How to lay out the cards. Fortune telling on playing cards for the near future, for a loved one, for relationships and desire: the most truthful and simple layouts

To guess and always get reliable results, you need to know the intricacies of the correct handling of cards and the secrets true predictions.

In the article:

Rules for divination with playing cards

Before proceeding with the ritual of divination, you need to buy a new deck and. It is necessary to carry out the ritual, since it is necessary to set the cards to the energy of the fortune teller in order to receive truthful answers to questions.

You can’t play cards and give away your personal deck to anyone. If another person guesses on the cards, then the answers of the deck will be closely related to his energy.

It is advisable to have several decks for divination. For example, use one only in divination, where it is required that the guesser touch it (to transfer energy).

You need to work with cards in good health and mood. In a fit of anger, you should not undertake the ritual, as this is quite dangerous.

Cards should not lie unattended anywhere. These are fortuneteller's assistants, so you need to prepare a place to store the deck.

Cards need to be cleaned regularly. If too much negative energy accumulates on the deck, this prevents the correct answer from being received. The cleaning ritual can be found by clicking on the link above.

Don't try to learn everything in one day. Divination - difficult process, and you need to have a great energy potential in order to carry out long and difficult rituals.

Fortune telling lessons - what questions can you ask?

Among the techniques used by fortunetellers, solitaire games are common and in which you can ask a specific question and, by pulling out a designated number of cards, get an answer.

But what should be the question so that the answer is clear and understandable? There are three rules:

  1. You can't ask questions unnecessarily. If the answer is obvious, don't elaborate on it.
  2. Don't repeat yourself. Twice question asked will confuse the cards, and the deck will begin to give out false information.
  3. Guess fate (plans) or for a period of no more than three months.

When working with cards, be sure to remember that 98% of the correct result is obtained only by professionals. Even if you master the art of divination to perfection, a person has a chance to beat fate.

For a fortuneteller, it is important to consider everything possible options events when a person asks a question. Clearly realizing that fortune-telling is nothing more than an analysis of future events, it is necessary to work out all the options for situations that can happen to a person.

It is important to realize that the fortuneteller is just a guide. The soothsayer needs to abstract, otherwise it will not be possible to interpret the combinations correctly.

Questions of a global scale, affecting serious topics, are prohibited. You can not use the ability to look into the future for personal enrichment.

Learning to guess with playing cards - what are "forbidden days"?

There are forbidden days in every month. On these dates, there is a high probability of making a mistake or even ruining a person’s fate.

Bad days:

  • January - 7 days: 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 20;
  • February - 3 days: 11, 17, 18;
  • March - 4 days: 1, 4, 14, 24;
  • April - 3 days: 2, 17, 18;
  • May - 2 days: 7, 8;
  • June - 1 day: 17;
  • July - 2 days: 17, 21;
  • August - 2 days: 20, 21;
  • September - 2 days: 10, 18;
  • October - 1 day: 6;
  • November - 2 days: 6, 8;
  • December - 3 days: 6, 11, 18.

It is better not to take the deck on Mondays. Guessing and playing solitaire is not allowed during illness. Women should not work with cards during critical days.

Any handling of cards must be handled with care. You can not mock their strength and use the deck for fun.

The main methods of divination on a playing deck

Divination by desire

You will need a deck of 36 cards. You need to shuffle it and remove one card. Not looking put aside. Divide the rest equally into 5 piles. Take the set aside card, look at its suit and make a wish.

Having put aside the selected cards, it is necessary to return to the deck again. Repeat the process, only arrange the remaining cards into 4 piles. Manipulations are performed until one pile of five cards remains in the hands. You should open them.

The wish made will come true if the cards with the suit made earlier, from 10 to Ace, remain in the received deck. If other cards fell out, the fulfillment of the desire is impossible. To find out what was to blame, you need to complete the layout below by asking an exciting question.

Quick response

To get a quick answer, you can perform a ritual if a strong enough connection with the deck is established. To do this, you need to regularly carry cards with you for several days, shuffle them, just hold them in your hands and do it.

When the deck gets used, the cards will understand what the fortuneteller needs. If an urgent question arose, you need to take the deck in your hands, bend over the cards and whisper the question three times. To get a more detailed picture, 2 more cards are taken from the deck. Depending on (alone and together) you can learn everything you need.

Teaching divination for an event in the future

Using the following layout, you can determine the likelihood of an event or the success of an operation.

