Salted green tomatoes with cabbage. Two in one: pickled tomatoes with cabbage. Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter: sweet and sour, salted, pickled, pickled. The secrets of perfect salting cabbage with tomatoes for the winter

In early October, when the first frosts begin, there are usually a lot of green tomatoes left on the tomato bushes, from which you can make delicious snacks. green tomatoes, there are many cooking recipes - pickled, salted, stuffed, soaked in cabbage, in jars or barrels. All recipes are uniquely tasty and appetizing, but you choose the recipe you like according to your taste.

cook green tomatoes quite easy. The only requirement for green tomatoes is that the vegetables must be medium in size. Small green fruits can be easily poisoned.

A very popular recipe stuffed green tomatoes. From the tomato, you need to remove the stalk, clean out a little pulp with a spoon and stuff it with stuffing. After that, salt in the usual way.

2 kg green tomatoes
1 carrot
garlic - 1 clove per tomato
1 hot pepper (but this is optional)
0.5 kg celery
dill or parsley

For 1 liter of water:
2 tbsp salt
1.5 tbsp Sahara
70 g vinegar 9%
1 bay leaf
1 tsp dill seed
sprigs of dry dill

1. Tomatoes wash and make a longitudinal or cruciform incision on each.
2. Finely chop the garlic, carrots, parsley, celery, cut the hot pepper into thin strips.
3. Sterilize jars and lids in a water bath for 5 minutes.
4. In each jar, put a bay leaf and dill - seeds and twigs.
5. Stuff the tomatoes and pack tightly into jars.
6. Pour tomatoes boiling water for 10 minutes.
7. Next, drain the water from the tomatoes into the pan, boil the water again and add sugar, salt and vinegar.
8. Pour tomatoes with this marinade, roll up and leave to cool upside down.
9. Ready for winter.

Stuffed tomatoes according to this recipe can be salted in a pot or barrel.
For this stuffed green tomatoes carefully place in a saucepan, shifting each layer with sprigs of dill and horseradish. And fill it with boiled and cooled brine: for 1 liter of water - 2 tbsp. salt and 1.5 tbsp. Sahara. Put a clean cloth on top and oppression. Approximately 3 weeks later tomatoes will be ready for use.

Soaked Green Tomatoes with Cabbage

Pickled or pickled green tomatoes- a favorite guest on everyone's table. These tomatoes are eaten faster than fresh ones. The taste of such green tomatoes is very similar to

4 kg white cabbage
3 kg green tomatoes
2 carrots
3 tbsp salt
2 tbsp Sahara

1. Shred the cabbage.
2. Peel the carrots and cut into strips.
3. Add carrots, salt, sugar to the cabbage, mix everything well and remember with your hands so that the juice appears.
4. Put a layer of cooked cabbage (2-3 cm) in an enameled container, on top of a layer of washed green tomato, then in the same sequence.
5. The final layer is a layer of cabbage.
6. Tomatoes should be tightly packed with cabbage.
7. Next, you need a brine: for one glass of chilled boiled water, 1 tbsp. salt and 1 tbsp. Sahara.
8. Put whole cabbage leaves on top, put a clean cloth on them (mold will appear on the surface, once a week the cloth will need to be removed and rinsed in clean water), put oppression on top (for example, in the form of an inverted plate and a jar of some cork).
Note: the plate must always be covered with brine!
9. Three days pickled green tomatoes with cabbage soak at room temperature, then take out to a cool place. After 3 weeks, tomatoes can already be eaten.

Blanks in the form salted tomatoes without vinegar, our ancestors also prepared in wooden barrels, shifting them with dill, garlic, leaves and sprigs of cherries, currants, horseradish leaves.
In the countryside, in the cellars, tomatoes, barrel cucumbers and pickled watermelons with cabbage are still harvested for the winter.
In modern conditions, large volumes are salted in plastic barrels. In a city apartment salted tomatoes can be salted in a saucepan or in large jars, and stored all autumn on the balcony. Before the winter frosts, as a rule, such blanks are swept clean and replaced.

According to such a simple recipe, you can salt red, brown or green tomatoes, the main thing is not to mix them together, as they will have different cooking times. Pickled red tomatoes pickle much faster than green ones.

Cold salted green tomatoes

With this easy recipe salted green tomatoes are very tasty and very fragrant.

tomatoes brown or green
dill umbrellas
cherry, currant and horseradish leaves
a bit of horseradish

For 1 liter of cold boiled water:
2 tbsp salt
1 tbsp Sahara

To tomatoes turned out tasty and fragrant, dill should be with twigs and umbrellas, and cherry leaves can be replaced with branches of the same cherry.

