How to marinate kebab - the best ways. How to marinate pork skewers? Juicy pork skewers. Barbecue marinade: recipe

Marinating shish kebab is an essential part of any picnic. However, you can cook this dish even at home. We will tell you about the most popular pickling variations, as well as important rules which will make the meat tasty and soft.

Marinade is a mixture of spices, salt, vegetable oil and acid (wine, natural juice or vinegar), in which meat, fish, poultry etc. If you like Chinese food, marinate the meat in a mixture of honey, pepper, ginger, garlic, dry wine and soy sauce.

barbecue marinated recipe

Cut 2 kg of pork neck into portions, lay on the bottom of the container in layers. Sprinkle all layers with pepper, mayonnaise, suneli hops, mustard, bay leaf. Be sure to lay out 4 onions, cut into rings. Fill all layers with the juice of one lemon fruit. Leave the mass for an hour, mix, remove for 5 hours in a cool place to marinate the meat. Salt it before you start cooking on the fire.

Marinating chicken for barbecue

Chicken has won a special place among barbecue lovers, because it pickles quickly enough. You only need half an hour to prepare. In a bowl, mix together the minced garlic clove, 1/2 cup lemon, 1/2 cup each lime juice, and honey. Pour 0.25 of the mixture into the bag, put the chicken. Close the package, stir the contents, leave for half an hour in the refrigerator. Cover the container with the rest of the marinade, refrigerate. Grease the grill grate with oil. Remove the chicken from the marinade. Thread the pieces on wooden or metal skewers, fry on a closed grill, greasing the filling from time to time.

Marinating meat for barbecue: a few tips.

1. Marinade must be prepared with a ceramic, plastic or glass bowl.
2. All products that you fill with marinade must be cooled in the refrigerator.
3. The larger the meat pieces, the longer they need to marinate.
4. To soften the meat pieces, put slices of papaya, kiwi, pineapple to them.
5. If you are marinating seafood and fish, do not marinate them for more than 45 minutes.
6. The amount of "sour" components must be controlled so that the dish does not become too sour.
7. If you are marinating outdoors, place the pieces in a bag, bleed the air out of the bag and seal.

Don't know how to choose and marinate? Then read our tips.

Pork shish kebab marinating

Peel 3 onions, chop into incomplete rings. Also chop the meat into portions, mix with bay leaf, ground and allspice, onion. Dissolve 0.5 teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt in water. Add a glass of vinegar, pour over the meat.

Ways to marinate barbecue

One of the most best products for pickling, lemon juice is considered. It is used for fish, meat and poultry. If you fry in nature, then it is better not to add foods that can quickly deteriorate to the marinade. First of all, this applies to kefir - many consider it the best option for pickling. If your recipe contains alcohol, refrain from using lemon juice and acetic acid. Some are of the opinion that vinegar "kills" the meat, so they refuse to use it. It is better to add black pepper and onions to the meat. This will be enough to get a delicious, rich meal.

How about you?

The more acetic acid you add to a dish, the longer it can be stored. In order to get rid of an unpleasant, “sour” taste, put mustard in the marinade. It not only allows you to save the product long time, but also soften too tough meat. Well soften meat and various juices - pineapple and kiwi. If you process meat pieces with them, then after an hour they will simply “melt in your mouth”.

Softens pretty well. meat products ready mustard. To do this, simply mix the pieces with mustard in a bowl and leave for half an hour. After that, gently stir them with your hands, lay the marinade, selected to your liking. Mustard mixture will allow you to cook even frozen meat. To do this, it is pre-defrosted. In this case, it is very desirable to use pieces of fruit in the marinade - kiwi or pineapple.

Recipes for marinating meat for barbecue

Cut carrots, a clove of garlic and a couple of large onions into circles. Pour the meat with 220 g of vegetable oil, put in a bowl so that it marinates. Prepared vegetables, parsley, bay leaf, black pepper, pour over 225 g of white wine, lemon juice, pickle from two hours to two days.

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Recipes with roots and spices.

Boil water, add an onion cut into pieces, ½ parsley root, pieces of one carrot, ½ celery root, unground pepper, 5 cloves, a teaspoon of sugar, salt to taste. Boil the resulting mixture over low heat in a closed container. If you don't have celery and parsley, add more carrots and onions.

Marinated pork kebab recipes

Recipe with kefir.

3 onions cut into cubes, mix with meat, cut into pieces. Add ½ liter of kefir, stir to soak it. Add 1.5 tsp. sugar, stir again. Put onion rings on top, cover, leave for an hour at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. If you do not plan to put the dish in the refrigerator, then you can fry the meat after 3 hours.

It turns out quite tasty and.

Marinating barbecue in vinegar.

