Wang message. Vanga's sister continues the story. Unfulfilled predictions and fraud on the name of Vanga. Myths associated with her name

Biography Wangi. Prophecies and predictions of a clairvoyant. Memorable places and dates. Quotes and prophecies of the soothsayer, photo, documentary.

Years of life

born January 31, 1911, died August 11, 1996


We wish you good luck
In that unknown and new world,
So that you don't get lonely
To keep the angels away.

Vanga's biography

She saved hundreds of people from diseases, and she herself chose to face death, not wanting to fight her, as if knowing that she was destined to leave. Vanga met death with a smile on her face, grateful and dignified, as, perhaps, it should have been at her age. When Vanga died, the newspapers wrote - "the most informed grandmother on the planet left this world."

Vanga's biography has been counting down since 1911. Vanga's life began in the city of Strumica, in Macedonia. The girl was so weak at birth that she did not even have the strength to cry. To kid with fused fingers and toes at first, her parents did not even give a name, thinking that she would not survive, but she managed. And then she was christened Vangelia - from the Greek "bringing the good news."

Vanga was left without a mother as a child, and she was raised by a caring stepmother, but at the age of 12 another misfortune happened to the girl - she fell into a terrible storm that deprived her of her sight. There was no money for emergency surgery, and Vanga was blind for life. Starting at the age of 14, Vanga lived in the House of the Blind, where she learned to knit, sew, cook, read and met a young man whom she even planned to marry. But the death of her stepmother forced her to return home - her father needed her help. For the next 10 years, Vanga devoted herself to taking care of the house until she collapsed with severe pleurisy. It seemed that she could no longer get out, when suddenly she not only recovered, but also began to notice amazing abilities.

Vanga then fell into long trances, then began to speak in other people's voices and predict the future for people. Soon, rumors about Vanga's gift spread throughout the district and people began to come to her from different parts of not only the country, but also the world. They say, Vanga was almost never wrong in her prophecies- except in recent years, when she has grown old and weakened. She did not refuse help to anyone, she only expelled Kashpirovsky, Chumak and Juna's students. Researchers who observed Vanga confirmed: predictions cannot be considered coincidences, as they came true in 80% of cases.

Once Dimitar Gushterov came to the fortuneteller for help, and after a while he became the husband of Vanga and took her to Petrich. Vanga could not have her own children, but once she sheltered an orphan boy, Dimitar Volchev, who once knocked on her house and became son Vange. Also in the house of the soothsayer was brought up Vanga's adopted daughter- Venetta. Later, Venetta admits that Vanga was her strict but fair mother, who loves cleanliness and cooks deliciously.

The year the fortune teller found out she had breast cancer and refused treatment was year of Vanga's death. She died on August 10, 1996, having bequeathed all her property to the state, leaving nothing to her family. Vanga's funeral took place on the territory of the temple, built at the expense of Vanga. In Petrich, in the house where Vanga lived, was later created Vanga Memorial Museum. The pilgrimage to Vanga's grave continues to this day.
The assassination attempt on the 35th US President John F. Kennedy, the rebellion in Czechoslovakia, the assassination of Robert Kennedy, the death of Indira Gandhi, the collapse of the USSR, the accident on the Kursk submarine - Vanga's prophecies can be listed endlessly. Some of them are overgrown with legends, some are inventions and machinations on the name of a famous soothsayer. One way or another, for those people who turned to her, Vanga was a great person with the gift of clairvoyance and healing, who received more than a million visitors in her life.

For Bulgaria, Vanga is definitely a holy woman.

life line

January 31, 1911 Date of birth of Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, nee Dimitrova).
1923 Moving to Novo Selo in Macedonia, loss of sight.
1925-1928 Life in the House of the Blind in Zemun, Serbia.
April 8, 1942 Visiting Vanga by the Tsar of Bulgaria Boris III.
May 1942 Marriage with Dimitar Gushterov.
1962 Death of Vanga's husband.
1967 Registration of Vanga as a civil servant, the beginning of paid receptions.
1994 Construction of the chapel of St. Paraskeva in the village of Rupite at the expense of Vanga.
August 11, 1996 Date of Wang's death.

