What is the connection between people. Signs of an energetic connection between a man and a woman. Calculation of the fateful connection between partners

Every day people encounter other people. With someone they strike up friendly relations, with someone they cannot find a common language, and someone firmly takes a place in the gallery of the closest people. Gets better with every person you know special level of understanding, which is classified by psychologists and mystics as a mental connection.

Communication between people

If you pay attention to how members of the same family communicate, you can notice a lot of interesting and unusual things. So, sitting in the kitchen, you can pay attention to the dialogue of the couple: “Tea?” - "Coffee" - and that's it, not a single word more was uttered. But the couple understood each other, they already at the level of feelings and sensations know exactly what the partner wants to say with this or that phrase.

In the course of their lives, they establish a connection not only physical, but also astral. Therefore, they recognize most of each other's thoughts at the subconscious level. But if we talk about relationships in a pair of lovers, then everything is somewhat different here.

If you believe tantric teaching, then when a man and a woman meet, a mutual exchange of energies takes place. A man tends to be charged with energies from above, and a woman - from below. In order to bring energy to life, a man needs to receive an appropriate charge of female power. But a woman, due to the fact that she is a kind of power bank, cannot modify it into action. Therefore, she simply gives it away, receiving in return the energy she needs after a relationship with a man.

The two sexes are constantly exchanging energies. When a boy is born, he already has a mother who inspires him to exploits and gives him her love. After a man grows up, he meets his first, second and subsequent loves. Fleeting meetings, beautiful coworkers - in all of them he is looking for the strength that help him realize himself and do what he wants.

After a love relationship is established between a man and a woman, she begins to give herself to a man. But she does this not only physically, but also mentally. She takes care of her man, helps him morally and intellectually. A man, receiving female energy, becomes able to create and create, perform active actions in life, thereby realizing his destiny.

But at this stage, the flow of energies has not yet begun. So far, there is only mutual exchange. Filled with energy that helps his creative and business start, a man must return the received part of the energy. It is quite simple to do this - a man should give a woman gifts, tenderness and care. This should be done in the amount to inspire the beauty again for another return of energy. It is a constant cycle that should never stop.

When people experience mutual sympathy, the mental connection gives them pleasure. In this case, upon contact circulating the energy of their biofields. These streams differ greatly in color from each other. Only those with psychic powers can see them.

Partners communicate with each other by combining certain chakras:

  • a related connection occurs along the base chakra;
  • according to the sexual chakra, there is an association according to the type of lovers, couples or friends for a short pastime;
  • through the navel chakra, a connection is formed between colleagues, those people with whom one has to compete;
  • partners are connected through the heart chakra for life - but for this it is extremely important that their heart channels are well connected to each other;
  • the throat chakra connects people whose relationships develop at the level of one idea, they become like-minded;
  • through the frontal chakra, the connection occurs unconsciously, a person copies his idol, the leader of a sect or some other organization;
  • according to the wedding chakra, only individual egregors that belong to the family are combined - such a connection is possible only for a mother and a child or people who love each other very much.

The more partners are interested in each other, the stronger the bonds between them are built. When the relationship between partners is very close and strong, then the connection between them is observed through all channels.

This is how love relationships are formed. Mom always feels her child, wherever he is. Even if a lot of time has passed between meetings.

Is it possible to see such a connection

You often hear the expression that people's thoughts converge. And in fact it is. This is not a figurative expression. Scientists have found that if there is a mental connection between people, then even when examining the brain, they same centers work in it with emotional excitement.

A similar connection arises between the one who tells and the one who listens to him. It has been noticed that if the listener is too interested, his neural activity even exceeds and outstrips the narrator's narration.

Between whom the strongest bonds are formed

Astral connection between people at the subconscious level occurs only between very close people:

  • parents;
  • children;
  • in love.

Similar relationships can be observed between friends, especially if they have much in common and have experienced a lot together. Often such relationships are called mental hugs. They are extremely important in people's lives. Therefore, today research in this area is given great attention.

