Star card for love. Star tarot meaning. The meaning of the card in various layouts

The auspicious Star Tarot card corresponds to the XVII Major Arcana in the deck. She personifies the divine natural forces, fertility, prosperity, the embodiment of hopes. In general, a positive card changes its meaning in an inverted position, it is deciphered differently depending on the position in the layout, combination with other cards.

XVII lasso of the Tarot "Star": description of the card, meaning

On the map of the XVII lasso, a moonless starry night is depicted, which is already nearing its end. This symbolizes the end of a period of difficulties, adversity and the successful completion of affairs. Among the eight stars shining in the sky, the eighth is the central one, the largest. We can say that this is a guiding star that illuminates the life path of a person. On the picturesque bank of the stream stands a beautiful young naked girl, one of her legs is immersed in the stream. The girl's long blond hair descends over her shoulders, reaching to the ground.

According to Greek mythology, the girl represents the goddess of love, Aphrodite, in Roman mythology, the goddess of fertility, Juno. Her youth symbolizes rebirth, regeneration of vitality, renewal; nakedness - openness, truth. In the left and right hand, the girl has a jug, from which she pours water. With one hand she waters the earth, with the other she returns the water to her source - a stream. This symbolizes the creative, creative forces that are not depleted, replenished due to the ability to live in the flow, in harmony with the outside world.

"Star": inner meaning

Since ancient times, people have believed that the stars in the sky are closely connected with human destiny, are able to influence life events, predict the future, and give answers to questions. The stars depicted on the map symbolize outer space, the unknown Universe, which has a direct impact on the life of the questioner. The central, the largest star on the map, resembles the Polar one, along which travelers made their way in the past. This means that a new goal appears in a person’s life, the main idea, in accordance with which plans will be made, life events will take shape.

The tarot star indicates to the fortuneteller his inner potential, hidden abilities for comprehending wisdom, the secrets of being. Perhaps the time has come for the development of intuitive or mystical abilities, the beginning of a spiritual path that opens the door to immortality.

A young girl watering a stream and the ground at the same time indicates that the questioner seeks to find harmony in life, to find balance in the world around her. Another interpretation is the need to return to the roots, to express gratitude for the strength and opportunities received. Returning part of the water to the stream, the young goddess is reborn, transformed, her generosity brings even greater fruits, the source does not dry out. Watering the land by a girl speaks of the expectation of abundant shoots, the anticipation of receiving long-awaited fruits from her activities. The picturesque landscape in the background indicates bright prospects, gives hope for a favorable outcome of the situation.

The general meaning of the XVII arcana of the Tarot "Star", a combination of the card with other arcana

The seventeenth lasso of the Tarot corresponds to the astrological sign Aquarius, which symbolizes intuition, creativity and serenity. Aquarius is always looking to the future, so the seventeenth lasso speaks of hope, inspiration. The number 17 also indicates a new hope, the intervention of Divine forces in a person's life. They will bring favorable events and opportunities to the fate of a spiritual person and disappointments, troubles to the life of a materialist. The Tarot Star calls to "surrender to the waters of life", to trust your own destiny, illuminated by the light of knowledge. Intuitive and spiritual knowledge will help overcome all obstacles, use previously unrealized opportunities.

The combination of the Star with the Major Arcana

In general, this card in an upright position is considered one of the happiest of the entire Tarot deck. It enhances the positive meaning of any favorable card. The seventeenth lasso is able to neutralize the negative impact of an unsuccessful scenario, the Star, in combination with most unfavorable cards, softens their negative meaning.