Chop 320 g of onion into pieces, and 2 kg of pork into cubes. Mix the products together. Add 255 ml apple cider vinegar, seasoning - 3 tbsp. spoons. Stir, refrigerate. It is necessary to marinate the meat for an hour. However, it is better to leave it for all 2 hours. Before cooking, salt the dish, string it on skewers, fry on coals.

Prepare and.

Marinating barbecue in mayonnaise.

Cut 2 kg of pork into slices, chop into cubes and 6 onions, put in a saucepan, pepper, salt, stir with your hands so that the onion gives its juice. Mix 200 g of mustard and 220 g of mayonnaise, add to the meat, stir. Cover the pan with a lid, leave for 6 hours to marinate.

Methods for marinating pork skewers.

Lemon recipe.

Cut 2 kg of pork into pieces, put in a saucepan, put 3 onions, cut into pieces, stir. Add lemon and onion, mash with your hands. Leave overnight in the refrigerator.

Recipe in mineral water.

Put 2.5 kg of chopped pork into a saucepan, add 6 chopped onions, salt, add spices, stir. Add 1 liter of mineral water, stir, leave to marinate for a couple of hours. Half an hour before frying, pour in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

And how do you like it - juicy and tasty.

Pork skewers marinated in wine

Chop 3 onions, and cut 3 more onions into rings. Cut 1.5 kg of pork into pieces, pepper each piece, put in a saucepan, add chopped onion, stir. Carefully pour in 320 ml of dry red wine. Be sure to stir the contents of the pan while doing this. Put the rest of the onion on top, cover the dish with a lid, leave for 3 hours, salt just before frying.

Beer option.

1.5 kg of pork cut into pieces. Salt each of them, transfer to a saucepan. Grate the onion on a coarse grater, add to the meat, mix thoroughly. Gradually pour in ½ liter of light beer, stir. Close the saucepan with a lid, leave to marinate for 3 hours.

Learn and.

original recipe with kiwi.

Chop 2 kg of pork into slices, cut 4 onions into rings, put in a saucepan, add pepper, salt, stir, leave for a couple of hours. Peel the kiwi, grate, add to the meat, stir, leave for half an hour.

Variant with basil and lemon.

In a bowl put a layer of meat, a layer of onion, basil, salt and pepper. Take one lemon, squeeze the juice out of it, and throw the fruits into the meat. The next layer is meat, onion, basil, lemon. Put in the refrigerator, leave for 8 hours. It is not recommended to store the workpiece for more than a day, since it acquires a pronounced lemon flavor.

Tomato variant.

Put the meat, onion in a saucepan, salt, pepper, stir with your hands, pour in tomato juice, put a weight on the lid, send it to a cool place for 6 hours, and preferably in the refrigerator.

White wine option.

Pork tenderloin, onion, salt, pepper put in a saucepan, stir well, pour wine. Place under load. Barbecue marinating time- 4 hours.

Marinated onions for barbecue.

Pickled onion is fragrant and enough simple snack, which is served with meat. For pickling, vinegar diluted with sugar, salt and water is taken. Thanks to this, the vegetables become crispy and get a sour and rather pleasant taste. To give more aroma, put also chopped greens.

Required products:

Cup boiled water
- sugar - 2 teaspoons
- salt - half a teaspoon
- vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons
- greens - 50 g
- bulb bulb - 2 pcs.


Peel the onion, cut into incomplete rings, put in an enameled container. Chop the greens, add to the onion. Cool boiling water to 35 degrees, add salt, sugar, acetic acid, stir. Pour greens and onions with the resulting marinade. The mixture should completely cover the onion. Cover with a lid, leave at room temperature. Drain the marinade from the onion, discard in a colander, cool in the refrigerator.

Shish kebab can be cooked not only on coals, but also in the oven and even in a pan. There are quite a few options, so if you don’t have the opportunity to go out into nature and kindle a fire, you can use these methods. As for meat, it can also be different - chicken, rabbit, turkey, pork. It turns out very tasty shish kebab of fish and champignons.

7 ways to tenderize beef

How to marinate beef for tenderness?

There are many ways to cook beef. This is healthy and tasty meat, but it does not always turn out soft for housewives. If you have a couple of hours before cooking, you can marinate beef for tenderness according to our recipe. And below I will tell you how to cook beef soft and without pickling.

Marinade for beef (for softness).

Method 1. Beef marinated with vinegar.

For 1 kg of beef. Meat cut into pieces or a whole piece. Marinate 1 hour.

  • 1 onion (cut into half rings)
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar 9%
  • 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar
  • ground pepper to taste
  • half a glass of water and a little sunflower oil
  • ATTENTION! do not salt the meat - marinate without salt! Salt already when cooking.

We leave the beef in the marinade for 1.5 -2 hours. Next, we beat the meat with a hammer and cook according to the recipe.

Method 4. Beef marinated in beer.