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What is the most important thing in a relationship between a man and a woman? Of course, this is the level of intimacy between them. There are three levels of intimacy – physical, emotional and spiritual. And only with a harmonious combination of these three aspects is a truly loving and lasting union possible.

Physical level of intimacy

This level of intimacy is familiar to many. It includes physical manifestations of relationships - kissing, hugging, sexual contact. Very often, relationships begin just like that. People, not getting to know each other better, rush into the whirlpool of passions. And then it turns out that they even have nothing to talk about. Some people live like this for many years without really recognizing a spouse or spouse for real. If we talk about physical intimacy, then we should remember that it includes energy exchange. In order for the relationship between a man and a woman to be harmonious and durable, it is important that the energies of both partners have approximately equal potential. They must be healthy physically and emotionally, and the spiritual levels must be the same. And only if these conditions are met, being together, the energies of these two people unite into a single whole. If the pair is not equivalent in its potential, then when combined, something like an overflow from larger to smaller occurs. However, a person who has less potential runs the risk of falling into dependence on the second, who has more. And the second one can simply waste the existing reserve in this way. Therefore, it is very important that partners be equal. Physical intimacy is an important element of relationships, but this is far from the first thing to start with on the Path of getting to know each other. Moreover, if a person does not have an emotional attraction, then it is not worth talking about the physical.

Emotional level of intimacy

Often, when a man and a woman meet for the first time, there is an inexplicable attraction between them for each other. The reason may be that at this time they both have a high energy potential, as well as emotional and spiritual levels. They are drawn to each other, as if there is a great magnetic force between them. Intimacy on an emotional level is an integral part of a trusting relationship, openness and a favorable sexual atmosphere. Sometimes after marriage, because of family troubles, because of children and the like, stress arises in the family. Then the energies of the couple are wasted and the magnetic forces are reduced so much that attraction between them disappears. During this period, a man and a woman seem lonely and strangers to each other. If trusting relationships are well developed, this can be avoided. Working together, open contact and feedback with each other will help build relationships and restore energy. Individual and collaborative practices also help in this, for example "microcosmic orbit" and others aimed at increasing energy. To increase the level of emotional intimacy, you should pay attention to the following aspects:
  • 1. Openness of feelings and emotions, intentions and plans, thoughts and considerations. This is an opportunity to openly share both good thoughts and bad ones. At the same time, your dialogue will go in a constructive way, without fears and condemnations.
  • 2. Respect and acceptance of each other's feelings, desires, thoughts, habits. This is the realization that the other person is different from you and your ideas. This is the ability to accept and understand your difference.
  • 3. Personal psychological maturity of both partners.
By maintaining emotional closeness, you maintain harmony within your couple. And with a good emotional level, there is a fertile ground for the development of the next - the spiritual level of intimacy.

Spiritual level of intimacy

This is probably the most important level of a relationship. It develops in those people who have learned to listen and hear themselves and their partner. Who know how to accept each other for who they are. This is the ability to feel each other, empathize, take care of each other and receive joy at the same time. It is honesty and openness, purity and trust. In such a relationship, fidelity is not required, because fidelity will be natural. You can even call it devotion to each other. When relationships are built on a spiritual level, then harmony will reign in the sexual aspects, as everyone will be able to open up to each other, and if something goes wrong, they will calmly report it, knowing that they will be understood. Such partners find time to meditate together. If they sit side by side or touch each other "palm-to-palm", then, having calmed down, they can feel each other's energy. You can exchange energy with your partner even if his energy level is low and he is unable to manage it. You can spread your energy to him, and he can do the same to you.“A classic Taoist story tells of a woman who learned the process of sexual energy transformation and the exchange of her yin energy with her lover's yang energy, thereby achieving Immortality. Therefore, she became the adviser of the ancient emperors in the field of love.” Mantak Jia. If your partner is in a bad mood, you can help him by sending him your “smiling” energy. You can absorb his negative emotions and melt them down and then give him good life force back. He can do the same for you. The possibilities for truly loving people are endless. Knowing all three levels of intimacy, revealing them in oneself, one can reach unprecedented heights in relationships, then the sexuality of such a couple will be exceptional and inexhaustible! Energy link installation options
  • when a man and a woman had an orgasm at the same time and the man's penis was in the woman's vagina, then their relationship lasts seven years
  • when a woman uses a biofield in which there is the energy of a man who has finished in her vagina and achieves orgasm through masturbation, that is, drains energy at a certain "address", the relationship lasts seven years
  • when a woman has not reached orgasm with a man and has not created a psychophysical biofield, the relationship lasts half a year
note: the energy fibers that a man can leave in a woman can only appear in a woman through sperm.