1. Wash the tomatoes, pierce them in several places with a skewer.
2. At the bottom of the pan in which you will salt the tomatoes, put the leaves, dill, a few cloves of garlic and a few rings of horseradish root.
3. Next lay two rows green tomatoes, and again spices with garlic and horseradish, etc.
4. The final layer of spice, now fill the tomatoes with cold brine, cover with a lid and take out in the cold.

Bon appetit!

It is impossible to imagine a Russian table without sauerkraut, pickled, salted cabbage.

Even our ancestors restored the supply of vital vitamin C with the help of sauerkraut (citrus fruits were not available in those days for obvious reasons). Just in time for the middle of winter, the body loses this vitamin, and juicy, crispy, sweet and sour cabbage comes to the rescue. If you ferment or pickle it with tomatoes, onions, peppers, apples, you can get much more diverse options in taste and useful properties.

Every housewife should learn to salt cabbage for the winter. You can cook cabbage soup, soups, borscht and stews from cabbage harvested in the fall, cook vinaigrettes and salads, bake pies and fry pies. Seasoned with fragrant sunflower oil, mixed with thin onion rings, it can become an independent dish. You can serve it with boiled potatoes, minced meat or eat it just like that, with black bread.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter - general principles of cooking

Salting, fermenting or pickling cabbage with tomatoes for the winter is much more interesting than just grinding chopped leaves with salt and carrots. In addition to the undoubted benefits, such a harvesting option will allow you to get at least seven or eight, or even ten or twelve different tastes of such a seemingly simple dish.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter is not as simple as it seems. Various processing methods, spices, herbs, spices, playing with the amount of certain ingredients can give it piquancy, sharpness or softness, enhance sourness and aroma.

To enhance the aroma and taste of cabbage with tomatoes for the winter, dill seeds, carrots, vinegar, onions and garlic, peppers and herbs are most often used. But if you add bell peppers and horseradish, apples and soaked cranberries to the preparation, the taste of cabbage will open up brighter, and the dish itself will become individual. Considering that not only white cabbage, but also colored, red, Savoy, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi ripen in the gardens, the number of recipes becomes very impressive.

There are various ways of processing a cabbage head. It is chopped, cut into large pieces into pieces, cut into squares, salted with a whole head of cabbage. Tomatoes are taken whole, cut into pieces, cut into rings. Before salting, vegetables must be washed, cleaned of stalks, seeds and husks. Cool hot sealed jars down with lids under a warm blanket.

Pickled cabbage with tomatoes for the winter in a jar

The simplest version of harvesting cabbage with tomatoes for the winter will surely become one of the most favorite recipes for a novice housewife. Such a preparation does not deteriorate at room conditions (it can easily stand under a bed or in a pantry for up to two years), it requires a minimum of ingredients and cooking time. And jars do not need to be sterilized!


  • medium head of cabbage;
  • two kilograms of tomatoes;
  • three to four heads of garlic;
  • favorite spices and bay leaf;
  • 10-15 peas of allspice;
  • 9 liters of water;
  • three glasses of sugar;
  • a glass of coarse or medium salt.

Cooking method:

Rinse the jars well with soda, but do not sterilize.

Finely chop the cabbage.

Wash tomatoes.

Put the necessary spices and garlic in jars, dill if desired.

Lay the cabbage and tomatoes in layers, starting with the cabbage and ending with it.

Prepare the brine by dissolving sugar and salt in boiling water and boiling for ten minutes. Divide the brine into two pots approximately equally.

Pour jars with boiling brine twice, for the third time add vinegar to the brine, pour completely and seal.

The second pot of brine is needed specifically for the third final pour, to supplement the missing amount of liquid.

Sauerkraut with tomatoes for the winter

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter can be cooked without vinegar. The aroma of the workpiece will not be sharp, and fresh carrots and garlic will make the taste sweetish. The original design of tomatoes with garlic allows you to use them for laying out on the table as a separate snack. Sauerkraut will not only make borscht taste amazing, but it will also be good with vegetable oil.


  • cabbage of late varieties;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • salt;
  • sugar.

Cooking method

Finely chop the cabbage.

Cut carrots into thin long sticks or chop on a special grater for Korean carrots.

Mix cabbage and carrots.

In tomatoes, remove the place of attachment of the stalk. Put a clove of garlic into the resulting hole, pressing a little, with a sharp end inward.

Fill the jar in layers, alternating cabbage with carrots and tomatoes.

The top of the jar should be filled with cabbage.

Prepare the brine: dissolve two tablespoons of sugar and salt in a liter of boiling water.

You need to ferment cabbage for three to four days, leaving the jar in the room.