For 1 kg of beef. We take:

Salt, pepper. Knead the meat or coat and marinate in the refrigerator in a saucepan or in a bag for 1 hour. Then fry on a fire or in a pan. The beef will turn out incredibly soft!

Method 5. Beef marinated in sea buckthorn juice.

Even not very successful beef can be cooked very soft and juicy. We cut the beef into steaks, pieces 2 cm wide and the size of a palm, then to fry.

  • 1 glass of sea buckthorn juice
  • salt, pepper to taste

Salt the meat, pepper it, and put it in a bowl. Pour the meat with 1 glass of sea buckthorn juice (sour, best). We stand the meat for 40-60 minutes. Then we heat the pan with a small amount of sunflower or olive oil. Fry from 2 sides for 5 minutes, for the formation of an appetizing crust. Then close the lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer until tender, about another 40 minutes. Turn the pieces once, in the middle of stewing.

The beef will come out very juicy and soft! And sea buckthorn juice will add a unique note to your dish!

Method 6. Beef marinated with kiwi.

In general, for the softness of meat - you need acid. But vinegar, if the meat is overcooked, can have the opposite effect and the meat will become tough, like a sole.

Marinade for 1 kg of meat.

  • kiwi - 2 pcs. peel and grate
  • 1-2 onions we cut into half rings
  • salt and pepper the marinade

Parsley goes well with beef. Coat the meat well in the marinade, put in a container with a lid and refrigerate for 2 hours. Then cook according to the recipe, in pieces or a large piece in the oven.

The meat will be amazingly tasty and tender!

Method 7. Beef marinated with tomato (tomato marinade).

For 1 kg of beef. Meat cut into pieces or a whole piece. Marinate 1-2 hours.

Make the marinade:

  • tomato paste 2 table. spoons
  • garlic 4 cloves pass through the press
  • 2 medium onions cut into half rings
  • sweet pepper 1/2 pc. cut into small cubes or thin strips
  • pepper with black and red pepper
  • add 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 pinch of suneli hops
  • and finely chopped greens (parsley, basil, thyme)

Coat the beef with marinade, put in a saucepan or container with a lid and keep in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

How to cook tender beef.

To make the beef soft, for example in goulash, we need time. We defrost beef "on our own", no defrosting in the microwave. Cut the meat into pieces and rinse. Put the meat in a frying pan or stewpan and pour enough water to cover the meat. DO NOT SALT!(unless otherwise specified in the recipe, for example, sea buckthorn juice can also be salted when marinating) Simmer on low heat for 1 hour. Next, cook according to the recipe.

You can salt the meat after 1 hour of marinating. To absorb the salt.
Meat cooked in this way will definitely be soft.

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(module Marinades for meat)

Barbecue is considered a dish for a professional. In our country, most often, pork skewers are performed. And the sauce, and the marinade, and even more so the process of marinating meat seems to many almost magic. In fact, you can cook shish kebab just as well as a professional barbecue man! Of course, if you know some recipes and secrets.

The basic rules for pickling meat for any dish are the same. In our article, the intricacies of pickling will be described, of course, using the example of cooking barbecue.

And the first thing we need is meat! Actually from which we will prepare our most delicious dish.

On the site you will find:

Step 1. Choose and prepare pork meat for barbecue

Barbecue can be prepared from any meat, not only from pork. Although in our country, it is most often used, it is more popular. And in relation to price - quality, perfect. Why? Because in the pork itself, the proportion of meat and fat seems to be specially balanced by nature, for cooking on coals. Pork shish kebab is the most fragrant, soft and juicy.

It is better to take a pork neck for barbecue, because it is preferable to take soft meat. Do not take fresh meat from a freshly slaughtered animal. Not suitable for a perfect barbecue and frozen meat. The best option is chilled, aged meat. For barbecue, therefore, it is best to take meat from farmers in the market or in private small shops.

And I want to note that lamb, veal and beef kebabs are no less beautiful.

Step 2. We prepare pieces of meat, what they should be so that the kebab does not burn and does not become dry

First, the pork is cut into oblong pieces. Not cubes, as is often done, but rectangles. And what is it for? Elongated pieces of meat, planted lengthwise on a skewer, are kept on a skewer (or wooden skewers, if frying is not done on coals, but in a home oven) steadily, do not hang down, do not turn and are fried very evenly, do not burn.

The most delicious marinade for pork skewers to make the meat soft and juicy

The well-known stereotype that prescribes the addition of vinegar or other acid to the marinade is incorrect. The acid softens the meat, but causes it to lose a lot of juice, and besides, by itself it will not be to everyone's taste. Perhaps the reason for the appearance of this method is the times of scarcity, when cuts of meat in stores were hard and rough.

We marinate correctly (tested method, proven marinade):

It is much better to add mustard to the marinade. To taste, of course, but the main task of mustard here is not to add bitterness to the dish, but to help soften the pork. Unlike vinegar, mustard gently softens the meat fibers without injuring them and keeping the juice in the meat.

