How to control your emotions and feelings. How to learn to restrain emotions - advice from a psychologist, practical recommendations

Emotions are what makes us human. But sometimes the manifestation of feelings is completely inappropriate, interferes with thinking sensibly and leads to mistakes. You cannot (and should not!) keep yourself from experiencing certain emotions. But it must be manifested and expressed in right time and in right place. Use your feelings constructively and don't let them ruin everything you've been working towards for so long.

Don't rock yourself

Adjust the degree of your emotions like the temperature on a thermostat. Not too hot, not too cold - just right to feel good. This applies to both good and bad emotions.

An overabundance of excitement can be inappropriate, as well as overly aggressive or depressive behavior.

People who know how to control their emotions try all the time to avoid disharmony in their state of mind.

Stop to reflect

Do you feel like you are "boiling"? This is a dangerous condition, and you need to put yourself in order as soon as possible. Instead of reacting to the situation immediately, think about what tools and solutions can be used. Cool down and reflect on what happened, regaining your focus and ability to analyze. Hasty decisions often bring a bitter feeling of regret. On the other hand, a short pause will help you focus on the most important and choose an effective and tactful way to solve the problem.

Avoid emotional overload

Emotional overload is a situation in which a certain feeling completely overwhelms you. This condition is accompanied by physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, increased breathing, trembling knees, sweating, and nausea. Do you feel something similar? This is a clear sign that you are emotionally overwhelmed. Instead of going with the flow and giving up, brace yourself! Process the information in parts, gradually coming to your senses. You can evaluate the result with a sober look.

Kate Ter Haar/

Practice deep breathing

The reaction of the body to emotional overload directly affects all the muscles of the body. You experience tension, after which you will definitely feel overwhelmed. To avoid such jumps, practice deep breathing. It will oxygenate your brain and help you relax. The technique is very simple: stop doing anything, close your eyes and inhale very slowly through your nose, counting five seconds. Hold your breath for another two seconds, and then exhale just as slowly through your mouth, counting to five again. Repeat at least 10 times.

Avoid emotional company

People are known to easily communicate their emotions to others. That is why you should avoid those who see only the negative in everything: you will borrow the same point of view without even noticing. The same applies to overly emotional people. If you want to control your feelings and be in harmony, you should distance yourself from those who can be called drama queens.

Think about the solution, not the problem

negative reaction to difficult situation- one of the most common problems associated with emotions. Feeling sad or angry as a reaction to changed circumstances is normal, but not rational.

You can not stop thinking about the problem, you need to use the time to think through a plan for the next action.

make a list possible solutions, be creative and . During work, emotions will fade into the background, you will emerge from the situation as a winner.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with any emotion, but some of them can cause problems if you do not control yourself. Luckily, there are a number of strategies and lifestyle changes you can use to deal with negative feelings effectively.


How to reset your mind and body

    Notice when emotions get out of hand. The first step is to notice that there is a problem. Pay attention to the physical and mental sensations in such a situation in order to further recognize the symptoms. Use mindfulness, consciousness and rational thinking to "catch" the moment. By itself, the ability to recognize an emotion will only create a link to the present moment.

    Start doing the opposite of what you are used to. Stop if you are reacting to a sharp emotion in a familiar way. Think about what happens if you try to do the opposite. How will the outcome change? If it becomes positive or productive, then opt for a new reaction.

    Remove yourself from the situation that generates negative emotions. Sometimes The best decision- just go away and hide from irritants. If the situation allows you to leave and not offend others, then it is better to do so.

    • For example, if you have been assigned to a work committee whose members are behaving loosely, such meetings may upset you. One way to solve the problem is to ask to be transferred to another committee.

How to communicate confidently and decisively

  1. Express your feelings clearly and confidently. Learn how to express your feelings decisively, in order to give an outlet and control your emotions, but at the same time change an undesirable situation. It's okay to express your opinion or deny others things that make you uncomfortable or don't have time for, as long as you're polite and direct.

    • For example, if a friend invites you to a party, you might say, “Thank you for remembering me! Alas, I do not like big companies, so this time I will refuse. Maybe we can go to a coffee shop together?” Let the feelings out so they don't sit inside and control you.
  2. Speak in the first person to express your thoughts without blaming others. This way of communication allows you to express emotions and not blame or humiliate anyone. Before you say something accusatory or judgmental, stop and reformulate the sentence into an ordinary observation or your own opinion.