Cover with a nylon lid and put in the refrigerator or cellar.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter "Slavic salted with horseradish"

Salted cabbage with tomatoes for the winter according to the classic recipe is prepared with dill umbrellas. If you add a little horseradish root to the jars during fermentation, you will get a stunningly fragrant dish with a slight bitterness. Horseradish is one of the vegetables traditional for Slavic cuisine. Its bitter, spicy taste gives cabbage with tomatoes a special freshness and crunchiness for the winter. Ingredients are listed arbitrarily, it is not necessary to adhere to certain proportions.


  • cabbage (1-2 heads);
  • tomatoes (kilogram-two);
  • half a large horseradish root;
  • half a cup of garlic (more or less);
  • peas of black and allspice;
  • bay leaf (optional)
  • cherry, currant, horseradish leaves (optional);
  • a liter of clean drinking water;
  • two large spoons of medium or coarse salt.

Cooking method:

Cut the cabbage into large pieces (four-five), cut out the stalk.

Prepare the brine by dissolving the salt in boiling water.

Put the cabbage and tomatoes in jars or an enamel pan. Pour hot, but not boiling brine.

Close the container on top with gauze and a lid, providing air flow so that the cabbage and tomatoes do not “suffocate”. The gauze pad will need to be changed periodically.

Take the pot or jar to the cellar, to the balcony, to the basement - in the cold.

In order for the cabbage to ferment perfectly, you need to wait at least a month, and then actively use it. The fact is that cabbage with tomatoes fermented in this way is not stored for a long time. It must be consumed before the start of winter.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter "Hungarian Rhapsody"

Onions, tomatoes, green bell peppers and paprika are a must in traditional Hungarian cuisine. Their company turned out to be to the liking of Russian white cabbage. The recipe for cabbage with tomatoes for the winter "Hungarian Rhapsody" does not contain water, so the taste is spicy, sweetish-sour.


  • kilogram of cabbage;
  • two large bell peppers;
  • kilogram of tomatoes;
  • two medium bulbs;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of vinegar 9%;
  • peas of black and / or allspice;
  • two tablespoons of medium or coarse salt.

Cooking method:

For salting, you need to select juicy, elastic tomatoes with delicate skin. Wash the fruits and cut into slices.

Finely chop the cabbage, cut out the stalk.

Berets cut into strips.

Cut onions into half rings or rings.

Move the vegetables in a large enameled pan, put a heavy oppression on top and leave for 12 hours. As oppression, you can use a washed stone, a pot of water of a smaller diameter, or a cast-iron weight, setting it on a plate or board.

When the vegetables give the juice, you need to drain it, mix it with sugar and vinegar, salt it.

Return the juice to the pan, boil its contents over low heat for 10 minutes, arrange in jars and cork.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter "Original"

Not only ordinary white cabbage can become the heroine of the recipe. An excellent winter snack can be prepared from cauliflower with tomatoes for the winter. The original sweet taste perfectly complements meat and vegetable dishes.


  • kilogram of cauliflower;
  • a kilogram of juicy red tomatoes;
  • a spoonful of sugar;
  • one and a half tablespoons of vinegar 9%;
  • six peas of pepper;
  • a spoonful of cumin;
  • Bay leaf;
  • two tablespoons of coarse salt.

Cooking method:

Peel the skin off the tomatoes and turn into a thick puree with a sieve.

Disassemble the cabbage into kocheshki, pour cold water for half an hour.

Boil the cabbage in a new portion of water with parsley and cumin for no more than five minutes after boiling.

Season the tomato puree with sugar, salt, cook for five minutes, then add vinegar and stir.

Transfer the boiled cabbage inflorescences to jars, add grated tomato juice to the neck and send for sterilization in a pot of boiling water.

Sterilize half-liter jars for ten minutes, liter and "seven hundred" - 25 and 35 minutes, respectively.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter "Pikant"


  • kilogram of green tomatoes;
  • a kilogram of dense cabbage;
  • three medium bulbs;
  • one or two bell peppers;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of vinegar 9%.

Cooking method:

Shred the cabbage.

Cut green tomatoes into thin slices.

Pepper cut into long sticks.

Mix all the vegetables in a saucepan, salt, add sugar and pour vinegar. Leave to extract juice.

Divide vegetables into jars. From above, adapt a sealant made of wooden sticks laid crosswise so that the vegetables are covered with brine. Sterilize jars.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter "Winter Dawn"

Cabbage marinated with beets, green tomatoes, carrots, garlic and fresh herbs is not only delicious, crispy, but also stunningly beautiful. Beet juice gives the appetizer a beautiful ruby ​​color, beets and tomatoes - a delicate original taste.


