Graduation in kindergarten "Magic Keys". Graduation party in kindergarten. Script fairy tale


Snezhana Valerievna,

music director

Zavodoukovsky city district

Direction: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Educational area "Music"


Develop children's creativity in all kinds of musical activities


  1. To create an atmosphere of friendly attention to the children of the preparatory group.
  2. The development of a positive sense of self associated with a state of emancipation, self-confidence, a sense of one's own emotional well-being, one's importance in the children's team.
  3. To attach to Russian folk and world musical culture.
  4. Develop communication skills.

Preliminary work:

  • Individual and group lessons with children;
  • Acquaintance with the songs used at the holiday;
  • Acquaintance and learning the movements of Russian dance, waltz, polka.

Hall decoration

The hall for this solemn day can be decorated with balloons, fresh flowers in vases. On the curtains, you can attach letters of the alphabet cut out of bright colored paper, numbers, as well as children's toys: balls, dolls, cars, etc. On the central wall, you can make an image of first graders - boys and girls with briefcases in their hands, at the top there is an inscription - "Soon to school!".

Sounds like "Little Country"

Host enters:

Light and elegant now in our hall,

And lush bouquets are everywhere.

Today we invited guests to the holiday,

We accompany our children to school

Sounds "Waltz" E.Dogi children enter the hall in pairs. They are dancing.

"Waltz", at the end of the children stand in a semicircle near the central wall

Vedas: From year to year 5 years in a row

You came to kindergarten

Cheerful, happy,

But those days are gone

Today you are graduates

Tomorrow you are students!

children read

1. So preschool childhood rushed by,

We are on the threshold of another life!

2. Let the blue bird remain in memory

This is a difficult day for everyone.

3.Many times met

Celebration in this room

But like this one

We didn't know yet.

4. The best holiday,

Sad and funny

Today we are kindergarten

Escorts to school.

Song "Goodbye d / garden" music by A. Fillipenko, lyrics by T. Volgina.

(breakup comes)

5. Yes, there is something to tell us about today,

For what to glorify and thank

Kindergarten, you are our dear, any!

We can't live without you

Vedas: Just as soon as you were born - your dad and mom are yours

We decided that you would go to this kindergarten, look!

Well, so that you get used to the kindergarten as soon as possible

Taught you to do a lot of things:

Get dressed, wash and go to bed

Have time to get to the pot and not whimper, not scream,

Hold the spoon correctly

So as not to fight, not to bite, not to be capricious, like that!

To the music (K. Orbakaite "Sponges with a bow") children of the 2nd junior group enter

Play 2nd junior group: AT spring first leaves

Our kindergarten now

Junior group kids

Came to congratulate you

Kindergarten is our second home, We will remember more than once

Happy you were in it Childhood sonorous and you

Here they taught you, tried

You have been working hard

Vedas: Guys! Invite your little ones to the dance you used to dance when you were little

Dance "Squat"(Estonian folk song, lyrics by Y. Entin)

(after the dance, the kids leave, the children are ready to sit down)

6. We gathered in this hall,

To say "Goodbye" to everyone!

7. And why should we say goodbye,

Have we just arrived?

8. We grew up, we became older

It's time for us to go to school

9. And with toys today

We must say goodbye

The music of "Tumblers" sounds (music by Z. Levin, lyrics by Z. Petrova)

Maidens enter. avg. gr.

We've come to say goodbye to you

And we want to wish you

Only fours and fives

receive in class

Dance "Tumblers" (music by Z. Levin, lyrics by Z. Petrova)

10. We part today

And a little sad

We would have stayed in the "Fairy Tale" with you,

But we want to become students!

Vedas: thanks girls med. gr.. they leave.

Vedas: Guys! We have more guests! Meet them.

Under the song "Children's. Garden” includes older children.

Reb. senior gr.: We are together for the last time today

Old, trusted friends

Our song flies to the sky

It's time to say goodbye to the garden

The song "Children. Garden "(music by A.Filipenko, lyrics by T.Volgina.) Then they leave

11. We will sing, dance, have fun here!

Could a miracle really happen?

Let's continue the holiday

It's time for us, friends, to entertain guests!

12. There are many sad and funny tales in the world

And we can not live in the world without them

Well, this "Fairy Tale" is dearest to us,

After all, we lived in the "Fairy Tale" for many, many days!

13. Because it's called "Fairy Tale"

Our native kindergarten

And "Fairy Tale" escorts its children to the 1st grade!

"Story"! "Story"! bright, fun!

Today you are also glad that we went to school!

Song "Goodbye d / garden" (music by G. Levkodimov, lyrics by V. Malkov)

("Behind the low fence")

Fairy enters(the song of the Storyteller Vasilisa sounds, arranged by S. Tulikova, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya)

Fairy: Good afternoon! Here I am!

Do you all know me?

I'm the guys Fairy "Tales"

That's what they call me for a reason

I walk with you

And I draw and I sing

I won't let you get bored

And I don't get lazy

Many songs were sung in this hall,

The most beloved of them is “a song about Russia”

sounded here

And now it will sound again

(children stand in a semicircle near the central wall)

"Song" My Russia "music. Struve, lyrics by N. Solovieva

Fairy: In Russia now

folk traditions

show us now

Favorite Russian dance

Dance "Livenskaya Polka" [arranged by M. Jordan] (sit down)

Fairy: The holiday is not easy for us

It only happens once

And today in kindergarten

Guests are not in a hurry to us in vain

B. Yaga runs in:(music plays "B.Yaga" by P.I. Tchaikovsky)

Holiday?! In a fairy tale?!

Here are those times!

I took offense at you!

For a whole year I flew to you for all the holidays

I didn't know about this one!

And you did not invite me to the most important holiday

Fairy: Do not be offended B. Yaga!

No one is invited to this holiday, all the guests themselves are happy to come.

And we all forgive you

And we invite you to the holiday!

B. Yaga: (with a sneer) Well, thanks for forgiving

And they were invited to the party.

And now I ask you: "Where are you going now?"

Song: We are going to grade 1 (music by M. Marutaev, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya)

B. Yaga: Oh, and you are a master of singing!

You sing this at every holiday!

Got the hang of it!

What will you do at school?

There after all not only to sing it is necessary to be able!

Let me check your knowledge. solve the problem,

And you, Fairy, don't tell me!

Two donkeys walked along the road

How many tails did the neck have?

(children's answers)

B. Yaga: Oh, you mathematicians!

Yes, does the neck have tails?

I see stumps here

My favorite attribute

(takes out 3 stumps one at a time, sits on one)

Let's start training - monitoring!

(counts 1.2, so several times, does not understand where the third is)

B. Yaga: disgraced, crying: I got lost in 3 stumps!

Fairy: Crying grandmother does not appease:

1 - stump and 2 stump

3rd where does not know

And she sits on it, sheds tears!

B. Yaga gets up, considers, rejoices: Found, my good!

My cute stumps! (hugs, strokes them)

I can't part with you!

I will play with my friends

Shall we play? (to children)

(places stumps in different corners)

How can we distinguish them? (to children)

I'm listening to your suggestions! (sit down toys)

We stand in a circle at our favorite stump.

Let's play! 1 year - children jump around the stump

2y. - run around the room

3y. - at the end of the music they run to the stump.

B. Yaga rearranges toys:

Fantasize, dance!

And you guys know how to collect portfolios!

Vedas: We will try to collect

But where can I get briefcases?

B.yaga: Come on, Fairy, help me out!

Give us portfolios!

Fairy: Very happy to please:

Give you briefcases

You, Yagusya, wait,

bring me 2 balls

From them I will make briefcases

And the fun starts here!

(B. Yaga leaves for the balls)

Vedas: There are many dances in the world

And children are dancing everywhere

With balalaika and flowers

With rattles, flags

1,2,3,4,5 don't dance them all

Dance "Kazakh" ("Kyzylkumda aulym")

Appears B. Yaga: Well, Fairy! Get (serves balls)

Give us portfolios

Fairy: Ball, ball roll away (throws balls on the floor behind the screen,

And come back to us with a briefcase, a table with briefcases rolls out)

GAME: "Who will collect portfolios sooner?"

B. Yaga: How much noise and fun

Everyone is in a good mood!

I see the kids have grown up

And much wiser

It's time for you to go to school.

Goodbye, kids!