    • For example, instead of saying: “You don’t care about me,” it’s better to say: “I was offended when you didn’t call me back, although you promised. What happened?
  3. Invite others to express their point of view. Every situation is different. Invite others to share their thoughts to better understand their point of view and have an equal dialogue. You need to actively listen to keep yourself in control, control your emotions, and be in a mental state that will help you intelligently use other people's ideas.

    • For example, when expressing your opinion, supplement it with the question: “What do you think?”
  4. Don't use subjective words like "should" and "should". Such statements blame others and can cause feelings of irritation and anger because the situation is not going the way you would like. If you say “should”, “should” or similar words and phrases, then stop and remember that we are all not perfect. Accept the imperfection of the world and the current situation.

    • For example, instead of thinking, “My partner should never hurt my feelings,” remind yourself that there is nothing personal about the situation. You both make mistakes from time to time.
    • If you are being too hard on yourself, show kindness and compassion. For example, if thoughts like: “I should have prepared better. I will fail the exam,” then change them to the following: “I did my best and prepared as best as I could. Either way, everything will be fine.”

How to soothe yourself with the usual course of action

  1. Exercise regularly to relax and let off steam. Do these physical exercise which include calming and repetitive activities (swim, walk, or run) to calm the mind and senses. You can also try yoga or Pilates to calm your thoughts with gentle stretching and breathing exercises.

    Engage different senses in new ways to calm the body. Learn to notice beauty and discreetly admire the world around you for the sake of daily self-care. Your focus on gratitude and physical sensations will help you quickly pull yourself together in moments of stress or irritation. Experiment with different methods:

    Use the soothing touch method. People need loving touch to feel happy. Positive touch releases oxytocin, a powerful hormone that improves mood, relieves stress, and enhances feelings of affection. Common types of soothing touch include:

    • Put your hand on your heart. Feel your heart beat, rise and fall rib cage, and heat radiates from the skin. Repeat to yourself pleasant words like: “I am worthy of love,” or: “I am a good person.”
    • Hug yourself. Cross your arms over your chest, place your palms on your shoulders and gently hug yourself. Repeat positive phrases like, “I love myself.”
    • Grab your face with your palms, as if you were a child or a loved one, and then start stroking your face with your fingers. Repeat to yourself kind words like, "I'm a wonderful and kind person."
  2. Practice meditation. Meditation is a great way to ease anxiety and depression and learn how to deal with stress. Regular mindfulness meditation helps control emotions. Sign up for a class, use online tutorials, or learn mindfulness meditation on your own at home.

Emotions and feelings are also energy. How to learn to control your emotions?

Everything is made up of one single energy. All labels, names, all this is invented by the mind for the convenience of life.

There is nothing but one single energy, which is only in different forms and manifestations. We can perceive it differently, feel it, but it is one. And nothing really exists but her.

Everything comes from it and returns to it. Or it goes out of itself and goes back into itself.

All things, objects, all living beings are all one energy. There were yogis on Earth who could eat nails. That is, simply put, it does not matter what is, because it is all one single energy. And they didn't see the difference between eating nails and eating bananas. It's simple different forms one energy.

It is difficult to understand and even more difficult to accept and realize.

The earth has met many such people who could do what they cannot a common person. It all seems strange, mysterious, stupid and implausible to us, but who knows how it really is.

This is beyond our minds, but does it mean that it is not so?

But it's not just about visible and tangible objects. This also applies to our feelings and emotions, thoughts. It is all one energy. Fear comes from the same energy as joy. But they just show up various forms understandable to us, our body, our body, our mind.

Can you imagine beautiful sexy woman or a man (depending on what gender you are) and after a while you will feel the reaction of your body. But there is no one around, you are alone. Why is this happening? Your thoughts have become the source of change in the body. You imagined, you thought, and you got a physical reaction in response. Everything is born in us.

Accordingly, we ourselves can control our emotions and reactions to them. But that's okay. Let's look further.