You need a deck of 36 cards. It is necessary to shuffle the cards and arrange them into 4 equal piles. Take out one card from each and put it in front of you.

Interpretation of the result

  • Four cards of tambourine- victory in all endeavors, success, glory. The work will be appreciated, there is a chance to achieve what has been dreamed of for so long.
  • Four hearts- a loved one belongs to the one guessed with all his heart and soul. The combination speaks of harmony in relationships, happiness in marriage.
  • Four clubs- profit, possibly a promotion, an unexpected gift from an old friend.
  • Four spades cards- disappointment (in love, in friendship), monetary loss, trouble.

Card Combinations

Clubs + Queens of Spades- there may be many problems in the future. It is better not to argue, proving your point of view.

Six of spades + card of clubs(any) - an unsuccessful road.

Divination is one of the ancient ways to find out the answer to a given question. Even in ancient times, there were soothsayers who were engaged in similar clues to the future. Later, fortune-tellers did this. And now anyone who has a healthy interest and desire can feel like a prophet of the future.

The main thing in the article

How to guess on playing cards: the main rules

Some believe that it is impossible to guess at all, since you can miscalculate your fate. There are those who are of the opinion that it is impossible to guess only for yourself. And there are also adherents of the fact that you can guess, and that there is nothing wrong with that. But before you start fortune telling, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules.

  • It is best to charge the deck with your energy. Before laying out the cards, hold them in your hands, mix well so that the cards feel your energy.
  • No one should touch the cards except you. They only need to know your hands.
  • You need to guess in a good mood, otherwise fortune-telling will not give you the correct answer to the question.
  • We do not recommend asking the cards the same thing several times in one divination. Once a day is enough, as the cards can lie to you.
  • Try different divination options for a more accurate answer.
  • If, during a shuffle, a card or several fell out of the deck, do not leave it unattended. They are trying to tell you something important.
  • In no case should you play playing cards on which you tell fortunes.
  • Use a new deck of 36 cards. Keep it separate, just for divination.
  • When dividing the deck into parts, remove the cards with the little finger of the left hand "to the heart."

The value of playing cards when divining on 36 cards

No scientist can say how the cards reveal secrets to us and why this happens. But still, feeling the energy, feelings and desires, the cards can say what happened and what lies ahead. By laying out playing cards, you get answers, or you read the future. And what are the meanings of playing cards, you will find out below in the video.

Layout on playing cards for desire

Divination by desire is one of the simple layouts of playing cards. You just need to make a wish, and the cards will say yes or no. To do this, you need a new deck of 36 cards. Very important focus on desire and formulate it as clearly and clearly as possible. The desire must be made in such a way that the answer to it is positive or negative. Therefore, the desire should be in the form of a question.

  • Shuffle the cards while thinking about this question and discard 13 cards. Aces dropped and querent (a card representing the one who asks the question) put aside and lay out again 13 cards. All you need to do is three times.
  • If 4 aces and a querent fall out - the answer is yes, if 4 aces without a querent - "yes", but not immediately, but after some time. If 3 aces and a querent - "yes", but with obstacles, without a querent - unlikely. Less than 3 aces - the answer is negative.

Fortune telling on playing cards for the future: a simple layout

The future is unknown and incomprehensible. Many priests of antiquity tried to unravel the riddle of the future, but only a few succeeded. The future is changing, as are thoughts and actions. Guessing on the cards about what awaits you tomorrow, in a week or in 10 years, you will find out. But it is worth doing something differently than you wanted a moment ago, and everything can change, because the future changes with every new thought you have.

Fortune telling for the near future on playing cards

Cards that seem meant to be played can also predict. And also talk about a lot, even about the near future. well shuffle the cards, be in a great mood so that the cards tune in and feel your positive energy. In this case, fortune telling will give a truthful answer.

Fortune telling on playing cards for a man

Not many people manage to find out what a man who is so dear to his heart thinks about them, which is why the girls resort to the help of cards. Perhaps they will give an accurate answer, or maybe the fact is that they will not tell anyone. And no one will know who you like and what you think of him.

Fortune telling on playing cards for love: 3 best ways

AT adolescence many girls are fond of divination for love. And some ladies resort to fortune-telling all their lives to find out what awaits them and with whom fate will bring them. For many centuries of the existence of fortune-telling, many ways and options for laying out cards have appeared. Therefore, we have prepared for you the most truthful and reliable variations.