Fairy: You, grandmother, wait,

Don't leave at all

Don't Forget Kindergarten

"Fairy tale" on a holiday visit! (B. Yaga leaves)

Fairy: Well, we have to wait a long time for guests,

Let's continue the holiday

14. But the sisters are friendly,

The girls are very necessary

Don't fall behind us

Song "Lesson" (music by T. Popatenko, lyrics by M. Ivensen)

L. Alice and C. Basilio enter the hall

A fox: Wow! Finally got there

Cat: What are you? Gathered to school? (to children)

Both: In the New Year we were with you

For us you have become friends

Hello! Hello! (they walk and say hello "on the handle")

Malvina has prepared gifts for you. Pinocchio carried, carried, but did not inform!

Ha ha ha: We stole them and took them for ourselves

Why do you need them? You don't even know the letters

A fox: You know?! Well, okay, we'll give you everything,

If you pass 3 terrible tests

(the cat shows 10 fingers, the fox corrects)

A fox: Test 1st: Mathematical

1. On the way, 5 mice are merrily in a hurry to school.

And each has one study book under his arm.

How many new books do diligent mice have?

2. Light house, secure home piglets need

To hide in that house and from the winter cold

The house will have a kitchen and a basement with a boiler room,

And each builder has a separate room

How many rooms do friendly piglets need?

A fox: This test was well done.

The next test: logical-rhymic

So that again on a good journey, the verse flows like a river

Help him a little: give him a word.

1. The fly gasped at first, “Oh, what lace!”

And got into lace - and disappeared ......

The poor thing, as if in mud got stuck in ......

2. Cracked in the morning:

It's time, it's time! What's the time?

Such a mess with her

When cracking (forty).

fox kotu: Let's come up with a harder test for them,

And then all the gifts will have to give!

Cat: listen carefully. Imagine that I have five candies. L. Alice asked for one candy. how many candies do i have left? (to children).

Cat: five!

Vedas: Why five?

Cat: And I won’t give candy to anyone, I love candy myself.

Cat: Well, you know how to dance and

To purr, that is, you know how to sing songs,

Do you know how to dance a Russian dance?!

Vedas: We know how! And with great pleasure!

Cat: Well done! Come on, Alice think!

You are the smartest one here!

We must give them the most terrible test!

A fox: Well, of course I did! Only not the worst, but the most beautiful

I love the Polka dance (dancing a little)

Let them dance! This task is very difficult.

Ha ha ha! This is where they will definitely lose!

Fairy: Come on, girls, dance

Entertain all guests

"Dance of the ducklings" (French folk song)

Vedas: Basilio! Can you answer us?

To be always healthy

What should we do in the morning?

Cat: This is what everyone should know:

Everyone needs to sleep more

Vedas: Children correct answer?

Children: Not!

Vedas: To grow us strong

Cunning and bold

In the morning we are in kindergarten

Everyone was charging

A fox: What? Did you do it every morning?

Like real athletes?

Children: Yes!

Fairy: Well, L. Alice and K. Basilio! Did the kids pass all the tests? So!

And now, guys, let's test the Fox and the Cat?

Children: We come to you with a riddle

The riddle is tricky, but funny:

Tuk-tuk in the forest

In the hut blooper

In the hand ding ding

On the floor top top

Cat: A hammer! Knock Knock

A fox: Pies! blunder blunder

Cat: No, no, not pies, but bells: ding-ding

A fox: thought, Basilio! Yes, these are top-top heels

Fairy: Oh you! This riddle has not been solved.

This is a balalaika.

15. Eh stomp your foot, stomp the right one

I'll go dancing, even if I'm small

16. Lanky crane

Went to the mill

I saw a curiosity

Vedas: What did he see there?

Guys: We'll show you now!

Round dance "Long crane" (Russian folk)

Cat: Listen, Alice, what children6 are smart, pretty, let's join them in a group

Let's ask

A fox: Maybe we will get something from the gifts?

Cat: What are you all about gifts?

I want to be friends with these guys.

And it's time to return the gifts to the guys!

A fox: oh, played! I completely forgot. (give gifts, something school)

Cat and Fox:

That's all, it's time to part

You will now be called to a lesson

This young and old school bell (leave)

Fairy: Many times I came to you with a fairy tale:

When you were little with Kolobok, Turnip, Pockmarked Hen,

Masha and the Bear. Previously, you were afraid of B. Yaga, Koshchei, Barmaley,

Now you know that they are not so scary

I'm leaving, but I don't say goodbye forever. After all, at school we will meet with new fairy tales

"Fairy tale" you do not forget

Visit us often (leaves)

Vedas: There's a lot to say today

But, unfortunately, can not be expressed in words

How hard it is to say goodbye to you

With our alumni

17. Kindergarten gave us warmth

And drove the shadow of sadness

Here good spirit always reigned

And a holiday every day.

Song "Oh, I got up early" (Russian folk)

Dramatization "Petya goes to school"

Vedas: Petrusha has a holiday today:

He walks down the street

Surprising all the people

Only Petya is not alone,

Who will look after Petya

Watching adults and children

And for Petya the train goes. (Petya appeared, mom with a bouquet, dad with a briefcase, grandmother with a pie, grandfather with a crutch)

Vedas: Who is in a hurry for Petya?

Mum: mommy!

Vedas: Who is running after Petenka?

Dad: daddy!

Vedas: who's following Petya?

B: grandmother!

Vedas: Who groans, but catches up?

D: Grandpa!

Vedas: Tell us why you clung to him?

Is Petya a steam locomotive? What trailers did you bring?

Mum: Who will button up the shirt?

Children: Myself.

Dad: Who will carry the briefcase?

Children: Myself.

Bab: Who will butter the bun?

Children: myself.

Grandfather: Who will tie the shoes?

Children: Myself.

Mum: But he's still small!

Dad: But he's still weak!

Bab: He is so pampered!

Grandfather: He's so painful!

Mum: Have pity on him, my first grader

Dad: I took off from work

To take his worries

Bab: Skinny my granddaughter

I will give him a pie

Grandfather: Skip to class

I'll tie his shoelace

Vedas: It's just nonsense, no good anywhere!

We'll take it away from you, come in, Petrusha, to class!

Soon Petya will answer you all “I myself!”

Children: Don't look like children

On such here on Petya.

Vedas: reads the verse "September morning" muses.

Moms! I have long known the ease of your steps,

All of you start this day with irons.

On a folded dress

Linger a little,

Maybe you remember an old school outfit,

Daughter wakes up, tries on a budded bow

The son will check his portfolio, like an astronaut's tablet.

Their different roads are waiting, the path is both steep and not easy:

From unknown alphabet to invisible stars,

From funny first graders to broad-shouldered guys,

From your favorite favorite classic to your favorite.

And tired of oblivion, silent, lonely

The old school bell is waiting for the guys with impatience.

The song "It's good next to mom" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina)

Dad verse: Dad invented the alarm clock

So that I don't miss the lesson.

Attached firmly to the call

Healthy hammer.

Ditties about dad

18. We are performing today

Let's sing and dance

All the kids have a school holiday

Will be happy to meet

19. We are funny guys if you play the polka

We do not need to beg - everyone is ready to dance

Polka "Dance with me my friend" (English folk song, arranged by I. Arseeva)

Children stand in a semicircle

Vedas: Well, that's it, the time has come

who have been waiting for a long time

We gathered for the last time

In our cozy room

20. Thanks to everyone who taught us, took care of us,

Who gave us a lot of strength

Cooked for 1st grade

21. Thanks to the teachers for the affection and warmth.

We were next to them

And on a gloomy day light!

22. Natalya Vasilievna! Anastasia Sergeevna! Elena Vasilievna!

You took pity on us, loved

You raised us like flowers

I'm sorry we can't have you

Take with you to 1st grade

23. We love the teacher,

Let's never forget

Let's bring ours one day

future children here

24. Snezhana Valerievna!

Thank you for all your concern

You had a lot of work during the holidays:

And write scripts, and taught to speak

Songs to sing and dance

Listen to music, understand it.

Song "Educator" (music by A.Filippenko, lyrics by T.Volgina)

25. Thanks to our doctors

That we are not afraid of a cold

What do not look at anyone

All, as one, are heroes!