For pickling, of course, onions are needed. Meat, in general, is hard to imagine without onions. You can cut the onion into rings or small cubes, but it will be even tastier if you chop it with a blender. After that, mix the pork kebab with onion puree with your hands or, as the chefs say, massage the meat with it. Of course, you can mix the meat in an ordinary plastic bag by tying it and shaking it a little. At the same time, everything happens quickly, and the hands remain clean, but this method, nevertheless, is inferior to the first.

Next, pour a little vegetable oil into the bowl with the barbecue. It is necessary not to increase the level of fat content, but to conduct the aromas in the kebab between its ingredients. Vegetable oil - organic solvent, which means it evenly distributes flavors and aromas. And this applies not only to barbecue.

The oil throughout helps distribute the flavors. Remember Passage! Vegetables are sautéed not for a fried crust, but precisely to distribute their flavors in oil.

Of course, as spices in our barbecue should be bay leaf and black pepper. A bay leaf can be immediately thrown into the fragrant already from the onion and oiled meat.

But black pepper has its own secret! It is clear that it is better to leave ground pepper aside, and crush the peas right before use, but here the trick is different: before crushing, the pepper must be fried in a dry frying pan. characteristic feature readiness - leveling its wrinkled surface. After that, the pepper will become incredibly fragrant and fragile, which will make it easy to crush it.

pepper and bay leaf it will be enough to make the dish very tasty. But there is another spice that goes extremely well with pork. This is star anise (or star anise). A spice used in ancient China, gives the dish an exquisite anise flavor. One crushed star anise is quite enough for one kilogram of barbecue.

Marinade is ready! The meat is already tasty, but it is better to let it soak for at least 2 hours.

How to Quickly Marinate Meat for Picnic Pork Skewers

Sometimes you can hear that the meat needs to be marinated all night, and in a whole set of many spices. Forget about it. In the Caucasus, only salt, pepper and onion are added to meat, and marinated for only about 15 minutes.

Why do you need a marinade at all? To improve the taste is not very good meat, and also soften it if it is hard. We have chosen fresh meat, so it needs only a touch of spices, nothing more.

Cut the meat, sprinkle with pepper and salt, sprinkle with chopped onion and stir so that the spices seem to envelop the meat. Then fill the meat with mineral water, squeeze a ripe lemon, kiwi, or some other sour fruit there, or maybe a glass of kefir (in no case, not vinegar!), Mix again. After 15 minutes, your kebab is ready for frying.

Overexpose the meat in the marinade - it will become flabby and loose, like a pate.

Note! In all pickle recipes, we salt our barbecue only at the end, because only in this way the meat will retain its juiciness and amazing taste!

How to fry pork skewers on the grill

By the time the meat is ready, the fire should already be burned out. The meat is fried not on fire, but on coals! A fire under a barbecue is a completely unnecessary phenomenon. Experienced barbecuers keep chips in a bucket of water, which are scattered on the coals before cooking - so the fire does not break out of the coal, and in addition, the meat acquires the aroma of smoking.

When the meat turns pale, the chips may already dry out and flare up. By this time, be prepared to turn the kebab often so that it browns evenly, but does not burn.

Perhaps you thought that barbecue coals must be something special. Here, just, no trick is needed - you can use coal, which is sold specifically for such purposes in supermarkets and hardware stores. But forget about the ignition fluid - otherwise the kebab can intercept the gasoline flavor. Can't light the coals? Collect dry twigs, chips, put on the coals. Pour with ordinary vegetable oil - it burns beautifully.

Fry kebab in a pan at home step by step recipe with photo

This recipe for barbecue is prepared very quickly. And although in taste it is inferior to a dish cooked with the right marinade and on the coals, a kebab in a pan will warm up your mood so that you finally get together and go out into the countryside with the whole family and cook a real kebab on the grill.

Ingredients for pan skewers:

  • Eight hundred grams of pork;
  • 160-200 g of onions;
  • juice of one orange or lemon;
  • salt, parsley, pepper.

Cut the meat into small pieces of 4 - 6 cm, pour over the lemon juice.

Put everything in a pan with heated lard, if there is none, just with sunflower oil.

Pepper, salt and fry over low heat until crispy.

It is advisable to cut the onion into rings and put it in such a way that the meat is completely covered.

Continue frying for another 5-10 minutes. After that, pour freshly prepared orange juice over the meat, let it all stand for a couple more minutes and then remove from heat.

Serve this wonderful kebab, sprinkled with parsley in advance, with orange or lemon slices.

Shish kebab in the oven on skewers video recipe

In the oven, the barbecue will turn out very similar to the barbecue. This recipe is very close to natural barbecue.

