children begin to "bake the cake": it turns around itself, winding the whole chain. The presenter spins until a big "cake" is obtained. Condition - do not disengage your hands. As soon as the whole chain wraps around the leader, you should stop, raise your hands up and wave. (As if candles are burning). Does any music play while playing?

Vedas:Artyom, we congratulate you on your birthday and have prepared for you a pleasant surprise. Where he is, you need to know. Multi-colored palms will help you with this (palms are cut out of colored paper). Now we will all look for these palms together, there are only seven of them (hide the palms by attaching them to various places). A letter is written on each palm. When we find all the palms, we will have to from the letters written on reverse side, make up a word. After reading the word, you, Artyom, will receive our surprise. And your friends will help you collect all the palms. So let's get started!

(The cheerful song of the Barbariki group sounds "Both I, and I congratulate you.) Children look for their hands and make a word out of them (if the children still cannot read, adults help them. The word "gift" should turn out.

After that, a gift is given to the birthday man, then everyone dances and leaves the hall.


Presenter, children, Baba Yaga, Goblin, Kikimora.



2 parts of an apple;

hoops (1 less than the number of children);

2 baskets;

2 brooms;

Treats for children.

Music sounds "Fanfare", then the children go to their places. The leader starts talking.


Come on honest people!

The music is calling!

We start the program

For guests, friends, for everyone!

Starting the program

Amazing fun!

Guests! ordered for you

Deliver this hour the decree

prepared by myself

Our Baba Yaga!

(Reads the decree).

Dear friends!

I look forward to visiting everyone today

Those who love ringing laughter.

I'll be waiting for you at the edge,

Where the frogs croak.

My birthday is

Come all, friends!

Let's sing and dance

Run, jump and jump!

To the whole earth to surprise

Babkin-Yozhkin birthday!

There will be a festive dinner

After all, she is a thousand years old!

What will we go to her hut

Let's congratulate the old lady.

Let's celebrate her beauty

With day birthday congratulations!


We accept an invitation

We respect Yagusya!

True, a lot of evil deeds

Thinking about kids!

Okay, so be it!

We are happy to forgive her!

Dance Four steps forward, four steps back


Well, are you ready to go to visit Baba Yaga? (Children answer.)

Then join hands, stand one after another! And what will we give Baba Yaga? Guys, if she's in years, I think a rejuvenating apple is suitable as a gift. As soon as she eats an apple, she will immediately look younger. Yes, that's the trouble, the evil spirits of the forest took possession of it, divided it into parts, we need to get it. You are ready? But what is it?

The inscription on the stone:

If you go to the right, you will find death for yourself.

"If you get into the bushes, you won't be afraid"

“If you go straight, you will come to an apple”

“If you go to the right, you won’t find the way”

Leading: Which path will we choose. Right, let's go straight.

To the music "Song of Kikimora" Kikimora appears.


What a noise within my limits

Why are you walking around doing nothing?

It's forbidden to play pranks here.

Muddle the water, crush the grass,

Throw rubbish here and there.

Here you can only rest

Here the water lives wonderfully!

Well, is it ugly?

Eh, even they were not spared,

All the water has been polluted:

Then they throw a jar - it's fun for them,

Then poison will be poured from the pipe.

After all, this pond of death awaits,

And everything that lives in it withers


Our glorious, kind Kikimora,

We are ready to be friends with you.

You just tell the guys

What do they need to do?


To keep the pond clean

Full-flowing and radiant,

Everyone needs to know the rules

And always follow them.

Answer me in chorus what is allowed on the reservoirs, and what prohibited:



washing powder pour out:

Shut off the water in the faucet:

Leave cans:

Broken bottles in waterways throw:




catching frogs:

Well, what am I all about the pond, about the pond?

Tell me what do you need here?


Baba Yaga called us to visit,

We hasten to congratulate her on the day birth.

In the wilderness, at the evil spirits of the forest,

There is a fruit of youth - it is expensive.

Shattered into pieces by evil spirits

It cannot bring happiness.

You help us, Kikimora,

You have a part of the rejuvenating apple.


There is, there is, I will not hide, there is,

Not for your honor.

To get a slice

You must please me.

Let's play a game.

The game "Occupy Your Island"

Kikimora gives part of the apple.

Leading: Kikimora will go with us to the feast of Baba Yaga.

kikimora: I myself have the same opinion.

At my beloved friend birthday!

I did not sleep all night. I thought about what to give her. And I came up with!

I will give her your laughter

Games, dances are the best!

Why would she be so surprised

And I would immediately fall in love!

Will you be funny? (Yes)

And the best dancers? (Yes)

Or maybe you pay? (No)

Don't wave your hands? (No)

Then I leave the evil service.

I offer peace and friendship!

How can we not be late!

Goblin: Who is walking here?

Who does not give rest?

Why did you come here?

Didn't find another place?

I hate noise and laughter.

Out! I won't inflate everyone.

Get out of here all

Otherwise it will be bad!


Goblin, you are our forest friend,

Why are you so evil?

Don't chase us. May be,

us you to cheer up?


What, what, what, can't be!

You? Me to cheer up?

Well try it guys.

Making faces is a bit weak?

(Children make faces, Leshy laughs)


Well, give birth!

Laughed heartily

It's like being in a circus!

Speak, kids

What do you want from me?

Leading: Do not swear, wait,

Let the word be spoken.

They came to you along a forest path

Behind the magic half

And we have another.

Everything depends only on us.

If we fold an apple,

We will help Grandma Yozhka.

It is only the whole

Can rejuvenate her.


How simple everything is for you!

Dispersed, straight, now!

Guys, I'm so bored in the forest alone, will you play with me?

The game "How are you?" Leshy conducts

Goblin: How are you?

Children: Like this! (show thumb)

Goblin: How are you going?

Children: Like this! (walking in place)

Goblin: How do you run?

Children: Like this! (Run in place)

Goblin: How do you sleep at night?

Children: Like this! (put palms together and apply to cheek)

Goblin: How do you swim?

Children: Like this! (Hands imitate a floating person)

Goblin: How do you give?

Children: Like this! (Put hands forward)

Goblin: How do you take it?

Children: Like this! (Imitate raking movements)

Goblin: How are you?

Children: Like this! (Children scream loudly)

Now guess my forest riddles

1. All four petals moved at the flower,

I wanted to tear it off, it fluttered and flew away. (butterfly) .