Fortune telling on playing cards for a loved one: detailed instructions

Guessing for a loved one is the favorite layout of most girls. After all, it is interesting to know what is in the soul of a loved one and what he thinks of you. And if there is no loved one, then you can find out from the cards when he appears, and choose a suitable candidate from the applicants.

  • Think of a man and mentally imagine him. Spread the cards according to the number of letters in his name. If cards with the same rank fall next to each other , remove them .
  • Having laid out the first row, lay out the second one under it. If cards appear with the same value vertically , also remove them . And remove the aces not only side by side and vertically, but also diagonally. Move the cards in order.
  • In the top row there should always be a number of cards, identical to the number of letters in the name of the hidden man. Keep posting until you run out of cards.
  • If after all the checks you have the number of cards left, equal to the number letters in the name of a loved one, then you will have a fate with him. The more cards left, the less likely.

Fortune telling on playing cards for relationships

Relationships are not an easy thing, they are always based on mutual understanding and mutual respect for each other. But there are cases when you want to know about relationships without resorting to conversations. In this case, cards that will not hide anything will help you.

  • Lay out the first three cards on the left for him and the three cards on the right for her. One in the middle between them and three cards under the central one. Place the deck of cards face up under the three center cards.
  • Take two more cards, one at a time, from the middle of the deck and put them to one central one. Decipher the value of the layout in order.

Fortune telling on the former on playing cards

Girls are very curious people, so there are those who are interested in learning about the former young man. Asking someone does not seem tactful, so it is better to resort to cards. They will certainly not be embarrassed and will not tell anyone what you asked. This secret will remain only between you.

Gypsy divination on playing cards with card meanings

Gypsies have always been not only associated with divination, but also famous for their fortune-telling, not only by hand, but also by cards. Their layouts are still considered one of the most truthful and detailed. Next divination will give you information about the person if he is secretive. You will also find out what was, what is and what to expect from this gypsy layout.

Mentally ask a question that interests you.

  • Lay out 10 cards: 3 rows of 3 cards and 1 in the center in the fourth row.
  • Then read the meanings of the cards from top to bottom. 1st row is the past, 2nd row is the present, 3rd row is the future, and last card in the fourth row symbolizes the main events in life.

To interpret meaning of cards in gypsy, you need to think figuratively and symbolically, because each of them in a different position can change its interpretation.

The simplest fortune-telling on playing cards for love

There are a lot of variations of fortune-telling, especially for love. Each of them has its own advantages. Some spreads can tell about feelings, while others tell only specific answers. We offer a detailed look at simple divination for love.

  • Formulate in your mind a clear question, which can be answered unequivocally "yes" or "no". Get three cards, if all the suits are red - the cards are favorable to you, black - they refuse you. If there are more red suits so it's more of a "yes" than a "no". If there are more blacks, then vice versa.
  • Find in the deck the king of the suit that matches the color of your lover's hair. The fair-haired ones are red suits, and the dark-haired ones are black. Speak a clear question in your mind. Throw any three cards from the deck onto the king. If there are more red suits, then yes. What if dominated by blacks- it's more like "no".

The most truthful fortune-telling on playing cards

There is no universal divination that will reveal all the secrets and answer exciting questions. Each alignment is unique and answers the questions asked. And in fact, all fortune-telling is true, if you follow a number of rules. Some of them are given at the beginning of the article, while others will be discussed below. For fortune-telling to be true, you need:

  • It is better to guess on the 13th, on Fridays and on your birthday.
  • The right time for folk beliefs- 12am.
  • The presence of a cat in the room favorably affects the veracity of fortune-telling. You should especially pay attention to those cards that the cat walked on.
  • Guessing is necessary when lit church candle, can be red.
  • The most accurate answers can be obtained on the night of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, on the night of Epiphany.

How to combine playing cards when divining for love?

Each card has its own meaning, each of them symbolizes a situation, a person or a specific action. But there are such layouts where, in combination, the cards represent other actions and give different answers. In order for you to correctly decipher the meanings of the cards, we have prepared a video for you that will clearly show different combinations of cards when divining not only for love, but also for other types of layouts.

The best divination on playing cards: video tutorials

Fortune telling gives fairly reliable answers to questions that are not so easy to get. in the usual way. Cards can even protect their owner by telling what awaits him, they can protect him from troubles and prevent any trouble. The most important thing is to believe in what you are doing with all your heart and soul. After all, the quintessence of divination is based on trust. Faith must be sincere and only then the cards will tell you the truth. And what they say will come true.