Memorable places of Vanga

1. The village of Petrich, where Vanga was born and where on Opolchenskaya Street, 10, there is the Vanga Museum (Vanga's former home).
2. The village of Novo-Selo in Macedonia, where Vanga lived as a child.
3. Zemun district in Belgrade (formerly the city of Zemun), where Vanga lived in the House of the Blind for three years.
4. The village of Rupite, where Vanga received in her last years, where the church of Vanga (Saint Paraskeva's chapel) is located and where Vanga is buried.

Prophecies and predictions of Vanga

One of the legends about Vanga's predictions says that in 1943 Hitler himself visited her and that she told him: “Leave Russia alone! You will lose this war!". Hitler laughed in the face of the fortuneteller, then she told him to send his soldiers to such and such a house, they say, a mare is foaling there and her foal will be of such and such a color. The soldiers left, then returned and conveyed what they saw, word for word, predicted by Vanga. After which Hitler left in heavy thought.

Many will agree that the biographies of interesting personalities of all times will be popular and will not be left without attention in any age. Biography of the clairvoyant Vanga can be referred to as such.

Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, or as she was later called Baba Vanga, was born on January 31, 1911 in the family of Paraskeva and Panda Surchev. She was born in the small town of Strumica, then in the Ottoman Empire. Now this city is located in the Republic of North Macedonia, but in 1912 the city was transferred to Bulgaria, which is why Baba Vanga is credited with Bulgarian origin.

Vanga's birthday is January 31, she was born exactly at midnight, which is why the date of birth was considered a new day.

As a child, she was premature and suffered from health complications. She was born as a seven month old baby. The fingers on all limbs were fused, as were her ears.

In accordance with local tradition, the child was not given a name until it was clear that he could survive. As soon as the little girl screamed, the doctor decided to go outside and ask the name of the first person she met. In those days, this was a Bulgarian tradition, and in no way was it considered strange.

The stranger's name was Andromache (Andromache), but this name was rejected because of the Greek origin during the period of anti-Hellenic sentiments in Bulgarian society.

Another suggestion of a stranger was the name Vangelia (Vangelia, Evangelos). This name is also of Greek origin, but because of its popularity, they decided to leave it.

The girl's relatives believed that the name of Vangelia would help her get back on her feet, which happened. February 26 in the Vanga family is considered her second birthday, since it was then that she began to recover. In the future, the girl was christened under her full name.

Pande, Vanga's father, was an ordinary farmer, which is why the family did not live well. Paraskeva was the mother of Vangelia and was, by today's standards, an ordinary housewife. They spoke of the mother as a bright and kind person, which cannot be said about Vanga's father.

By the way, the temple, built with the money of Vangelia in the future, was named in honor of the mother - the Temple of St. Paraskeva.

The fortuneteller grew up as an ordinary girl, her eyes were brown, and her hair was light blond. Her father was an activist drafted into the army during World War I, and her mother died shortly after a difficult birth. At the time of her mother's death, she was only 3 years old.

This caused Vanga to become dependent on the care and mercy of neighbors and close family friends for much of her youth. While her father was at war, Asania, a neighbor of Turkish origin, was engaged in raising the girl.

Vanga was considered a smart girl for her age. Her inclinations began to show when she herself came up with games. The clairvoyant loved to play "healing" - prescribing herbs to her friends who pretended to be sick. Back in childhood Bulgarian seer blindfolded herself and looked for various objects.

Neighbors noted her diligence and perseverance. The girl has always been against laziness and sloppiness. In these difficult years, she looked like a very thin girl, which did not prevent her from enjoying life.

Everyone thought that the child had lost the second parent, but almost three years later, Pande, Vanga's father, returned from the war. After the war, Strumica joined Serbia.

