At what age can severe shocks be easily tolerated?

And then - suddenly - you are no longer pregnant! This one is gone huge belly, where every now and then the knees, shoulders and a large round head, which your doctor felt for every examination, made themselves felt. There is no load that made it difficult to breathe, sleep, get out of bed in the morning. The heartbeat you've been listening to for the last 6 months, light thumping, like tickling inside the stomach, strong blows that made you think about what is inside - all this and much more is gone, there is nothing of this anymore, hidden in yourself.

No more worries about childbirth. No heartburn or back pain. You no longer listen to your stomach churn when you sit perfectly still. All fears dissipated. The pregnancy is over, it's time to meet your baby.

How do you feel at this most significant moment of your life, at the beginning of your journey to motherhood? Does it make you hot? Getting cold? Shaking in fear? Feeling relieved that your contractions are over? Numb (actually or figuratively speaking) from top to bottom? Are you proud of yourself? Confused? Or all together?

Let me tell you, nothing can prepare you for the first time you say hello to your baby. All mothers are different, all births are different. But I am sure of one thing: the birth of a child is a colossal event. It does not matter whether the childbirth lasted long or not, whether they were natural or through C-section who was with you at the same time and where you gave birth. Feelings overwhelm you, as it should be with such a great change in your life.

For the first time you feel like a mother, for the first time you see, touch and hold your child. A newborn just out of a warm, moist womb, now in the mother's arms - as if in a new womb, her home for the next few months. But you, a mother who has just given birth, will also have a test - you will see a slippery little creature with the shriveled face that was inside you a few moments ago. "Oh baby! My baby!" exclaims the mother who has just given birth. She sees, touches the baby, inhales his scent and understands: there is a child, her own.

The first concern of a new mother is to step psychologically and emotionally from pregnancy into motherhood. For nine months you carried this life, securely hidden for the time being in your body, it was both close and unfamiliar to you. And now the child is here, everyone can see him, your relationship with him is no longer so exclusive. The doctor examines the baby. The nurse weighs him, changes the temperature. The tiny man has already entered the road that leads him to a life independent of you, although he does not yet know this, and you feel that he is still to a large extent a part of you. The child moves its arms, and you think: "Yes, I recognize these movements. You did this while being in me. I know you." Then look at his face and ask the question: "Who are you, baby? Tell me, who are you?"

Give yourself time to feel everything, to understand. In the hustle and bustle that comes with childbirth, it's easy to get confused. Now is the time for you to be consumed by your child. Hold him to your skin, let him look into your eyes, help him find your nipple, make him, after implausible difficult journey, was cozy and safe in your arms. Ask the healthcare professionals to show you how to hold your newborn so he can rest in peace and quiet. If your health does not yet allow you to take the baby, insist that you at least look at him, touch him, inhale the aroma of this little body. If you yourself cannot be near him, make sure that your partner is near him, who would talk with the heir, stroke him, let him be with one of the parents.

You may feel a surge of love for your child wash over you. Experience amazement or awe. Laugh or cry tears of relief. Or just feel like exhausted. All this is perfectly normal. Take it easy. Do not panic if the earth did not turn over in the first moments of your motherhood. Happening inside of you complex processes It will take a few days to figure everything out.

There are still ongoing discussions about the "connection during childbirth", there is an opinion that the first hours the woman in labor should be next to the newborn, since at this time the further relationship of the child with the parents is formed. Yes, such closeness is necessary. However, being with a baby in the first hour after its birth is not some kind of magic glue that cements these contacts forever. Mutual understanding, interaction with the child is a long process. You will be connected to him anyway, even if you did not manage to be near him in the first hour of life for serious medical reasons or as prescribed by the rules of your hospital.

The very first meeting with your child is important, it will help you feel like a mother, it is equally significant for you and for him. The need to be with the baby should not be considered as some kind of whim. It's just part of your instinctive desire to do everything you can for this little one. This must be accepted and treated with respect.

Respect also requires everything that you experienced during childbirth. You yourself and those around you should remember this. Childbirth is rarely what they are expected to be. As a woman who has given birth seven times (our 8th child is adopted), I can say that there were no two similar situations. Over time, as you think back to the birth of your first child, you may think that you should have done things differently. For example, you are discouraged and feel miserable because you had to have a caesarean section. You don't like the way you were treated. Calm down and treat all this as inevitable complications, difficulties. Don't blame yourself for your actions during childbirth. No one can think clearly when there are contractions every two minutes and there is no time to rest and collect their thoughts. The decisions you made back then were for the sake of the child and yourself. Even if you view things differently now than you did then, treat this as an opportunity to learn and move forward (and perhaps prepare for the next time), but don't beat yourself up. Your child's mother deserves better.