26. Galina Vladimirovna! Keeps the group in order for a whole year!

And the teacher will replace

And bring beauty here

And the whole day washes everything, rubs!

27. Cooks give us porridge

On a holiday, pancakes are baked here

This is not a simple matter

Feed us here all day long!

28. All day the supply manager is busy

It's okay to see

At night she sews suits for us

And the costumes are just class.

You have seen them now.

29. Thanks again to the janitors and our good laundress

We will never forget your concern for us!

30. And to our director - Tatyana Georgievna

Get into Pushkin's fairy tale

She would ask for a fish, not a queen, to become

And so that the fish sent us

Sponsors of the rich in the garden

31. And she has countless worries!

To Olyam, Kolyam, Masha

There was food and drink

So that we have enough toys

All: To make everyone happy!

32. Only we need to say goodbye

Dear Kindergarten

The school will be very happy

First graders like this

Strong, brave and funny

The friendliest of the guys.

All: Hello school (2 times)

Goodbye kindergarten.


Children leave to the song “What do they teach at school?” (V. Shainsky)

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, YNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally designed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Our children do not really like the fairy tales that our parents read to us. But they are happy to watch new films based on Disney and other film studios. This is understandable, because in them even older characters are shown in a new way, with humor and in a modern way. That is why we had the idea to come up with a script for graduation in kindergarten according to modern fairy tales for children to enjoy. Everything will take place in a playful way, so young graduates will not be bored. And so, we look and take new ideas for ourselves.

In a certain kingdom, in a distant state ....

Here the music from the Disney screensaver sounds and the good fairy appears.

No no! All wrong! Do you want to ruin our holiday?

On the contrary, we want to spend a holiday, today we have a graduation in kindergarten!

High school graduation?! It's easy to arrange!

The fairy waves her wand, the music plays and the fairy continues.

In a distant kingdom, where a kind king and a beautiful queen ruled, a happy day has come. The students of the royal academy of young mastery stood on the threshold significant event- they were waiting for the last day in the castles. Yes, it was their graduation day. And so the holiday begins.

To the solemn music, children enter the hall in pairs. They can come in and walk nicely in a circle. You can go under the waltz, circling in it.
When the children have walked, they stand in one line.

Here they are - our young beauties and young fellows - our graduates and the hope of the kingdom!
During the years that they spent in the walls of the castle, they learned a lot. They had the best teachers and educators, who were invited by the king himself from all over his vast kingdom. Educators taught children to read, write and other sciences. And they're ready to make the next one important step In my life.

Music plays and Puss in Boots appears.

Puss in Boots:
Do you know who I am? That's right - I'm a puss in boots. I helped one baron arrange his life and I will help you. But just for this you have to try! You are ready?

Playing with children is a profession.

You need to prepare pictures, for example: different equipment, scissors, a computer, sports equipment and so on. All the pictures are on the table upside down so that no one can see them. Children take turns choosing any picture, looking at it and telling Puss in Boots and other guests what kind of object it is and in what profession it is needed. And so all the children take turns.

Puss in Boots:
Well done, you can manage without me. So I go where my help is needed. But in the end, I want to listen to beautiful poems from you.

Children recite poems in the form of a skit. A scene about professions and how adults help children choose a profession.

Absolutely all the heroes of fairy tales live in our fairy-tale kingdom. And today many of them came to us for a holiday. We welcome a new guest!

Rapunzel appears.

Hello dear children! Good afternoon parents! Did you recognize me? As soon as I found out that you had a graduation, I immediately decided to attend the celebration. Look at my hair - see how long it is and how it is braided. Surely the mother of girls knows how difficult it is to braid a braid every morning and straighten your hair again in the evening. That's why I want to play with moms. You are ready?

Mom game.

Each team has three mothers. They have three different colored ribbons. Each mother holds one ribbon, and the other ends of the ribbons are held by educators. At Rapunzel's command, mothers should start braiding ribbons. In this case, you cannot let go of the ribbons from your hands, and you need to squat under the ribbons, step over them and do everything else to braid the braid. The team that braided the braid first and did not break the rules wins.

It looks something like this:

They did great. I could trust you with my hair. Now let's play with the kids!

Playing with children.

We divide the children into teams and give each team a puzzle from the cartoon Rapunzel. On command, the teams must begin to assemble the puzzle. Which team can do it faster, that one wins.

Well, you did a great job! Well, it's time for me to return to my castle. But in parting, I would love to hear you sing.

Children sing a song.

You can sing an ordinary song about childhood and kindergarten, you can come up with your own song.
Watch a video where children sing a beautiful song for graduation at a preschool educational institution:

Do you hear the noise? I wonder who it could be? Only someone very big can make noise like that.

A moment later, Kung Fu Panda appears in the hall.

Here I am! How long did it take me to get to your fairy kingdom! It’s good that a path was laid between China and the kingdom, and I walked along it, walked, and now, after three months, I’m with you!

Panda! How is it, don't you know that it has long been possible to get to us by more modern methods.

Yes? What is it?

Children, let's help Panda find out how to get from China to our kingdom?

Playing with children.

To play, you need to prepare different sounds. For example, how a train rides, how a steamship sails, how an airplane flies, how a car drives, and so on. But you need to prepare other sounds, for example, the cry of seagulls, the sound of a stream or thunder.
We turn on the sounds in turn, and the children guess them. And then they say whether it is possible to get from China to the kingdom on this.

That's the way things are! How much different options there is. I don't even know how to get back now? Maybe by plane - so very quickly. Or maybe on a steamer - I'll admire the ocean. And if the train is a train, then I will see beautiful forests, fabulous lands and meeting your old friends.
Yes, you have to think about it! Can you help me think? Dancing is the best thing for me. When I look at a dance, I immediately come up with something interesting.

Children show dance.

You can put on your dance or see how other graduates in kindergarten danced.
Watch the following video:

Great dance! Now I figured out how to get to China. I'll take the train to the ocean first. Then I will cross the ocean on a steamer, and I will fly over the impenetrable jungle by plane. That's how I get home.

Well, our fabulous prom is coming to an end. There is very little time left. And we will spend this time not just like that. I know that the children have prepared poems for their parents and teachers. And now they will tell them to all of us.

Children recite poetry.

And now it's definitely time to say goodbye. But in parting, I ask all of you children to come to the tables. There are papers and pens on the tables. Write your farewell wishes, and then we will hide their magic chest. And we will close the chest with eleven locks. After each year at school, one lock will open on the chest. And in eleven years, the chest will be completely open, and you will be completely grown up, you will be able to see your wishes again and remember how small you were.

Children write wishes, after all the sheets are placed in the chest. Then the holiday is transferred to the dining room, where a feast and dances take place.

Tamara Stepanenko


Dear fathers and mothers, dear grandfathers and grandmothers! Today we are all a little sad because it is time to part. Very soon for our alumni The first school bell will ring. Ahead is a difficult road to the adult world school life. And today they, solemn and excited, rush to the first prom. So let's support them with our applause.

Children read poetry.

Song "Goodbye, Kindergarten!"


Guys, do you want to see you on holiday your loved ones have come fairy-tale heroes? Just need to tell magic words :

The globe of the earth is spinning, spinning,

Welcome guest appears! (Children repeat, the sound of the surf sounds, appears "Gold fish")

Gold fish :

Hello dear children and adults! You probably know what I'm from fairy tales? Correctly! And today I came to you holiday to fulfill your wish. But first, let the children come up with their own about me. fairy tale. I see that you kids are smart, but reasonable.


Rest assured, Golden Fish, our children have learned a lot!

And now we will tell our the story of the golden fish.

Kind mothers lived near the blue sea.

Their children were different, but the concerns were common.

(Mothers come out, in their hands are bundles with dolls. Children cry.)

They went to blue sea, in the hope that they will see a Goldfish there.

(A blue fabric is spread out. Moms come up to her, sit down).

Moms sit and think ...

First mom:

I'd said: “Rybka, I don’t need much in my life.

Do such a miracle so that my child is healthy.

And then in the clinic there is always a long line,

You go there, and you will pick up something by chance!

Second mom:

I would come with a bow: “Have mercy, Empress Rybka.

Let all our children have enough places in the kindergarten "Smile".

So that they have fun here, but it's comfortable, and respect for each other is mutual!

third mom:

And I would ask Rybka for a little, but not a little,

To increase the number of round-the-clock kindergartens,

Send your kids for a week

And they themselves spent more time on the Internet.