  • Wheel of Fortune, Moderation, Justice, the Sun in combination with the Star indicate a happy change, the fulfillment of a dream, the achievement of a desired goal. Moderation speaks of some improvement in affairs, the situation. The sun predicts the realization of the main cherished desire, the best outcome of events, happiness. Justice portends a victory in a lawsuit, a successful conclusion of a deal, an agreement. The Wheel of Fortune promises change for the better.
  • Magician, Lovers, who fell out along with the seventeenth lasso, speak of the possibility of a fateful acquaintance, the birth of a new love. The magician indicates that now is the time to start new or strengthen existing relationships, moving them to a deeper level. Lovers portend a strong union, marriage.
  • The High Priestess, the Empress, the Hierophant, the World - they talk about the disclosure of creative potential, intuition, strengthening the influence of the subconscious. The high priestess opens access to higher knowledge, brings confidence in the future to the questioner. The Empress indicates the achievement of spiritual goals, obtaining an intangible result. The appearance of the Hierophant in the alignment next to the Star indicates apprenticeship, initiation into secret knowledge. The world predicts a creative upsurge, inspiration, a surge of creative energy.
  • The Jester, the Hanged Man, the Tower, the Moon speak of the collapse of hopes, unrealizable plans. The jester portends excessive carelessness, due to which the goals will not be achieved. The moon indicates a rich imagination, due to which the questioner perceives reality distortedly. The Hanged Man, combined with the Star, symbolizes a person who has set himself an impossible task and is now experiencing difficulties with its implementation. The tower is interpreted as disappointment, false hopes, lost opportunities, may portend a plane crash.
  • The Emperor, the Court give hope for help from above, gaining strength to achieve what was planned. The emperor indicates the appearance in the life of a fortuneteller strong and influential man who will become his patron, benefactor. The Court maintains a hope for a better, positive outlook in the near future.
  • The Hermit, in combination with the Star, speaks of a passive expectation of happiness, an unwillingness to make efforts to change the situation for the better. Excessive detachment from what is happening, indifference to one's own life, will lead to the fact that the questioner will lose favorable opportunities, will not use the chance given by fate.
  • The chariot predicts future changes in fate, the rapid development of events. In the upright position, it portends a quick enrichment, in an inverted position - moving to a new place of residence.
  • Combined with the Devil reversed, the Star warns of the likelihood of death by suffocation. She convinces the questioner to be careful, prudent.
  • Death indicates a new stage in life, whether it will be favorable or not, can be judged by the surrounding cards in the layout.

Star and Minor Arcana cards

In combination with the suit of wands, the Star Tarot card portends healing, restoration of strength, gives hope to the questioner, makes him perk up. The Four and Eight of Wands indicate a speedy recovery. The Ace of Wands calls the fortuneteller to decisive action that will lead him to success. Five, six, seven and ten of wands speak of hope for an improvement in the situation, health. The Knight of Wands predicts favorable changes in the fate of the fortuneteller: in personal life, health or business relationships. The King and Queen of Wands speak of valuable friendly help, the participation of friends in the life of the questioner.

A star surrounded by the suit of swords indicates minor troubles associated with close relatives, a life crisis, disappointment in people. The sudden appearance of relatives is predicted by the nine and two of swords. The Five, Eight and Queen of Swords warn of the betrayal of loved ones, adultery, lies and hypocrisy. The Six of Swords speaks of separation, the ten of melancholy, depression. In combination with cups, the Star symbolizes changes in love relationships. They will be favorable if the three, four, six or eight of cups fell out. Disappointment, quarrels and conflicts are indicated by the two, five, seven and nine of cups, as well as the queen of the same suit.

The pentacles surrounding the seventeenth lasso of the Tarot portend an improvement in the financial situation, career growth, advanced training. In general, all cards of this suit will be favorable, except for the four, six, seven and eight of pentacles. Four, six and seven coins speak of the unfulfillment of hopes, an uncertain financial situation. Eight warns of the likelihood of theft, want and deprivation.

Tarot "Star" meaning in the upright position

Dropped out in the scenario, the XVII lasso in the upright position carries the following meaning:

  • hope for favorable prospects;
  • faith in one's own strengths;
  • inspiration;
  • intuitive insight, insight;
  • a surge of creative forces, the emergence of new ideas;
  • progress towards the goal;
  • improvement of physical and mental well-being;
  • achieving harmony with the environment;
  • pleasant events, joyful news;
  • the appearance of unexpected help from friends, patrons;
  • the birth of a new love;
  • positive outlook on life;
  • plans that are destined to be realized;
  • intellectual achievements;
  • fidelity in love.