  • head of cabbage;
  • two small or one large beets;
  • two medium carrots;
  • greenery;
  • a head of garlic;
  • kilogram of green tomatoes;
  • coarse rock salt;
  • half a glass of table vinegar.

Cooking method:

Cut the cabbage into four parts, cutting out the stalk. Chop into fairly large pieces.

Transfer the cabbage to a wide basin, sprinkle with salt to taste, and set over the oppression. Leave for half an hour.

After half an hour, mash the cabbage a little with your hands and put it under load again for 20 minutes.

Grate beets and carrots on a medium or large track.

Cut greens.

Fold the beets, carrots, greens in a bowl with cabbage, mix, mash a little and leave again under oppression for an hour.

Cut tomatoes into slices.

Put tomato slices, garlic, vegetables in layers in a jar, slightly crushing them for compaction.

Pour the rest of the brine from the basin into jars, pour the cabbage with cold brine (two tablespoons of salt per liter of water), pour three tablespoons of 9% vinegar under the lid.

Cork, put in a dark place and leave at room temperature for two days.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter - tricks and tips

To ferment cabbage with tomatoes for the winter, you need to select hard heads of late varieties. Loose forks for salting are not suitable: the cabbage will turn out to be too soft.

It is better to salt cabbage with tomatoes for the winter with coarse rock salt. Iodized salt will spoil the salting: it will make the cabbage soft, “boiled”. The standard amount of salt for making brine is a tablespoon per liter of liquid. If the cabbage is salted in a dry way, that is, without brine, on vegetable juice, then the amount of salt should be increased.

Horseradish and carrots make cabbage crunchy. If you can refuse the bitter root, then carrots are a must. If you chop it very thinly, then the cabbage will retain its white color.

Together with tomatoes, cabbage can be salted with apples, lingonberries, cranberries, plums. They give a spicy sourness.

The upper large sheets that do not go into salting do not need to be thrown away. They need to be put on the bottom of the pot or jar for pickling, and then on top of the cabbage.

by the materials

2015-10-19T03:56:19+00:00 adminhomemade preparationsvegetable dishes, homemade preparations, salads and snacks

It is impossible to imagine a Russian table without sauerkraut, pickled, salted cabbage. Even our ancestors restored the supply of vital vitamin C with the help of sauerkraut (citrus fruits were not available in those days for obvious reasons). Just in time for the middle of winter, the body loses this vitamin, and juicy, crispy, sweet and sour cabbage comes to the rescue. If a...

[email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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It is impossible to imagine a Russian feast without cabbage pickles! Crispy, deliciously juicy, sweet and sour cabbage (pickled or salted) is so good seasoned with sunflower oil, onion rings or fresh herbs.

And it’s not for nothing that our ancestors treated themselves to cabbage pickles and pickles, replenishing the lack of vitamin C in the body with them (when they didn’t know about the existence of citrus fruits at all). Harvested cabbage with tomatoes for the winter, with apples, paprika and other additives; but in this case, let's focus specifically on the tomato version, which is much more interesting than just shredded leaves with carrots.

Tomatoes are the perfect way to diversify the taste of cabbage snacks. We can say that the proposed blank is an almost ready-made semi-finished product for vinaigrette, borscht or lean stew. Although not as simple as it seems, many housewives became interested in her.

They confidently repeat the original recipe and modify it by adding different spices, replacing the types of heat treatment (boiling or pasteurization), changing the amount of the original ingredients and their number. Culinary "games" allow you to make the preparations spicy or, conversely, softness, enhance the aroma or degree of acidity ...

What are the possible tricks when harvesting cabbage:

Dill seeds, garlic, herbs and hot peppers are used to enhance the taste and aroma.

Apples, cranberries, sweet peppers will help soften a too sharp aftertaste.

The usual white head can be replaced with Brussels, Savoy, red head, which further expands the range of recipes.

The way the forks are prepared also affects. They are cut into pieces (larger or smaller), chopped into strips and even harvested whole (in the case of salting).

Tomatoes in Tomatoes with cabbage for the winter "recipes lay whole, cut circles or slices. They are pre-blanched and peeled (optional).

Delicious cabbage with tomatoes for the winter: pickling

Marinating in jars is the easiest way to prepare vegetables. It will surely be to the taste of the household and will become a favorite snack in the cold. This preserve can be stored in a warm place (in the room under the bed or in the home pantry) and requires a small set of ingredients to prepare. In addition, jars for seaming do not need to be sterilized!

The ingredients for the appetizer will be:

1 cabbage head,

2 kg of tomatoes,

3 heads of garlic

9 liters of bottled water,

A glass of coarse salt

3 cups sugar

Fragrant grain pepper,


For the blank "" there is no need to sterilize the seaming container; wash it thoroughly and dry it. The cabbage head is shredded. Tomatoes are washed without cutting. Vegetables are laid in jars in layers: spices, garlic cloves, dill greens if desired, cabbage and tomatoes. The thickness of the layers is not critical. The main thing is to complete the bookmark with cabbage.

