Notes about a person. Traditional Russian folk omens

Knock on wood. The custom of knocking on wood is usually associated with the cross on which Christ was crucified. Many churches around the world keep pieces of wood believed to have once been part of a real cross. Touching any tree as a symbol of the cross was an obvious development of this custom.

Another interpretation, also religious, takes us back to the old days when the church gave shelter to the persecuted. As soon as they entered the holy limits and touched the wooden church door, they found themselves under the protection of the cross. No one would dare to arrest them there, as that would be tantamount to sacrilege.

There is another explanation, which is rooted in that distant past, when people lived in wooden huts. Those who were successful were afraid to mention it in order to evil spirits out of envy did not interfere with them. Therefore, talking about their luck, people banged loudly on the wooden walls to drown out the conversation and prevent the spiteful critics from overhearing it.

However, most likely the custom appeared in pagan times, when people deified trees. When lightning struck a tree, they believed that it had entered divine power. It was believed that the oak is the receptacle of the god of lightning and thunder. Touch the trunk and something amazing happens.

spilled salt

Since the dawn of civilization, salt has been an important part of the daily diet and has been considered sacred. Any sacrifice - according to the biblical rite or pagan tradition - was performed with salt. It had to be on every table, and eating without it was considered blasphemy. Salt is still used in baptisms in the Catholic Church.

The importance was also fixed in modern language: "To know a person, you need to eat a pood of salt with him."

AT Ancient Rome the salary of the soldiers was called sal - salt: instead of money, they received huge pieces of salt or special payments for her purchase. (Hence the English salary.)

Salt cleanses, so it has become a symbol of incorruptibility. The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras saw in it the emblem of justice, and therefore the salt on the table had to remind everyone sitting at the meal of this important virtue. An inverted salt shaker already then meant impending injustice.

Salt is an excellent preservative. This made her a symbol of long friendship as well as immortality. And until now, the Arabs put salt in front of the guest to demonstrate their good feelings to him. And in many countries, salt is placed in the coffin as a reminder of the immortality of the soul. To emphasize God's eternal union with man, the Bible speaks of "a covenant of everlasting salt."

In Scotland, distillers and brewers throw a handful of salt into the wort, believing that its purifying properties will scare away witches.

The combination of all these traditions and factors, preserved from the time of the Roman Empire to the present day, made the spilled salt a sign of impending bad luck.

Superstitious people, accidentally spilling salt, immediately throw a pinch with their right hand over their left shoulder to avoid trouble and, as they think, not be attacked by the devil. Say, he is cunning, acts from behind, from the back, and from the left side as weaker and more vulnerable.

Very often you can find an explanation, albeit a dubious one, that refers to the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci "The Last Supper". On the left side of the picture on the table near Judas, you can see an overturned salt shaker. The canvas depicts a scene described in the Bible, when Jesus, to the amazement of the apostles, announces to them that one of them will betray him. Their faces were frozen in sadness. But Judas, to look as innocent as the rest, raises left hand in a protesting gesture, clutching a purse with 30 pieces of silver with his right hand. This is where the salt comes in.

The fact that Jewish Easter immediately preceding the extradition of Jesus leads some to conclude that there is a direct connection between the spilled salt and the crucifixion of Christ. However, there is no mention of such a coincidence anywhere. Obviously, Leonardo da Vinci used a much more ancient prejudice to add more drama to the picture.

In addition, a common superstition regarding spilled salt has a sexual interpretation. Some psychoanalysts see salt as a symbol of the male seed. Spilling it means premature ejaculation. This interpretation emphasizes the desire of people to avoid the end of sexual intercourse too quickly.

Horseshoe for happiness. There are several explanations for why people believe that a horseshoe brings good luck. The most famous is the legend of Saint Dunstan. He was a skilled blacksmith and was famous for his ability to shoe horses well. One day, the devil himself appeared to him under the guise and asked him to shoe him, putting his foot forward with an undivided hoof. But Saint Dunstan recognized the evil one. He tied him tightly to the wall and began to treat his leg so roughly that the devil screamed and began to beg for mercy. However, Saint Dunstan did not release him until he promised never to enter a house where a horseshoe was nailed.

Another tradition is connected with the long-standing and widespread belief in witches, whose machinations people feared until the end of the Middle Ages. It was believed that their spells did not work on the street, but most believed that witches could cause harm in the house. People thought that witches were afraid of horses and therefore flew on broomsticks. And from this it followed that the horseshoe on the door of the house would protect those living in it: its mere sight would scare away the witch.

The horseshoe has always been considered a symbol of good luck. With its shape, it resembled a crescent moon, in which people saw a sign of future happiness. She predicted fertility and wealth in the house. The ancient Romans believed that the evil one could be chained, and they drove nails into the doors of their houses, believing that in this way they get rid of troubles and illnesses. The horseshoe cannot be fastened haphazardly. It must be hung upside down so as not to release luck.

Handshake. Suspicion and fear underlie this polite and rather harmless action. AT old times man was threatened by many dangers both from animals and from other people. Nobody could be trusted. Wanting to protect themselves, people began to arm themselves: first with clubs, later with swords.

Meeting a stranger aroused suspicion. Neither of the two knew of the intentions of the other. Four strategies of behavior were possible. Turn around and run away without waiting for the outcome of the meeting. Stay put and fight. Taking up arms, walk past each other. And finally, avoid combat. And even become friends.