We eat barbecue at home or in nature

No need to eat pork skewers immediately from the coal or from the stove. He needs to stand up, mature. In the meantime, bring the best sauce. Store-bought ketchup for such a barbecue is a bad form. Better finely chop the tomatoes, add sweet Yalta onions, your favorite spices, herbs and salt to it - this is a great recipe! If it’s not yet the season for tomatoes, a can of homemade tomatoes will help you out in own juice. Beat them with a blender, adding seasonings.

Red wine is usually served with barbecue, but if a non-alcoholic party is planned, cranberry juice, kvass or homemade lemonade will be an excellent drink.

Spring! Departure time for nature and barbecue. This is great! Check out my recipes, you won't regret it. If you have your own, please share them in the comments. It will be nice to learn from the experience of experienced kebabs and try something new, another pork kebab.

Good luck and all the best!

Perhaps there are few people in the world who do not like barbecue. For Russians, this dish is a "business card" of a holiday spent in nature. For many compatriots, “going to barbecues” is associated with outdoor recreation with the family. In this article, we will give several recipes for marinating pork skewers, share proven recipes.

The most important secret of choice is that the meat should be fresh, even, elastic, without blood or mucus secretions. Its color on the cut is bright pink, the surface is slightly moistened, not sticky, and the juice is transparent. By pressing a piece with your finger, you should feel that the meat is dense, and the hole that is obtained when pressed disappears in a matter of seconds. In a stale product, the pit may not even out at all or disappear for a long time.

There are other selection rules.

  1. The carcass of a pig is good, because many of its parts make it tasty, soft and juicy dish, therefore it is better to choose it. You just need to learn how to marinate pork skewers.
  2. In a stale product, the layers of fat are matte and sticky, have a gray-yellow tint, mucus impurities are observed.
  3. The darker the pieces, the older the animal. It can be checked by tearing a thin piece with your hands: if the pig is young, this is easy to do.
  4. If you have a choice: to buy chilled or frozen pork, opt for the first option, the taste will be better.
  5. Frozen meat can be taken if it has not been refrozen. When touched, a dark spot will be visible on the pork, and re-frozen will not change its color. Fresh meat will not leave a wet mark when pressed; thawed meat will release juice.
  6. To cook pork skewers, take the neck - the soft part of the carcass on the neck along the ridge with evenly distributed streaks of fat. You can choose tenderloin, ribs, loin or a piece along the ridge (removing lard before cooking).
  7. The meat from the back of the carcass is not recommended for barbecue, it will be dry and tough.

It remains for you to find out how to marinate pork, in what dishes it is better to do it, and you can start cooking barbecue.

What's the best way to marinate meat?

By choosing the right container for marinating the kebab, you guarantee that its taste will not deteriorate, but useful properties will not decrease after cooking.

  1. It is better to choose dishes for marinating shish kebab from clay, glass, ceramics or enameled.
  2. Do not use a wooden container, because in the process of marinating, the wood releases tannins that change the taste of the dish.
  3. Aluminum, iron and cast iron pans are also not suitable due to the fact that the metal oxidizes the food, this can cause poisoning.
  4. A plastic container is also not suitable: meat can be saturated with harmful substances that plastic releases.
  5. For convenience, it is recommended to take a deep container.
  6. It is better to close the container so that the meat marinates better. You can take a pot with a lid so that pathogenic bacteria do not get inside.
  7. Lemon juice, orange juice, vinegar and wine contain acids, and therefore it is better to choose a chemically resistant container for pickling so that it does not oxidize.
  8. If the enamel pot is chipped or cracked, the product may have an unpleasant metallic taste.
  9. In a glass container you can see which pieces are marinated and which are not, you can mix the meat and make sure that the marinade covers it evenly.

It is important that the container is voluminous and convenient: before preparation, all components should be thoroughly mixed, for this a deep container is useful.

Popular marinade recipes

Want to learn how to quickly marinate pork skewers? We'll give you a few recipes to get you up and running in minutes.

With vinegar

A dish cooked according to this recipe will turn out tastier if you take good vinegar (preferably homemade).


  • one and a half kilograms of meat;
  • 4 tablespoons of 9% vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 3 large onions;
  • salt and pepper.

The meat should be cleaned of films, cut into medium-sized pieces and rub them with salt and pepper, mix thoroughly. Then you need to peel the onion from the husk, chop it into rings, pour it into a container with meat. Dilute vinegar with water, add sugar. Then you need to mix all the ingredients, put under pressure, cover with a lid, put on the top shelf of the refrigerator.

With lemon juice


  • 1.5 kg of meat;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 3 onions;
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg;
  • water.

Squeeze the juice from a lemon into a glass, add about 80 grams of water. Put a layer of meat in a container, salt, pepper and sprinkle nutmeg, add other favorite spices. Cut the onion into rings, sprinkle the meat with them, sprinkle with lemon juice. Put a layer of meat, again spices and onions, continue this several times until the product runs out. Close the container with a lid, refrigerate overnight.