The Serbian authorities arrested my father because of his Bulgarian activities. They confiscated all his property and the family lived in poverty for many years. Her father remarried, providing a stepmother for his daughter. The new mother's name was Tanka.

Because of the military regime in the city, my father was dragged to prison, where he stayed for some time. In prison, he was severely tortured and beaten. The return from prison took place in 1922, a little earlier he had a son from Tanka named Vasil. Tanka was able to replace Vanga's mother, neighbors and the child spoke of her as a kind and hardworking woman.

After the events, the father began to work as a shepherd, the stepmother kept the household and raised the children. Vanga started working at the age of 11, helping her parents transport milk.

Life was very poor, in connection with which the family decided to move to Pande's homeland in Novo Strumishko village, then the Ottoman Empire. Pande's brother lived there, who married very well and lived quite richly, but had no children.

Loss of vision and enrollment in school

According to Vanga's own predictions, the turning point in her life came when a "tornado" allegedly lifted her into the air and threw her into a nearby field.

The girl was found after a long search. Witnesses described her as very frightened, and her eyes were covered with sand and dust and she could not open them because of the pain. The family only had enough money for a partial operation to heal the injuries she sustained. This led to a gradual loss of vision.

At that time, there was a specialized school for blind children in the town of Zemun in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The future psychic was brought there in 1925. She was taught the usual skills taught to healthy children: knitting, sewing, playing the piano, writing, cooking, and so on.

At school, the seer met Dimitar, who later became her husband. He was from a wealthy family.

Three years after training, Tanka dies and Vanga again has to return home, because in their family there was a replenishment, she had another brother and sister. Since they lived in poverty, and Vanga remained the eldest among the children, she had to work all day.

In 1939, the girl fell ill with pleurisy, as she stood barefoot for a long time on the street in line for benefits for the poor. And despite the various beliefs of doctors, she soon got on her feet.

In 1940, as predicted, her father died. Pande fell ill with a skin disease. In the autumn of the same year, he died, after which the lives of the brothers and sisters were divided. The brothers left to work, while the sisters stayed at home.

War years

During World War II, Strumica was ceded to Bulgaria. At that time, Vanga attracted believers with her ability to heal and predict.

Many people visited it with the hope of getting a hint about whether their relatives were alive, and in the event of their death, to find the place of their death or burial. Even she herself did not remember how Vanga became a clairvoyant.

During the war, Dimitar finds her again and on May 10, 1942 they sign. The seer becomes Gushterova. Shortly before marriage, Dimitar and Vanga moved to Petrich, where she soon became famous. Dimitra was then drafted into the army and had to spend some time in northern Greece, which at that time was taken over by Bulgaria.

In 1947, he was severely injured, causing him to drink heavily and eventually die on April 1, 1962.

During her life together with her husband, the soothsayer already accepted petitioners as a seer and healer. And even on the day of the funeral, she received “clients”.

After the death of Dimitra, the clairvoyant put on a black widow's scarf, which she never took off after. Since she and her husband did not have children, she took care of orphans for a long time.

When Wang died

Vanga passed away in 1996. The cause of death was breast cancer. The clairvoyant was 85 years old. When my grandmother felt unwell in terms of her state of health, she turned to her doctor, who made this diagnosis. But since the seer did not recognize traditional medicine, she refused to operate. Because of what, she died three years earlier than her prediction of death. But a month before her death, she changed the dates of her life with a new prediction, and she turned out to be right.

The seer died in the hospital, where she was brought after a severe deterioration in her condition. She went into a coma for a few days and then died.

In the hospital, she refused the help of the medical staff, as she said "God's will for everything." The so-called psychic assured that she knows what awaits a person after death. According to her, the body, as it should be, decomposes like all life on earth, and the soul, in turn, continues to live and go through the next stages of evolution. Thus, she argued that the human soul is immortal.

Doctors recall that on the eve of August 11, her condition improved, she asked to refresh her body with a shower. She also asked me to perfume her. The next morning at 9 o'clock, the clairvoyant said that at night her dead relatives came to her and talked to her.