Let's continue with sexual energy. By itself, it is of little use to us. This is the desire of the opposite sex. But in it, as I have said more than once on the pages of the site, great power hidden. But how to make it so that you feel it for yourself.

One of the ways to transform it and transform it for possible use is the method of focusing on the energy of this feeling.

How to learn to control your emotions?

You don't need to do anything special for this. The energy of emotion itself will do everything.

Our task is simply to feel the emotion or feeling as energy in the body. And she transforms herself.

This applies not only to sexual energy. This also works with feelings of fear, despair, sadness, disappointment. This applies to all feelings and emotions. From the point of view of energy, all emotions are no different from each other.

Emotion can be felt inside your body.

Just like you could feel the energy of sexual arousal, you can just try to feel the energy of fear when you are very scared. Just stop and listen carefully to yourself. You will understand that this emotion is concentrated somewhere in one place of your body, it can be felt as something that is inside you.

This is not just something abstract, you will clearly feel it. It is right here and now right in this place.

It is the sensation, the perception of one's emotion as energy, that transforms and transforms it.

Our worries and worries do not arise out of the blue, but always have their own reasons for this. And they concern us the most. We think about the causes of fear, about who or who caused it. About the consequences. Thus, we drive ourselves even more into it. As I said, all emotions are born in us. We are their sources.

You need to discard unnecessary thoughts regarding stories associated with emotion. You just need to concentrate on the feeling itself, as in our example, fear.

Transformation practice. Meditation.

How to learn to control your emotions through meditation? The transformation is best done in the form .

Let's try.

Purpose of Meditation. Feel the emotion as energy, as created from it, direct your attention to it.

We do not think about how to transform energy or sublimate it when we are talking about sexual. We simply focus our attention on emotions as energy. And that's all. The transformation happens by itself.

For meditation, let's try to use the energy of fear. Although, of course, you can try to remember those moments in your life when you were very happy about something. Choose any emotion you want.

Remember that this is just energy. She has no characteristics, neither good nor bad.

I will now try to describe the process of meditation, you will understand how it is done and you can practice it without any problems.


Sit in meditation posture. It should be convenient and comfortable.

Draw in your mind a plot that probably happened in your life when you had to experience a strong fear. Maybe some event awaits you in the future, which you are very afraid of. Immerse yourself in this situation, immerse yourself in it. Create in your mind what you are very afraid of.

Then try to plunge into this place as deep as possible. To do this, pay attention to your clothes, shoes, their color. Pay attention to whether there is anyone else with you in this story, or if you are alone. Maybe you hear something there.

Now direct your attention to the feeling of fear and dive even deeper into the plot of your fantasy. Try to concentrate on fear, let it take over you. Be aware of it.

At the moment when the fear will be felt very clearly and strongly, discard all the details and memories. Drop everything but the emotion of fear itself. Try to feel exactly where, in what place of your body it is located. Find it and put all your attention there.

If you notice that you are distracted, then just calmly return to the fear again, to the place where it is located. Feel it as energy, just as energy that has gathered in this place. Do nothing, just watch her, let her change, move, do whatever she wants. Just watch this energy.

Don't be afraid of it, don't try to drive it out, don't resist it, don't hold on to it. It is very important.

Just be an observer. Watch the energy, where it goes, how its intensity changes. All attention is on energy. Continue meditating on this energy for at least 10 minutes.

When you decide to stop, then gradually, slowly, become aware of yourself, your body, your breath, inhale, exhale. Slowly bring your attention to your breath. Take a few slow breaths in and out and open your eyes.

How to learn to control your emotions - concentration on energy.

Perceiving emotion as energy, we learn to transform it. You will be able to feel it after practice, when fear for you will become just energy inside the body, nothing more. If you conduct such meditations regularly, then over time you will learn to switch quite easily from the emotion itself to its energy.

This helps a lot, for example, in moments of anger. Sometimes it is very important not to break loose and not say too much to a person. And here, if you can switch your attention to the energy itself, then the emotion will cease to control you, because it will cease to be energy for you. It will become just energy, neither bad nor good, but just the way it is.

And the energy, after some time of your attention on it, is transformed, sublimated into your inner energy.

  1. First of all, deal with the emotion, stand aside from it, it no longer controls you.
  2. Secondly, it makes you stronger, you seem to take this energy for yourself, transforming it.