If the card symbolizes the questioner in the layout, it indicates the following traits of his character:

  • wisdom;
  • tranquility;
  • serenity;
  • optimism;
  • self-confidence.

In general, in a direct position, this card personifies a creative person, gifted with talent and extraordinary abilities.

XVII lasso in an inverted position

The inverted star takes on a different divinatory meaning:

  • unfulfilled hopes, unrealizable plans, broken dreams;
  • disappointment in life
  • recklessness;
  • coldness in relationships;
  • bitterness and impatience;
  • lack of inspiration in creative activity;
  • passive attitude to life, apathy, loneliness;
  • self-doubt;
  • the appearance of obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • lost opportunities as a result of laziness, slowness.

If in the scenario the Star in an inverted position fell on the personality of the questioner, she speaks of the following qualities of character:

  • arrogance;
  • cold;
  • excessive self-confidence, or vice versa, self-doubt;
  • impatience;
  • arrogance;
  • neglect of others;
  • excessive daydreaming.

In addition, if this card fell out in a layout for the personality of a fortuneteller in an inverted position, it can speak of excessive daydreaming, naivety of the questioner.

Tarot Star - Meaning in Relationships

In the layout for love relationships, the Star can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the wording of the question, the personality of the questioner, the direct or inverted position of the card. The general meaning of the card in a relationship:

  • casual acquaintances;
  • sincere pure love;
  • fidelity to a partner;
  • elevated feelings;
  • attachment;
  • relationships with great prospects;
  • idealized feelings;
  • daydreams for real.

The positive value of the card in the layout for love and relationships is enhanced if Lovers, Magician, Peace fall nearby. Disappointment and the loss of past feelings, portend the Tower, the Hanged Man, Death.


For those wishing to marry, the XVII lasso gives hope for a lasting union, mutual love, and the preservation of sincere warm feelings between spouses throughout life. The card says that happiness in personal life is possible only with the application of efforts, finding a compromise, working on oneself.

If the Star falls to a questioner who has recently parted with his partner, this indicates getting rid of unnecessary relationships, cleansing from unpromising relationships with the hope of a new, true love. If the fortuneteller is alone, the XVII lasso portends chance meetings, acquaintances that can become fateful for the questioner.

Upside down

The seventeenth lasso of the Tarot in this case indicates excessive demands on the partner, the idealization of relationships. Because of this, the questioner may be left alone, or his life partner will constantly feel unworthy of the fortuneteller. In addition, the card warns a person against excessive arrogance, coldness, arrogance.

In a relationship scenario, an inverted Star can also talk about a crisis, the emotional detachment of partners, the desire of one of them to be alone. This does not mean a break or parting, it’s just time to think about relationships, put everything in its place, give your soulmate the opportunity to be alone with himself.

Star charges with optimism, inspires hope, calls to surrender to the contemplation of the spiritual world, to direct one's gaze into the perfection of the cosmos. It opens access to the higher worlds, gives strength in achieving goals and fulfilling desires.

Inner mood: I believe in my strength and realize desires.

Star- individual and guiding, the divine sign is a common emblem for different mythologies. Indicates purity, destiny and sublimity, the definition of life priorities. This Arcana, full of inspiration, alludes to the practice of meditation, leading to a higher level of consciousness, to the search for inner peace and tranquility.

A young girl resembles the multifaceted feminine principle of well-known primitive rituals, "the mother is always young, comforting, merciful, generous nature, pleasant, amiable and beautiful, beautiful, tender, affectionate, beloved for men", and under this aspect the soothsayers associate her with youth and good mood, with a dream, a dream and its revelations, with a poetic reality. The same card warns: you don’t need to get lost and drown in hopes and dreams, you don’t need to soar in the bright stars, but go down to earth and be active in order to make all your dreams come true.

Arcana Star communicates wisdom sent from above, optimism and faith. The seven small stars scattered across the sky represent the 7 chakras, 7 planets and 7 metals in alchemy. A naked girl with long, thick hair, leaning on the ground with one knee, pours water from two jugs. She is depicted against the backdrop of a hilly landscape. In the distance one can see a tree on which an ibis sits - a bird, the messenger of the Gods.