What is the cause of women's diseases?

Many women's diseases, especially those associated with a decrease in immunity, are associated with energy leakage from the sexual chakra. It is with this that the value of virgins in marriage is connected. People have long understood that if a girl is pure, then her energy will go to the prosperity of the family, and not who knows. Because the more a woman had men, the more devastated she was. Such a woman loses her sexual energy, and thus her attractiveness.

During sexual intercourse, men leave special energy fibers in the bodies of women. They are like luminous worms that live in the womb and absorb energy. These energy fibers have another quality, which is that they provide a constant outflow of energy to the man who sowed them. These fibers, which a woman is infected with during sexual intercourse, absorb and steal the energy of her body, which goes to those men who left them.

Nature strives to ensure that our species is reproduced. In order for this to happen, women must bear the surplus burden of energy loss, and this implies a constant outflow of energy to men. Women are given the main role in the reproduction of man as a species. They give a lot of energy not only to give birth, feed and raise children, but also to attract men to participate in the whole process. Ideally, this process enables a woman who energetically nourishes a man who has left his energy fibers in her body, to make him mysteriously dependent on herself at the LEVEL OF SUBTLE ENTITIES. This is confirmed by the fact that a man does everything in his power to return to this woman again and again for energy replenishment. In this way, nature achieves that a man not only feels a sometimes fleeting desire to enjoy physical intimacy with a woman, but also receives a basis for establishing a more stable relationship with her.

It is not good even if at least one man leaves energy fibers in the body of a woman, although this may be necessary so that they have descendants who can live after them. But to have the energy fibers of ten or twenty men means for a woman to deplete her energy shell so much that it becomes extremely difficult for her to live. No wonder women find it so hard to stand up for themselves.

A woman carries these threads within herself for seven years, after which they disappear or fade.

The energy fibers of a man give meaning to their lives, enable them to fulfill their biological function: to nourish men and produce offspring.

What to do to regain the lost energy?

To do this, you need to get rid of the connection that you had!

Technique for release from sexual attachment:

You need to remember everyone with whom you had sexual contact in the last 7 years.
For this, it is best to choose the 19th lunar day.

  • Connect the thumb and index finger of the right hand into a ring.
  • The ring is lowered to the lower abdomen, where the uterus is located. The womb stores female energy, it is the center of female power, it is there that the threads are located that connect you with all the men that you have had.
  • Imagine the dial in this place, put the ring at 12 o'clock (as if the dial is looking down).
  • Turn your head to the left (this is our past).
  • As you inhale, imagine the man with whom you once spent the night.
  • Then turn your head to the present (forward).
  • And with spiral movements towards the center, begin to collect the energy thread counterclockwise.
  • You begin to collect the energy thread with small spiral movements towards the center.
  • Movements are made counterclockwise.
  • Do three such circles.
  • Then turn your head to the right (to the future) and release this connection as you exhale.
  • Repeat for each former partner.

In our time, the latest technology allows you to capture the finest radiation of the human biofield, which allows scientists to photograph the auras of various people. Interesting conclusions were made, the biofields of men and women living together in an official or civil marriage for more than six months have a certain relationship, they are connected to each other and between them there is, as it were, a small isthmus, through which various energies flow into each other. Moreover, this state does not depend at all on whether people know about it or not, whether they want it or not, their energy centers are essentially synchronized. Perhaps that is why the so-called similarity effect of spouses who live together for a long time occurs.