See the process of childbirth as an important part of your development as a mother. You need to think things through. You want to talk about this event again and again. How long did the birth last? What were the feelings? What did those who helped with childbirth say? What exactly happened then? Wise experienced nurses, obstetricians and doctors know that the answers to these questions will help you incorporate this event into your life story. Those women who already have children know about this. So repeat your story, tell it to your partner, friends, share it with your mother BEFORE you see the photos or videos (you will probably want to consider this). If you don't understand something, ask for an explanation from someone who was nearby, your partner, sister, doctor or obstetrician. Childbirth becomes an integral part of your being; from that moment on long years forward, you will be able to reproduce them in full detail. When you have time (do it soon because newborns sleep a lot in the first few days), write down your impressions. Write poetry! Who, if not you, - creative person?

Entering motherhood, like any change in life, entails both profits and losses. I will not remind you that your profit is a creature that has come into the world that you will love and that will love you. Losses are not so obvious. But it is not so easy to forget about the pregnancy left behind. Being in position, you felt like something special. Everyone around took care of you. You yourself treated yourself like a child. Your partner fussed around you, brought food, entertained. After giving birth, the focus has shifted to the baby, now you have to take care. But at the same time, they should not feel unhappy or jealous of those close to him. It only means that you need someone to take care of YOU as well.

The pregnancy was left behind, and with it the aggravated experiences of the one that carried another life under her heart went away. Every minute caring for a newborn will soon turn you into an experienced mother. I hope you have had time during your pregnancy to reflect on the changes that motherhood will bring to you and your union with your partner. These reflections can make the first months of a new parent's life easier. If you put off discussing the inevitable issues during the nine months of waiting for offspring, they will arise in the very next weeks after birth. Now that you have a child with you, you will need to resolve them wisely and delicately.

And then - suddenly - you are no longer pregnant. Get ready to meet your little one!

Split mental states in a number of cases are caused by strong heartbreak. A similar case was reported by the French psychologist A. Binet. A young man of sixteen, working in a vineyard, one day stumbled upon a snake. From a strong shock, he fainted, and when he woke up, it turned out that his legs were paralyzed. Moreover, there were profound changes in his psyche: the guy seemed to himself a 9-year-old boy and behaved accordingly to this age. He began to read badly, write, and live with the impressions of a child of 9 years old. The whole later part of life was forgotten along with the experience gained. Due to paralysis of the legs, the young man left work in the vineyard and moved to a tailor's workshop. There he learned to sew, learned to read and write again, and took up tailoring. However, a few years later, the young tailor again experiences a severe shock, which resulted in a prolonged fainting. When this time he regained consciousness, the paralysis disappeared, and the entire forgotten period of his life and work in the vineyard before meeting the snake was restored to memory. However, he forgot everything about life in the tailor's workshop. All knowledge and skills in tailoring were also forgotten.

Binet, by means of hypnotic suggestion, evoked in this young man the features of this or that personality. If the young man was suggested that he was working in the vineyard, then after waking up from hypnosis, he behaved as if he worked only there: his legs turned out to be completely healthy, but tailoring skills completely disappeared. When, at the next hypnotic session, it was suggested to him that he was a 9-year-old boy, then after waking up from hypnosis, the young man behaved in the appropriate way - he again could not walk, but he mastered the needle perfectly.

In the course of such studies and observations, scientists to a certain extent understand the psychophysiological mechanisms of the phenomenon of split mental states. However, it has not yet been possible to understand where the second (“extra”) personality comes from, and where it takes the inaccessible first information, and perhaps it will not succeed, since official science considers only the psyche of the person himself, but does not take into account the reality of the existence of invisible intelligent entities.

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Last update: 18/01/2014

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a severe mental condition that occurs as a result of a severe emotional shock, such as a life threat. This is what happened to a young man named Tony.

Let's look at an example of how post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be the result of a single traumatic event.

Tony's childhood was pretty stable. Although his parents divorced when Tony was 8, he, his mother, brothers and sisters all lived together, and his father, who remained in the same city after the divorce, visited them regularly. While studying at school, Tony had some difficulties in mastering the material, because of this he sometimes became discouraged. As a result, his grades were not the best. But this did not interfere with his success in sports, and he always had many friends.

When Tony was 18, he entered military service. Such a decision seemed quite successful, because in this way he could see the world, serve his country, and in the future, perhaps go to college. In many ways, he liked the service - camaraderie, a stable income, in addition, he was seriously interested in the profession of a military signalman.

While serving in Afghanistan, Tony's car was blown up by an improvised explosive device. Everyone who was then in the car died, and Tony himself was seriously injured, including losing an eye. After that, he was sent to the United States, where he almost completely restored his health.

About two years have passed since then. Tony received disability benefits, worked as a tattoo artist and really missed his job, friends and dreams of a future that were not destined to come true. He believed that the consequences of the injury seriously affect his life. He and his girlfriend often quarreled, and once he even threw a glass at her. Tony missed, but the incident made him fearful - which meant he could lose control at any second.