An hour later, at exactly 10 am, the doctors diagnosed cardiac arrest. How long did Vanga live? Nearly 85 years old.

Having fulfilled the last will and testament of Vanga, her house in Petrichi was turned into a museum. It opened 12 years after the death of a famous grandmother.

Vanga was not literate enough in terms of the Bulgarian language, she could read Braille in Serbian, which she learned at school in Zemun. She never wrote herself, all the notes from her words were once made by people who worked for her or simply helped.

Later, a large number of esoteric books about predictions and simply about Vanga's life began to be written. There are also many manuscripts about Vanga's biography and her personal life.

Some people say that the clairvoyant predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Chernobyl disaster, the September 11 tragedy, the exact date of Stalin's death, tensions with North Korea, the Kursk submarine disaster, Topalov's victory in the World Tournament, and many others. important and shocking dates of the world.

Although, on the other hand, very close people of the clairvoyant claim that she never made such statements and predictions. The healer never stuttered about the September 11 tragedy, about the crash of the Kursk, about North Korea, and so on.

They claim that these are all the tricks of intruders who want to earn on the honest name of insight using the Internet and in various other ways. All this is a lie, and only dishonors the name, gift, nationality, family and, in principle, its existence.

In August 1976, the Yugoslav actress Silvana Armenulich was present in Bulgaria with concerts and took the opportunity to visit Baba Vanga. The meeting was unpleasant.

The healer just sat and looked out the window with her back to Sylvanas. Silent. After a long time, she finally spoke: “Nothing. You don't have to pay. I do not want to speak with you. Definitely not now. Leave and try to come back in three months.”

When Sylvanas turned and went to the door, Vanga said: “Wait. I can say with certainty that you can't do it. Go, go. But if suddenly you succeed, then do it in three months.

Sylvanas took this as confirmation that she would die and left the house in tears. Armenulić died two months later on October 10, 1976, in a car accident with her sister Mirjana.

The seer also has many false prophecies on her account. She made a mistake in predicting the 1994 football championship. She said that two teams would fight in the final, and their names begin with the letter "B" in Latin.

Brazil turned out to be true, but Italy destroyed this prophecy by beating Bulgaria in the semi-finals. According to Baba Vanga, the third world war was supposed to start in 2010 and last 4 years, which, of course, did not come true. But close people also claim that this is a lie. Moreover, she always said the opposite about the war.

The soothsayer allegedly predicted the emergence of another state, saying that a large number of cultures would spread through the so-called "false world". The seer claimed that in 2003, any person will learn to think at the same time as other people, which will help create the feeling of another world or existence.

Many say that the healer told about some little girl from France, who also became blind. According to the clairvoyant, this girl should inherit Vanga's gift, she will be as famous as Vanga herself.

Another prediction attributed to her is that the 44th President of the United States will be the nation's last commander in chief. While Donald Trump's inauguration in 2017 appears to have debunked this prediction, it should be noted that Trump is technically the 44th person to hold office, due to both the 22nd and 24th presidencies being filled. Grover Cleveland.

Her supporters also claimed that the fortune teller predicted that the 45th president would have a "messianic personality." He will face a crisis that will eventually "destroy the country".

Some evidence has also been presented that Baba Vanga did not make many of the predictions now attributed to her, and people often attribute new false "prophecies" to her after her death.

The absence of a written account of her prophecies makes it possible to invent any prediction, and those attributed to her are difficult to refute.

After the death of the clairvoyant, numerous stories, documentaries and feature films appeared on television and on the Internet. For example, Vangelia, a 24-episode biographical series with elements of mysticism, was ordered in 2013 by the First Channel of Russia.

The image of a soothsayer is very popular in Eastern Europe, especially in the Balkan countries and in Russia. Russian publications related to the mysterious prophetess are numerous. There is even a "Great Encyclopedia of Vanga" - a Russian online project dedicated to her.