And for this to happen, those who met had to be convinced of the peaceful intentions of each other: they took off their weapons or removed their hands from it and showed empty palms. Moreover, so that no one could grab the sword, they shook hands with each other. Thus, the custom of shaking hands did not come from a way to express sympathy, but from distrust. Hence the tradition of doing it with the right: this is how the hand that usually held the weapon turned out to be occupied.

The dog howls. To a fire or a dead man, or to his death. To the fire - howls up the muzzle. To the deceased - face down, to his death - sitting or lying down.

Scapegoat . Throughout history, the goat has been a symbol of stupidity and sin. Today, unlike the people of the Middle Ages, we do not represent the devil in the guise of a goat, but we can reproach someone for behaving inappropriately (“like a goat”). Those who are punished for the sins of others are usually called scapegoats. This is not a metaphor, but a memory of a sacred ancient custom.

According to the Law of Moses, on the Holy Day of Atonement for all Jews, two goats had to be brought into the tabernacle in order to determine by lot which of them would be sacrificed immediately, and which one would have to be released so that he would take away all human sins. So ancient ritual preserved in everyday speech.

Signs foreshadowing death

In the house, someone can die if a bird flies there. It is commonly believed among the people that the souls of the dead are embodied in birds, hence the belief: the soul of a relative flew in to warn that misfortune would soon occur in the house.

If a dying man shudders for no reason, it means that he will soon die: death looked into his eyes.

The palm itches. According to superstitions, on that day - to count money. If the right one is to receive, and the left one is to give.

Khaki. The word "khaki" comes from the Hindi language and it means "dust". British officers first wore uniforms of this color during the uprising in India (1857-1859) and were nicknamed the "dusty squadron".

To protect themselves from the fire of well-aimed Indian snipers, the soldiers covered their white uniforms with curry powder, mud or dust. However, it soon became clear that such a disguise does not last long, does not protect either from the sun or rain, and even spoils clothes. So it became necessary to change the army into khaki uniforms.

In 1883, a representative of a weaving company in Manchester, Mr. Liman, came to India. He met with Colonel Kinlock, who told him that the army needed clothes made from khaki fabric.

Upon their return to England, Liman and the Lancashire dyer F. A. Gatty began experiments in the home kitchen, which served as their laboratory. They boiled the cloth in Mrs. Lyman's pots, but it was of little use. The color turned out to be the right one, but it instantly faded in the sun.

Everything was decided by chance. One day Mrs. Liman was cooking dinner, and all the cooking utensils were taken. Without waiting for one of the pans to empty, the men began to boil the cloth in an old rusty vessel. And the chromium oxide, which they used as a dye, was fixed on the fabric with iron oxide.

Since then, khaki has come into use. Two friends founded the firm "F. A. Getty and Co. ”, which for half a century exclusively supplied khaki fabric to the British army. Now it was used not only in India, but also in all other parts of the empire where English soldiers to restore order and maintain peace. But only during the Anglo-Boer War in 1899-1902, khaki became the color of the uniforms of all armies.


The puzzle was born not as a game, but as tutorial by geography. The map was glued to a board, which was then sawn into irregular pieces using a jigsaw. Gathering them together, the students cheerfully, effortlessly comprehended science.

And the puzzle first appeared on the market under the name "Sawn Map". Later, such a map was no longer used in training, but enterprising people picked up the idea and began to produce paintings sawn into pieces.

And the very first puzzle was released in 1760. It was hand-coloured and called "Map of England and Wales Divided into Counties". Its author was John Spilsbury, who lived on London's Drury Lane, and his firm was called Cartographers and Woodcutters.

Question mark

This sign has interesting story. In Latin interrogative sentence in the text ended with the word questio, which meant "question".

It is not known who, perhaps out of economy, shortened the word to two letters qo. To prevent them from being considered part of the previous word, the letter q was placed higher, and the letter o lower. Over time, one of them turned into a well-known sign, and the other decreased to a point.

" All is in God's hands"

When people are convinced that they have done everything in their power and the future does not depend on them, they say: "Everything is in the hands of God" (or "Everything is in the hands of the gods"). The mention of the gods plural indicates the pagan origin of the expression, and therefore it is not surprising that it is already found in the Iliad and Odyssey by Homer.

AT Ancient Greece there was a custom according to which people, making wishes, wrote them on wax tablets and put them in the hands of statues of the gods in order to draw attention to their petitions.

Baby carriage

The modern stroller was created by Charles Burton in 1848 in New York. His invention did not become popular mainly because it hit too many pedestrians along the way. Burton nevertheless decided to lead his offspring to success. He went to England and built a factory there. The change of location brought good luck. Sane English mothers quickly appreciated the new vehicle, and when Queen Victoria (and later Queen Isabella of Spain and the Egyptian Pasha) ordered it for her family, the stroller became fashionable. Its first name is curious - perambulator, literally translated from Latin - “passing through”.

Bride to the left of the groom

The wedding ritual is subject to certain traditions, and therefore its participants carefully study and repeatedly rehearse them.

During the ceremony, the bride stands to the left of the groom. Walking to the registration book, the groom takes the bride's hand in his left hand and follows the priest to the table. Leaving the church, the bride also goes to the left of the groom.

In general, during any ceremony, the groom offers his left hand to the bride, and this is not just due to the senseless requirements of etiquette. He does this not because it is supposed to, but with a certain intent. The groom places the bride on the left so that his right hand, in which he could hold the sword, remains free, and he would be able to protect the girl (and himself) from the attack of a jealous rival or an angry parent from whom he kidnapped her.

Food sticks

The Chinese are very attentive to the process of cooking. She must keep impeccable taste to be soft and fresh.