17 Arcana calls to surrender to the moment, contemplation of the spiritual world; direct your gaze into the perfection of the cosmos. Go outside tonight and look up at the stars. Follow your star and find your way to your original sources. Show the brilliance, beauty and truth of your personality. Let go of frozen feelings.

The connection of this card with the zodiac sign Aquarius speaks of freedom, the development of creative forces, intense mental work, innovation and religion.

Star upright:
This card heralds prosperity and joy in the future. A burst of creativity, inspiration, new ideas. Healing the physical and spiritual, as well as the return of faith in life. You know what you are going to say or create. Life energy will help you in any business. If you are tormented by difficulties, falling out, this card hints at the light at the end of the tunnel. Ahead of a new life and the fulfillment of desires. This card can be interpreted as an unexpected help, a new friend, a new love. The questioner will find the right path. The questioner will see clearly.

There will be faith in life. Definition of new life priorities. New opportunities and chances in many areas. The person will devote a lot of time and attention to friends. Desire to know only the true truth. Maintaining harmony and balance.

Star upside down:
The questioner doubts himself and his abilities. Obstacles on the way to success. Intransigence. Health problems. Discontent. Unwillingness to change anything in life. Lack of new interests and life goals. Boredom and melancholy. Pessimism. Improper use of energy. Fear of the new. Low self-esteem. Waste of time for long discussions. Tendency to evasions, excuses, daydreaming.

The star is hope and inspiration, the only valuable thing that remains in a person after breaking the spirit and losses. A person with this card gains insight, sees himself and his problems, opens a new world in which he is free, in which there is no jealousy and aggression, envy and attacks, where everyone is equal, sincere and tolerant of each other. Friendship and respect, fidelity and devotion are the key to entering a new round of being.

A star can symbolize some good on one or more levels of existence. The star shows us the way to the future and informs us that the issue of interest to us will be resolved safely. Do not be afraid to part with the past, turn to your self. Some higher power is helping you and directing you on the right path.

Instructive card advice:
Look at life with optimism and take advantage of new opportunities. Follow divine guidance. Try to keep harmony in everything. Believe in a happy coincidence and look to the future with hope. Follow your star and find your way to your original sources.

Do not get carried away by dreams, otherwise you will miss the opportunity! Excessive self-love.

Arcana Star

Correspondence according to "Liber 777":

The letter is heh.

The meaning of the letter is window.

The ruler is Aquarius.

Position on the tree - Chokmah - Tiphareth.

Colors are purple and sky blue.

Gods of Egypt - Ahepi, Arueris, Nuit.

Roman gods - Juno.

Animals - eagle, peacock.

Plants are olive.

Precious stones - artificial glass.

A magical weapon is a censer or sprinkler.

Aromas - galbanum.

Drugs are diuretics.

Magical powers - astrology.

The human body is the kidneys.

Mythical creatures - water nymphs, sirens, Lorelei, mermaids.

Diseases in case of improper operation - cystitis.

Let all your energy be controlled by your thought,

Burn that thought like a Phoenix

Possible divination meanings: “Hope, unexpected help, clarity of vision, fulfillment of possibilities, spiritual insight. Negative aspects: error in judgment, daydreaming, disappointment" (Aleister Crowley "The Book of Thoth").

Let's take a closer look at this amazing card: the beautiful Lady of heaven Nuit pours the milk of the stars into infinite space. The naked glow of the voluptuous night sky, the darkness in which the stars and the moon are visible.

She is Nuit, whose body is infinite space and whose milk is the light of the stars. She is Babalon, in the ecstasy of her fornication, creating from her womb all created life, whose sign is a star with seven ends. She is Lilith, the guiding star of those who left the herd and had the audacity to go their own way.

Star. Guiding star of wanderers, poets and magicians. The secret of the Empress - the secret of the birth of life and death - is open to everyone, but the secret of the Star is the secret of the second, heavenly birth, crossing the abyss, and it is revealed only to a few initiates.

And the Star above the world sings the dawn,

From the star to the heart, the beam is so thin,

In the whirlwind of years and other people's victories

Keep this bitter light within you.