In boiling water (the volume of water is measured in advance), coarse salt and sugar are dissolved. The marinade boils for up to 10 minutes and is poured equally into two pans. Re-boiling liquid from the first pan, the workpiece is poured twice to warm the ingredients. After the solution boils, an ocet is poured into the second pan, and the vegetables are finally poured into it and corked. If the marinade is not enough, then the liquid remaining after the first filling is added to compensate for the liquid.

Recipe 2 - fermentation

And you can close the mentioned vegetables without otta. In this case, the snack will not have a characteristic sharp flavor. And garlic and carrots will give a sweetish aftertaste. For the recipe Cabbage with tomatoes in jars for the winter» you will need:

late ripened cabbage

meaty tomatoes,


Granulated sugar,

The cabbage is shredded a little. Carrots are grated with long threads or cut into strips. White cabbage is mixed with caroteli. Buttocks are cut out from tomatoes, and garlic is put (even pressed) into the resulting hole.

Salting is done, that is, the prepared components are placed not mixed up, but in layers, laying small rows of tomatoes and carrots between the cabbage. The top layer must be cabbage. For brine, dissolve 2 tbsp in one liter of boiling water. salt and sand-sugar. The vegetable bookmark is poured with cooled brine and left warm for pickling for 3-4 days. The appetizer reached maturity is covered with nylon lids and transferred to the cold.

Delicious cabbage with tomatoes for the winter: salting with horseradish

Peculiar salad for the winter with cabbage and tomatoes"Slavyansky" is prepared with the addition of horseradish for a light bitterness. In addition, dill umbrellas for flavor are appropriate in it. The combination of horseradish and dill is typical for Slavic cuisine. It gives vegetables a special piquancy and freshness. And it’s worth mentioning right away that the indicated amount of products according to the recipe is not strictly for execution, but changes in proportions are possible.

So, the ingredients of the workpiece will be:

2 forks of cabbage

1.5-2 kg of tomatoes,

horseradish box,

Half a cup of minced garlic

2-3 dill umbrellas,

1 liter of water

2 tbsp pickling coarse salt,

Bay leaf,

Fresh leaves of horseradish, currant or cherry,

Grain pepper fragrant and black (a pinch each).

White cabbage is cut into squares or just large pieces, unlike others, in which the forks are thinly chopped. At the same time, the stump is cut out. Salt dissolves in a measured volume of boiling water. Cabbage and tomatoes are placed in an enamel container or in jars and poured with warm brine (it should not be too hot!).

The container is covered with gauze to provide oxygen access to the workpiece or covered with a special perforated nylon cover. Otherwise, the vegetables may "suffocate" and ferment too quickly. If gauze is used, it should be changed regularly. The dishes are taken out to a cool or even cold room, where they ferment for one month. The dish does not have a long shelf life, so you need to use it before the New Year.

Recipe 4 - with sweet pepper

The combination of the main set of vegetables with sweet paprika can be called the "Hungarian whim", because this additive is inherent in this cuisine. The company of white cabbage, tomatoes and fleshy peppers with an onion also pleased the Russian soul, resulting in a sweet and sour, spicy salad that does not contain water. For an appetizer Cabbage with tomatoes and peppers for the winter" would need:

1 kg of cabbage

2 large sweet peppers,

1 kg of tomatoes,

2 bulbs

A glass of otsta 9%,

Half a glass of sugar sand

2 tbsp salt,

A little allspice or black pepper.

For twisting, it is necessary to select elastic, fleshy tomatoes. They are washed and cut into slices. White cabbage is finely chopped. Pepper and onion cut into half rings. In a large saucepan, the ingredients are mixed, covered with a heavy oppression and left for 12 hours to secrete juice and ferment. Oppression can be a washed large stone, a weight or a saucepan of a smaller diameter, mounted on a flat plate or a wooden board.

When vegetable juice appears above the surface of oppression, it must be drained and mixed with otst, salt and sugar. Pickle Juice is back in salad for the winter with cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, after which the workpiece is boiled for 10 minutes over low heat, laid out in a glass seaming container and hermetically sealed.

Recipe 5

For delicious cabbage snacks, not only tight white heads are used, but also cauliflower. For an original treat that will amazingly complement dishes and side dishes of vegetables or meat, you will need:

Cauliflower head per 1 kg,

1 kilo tomato,

2 tbsp salt,

A spoonful of sugar sand

6 grains of black pepper,

Bay leaf,

1.5 tbsp otta 9%.