2 It is green and bouncy and not at all scratchy

All in the meadow day chirps, wants to surprise us with a song. (grasshopper)

3. Winged fashionista, striped dress,

growth, though crumbs, it will bite badly. (wasp)

Goblin: Well done, they coped well with riddles. Guys, look at my clearing how many cones. Let's collect all the cones in a basket.

The game "Who will collect more cones" Children collect cones in a basket with cheerful music.

Goblin: Today I'm not scary,

Today I am beautiful.

I won't touch anyone in the forest,

You don't build a defense!

Leading: Yes, and I'm of the same opinion,

It's a holiday, no doubt!

How can we not be late?

Yaga is waiting for us exactly at five!

Goblin gives part of the apple

Leading: Well, I think that now we will quickly get to Baba Yagi.

Baba Yaga comes out to the music.

Baba Yaga: Oh, years, my years!

Like cornflowers in a field

Flew - do not catch up,

And I don't recognize myself!

Here to give me a massage,

Put on makeup

Braid would, Russ braids,

Yes, I would like to lose three hundred years!


- Something smelled of the human spirit, did people really appear? No, it seemed to be. So, I got distracted and completely forgot, but is everything ready for the holiday? (He lists, bending his fingers.) Fly agaric annoyed? Annoyed. Did you brew the potion? Navarila. And I made some for dessert. In the hut, I just didn’t clean it up, I only managed to wind the web into a ball. Oh well, maybe I can still make it!


Guys, in my opinion, Baba Yaga does not notice us. Let's say hello to her.

Hello Grandma Yaga!

Baba Yaga turns: Oh, who's saying hello to me? Have the guests already arrived?


Baba Yaga, thank you for the invitation. How did we find out about your birthday, we immediately decided - we will definitely come to congratulate you.

Baba Yaga: Ouch! Yes, how did I forget!

Well today I am a thousand years old!

Two hundred - it was, three hundred - it was,

So, nonche - a thousand years!

Will be! There will be a holiday:

Baba Ezhka is a thousand years old!

- Thank you my irises! That's just…

Leading: What happened?

Baba Yaga: Yes, nothing happened to me, the hut is only in disarray, but birthday has already come and on the threshold of the children!

Leading: We congratulate you on your day birth and are ready to bake a traditional loaf for you.

The game "Loaf"

Leading: And also we give you a song.

Song is a game "There is a hut in the dark kingdom"

Leading: Don't be so upset! And we brought you another gift - a rejuvenating apple, when you eat it, you will immediately look younger and still be able to live a thousand years. (hands, children clap) While you are carrying out the rejuvenation procedure, our guys will put things in order in your hut.

The game "Sweep up the trash".

The young Baba Yaga comes out to the music.

Baba Yaga: Oh, thanks for the gift, I'm so rejuvenated. Oh, who is it rushing out of the bag (the sound of a tambourine is heard in the bag).

“Ahh, this is my funny tambourine, it can’t resist if there are a lot of children around. Will you play with him?


Baba Yaga:

Then listen to the rules!

The game "Merry tambourine"

- While the music is playing, it is necessary to pass the tambourine from hand to hand, to each other.

The music will stop, and the one who has a tambourine in his hands, dances with a tambourine in his hands to cheerful music, like this (shows). Clear?

(Children sit in their seats).

Baba Yaga:

How fun I am! And you?


Baba Yaga:

Well, that's too much! After all, I'm still Baba Yaga, and I don't like it when it's very fun. You need to spoil your mood! I love to grumble, this is my favorite pastime. Now I will grumble at you, and you will have to answer!

Game - grumble "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Baba Yaga:

Answer loudly: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends".

answer loudly, but

There is one condition:

Somewhere you say nothing

And where it is necessary - there shout!

- Which of you, tell me, children, dreamed about summer for a whole year?

“Which of you will find out now, is dying of boredom here?”

- Who in the forest, on the river, in the field likes to play in the open?

- In the summer, who surprises everyone - is he lying in bed resting?

- Who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and dance?

- Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?

- Which of you is such a trickster, the best ball player?

- Which of you, everyone will say oh, sunbathing in boots?

- Who are you, I want to know, a bully and a fighter?

“Which one of you guys keeps things in order?”

“Which one of you kids walks dirty to the ears?”

Baba Yaga:

Wow, how well they grumbled, it even became easier for me!

Leading: Baba Yaga, the children and I made you laugh, now it's your turn. Dance with your friends - Kikimora and Leshy we have a fun dance.

Dance Baba Yaga, Kikimora and Leshy.

Leading: Baba Yaga, you had a wonderful birthday! Nobody was bored, it was fun and interesting. But it's time for the guys and me to return to our center. Maybe you know a shorter way, we stayed with you, did not notice how time passed?

Baba Yaga: Offend. It’s like I’m a sorceress, I’ll send you to the center in an instant, but first I want to treat all the kids with gifts. Bring bags of candy. When you come to the group, eat to your health and remember me. Now close all your eyes. Baba Yaga will conjure. Eniki, beniki, panicles, brooms. Cribly, crabble, boom! (Runs away)

Leading: Guys, open your eyes soon! Look, we are again with you in the center. And Baba Yaga is not. Or maybe you and I saw all this in a dream? I say goodbye to you boys and girls! See you soon!

Birthday with Baba Yaga. Birthday script for children 5-6 years old


The presenter and Baba Yaga in the appropriate outfit, with a broom in hand.


  • Riddles written on pieces of paper (leaves can be small so that an adult can read).
  • table,
  • 50-100 g of large pasta, whole grains of coffee, beans, beans.
  • "Amanita" from colored paper and cardboard
  • and cones - a dozen,
  • 2 baskets.
  • The same number of eye ties with cat and pig ears, total equal to the number of children.
  • Phonogram "Songs of Crocodile Gena". See here: Missing birthday. Birthday script. 5-6 years

Children from the nursery are invited to the living room, the presenter announces how old the birthday boy is, and invites everyone to congratulate him in chorus.


Happy birthday!!!

Everyone applauds and starts to drive round dance "Loaf" see here Child's birthday - 2 years. Scenarios, games and ideas. After a while, the rumbling of an empty bucket is heard, an incomprehensible noise, and Baba Yaga appears from the balcony (or from another room).

Baba Yaga:

Who is making noise here? Who is this pissed off? Why so many guys? Now I’ll catch everyone, fry and eat! (Baba Yaga pretends to be about to grab someone, the children run away from her.)


Wait a minute, Baba Yaga, where did you come from? How did you get to the children's party? How did you find out our address? We didn't invite you!