They say that Confucius divorced his wife because she did not live up to his hopes as a cook. He required that each dish be served with the appropriate sauce, cut into equal squares, and have a different color. And even rice seemed not white enough to him, and minced meat was not soft enough.

The Chinese are very particular about how they eat. Cooking is only allowed in the kitchen. And the food served must be completely ready to eat. Cutting anything on the table is not only ugly, it's barbaric. “We sit at the table to eat, not to cut” is an oft-quoted Chinese proverb. It is the responsibility of the cook to serve dishes pre-cut into convenient pieces.

To put them in the mouth, the Chinese use chopsticks, and very dexterously and quickly. Made from animal bones, elephant tusk or wood, sticks can also serve as a special sign system between guest and host. If someone wants to get up from the table, he puts them across the plate.

They say that at first the Chinese still had cutlery in everyday life. However, the emperors, who feared attempts on their lives, forbade their subjects to use any metal objects during the meal. Knives and forks were just such things. And since the Chinese do not like to eat with their hands, chopsticks were invented.

Why do men and women fasten on different sides?

The first clothes simply hung on the shoulders, then they began to fasten them with hooks, and later with buttons. They appeared on clothes in the 13th century and served both for their intended purpose and as decoration.

AT men's clothing buttons played an important role, because the codpieces of men's pantaloons were fastened on them during the time of King Charles I.

It would probably be logical that men and women, wearing different clothes, still fasten it in the same way. However, it is known that this is not the case. Men button everything they wear, from pajamas to jackets, to the right side, while women do the opposite. Cynics argue that it happened because women are stubborn and love to contradict, but that's not the point. And the fact that most people are right-handed.

Men, as a rule, dress themselves, and women, especially noble ladies, with the help of a maid. This is an outdated but practical consideration and led to a difference in the method of fastening.

For a woman, her method is convenient, since it is more convenient for a maid standing facing her mistress and fastening her dress with her right hand. A woman usually holds a child on her left hand when it becomes necessary to feed in a public place - and this is not unusual - it is more convenient for her to give him her left breast. Sheltering the child from the weather, the woman hides him under the right hollow clothes. That's why women's clothing fastens from right to left.

Another explanation is also possible. In the Middle Ages, men had to be in constant readiness to fight. To quickly draw their sword, they held right hand in warmth - behind the bosom, so their clothes were fastened from left to right.

None of these reasons matter today. However, to this day, men and women fasten differently, because habits live long.

Folk omens

The brick fell out of the oven - not good.

If his own pin was found - a friend remembered.

If the dishes remain untidy on the table, then the devil or other evil spirits will settle in the house.

If you step on the place where the bucket stood, then sores will go through the body.

If the keys are left on the table - to a quarrel.

The dog clings to the owner - unfortunately.

When the dog crosses the road, there is no trouble, but great success will not.

If you prick your finger with a needle, hear praise.

Stepping over a broom is hard to give birth to children.

The rooster shakes its head - to the trouble in the house.

If chickens fly off the perch, then be in trouble.

If the roosters in the village do not crow in time - to the dead. A swallow, a raven, a cuckoo can also bring bad news to the house, but a dove, on the contrary, only good news. No wonder they say: "Doves are God's favorite creatures."

An owl near the house screams - to the newborn.

Mice will gnaw through clothes - to death.

If you kill a swallow, you will be unhappy.

If the frog gets hooked, then the catch will not be seen.

If you accidentally eat a spider, the disease cannot be avoided.

A cat reaches for a person - for renewal.


Signs associated with the human body:

Scratch your elbow - sleep in a new place.

The mustache itches - before the gift.

Head itches - scolding to hear.

The right palm itches for profit, the left - for loss.

The neck itches for a feast.

The nose itches for news, wine, christenings.

The eyebrow itches for a date, tears.

The left eye itches to tears, the right one looks at the cute one.

Cheeks burn to tears.

Lips itch for kisses.

Hurt your leg - hurry up.

The soles itch towards the road.

Bite your tongue - to a quarrel.

House-related notes:

You should not give and accept knives as a gift - this is enmity.

It is impossible to wipe the table with paper - this leads to quarrels and losses.

Also, you can’t knock with keys and put them on the table - this leads to conflicts.

Do not put an open umbrella in the bedroom or living room - this can be the cause of shed tears.

To avoid a quarrel at a party, cross the threshold with your right foot.

They do not sweep the floor when a person dear to you has left, so as not to cover his way to your house.

Do not play with a knife - a quarrel may arise.

Don't cut after sunset new bread, as this can lead to quarrels and lack of money.

The salt shaker should not be passed from hand to hand. You need to put it on the table.

If you have to pass a needle to someone, you need to lightly (jokingly) prick this person. This is done so that there is no enmity with him.

So that two brothers do not quarrel, one magnet is sewn into their clothes.

If someone is called by the name of the person who left, then this person will be angry when he arrives.

Item-related notes:

The brick fell out of the oven - not good.

If the pin was found, the friend remembered.

If the dishes remain untidy on the table, then the devil or other evil spirits will settle in the house.

Salt spill - quarrel, to avoid this, you need to laugh or hit yourself on the forehead.

Wipe your hands with a tablecloth - there will be burrs.

If you step on the place where the bucket stood, then sores will go through the body.

If the keys are left on the table - to a quarrel.

A girl pricks her finger with a needle - she will hear praise.

Stepping over a broom is hard to give birth to children.

Notes on the weather

Faithful weather forecasters, especially for the forecast for the near future, are plants and animals.
Cats are probably the most sensitive to weather changes.