Tomatoes are blanched and skinned. Then the tomatoes should be pureed in any way possible. Cabbage is disassembled into lambs, and they are poured with cold water for half an hour. After the lamb is boiled in clean water with cumin and bay leaf for 3 minutes.

Sugar, salt are poured into tomato puree. It is boiled for 5 minutes, the ocet is added and the mass is stirred. Boiled lamb cabbage is laid out in jars, poured with tomato juice and sterilized for 25-30 minutes in a wide container with boiling water. closes cauliflower with tomatoes for the winter boiled tin lids and cools to moderate heat before taking it out for storage in the cellar.

Delicious cabbage with tomatoes for the winter: with green tomatoes

Pickled cabbage with green tomatoes has a completely different taste. An appetizer of these vegetables can be the highlight of a family dinner. In order to prepare it, you need:

1 kg green tomato,

Kilogram fork of cabbage,

3 bulbs

1-2 sweet peppers

A glass of otsta 9%,

Half a glass of sugar

The cabbage is shredded. Cut green tomatoes into thin slices. Bulbs and peppers are chopped randomly. The ingredients of the dish are mixed in a large saucepan, salted, covered with sugar and poured over with otstom. After stirring, all this is left for juice extraction. After the vegetables with the run-in liquid are laid out in jars to the top, compacted with a spoon, and the container is sterilized. like a likeness


In the proposed recipe, even early cabbage varieties can be used. So, the forks are cut into quarters, while cutting out the stalk. in the process of pickling, it will better open the leaves because of its softness and be better saturated with beetroot juice. Pieces of cabbage are laid in an enameled basin, sprinkled with table salt on top and loaded with oppression. The workpiece is left for half an hour.

After 30 minutes, the pieces are crushed by hand and the load is re-installed, but already for 20 minutes. During this time, carrots and beets are rubbed coarsely on a grater. The greens are crushed. The new ingredients are transferred to the basin to the white head, the components of the workpiece are mixed and once again left under oppression for one hour. Green tomatoes cut into slices.

The container is filled in layers, stacking tomatoes, garlic, vegetable mixture and greens alternately. Be sure to compact the snack and shake it. From the liquid that remains from the infusion of the vegetable mixture, a brine is made. Or the juice is poured into jars, and salting is carried out in a cold way (2 tablespoons of table salt per 1 liter of water). In addition, 3 tablespoons are added to each container under the lids. otsta. Tomatoes with cabbage for the winter in jars corked, kept for 2 days in a room and transferred to the pantry.

Closing salads for the winter with cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and other auxiliary components, we should not forget about some little tricks.

So, late-ripened hard forks are selected for fermentation, otherwise the appetizer will turn out to be too lethargic and not crispy. Salt should be ordinary table salt; sea ​​or iodized will spoil the workpiece.

With classical salting, the quantitative ratio of salt and water is 1 tbsp. per liter of liquid; with dry salting (on its own juice), the amount of salt is increased.

Pieces of horseradish will “make” the leaves crunch more; if bitter roots are not added, then carrots will certainly be laid for the same purpose. When you want to combine cabbage with other vegetables, they do it boldly and sometimes close it or even with plums.

Not always in our areas, tomatoes can reach technical maturity. Most often, at the end of the warm season, unripe fruits remain on the bushes. It is a pity to throw them away, after all, a lot of work had to be done in the summer. Fortunately, there are many interesting recipes that use green tomatoes as the main ingredients. It turns out tasty and healthy.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter: sweet and sour, salted, pickled, pickled. The secrets of perfect salting cabbage with tomatoes for the winter

It is impossible to imagine a Russian table without sauerkraut, pickled, salted cabbage.

Even our ancestors restored the supply of vital vitamin C with the help of sauerkraut (citrus fruits were not available in those days for obvious reasons). Just in time for the middle of winter, the body loses this vitamin, and juicy, crispy, sweet and sour cabbage comes to the rescue. If you ferment or pickle it with tomatoes, onions, peppers, apples, you can get much more diverse options in taste and useful properties.

Every housewife should learn to salt cabbage for the winter. You can cook cabbage soup, soups, borscht and stews from cabbage harvested in the fall, cook vinaigrettes and salads, bake pies and fry pies. Seasoned with fragrant sunflower oil, mixed with thin onion rings, it can become an independent dish. You can serve it with boiled potatoes, minced meat or eat it just like that, with black bread.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter - general principles of cooking

Salting, fermenting or pickling cabbage with tomatoes for the winter is much more interesting than just grinding chopped leaves with salt and carrots. In addition to the undoubted benefits, such a harvesting option will allow you to get at least seven or eight, or even ten or twelve different tastes of such a seemingly simple dish.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter is not as simple as it seems. Various processing methods, spices, herbs, spices, playing with the amount of certain ingredients can give it piquancy, sharpness or softness, enhance sourness and aroma.