The Golden Fish swam to them.

They fell on their knees before her and begged:


Lady Rybka! Hear our confessions

And help us fulfill our cherished desires.


The fish listened to them and answered quietly.

gold fish:

Go home as soon as possible, look at the world more cheerfully!

Spend more time with children

Yes, do not get carried away with the Internet!

Do not sit in classmates, it is better to look after the children!


The golden fish waved its tail and swam away into the blue sea. This is our moral fairy tales! Well, what did you like our story?

gold fish:

I liked it very much! Now I can fulfill one of your wishes.


And we have a wish today one: have fun, sing and dance! (Goldfish exits)

Dance "Yes, yes, yes, I love you"


And let's say these magic words again and see who will appear with us! Children they say:

The globe of the earth is spinning, spinning,

Welcome guest appears! (appears "Brownie")


Hello kids. I could not stand it, here, the old one, did not sit in the attic. As I heard your songs, yes conversations. So, I decided to go down. You don't recognize me, do you?

And I'm Brownie, wow, so mischievous!

I want to have fun with you

And some have sad faces!


We, dear Brownie, are a little sad today, because we are seeing our children to school. They're all grown up now, can't you see?


And who to look at? Little girls and boys sit here. They don't look like students at all. And about the school, it is unlikely that they know anything.


But it's not true, the children will tell you now "What is a school":

1 child:

This is where all the children rush in the morning.

What a strange question, if you have already grown up?

If seven, then just right

Get ready for first class!

2 child:

What is a school? How do you answer?

This is where you will find out everything about light:

About the multiplication table, about verbs and addition,

About planets and seas, what a round earth!

3 child:

What is a school? How do you answer?

Changes and calls, buns in the buffet,

And the marks in the diary, and the task on the board.

You will know and understand everything.

If you come to school


Look what you are! A lot of everything told about the school, but I only remember one thing, that there are buns in the buffet! Okay! Are you good at solving problems? (Children answer.)

I'm starting fun moments

My math jokes.

A game "Merry Account" (conducted by Brownie)


Well, well done! I see that you are ready for school, but I do not want to go to school. It is necessary to learn lessons, get up every morning, go to school. No... it's not for me

I'm better off in my attic, yes on the barrel,

I will sleep and do not know worries. Goodbye!

And you study well, but behave decently! (Brownie leaves)


And we continue to have fun and delight our guests!

Dance "Hussars"


Well, what else will we invite fairytale heroes? Children they say:

The globe of the earth is spinning, spinning,

Welcome guest appears! (song sounds "If long, long", appears "Red Riding Hood")

Red Riding Hood:

To my beloved grandmother

I walk along the path

And pies as a gift to her

I carry it in my basket.

Ouch! Where did I get to?


Don't worry, Little Red Riding Hood, you got on holiday in kindergarten. We take the kids to school today.

Red Riding Hood:

Hooray! That's lovely! I want to check how they are ready for school. Let's see how the children learned to form words from letters.

Word game ( "School", "Motherland", "World", "Teacher", "Turn", "Holidays", "Class")

red Riding Hood:

Well, you guys are surprised! You were not taught in vain. Guys, do you want to look into the future? Maybe dream: who will be who when he grows up?.

Children read poetry "Who to be!"

1 child:

When I grow up, I will get married right away.

I will choose a husband, like a dad, so that met me at the ladder,

Ah... I forgot to tell, I will fly in the sky.

I want to become a flight attendant, I'll fly on an airplane!

2 child:

I will be a businessman

Let me teach!

I will buy a fur coat for my mother,

Dad - "Jeep" cooler!

3 child:

Good as a businessman, but better as a model!

I want to be at shows, let them teach me!

To get the crown

Beauty will conquer the whole world!

4 child:

Well, model, well, what is it?

What did you find cool about her?

I'll run for president

I will receive gifts

I will rule the country

Raise everyone's wages!

5 child:

The President is good, but I will go to the bankers.

I will make money, as all fakirs can.

My bank will prosper

Give everything at interest.

6 child:

Ha! I will become a cool DJ, I will turn the music,

I'm naming new topic to get all the people going.

With Kolya Baskov we will record a dance hit,

The whole world will hear about me, the whole country will speak!

red Riding Hood:

Interested in you guys

Only glory and salary.

And I have my own dream, it has a simple beauty.

I want to become a teacher

Let everyone be surprised.

After all, from kindergarten and from school

Everything begins.

There is no better job!

No profession is needed

Every day to give care -

What could be more important!


For such a dream I want to thank Little Red Riding Hood! We, educators, have chosen this profession, also by vocation, and we do not regret it at all. Well, you guys want say about it that no matter who you become and what profession you choose, it is important that you always remain kind, honest people.

red Riding Hood:

Well, why are you having fun here, but it’s time for me to visit my grandmother! Goodbye, kids! Do not be bored at school, do not upset the teachers! Listen carefully, be sure to behave yourself! (K. Hat leaves)


All mothers are very worried when they escort their children to school, and you will now see how worried our mother is by looking at a joke"Fees in 1st class"

Knock once again

Twig in the gate

Escorted to first class

Mommy Nikita.

Mum (looking at the child):

There are shoes, there are trousers, a white shirt.

You put your handkerchief in your pocket.

So! I put all notebooks, books and pencils.

Oh, the kids have remarkable strength (Tries the briefcase for weight, bends under the weight)

I'll put my diary in my briefcase

brush and pen,

Only a smart student

Learn everything quickly.


Listen, mom, if so

Everything is familiar to you

Go to first class

I'll wait for the second one.


All mothers are very worried about their children - first-graders, because they accompany them on a long journey, for a whole 11 years, and suddenly they fall behind on the way, catch a cold, and they are so used to kindergarten! Children were under our reliable wing, and today they, like birds, fly away from our nest.


We fly away today

Like birds from a nest.

sorry, have to say goodbye

Kindergarten forever!

Song "Farewell"


Children, let's say the magic words again. Children pronounce:

The globe of the earth is spinning, spinning,

The welcome guest appears. (To the music comes Carlson)


Wonderful! Wonderful! I heard you play letters here. It's time to go to school, and you are all shu-shu, yes shu-shu!


Shame on you, Carlson! We don't just play letters, we put words together. What about your briefcase, are you going to school?


Here's more! I have my favorite jam there, and rich buns. I can do without school count: how many buns should I eat, and how much jam!


It’s also impossible, Carlson, to think about food every minute! You also need to learn something, otherwise you will get fat and will not be able to take off. For example, do you know why children go to school? What is in the portfolio?


I know I know! Do your children know?

I ask you to answer

What will we take to school?

If you agree, then we shout "YES",

If you don't agree - "NO" scream then!

We put notebooks in the briefcase, - Yes, yes, yes.

We need slingshots too. No, no, no.

Album to draw - Yes, yes, yes.

Matches - set fire to the school - No, no, no.

Notebooks to write - Yes, yes, yes.

For dolls, let's take outfits - No, no, no.

Felt-tip pens and paints are needed - Yes, yes, yes.

Mobile phone call mom - Yes, yes, yes.

Plasticine to sculpt - Yes, yes, yes.

We'll take the kitten to school - No, no, no.

We put the gun in the briefcase - No, no, no.

Pills to heal - No, no, no.

The textbook will definitely come in handy. - Yes Yes Yes!



Well done! Just do not forget to bring a jar of jam with you, and I will definitely fly to you for a lesson. And now I want to check what grades you will study for?

joke game “Who will study for what grades?”

Carlson lays out cards with marks in a circle, before that he shows the cards. All cards with good marks. Children call the numbers shown on the cards. To the music, the children run in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the children take the card and show it to everyone. Then Carlson offers to find out how the parents studied, and then Cs and Ds are already added.


Well, my time is up! I flew, and I wish you to study better than your parents. Goodbye!


Guys, soon you will also fly from us to the other side of the river, the shore, which is called "School".

Dance: "Shores, shores!"

Children read poetry:

1. Today we say goodbye

With beloved kindergarten,

We have grown, we have grown

We need to go to school.

2. Thanks to the educators,

Thanks to our nannies

Both the doctor and the cook

We will say "thank you" to everyone!

3. Today is a special day -

Both sad and funny.

We have grown, we have grown!