Biography of Vangelia very heavy and makes you think about many things. 20 years have passed since the death of the clairvoyant, and rumors and disputes about her gift still do not subside among society.

Vanga was buried in the village of Rupite, Blagoevgrad region in Bulgaria, which became famous all over the world thanks to her.

But whatever the spiteful critics of Vanga's activities do not write or say, most of her visitors were satisfied after visiting. According to her close people, Vanga throughout the time of her help to people received gratitude of various kinds and in various forms.

Vanga about Russia

There is still a lot of controversy and distrust around Vanga's personality. Was she a seer who saw other people's destinies, a healer and a prophet, had psychic abilities, or simply had a talent for persuasion and masterful deception? Now these questions are difficult to answer. Eyewitnesses who have at least once visited the village of Rupite in Bulgaria, where the seer has been hosting for years, speak of her amazing clairvoyant abilities and predicting the future. Skeptics, of course, argue that Baba Vanga was just a charlatan. Nevertheless, the name of the clairvoyant is still perceived as something connected with mysticism, and events appear in the media every now and then, as if predicted by Vanga herself. At a time when a woman held receptions for people and provided mystical services, she was approached not only by ordinary people, but also by government officials, famous and public figures.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of the fortune teller Vanga

After the death of the famous seer, there have been discussions for many years about who Vanga really was. Users want to know what specific events the woman predicted, how she could influence the course of history, where she lived, and why she went blind, as well as height, weight, age. The years of the life of the soothsayer Vanga: 1911 - 1996. The girl was named according to the Bulgarian custom. The parents of the child went out into the street and asked the first person they met. Whatever name a passer-by calls, that was given to the child. The full name of the woman is Vangelia. Vanga means "good news" in Greek.

Biography and personal life of the Foreteller Vanga

Vangelia was born on the territory of modern Bulgaria. Since childhood, she lived with her father and stepmother. At birth, the girl was sighted, but she lost her sight at the age of 12. When she returned home, a strong hurricane began. A whirlwind carried Vanga hundreds of meters away. They found her only at night, the girl's eyes were clogged with sand, and so she went blind. As Vangelia's niece wrote in her aunt's biography, the future seer loved to play doctor in her childhood, and often portrayed a blind woman. Perhaps the first manifestations of extrasensory abilities were in the clairvoyant in early childhood.

Having lost her sight, the girl was now completely helpless, so her father sent her to a home for the blind, where she lived for three years and learned to live anew: cook her own food, knit, read a special alphabet. Here, at the age of 16, Vanga met a blind young man, and was even going to marry him, but the girl's stepmother died during childbirth, and she had to return home to look after her brothers and sister.

The first rumors about Wang as a psychic appeared during the Second World War. There was a rumor in the village that a blind woman could "feel" the location of a missing person or his grave. Then a string of people who wanted to know the fate of their close men who had gone to the front reached out to her. Vanga predicted the fate of her fellow villagers, deciphered dreams, and helped treat illnesses.

The rumor about a woman with mystical abilities spread throughout the country, and for the first time a titled guest, Tsar Boris III of Bulgaria, came to Vanga for a reception. The king visited the seer a year before his death. Prior to that, two attempts had been made on his life, and he was afraid for his life and country.

Vanga's predictions

After such an important event, Vanga became the only official fortune teller in the country. The Communist Party gave her all kinds of support, and in 1967 she was officially registered in the civil service, and began to receive a salary. The state also determined the cost of receiving a clairvoyant. Foreign citizens paid for the opportunity to talk with a psychic much more than the citizens of the Union. This is how the information was presented by the government of Bulgaria.

What services did Vanga provide to the state? What high-ranking people did you advise? It is known that Baba Vanga forbade recording her predictions on the recorder, and communicated with representatives of the highest authorities only in person. Whether this is direct evidence that the woman did not want to leave evidence about her deceit, or Vanga was simply not of this world, and was afraid that her gift might disappear from the presence of technology - everyone decides for himself. Despite the fact that many refer to her prophecies with skepticism, in the countries of the post-Soviet space a woman is still known as the best seer.