Baba Yaga:

So what if they weren't invited. I flew by on my panicle, I hear you have fun here, and I guessed that there would be a lot of delicious boys and girls here! (He tries again to catch one of the guys.) Now I'll catch, fry and eat!


Wait, Baba Yaga, don't scare the guys, look how smart, beautiful, strong and brave they are! Don't ruin our holiday!

Baba Yaga:

Smart, you say? I do not believe!


And you check!

Baba Yaga:

Good! Let me start by asking you unsolved riddles! Only the agreement is this: you can’t guess - we’ll eat everyone!


What are you up to: eat, eat ... We solve your riddles - it's like eating a chocolate bar, right, guys? Well, will we guess Babkin-Ezhkin's riddles or will we be afraid?


Baba Yaga:

Well, well, well! Where are my most difficult riddles? (He searches for a long time in his pockets, pulls out all sorts of papers.) Yep, here they are! Well, hold on!

red bird
Came to the chicken coop
I counted all the chickens
And she took it with her. (Fox)

white feathers,
Red comb.
Who is that on the peg? (Cockerel)

Pot-bellied, nosy
Nozzle on the stove.
Then all of a sudden
Sang the song. (Kettle)

The owner of the forest
Waking up in the spring
And in winter, under a blizzard howl,
Sleeping in a snow hut. (Bear)

Sitting on the rocks
Mustache moves,
And go for a walk -
Backwards. (Crayfish)

Vigilantly looks guard
Beyond the wide pavement.
How to look with a red eye -
They all stop at once. (Traffic light)

I'm all made of iron
I have no legs or arms.
I'll fit into the board by the hat,
And for me everything is here and there. (Nack)

He has a rubber trunk
With a canvas stomach
How his motor hums -
He swallows both dust and rubbish. (A vacuum cleaner)

cunning cheat,
red head,
Fluffy tail - beauty!
And her name is ... (Fox)

Baba Yaga:

This is necessary! All my riddles solved! Then here's another challenge! I have a mess at home, all the grains and cereals are mixed up, sort it out, little housewives, all in heaps. (Choose two girls.) And while I sit down and rest.

The girls come to the table, on which beans, beans, coffee beans, pasta are scattered and mixed, and quickly sort everything into piles.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, smart housewives will be! I'll take them my hut on chicken legs to put things in order!


Girls, run quickly to the guys, don't get caught by Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga makes an attempt to catch up with the girls (you can without getting up from your chair), but no such luck.

Baba Yaga:

Look, how quick! We are glad that I am old, I have a bone leg, I can’t run fast. Let's play some game now!


I suggest playing "Grandma Ezhka"

Baba Yaga:

Wow! Let's! How is it?

The host explains:

everyone becomes in a circle, Baba Yaga - in its center. Everyone walks in a circle - Baba Yaga moves in the opposite direction - and sings:

Grandmother Ezhka, bone leg,
She fell off the stove and broke her leg.
Went outside and crushed a chicken!

While the music continues, everyone teases Baba Yaga, as soon as the music stops, Yaga tries to catch the participants.

To give more excitement to the eyes of Baba Yaga, you can put on a bandage.


You see, Baba Yaga, what clever, courageous, and skillful children we have!

Baba Yaga:

Yes, but I'll still outsmart them and eat someone!


Don't fool them, they'll fool you too!

Baba Yaga:

Ah yes children, ah yes cunning! How can I choose the most delicious? (He scratches the back of his head.) Invented! We will no longer run, we will play replays. Now I will name the parts of the body - eyes, knees, ears, stomach, etc. - and show them, and you will show them with me.

Baba Yaga says:

"Shoulder", - and points to the shoulder. Then he says: “Knee,” and points to the knee.

Soon she begins to confuse the participants and says one thing and shows another. The task of the guys is not to make a mistake and show the named parts of the body. You can take forfeits from the losers.

Baba Yaga:

So, who here among us does not know where his hand is, and where his leg is? That's who I'll eat!


And not tired of you, Baba Yaga, chasing the guys? Still, you can't catch up. Let's better these guys will present you with a treat, you will eat and you will watch our holiday!

The presenter scatters fly agarics made of colored paper and cones on the floor, blindfolds the children. Children collect everything in baskets.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, and you prepared a delicious treat for me! So be it, play and have fun while I eat, but only if we don’t get hired, I’ll start hunting for you again!

While the children are busy with the next game, which is played blindfolded, Baba Yaga quietly retires.


Hooray! Let's play!

All children are divided into two teams - "Kittens" and "Piglets", after which they are blindfolded (eye patch can have cat or pig ears) . The presenter "stirs" the children, and at her command, everyone begins to grunt and meow. Task: get together in two groups - "pigs" separately, "cats" separately. It is important to have enough free space so that children do not run into corners.

Baba: Well, hello, Hare! /hare chatters/

Hare: Hello Baba Yaga! Hello children! Hello Gleb! Happy Birthday! Where's the cake? /shakes hands with all the kids/

Baba: Hare, here is the birthday boy Glebushka!

Hare: Happy birthday, Glebushka!

Eat more bread

Eat cakes, halva

And in a dream and in reality!

You will be fat and beautiful

And therefore happy!

Have you already eaten the cake?

Baba: Well, yes! He wants a cake! First of all, give the gift bag here and explain why you're late? Have you guys forgotten what to do when I wave my hand? Correctly. Tell me, Bunny!

Hare: I'm going to the city

And I'm taking the rabbit

I'm sitting on a bench

And he sits down

We drove we drove

Ohali we echoed

Finally arrived -

Me and 20 rabbits!

Baba: How much?

Hare: I got into the car at half past two

He was alone, honestly!

And I got to the station

They became much more

I looked under the bench

I see a whole family

All in dust, dirt and soot

All with tails on the side ...

Birthday script -

Birthday script -

Baba: Well, children, what shall we say? ....... You see, Hare, the children do not believe you. Think of something else. So why are you late?

Bunny: My paw is broken

The hat fell off my head

I fell at full gallop ... .. / Baba Yaga waves his hand /

Baba: Do you hear, Hare, what the children are shouting? Again you are lying! Keep making excuses.

Hare: I have a giraffe

I fed her from the closet

Jumped straight to the ceiling!......./ku-ku/

Hare: What stuck to the poor?

Well, I overslept on my side!

Baba: But this seems to be true. Right guys? You won't lie anymore, Hare?

Bunny: I won't!

Baba: Then let's give Glebushka a gift! The hare takes a carrot out of the bag.