Everyone has exciting questions, the answer to which you want to find, without waiting for their accomplishment. There is different ways divination, and the simplest of them is fortune telling on playing cards, which will help you find out the near future at home.

Most fortune-tellers began with such fortune-telling, this easy way find out the answer to questions, look into the future, consider the present from a different angle. With the help of cards, you can determine your feelings, career prospects and calculate the probability of fulfilling a wish.

To believe or not in divination is a personal matter for everyone. You can lay out cards not only in order to open the curtain on the future, but also to have a great time.

Preparing for layouts

Fortune telling requires special preparation, otherwise the prediction will be inaccurate. Tuning to the process should take place in quiet place, where no one interferes, preferably in the late evening or early morning.

It is important to distract from everyday problems and devote all thoughts to fortune-telling. Before the alignment, it is recommended to remove unnecessary things from the room, cover the table with a tablecloth and light a candle. Please note that strict adherence to rituals when divining at home is not necessary. The main thing is to focus on the question and find the answer.

  1. Shuffle the cards well, put them on the table and mix clockwise for several minutes. Only used for scheduling left hand. Collect the deck and shuffle again.
  2. Guessing for yourself, make a question or wish. Remove the deck twice, and distribute the cards into three piles in order, starting from the top.
  3. Fortune-telling on simple (playing) cards, you can use layouts for Tarot, and vice versa.

When laying out, you can combine different techniques, this will not lead to a violation of mystical laws. Trying out new methods will help you discover the technique most suitable for divination.

How to set up a new deck

If the deck is being used for the first time, the cards will need to be adjusted. There are sophisticated preparations involving real magic. They require patience and exact observance of the conditions, while pronouncing a special conspiracy that sets up the deck for predictions.

For example, a new deck is placed in a crystal vase, which is placed on east side at home. Candles are placed around the vase and a small spell is read, after which the cards cannot be touched for three days.

There are also simple ways that do not require skills in magic, knowledge of conspiracies. A new unplayed or home-made deck is taken, and it is saturated with energy for three days. You can put it under your pillow or carry it in your pocket.

Divination on simple playing cards for the near future

An affordable way to know the future -. The standard playing deck is distinguished by the absence of the Major Arcana, so the wands are replaced by the suit of clubs, swords by spades, diamonds instead of pentacles, and cups are replaced by hearts. For simple divination, a full deck of 36 cards is used. Such layouts are among the simplest, so preparation is not required.

Divination "Four suits"

Shuffle the deck well and mentally utter a question about the future. Draw any card. The answer is hidden behind the received suit.

  • ♧ Clubs - there are no obstacles to achieving the desired.
  • ♢ Tambourines - it can come true, but you have to try.
  • ♡ Hearts - a wish made is not what a fortuneteller really needs.
  • ♤ Peaks - something will interfere with the achievement of the goal, and it will soon become clear that for the better.

Predictions for the "Four Aces" in two versions

  1. Aces are laid out in a row, one is chosen for desire. The cards are shuffled and removed one at a time, put under the Aces. If there are more than five suited cards under, the wish will come true.
  2. Guessing on desire. The deck is shuffled and removed with the left hand. Three times 15 cards are counted, with each layout, Aces are removed. If all the Aces leave in three hands, the wish will come true.

☞ Video plot

Black Rose

The deck is shuffled, and a wish is made. One card is pulled out, the decoding of which answers the question.

  • Ace of red color - one hundred percent fulfillment of desire;
  • Heart pictures - the desire will come true, but after a while;
  • Hearts 6-10 - there are chances for the fulfillment of a desire, but the probability is small;
  • Diamond pictures - there are many obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • Diamonds 6-10 - the desire will come true if you solve minor problems;
  • Ace of black color - an unrealizable desire;
  • Pictures of spades, clubs - it is unlikely that the desire is destined to come true;
  • Numbers of spades, clubs - a very small chance of fulfilling your plan.

☞ Video plot

Fortune telling on a secret desire

While the deck is being shuffled, a wish or an unambiguous question is made. A card is drawn from the pile with the left hand. Ace and King indicate the imminent fulfillment of the plan or a positive response. The lady and the Jack say that in order to achieve the goal, you will have to try. All other cards show a negative answer.

Simple fortune-telling on cards for a loved one

They help to find out about the feelings of a loved one, whether there is a chance for a further relationship and to decide on their own desires regarding their personal life. Thanks to such alignments, you can understand in which direction to move, what to focus on in the future.