Lemon juice can be replaced with orange, grapefruit, pomegranate, kiwi juice, diluted vinegar or dry white wine (Rkatsiteli or others). If the meat is tough, make the filling more acidic.

with mayonnaise


  • 1 kg of pork pulp;
  • 300 ml of mayonnaise;
  • 4 onion heads (large);
  • salt pepper.

Cut the meat into pieces, salt, pepper, mix and leave for 15 minutes. wait for it to soak. Pour over the mayonnaise, mixing thoroughly and greasing the pieces one by one. The amount of sauce should not cover the meat, it should just wrap around the pieces.

Peel the onion from the husk, chop it into rings. It is better to mix part of it with meat in a bowl, lay the second on top and press the lid, and then refrigerate.

With cream


  • 1.5 kg of meat;
  • 3 onions;
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • half a glass of cream (33% fat);
  • red and black ground pepper, coriander.

Peel the onion, wash it and cut into half rings. Peel the garlic, finely chop with a knife. Dilute the cream warm water(40 °C). Put the onion and garlic in a bowl, carefully crush with your hands, add salt, pepper, spices and diluted cream. Mix everything thoroughly (you can heat the marinade, but do not bring to a boil) and leave for half an hour. Put the chopped meat into the marinade.

Stir gently, cover, leave the meat in the marinade for 4 hours at room temperature. After that, you can fry the kebab in the oven, in a pan, on coals or in an electric kebab.


  • 2 kilograms of pork (neck part);
  • half a kilo of tomatoes;
  • kilogram of onion;
  • liter of tomato juice;
  • black and red pepper (ground), paprika, coriander, cumin, marjoram and basil;
  • a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • half a teaspoon of sugar;
  • salt.

Wash the meat, put it on a paper towel, dry it, cut into pieces 4 x 4 centimeters. Cut the tomatoes into rings. Peel the onion, wash it, chop one part coarsely into rings, chop the second part with a blender.

Add sugar, vinegar, spices to the onion gruel, pour in the tomato juice, mix. Put meat, tomatoes, onions, again meat, tomatoes, onions in a saucepan, pour marinade for barbecue, leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Salt the meat and immediately string on skewers with onions and tomatoes. If the tomato juice is salted, be careful with adding salt.

With mineral water


  • 3 kg pork (neck);
  • liter of mineral water;
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • 1 kilogram of onion;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Wash the meat, dry it, cut off the film, cut into pieces, transfer to a saucepan. Chop the onion for the marinade, mix it with the meat, salt and pepper. Pour everything mineral water so that the pieces of meat are completely covered with marinade, put the kebab in the refrigerator for 12-15 hours.

With wine


  • 1 kg of meat:
  • 300 milliliters of dry red wine;
  • 4 bulbs;
  • half a lemon;
  • 5 peas of black pepper;
  • Red pepper;
  • dill (half a bunch);
  • salt.

Defrost and wash the meat, after the water drains, cut out all the veins and fat. Cut it into pieces about 5 × 5 centimeters, slightly beat off. Peel 3 onions, cut them into rings. 1 more onion, cut as for frying. Remove the core with seeds from the red pepper, cut the flesh into large pieces. Cut the dill, pour half of the greens into a bowl in order to sprinkle the finished kebab with it.

Put the meat and finely chopped onion in a deep bowl, stir for 3-4 minutes until it is soaked. Pour in 50 ml of wine and juice of 1/2 lemon, mix everything again for 2-3 minutes. Place the pieces of meat in a saucepan, sprinkling each layer with dill, red pepper, adding black peppercorns and salt.

Pour a glass of wine over the meat, place onion rings on top. Tighten the neck of the container with cling film, put the meat in the refrigerator for 6 hours. Put the meat on the skewers, alternating it with onions and pieces of red pepper.

During frying, periodically sprinkle the meat with marinade.

With beer


  • 1 kilogram of pork pulp;
  • half a liter of beer;
  • salt and pepper.

Cut the meat into pieces and fill with beer, then marinate for about an hour. Drain the liquid, dry the pieces of meat. Add salt and pepper to your liking.

Little tricks in cooking pork skewers

  1. It is better not to buy ketchup or mayonnaise for cooking because of the many additives in them; when frying, such a marinade will lose its taste.
  2. Salt the kebab already ready, without adding salt to the marinade so that it does not become hard.
  3. Pine, spruce, maple and alder firewood is not suitable for frying, they will fill the meat with carcinogens. It is better to choose oak, birch or cherry. It is important to pay attention that there is no moisture on the wood, and do not use chemicals when igniting.
  4. When stringing meat on skewers, you should alternate it with onions, distributing the pork so that there are no hanging pieces.
  5. Drizzle the meat with wine, water, or marinade when grilling to keep it from drying out.
  6. It is better to fry the meat not over smoke or fire, but over coals, moving the skewers close to each other.