Baba: Is this a gift? In my opinion, this is a carrot, and even from my garden! What are you going to do with her?

Hare: Eat!

Baba: Well, no! You don't deserve carrots. Put her on a chair. Can you guys count? / reads a game rhyme "as I say the word three - take the prize immediately."

I will tell you a story

In half a dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three",

Get your prize now!

Once we caught a pike

Consider what's inside.

Small fish were seen

And not one, but as many as five.

Dreaming guy hardened

Become an Olympic champion

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: "One, two ... march"

When you want to remember

They do not bison until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

One, two, or better... seven.

One day a train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you took the prize.

I give you a five.

The hare gets underfoot, finally one of them takes a carrot /

Hare: Oh, my carrot is gone!

Baba: And here is a gift! Only you, Gleb, must guess what is wrapped in colored paper? /gives hints/ - That's right, Glebushka! Now unwrap your present! And the guys will clap their hands! A woman with a hare read a poem /

Don't forget about the gift

That's what Gleb was presented with!


Bright, delightful

grasping, playful

And entertaining!

/if the gift allows - you can try it out. If not, put it in a place inaccessible to children so that Gleb can better examine it in the evening /

Hare: And there is something else in the bag!

Baba: Right! The forest dwellers gave Gleb and his guests something to play with. The waterman handed over these fish in order to find out which of the children is the most dexterous fisherman! / conducts the game, presents the prize /

Hare: I found this! Bumps! The squirrel passed them on. How many cones, who's to say? Now I will put them in a pile .... / game grab a bump /

Baba: Hare, I know for sure that there was a turnip in the bag!

Hare: But it wasn't!

Baba: was!

Hare: No!

Baba: And what is in your bosom?

Hare: Well ... it's so .. round ...

Baba: Get it! I knew it! You stole a turnip! And the mouse gave it to us so that we would remember the fairy tale. Now we will not only remember her, but also play this funny fairy tale.

Hare: Chur, I'll be a grandfather!

Baba: Guys, who remembers what other heroes participated in the fairy tale? /baba distributes roles, reads the text/

Baba: Well done guys! A wonderful turnip was pulled out!

Hare: Can I eat it now? /tries to bite/ - Ugh, she's not real! Poor poor me! No one loves me, no pity! The wolf chases me all over the forest, a little more - and he will eat me!

Baba: Guys, why do you think our Hare cannot run away from the wolf? Correctly! Because he is fat. Why is he fat? He does not play sports, does not do exercises.

Hare: You might think the guys are doing exercises!

Baba: Of course! Guys, will you teach Hare to do exercises? And to make it more interesting, we will make him guess which of the guys shows the exercises. Bunny, look away! / the woman indicates which of the guys to be the “instructor” and conducts the game /

Hare: Good! Looks like I've lost some weight! /invites the children to touch their buttocks/ - Now I'll run away from anyone!

Baba: In that case, let's play hide-and-seek!

Hare: Now let's count who to drive / conducts the game, the Hare gives in and takes offense at the fact that everyone catches him, but he cannot catch anyone /

Hare: So I don't play anymore! I have such paws, ears, and you crushed them!

Baba: Not only you have beautiful paws! Come on, guys, stand in a circle! / conducts the game “Lovat”, “Four steps forward”, “The king went through the forest”, “Guess whose voice” /

Hare: Fu, I'm already tired of running in circles! And in general, for a hare, the main thing is not to run fast, but to be brave! I'll probably think, think and become a hunter!

Baba: And who will you hunt? For a wolf?

Hare: A wolf is a pot-bellied trifle. I will hunt the lion! Guys, will you go hunting with me? /plays the game/

Baba: Yes, we had a good hunt! The lion is probably still laughing! And the hare still eats all the most delicious day and night!

Hare: Oh no! I decided to go on a diet! /sits on a chair/

Baba: Hare, you did not sit on a diet, but on a chair! To go on a diet means to eat only cabbage! And no cakes!

Bunny: I agree!

Baba: In that case, guys, the Hare can be trusted to bring the cake! Trust?

Hare: Wow! /runs away/

Baba: Guys, hurry everyone to the table! And Gleb will sit at the head of the table like a birthday boy! Let's meet the birthday cake with applause!


Hare: Gleboshka, you must make a wish and blow out all the candles on the cake.

Baba: And then your wish will come true. Guessed? Blow harder! Well done! And now we will put a piece to all the guys, and we will give the candles to the Hare.

Hare: Fu, I don’t eat candles!

Baba: Don't forget, you want to lose weight and are on a diet.

Baba: Well, guys, my horse has a rest, it's time to go home to the forest.

Hare: There forest dwellers looking forward to our story about how Gleb's birthday went.

Baba: Goodbye, Glebushka! On the next year you will be 5 years old and you will again invite us to visit. Deal?

Hare: Goodbye, guys! Next year you will eat candles yourself! Bye!

current page: script children's day birth - 2 pages

Baba Yaga's birthday / different scenarios

Scenario theatrical competition program

The curtain is closed. Phonogram of the forest.

The curtain opens, on the stage forest edge. There is a hut on chicken legs.

Baba Yaga and Leshy appear.

Baba Yaga: Well, girlfriends

Wrapped up, swooped down

Finally at home in a dense forest was.

After all these Babka-Ezhkin presentations and meetings,

It's time to lie down in the hut.

Goblin: Oh, no, for me, you should first refresh yourself, and then fall on the stove! Where will you find dinner at this time! In such darkness, you will break your neck!

Baba Yaga: Wait! my scent never fails me... Yaguska! I smell the human spirit!

Goblin : Hooray! There will be someone to put on a shovel! Salt, pepper and drizzle with gravy. Turn on the illumination in the vicinity, we begin the search operation!

(for spectators)

Baba Yaga:

I invite my little sister - the producer of the Star Factory to the edges of the forest hut

Grandmother appears - Ezhka and reads REP

Baba Yaga:

Grandmother appears - Ezhka

Grandmother - Ezhka : Hello falconers, we used to be drunk with friends on Bald Mountain! I suggest you sing along with me, and the Hut on chicken legs helps us. Keep up the falcons!


Baba Yaga:

(Children call).

Musical accompaniment(from m / f " flying ship"). Babaki-Yozhki enter the stage.


Conducted "Greetings"

Baba Yaga:

A competition is held, the goblin selects a bucket and big spoon eats with gusto.


Baba Yaga: Telegram, telegram!

Goblin : A sabbath, in your opinion, is a party, a disco usually on Bald Mountain.