The biography and personal life of the soothsayer Vanga was first described by a woman's relative Krasimira Stoyanova in 1989. This work is considered the official source of information about the life of the seer.

Family and children of the Foreteller Vanga

Vanga was born into a family of poor peasants. The mother of the clairvoyant Paraskeva Surcheva died when the girl was only 3 years old. The First World War had just begun and the girl's father, Pande, who was in the Bulgarian army, was at the front. Vanga lived with a neighbor's family for several years. When the father returned from the war, he took the girl home and remarried. The stepmother gave birth to Pande four more children, and died during the last birth. Since that time, the youngest - brothers Tome and Vasil, as well as sister Lyuba, were raised by sixteen-year-old Vanga.

The fate of the woman was very difficult. The years of her life are captured by two terrible world wars. During World War II, Vanga got married. The woman herself said that she was barren and because of her gift could not have a child, she did not even think that someday she would have a family and children. The soothsayer Vanga died at the age of 85, her husband died much earlier. After the death of her husband, the woman adopted two children.

Adopted son of the Foreteller Vanga - Dimitar Volchev

Almost nothing is known about Vanga's children. On the Russian Internet, there is very little translated information about the life of the seer's heirs today. The adopted son of the Foreteller Vanga, Dimitar Volchev, became the second adopted child of the clairvoyant. When Vanga took the child to her home, he was very sick, but the woman helped him recover. The boy received the name in honor of the late husband of the seer. It is known that the clairvoyant gave her children a good education, today Dimitar works as a prosecutor in Bulgaria in the city of Petrich, has his own family, and is one of the leaders of the Vanga Foundation. The network has the last photo of Vanga at her son's wedding.

Adopted daughter of the Foreteller Vanga - Veneta Gushterova

The seer adopted the girl when she was 6 years old. As the adopted daughter of the Foreteller Vanga, Veneta Gushterova, herself said, she loved her mother very much. Vanga was a very strict woman, but she treated children with love. She sang songs to them, hugged them, brought up honor and kindness in them, and was able to give them an education. Vanga's daughter says that her mother taught her one wisdom: "A guest should not leave you hungry." Today Veneta is married and works as a translator. An incomprehensible situation has developed with the seer's inheritance. According to sources, the woman left all the acquired property to the state, Vanga's children sued him for 5 years, but they did not win the court.

The husband of the soothsayer Vanga - Dimitar Gushterov

During the Second World War, several soldiers of the Bulgarian army knocked on the seer's house. Young people wanted to know their future and the possible outcome of the war. Only one guy was stomping on the threshold, and everyone was afraid to go into the house. Then the woman herself went out into the street and told Dimitar everything about his life, past and possible future. The man was so dumbfounded and surprised by the abilities of Vangelia that he came to her several times, and once he came to woo. Vanga and Dimitar lived together for exactly 20 years. The man liked to drink and his addiction earned cirrhosis of the liver. The husband of the soothsayer Vanga, Dimitar Gushterov, died of an illness in 1962.

Vanga's predictions for Russia verbatim

During her life, Vangelia made many predictions for the world, and for various countries. It is believed that Vanga predicted the outbreak of World War II, personally predicted the defeat and death of Hitler. She also saw an assassination attempt on US Senator Robert Kennedy, predicted Nixon's election victory. There are also opinions that the clairvoyant saw many events, such as the disappointing fate of the Russian submarine Kursk, the September 11 terrorist attack, the Chernobyl accident at a power plant, and so on.

In the 80s, Vanga's predictions for Russia literally sounded like this: a big coup will begin, the country's leaders will leave their posts, there will be big changes. If you look at these words, it becomes clear that the clairvoyant spoke about the death of Brezhnev, Gorbachev's coming to power, and the collapse of the Union.