There are many variations of barbecue recipes, but a general trend can be distinguished: the marinade may contain lemon, orange, kiwi or pomegranate juice, or dairy products; onions, black, red pepper, basil, marjoram, garlic; olive or sunflower oil.

Meat cooked over smoldering coals is a self-sufficient dish. But I know how to make it better! I offer you as many as five almost perfect solutions on how to marinate pork skewers so that the meat is juicy, soft and fragrant. Why "almost"? Because usually the chef rarely manages to "snatch" a piece from the meat masterpiece he created with a delicate smoky aroma. While he is putting out the brazier, the shish kebab splendor has long been laid out on plates or even actively involved in the digestion process. But even here there is a wonderful way out - to entrust the preparation of juicy shish kebab to someone else. But be sure to write down the pork marinade recipes, they will come in handy repeatedly.

How to marinate pork skewers with onions and spices

The more onions, the juicier and tastier the pork kebab will be. I will tell you how to marinate meat in two ways - regular and quick. Both options are simple and win-win.


How to marinate barbecue in onions:

You probably already know how to choose meat for barbecue, but let me remind you again. To make the dish juicy and tender, it is better to choose moderately fatty pork - neck, shoulder blade or ham. The cut may be dry. But if you are going to grill it on the coals, just thread a small slice on skewers between pieces of meat lard. Before you marinate pork, wash it thoroughly and dry it from moisture with paper towels, for example. Cut into small pieces so that it is convenient to string them on skewers, and then eat. Go for double the size of a matchbox, but I usually cut a little smaller.

Prepare the marinade. The secret of this recipe is in large numbers beam. Don't be afraid to go overboard with this ingredient. If you plan to cook the dish in a day and a half, cut the onion into rings of medium thickness. Or half rings when the bulbs are large. But if you are going to a picnic in a few hours, it is better to grate the onion. The procedure, of course, is "tearful", but your sacrifices will not be in vain. One of my friends puts on a diving mask while rubbing onions so as not to cry. It's funny to watch such eccentricity. But, according to her, this is a 100 percent way to protect against vain female tears. I suggest you just be patient. Or use a blender to grind the onion. Transfer the onion rings or puree to a bowl.

Prepare the second part of the fragrant marinade. I had a ready-made spice mixture for barbecue. It includes black pepper, coriander, basil, thyme, sweet paprika, cumin. You do not have a ready-made bouquet of spices? Take about half a teaspoon of each of the listed aromatic herbs. Or you can use another seasoning of your choice. Add spices to vegetable oil. I used olive oil, but sunflower will also work. Don't add salt yet, it can make the dish tough.

Mix thoroughly.

Pour the aromatic oil into a bowl. Spread it with your hands over the ingredients. Cover with a lid or tighten with food grade polyethylene. And put it in a cold place. Marinating time for the express method is 2-3 hours. If you cut the onion into rings, keep the meat in the refrigerator for about a day. Or at least 10-12 hours.

Thread pork onto skewers, alternating with onion rings. If you cooked according to an express recipe, just brush the kebab on top with the rest of the marinade.

Cook over coals. Flip over from time to time. It is better to salt a ready-made kebab. Or you can sprinkle with salt during cooking (already fried side). To prevent the dish from burning, periodically sprinkle the pork pieces with the liquid remaining after marinating, clean water or beer. Check for readiness with a knife. If completely transparent juice, without blood admixture, stands out from the incision, the dish is ready.

Kiwi for a delicious tough meat kebab

This "magic" marinade makes even the toughest meat soft and juicy. It can be used to barbecue or roast pork, beef or lamb in the oven.

What products will be required:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • kiwi (small size) - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2-3 medium onions;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt - 1-1.5 tsp (taste);
  • a mixture of peppers (ground) - 1-2 tsp.

Detailed marinade recipe:

  1. Peel a few small onions. Wash thoroughly. And then cut into rings or half rings about 1-1.5 cm thick.
  2. Chop the peeled garlic into thin slices. If fresh is not available, replace it with dry seasoning. It will take about 1 tsp.
  3. Remove the skin from the kiwi with a knife. Wash. Grind into a pulp with a blender. Or just finely rub.
  4. Prepare the main ingredient. Wash it thoroughly. Remove veins and films (if any). Pat dry with paper towels. Cut into portions for grilling or skewers. Then place in a suitable glass or enamel deep bowl.
  5. Add chopped onion, garlic, kiwi puree to pork. Also add a little ground mixture of peppers or other spices to taste. Stir. Cover the bowl. Marinate meat in a cold place from 30-40 minutes (pork neck, tenderloin) to 2 hours (ham, shoulder) depending on its rigidity. This is an express pickling method. Pork should not be left in a mixture of kiwi and spices overnight or for a day. This is the case when the best is the enemy of the good. Overcooked pieces of meat will turn into gruel.
  6. Salt before cooking. Put the meat slices on skewers or grill the way you like. This is how I barbecued last weekend. The meat was juicy and appetizing. And even my husband ate such pork with pleasure, although he loves lamb more.