Fear is terrible as long as it is "fear", as long as it is called that. As soon as you remove this screen from it and see it as energy, it ceases to be "fear" and transforms into something completely different.

With regular practice, it will become easier to control emotions. This can be done not only during meditation, but also in Everyday life when they caught the moment of turning on the emotion.


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- This integral part of human nature, they are what make us human, show that we have feelings.

Most importantly, they can determine how a person feels at the moment.

But not always an emotional expression is a plus. You need to be able to control your emotions and feelings. Let's find out how to do it.

Ability to control yourself

Why doesn't everyone have the ability to control their emotions?

Every person has emotions and feelings. They are of two types: positive and negative.

But it is not always necessary to express them vehemently and vividly, even positive ones, not to mention the second kind. Sometimes it's inappropriate, this can be bad for relationships, work, etc.

Therefore, it is important to learn to control yourself and manage your emotions. But as practice shows, this is not so easy to do.

Not everyone can brag impeccable self-control and full control over the situation. After all, we are all different and our reactions are also different. Not everyone can immediately pull themselves together and hide what they feel at the moment.

But you need to not only learn how to mask and restrain emotions, but also not to take it out on others.

To get results, you need to practice special technician ah, who will help even the one who, as they say, "it's written on the face".

Emotional regulation of behavior - what is it?

What is this concept in psychology?

Our emotions drive us to certain pattern of behavior.

Everyone has different emotions can manifest themselves in different ways, but the meaning remains the same.

This or that emotion will be similarly expressed in everyone. This is called a form of behavior.

Behavior regulation comes from emotions, but at the same time, it exists in opposition to those same emotions. All volitional acts are performed in spite of human emotions, all actions are done in spite of any feelings and sensations.

The lower the level of this self-regulation in a person, the more his emotions will take over him. I.e emotional regulation behavior is the ability to control oneself, no matter what.

How to learn to restrain your emotions and feelings?

To learn to control your emotions and feelings, you need to master certain techniques that with regular training will give a positive result.

Anger considered the strongest human emotion, it destroys everything in its path. Anger destroys a person not only from the inside, but can also harm relationships with others.

But you can control your emotions if you know how.

Methods and techniques for self-regulation of the state

We are all human and we all have emotions. But sometimes these emotions are much make life difficult for us.

You can't hold back your feelings all the time, the accumulation negative emotions fraught with bad consequences not only for health, but also for loved ones.

For example, if every time someone at work causes a continuous negative, it accumulates and one day the anger turns into real anger, which is not very good. Also, the person who is in constant voltage,can break out on loved ones.

So that negative emotions do not greatly affect life, you need to learn to see them, and then live them wisely and let them go so that they do not carry anything bad in your life and are not displayed on relationships and health.

You can’t “swallow” everything that makes you unhappy, that. Therefore, it is important to learn self-regulation.

This will help certain methods that are aimed directly at ensuring that a person learned to control my emotional condition.


Now there is a wide variety of lectures, trainings and seminars which are aimed at self-regulation of the emotional state.

Such events are usually carried out by people who have a positive experience in this matter. Different trainings may have different program It all depends on the person doing it.

But they have one common goal - teach the audience to independently control their emotions, to manage them correctly.

Usually the training begins with an introduction, it can be a small lecture, voicing the main questions that need to be answered. Then everyone gets to know each other, introduce themselves, can even talk about their problem and how it interferes with their lives.

It is filled with various games, which will help people practice in controlling their emotional state.

During practice, all participants can be divided into several teams, if conditions so require.

Emotion management techniques

Some people find it very difficult to contain their emotions or even manage them properly. But you have to do it because not everyone likes excessive emotionality.

Often, people who find it difficult to control their emotions have a difficult time in a team, especially for those whose work is closely related to society.

This activity requires a lot of emotional input. But feelings are not always positive, so it is advisable to keep the extra negative to yourself and not demonstrate it.

How to control yourself at the right time?

At the level of the body

At the level of consciousness

by the most in an efficient way is "pausing the conversation". If there are sensations of irritation, anger, anger, etc., then the best option it will be easy ask to postpone the conversation for a while.