Signs in the cold:
A cat in the stove - a cold in the yard; a cat in a ball - in the cold. And expect frost if the cat covers its muzzle with its paw during sleep.

Notes for warming:
The cat lies on the floor, fast asleep; lies in the middle of the room, tail thrown back; lies belly up; sits on the windowsill and looks out the window.

And if a cat scratches the floor, then there will be a blizzard. Some similarities can be found in the behavior of dogs. Curled up and lie in a ball - in the cold; stretched, spreading their legs - for warmth; ride in the snow - for a thaw and for a snowstorm. To a snowstorm, if the dogs chase each other and play in the snow.

People's observation did not bypass other domestic animals:
If, in good weather in winter, cows and sheep from the fence themselves go to the barn, expect a snowstorm.
Calves in a warm room played out - there will be a blizzard.
If in the evening when milking a cow, the nipples are warm, it will not be warm, and if they are cold, it will be frosty.
AT winter time goats tapping their feet, flapping their ears and sneezing - towards the snow.
Piglets squeal - to the frost.
Before frost and a snowstorm, adult pigs squeal, and even straw with various garbage in the mouth they carry, apparently, to protect themselves from the coming cold.

Signs in the Sun:
If at sunset the sky is light azure, golden, light pink, or a predominance of a greenish tint is noticeable, the weather should be good, even if the sun is covered with clouds.
The red disk of the sun sets in a cloud or fog - to rain or wind, in the mist - to drought.
After sunset, the sky in the west turned purple-red - to a strong wind and rain.
If the sun rises from the reddened clouds around it - to rain, in fog - to clear, calm and stuffy weather.
If the sun rises from the reddened clouds around it - to rain, in fog - to clear, calm and stuffy weather, with a clear sky and seems smaller than usual, and its rays are very bright - to drought.
If at sunrise the sky turns red - to rain in one or two days, it turns into all colors - to rain on the same day.
Morning sun red color - the weather will change for the worse, rain and wind are possible.
At sunrise it is stuffy (soars) - to rain on the same day.
The sun is covered by clouds in the morning - it will rain.

Notes on the Moon:
If the moon seems larger than its usual size and it is reddish in color, it will rain.
During the full moon, the moon is light and pure in color - the weather will be good, dark and pale - to rain.

Signs on the Stars:
The stars seem very shiny - to be hot, twinkle a lot and look smaller than usual - to rain.
Starry sky - to clear weather, rare stars- to the rain.
The stars in the fog - to the rain, the stars are falling - to the wind.
If the stars twinkle strongly, and in the morning there are clouds - there will be a thunderstorm at noon.
Strong twinkling of stars at dawn - to rain in the coming days.

Signs on the Wind:
Strong northern or northwest winds- to cold, inclement weather.
Wet wind - to prolonged bad weather, gusty and stripes - to calm weather.
If the wind increases towards night, the weather will worsen.
Strong wind in the rain - to good weather.
The wind blew from the north - to be a clear and cold day.
If at noon good weather the wind intensifies, and white clouds appear in the sky, similar to cotton wool, and in the evening they disappear and the wind weakens, then this is for good weather the next day.

Rain tips:
Light rain in the morning - to a good year, if bubbles form from raindrops on the water - to be protracted by bad weather.

Signs on Rosa:
Abundant evening and morning dews for good weather, and the more abundant they are, the more sultry the coming day will be. But if dew does not appear, it dries quickly - the weather will worsen.

Fog notes:
If the fog spreads along the ground or quickly dissipates in the rays of the sun, be stable, good and even sultry weather, and if it rises in the form of a column - to rain.

Signs on Thunder:
Deaf thunder - to a quiet rain, and rolling - to a downpour.
Long peals of thunder - to a protracted bad weather.
If lightning flashes after rain without thunder, the weather will be clear.

Notes on the Rainbow:
If a rainbow appears in the morning before noon - be rain; in the evening - good weather.
If the rainbow soon disappears after the rain - to clear weather, it stays for a long time - to bad weather.
If rainbows appear during rain, it will rain for several days.

People's clairvoyance has not bypassed household signs on the weather. Here are some of them for the rain:
Wooden covers, plugs, window frames, doors open tightly; dew falls on the glass in double frames, the windows seem to weep; bubbles appear on the surface in a bowl of water, the same bubbles are visible on any water surface.

Now let's turn our attention to the behavior of animals. Domestic animals usually eat grass greedily before rain (even cats and dogs) and drink little, the horse shakes its head and throws it up; the cows raise their muzzles up, greedily inhaling the air as well, the cattle run away from the yard to shelters; the dog intensively digs the ground, climbs into the water; the cat shakes its muzzle, go ahead.

And here is how the birds behave before the rain: chickens bathe in the sand, flap their wings; a rooster crows for no reason in the middle of the day, a domestic goose splashes in the water and dives; loudly, often anxiously screaming, gathering in flocks, rooks, crows, jackdaws, seagulls. Well, the fishermen are well aware that before the rain, the fish jumps out of the water, does not bite; earthworms crawl on the surface of the soil; mosquitoes and midges bite more strongly.

But it will take the behavior of smaller animals to improve the weather: the cat washes, licks its paw; the horse snorts; the rooster sings at the beginning of the day in rainy weather; birds in bad weather suddenly begin to chirp; seagulls land on the water and swim.

Signs: Not good

Place the bread with the top crust down.

· Cut the bread at once from both ends.

Take the last piece from the plate. But if you are offered to take the last piece, grab it immediately - this will bring happiness in love or material profit.

Spilling salt - to trouble. But if you are going on some important business, a pinch of salt in your left pocket will save you from trouble or disappointment.