As a result of this relationship, we exchange love, joy, health, as well as: fatigue, stress, various problems, diseases. Nature, most likely, created this phenomenon for mutual assistance, if one person in the family has lost energy, then the second can help replenish it.

In a couple, the level of energy exchange is determined by the degree of harmony between the spouses. The energy connection between a man and a woman who are in intimate relationships can be divided into three levels, namely: a small, medium and large cosmic circle.

If a couple is connected only by passion and pleasure, then their relationship takes place at the level of the three lower chakras (Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura). In this case, only the instinct of procreation attracts spouses to each other. During close relationships, the second centers (Svadhisthana) exchange energy, after contact this energy is lost and the partners feel lethargy, weakness, drowsiness. Tension in the centers disappears, mutual attraction disappears. Couples cool off for a while. What could be the beginning of change later. All this is due to the low level of communication. Both the soul and the heart are silent, and the sexual centers are discharged. In Taoist terminology, this is the astral level of attraction or the so-called small circle. Such couples, as a rule, live only for the sake of children.

If the soul centers (Anahatas) of the partners are open, in this case the connection between them rises to the fourth chakra and there is an attraction between the heart centers and the sex centers, the so-called spiritual love. It can be noted that the state of soulfulness is most present among the Slavic peoples, they differ from the Western ones in their "open soul".

The middle circle in close relations connects 4 centers: 2 Anahata and 2 Svadhisthana. From one center to another, the energy of love passes along with sexual energy, enriching emotionally and sensually, bringing joy and harmony. After a close relationship, one feels uplift and calmness, there is no alienation and weakness. This is the second level of harmony - spiritual.

3. Big circle (third circle)- spiritual level of harmony. In this case, the connection between the spouses includes all the chakras, if their spiritual centers are open enough, they understand each other's thoughts and feelings, and the energy moves in a large cosmic circle during close relationships. The unified field of this pair corresponds to the energy of the Holy Spirit - its basis is spiritual energy. At the moment of sexual intimacy, they perceive God, cognize the eternity and infinity of the World, feel Divine love, and after that they feel lightness and a surge of strength. According to Taoist terminology, this is a variant of a large cosmic circle.

There are not many couples on Earth of such a high spiritual level, but by opening energy centers and constantly improving oneself, everyone should strive for such a state.

Based on the picture of connections described above, you will be able to understand which circle works in your married couple and which chakras are blocked in you. For example, a bad mood that you get from time to time is a sure sign of energy problems, and negative energy: fear, anger, resentment, jealousy, envy, rudeness blocks the chakras. They block energy and various unfinished business, pollution of the body, slagging of energy meridians. Your negative energy is projected through communication channels and onto the second family member. With intimate relationships, as well as without them, the family has a common energy and information field. A person changes and feels everything completely differently as soon as he is freed from negative states and emotions.

Everything stated in the books of Taoists is not a fantasy, but a real opportunity for any couple. Opening yourself up to the middle circle is the minimum that every couple should strive for. A harmonious family is the result of both partners working on themselves, a meaningful attitude towards themselves and the world around them. The key to activation is sincerity, individual development, mutual assistance.

In Indian philosophy, great importance is given to relationships that were started by souls in past earthly incarnations and remained unfinished.

A karmic connection between a man and a woman arises in cases where, in the previous situation of communication, they already had strong emotional outbursts or debts remained. The point is that if interpersonal problems were not resolved throughout life and some situations hung in the air, fate gives a chance another time.

Types of relationships according to karma

The karmic meeting of a man and a woman will not necessarily be due to love or simply positive experiences of past lives. It also happens that people strongly hated each other, plotted against each other, so now they need to work off their karmic debt.

In past reincarnations, current partners could be work colleagues, enemies, friends, lovers. In fact, the specific details of the past are not important, only the fact that the experience of a past life was shared and very memorable is significant.

By the nature of the emerging relationships, connections are both healing and destructive.