Let's go to school!

caregiver: (Pulls out medals.)

You, my friends, have tried.

Everyone worked diligently

I want to thank you and give you medals.

And also hand over to our wonderful memorable gifts for graduates. And our holiday has come to an end. I propose to go to the alley alumni. To release Balloons with wishes.

Scenario graduation party in kindergarten: "Journey through your favorite fairy tales"

1 presenter: Today it is light in our hall

The guys gathered for the last time.

There will be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy and a drop of sadness,

They leave us in the first class!

2 Lead: Light and elegant now in this room!

Everyone has a lively, excited look.

Today we are a big holiday celebrate:

We accompany our children to school!

Meet me Kindergarten, their alumni!

(there is a performance of children who go out in pairs, after the presentation of all, the children perform a waltz)

Reb.: Hello, moms, dads and guests!

Hello, kindergarten is our own!

We look forward, with special excitement

Waiting for our big holiday!

Reb.: So our first came high school graduation!

And May is a magician, admire yourself.

Showered tender lilac

Beautiful, fragrant flowers.

Reb.: The sun is a cheerful ray

Knocking happily on the windows

And we are proud today

important word « Graduate» !

Reb.: Here we were taught how to play,

Dance and sing, not knowing boredom,

And the entertainment was spent

To the music of magical sounds!

Reb.: We grew up here and got smarter,

Solve problems, create stories

And draw different pictures!

Reb.: There are pictures on the wall,

And flowers on the window.

I want to - I'll jump

On a toy horse!

Reb.: This is such a nice house!

In it we grow every day,

And when we grow up

Let's go to school together!

Song: " Kindergarten house for children" (Music by K. Kostin, lyrics by T. Kersten, K. Kostin)

Reb.: I'll tell you a secret,

I am always sure of that.

Educators and children

Real friends!

Reb.: How much to eat different professions in the world,

But I want to talk about one

Who cares so much about little children?

People who don't know peace.

Reb.: People who do not get enough sleep,

They cut something, they sew interesting things,

Sculpt, draw, compose poetry,

The role is rehearsed, the songs are sung.

Reb.: Fiction has no end, no limit,

Anything they can.

What others would already be tired of,

These endure alone with patience!

Reb.: They can do everything, they can do everything,

People with a wide, kind soul.

No evil can overcome them!

They are Teachers with a capital letter!

Reb.: To educate is a good calling!

Be in love, understand and, of course, forgive,

To be an example in everything, to show compassion,

To educate means to give to others.

Reb.: Our garden is sad today,

And we are a little sad.

That the day of farewell has come

And a long road awaits us.

Reb.: More than once we will remember how we played,

And how many things were here!

How to draw in the evenings

And the forest and mother and stream!

Reb.: Like good books loved.

How did you go on excursions?

To know everything, everything, everything about life!

Reb.: Yes, we are sad quite a bit,

And time can't be turned back.

And we want now guys

About garden life tell.

"Farewell Song" (Music and lyrics Bokach)

Reb.: Dressed up Kindergarten -

You don't know directly.

Your best outfit

Mom puts on.

And ironed trousers

Cleanly washed hands

And excitement - just us

Escorted to 1st grade!

Reb.: We ate delicious lunches,

Slept in the bedroom at a quiet hour,

And frosty winter

We have fed the birds!

Reb.: Answered in class,

The story was listened to in silence,

They were noisy, funny,

Naughty kids.

Reb.: We are flying away today,

Like birds from a nest.

sorry, have to say goodbye

With baby sam forever!

Reb.: And today, on the farewell day,

We won't get discouraged

Kindergarten we will be long

Remember with a kind word.

song: "Goodbye Kindergarten"

1st ved: Expensive Graduates! Today is your last holiday kindergarten and the whole is saying goodbye to you Kindergarten.

Enter the children of the second younger group.

2nd ved: The kids came to the holiday today,

We brought you our wishes!

1st: Reb. ml. groups: You will go to school soon,

Please don't be lazy.

We wish you guys

Study well!

2nd reb. ml. gr.: You rarely played with us,

They called babies

Sometimes we were offended

They didn't give us toys!

3rd reb. ml. gr.: But now you are not like that,

You are big now.

We came to congratulate you

With the transition to the first class!

Children perform a dance "Goodbye Toys" Pass toys to children. The kids leave to the music The kids sat down

1 - leading: You are with fairy tale never,

Never break up.

Let the years go, run

To fairy tales come back again.

Gives fairy tales magic,

Teach us to be wiser.

There, good will punish evil.

Who is kinder is stronger.

2-Vedas: The heroes of your tales are in a hurry

Congratulate all your friends.

Graduates! Meet soon

You are numerous guests!

Queen Book comes out

Queen Book: Hello guys! Did you recognize me? I, the Queen of the Book, invite you to journey to the land of fairy tales. You see, I have a magic book in my hands. Now we will see together what fairy tale we will get. (shows title fairy tales) . Correctly! This is fairy tale 12 months!

Suddenly, the princess runs into the hall, followed by the teacher.

A princess: And I'm telling you, I don't want to study!

Teacher: Your Majesty, this is simply necessary, you will not be able to read and sign any royal document!

A princess: Why should I? After all, I have you All-knowing Akademievich.

Teacher: Yes, but I'm already old, you can to tell. It's time for me to retire, Your Majesty.

A princess: No pensions! You are still healthy and strong. You have your whole life ahead of you. Come on, hands to the sides, up, forward, get right hand to the tip of the nose (teacher does). So good! Now step march! Let's run! Fine! Serving another 50 years!

Teacher:(wearily) But Your Majesty...

A princess: None "but". Stay with me until... until I become as smart as you.

Teacher: Yes, but how can you become like that if you absolutely do not want to study?

Leading: Guys, do you understand anything? I'm nothing. Now I find out what this princess is doing with us at the holiday. Dear princess, please explain what are you doing here?

A princess: What! Who dares to speak to me?

Moderator: Excuse me, but I don't know how to address you.

A princess: Well, they say that I'm stupid and don't want to study. My dear, you don't know basic things! The royals are called "Your Majesty"

Leading: Clearly now I will know. So, Your Majesty, what are you doing at our party?

A princess: How is your holiday, but I don’t know anything about it? Why wasn't I informed.

Leading: We did not think that you would want to celebrate with us a holiday dedicated to our graduates who go to school.

A princess: Back to school! I don't want to hear about her. As if without learning it is impossible to know everything. What did you learn in kindergarten?

Teacher: Guys, now let's check if you are ready to go to grade 1. If you agree, then shout YES, YES, YES!

And if you don't agree, then NO, NO, NO!

Attention, let's start:

Let's go to school in the fall - Yes, yes, yes.

We will find friends there - Yes, yes, yes

We will study at school - Yes, yes, yes

And we will fight with friends - No, no, no

We will sleep in the lessons - No, no, no

We will take the diary to school - Yes, yes, yes

To get deuces - No, no, no

Let's play with dolls - No, no, no

We will solve the problems - Yes, yes, yes

We will become students - Yes, yes, yes

We will do the lessons ourselves - Yes, yes, yes. !

I ask you to answer

What will we take to school?

We put notebooks in the portfolio, Yes, yes, yes

We also need slingshots No, no, no

Album to draw Yes, yes, yes

Set fire to school matches, No, no, no

Notebooks to write Yes, yes, yes

For dolls, we'll take outfits, no, no, no

Felt-tip pens and paints are needed Yes, yes, yes

Call my mom's cell phone Yes, yes, yes

Plasticine to sculpt Yes, yes, yes

We'll take the kitten to school No, no, no

We put the gun in the briefcase No, no, no

Pills to heal No, no, no

The textbook will definitely come in handy. Yes Yes Yes!

1st Ved.:. These are our children

Everyone wants to know the world

We wish them good luck

To solve all problems.

2nd Vedas: A rooster flew up on the wattle fence,

Met another wuh there.

How many roosters were there?

Who has an answer? (3)

1- Ved.: Three apples from the garden

The hedgehog dragged

The most ruddy

Gave Belka.

Happy gift

Got a squirrel

Count the apples

Have a hedgehog in a bowl? (2)

2nd Ved.: A squirrel is sitting on a cart,

Distributes his nuts -

Bear fat-fifth,

Zainka mustachioed,

Chanterelle - sister,

Sparrow, titmouse.