Thus, you can buy time for yourself to think things over carefully and find the right words.

Application of imagination

Techniques that use the imagination:

Our imagination is considered pretty strong weapon in the fight against the control of emotions, it gives unlimited space:

External control

There are situations when feelings just go wild and it becomes difficult to contain them.

If there is a piece of paper at hand, then you can tear it into small pieces, squeeze or crumple, in general, do what calms you.

If it is not possible to do this manipulation, then you can draw some abstract drawings in a notebook, while trying to apply pressure on the pen / pencil as much as possible. Just try to do it as discreetly as possible for your interlocutor.

Maybe, you can be comforted by what you love. For example, you can drink your favorite drink, eat a snack or listen to music. In general, do what makes you a little bit, which always does.


During unpleasant situations, a person usually has “written on his face” his attitude to the circumstances.

It is known that emotional and the physical state connected with each other. Therefore, it is worth controlling both.

If it is difficult to control your emotional state, then this can be easily learned. A number of special techniques and exercises will help each person to be more restrained in their emotions or vice versa to show them more.

How to learn to control emotions and not succumb to provocations:

In everyday life between people, due to the difference in temperaments, conflict situations often occur. This is due, first of all, to the excessive emotionality of a person and the lack of self-control. emotions? How to "take over" your own feelings and thoughts during a conflict? Psychology provides answers to these questions.

What is self-control for?

Restraint and self-control is something that many people lack. This comes with time, constantly training and improving skills. Self-control helps to achieve a lot, and the least of this list is inner peace of mind. How to learn to control your emotions, and at the same time prevent intrapersonal conflict? Understand that it is necessary and find agreement with your own "I".

Control over emotions does not allow aggravation of the conflict situation, allows you to find completely opposite personalities. To a greater extent, self-control is necessary for building relationships with people, whether business partners or relatives, children, lovers.

The impact of negative emotions on life

Disruptions and scandals, in which negative energy is released, adversely affect not only the people around, but also the instigator himself. conflict situations. your negative emotions? Try to avoid conflicts and not succumb to provocations from other people.

Negative emotions destroy harmonious relationships in the family, hinder the normal development of personality and career growth. After all, few people want to cooperate / communicate / live with a person who does not control himself and, at every opportunity, starts a large-scale scandal. For example, if a woman cannot control herself and constantly finds fault with her man, which leads to serious quarrels, then soon he will leave her.

In raising children, it is also important to restrain yourself and not give vent to negative emotions. The child will feel every word spoken by the parent in the heat of anger, and subsequently remember this moment for the rest of his life. Psychology helps to understand how to learn to restrain emotions and prevent their manifestation in communication with children and loved ones.

Negative emotions also affect business and work activities. big influence. The team always consists of people of different temperaments, therefore self-control plays an important role here: negativity can spill out at any moment when a person is put under pressure, they are required to do overwhelming work. And instead of the usual dialogue, where the parties can reach a consensus, a scandal develops. How to learn to restrain emotions in the workplace? Do not respond to the provocations of employees, try to start a casual conversation, agree with the authorities in everything, even if the tasks set are difficult to accomplish.

Suppression of emotions

Constantly holding yourself back within certain limits and preventing the release of negativity is not a panacea. Suppressing accumulates negativity in itself, and therefore, the risk of developing psychological diseases increases. It is necessary to “splash out” the negative from time to time somewhere, but in such a way that the feelings of other people do not suffer. How to learn to restrain emotions, but without harm to inner world? Go in for sports, because during training a person spends all his internal resources, and the negative quickly disappears.

For the release of negative energy, wrestling, boxing, hand-to-hand combat. It is important here that a person mentally wants to give vent to his emotions, then he will feel relieved and he will not want to take it out on anyone. However, it should be borne in mind that everything should be in moderation, and overwork during training can provoke a new influx of negativity.

Two ways to keep your emotions in check:

  • Do you dislike a person so much that you are ready to destroy him? Do it, but, of course, not in the truest sense of the word. At the moment when you become uncomfortable from communicating with him, mentally do whatever you want with this person.
  • Draw a person you hate and write down on a piece of paper next to the image the problems that appeared in your life thanks to him. Burn the leaf and mentally put an end to your relationship with this person.