Baba Yaga: And I have a new outfit!

What about you, girlfriends?

K-s "Cool costume for a disco" + dance.


Support group 10 people

A broomstick competition is being held

Goblin: With a bucket and a ladle,

After a sweet lunch

According to the law of Archimedes,

And for sweet dreams

Guess riddles.

Goblin makes a riddle, Baba Yaga and the rest of Babki Yozhki

Baba Yaga:

Let's test you

Let's have fun and play.


Goblin : Phew, jumped, jumped

And, of course, hungry.

Baba Yaga:


Together: Goodbye. See you soon!

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Scenarios AND MOREGames for adultsGames for kidsPranksFunny SMSRiddlesToastsTricksCongratulationsHolidaysLyrics


» » Scenario "Baba Yaga and children" (scenario for a children's holiday)

Idea: to celebrate the birthday of a child, with the participation of the character of Baba Yaga.

If you want children to stop being afraid of the grandmother-hedgehog and enthusiastically participate in all competitions, then the script children's holiday, "Baba Yaga and Children" you will like.

  • Prepare the Baba Yaga costume secretly so that the child does not know anything, the main thing is that the image is not too evil so that the children are not scared. A headscarf, black eye shadow and lipstick, also a long skirt and jacket, you can wear an apron.
  • Now ask your husband to make you a hut on chicken legs out of a big box. You will put the box on yourself, hide the skirt so that the children do not see it, it is advisable to put on slippers with nails on your feet, such are sold in any market.
  • Start looking for a gift, if you have not yet found out what gift your child wants to receive, then look at the "Gifts for a Boy" section. Over the past 10-20 years, dramatically
  • children have changed, and so have their tastes for gifts. In compiling this section, we relied on

    discussion of gifts by the children themselves on children's forums. You want to know the boy's opinion

    about a gift? The selected gifts are targeted at boys under the age of 10. For

    older children are suitable gifts from many other sections on this site or "Gifts for

    girls". With the development of the world and accelerating progress, children have also changed significantly. The girls of 2010 are not at all the girls that were 20 years ago. They have changed, and their attitude towards gifts has also changed. We studied the data on children's forums, where children discussed the topic of gifts. Based on these statistics, we selected gifts for the "Gifts for Girls" section. The gifts in this section are targeted at girls under 10 years old. If you are interested in gifts for older girls, then you will be more interested in other sections of this site.

  • Together with your child, you can make invitations to the magical forest to all his friends. Let him draw the magical forest himself, as he imagines it, and you yourself sign the invitations.
  • Prizes for competitions: orders, medals, figurines up to 100 rubles.

    Games for the company: Simple, Family, Memory development

  • By the way, you can make a magic stone in front of the door. To do this, turn the stool over, cover it with a brown blanket and attach a sign: “If you go straight, you will fall into a magical forest, if you go to the left, you won’t find a birthday boy, if you go to the right, you will go home.”
  • All guests enter the room of the birthday boy and enter the magical forest. Here's a tablecloth for you -
  • self-assembly with refreshments, here's an invisibility hat for you, lying on a chair. Invite friends for now

    try a treat.

  • When the guests make noise, the door opens and Baba Yaga enters in a house on chicken legs and asks: “Who is there to eat, who made a noise so loud, but better guess my riddles.” And riddles. Riddles competition "In the world of fairy tales". Invite the children to close their eyes for a while and imagine that they are in a fairy forest. Describe it so that they can imagine the picture of the fairy tale even more colorfully. Next, ask them riddles based on various fairy tales of children's writers, for example: Cinderella, Puss in Boots, Sleeping Beauty, Three Little Pigs, Thumb Boy, Donkey Skin, Frog Princess, The Scarlet Flower etc. The one who guesses the most pure riddles wins the competition.
  • Baba Yaga comes out of the hut and offers to play. The game is called "Do not fly to you, Baba Yaga." This competition can be held on the birthday of the child. All children become in a circle, and the leader in the costume of Baba Yaga should stand in its center. Then she should close her eyes, and one of the children should be given a “broom” (any not very large object can be used as it). He must keep her behind. After that, Baba Yaga tries the child who has a "broom". Participants must pass it to each other behind their backs. The goal of the participants is: not to give the "broom" to Baba Yaga for as long as possible, so that she could not fly on her stupa.
  • And of course, in the magical forest they like to dance to Baba Yaga's favorite song, with which the disco will open, called "But I love boys and girls very much."

Prizes for competitions: Candles up to 100 rubles, Photo frames up to 100 rubles, Inexpensive mugs

Games for the company: For a party, Developing for children, For girlfriends

Scenario of a sports festival for children of senior preschool age "Baba Yaga's birthday" - for kindergarten teachers -

Scenario of a sports holiday for children of senior preschool age "Baba Yaga's Birthday"

Creating conditions for satisfaction natural need children on the move propaganda healthy lifestyle life; fostering a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance; development personal qualities.


Two hats, two pairs of galoshes, four baskets, four hoops, six chips, models of vegetables and fruits, two buckets, two rags, two panicles, two spatulas.

The action begins in the music room. On the screen is a video letter from Baba Yaga:

Hello kids, kids!

Girls and boys!

Oh, I miss you so much!

Haven't forgotten about me?

I invite you all for my birthday!

There will be a festive dinner

There will be games, laughter, fun.

How can I be a thousand years old!

Come - ka to the hut,

Cheer up the old lady!

I hug everyone, I love

I look forward to visiting!

What a miracle - an invitation!

To everyone's surprise.

We accept the invitation

We respect Yagusya,

True, a lot of evil deeds,

Thought about kids.

Okay, so be it

We are glad to forgive her.

We will visit the old woman,

In her chicken hut.

Musical-motor game: "Four steps forward, four steps back."

After the children go to the gym and sit on the benches.

Baba Yaga appears, curlers on her hair, a pocket mirror in her pocket.


I'm spinning and spinning, I still can't do anything! The vegetables in the garden are not harvested,

In the garden, rejuvenating apples are not collected. She takes out a mirror and looks into it. No time to put yourself in order!

Oh, years, my years!

Like cornflowers in a field

Flew - do not catch up,

And I don't recognize myself!

Here to give me a massage,

Put on makeup

Braid would, Russ braids,

Yes, I would like to lose three hundred years!


Something smelled of the human spirit, did people really appear? No, it seemed, probably, tourists al mushroom pickers passed by. This autumn is rich in mushrooms! And honey agaric to you and chanterelles, and butterflies, it's good that no one touches my fly agaric. So, I got distracted and completely forgot, but is everything ready for the holiday? Lists, bending fingers.