Fortune telling "Men's thoughts"

One of the most simple divination, shows what is hidden in the heart of a beloved man. The cards are shuffled, it is important to think about whose thoughts it is interesting to know. Six cards are taken from the deck in random order. The first shows the thoughts of a man, the second - what is in his heart, the third - a joint future, the fourth - desires, the fifth - fears, the sixth - the present.

Map♡ Hearts♢ Tambourines♧ Clubs♤ Spades
SixTravellittle tripBusiness triplong journey
EightconversationsMeetingBusiness meetingAn unexpected invitation
NineDateLove between unmarriedStrong loveDisease
TenHopes (next to 10 spades) - unrealizablePlansCash profitPipe dreams
JackMinor troublesProblemsmoney problemsEmpty chores
Ladymother, mistressFriend or mistress of the kingMother-in-law, colleagueJealousy, anger
KingMarried, divorced manNot married man Chief, father of the belovedNew acquaintance
Acehome, familyimportant letterCareerDepends on peak direction

The Ace of Spades has two meanings. If the suit is indicated with the tip up, it indicates drunkenness, if the tip is pointing down, strong shock, death. Blindly believing in such a result should not be used as a warning to change fate.

Divination for a guy

Think of a guy and imagine him in detail. The cards are shuffled and laid out face down. The number of rows depends on the number of letters in the guy's name. The entire deck is laid out according to these cards. The next pile is taken after the one on which the last card fell and is laid out. This is done until two piles remain. One card is taken with both hands, and if the same ones fall out, they are set aside. When the deck is over, look at the value of paired cards.

If two came up:

  • Sixes - he is looking for a way to get to know each other;
  • Sevens - wants to meet;
  • Eights - wants to talk seriously;
  • Nines - loves;
  • Dozens - interested;
  • Jack - angry;
  • Lady - meets with another;
  • The king is jealous;
  • Ace - wants intimacy.

☞ Video plot

Love does not love

Fortune-telling solitaire, where you need to imagine the desired man in detail, pay attention to all the little things and shuffle the deck well.

With the left hand, the cards are taken towards the heart. Six cards are laid out in a row face up, the next six cards are placed under them, so it is laid out until the deck runs out. In the layout, concentration is important, if cards of the same value are located obliquely from each other, they are removed, the whole row moves.

The cards that remain are mixed well and laid out in a new solitaire, but already in five piles. So continue until there are two columns left. After counting the number of remaining cards, decipher the answer.

  • 1 - he intends to marry;
  • 2 - sincere love;
  • 3 - is attracted;
  • 4 - yearning;
  • 5 - constantly thinks about you;
  • 6 - meets with another.

If there are more than six cards left, it is better to postpone fortune-telling for another time.

☞ Video plot

Divination for marriage

Most frequently asked question, asked by women, is related to marriage. You can find out when you will get married with the help of divination.

A card is selected, for girls - a lady of diamonds, for women - hearts. A deck of 52 cards is shuffled. The first twenty cards are dealt face down. If the chosen card comes across among them, fortune-telling can be stopped, since the marriage will take place this year, if you sincerely believe in the result.

If the Lady does not hit twenty cards, one of them is replaced by her, and the resulting deck is shuffled well. It is laid out in five piles of four cards. A stack with a hidden Lady will answer the cherished question if you look at her number and find out the meaning:

  • 1 - marriage in the near future;
  • 2 - not yet known;
  • 3 - marriage after a while;
  • 4 - an early engagement, but the marriage will not take place;
  • 5 - there will be no marriage for a long time.

The meaning of simple cards for divination

The interpretation of playing cards during divination is of great importance, because it helps to find the answer to the question asked. Different fortune-telling has its own meanings, which are suitable for the chosen method of divination. There are also general interpretation. It is important to remember that each card has its own interpretation, and with individual combinations, the interpretation changes.