How to learn to restrain emotions? Psychology provides the answer to this question: to control your feelings and emotions, prevention is necessary, in other words, emotional hygiene. Like the human body, his soul also needs hygiene and disease prevention. To do this, you need to protect yourself from communicating with people who cause hostility, and also, if possible, avoid conflicts.

Prevention is the most gentle and optimal way to control emotions. It does not require additional training of a person and the intervention of a specialist. Preventive measures allow for long time protect yourself from negativity and nervous breakdowns.

The main thing that helps to get the best of your emotions - over own life. When a person is satisfied with everything in his home, work, relationships, and he understands that at any moment he can influence and adjust all this for himself, then it is easier for him to restrain the manifestation of negative emotions. There are a number of preventive rules that help manage your own feelings and thoughts. How to learn to control your emotions and manage yourself? Follow simple rules.

Unfinished business and debt

AT short time do all the planned things, do not leave the work unfinished - this can cause a delay in deadlines, while provoking negative emotions. Also, "tails" can be reproached, point out your incompetence.

AT financial terms try to avoid delays in payments and debts - this is exhausting and prevents you from reaching your goal. Understanding that you have not repaid a debt to someone causes negativity, helplessness in the face of the circumstances.

The absence of debts, both financial and otherwise, allows you to fully spend your own energy resources and forces, directing them to the realization of desires. A sense of duty, on the other hand, is a hindrance to mastering self-control and achieving success. How to learn to restrain emotions and control yourself? Eliminate debts in a timely manner.


Make yourself comfortable workplace, equip your home to your own taste. Both at work and at home, with your family, you should be comfortable - nothing should cause irritation or any other negative emotions.

Time planning

Try to competently make plans for the day, strive to ensure that you have a little more time and resources for the implementation of the tasks set than you need. This will avoid the negative associated with the constant lack of time and worries about the lack of finances, energy and strength for work.

Communication and workflow

Avoid contact with unpleasant people uselessly wasting your personal time. In particular, with individuals who are called " energy vampires"- they take not only time, but also your strength. If possible, try not to intersect with overly temperamental people, since any incorrect remark directed in their direction can provoke a scandal. How to restrain your emotions in relationships with other people? Be polite, do not exceed your authority, do not overreact to criticism.

If your job brings you nothing but negative emotions, then you should think about changing your place of work. Earning money to the detriment of your soul and feelings, sooner or later, will lead to a breakdown and disorder of peace of mind.

Border marking

Mentally create a list of things and actions that cause you negative emotions. Draw an invisible line, a line beyond which no one, even yourself, can cross. close person. Make a set of rules that restrict people from interacting with you. Those who truly love, appreciate and respect you will accept such demands, and those who oppose the settings should not be in your environment. To communicate with outsiders, develop a special system that will avoid violation of your boundaries and the formation of conflict situations.

Physical activity and introspection

Sports will bring not only physical health but also mental balance. Give sports from 30 minutes to 1 hour a day, and your body will quickly cope with negative emotions.

At the same time, analyze everything that happens to you during the day. Ask yourself questions about whether you did the right thing in this or that situation, whether you communicated with the right people, whether there was enough time to complete the work. This will help not only to understand yourself, but also in the future to eradicate communication with unnecessary people that cause negativity. own emotions, thoughts and goals allows you to fully develop self-control.

Positive emotions and prioritization

Develop the ability to switch from negative to positive emotions, try to see in any situation positive sides. How to learn to control emotions in relationships with relatives and strangers? Be positive, and this will help you defeat your own temper.

A well-chosen goal is a great help in achieving self-control. When you are on the verge of a surge of negative emotions, imagine that as soon as you stop being nervous and paying attention to provocations, your dreams will begin to come true. Choose only realistic, achievable goals.


Take a close look at the people around you. Is there any benefit in talking to them? Do they bring you happiness, warmth and kindness, do they make you happy? If not, then the answer is obvious, you urgently need to change your social circle, switch to individuals who carry positive emotions. Of course, it is unrealistic to do this in the workplace, but at least limit yourself from communicating with such people outside the working space.

In addition to changing the environment, expanding the circle of friends will help to achieve the development of self-control. This will give you new opportunities, knowledge and a positive charge for a long time.

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