Passing the salt shaker across the table means passing your troubles to someone.

Do not do this and never accept a salt shaker from others, even if it is handed to you without malice, unknowingly accept.

· When eating, one should not give a piece to another person to finish eating, as he will eat all his strength from the first. You can’t also let them finish drinking after themselves, so that they don’t recognize your thoughts.

· To prick bread with a knife or fork - forever deprive yourself of happiness.

If the child brought food to the house from strangers, under any pretext, make him take it out of the house and throw it away - the food can be charmed.
· A bad sign is a wooden chair accidentally overturned, especially if it happened in a hospital.

· If someone has moved a chair for you, in no case, after sitting and getting up from it, do not put it back in its original place. Away, this means that you will no longer be in this house.

If you have accidentally dropped a comb on the floor, do not rush to pick it up, let someone else do it, or, before picking it up, step on it with your left foot and spit three times over your left shoulder. Almost the same thing should be done with dropped gloves, but if someone else picks up and hands you a dropped glove, this is a sure sign that a pleasant surprise awaits you.

· If you forgot gloves in someone's house, and then returned to pick them up, then do not take them through the threshold, but enter the house, even if you are in a hurry, sit down and put them on your hands. Only after that you can leave - otherwise you will be in trouble.

Giving gloves - to a quarrel, but if out of ignorance this happened, then a little money should be given for the gift.

Humming on an empty stomach is a bad omen, you will have to cry in the evening. It is strictly forbidden to hum while playing cards or preparing flour dishes (pie, pancakes, etc.).

· To always have money in your pocket, put a bent coin or a coin with a hole in it. But she will help as long as, when you receive new money, you do not forget to spit on them.

Whistling in many cases brings misfortune. You can not whistle in the mine - a collapse may occur; on a ship - a whistle scares off a fair wind; behind the scenes of the theater - the audience will boo.

Gathering at a table in the amount of 13 people is a very bad omen. If this happened, in order to avoid misfortune, you need to set up an extra device and not leave it empty, but fill it with the same as the guests' plates.

A bad sign is to follow the guest with your eyes until he is completely out of sight. A person can turn around, after which he will be very homesick and loved ones.

· An old sign says that when passing over the bridge, it is better not to talk to anyone, even with your companion.

In order to protect yourself from bad omens, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder: after a quarrel or an unpleasant incident; before embarking on a dangerous and risky business, and especially when you feel that someone has looked at you with an unkind look.

Protects from bad omens and knocking on wood. A real tree in our time may not be at hand, so carry at least a small piece of tree bark in your pocket.

· To protect yourself from the evil eye, mentally place a mirror between you and this person facing him or, looking in his direction, say in a whisper: "I wish you the same."

The easiest way to protect against the evil eye - a safety pin is possible bigger size pin it closer to the heart, but so that it is not visible to others. The head of the pin should be pointing down.

If you feel that the person walking behind wants to jinx you or spoil you, turn your head sharply towards him, take your right hand back in his direction and make a goat sign with your fingers: middle, nameless and thumb squeezed together and the rest stretched out. In this case, the hand is directed to the ground.

· According to folk beliefs, if water is drained through a sieve three times, it helps against spoilage and many diseases.

Red thread bandages on the left hand protect from the evil eye and relieve joint pain. The power of the red color is also transferred to plants with red berries - viburnum and mountain ash. The mountain ash is believed to ward off witches.

To protect against the influence evil person, hang a branch of St. John's wort at the entrance to the house - it will save a person from bad thoughts. In case of family damage by a burning branch of St. John's wort, it is necessary to baptize the corners in the house within ten days. You can stick a kitchen knife into the window frame or into the door in the most visible place. Ordinary person will not notice this, and a person with bad thoughts will fly out as if scalded.

· When a person leaves the house for the first time after a serious illness, he should walk around the house in the course of the sun. If you do not do this, the disease will definitely return.

· The easiest way to protect against the evil eye or damage is to cross your arms or legs in a conversation with a person from whom you can expect trouble.

· Tie two rowan sticks with a red thread crosswise and hang this cross between the lining and the top of your outerwear. No sorcerer and no witch can hurt.

Boy or girl? Signs of determining the future sex of the child.

Determining the future sex of a child is a topic that has always interested future parents. After all, you need to prepare for the emergence of a new person and it is easier to do this, knowing who will be born: a boy or a girl. At least in order to come up with a name for this new person.

Of course, now there is modern medical equipment that makes it possible to determine the sex of the unborn child with almost 100% certainty, but there are cases when the position of the fetus in the womb is such that even ultrasound does not allow determining the sex of the child. In addition, many parents refuse ultrasound, and many simply do not have such an opportunity.

Here, signs come to the rescue, allowing you to find out the sex of the unborn child even before birth. Naturally, such signs often do not have any scientific justification, but for inexplicable reasons, they come true.

Some signs for the birth of a child
If the tummy is sharp and protruding - then this is a tummy with a boy, round and wide - inside a girl.
Leg hair grows more during pregnancy - there will be a boy. If hair is not added - a girl.
If the father and mother, at the time of conception, are already married or married, then a girl will be born, and if not, then a boy. The boy, as it were, will replace his father and become a man in the house.
If a woman loves more in a couple, a girl will be born. Instead, it's a boy.
If, before conception, the spouses often live sexually, then a girl will be born, and if with a break of several days, then a boy.
If a man wears tight underwear, then a boy will be born, if free - a girl.
If conception occurred on the day of ovulation, a boy will be born. If a couple of days before - a girl.
Future mom sleeps with his head closer to the north - a boy will be born, to the south - a girl.
The mother's feet became colder than they were before pregnancy - there will be a boy.
Expectant mother gets prettier during pregnancy - expect a boy. Appearance began to deteriorate - wait for the girl. Sometimes this sign mentions only the woman's face or chest. It is said that girls "steal" their mother's beauty. Dont be upset! Pregnancy is temporary.
A needle on a thread describes circles above the stomach - a boy will be born. If it sways from side to side, it's a girl.
If you are drawn to sweets, fruits - this means that you have a girl. If for salty or sour, as well as for meat and cheese - a boy.
A slightly swollen nose indicates a boy.