Map♡ Hearts♢ Tambourines
SixA love date, before which you should make sure of your intentions.A pleasant trip that can change the state of affairs.
SevenA romantic meeting, one of the acquaintances decides to confess his feelings.Financial support for the implementation of plans from a new acquaintance or old friend.
EightA written declaration of love from an uninteresting person.Minor chores, problems that do not require special intervention.
NineAn unpleasant conversation, next to the spade card - there is a high probability of a scandal.Successful business, for the full implementation of plans, it is necessary to weigh the possibilities.
TenA romantic trip that can turn into a scandal.Unexpected career changes, promotion.
JackNearby is a person with mixed feelings, capable of acting vilely.Next to a person who can deceive in financial matters, you should make informed decisions until the situation is resolved.
Ladyclose faithful friend. If it appears next to the card, it means his mistress.A woman with an unpleasant character, capable of meanness because of envy.
KingA married man, you should take a closer look at the surrounding cards.A person with power, able to provide support in business.
AceHome and family, if there is a club suit nearby, quarrels and tears are inevitable, peaks are troubles in the family, tambourines are financial well-being.Important news in love or financial affairs. Next to spades cards indicates bad news or relationship problems.
Map♧ Clubs♤ Spades
SixA trip that depends on a career.An unforeseen trip to resolve problems.
SevenTalking about work, next to the suit of spades, is an unpleasant conversation with superiors.Quarrels, scandals, if there are hearts nearby - trouble in a relationship.
EightImportant professional meeting.Warning about possible problems with health.
NineLife changes. If there are peaks nearby - problems, a diamond suit - major purchases, hearts - changes in personal life.A clear illness in a fortuneteller or relatives.
TenBig profit, win.The collapse of hopes, unfulfilled desires.
JackHassle related to work or relationships.The likelihood of fraud, fraud.
LadyNext to the suit of spades - loud scandal with a neighbor or mother-in-law, tambourines - a hostile attitude on the part of an employee, hearts - a lover.Indicates black forces, damage.
KingAn elderly man, father or father-in-law, may be the boss.Troubles associated with a high-ranking person.
AceIndicates the place of work and business relations.If the point is directed downwards, there is a holiday ahead, if upwards, there is a big trouble.

For at home, special skills are not needed, and in order for the result to be as truthful as possible, you need to adhere to following tips.

  • Cards are always taken with the left hand towards you.
  • It is advisable to make predictions for a short time period, since fate is changeable and sometimes depends on the intervention of third parties.
  • It is good to guess on the 13th and on Fridays, at the beginning of the week it is better to give up divination, especially Monday is contraindicated. Love predictions come true at Christmas time.
  • Before proceeding, the cards are held in their hands for several minutes and tune in to the ritual.
  • Questions must be sincere, deceit and mockery will anger higher power.
  • Do not guess more than once a week. Any divination ritual requires maximum concentration.
  • The powers of the fortuneteller and the cards must have time to recover.
  • It is important to get rid of extraneous thoughts, turn off the phone so that nothing interferes.
  • Cards are stored in a certain beautiful place in a box or a box.
  • Avoid dependence on interpretations. Predictions direct to action, but do not act as mandatory rules.

In what cases fortune-telling will not come true

The cards show the future, taking into account the line on which the person is in this moment. Change of fate by own will may cause unfulfilled prediction.

For example, cards show a girl that she will soon get married, and she changes jobs and begins to rapidly move up the career ladder. Now she's interested successful work She had already forgotten about marriage. Thus, the girl herself changed the life line, and the prediction loses its meaning.

There are three important restrictions that must not be violated in order to obtain an accurate prediction.

  1. The deck must be new, unused in the game. You can buy it in the store or create it yourself. Prerequisite reliable divination the absence of extraneous energy or its neutral form appears. To clean the cards from energy debris, they are held over a candle, sprinkled with holy water and salt is sprinkled on the shirt.
  2. The deck must not be touched by anyone except its owner. This rule follows from the first. When divining, energy plays an important role. Cards are loved when the owner holds them in his hands and imbues them with his emotions. You cannot use someone else's deck.
  3. Can not use divination cards for games, then the deck will be grateful and show true predictions.

The future has many options, the transition to another line is imperceptible. We ourselves influence our lives, we make decisions, we make choices. The main thing is to believe in good predictions, then everything will come true. If the alignment is bad, it is better to treat it as a warning, it is not inevitable.

Guessing is a pleasure, because positive energy has a good effect on the ritual. stick simple rules and everything will work out!

When in life there is important question or you don’t know what to do in a given situation, you can try to get a hint using fortune telling. Many fortune-telling on playing cards - layouts and meanings are simple. This makes divination rites accessible even for beginners.

The layout of cards during divination can be used to solve a wide variety of problems. For fortune-telling to be true, you need to focus on those issues that interest you. Be sure to shuffle the cards for several minutes before the layout. In this way it is created energy connection with a deck of cards, which contributes to obtaining truthful information.

Fortune telling on yourself "What was, what will be ..."