How many animals did you count? (6)

1st Vedas: Mother brought toys

And brought the guys:

Gave Masha a ball,

And Tanyusha is a samovar,

Son Vanya - a drum.

Daughter Milochka - a sofa.

How many toys did mom give? (4)

2nd Vedas: Our children can do a lot

Sing and draw and poetry tell.

And when they go to school, they will get even more knowledge.

Now they will sing you a song about what they teach at school.

Song: "Teaching at school"

A princess: My Majesty wants to know what else can be learned at school?

A princess: Can all this knowledge be obtained at school?

Leading: If you try, you can.

A princess A: Then I also want to go to school. Take me with you.

Leading: Shall we?

A princess: Well, I ran to get ready ( screaming: "Mothers, nannies, I'm going to school, prepare your bags")

the curtain closes, meanwhile the scenery changes.

Queen Book: well, my dear, let's go to visit another fairy tale. Let's see what fairy tale is next. Look guys, this is what we have story(shows) (children's answers) right! It's Geese Swans!

The curtain opens, and there is Baba Yaga ....

Baba Yaga (on a broomstick):Stop! Stop! Stop! Where are you damned! I to you said sleep! Did you dare to disobey my mistress? Completely out of hand! I’ve seen enough of all sorts of dances on TV, then give her a lambada, then macarena, then all of a sudden she wants to dance ballroom dancing, but then she caught fire! I wanted to learn oriental dance. And I was preparing, irises, for your holiday. Everyone wanted to surprise you, I hurried to you! I found out that you are going here, but I was not invited .... I want to go to first grade with you!

Vedas 2: Wait, Baba Yaga, how old are you?

Baba Yaga:Hundred!

1 presenter: How much?

Baba Yaga: Well, two hundred! So what?

2 leading: Too much...

Baba Yaga: And by the way, it's never too late to learn.

Baba Yaga: Of course not, but I can shoot at sparrows with a slingshot, put buttons under a chair, pull girls by pigtails, pinch, whistle, scream (tries to hang, nothing happens) Ugh! The whistle is broken! I ride on a broomstick. Dryn! Dryn! I can teach you! This is how you get to school!

2nd host: How is it - on a broomstick to school?

baba yaga: But like this (shows)

1 ved: No, Baba Yaga, children will go to school neat, beautiful, with bouquets. Their mothers and fathers will accompany them. And this skill is not needed in school.

Baba Yaga: What do you need?

Children read a sentence made up of letters on cubes or on a magnetic board "Attention, back to school soon"

Baba Yaga: Right! And now let's find out what our parents will do when the children go to school. Dear parents, we have a school lottery, pull the ticket to my question, the answer is loud speak: (parents take turns pulling out the answers from Baba Yaga's basket (mom, dad, dog, etc.)

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. And who will follow the form of the first-grader?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. To whom have to collect a portfolio?

7. Who will cry left without strength?

8. Who is to blame if the child got a deuce?

9. Who will attend meetings?

10. Who will take the first grader to school?

Baba Yaga: Well, now I see that the children and their parents are ready to enter the first grade. Therefore, it remains for me guys to wish you a happy and easy path to the heights of knowledge.

Baba Yaga says goodbye, the curtain closes.

Queen Book: Well, let's go to visit another fairy tale! Let's see what let's go visit a fairy tale .... Shows. Learned? This is Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka!

The curtain opens, music from the cartoon sounds and Shapoklyak comes out with a briefcase (clings the children by the noses, pulls the bows, scares Lariska) .

Shapoklyak: Hello, my dears! Kiddies stumps, mischievous and rascals. You are your beloved grandmother recognized? Yes, yes - it's me, Granny Shapoklyak, and what are you doing here?

Leading: We accompany the children to school.

Shapoklyak: I am the most important teacher, I am a professor of all sciences. Who loves ugliness, my best friend. The boys go to school, they need our advice. After all, they still have no stakes or deuces in their portfolios. Don't trust anyone, kids, there's no better mark than a deuce. You guys in the morning, don’t do exercises, but don’t go to school, it’s better to sleep longer, and whoever gets fives, Shapoklyak doesn’t play with those.

Leading: And by the way, dear Shapoklyak, can you show us what is in your portfolio?

Shapoklyak: Okay, I'll show you (takes out of briefcase). Here is a funny toy called a rattle, an elephant with a hole in its side lies here to spite the enemy. I'll pour water into it, I'll pour all of you at school (splashes children and parents). Beads to dress up and a slingshot to defend yourself. Buttons to put on chairs and Lariska to scare

Leading: Aren't you tired of hurting and annoying everyone, granny? Maybe it's better for you to sit down quietly and read a newspaper?

Shapoklyak: Why don't I read them, I know everything more than you.

Leading: Well, then, please answer, is it a wild bear or a domestic animal?

Shapoklyak: The bear is domestic, small, shaggy. He looks like a monkey, guys. He eats carrots and potatoes and knows how to eat soup with a spoon.

Leading: Do you guys agree? (children's answers)

Leading: Yes, granny Shapoklyak, you should not be proud of yourself. You need to go to Kindergarten to learn from our children.

Shapoklyak: Well, here's another, I don't mess with you. You are laughing at your grandmother. And by the way, where is my briefcase, where did it go? Shapoklyak: Well, the guys surprised you, it was not in vain that you were taught. Just don't go to school, you'll be lost at school. There is one science, fu, melancholy! Eh, boredom!

Child: And we are a joyful people, we drive boredom out of the gate,

If we only want, we will cheer everyone up in a moment,

And now we really want to dance for you.

Dance "Rock'n'roll", at the end of the dance everyone disperses, Shapoklyak also dances.

Shapoklyak: Well done! Guys, I see you are ready to go to school! I wish you good luck so that only fives study!

farewell, the curtain closes.

Queen Book: Well, that's all, our the journey has come to an end. And if you also make friends with the book, any business will be up to you! At school you read a lot interesting books. They will open a wonderful world of knowledge for you! And your first book will be a primer!

Child:: If you know the letters,

And you will hear at the same time

Amusing story!

Reb.: Do you know how old

The sun gives us its light

Why flowers in winter

And in winter the fields are empty.

Reb.: You will recognize your native land

Peaceful, strong and big.

The book is a good friend to us.

Read it - find out for yourself!

Queen Book: Yes, you really are great! You have been taught everything kindergarten taught them it's time to say goodbye, until we meet again at school.

Reb.: Years passed imperceptibly,

The time for goodbye is coming.

Today we are in kindergarten,

Let's spend the last day!

Reb.: Today we kindergarten

Forever goodbye.

We need to study now.

We're going to school!

Reb.: In our time, no, not just run a kindergarten.

Every day a million questions

All of them need to be resolved.

She knows no rest, no peace.

Still young, and besides - pretty,

Hardworking and energetic:

And ready to work on weekends

And even at night she really can not sleep.

Nobody to us the garden here will not replace it!

And she is very much appreciated in the Office!

Will find an approach to any person,

For each "key" will pick up his own.

Reb.:! You are the bosses right hand,

It was hard for you sometimes

So that in garden the whole pedprocess

Was like Wonderland

Teachers' councils, master classes,

All worries cannot be counted.

Don't forget the seminars.

Our honor to the Methodist!

Reb .: There is a whole load of affairs in the economy,

But the caretaker manages.

He's on his feet all the time

He spends a day on the run.

Much needs to be done-

Do not count all the cases sometimes:

Give out powder and soda,

Give soap and dishes.

Maintain property records.

Take away, then bring.

On it the device of each groups:

Need nails and screws

Products, and board and timber.

But this burden is on his shoulders!

Reb.: Medical staff

He kept us healthy.

And vaccinations, and greenery -

Baby's best friends!

Who will give us a vitamin?

Tablet, ascorbic acid?

Who will put the thermometer

Will it save us from pain?

Of course - Svetlana Alexandrovna!

Reb.: White sheet,

Apron and scarf,

You will bypass the whole white light -

You won't find a better laundress!

Reb.: The speech therapist is trying,

Works with us

The letters are all in a row now

You-go-va-ri-vat I'm glad!

Reb.: For health and figure,

And for the strength of the legs and arms

For physical education classes

The fizruk will take the children!

Reb.: Psychology is a science,

Not an easy thing, brothers.

Without a psychologist in our age

Man cannot live!