These are the most common signs of determining the sex of a child.

Remember: the very birth of a child is already a big joy and perhaps the most significant event in your life. And what gender he is - this is secondary. The main thing is to be healthy.

Last sign (especially for men):

Fathers often want a boy, but then love a girl more. She reminds her father of her mother and his wife in her youth. Naturally, the sign also applies to mothers expecting girls.

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Nothing happens by accident in a person's life. Any incident, meeting, new impression can be regarded as a sign of fate. Signs are called to interpret these signs - a unique worldly wisdom, transmitted as a pearl of folk knowledge. Therefore, interest in them does not subside, but only increases with time. We cannot explain everything even with the supermind, and therefore we turn to the Higher powers for help. One of these most common is "stumble on right leg". What does it mean, and what can be expected in the near future?

History of signs

Popular beliefs say that a person, as a weak being, consists of two parts: bad and good. To bad side, or as it is also called half of the impure forces, are attributed left side. The good one is the right side.

Everything that is connected with the right side is the territory of the Guardian Angel, with the left - the dark spirit. Therefore, if a person stumbles with his right foot, then this means a warning and a warning about something bad.

Interpretation of birthday signs

If the number of your birthday is even and you stumbled on the right foot of an even number, then great luck and success in business await. On the contrary - expect problems and troubles.

To stumble on the birthday itself means that he remembers you close person, which in this moment wants to be with you.

Interpretation by days of the week

The superstition "stumble on the right foot" has several more meanings, if you interpret it depending on the days of the week. Much depends on what day this unpleasant incident happened:

  • On Monday. Unpleasant guests with bad news await.
  • On Tuesday. Little waste for nothing.
  • On Wednesday. Be careful while driving.
  • On Thursday. They are trying to deceive you. Care must be taken in financial matters. Do not trust unverified and unfamiliar people.
  • On Friday. A man with personal problems will come to your house. Only you can help him.
  • On Saturday. Illness of close relatives.
  • On Sunday. In the near future, a big trouble awaits you.

In some cases, a person not only stumbles, but also falls. What will the omen mean then?

  • Stumble and fall on the right half of the body - soon you will find yourself in an uncomfortable and unpleasant situation. Friends or family will help you.
  • Did the right leg fail, and fell and hit the left side? Changes are coming that will surprise you.

In any case, luck has left you for a while.

Where can you trip?

Attention can also be attracted by the very place where this incident took place. unpleasant situation. If the place is sacred, then it will affect the person himself and his fate. What can it symbolize?

  • Stumble in church. The sign says that a person has many sins, and they burden him. In another interpretation, this case means that there is a witch in the room.
  • At the wedding - to a long and happy marriage.
  • At the funeral - to trouble.
  • Leaving someone else's house - soon to return there again.
  • At a holiday or a feast - they say bad things about you behind your eyes, spread gossip.
  • Did your right leg fail when you got out of the car? There is a difficult road ahead and many obstacles.

It is not necessary to pay special attention to the moment of stumbling in several cases. If your foot accidentally gets caught on something, such as a bump in the road or an object, or uncomfortable shoes let you down.

In an awkward situation of a collision with a person or a painful cramp, the sign "stumble on the right foot" will not work.

What do psychologists and doctors say?

The stumbling itself is a signal that the brain is tired and needs rest. Trouble can also occur when a person thinks about something. Therefore, science is skeptical about such signs.

The very sign "stumble on the left or right foot" will work if this happened for no specific reason. Then we can talk about intervention Higher powers, warnings and upcoming troubles. But you can also try to get around them. To prevent bad things, you can look in the mirror or spit over your left shoulder. There is nothing to be afraid of, but you should be careful.

Beliefs and superstitions can predict the weather, good and bad events, harvest or wedding. Russians folk omens formed over many centuries, they keep the wisdom of our ancestors. A black cat, thirteen people at the same table, a cricket flying around the hut ... Slavic beliefs replaced the weather forecast, stock analytics, and news reports.

Do you want to learn how to understand Russian folk signs and put them into practice? In this article you will find ancient beliefs that have existed in Rus' for many centuries and have been carefully preserved to our times.

Household beliefs

Home and life - that's what was the basis of life common man(to be honest, it still is). Of course, tsars, princes and boyars could afford to enjoy overseas trips and other imaginable and unimaginable entertainments. Most of the population of Rus' rarely left the borders of their native county. Therefore, many Russian folk omens are associated with home and life. Judge for yourself:

  • After dinner, they forgot a spoon on the table - expect guests
  • To sauerkraut not lost - put an aspen twig in it
  • Do not swear and do not gossip in the house - the flowers will wither
  • After sunset, do not borrow money, so as not to fall into poverty
  • Elbow scratching - sleep in a new place
  • In one hut they don’t sweep with different brooms (wealth will “disperse”)
  • The right palm itches - to profit, the left - to a loss
  • Put on clothes inside out - either to drink or be beaten

As you can see, our ancestors noticed signs of fate even in the most trivial, at first glance, things. Centuries have passed, but many folk beliefs remain relevant to this day.