Fly agaric annoyed? Annoyed. Did you brew the potion? Navarila. And I made some for dessert. In the hut, I just didn’t clean it up, I only managed to wind the web into a ball. Oh well, maybe I can still make it!

Guys, in my opinion, Baba Yaga does not notice us. Let's say hello to her.

Hello Grandma Yaga!

Baba Yaga turns

Oh, who's saying hello to me? Have the guests already arrived?

Baba Yaga, thank you for the invitation. As soon as we learned about your birthday, we immediately decided that we would definitely come to congratulate you.

Thank you my goats! That's just…

What happened?

Yes, nothing happened to me, everything is fine: vegetables in the beds, apples on the branches, the hut is in disarray, and the birthday has already come and the baby is on the doorstep!

Don't be so upset! Our guys are always happy to help. What's up with your harvest? Didn't have time to remove it? We must hurry, winter is on the doorstep, we urgently need to save the harvest! Guys, we will now go to the garden to Baba Yaga, but what grows in the garden? That's right, vegetables. Let's clean the vegetables from the beds. We need to split into two teams. In autumn it is damp and cold. In order not to get our feet wet, we will put on galoshes, and in order not to catch a cold, we will wear a hat.

1 relay

Running in a hat and galoshes

What did Baba Yaga grow in her garden? Carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes! Let's pick vegetables.

2 relay

At the start and at the chip there are baskets, in one - beets, in the other - carrots. There are three chips on the track. The child takes a vegetable from the basket, runs around the chips with a snake, puts the vegetable in the basket, takes another vegetable and also runs to the team with a snake, puts the vegetable in the basket.

Baba Yaga, what else grows in your garden?

I love this vegetable! Guess - ka, a riddle about him.

And green and thick, a bush has grown.

Dig a little, under a bush... potatoes

Do you have shovels?

And then, Grandma Yaga has everything! Here are your shovels.

3 relay

There is a potato on a child's spatula. You need to run and not drop the potatoes.

Oh, thank you, my irises! My garden is in order now! There will be something to cook borscht in winter. Maybe, at the same time, you will sort out apples and pears? I have them all mixed up under the trees.

So, then we'll go now ... guys, where do apple and pear trees grow? That's right, we're going to Baba Yaga's garden.

4 relay

The chip has a hoop, it contains one apple and one pear. The captain runs to the hoop, takes one fruit, returns to the team and passes it overhead to the next. The last player with the fruit runs to the hoop, changes it and does the same.

And now I invite the guys to take a break.

Baba Yaga, have you forgotten what day it is today? Today is your birthday! The guys have prepared gifts for you, and now you will see, or rather hear, one of them. In honor of your birthday, "Little Gnomes" sounds.

Did you like the gift, Baba Yaga?

Yes, very much, I also sing sometimes. Once, some birds settled on the Christmas tree under the windows of my hut. What, I don’t know, but how loudly they sang, you wake up in the morning to their song - the soul rejoices! And recently I discovered that they do not sing more bird these under my window, I became bitter and lonely.

Baba Yaga, these birds were probably migratory. And what, guys, happens to them in the fall? Where do they disappear to? Correctly, migratory birds fly away in autumn warm countries. But don't worry, they will definitely come back to you in the spring and will wake you up in the morning with their singing.

So I was worrying for nothing?

It comes out in vain. Well, okay, they put things in order in the garden and in the garden, now you need to clean up the hut on chicken legs. Command, Baba Yaga!

First of all, you need to wipe the dust off the table.

Okay, bring buckets and rags.

5 relay

The child has a bucket in his hand, a rag in the bucket. He runs to the cube, puts down a bucket, takes a rag out of it and wipes the surface of the cube. Puts the rag in the bucket, runs and passes the bucket to the next participant.

Yes, okay! It remains to sweep the floor in the hut.

6 relay

The child runs with a whisk, sweeping the floor, runs around the chip, returns and passes the whisk to the next participant.

Thank you for helping so much! Not a speck, not a speck of dust left. My hut shines with purity! Oh, I'm kind of tired.

And you, sit down, grandmother, rest, and the guys can sit down, they are also a little tired. We helped Baba Yaga with the housework, we continue to celebrate her birthday. The guys have prepared for you, another gift! This gymnastic study is for you, birthday girl!

Children perform a gymnastic sketch

How well the girls danced, thank you, I really liked it! Now it's my turn to entertain the guests. First, I invite those who are older to play.

Music game"Baba Yaga" with adults.

And now I invite all the guys to the big round dance.

Musical game "All friends are in this room"

Baba Yaga, you had a wonderful birthday! Nobody was bored, it was fun and interesting. But it's time for the guys and me to return to our kindergarten. Maybe you know a shorter way, we stayed with you, did not notice how time passed?

Offend. It’s like I’m a sorceress, I’ll send you to kindergarten in an instant, but first I want to treat all the kids with gifts. Bring bags of candy. When you come to the group, eat on and remember me. Now close all your eyes. Baba Yaga will conjure. Eniki, beniki, panicles, brooms. Cribly, crabble, boom! Runs away

Guys, open your eyes! Look, we are with you again kindergarten. And there is no Baba Yaga. Or maybe you and I saw all this in a dream? But no, look, Baba Yaga has lost her mirror. It would be necessary to return it, but it will be a completely different fairy tale! I say goodbye to you boys and girls! See you soon!

Presentation of the project "Education of moral and ethical standards in children preschool age»

"Baba Yaga's birthday" theatrical competition program

(for spectators)

Ah, here they are! Pigeons have arrived!

I'll eat that one with a green cucumber.

I'll take this simnampunchik for a roast,

Hey, someone for barbecue, quickly line up in twos!

BABA YAGA: I invited my sisters here,

Sent them an invitation to my jolly birthday party.

I invite my little sister, the producer of the Star Factory, to the edges of the forest hut

Grandmother appears - Ezhka and reads REP

BABA YAGA: I invite another sister of mine to sing

Grandmother appears - Ezhka

Grandmother - Ezhka: Hello falconers, we used to drink with our friends like a drunk on a bald mountain! I suggest you sing along with me, and the Hut on chicken legs helps us. Keep up the falcons!

Song Hut on Chicken Legs

LESHIY: So be it, for a while we accept all of you in our company.

And so, good fellows and red girls!

Get ready for challenges on unknown paths.

For winning contests, you will receive precious chicken legs!