To enhance the aroma and taste of cabbage with tomatoes for the winter, dill seeds, carrots, vinegar, onions and garlic, peppers and herbs are most often used. But if you add bell peppers and horseradish, apples and soaked cranberries to the preparation, the taste of cabbage will open up brighter, and the dish itself will become individual. Considering that not only white cabbage, but also colored, red, Savoy, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi ripen in the gardens, the number of recipes becomes very impressive.

There are various ways of processing a cabbage head. It is chopped, cut into large pieces into pieces, cut into squares, salted with a whole head of cabbage. Tomatoes are taken whole, cut into pieces, cut into rings. Before salting, vegetables must be washed, cleaned of stalks, seeds and husks. Cool hot sealed jars down with lids under a warm blanket.

Pickled cabbage with tomatoes for the winter in a jar

The simplest version of harvesting cabbage with tomatoes for the winter will surely become one of the most favorite recipes for a novice housewife. Such a preparation does not deteriorate at room conditions (it can easily stand under a bed or in a pantry for up to two years), it requires a minimum of ingredients and cooking time. And jars do not need to be sterilized!

Medium head of cabbage;

Two kilograms of tomatoes;

Three to four heads of garlic;

Favorite spices and bay leaf;

10-15 peas of allspice;

Three glasses of sugar;

A glass of coarse or medium salt.

Rinse the jars well with soda, but do not sterilize.

Finely chop the cabbage.

Put the necessary spices and garlic in jars, dill if desired.

Lay the cabbage and tomatoes in layers, starting with the cabbage and ending with it.

Prepare the brine by dissolving sugar and salt in boiling water and boiling for ten minutes. Divide the brine into two pots approximately equally.

Pour jars with boiling brine twice, for the third time add vinegar to the brine, pour completely and seal.

The second pot of brine is needed specifically for the third final pour, to supplement the missing amount of liquid.

Sauerkraut with tomatoes for the winter

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter can be cooked without vinegar. The aroma of the workpiece will not be sharp, and fresh carrots and garlic will make the taste sweetish. The original design of tomatoes with garlic allows you to use them for laying out on the table as a separate snack. Sauerkraut will not only make borscht taste amazing, but it will also be good with vegetable oil.

cabbage of late varieties;

Finely chop the cabbage.

Cut carrots into thin long sticks or chop on a special grater for Korean carrots.

Mix cabbage and carrots.

In tomatoes, remove the place of attachment of the stalk. Put a clove of garlic into the resulting hole, pressing a little, with a sharp end inward.

Fill the jar in layers, alternating cabbage with carrots and tomatoes.

The top of the jar should be filled with cabbage.

Prepare the brine: dissolve two tablespoons of sugar and salt in a liter of boiling water.

You need to ferment cabbage for three to four days, leaving the jar in the room.

Cover with a nylon lid and put in the refrigerator or cellar.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter "Slavic salted with horseradish"

Salted cabbage with tomatoes for the winter according to the classic recipe is prepared with dill umbrellas. If you add a little horseradish root to the jars during fermentation, you will get a stunningly fragrant dish with a slight bitterness. Horseradish is one of the vegetables traditional for Slavic cuisine. Its bitter, spicy taste gives cabbage with tomatoes a special freshness and crunchiness for the winter. Ingredients are listed arbitrarily, it is not necessary to adhere to certain proportions.

Half a large horseradish root;

Half a cup of garlic (more or less);

Peas of black and allspice;

Bay leaf (optional)

Cherry, currant, horseradish leaves (optional);

A liter of clean drinking water;

Two large spoons of medium or coarse salt.

Cut the cabbage into large pieces (four-five), cut out the stalk.

Prepare the brine by dissolving the salt in boiling water.

Put the cabbage and tomatoes in jars or an enamel pan. Pour hot, but not boiling brine.

Close the container on top with gauze and a lid, providing air flow so that the cabbage and tomatoes do not “suffocate”. The gauze pad will need to be changed periodically.

Take the pot or jar to the cellar, to the balcony, to the basement - in the cold.

In order for the cabbage to ferment perfectly, you need to wait at least a month, and then actively use it. The fact is that cabbage with tomatoes fermented in this way is not stored for a long time. It must be consumed before the start of winter.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter "Hungarian Rhapsody"

Onions, tomatoes, green bell peppers and paprika are a must in traditional Hungarian cuisine. Their company turned out to be to the liking of Russian white cabbage. The recipe for cabbage with tomatoes for the winter "Hungarian Rhapsody" does not contain water, so the taste is spicy, sweetish-sour.