"Bad" (bad) omens

Probably the most large group can be considered "bad" Russian signs warning of a possible misfortune. How can one not recall the famous salt that woke up to a quarrel or a mirror that broke in the house! Apparently, the Slavs adhered to the principle "forewarned is forearmed." We invite you to familiarize yourself with Russian folk signs announcing trouble:

  • If you eat from cracked dishes, you will bring trouble on yourself.
  • If a moth started up in the house, then you need to prepare for losses
  • The table is not wiped with paper - this is a quarrel
  • You can’t give a knife so as not to quarrel (the knife is “sold” for a pretty penny)
  • Find a button on the street - to the imminent trouble
  • On the threshold they do not greet and do not say goodbye, so as not to quarrel
  • The brick fell out of the oven - expect big trouble
  • They don’t eat in front of a mirror so that they don’t “eat” health and good luck

The action of many negative superstitions can be "reversed", that is, canceled. For example, accidentally spilled salt should be covered with sugar, splinters broken mirror- Bury in the ground. And if you are afraid of a black cat that abruptly crossed your path, then it is enough to spit three times over your left shoulder.

"Good" (good) omens

Not all beliefs and superstitions portend the onset of bad events, and this is easy to prove. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of good signs compiled by many generations of Russian people:

  • A pin on clothes will protect from the evil eye
  • Unmarried girl before the New Year he cuts his finger - he will get married soon
  • Found a horseshoe - hang over the door (happiness will be)
  • Accidentally broke the dishes - for good
  • The neck itched - wait for a fun meeting with friends
  • it means someone is in love with you

Popular beliefs predict you good luck - wealth or, perhaps,? In this case, you can be called a real lucky one! After all, you not only have a chance to evaluate the veracity of ancient signs, you can also do it completely without risk to yourself.

Russian superstitions about the weather

The weather had great importance for the inhabitants of Rus', many of whom were engaged in agriculture. Peasant families depended on the harvest no less than on the master. Therefore, it was very important to correctly calculate the right time for sowing, so as not to live from hand to mouth later. And Russian folk signs helped them in this:

  • turned out big harvest mountain ash - the weather will be frosty
  • The dog barks all night - the morning will be foggy
  • A crow flies in circles over the house - it will soon rain
  • The cow is restless - frost will come soon
  • Sparrows bathe in dust (to rain)
  • Birds fly low over the ground - it will rain
  • Frosty patterns appeared on the windows - the winter will be long

Whether the sun will rise or whether it will rain. Fog will rise, or hail will beat young crops ... If you want to learn more about weather signs, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Beliefs about animals and birds

During pagan times, people deified many animals and birds. As an example, we can recall - the patron saint of travelers, merchants and those who are interested in the magical sciences. The Slavs did not regard animals as "our smaller brothers." Rather, they treated the fauna as equals. Animals and birds are often found in folk tales, epics, legends and signs:

  • Magpie jumps on the roof of the patient's house - to get well soon
  • You can’t kick a cat - otherwise the children will be capricious
  • Forty "talks" loudly - wait for guests or news
  • If a cat reaches out to a person, then this is a renewal
  • They don’t spit on the threshold so that they don’t meet with a wild animal (wolf, bear, rabid dog)
  • If a person sings in the forest and sees a crow, he will stumble upon a pack of wolves.
  • Hear the cry of an owl close to the hut - to a newborn
  • The cuckoo flies through the village - there will be a fire

Among the birds special attention deserves a raven. This mystical bird in the ideas of the Slavs became a conductor between Yavu (or the world of the living) and Naviu - the kingdom of the dead. There are numerous, both good and bad beliefs.

Signs about evil spirits

Our ancestors had to "get along" with a host of evil spirits. In the thicket of the forest, a goblin was waiting for a person, who could confuse all the ways and roads. Mermaids lured careless youths to the depths, tickled them and drowned them. Bannik could scald with boiling water (of course, if you show disrespectful behavior and anger him). Some Russian folk signs are dedicated to representatives of evil spirits:

  • Until dawn, they don’t look out the window - you can see the devil
  • Who, sitting on a chair, dangles his legs, he shakes the devil
  • Don't make a loud noise in the forest - otherwise the goblin will lead you into the thicket
  • Go to Ivan Kupala in the forest - you can find a treasure
  • They don’t swim for a mermaid week - it won’t be long to perish
  • After sunset, bypass the water bodies (otherwise the evil spirits will drag you away)

Of course, not all "evil spirits" sought to do dirty tricks to a person. After all, there was still, whose duties included maintaining peace and order in the home. The brownie took care of the family members and the household. For this, he was supposed to offer a treat.

A person spends half of his life in his home. Therefore, it is not surprising that with the house, family affairs, so many signs are associated with household items.


In the jamb of the door you need to stick with a point big knife, then the sorcerer will not be able to go into the house.

If the door suddenly creaks, unfortunately.

Buckthorn is considered a good amulet at home from witchcraft and the evil eye. Being hung on doors and windows, the buckthorn destroys the intrigues of sorcerers and demons.


To prevent entry into the house devilry and to avoid the evil eye, door lock insert simple pins with the sharp end outward.


The curtain was torn - to a quarrel between friends.


Scatter ashes - to a quarrel.


If something obscene happens in the house, the images are closed.

The icon fell - to death.


The picture fell - unfortunately.