This method of divination is very popular and in demand. It was also used by our great-grandmothers, but in modern world card interpretations have changed. This divination allows you to predict the events of the past and future. In addition, it is very important that this layout of cards during fortune-telling can give a hint on how to do the right thing in a certain situation.

You need to lay out cards in the dark, but always before midnight. In a fortune-telling rite, a regular deck of 36 cards is used.

First, you should carefully shuffle the cards, and then carry out the following steps:

  • Remove the cards with your left hand towards you.
  • Lay out the first five cards in front of you on the table.
  • Again, remove the cards with your left hand towards you.
  • Lay the next five cards on top of the previous ones.
  • The same action is repeated again.
  • Lay out one card separately.

The layout consists of five columns of three cards, in addition, one card lies to the side.

The order of interpretation is as follows:

  • The cards in the first pile talk about your character traits.
  • The cards in the second pile will indicate the issues that are most troubling you at the moment.
  • The cards in the third pile describe your home and surroundings.
  • The cards in the fourth pile describe what happened.
  • The cards in the fifth pile will predict future events.

For a wide variety of layouts, the classic interpretation of cards is often used, namely:

  • Ace: hearts - family well-being, as well as advice on how to love and protect loved ones; tambourine - a warning that you need to follow the news so as not to miss something important; clubs - wait interesting information in a letter; peak - bad news.
  • King: hearty - a stranger; tambourine - a secret admirer or just a friend; clubs - a married man; peak - enemy or foe.
  • Lady: heart - a stranger; tambourine - a familiar woman; club - married woman; peak - an envious person, weaving intrigues and spreading gossip.
  • Jack: hearts - a friend or friend; tambourine - a warning that someone is trying to deceive you; clubs - pleasant chores; peak - empty household chores.
  • Ten: heart - making a profit soon; tambourine - emphasis on the fact that everything will turn out well in life; club - an expensive acquisition; peak - you can do an act that can push a loved one away.
  • Nine: heart - evidence that there are good and reliable people in your environment; tambourine - evidence that the work begun will end happily; club - positive changes are planned in life; peak - pay attention to your own health.
  • Eight: heart - you need to reassess your life preferences; tambourine - an indication that one should not doubt the sincerity of a person; club - you need to expect a gift from a loved one; peak - tears and disappointments caused by betrayal.
  • Seven: hearts - you should not be afraid to take risks, this will lead to success; tambourine - located nearby true friend, relations with which you need to value and cherish; clubs - a period of luck has come and you need to take advantage of it; peak - an unexpected, but very unpleasant turn of events may occur.
  • Six: hearts - a fluke or unexpected luck; tambourine - all desires will come true; club - it is important to listen to the opinions of other people; peak - forced separation.

Fortune telling playing cards, the layouts of which can be very diverse, should also be carried out taking into account the combination various cards that fell in the immediate vicinity.

In addition, when interpreting, repeating cards in the immediate vicinity should be taken into account:

  • Two sixes indicate that spiritual kindness will contribute to the fulfillment of the most secret desire, you need to be patient and just get through difficult times.
  • Three sixes portend unnecessary troubles, and the life situation will develop in such a way that the help of an influential patron will be needed.
  • Four sixes predict pleasant and good trip, but at the same time, talk behind your back and envy should be expected.
  • Two sevens portend bright life emotions and events.
  • Three sevens focus on the fact that you cannot deviate from the chosen course, otherwise there will be serious problems.
  • Four sevens indicate that it will soon be necessary to sort things out with a chosen one or chosen one, in addition, they may be a harbinger of a business trip.
  • Two eights or nines indicate that you need to act without doubting anything, only in this case everything will work out.
  • Three eights or nines portend chores in the near future, it is very important to take a responsible attitude to work during this life period.
  • Four eights portend the onset of life chaos.
  • Four nines predict great joy ahead, so you should not get upset over trifles.
  • Two dozen portend serious problems, but at the same time, friends will support you in difficult times.
  • Three tens indicate that you should prepare for major life changes.
  • Four tens portend that luck will accompany all endeavors.
  • Two jacks warns of gossip and intrigue.
  • Three jacks predict a conversation with a person who will have an impact on your life.
  • Four jacks portend a fun pastime with friends.
  • Two ladies indicate that in the current life situation it is imperative to find a compromise, otherwise you can lose a lot.
  • Three ladies warn that among women you need to be careful.
  • Four ladies warn that you will find yourself in the center of gossip.
  • The two kings need to be careful to avoid problems.
  • Three kings portend a business meeting.
  • Four kings symbolize acquaintance with an important person.
  • Two aces recommend helping close person in addition, it should be remembered that haste in this life period can greatly harm.
  • Three aces - luck will accompany everything.
  • Four aces predict the implementation of all plans.