BABA YAGA: Name the fairy tales where one of the characters is Baba Yaga?

("Geese-swans", "Ivan Tsarevich", "Morozko", " Grey Wolf»).

(Children call).

You are welcome my little sisters, young Babok-Yozhek, to our forest clearing.

Musical accompaniment (from the movie "Flying Ship"). Babaki-Yozhki enter the stage.

LESHIY: Come in, let's heat the stove hot, cook a soup of dried mice and smoked frogs. Until then, let's get to know you better.

Contest "Greetings"

BABA YAGA: Yes, you are far from me.

To put it bluntly: being evil is not easy.

Yagulki, and who wants soup?

So I found a job for you, irises.

We invite you to cook soup, and here are the products for it.

(Competition in progress) the goblin takes away the bucket and eats with a large spoon with appetite.

LESHIY: Come on, dear guests, do not be shy,

We'll leave you a little, help yourself!

BABA YAGA: Telegram, telegram!

After the rain on Thursday, we invite you all to the Sabbath.

LESHIY: And the sabbath, in your opinion, is a party, a disco usually on Bald Mountain.

BABA YAGA: And I have a new outfit!

What about you, girlfriends?

Competition "Cool costume for a disco" + dance.

LESHIY: Before the long road guys

Check aircrafts.

Drive on broomsticks, that there are forces,

So that we, the experienced ones, take their breath away.

Support group 10 people

The friendliest air train.

(a broomstick competition is held)

LESHIY: With a bucket and a ladle,

After a sweet lunch

According to the law of Archimedes,

Even in fairy tales, you are supposed to sleep.

And for sweet dreams

Best Riddles guess.

(Goblin makes a riddle, Baba Yaga and the rest of Babki Yozhki)

BABA YAGA: I'm tired of goblin, water and other devilry.

Let's test you

Let's have fun and play.

Competition for the most attentive. Goblin plays together with young Grandmothers-Hedgehogs.


LESHIY: Phew, jumped, jumped

And, of course, hungry.

BABA YAGA: So, we select a well-fed dozen

And on the shovels, browned and for dinner.

LESHIY: You go again? The guys and I had a lot of fun and even, I think, became friends. And friends don't talk like that.

TOGETHER: Goodbye. See you soon!

Script provided by: Apetova Olga Yurievna , especially for the blog Cultural

The song is about Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood appears on the threshold in her hands with balloons!

Red Riding Hood:Hello kids!
Dear children, happy birthday! Today I was in such a hurry to see you, I was in such a hurry, and I rushed straight from the fairy tale, only to be in time for your birthday.
I wish you to grow up healthy, smart and beautiful. I see how many friends came to the birthday!!!
Let's all shout in unison: "CONGRATULATIONS!" Everyone today congratulates, gives gifts. But I also came to you with gifts. - And gives balloons. So what's the holiday today guys?

Children: Birthday!
Red Riding Hood:- I'm lucky! Wait, guys, now I'll call ... (takes out the phone, calls Baba Yaga):
- Hello, Baba Yaga, hello! Imagine, I got to the holiday, it's so interesting, so beautiful and full of kids. Come soon, let's have fun together! In the meantime, Baba Yaga is getting to us, let's get to know each other. One, two, three - say your name!
Now I want to find out something...

One, two, three, four, five!
Who will we congratulate?
Whose dreams will come true?
Who are our flowers for?
Who will be proud today?
Will there be a big cake?
Candles blow out?
And open gifts?
Who is this verse for?
And in the eyes of fun - whose?
Who is ahead today?
Birthdays, come out!
How old are you today?

Children: Four!

Red Riding Hood:
Let's congratulate the children!
(everyone stand in a circle, children in the center of the circle):

- We stomp 4 times! Have fun!
We will clap 4 times! More friendly!
Come on... turn around!
Come on, ..., take a bow!
And once again we all stomp!
And clap your hands again!
- Come on, educators, let's
Help your children!
Say yes yes yes
If you like the words.
And if I get confused
I'll mess up with words
Don't upset me -
"No, no, no" shout:

Happy birthday? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Everyone bad mood? (No no no!)
Be, ..., kind, sweet? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Disobedient and pugnacious? (No no no!)
For mommy to love? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Did you hit the ass with a strap? (No no no!)
What about ice cream? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Be healthy and smart? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Like a green crocodile? (No no no!)
May success await you! (Yes Yes Yes!)
Ours is the best! (Yes Yes Yes!)

Well done educators, and now let's check your children, let's play the game "I am not Me"
If I'm talking about you, then raise your hand up and shout - it's me!
If this is not about you, then stomp your foot and shout - it's not me! So let's go:

- Who is cheerful and skillful,
The smartest, the bravest? (pause)

- Who does not obey mom,
Who is evil, stubborn,
He is naughty and naughty,
And is he telling lies? (pause)

- Who respects all elders,
Doesn't hurt kids
Likes to sing and draw
Play good games? (pause)

- Who is capricious and whiny,
Acting ugly
Mom and dad are rude
And strive to offend? (pause)

- Who loves fairy tales so much,
Loves books and coloring books
About mysterious countries
About the seas and oceans? (pause)

Who doesn't want to go to bed
Who keeps jumping and laughing,
And when it's time to get up
Says he wants to sleep? (pause)

- Who is neither with a friend nor with a girlfriend
Sharing a toy? (pause)

- Who helps mommy,
Is he putting his things away? (pause)

Red Riding Hood:
- Here are the good fellows, what we are all good! Let's keep doing this forever. And now let's once again loudly say to the birthday man: "Happy birthday!" three four…

There is a loud knock here. Everyone gets scared and asks: “Who else is knocking so hard ???”
Red Riding Hood : — You didn't invite anyone else by any chance?? Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga:
— Aaah, who's making a noise here, who's getting hungry here??? Kids??? Oh, so many kids! I love to eat kids. Will you let me visit?

- Of course, granny, come in, just promise not to frighten us, not to conjure and not to misbehave.
Red Riding Hood:
- Baba Yaga, don't scare our kids! Come on, join us! Meet our birthday boy and his friends.

Baba Yaga:
- Oh, my good ones, don’t be afraid, I’m a kind Baba Yaga, well, maybe a little harmful, but I’m only friends with good kids, and I don’t like bad boys and girls, naughty.
I found out that today is my birthday, I left my business, my hut on chicken legs and flew to you. Are you good kids? - Yes. Well, then let's be friends with you!
But I didn’t come empty-handed either, here’s my present for you!!! (hands over his broom)

- What? I do not like? Ay-yes, okay, persuaded ... Now I'll do a little magic and there will be a present for you! Shirley - Myrli, Fufty-Mafufty, you stop the broom, but turn into a horse! oh it worked! Hold your horse! Like it now? You can ride it - it will serve you right!