Books must be kept in a closed cabinet, otherwise the head will hurt.

indoor flowers

Indoor flowers affect the situation in the family in different ways: ficus brings prosperity and family happiness; climbing plants (ivy, liana) lead to contention.

You should not keep a palm tree in the house - unfortunately, to illness.

A plant with narrow leaves with a white vein in the middle (chlorophytum) is popularly called “Man, get out of the house!”, It provokes divorces.

Geranium protects the house from insects (moths, bedbugs). A geranium leaf placed in the ear relieves headaches and earaches.

It is good to plant a juniper bush at home or store some thing made from a juniper tree. This plant drives out evil spirits from dwellings and protects against all sorts of magical slander.

If split flower pot- the fat is in the fire.

Flowers in the house grow well in the world family: the flowers wither - the house is restless.


Arshin (or ruler, centimeter) do not put on the bed - to the deceased.

Garlic, hung at the head of the bed, helps with headaches and evil spirits.


Garden tools (shovel, chopper) should not be kept in the house - a fire may occur


Soap in the bosom saves from spoilage. Love conversations are slandered on soap: “As soap clings to the body, so the husband would cling to his wife.”


Scissors that fell so that the blades stuck to the floor portend a quarrel. If such a case is repeated two or more times within a month, a divorce or adultery is possible in the family.


The blanket has fallen - a good guest is in a hurry.


You can’t spit through the window, throw garbage, pour out slop - there is a guardian angel under the window.

At the commemoration, a towel or a piece of cloth is hung out of the window, and a vessel with water is placed on the windowsill so that the soul of the deceased comes to wash.

Accidentally seeing the light in the window of your house is good luck.

Until dawn, do not look out the window - you will see the unclean.


If someone carries firewood for the stove and one log falls - to be guests, the same if the brand falls out of the stove by itself. If a burning coal falls out - to an angry guest.

Aspen firewood destroys stove soot.

You can’t spit on the fire - blisters will jump up on your tongue.

While bread is being baked in the oven, do not sit on the oven - the bread will be thin.

A brick fell out of the oven - not good.

If the oven sweats - to the tears of the hostess.

Buzzing in the chimney - someone's soul is tormented.

If there is some rustling or ringing in the pipe, there will be a trial over a trifle.


Through the threshold you can neither greet, nor say goodbye, nor pass anything - to a quarrel or loss.

If a young guy is sitting on the doorstep, then not a single girl will marry him - so a bachelor will die.


If a church candle burns unevenly in the house, leaves a lot of soot - the house is unclean.

You should not blow candles on fire - acne will jump on your tongue, you need to extinguish the candle by licking your fingers

Flame with soot - unfortunately. When you put a candle in a church, and it does not burn for a long time, leans or goes out - unfortunately.


Do not put the keys on the table - not good. Hat and keys on the table - to a quarrel.

An inkwell and a knife are also a quarrel.

You shake the crumbs off the table with your hand - there will be no money.

You can’t sit on the dining table - one of the parents will die. v Clock

The wall clock will fall - to the death of the owner of the house. They will stop on their own - to a change in life. After the death of the owner, the clock stops or it needs to be stopped on purpose. eight

The clock strikes at the wrong time - to trouble.

Fur coat

The fur coat fell - to a big quarrel in the family.

lucky omens

Accidentally scatter boxes of matches (by the way, you need to collect them one at a time and take only the “leg” of the match, and not the “head” - so for a penny, for a ruble you will collect wealth in the house);

Spill wine during a toast - Fate will appreciate your grand gesture and compensate for the spilled a hundredfold (only, of course, you need to spill the wine by accident).

Unlucky omens

If someone goes into the house with an open umbrella, all that remains is to wait for misfortune;

Drop a raw egg(it doesn't matter where, on the floor or a soft chair). If it remains intact at the same time, failures will accompany you all day.

Signs for happiness and good luck

Thread with a needle

Buy a needle on Monday, and on Thursday stick it with a thread into a blouse on your chest, so go - it will be good.

If you sew and the thread gets tangled, you will live a long time.

Before the wedding, the bride and groom need to stick pins into their clothes so that they do not jinx them.

A pin on clothes and a needle and thread above the door of the dwelling are protected from the evil eye.


If you don’t recognize a familiar person - be rich for him.

Take money with your left hand, and give it with your right - there will always be.

If, having sold the first thing of all those intended for sale, you touch it with money, then you will easily sell all the goods.

At the table

He who eats stale bread swims well and is not afraid of lightning.

Feed the extra bread to the birds - fortunately and prosperity.

At the beginning and end of dinner, eat a piece of bread with salt - fortunately.

An apple fell from the table - to a meeting with a lover.

A teaspoon floats in a glass - for a gift.

If bread and salt are offered, the more you bite off, the more luck.

You sit between people with the same names - make a wish. Will come true.

Signs - rules

Aim not to the threshold, but from the threshold, otherwise you will sweep away wealth.

A woman salts food - it means that she has fallen in love.

The broom must be held with the handle down - money will be found and the house will be protected from misfortunes.

Sweep the house with a broom made of wormwood - the unclean one will not start.

Moving into new house, carry an old broom with you to take a good brownie with you.

Do not stir coffee or tea in the cup of a partner or relative - you will “stir” a quarrel.

Something broke - do not worry, fortunately. At weddings, it is generally recommended to beat the dishes so that the spouses have a happy life.

Finding a horseshoe is lucky. Hang found over the door - to long-term happiness.

Never pour boiling water into an empty cup or glass (first pour tea, coffee or at least sugar into it) - you will call yourself poverty.

Leaving the scissors open is a quarrel.

Don't sit on the windowsill - you won't get married.

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