It is very important to consider any layout on playing cards as a whole. It is important not only to use the meanings of a particular card, but also to listen to your own intuition.

Fortune-telling on cards for the future helped to lift the veil of secrecy, to learn about the unknown, to predict one's fate, to unravel how others relate to the fortuneteller. The 29 most popular spreads are performed on 36 cards - we will share in better ways divination, thanks to which you will learn a lot of new things.

Let's look at the four most popular layouts. They will help you find out what awaits the fortuneteller in the coming month, lift the veil of secrets from the past, better understand the present and predict the future - short and long term.

For the coming month

To tell fortunes and find out what awaits the fortuneteller in the next thirty days, you need to choose the right time. Suitable for this method last days current month (29th to 31st).

It is necessary to carefully shuffle the deck, and then randomly draw 9 cards from it. The meanings of these cards will tell you about the near future. For example:

Please note: the sequence in which the cards fall out and the number of suited pictures also matter. Study the interpretation scheme in as much detail as possible in order to select the correct value and correctly guess the future.

For past and future

This is a universal divination. It is advisable not to use a playing deck and not to guess on the new moon - under such conditions there is a risk that the cards will begin to lie and tell a lie. It is also not recommended to use this fortune-telling more than once a day.

How to guess:

  1. Choose the right day. In the evening, sit down at the table, light candles (this is not necessary, but the energy of Fire will help you to deeper reveal the secrets of your past and better understand what awaits in the future), prepare a deck
  2. Shuffle the deck well. While shuffling, focus on what you want to know. You must be calm, relaxed and at peace. Try not to let extraneous thoughts enter your mind - you should only be interested in guessing
  3. After shuffling, remove five cards from the top of the deck and lay them out on the table in a horizontal row. At the same time, it is necessary to say the following phrase: “For me, for my heart, for my home, I want to know what was and what will be.” Important: cards must be removed with the left hand (closer to the heart) in the direction away from you
  4. Repeat the third step. But you will have to get and lay out not five cards, but six. And the words will be different. When laying out cards from the deck, repeat: “The heart will calm down, the matter will end”

Then examine which cards have been drawn. In the first row - indicate what has already happened in your life. A five-card spread will indicate mistakes made in the past or details that are worth paying attention to.

The layout of six cards will indicate what the fortuneteller expects in the future.

Interpretations can be as follows:

The most accurate for the future

The next, third method, which we will talk about, is not the most popular, but definitely the most accurate. It is based on the magic of the number 13, which patronizes all magical rites, rituals and divination. When using this many cards, they most often tell the truth.

But you can use this fortune-telling only in one case - when you are faced with a choice: you need to make a certain decision. If the situation is critical, you see two scenarios and cannot choose the right one, you can apply this fortune-telling.

How it is done:

  • Prepare a deck of 36 cards. Shuffle carefully. During shuffling, clearly imagine the current situation, think about possible options for solving a problem or getting out of a critical situation.
  • Then randomly draw thirteen cards

Not all of the thirteen cards will be taken into account in the interpretation, but only those that were odd. What they point to:

  1. The first card - personifies a certain significant event that worries you the most at the moment
  2. The third one will indicate the reason why you find it difficult to make a decision.
  3. Fifth - predicts events and situations that will happen to the fortuneteller in the very near future
  4. Seventh - indicates the abilities and talents of a person, strengths his personality, which must be used on the path to success
  5. Ninth - will indicate people who are able to help the fortuneteller in solving his problem. Or is it some kind of opportunity that needs to be used in the near future
  6. Eleventh - these are the sources of negativity that is present in the life of a fortuneteller and prevents him from moving forward

To unravel the meaning, use the interpreter:

For upcoming events

This simple fortune-telling will help you find out what awaits a person in the near future, as well as predict events that will not happen very soon.

First, prepare a deck of 36 cards. Then shuffle carefully. Remove the cards randomly three times towards you. Set the discarded cards aside.

From the remaining deck, select 16 cards - they will be used for divination.

These divinations are very simple. Any person can perform them. But be careful and do not be skeptical about the ritual - the cards tell the truth only to those who believe in them and have no doubt that the prediction will come true.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

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