Reb.: With our musician we

Ready to sing until dawn

Polonaise and quadrille,

Poles are not forgotten either!

Reb.: Dear chefs,

Delicious food always!

Look at us:

These cheeks are just class!

Reb.: We always have cleanliness in the group

The floor and dishes sparkle

Our nanny in the morning

Brings order everywhere

That's why everything glitters and sparkles.

Will bring food to the group in time,

Feed us tasty, give us supplements.

Without it, the teacher is just a disaster!

Help is always needed!

Reb.: Our favorite teacher:

The best,

Kind, sensitive and attentive, like a mother

We came to your group with a desire,

Because they were waiting for us there loved!

Song "Educator"

Reb.: We leave kindergarten

And we want to tell you all,

So that have always loved you

Let's never forget!

Reb.: If we were very naughty,

You scolded us a little.

We lived together in the garden.

But you still need to say goodbye.

And at this farewell hour

We kiss you hard!

We say thank you to everyone

And thank you for everything.

Lead 1: Remember little friend,

Mine native kindergarten!

Here you took the first step

To a new and big world!

2 Leader: Learn, work and win,

Don't stop dreaming.

Mine don't forget kindergarten,

Though the years will fly by!

The floor is given to our manager

Scenario of the graduation party "Journey through fairy tales" in a kindergarten group of different ages.

The hall is decorated with a panel in the form of a train, in the carriages there are portraits of graduate children, under which epithets are written that characterize each child.

Well, friends, the time has come

Which everyone has been waiting for!

We gathered for the last time

In a cozy bright room.

Here, say goodbye to kindergarten

Preschoolers rush in the morning

We greet them with smiles

Applause, friends!

The most charming and fair...

The most gallant and inquisitive…

The most attentive and responsible.

The most active and artistic…

The friendliest and calmest…

The funniest and hardest working...

The most affectionate and diligent…


There are different holidays throughout the year.

And today we have a holiday

Soon we will be first graders

We say goodbye to the garden now.


The sun is a cheerful ray

Knocking happily on the windows

And we are proud today

In an important word "Graduate"


Parents came to our party

And they look at us with excitement.

It's like everyone saw it for the first time

Grown up children now.


Soon we will leave the kindergarten,

It's time for us to go to school

We know that we need to study a lot,

To become real people.

Our garden is sad today

And we are sad quite a bit,

The day of farewell has come

And a long road awaits us.

More than once we remember how we played

And how many things were here

How to draw in the evenings

And the forest, and mother, and the stream.

We will remember the group and toys,

And the bedrooms are gentle comfort,

And how to forget friends, girlfriends,

With whom we lived here for so many years!


Yes, we are sad quite a bit,

And time can't be turned back

And it's time for us, it's time to go,

All. Farewell, beloved kindergarten!

Song "Goodbye Kindergarten"

Leading. Yes, you made friends here, taught a lot to your younger friend, helped in difficult moment, consoled kind words shared sweets and toys with them.

Let's postpone separation from friends,

Let's sing a song about friendship together.

Song "We Divide Everything in Half"

Leading. And now a joint dance performed by all the children.

Dance "Kremena"

Preschool childhood leaves one day,

And everyone felt it today!

Toys, cars, rocking chairs are leaving,

And baby books

And squeaker dolls.

Yes, in the garden you had your favorite toys, books. And how many interesting and wonderful books, fairy tales read! Today is a special day for graduates and you can make a wish that will help fulfill the Seven-Flower Flower. I would like to know which favorite character from a fairy tale each of you would like to meet today. (In advance, conduct a survey of children at the expense of their favorite fairy-tale hero). Let's start.

Veronica. I really like Pinocchio. He is so cheerful, cheerful and also going to school.

Leading. Only we need to pick the magic petal and say the magic words:

Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,

And the hero come here!

(Pinocchio enters under the soundtrack).


Who here remembers me? How many boys and girls are here! Hello! I was going to the theater and I heard that someone was talking about me here. Today I sold the ABC and bought a ticket to the theater with the proceeds. I don’t understand why study, because you can live like that.

Leading. What are you, Pinocchio! All children need to study at school so that, for example, they learn to read and write, count, solve problems correctly, so that people like Alice the Fox and Basilio the cat do not deceive you. Here, try to solve the problem.

1. Once to the hare for lunch

A friend jumped up - a neighbor.

Bunnies sat on a stump

How many carrots have you eaten?

(Pinocchio answers incorrectly, the children give the correct answer).

Here's another problem, listen carefully, Pinocchio!

2. Knitting grandmother - fox

Three grandchildren mittens.

"I will give you soon, grandchildren,

Mittens 2 pieces.

Take care, don't lose

How many of them, count.

How many letters are in the word ABC?

How many sounds?

Pinocchio. No, guys, I also want to learn how to solve problems, read and write. I will get together and I will go to school with you. Oh, how can I go without the ABC now?

Leading. Do not grieve, Pinocchio, we will give you a new one, and for now, listen to a song about school.

The song "We are now students."

Pinocchio. (The presenter gives Pinocchio a new alphabet). Thank you guys. Now I will run to Papa Carlo and make him happy. See you in school! Till!

Leading. What is the favorite hero of our Daniel?

Danil. I would like to see Carlson. He is so well-fed, well-mannered, and I look like the Kid. (Tears off a petal from a flower.)

And the hero come here.

(Carlson flies in, sings the song "Funny Man").

I am Carlson, I am a cheerful kid,

I eat manna porridge.

Of course, if in porridge. honey,

Any kid will understand me.

Hi guys! I knew you couldn't do without me! Tell me, who is the smartest and most learned? And who is the most beautiful? And who is the kindest in the world? (Answer children). I give you good for this!

And who is the best friend? I am the best game designer ever! Put all your hands on your knees. I will say: "Let's go!", and you have to clap your hands on your knees. I'll say "Nose" - you take your nose, I'll say "Ear" - you take your ears. Understandably? Then be careful! Let's go, let's go. (Involves all children, parents, guests in the game).

Carlson. Oh, how many guests I have, can you bring sweets? And for what reason, I forgot to ask you, are you all gathered here?

Leading. We have a holiday, the guys go to first grade.

Carlson. Is it a holiday to go to school? Yes, there you will have to teach lessons, read, write, count, is it interesting?

Leading. Is not it so?

Carlson. Of course not! So the Kid gave me a math assignment, but I can’t solve it.

Leading. And the guys will help you!

Carlson. Truth? Well, then listen:

The chicken stands on one leg, weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on both legs. I think four. Correctly? (Two).

I bent down to the ground and saw four cat paws and four chicken legs behind the fence. How many cats and chickens are behind the fence? (One cat and two chickens).

How many legs does a beetle have? (Six).

How many legs does a worm have. (no legs).

Who flies higher: a penguin or a rooster? (They don't fly).

A crocodile walked through the park and bought ice cream: for himself, for his daughter and for two sons. How many servings ordered, who counted faster? (Four).

Carlson. Well done, kids, they coped with such difficult tasks. I am so pleased that with your help I finally solved these problems.

Leading. Do you know, Carlson, what a troika is? Watch the dance "Polka in threes" and you will immediately understand everything.

Dance "Polka in threes"

Carlson. I think you will all do well in school. But do not forget about me, come to visit me and bring puzzles and ... sweets.

Goodbye! I wish you success! (Carlson flies away).

Leading. It's time for Svetlana to introduce us to her favorite hero.

Sveta. I like the presence of Baba Yaga in fairy tales. Although she tries to be harmful, she is kind at heart. She just doesn't have many good friends. (Pulls off petal.)

All. Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,

And the hero come here! (Baba Yaga flies on a broom to the music).

Baba Yaga. Oh, in a hurry! Almost broke the transport. I found out that you were going to school, and I wanted to go to first grade with you.

Leading. You wait, Baba Yaga! And how old are you?

Baba Yaga. Hundred!

Leading. How much, how much?

Baba Yaga. Well, two hundred, so what?

Leading. Too much.

Baba Yaga. And, by the way, it's never too late to learn.

Baba Yaga. Of course not. But I can pull the pigtails of girls, pinch, scream, squeak, whistle (trying to whistle - nothing happens). Ugh, the whistle is broken. I'm riding a broomstick: drunk-drunk-drunk! Look how much I can.