Red Riding Hood:

- Children, do you know a crow? There is such a bird ... Yes, well? Now let's check!
Crow Karkusha from magical land loves only what it has in its name favorite word CAR. For example, the favorite city of the Karkusha crow is KAraganda. And her favorite sport is KARATE, and her favorite sweets are KAramel.

But what else does a crow from a magical land love?


What is Karkusha's favorite cartoon? "Baby and ..." (Carlson)
Name your favorite Karkushin vegetable. (potato)
What is Karkusha's favorite attraction in the amusement park. (carousel)
What does Karkusha like to draw most of all? (in pencil)
Where does Karkusha hide his handkerchiefs? (in pocket)
What song does Karkusha sing to the birthday boy when they dance? ("Loaf")
And what is the name of the boy likes a crow? (Makar)
How does a crow croak? (Children croak)
Baba Yaga:
"Who's making a noise here?" Who is this pissed off? I thought that a flock of crows arranged a song festival here!
Red Riding Hood:
- Oh, Baba Yaga, do not swear!
Baba Yaga:
— You don't like that I swear? Then I'll catch everyone and eat them! (trying to catch the kids, they dodge)

Red Riding Hood:
- Stop, stop, wait! You promised not to spoil our holiday! Our children are all good, smart and dexterous. Check it out!
Baba Yaga:
“Okay, now I’ll give you a task for dexterity!” only this agreement: If you do not cope with the task, then I will choose the most inept and eat! Deal?

Game - Kochki

On the floor are scattered bumps made of paper.
Baba Yaga explains that she lives near a swamp, and in the swamp they only jump over bumps, and if a foot gets into the swamp water, you will immediately drown.

A path of bumps is laid out, the participant must jump to the end of the path, turn around, jump over the bumps to his team, hit the next player with his hand, after which the next player enters the path of bumps.

Red Riding Hood:

- You see, Baba Yaga, how clever our children are. No one fell into your swamp.

Baba Yaga:
“So what, but I see here the one who almost fell into the swamp, and I’ll pick up and eat this girl ... Or not, that boy ...”
Red Riding Hood:
- Stop, stop, Baba Yaga, it's so dishonest, you have to play again.

Baba Yaga:
- Well, well, let's do it again, but only now in a different game.
The bumps (hoops) are laid out in two rows at opposite walls. Each player stands on a bump. At one wall - one team, at the other - another. Baba Yaga has a whistle. At the signal of the whistle, the teams run to change places.
Baba Yaga:
“Well, look how inept, I’ll probably eat them all now ...
Red Riding Hood:
- you are playing dishonestly, Baba Yaga, look - all the children coped with your task!

Baba Yaga:
"And why are you staring at me like that?" And, probably, you want to play peepers!

Game "Peepers"

Baba Yaga explains that children dance to the music, and when the music stops abruptly, everyone freezes.
Children should not laugh or move, and Baba Yaga tries to make them move - groans, scares, makes faces, blows a whistle unexpectedly next to the ear, etc.
Anyone who moves or laughs is out of the game...
Baba Yaga:
- Here we have two winners, I'll eat them!
Red Riding Hood:
- Look, Baba Yaga, we have children that are smart, fast, and talented, how can you have such children?
Baba Yaga:
-Then I'll eat the worst!
Red Riding Hood:
We don't have any bad guys!
Baba Yaga:
“It can’t be, it must be!”
Red Riding Hood:
We will prove to you that it is not! Our kids are really smart. We have them and know how to count, and smart books read, and know a lot of poetry. I'll prove it to you now. Guys, I'll start poems and songs for you, and you finish!

Complete the verse or song:

Our Tanya is loud ... (children continue)
Two cheerful lived with my grandmother ..., (children continue)
One gray, the other ... (children continue)
There lived a greyish grandmother ... (children continue)
There lived a grandfather and a woman and they had a chicken ... (children continue)
Leopold the cat said: "Guys, let's live ..." (children continue)
Born in the forest ... (children continue)
In the forest she ... (children continue)

(Baba Yaga interferes with the children and inserts her own options, such as “Kukaryamba Hen” or “There was a gray elephant with my grandmother”, “Our Tanya jumps loudly”, “One is gray, the other is yellow”, “Leopold the cat said: “Guys, let's live unfriendly "... a palm tree was born, it slept in winter, ...
Red Riding Hood:
- You know poems worse than us, and songs too ...
Baba Yaga:
“So what, eat someone anyway!” This girl, perhaps, or better, that boy! Better yet, you!
Red Riding Hood:
- What are you going to eat and eat! Are you hungry?

Baba Yaga : (starts whining):
- Hungry. So you celebrate your birthday, invite all your friends, feed delicious food, but everyone forgot about me.
Well, at least once they would have invited me, they would have treated me with a delicious candy. And I will immediately improve, I will become good, good, if you treat me with candy!

Red Riding Hood:
“Well, come on, we’ll treat you, we’re not evil and not greedy, right ?! Come on, children, treat Baba Yaga with something delicious! All children treat Baba Yaga with sweets from the table. Baba Yaga puts it in her purse and thanks everyone. Saying that now she will definitely get better.

Baba Yaga :
- So she became kind, did you even want to play with you? Let's play?

MONKEYS (chant-impersonator):

We are funny monkeys
We play too loud
All hands clap
We all stomp our feet
We inflate cheeks
Jumping on toes
And even to each other
We'll show the tongues
Let's stick out the ears
And stroke the belly
Tail on top
And on the nose of the pen
Together let's jump to the ceiling
Bring the finger to the temple
Let's open our mouth wide
We'll make all the grimaces!

Red Riding Hood:
- Well, now let's sing for the birthday people

Baba Yaga :
Bye-bye everyone, invite me again. I'll definitely come. Thanks for the party, I'm going home. And finally, I’ll tell you a poem, sit back and listen:

The fly sat on the jam ......
That's all the poem!
Ha ha ha!

Red Riding Hood:
- Yes, you are well done Baba Yaga, she became very kind. And it's time for me guys to return to my fairy tale. I really liked it, did you like the holiday? Would you like to invite us to visit you again? Yes? Well, then: SEE YOU SOON, GOOD BYE!!!

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