However, not all of Vanga's prophecies came true, which gives people grounds for doubting her words. For example, a woman's predictions about the Third World War, a cure for cancer, radioactive fallout, that people will eat only genetically modified foods and stop planting and harvesting.

In fact, today there is a lot of speculation on the name of Vanga. Publications and the media publish new clairvoyant prophecies all the time, saying that the special services have a forecast from Vanga to the 50th century. On the Internet, you can also often find the interpretation of Vanga's dreams, and even her dream book.

Vanga's prediction for 2018 literally says that next year will be the year of China's heyday as a world power. Therefore, for Russia, which today is in alliance with the Celestial Empire, it will also be a good and good time. Well, China is already a country of world production and a billion people, so even more development of Asians is quite possible.

Wikipedia Foreteller Vanga

In Bulgaria, Vanga is a very popular person, even after death. They are proud of her name, and a monument was erected on the centenary of the birth of the clairvoyant in the village of Rupite. The monument represents Vanga, sitting on a bench, her hand is stretched forward, and her head is slightly thrown back - the woman is depicted as she appears to us from many photographs, where she is captured during her predictions.

Wikipedia Fortune Teller Vanga contains a lot of criticism, myths associated with her name, as well as machinations that exist today in connection with her activities.

Vanga herself died of cancer, according to sources, the clairvoyant did not see the exact date of her death.

Vanga(Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, nee Dimitrova ; January 31, 1911, Strumica, Ottoman Empire - August 11, 1996, Petrich, Bulgaria) - Bulgarian clairvoyant. Born in the Ottoman Empire in the family of a poor Bulgarian peasant. She lived most of her life in the village of Petrich, at the junction of three borders (Bulgaria, Greece, the Republic of Macedonia). For the last 20 years she has received visitors in the village of Rupite. Biography. Vanga was born on January 31, 1911 in Strumica in the territory of the modern Republic of Macedonia. The name "Vangelia" in Greek means "good news". With the outbreak of World War I, Vanga's father, Pande, was drafted into the Bulgarian army. Mother died when Vanga was four years old. The girl grew up in a neighbor's house. Returning after the war, the widowed father remarried. In 1923, Vanga, with her father and stepmother, moved to the village of Novo Selo in Macedonia, where her father was from. There, at the age of 12, Vanga lost her sight due to a hurricane, during which a whirlwind threw her hundreds of meters away. She was found only in the evening with her eyes clogged with sand. Her family was unable to provide treatment, and as a result, Vanga became blind. In 1925 she was sent to the House for the Blind in Zemun, Serbia, where she spent three years. After the death of her stepmother, she returned to her father's house in Strumica. Vanga first attracted public attention during the Second World War, when a rumor spread around the neighborhood closest to her village that she was able to locate people who disappeared in the war, whether they were alive, or the places where they died and were buried. One of the first visitors to Vanga was the Tsar of Bulgaria Boris 3, who visited her on April 8, 1942. In May 1942, Vanga married Dimitar Gushterov from the village of Kryndzhilitsa in the Petriskaya district. Shortly before the wedding, she moved with her fiancé to Petrich, where she later became widely known. Dimitar spent some time in the army, suffered from alcoholism and died in 1962. According to followers, Vanga had the ability to determine the diseases of people with great accuracy and predict their future fate. She often referred to healers or doctors who could help these people, and often these healers did not know and spoke about them like this: in such and such a city such and such a person lives. In 1967, Vanga was registered as a civil servant. From that moment on, she began to receive an official salary - 200 leva a month, and the visit cost, for citizens of socialist countries - 10 leva, for citizens of Western countries - 50 dollars. Up to this point, Vanga received people for free, accepting only various gifts. According to Vanga herself, she owes her abilities to some invisible creatures, the origin of which she was not able to explain. Vanga's niece, Krasimira Stoyanova, said that Vanga spoke with the souls of the dead or, in the case when the dead could not give an answer, with a kind of inhuman voice. There are opinions that Vanga predicted the collapse of the USSR, the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Boris Yeltsin's victory in the 1996 presidential election, the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk, the September 11 attacks, and Topalov's victory in the world chess tournament. In 1979, Vanga said: "But the old Russia will return and will be called the same as under St. Sergius." In early 1993, Vanga announced that the USSR would be reborn in the first quarter of the 21st century and Bulgaria would be part of it. And many new people will be born in Russia who will be able to change the world. In 1994, Vanga predicted: “At the beginning of the 21st century, humanity will get rid of cancer. The day will come when cancer will be shackled in "iron chains". She clarified these words in such a way that "drugs against oncological diseases should contain a lot of iron." She also believed that cures for old age would also be invented. They will make it from the hormones of a horse, a dog and a turtle: "The horse is strong, the dog is hardy, and the turtle lives long." Before her death, Vanga said: “The time of miracles will come and the time of great discoveries in the field of the intangible. There will also be great archaeological discoveries that will radically change our understanding of the world from ancient times. It's so preordained." In 1994, at the expense of Vanga, according to the project of the Bulgarian architect Svetlin Rusev, the chapel of St. Paraskeva was built in the village of Rupite. Due to the non-canonicity of both the architecture of the building and the wall images, the chapel was not consecrated by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, so the buildings are simply spoken of<<храм>> without specifying its ownership. Shortly before her death, Vanga announced that the Earth was being visited by alien ships from a planet that sounded like Vamphim, "the third in a row from planet Earth", and another civilization was preparing a big event; the meeting with this civilization will take place in 200 years. Vanga's followers claim that she knew the exact date of her death, and shortly before that she reported that a girl was born in France who inherits her gift, and which everyone will soon know about. Illness and death. Vanga died in 1996 from cancer of the right breast, not allowing herself to be operated on. The desire of Vanga herself was to bury her remains in the courtyard of the house in which she lived, but the Vanga Foundation decided to bury the clairvoyant in the fence of the chapel of St. Paraskeva. Memory. On May 5, 2008, a museum dedicated to her was opened in Vanga's house in Petrich. Frauds on the name of Vanga. Vanga's name is often mentioned on the pages of the "yellow" press. Vanga is credited with various predictions, which often contradict each other. For example, after the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, some newspapers reported on the impending nuclear disaster, which Vanga allegedly predicted. This prophecy was never uttered by Vanga and is someone's invention.