Leading. It's not necessary to be able to do all this in school.

Song "Alphabet"

Baba Yaga. Well, since you know the whole alphabet, read me a letter from Leshy. Why does he write to me, he knows very well that I cannot read. A letter that lies in your pocket all day, no one in the forest will read it to me.

Baba Yaga takes out a letter, the children read: "Dear Yagusya! I invite you to dinner. Goblin."

Baba Yaga. Thanks guys, cheered up. Well, you know the letters, I was convinced of this, they will take you to school, and with whom will I play now (roars).

Leading. Hush Baba Yaga, don't cry!

We'll buy you a roll.

If you cry

We'll buy you a bast!

Baba Yaga: And I have sandals, let's play! I haven't played in such a long time!

The game "Who will jump over the bast shoes?"

Baba Yaga. Goodbye kids

It's time for me to go to Leshy.

Don't forget about me

Invite to school too.

Natasha. I would like to meet Dr. Aibolit. He is very kind and smart, I also love animals very much and want to treat them (Tears off a petal).

All. Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,

And the hero come here.

Music sounds. Dr. Aibolit appears.

Dr. Aibolit.

From trees and flowers

From bugs and spiders

From spring sonorous birds

Solovyov, carduelis, titmouse,

From rabbits and cubs

I heard that kindergarten

Sees off preschoolers

Back to school in first grade!

Congratulations Kindergarten!

I wish the older children

First-graders, seven-year-olds

Succeed in everything, everywhere

Both in study and in work.

Only I need to know

With health, how are you?

Have you gained strength, patience,

Do you exercise.

(He puts thermometers for children, gives commands - stand up, sit down, left - right, praises the children, notes that everyone is healthy and can go to school).

Leading. Dr. Aibolit, our children have been doing gymnastics all the years, strengthening their health, they know a lot about him, they are friends with sports. Now for you, graduates and accompanying children will show a sports dance.

Sports dance

Aibolit: I have a competition for graduates!

7 bottles in a row

Put them in a row on the table.

And bottled milk.

The one who drinks milk

Will jump high

Will run far.

It will come in handy at school

And health will improve.

Competition "Who will drink milk through the nipple faster."

Leading. You see, Dr. Aibolit, our children are strong and healthy. See how they can jump rope, spin the hoop and perform various exercises.

Leading. Now it's Maxim's turn to introduce us to her beloved fairytale hero

Maxim. I like Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena. They are so kind, they help everyone, and I also like their songs.

All. Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,

And the hero come here.

Shapoklyak. Hello, hello guys! I know that you were not expecting me, but I was ahead of Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, because we are from the same fairy tale. Are you going to school?

I congratulate you, of course,

And I give you our gifts.

Here's a slingshot for you guys

To shoot birds

Here's a noisy pistol for you,

To scare each other.

Here are the buttons for you,

To put on a chair.

Leading. Children, do you really need such gifts?

Shapoklyak. How smart. And I'm opening my own school of harmful sciences. Admission without exams, education is free. Who wants to enroll?

Leading. And what sciences will children study there?

Shapoklyak. I will teach you to smear benches, to quarrel, to fight, to slander, to shift the blame on another, to be talkative, to speak rudely.

Leading. Our children will not go to such a school, they were preparing to study in a real school and even learned how to pack a portfolio.

Game "Collect a portfolio".

There are two children and two parents. Children stand near the tables, on which school supplies are laid out interspersed with toys.

On command, the children collect portfolios for school, and the parents, meanwhile, inflate air balloons.

It is necessary to put in the briefcase only the things necessary for the school, so that among them there are no toys, mother's lipstick, cars, a mirror, etc.

Shapoklyak takes part, knocks everyone down, but she cannot collect the portfolio herself.

Leading. You see, Shapoklyak, you don't even know how to do that. Go, study, and no longer annoy the children with your harmful advice.

Shapoklyak. Fu-you, well-you! Then I have nothing to do with you ... (leaves)

Leading. We have two petals left. Yulia's turn to pluck the petal.

Julia. How did we forget about Santa Claus. He brings us joy and gifts every year. He is such a kind wizard. I want to meet him again in kindergarten. (Pulls off petal.)

All. Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,

And the hero come here.

The song "Father Frost Walked Through the Forest" sounds. Children recognize the song, actively sing along, Santa Claus enters the hall.

Santa Claus came here

He didn't get lost at all!

Father Frost.

I came from the past

And he became a welcome guest!

Can't sit in Antarctica

I love to have fun.

Academic year, as New Year

He is always waiting for kids.

Where is the academic year?

Santa Claus, I suppose, does not know?

Children. At school!

Leading. Santa Claus, our children have grown up and now they will show you how they can make words out of letters.

Children make up words: school, call, school desk, lesson, book, pen, study.

Game "Make a word".

Each child receives one word.

Father Frost.

Oh, yes, well done - our graduates

And you are not afraid of me?

Children. (They say teasing).

We are not afraid of frost

We are not afraid of Santa Claus

In summer, he does not pinch his ears,

In summer, he does not pinch his nose.

The game "Trap" on the music. Haydn.

Father Frost.

Do not forget Frost for you.

Bring gifts

Let them lie for now

They look at the kids.

Oh, oh, oh, what's wrong with me - I'm melting, melting

Where is the sled? Gonna fly Now!

Santa Claus runs out of the room.

Leading. The last petal of desire. Who does our Angela want to see?

Angela. I really want to meet the good Fairy. She is always ready to help and always so beautiful. (Pulls off petal.)

Fairy. Hello my dear graduates. You have grown over the years of being in kindergarten, you have become kind, smart, well-mannered. I knew that this hour would come, I was waiting for your growing up, entering the first grade and I prepared gifts for you medals in honor of the end of kindergarten and I present them to you with great pleasure.

Fairy gives children commemorative medals.

Leading. Dear Fairy, our children will sing a song

farewell song

Fairy. Thanks guys for the song.

In parting, I want to remind you of the rules that will be useful to you in your school life.

These rules are simple

You must remember them!

1. When you wake up, get up,

Don't give in to laziness.

2. The dew washed the petal,

And soap will wash you.

3. Be neat in your clothes,

Avoid holes and stains.

4. Do not wait for prodding

Go to school on time.

5. At school, in the classroom, do not litter,

And you mess up - clean it up.

6. Do not be rude to adults,

Sorry kids, love.

7. Know good grades

Do not grow in the forest on a branch.

8. So that we can be proud,

You have to work hard.

The fairy says goodbye to the children and leaves.

Fairy tales give us miracles

And without miracles,

They live everywhere

And they are our friends.

There are sunny colors

They waltz for you.

We can't live without fairy tales

They can't live without us!

And so our journey through fairy tales ended. And now again we pass the words of greeting and gratitude to our graduates.

1. In a cozy kindergarten

We lived like at home.

Any corners

We were familiar here.

2. Farewell, sleeping dolls,

And shiny balls

And affectionate nannies,

What were we like mothers!

3. Goodbye our group

And in the bedroom cribs

Now they are waiting for us

Notebooks at school.

4. The school opened the doors,

Desks and a class are waiting for us.

We are leaving, but believe

We won't forget you!

5. Our beloved garden, do not be sad, do not be sad,

And with us with the kids you say goodbye.

We will go to school, and you will be replaced

Kids will come - a change of little ones.

6. Bow to all the earth and thank you very much!

For affection, care, a warm welcome.

We will always remember preschool childhood,

And in the fall we will go to school together!

7. Last time in the banquet hall

We have been in the spotlight.

Well, goodbye, our beloved hall,

You often called us here for the holidays.

8. We will no longer be sad,

Grieve, suffer.

It's time, graduates,

Let's dance the waltz.

Children perform the waltz The little Prince"

Educator 1. Today it is impossible to contain the excitement -

Your last holiday in kindergarten.

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and go to school.

Oh, how hard it is to part with you

And let you out from under the wing into the light!

You became relatives, you became friends,

And better than you, it seems, can not be found.

Educator 2. Today, guys, we congratulate you!

You go to school to learn, to make friends.

Good luck and good health to all of you

And never forget your kindergarten!

Congratulations to the head, presentation of diplomas on graduation from kindergarten.

Congratulations to parents.

A girl and a boy - kids go around all the graduates with a festive bell.

Graduates follow the song for the kids with a bell and leave for a festive tea party.

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