Here is a secret. It is the star of Lilith and Lucifer that stretches the silver thread (see the lasso of the Priestess) between the heart of the initiate and eternity, and this fragile thread of Ariadne must be kept at all costs.

“But to love me is above all: if in the desert under the night stars you light my incense before me, calling me with a pure heart, the Serpent will ignite in it, you will go a little to be in my womb. For one kiss you will desire to give everything: but whoever gives one particle of dust will immediately lose everything. You will collect goods and accumulate women and spices; you will wear expensive jewelry; you will surpass all the nations of the earth in majesty and pride; but always in the name of love for me, and then I will rejoice. You must appear before me wearing nothing but a robe and a richly adorned head. I love you! I want you! Pale or glowing, concealed or voluptuous, I who am all pleasure and purple and intoxication of innermost feeling desire you. Put on your wings and awaken the coiled greatness within Yourself: come to me! To me! To me! Sing a rapturous song of love for me! Burn incense for me! Wear in the name of my jewelry! Drink in my name, for I love you! I love you! I am the blue-eyed daughter of Sunset. I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night sky. To me! To me!" (Aleister Crowley. The Holy Book of the Law).

One can simply cite the entire first chapter of the Book of the Law and refrain from commenting, for no other word conveys the radiance and bliss of the seventeenth lasso, like the Holy Book of the Law. This lasso refers to a very high level of consciousness, which are far from being open to everyone, therefore they are relatively rare in the symbolic universe.

It is amazing how the symbol of the Star is being revived in modern minstrel culture in exactly the same sense as Crowley once said, “Look inward, not up—the Star is visible.” In the songs of Elhe Niennah, the Star is the most important symbol of the path: "Nine knights - oath of service - the name of the Star" or "On the road, on the road in the name of the Star forward."

The astrological correspondence of this card is Aquarius. Is it not surprising that the old Boris Grebenshchikov, who dedicated himself to the sanctuary of gnosis, turns out to be again amazingly right in determining the path: “I know the name of the star. I will be the answer word. The one that brings the rain." Here, in this song "Cad Goddo", BG reveals an amazing secret: the milk of the Nuit stars is to the initiate what rain is to the trees.

In exoteric mythology, on the other hand, the identification of the sky with the feminine principle is relatively rare. The moon - yes, it is everywhere. Earth - whatever. But the sky? Here is a secret. Only in Egyptian mythology do we find the female image of Nut, close to Nuit, who is the personification of heaven.

If we imagine, on the one hand, the spirituality of the maiden Artemis (2), on the other hand, the fury of Babalon (11) and embody it in a female archetype that will combine both, then this will be Nuit - the mistress of the seventeenth lasso.

The main difficulty in understanding the seventeenth lasso lies in the fact that modern man is used to identifying the feminine with a static principle. When it comes to the primary cross (2, 3), this is fully justified, for in their polarity both the Priestess and the Empress represent the static principles of the earth and moon. But already in the eleventh Arcanum, the feminine principle manifests itself as a dynamic, passionate and violent force, and in the seventeenth lasso, it is the Star that rotates the seven-pointed star that creates the spiral of all creation.

Mythology knows many examples where the feminine principle is expressed in a dynamic aspect. For example, Shakta mythology, according to which Shakti awakens Shiva from a deep trance to the activity of creation with her dance. In Hermann Hesse's novel "Narcissus and Holmund", the feminine principle, which Holmund serves, is also portrayed as changeable and dynamic. An infantile consciousness that has not passed through the primary cross is in principle unable to recognize dynamism in the feminine principle, and this is where traditionalist talk about a woman's place only at the hearth or as a passive source of inspiration comes from.

The highest secret of the seventeenth lasso is the secret of the seven-pointed star. This star of Babalon, which rotates the streams of universal energy, is the primary creative principle, the movement, the whirlwind in which creation takes place. Crowley described his vision of FINDING THE WORD in just a few words: "Nothing flickered, but HOW it flickered!"

In Boris Grebenshchikov's album "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom" there is a song that most deeply expresses the path heh or the seventeenth lasso:

White as fallen snow


White as sakura in spring

Merciful, but can't help

White as Siberian chalk

White as an untouched leaf



Nameless, like a blacksmith's sword.