  • Healing karmic relationships given to people in a new life, so that they become better and live a happy life. This is a pleasant path to spiritual growth, because two kindred spirits meet who understand that you need to forgive your partner and support him in everything, without trying to change the person in your own way. In this case, communication brings pleasure and you don’t want to part even for a moment, because there is a feeling that there is still a lot left unsaid.
  • Destructive connections at the karmic level are also aimed at the development of the personality, and such relationships should by no means be considered in vain. Communication also begins with mutual attraction, but gradually people begin to suffer, constant screams, conflicts, tantrums, reproaches arise between them. I want to destroy this wall of misunderstanding, but there is not enough determination and willpower, so for a long time there may be nothing new in such a relationship. The task of a person in such a situation is to let go of a partner without reproaches and try to endure the maximum benefit and circumstances in order to become wiser.

It can also be said that karmic relationships between a man and a woman are positive, aimed at accumulating the creative energy of life, and negative, which are already in themselves - a punishment, a cross for past mistakes. However, such a characteristic of links may not affect their content. In other words, creative relationships are a gift of fate for past virtues in early reincarnations.

In this case, a man and a woman, who were familiar before, are again nearby. This connection is reminiscent of the desire of magnets to be a single whole. But people must establish themselves in the strength of their relationship, so there is no guarantee that the love line will be smooth, because positive energy must also be able to manage.

As for bad karmic connections, they are dramatic due to your bad relationship with him in another life. You can create an ideal family with such a person this time, but there will definitely be some kind of test, a sacrifice on your part, so that you draw conclusions. Sometimes such relations are called according to the main scenario “Debtor and Creditor”.

If you manage to cope with all the problems, then the kinship of souls will be strengthened, and if not, the karmic connection will have to be broken already in this life and now forever.

Signs of a karmic relationship between a man and a woman

Communication with people with intersecting karma begins as if from scratch. They may have completely different interests, opposing views, but by the will of fate they will find themselves in the same place and at the same time, where everything will rapidly turn around. Such an attitude cannot be exactly called logical, but people will feel that they already know each other.

Sometimes at the very start of communication, a love triangle will be tied. The attraction between karmically connected partners can be on a sexual level, emotionally, or in the context of mental kinship. It is extremely rare to see them all together.

Many people describe the beginning of a karmic relationship as love at first sight. Feelings are reminiscent of hypnosis, the partner becomes dependent on the beloved, he does not control himself and feels sick. By the way, on the physical level, this can really manifest itself as a symptom of an illness: there is a fever, nervous overexcitation. At the same time, a person wants to unconditionally believe and promise him anything.

So many karmic relationships are associated with unusual emotions. It is impossible to remain indifferent when interacting with someone you already knew, even on a sensual level. Therefore, partners usually experience the same states as in previous communication scenarios. Waves of fear and resentment may roll in, jealousy or anger will wake up, a real dependence on a person may develop, or a guilt complex will constantly increase.

The main symptom of playing exactly the karmic scenario of the relationship is the speed of events. Due to the proximity of souls, such people very quickly marry or completely change their lifestyle, move to another area, breaking off former ties. In this case, it is possible that the joy of change will be followed by disappointment or even prolonged depression.

How to recognize a fateful karmic meeting with a man? First of all, a woman has unusual sensations, it seems to her that she should remember something like that. The feeling of deja vu appears for the reason that karma reproduces the same circumstances from past lives, so that now they are eliminated in a different way, so that useful experience can be drawn from them. The same feelings are true for the representative of the stronger sex, who may be overtaken by vague memories of past reincarnations.

Karmic connections are characterized by a certain fatality and danger. On the one hand, in order to work off the karma of a past life, one must rethink one's experience, and for this, fate often changes partners. Hence the appearance of “Victim-Tyrant” scenarios or an unexpected love of addictions, a sudden illness or disability.

Usually, such situations are based on a trail of a guilt complex from the past or a desire for self-flagellation. It is possible that one of the participants in the relationship will die before the other (up to 35 years), if this is necessary for understanding and learning some life lessons. There is a lot of tragedy and drama in such karmic communication, so that emotional experiences and suffering become almost the norm.