Beer based marinade

Just don't tell the men what you're going to marinate the kebab in. In 99 cases out of 100, the reaction of "beer club members" is easy to predict. They will never allow such a "barbaric" way to deal with their favorite drink. But most of them will easily come to terms with the fact that their beer norm has decreased by exactly 1 liter when they try the juicy and fragrant kebab prepared according to this recipe. The pork will be soft, melt in your mouth, and have a pleasant aftertaste.

What will we cook from:

  • boneless pork - 2 kg;
  • beer (light) - 1 l;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • seasonings for barbecue - 2 tsp;
  • salt - 2 tsp (taste).

Step-by-step instructions for cooking shish kebab in beer:

  1. Best of all in the "company" with this marinade will "feel" the neck, loin or ham. Wash the meat. Blot off excess moisture. Remove all films and hanging fat. And cut the pork pulp into slices suitable for the chosen cooking method. We will marinate in a deep container. Plastic (even food grade) is best left aside. Because it will be difficult to wash it later. I advise you to choose glass, ceramics or metal (necessarily with enamel). Place the pork pieces in a bowl.
  2. Top with beer.
  3. There, in a bowl, put a few bay leaves and a couple of teaspoons of spices. You can use ready-made seasoning. They usually include a ground mixture of peppers, coriander, basil, thyme, cumin, paprika. You can also add some garlic.
  4. Mix with your hands. Place a flat plate on top of the future barbecue. And put oppression on it. For example, three-liter jar with water. Send the pork to marinate in a cold place for 4-5 hours. And then start frying juicy and tasty meat. Don't forget to add salt as no salt was added to the marinade. By the way, you can cook a kebab marinated in this way both in a frying pan and in the oven. It turns out great!

How to marinate barbecue in mineral water

It is not clear whether the bubbles contained in the mineral water, or the very presence of water in the marinade makes the meat so soft and juicy. But the fact remains - pork kebab marinated in this way will always be incomparable and softest. It is better to marinate it in the evening, so that during the night the meat has time to infuse well and absorb water mixed with spices.

List of required products:

  • meat (pork) - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • coriander seeds (cilantro) - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp. (maybe more, to taste);
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • ground paprika - 1 tsp;
  • mineral water (highly carbonated) - 0.5 l.

How to cook pork skewers on a mineral water:

  1. Cut well-washed meat into fairly large pieces. But keep in mind, the larger the cut, the longer the kebab will be fried. Fold it into a spacious deep bowl or bucket.
  2. Clean the onion. And chop medium-thick rings, half rings or quarters of rings.
  3. Transfer to meat. Pour all dry spices there - coriander grains, paprika, black pepper. You can adjust their quantity to your liking. Also add salt immediately. Mineral water will not let the meat become tough, even if you salt it right away. Mix with your hands. I even advise you to mash the ingredients a little so that the juice stands out from the onion.
  4. Pour in mineral water. It should completely cover the meat. Any mineral left? Save it for drizzling pork while grilling. Well, for emergency extinguishing of coals, if they suddenly ignite. Cover container tightly. And send it to the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.
  5. cook barbecue traditional way, in the process pouring over the remnants of the marinade and mineral water.

Marinating pork for barbecue in wine

Wine gives the meat juiciness, softness, appetizing intense color, unique aroma and subtle tart taste. Such a barbecue is a temptation even for an avid vegetarian. It is better to marinate in wine the neck part of the carcass or ribs.

List of required:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • red wine (dry) - 250-300 ml;
  • onions - 4-6 pcs.;
  • ground mixture of peppers - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp (taste).


  1. Rinse the piece of meat under running water. Try to wash away all bone fragments and small debris. Remove films and veins. Cut the pork first into strips 5-6 cm wide. And then divide into rectangles. Place in a deep bowl.
  2. Peel and wash the onion. Divide in half. Grate one half. Or grind with a blender into gruel. And the rest - cut into thick rings.
  3. Add the chopped onion to the meat. Put salt and ground black pepper there. Stir to distribute the spices evenly over the pork pieces.
  4. Slowly pour in dry red wine. At the same time, massage the meat, as it were, so that the marinade is better absorbed into the fibers.
  5. After pouring all the liquid, put the onion rings on top. This onion is needed for frying barbecue. Therefore, it is important that it is not completely immersed in the marinade. Otherwise it will soften.
  6. Marinate at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Alternatively, keep the bowl in the kitchen for 60 minutes and then refrigerate for another 6-12 hours.
  7. Thread onto skewers, alternating meat with onions. Cook over coals. The dish turns out extremely juicy!

Happy barbecue season with smoke!

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