Unseen, without embellishment,

Without beginning and without end

who was here before all of us,

I was looking for you, I could not understand how,

I wrote to you, but there were no words,

I was blind, but I saw your sign:

My finger on the trigger - I'm always ready.

I woke up after a long sleep

Unshaven and WITHOUT A NAME, no one at all,

MY BLOOD says spring is coming

Maybe one of these nights.

Nameless, that is, NEMO, the master of the temple, who poured out his blood to the new spring, the path of the aleph, for the blood of adepts resurrects creation. The pinnacle of the magician's path is to give his all, pour his Blood into the bowl of Babalon, and, having died on earth, be born as a temple master in the city of pyramids on the other side of eternity. This cup is held by Babalon on the eleventh arcana and Nuit on the seventeenth. This blood is poured from the chalice by Nuit, and it turns into the milk of the stars. However, I well understand how pointless it is to try to put into words the highest sacrament.

No matter how much you writeabout the senior XVII lasso Star, will always be small, such is the nature of this card. Many books consider the "Star" as an extremely positive lasso, attributing to it only positive properties: success, joy, harmony, fulfillment of all desires and dreams, unearthly love, etc.

But you can not approach this card one-sidedly. The lasso "Star" has its own pitfalls that you can easily and painfully stumble on. But first things first.

The main meaning of the Star

After the lasso "Tower", after the cycle of destruction of the old world, you find yourself in ruins, the old no longer holds you back, but you have not had time to build a new one yet. The only thing that warms in such an uncertain moment is hope. Yes, hope is one of the key meanings of this card.

What is hope? This is the expectation of the best that sometime there, not now, we will achieve what we so desire, that all our dreams will come true, that all our efforts will receive their reward.

How has the Star worked in the recent past?

The star in the Thoth tarot deck by Aleister Crowley

Suffice it to recall the recent past, how people in the USSR believed in a distant and bright communist future, in which communism was finally built. This hope that even if not me, but my children will live in that very future, gave inspiration and strength to many people. But these expectations, as we now know, did not come true. Dreams have remained dreams.

The Arcana Star can warm, promise a lot, but it’s not a fact that these promises will ever come true. The star speaks of something distant, sometimes unattainable, cherished. And it is possible that this distant and should remain distant. Often, when we receive the treasured, we are disappointed and the understanding comes that we wanted something completely different.

Arcana "Star" in a negative wayoften indicates the collapse of hope, disappointment, the removal of rose-colored glasses, after which reality no longer seems so magical.

What is the archetype of the Star?

Let's get into the Star archetype. This is the night starry sky strewn with billions of stars, planets, galaxies.

When I first saw Saturn in a telescope, with all its rings and satellites, I was seized with wild delight, a feeling of some kind of inexplicable delight, because before I saw Saturn only in pictures, and now he is in a telescope, as if very close. But when you realize how big the distance is between us, you literally start to fly away into space from the scale of such dramaturgy.

What does the Star mean in practice?

Star of the Classic Waite Deck

In practice, the "Star"often shows a distance or a huge distance, both in the literal sense of the word, and in terms of spiritual, social, age, etc.

In terms of personal relationships, the lasso "Star"often indicates a period of romance (the night starry sky contributes to this), care, courtship, platonic love, that is, there is still some distance between people, they are not yet ready for a closer relationship.

In the tarot "Star" can show sighs and groans, love longing, falling in love with an idol. The individual, as it were, admires the source of his love from afar, without risking getting closer.

The querent idealizes his partner or lives like in a fairy tale, not wanting to notice reality.

What does astrology say?

The star is ruled by the sign of Aquarius, which is considered the most "human" and reasonable sign, denoting the power of the mind.

Star in Ansat tarot

People far from astrology attribute Aquarius to the element of Water because of the very name of the sign. But Aquarius refers to Air, which signifies mind, intellect, reason and thought. The ancients believed that Aquarius pours water from the Great Ocean, which they called our consciousness as a whole ocean of raging thoughts and ideas. The Angel pours out Water from the Cup at the level of the head - this is not just a verbal stream, it is a stream of consciousness that pours from the higher worlds onto the earth.