Most of Tony's symptoms are classic post-traumatic stress disorder - he was haunted by memories, very irritable and avoided talking about the explosion and everything related to it as much as possible. But there were other problems that complicated the situation: what is called in psychiatry hypervigilance made him extremely overreact to everything that happened. Attacks of anger often arose as if by themselves, and, as a rule, the young man himself could not understand their causes. In addition, Tony began to feel a craving for loneliness, which was not there before, and, even when he was surrounded by people, he felt isolated and isolated from them. Attention became scattered, memory problems began - Tony began to forget what had happened recently.

At first, Tony was afraid and ashamed to discuss his psychological problems with relatives, so he decided to use the online chat for servicemen who had been in hot spots. There he met many people who not only did not consider him crazy, but also experienced similar symptoms. Several guys have already turned to psychotherapists for help, and this really helped them a lot. Tony decided to follow suit. The therapist explained to Tony from a psychological point of view what happened at the time of the explosion, and how it further affected his body and mind. Tony also learned about seizure triggers and techniques to reduce psychological discomfort.

In the process, Tony remembered that he used to draw well, so the therapist advised him to capture the traumatic event on paper - a few minutes before the explosion, the explosion itself and what happened after. Tony retold his story over and over again until he felt that the memories no longer come by themselves, and when he himself calls them, they are no longer so colorful and scary.

Tony felt relief almost immediately: the symptoms of the disease receded, and he himself was much more able to control himself and his mood. He continued treatment for a few more months to finally get over his temper tantrums and deal with problems in interpersonal relationships. Unfortunately, Tony broke up with his girlfriend, but was able to survive the breakup much easier than he thought. He said he didn't want other veterans to be ashamed of the troubling symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, so he decided to volunteer and work with soldiers returning from trouble spots.

Human life is somehow connected with stress. Many put work, career first, without thinking about health, especially mental health. But work for wear and tear inevitably leads to nervous exhaustion, and the body has to throw all its strength into overcoming stress. Of course, stress is often associated with other areas of life: family, relationships, unforeseen situations. In each of these cases, the shock may be quite deep, the probable onset of nervous disorders.

If you feel the onset of stress, feel constant fatigue, anxiety and worries, you should take care of your health. But it happens that emotional shock happens unexpectedly, and its consequences are unpredictable. Scientists from the University of Massachusetts conducted a study that showed that after experiencing stress, it is best to let the body sleep.

During the experiment, scientists were able to prove that after sleep, all experiences are perceived more calmly.

The study involved a group of young people aged 18-30 years. They were asked to rate the photo on a scale of emotional impact. After 12 hours, they were shown the same photos, with a few new ones added to them. At the same time, people were divided into two groups: one was allowed to sleep in the interval between the shows, and the second was not. As a result, those who were asleep perceived and remembered the photos better than those who were awake.

The conclusions of scientists boil down to the fact that after sleep, people are more likely to experience emotions perceived before sleep. At the same time, they remember the details of the experience better. In connection with the results of this experiment, scientists are convinced that daytime sleep is necessary modern man, it will help to quickly restore the nervous system after emotional stress.

The consequences of a nervous shock can be very serious. The person changes into the worst side becomes withdrawn, aggressive, confused, angry. If timely assistance is not provided and treatment is not started during this period of time, serious diseases will develop. nervous system, manifested in mania, unhealthy attraction or obsessions.

That is why it is important to understand when a nervous shock begins. First of all, this mental disorder characterizes intellectual disability. Please note if your close person began to suffer from memory loss, ceased to perceive information, became distracted, poorly oriented in space, then these are alarming bells.

In addition, a nervous shock is accompanied by severe depression with strange pains, changes in character or insomnia.

How to help yourself with a nervous shock

If you find warning signs that characterize a nervous shock, first of all, you should contact good psychologist. It will help you cope with this serious illness and return to a normal life.

In such a difficult life period, you should sleep well and rest a lot.

The best option recreation is a trip to nature and fresh air.

If you have the opportunity to take a vacation or day off from work, immediately take it and go to the country or to the sea.

Try some meditation courses at. If you are a believer, go to church, pray, take your soul away.

Change your diet, stick to proper nutrition. Don't forget about magical properties real chocolate, because it has been proven that sweetness lifts the mood.

There are many natural medicines that help to cope with a nervous breakdown. One of the most popular herbs is valerian. If you take a tincture based on this natural remedy a couple of times a day for one week, you will notice a positive result.

If you feel that anger and aggressiveness is on the rise, don't hold back. Need in without fail throw it all out negative emotions. You have every right to do so. Cry out loud, beat the pillow and break the dishes! It will get easier. After emotional discharge, make yourself strong tea with lemon, lie down in bed, cover yourself with a warm blanket and sleep. Sleep will return the energy that you have lost, will allow the nervous system to recover.

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