On the other hand, one should never forget that until the karmic debt is paid off, the punishment for previous mistakes is already in effect in this life. Therefore, couples connected to each other at such a deep level cannot have children for a long time, since continuation of the family is possible only with full redemption. But if at the right moment you understand where you were wrong, recognize important and simple life truths and values, fate will definitely give you a chance to give birth to a healthy baby or adopt a child.

If a karmic connection between a man and a woman has entered your life, the signs of such a relationship can be not only sad. In most cases, after a past life, there is a strong kinship of souls, so partners understand each other perfectly and see their further existence with him in harmony and happiness. In these relationships, people coincide with each other on an energy level, their chakras work in sync. But at the same time, life's difficulties still cannot be avoided, so the union can be called rather difficult. However, building the perfect relationship is never easy.

It is important to distinguish the man of fate from the fateful man. It is in the first case that a karmic connection is meant, and in the second case, it is simply a strong influence on the current life. However, a karmically destined spouse can also be fateful. Very often a situation arises when the man of fate is already busy, because. managed to become a fateful partner for another woman. Usually this is also a manifestation of karma, so you have to put up with it.

Karmic love relationships by example

The most frequent case of tying karmic relationships is associated with tyranny and jealousy in the family. The unfortunate wife breaks ties with her husband, and he cannot stand such betrayal and kills himself. As a result, the girl is left with a sense of guilt, and her burden passes into the next life. In it, the same man (or rather, his soul) will experience a constant sense of fear due to the possible loss of his beloved. He must learn to trust and forgive, and if a woman wants to leave again, accept it calmly.

Karmic connections are often transformed into unrequited sympathy for a monogamous. There are also situations when people seem to want to be together, but cannot get along, as a result, for decades they parted and converged again.

Why do karmic sex relationships arise?

From a spiritual point of view, the reasons for playing out different scenarios for clearing karma are our past lives. In them, we too often associate ourselves with other people without thinking about the consequences. Any unfulfilled promise is imprinted on the ethereal shell of the body, and then passes in the form of energy to our causal body, where it is stored in the next incarnation.

  • The scenario of unrequited love in a karmic relationship arises from a vow to stay with each other forever and a constant sense of duty in a former life.
  • The inability to marry a karmic man is caused by a former vow of celibacy (including not personal, but generic) or a love oath from other incarnations.
  • If harmful addictions intervene in a relationship, then a healthy person needs to get rid of his victim or protector status.
  • Tyranny and aggression, various forms of domestic violence are associated with a guilt complex or a thirst for revenge.
  • A love relationship with a person who does not cause sympathy is the result of old marriage promises and vows.
  • The inability to find your ideal in love is caused by past promises to find your spiritual twin or to serve the divine forces.

Calculation of the fateful connection between partners

Today, every person who is interested in esotericism has access to the study of karmic relationships, even in a correspondence format. That is, it is not necessary to analyze your connections on your own, you can turn to the relevant sciences and specialists. For example, numerology is based on comparing the dates of birth of partners.

  • Add up all the numbers in your full date of birth. If the number 10 is present as a day or month, you need to add it in full, and not split it into 1s and 0s.
  • Compare the resulting values. If they are the same, it certainly could not have done without the laws of fate. Also, relations will be karmic for those partners for whom these numerological numbers are a multiple of each other.

There is an opinion that karmic relationships often occur between people who have at least 5 and no more than 15 years of age difference. For additional diagnostics of karmic communication, runes, Tarot cards, divination according to gypsy traditions are used.

Of great interest is the astrological analysis of dates of birth, since a whole compatibility horoscope is compiled. The intersection of the planets at a certain angle, the ties between the stars, the different aspects of the nodes speak of karmic relationships. You can even turn to clairvoyants to look behind the curtain of a past life. But it is best to get advice from plectologists who professionally study karmic connections.

The karmic connection between a man and a woman always aims to teach people to express their emotions and make the right choice in difficult life situations.

It is always a gift of fate for further spiritual growth and independence. According to statistics, such relationships are rarely long and even more stable. But in return, partners get much more: they not only free each other from the burden of useless communication, but also understand that it is necessary to distinguish feelings for a person from feelings for a particular life situation.

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