In practice, the lasso "Star"often refers to "stream of consciousness". When asked what the boss wants from my client, the Star lasso fell out. The client was a shop assistant. The boss wanted my client to pour out wonderful speeches about her product to all customers, speaking in human language - chattering the customers until they were blue in the face.

At a low level, the lasso "Star"often produces a beautiful verbal stream, but which in most cases leads to nothing.

Tarot card "Star" - major lasso, 17 card. Remember the Angel of Temperance. He opened and gave us time and a sense of proportion, which are favorable for the correct distribution of forces, energy and internal resources. However, later these primordial vital forces were perverted and deviated from their original principle.

The Devil took possession of them in order to use them for his own purposes, to influence the physical and material world. This perversion was the cause of the fall and collapse represented by the House of God, the lasso, which is often also called the ruined Tower. The tower symbolizes the arrogance and arrogance of a person who believes that he can grow up to God. Thus, it is sin in its purest form, at least in the conventional sense, that is, error, vice, guilt. Note by the way that the verb "sin" originally meant "to take the wrong step." When we take the wrong step, we stumble or fall. In Hebrew, the word "pesha", meaning sin, can also be translated as "step, walking, progress." From this we can conclude that to sin is to move forward or to transgress.

This is a choice that a person faces. It is up to him to decide how he will deal with that great initial energy that is contained in himself. Will he direct it outward to master the physical and material world, or inward in order to achieve the "reversal of light" that we have already mentioned in connection with the sign of Aquarius, and which will become for him both a source of liberation and revelation?

Liberation and revelation

The woman depicted on the Star Tarot card, sitting under a starry sky on the river bank and overturning two amphorae, will allow us to answer the question of what we can be freed from and what kind of revelation we are talking about. Indeed, we are not talking about freeing ourselves from external shackles, but about returning to normal, freeing the currents of life inside ourselves, which are directed from bottom to top and from top to bottom in an eternal and continuous cycle, similar to the water cycle in nature. However, most often we try to contain these currents, block them with a dam, stop them, divert them from their natural course. If the dams are broken and the energy currents are allowed to circulate in oneself in a natural way, then this can bring real liberation. We know very well that if water from the sky did not fall to the Earth, then the groundwater from which springs are born would gradually be depleted. What is true of the water cycle on Earth, without which life would be impossible, is equally true of the natural cycles of human rebirth.

mouth and word

The water that returns to the water also symbolizes the power of the word. The Hebrew word “pe”, which also corresponds to the 18th letter-number of the Kabbalah, and is compared with this lasso, means both “mouth” and “word”.

Therefore, the Star indicates to us that the words that fly from our lips affect the elements and stars. The word is action. It is the result of our thoughts, ideas, mind, intellect and psyche.

By pouring the contents of the amphoras into the river of time and life, the woman depicted on the Star Tarot card pours out her innermost feelings and thereby participates in the universal action.

Reading 17 Tarot cards "Star"

This lasso symbolizes creative inspiration, faith, hope, community and fellowship. Your thoughts, ideas, hopes take shape, become reality, falling into the course of life, nature and collective consciousness and circulating in it. Your imagination is in control.

The seventeenth card of the major arcana is the Star Tarot card:
Letter: R (Dat.)
Number: 80
Meaning: Liberation, revelation, inspiration, imagination
Verbs: Believe, hope, imagine, create
Personality: A person who strives to realize his ideas, plans
Situation: A combination of circumstances favorable for the realization of hopes and plans, new opportunities, creation

Astrological associations

Similarity with Mercury (ideas, thoughts), Neptune (revelation, inspiration, faith) and the sign of Aquarius, the symbol of which is close to the symbol of this lasso "Star"

Interpretation of the Tarot card "Star"

Positive meanings of the Tarot card "Star":
Harmony of thoughts, ideas, beliefs, life circumstances and events
Happiness, fullness of sensations

Negative meanings of the Tarot card "Star":
Tendency to be influenced, to be carried away by external currents, ideas and thoughts of others
Lack of self-confidence, disbelief

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