Often seers remain lonely throughout their lives. Women who have the ability to foresee are no exception. However, the blind Vanga was happier.

Future Vanga's husband Dimitri Gushterov was a soldier. One day he came to her to find out information about the killers of his brother. The seer did not answer him immediately, only promising that she would tell him about it later. In addition, she made him promise that he would not retaliate. Vanga told Dimitri that he should live to the moment when he witnesses the death of these people, and therefore he does not need to do anything.

Mitko (as Dimitri was called) was struck by the wisdom of Vanga's words and began to visit her quite often. In 1942, he proposed to her to become his wife, to which he received consent. For twenty years they lived peacefully and happily, loving each other. However, in recent years, Mitko became addicted to alcohol. Vanga knew the state of his soul, sympathized with him, knowing his future, but she could not change anything.

Vanga's husband was getting worse, and when he was already on his deathbed, she knelt by his bed, whispered something, and tears constantly flowed from her unseeing eyes. Mitko soon passed away, and Vanga, having stopped crying, fell deeply asleep. It was not an easy dream - she slept until his funeral, and when she woke up, she said that she had taken her husband to the place that was intended for him.

The next day, Lyubka, Vanga's sister, decided to send visitors, saying that the seer could not receive them in such a state. However, Vanga, on the contrary, asked everyone to let them in, saying that from now on she will try to accept everyone who needs her help.

Since the death of Vanga's husband, her relatives have noted strong changes in her behavior. She no longer took off her black scarf, and her face seemed to be petrified. Vaga lived some kind of inner invisible life. And the flow of people to it continuously increased ...

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