Two large bell peppers;

Two medium bulbs;

Peas of black and / or allspice;

Two tablespoons of medium or coarse salt.

For salting, you need to select juicy, elastic tomatoes with delicate skin. Wash the fruits and cut into slices.

Finely chop the cabbage, cut out the stalk.

Berets cut into strips.

Cut onions into half rings or rings.

Move the vegetables in a large enameled pan, put a heavy oppression on top and leave for 12 hours. As oppression, you can use a washed stone, a pot of water of a smaller diameter, or a cast-iron weight, setting it on a plate or board.

When the vegetables give the juice, you need to drain it, mix it with sugar and vinegar, salt it.

Return the juice to the pan, boil its contents over low heat for 10 minutes, arrange in jars and cork.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter "Original"

Not only ordinary white cabbage can become the heroine of the recipe. An excellent winter snack can be prepared from cauliflower with tomatoes for the winter. The original sweet taste perfectly complements meat and vegetable dishes.

A kilogram of cauliflower;

A kilogram of juicy red tomatoes;

One and a half tablespoons of vinegar 9%;

Six peas of pepper;

Two tablespoons of coarse salt.

Peel the skin off the tomatoes and turn into a thick puree with a sieve.

Disassemble the cabbage into kocheshki, pour cold water for half an hour.

Boil the cabbage in a new portion of water with parsley and cumin for no more than five minutes after boiling.

Season the tomato puree with sugar, salt, cook for five minutes, then add vinegar and stir.

Transfer the boiled cabbage inflorescences to jars, add grated tomato juice to the neck and send for sterilization in a pot of boiling water.

Sterilize half-liter jars for ten minutes, liter and "seven hundred" - 25 and 35 minutes, respectively.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter "Pikant"

A kilogram of green tomatoes;

A kilogram of dense cabbage;

Three medium bulbs;

One or two bell peppers;

Cut green tomatoes into thin slices.

Pepper cut into long sticks.

Mix all the vegetables in a saucepan, salt, add sugar and pour vinegar. Leave to extract juice.

Divide vegetables into jars. From above, adapt a sealant made of wooden sticks laid crosswise so that the vegetables are covered with brine. Sterilize jars.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter "Winter Dawn"

Cabbage marinated with beets, green tomatoes, carrots, garlic and fresh herbs is not only very tasty, crispy, but also stunningly beautiful. Beetroot juice gives the appetizer a beautiful ruby ​​color, beets and tomatoes - a subtle original taste.

Two small or one large beets;

Two medium carrots;

A kilogram of green tomatoes;

Coarse rock salt;

Half a glass of table vinegar.

Cut the cabbage into four parts, cutting out the stalk. Chop into fairly large pieces.

Transfer the cabbage to a wide basin, sprinkle with salt to taste, and set over the oppression. Leave for half an hour.

After half an hour, mash the cabbage a little with your hands and put it under load again for 20 minutes.

Grate beets and carrots on a medium or large track.

Fold the beets, carrots, greens in a bowl with cabbage, mix, mash a little and leave again under oppression for an hour.

Cut tomatoes into slices.

Put tomato slices, garlic, vegetables in layers in a jar, slightly crushing them for compaction.

Pour the rest of the brine from the basin into jars, pour the cabbage with cold brine (two tablespoons of salt per liter of water), pour three tablespoons of 9% vinegar under the lid.

Cork, put in a dark place and leave at room temperature for two days.

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter - tricks and tips

To ferment cabbage with tomatoes for the winter, you need to select hard heads of late varieties. Loose forks for salting are not suitable: the cabbage will turn out to be too soft.

It is better to salt cabbage with tomatoes for the winter with coarse rock salt. Iodized salt will spoil the salting: it will make the cabbage soft, “boiled”. The standard amount of salt for making brine is a tablespoon per liter of liquid. If the cabbage is salted in a dry way, that is, without brine, on vegetable juice, then the amount of salt should be increased.

Horseradish and carrots make cabbage crunchy. If you can refuse the bitter root, then carrots are a must. If you chop it very thinly, then the cabbage will retain its white color.

Together with tomatoes, cabbage can be salted with apples, lingonberries, cranberries, plums. They give a spicy sourness.

The upper large sheets that do not go into salting do not need to be thrown away. They need to be put on the bottom of the pot or jar for pickling, and then on top of the cabbage.

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Portal Editor-in-Chief: Ekaterina Danilova

Cabbage with tomatoes for the winter, a versatile preparation, a wonderful dish for every day and on the festive table for fried, baked and stewed meat

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