Why is the mirror in the bath beating. A subject to be respected. Break a mirror at work by accident, big, wall-mounted

There is a lot in the world a large number of will accept, many of which date back to ancient times. Some signs have long been forgotten, while others seem to us ridiculous and even a little absurd. But there are also those in which people still continue to believe. One of them is a well-known sign - a broken mirror, a familiar and indispensable piece of furniture for every modern home.

Since ancient times, the mirror has been used in various conspiracies and magical rites, since it was believed that only it was able to "open the door" to another world and remind us of long-past events. Now the mirror is widely used in divination, and psychics use it in their sessions, as it has a certain memory.

At present, we are all so accustomed to the mirror in our home that we do not treat it with such trepidation as before. And although many have long forgotten about magical properties mirrors, however, almost everyone believes in a sign: “a broken mirror is unfortunately”.

The worst sign is considered to be a mirror that broke on its own, that is, it was not touched or dropped, but a crack appeared on it. At the same time, the mirror can be considered a kind of indicator that told us about the unfavorable situation in this room, that something needs to be corrected here.

What does a broken mirror say?

To believe or not to believe in signs is a personal matter for everyone. And although a huge number of superstitions are associated with mirrors today, they most of is fictional. According to popular superstitions and signs, an accidentally broken mirror indicates negative and even deplorable events in the near future.

All these beliefs are connected with the fact that the mirror is our double. And having damaged or harmed him, we “pronounce sentence” on ourselves. If you accidentally break a mirror sheet, this can lead to parting with loved ones and dear person. If it crashed due to young man He won't be able to get married for 7 years. If a girl breaks a mirror, she will also not marry in the next seven years.

Did the mirror fall and break on its own? This means that the brownie warns us about the death of his relative in the near future. If the mirror broke when you looked into it, then troubles will happen exclusively to you. If your personal mirror is broken at home, this will most likely lead to the loss of a close acquaintance or friend.

If the mirror is still broken, in no case should you look into its fragments, as they can “split” your life, both personal and everyday. As a result, you can not only invite trouble or misfortune on yourself, but also get very sick.

It is generally accepted that whoever looks into a broken mirror will have seven years of failure in the future. According to other popular rumors, it is believed that creatures from the other world may appear in the components of a damaged mirror, meeting with which also does not lead to anything good.

It is very bad if a mirror breaks during witchcraft or divination, since ghosts and ghosts called from the other world will not be able to return, so they will have to live with the “offender”, causing him various troubles.

It is important to know that you should not admire for a long time even in an intact mirror, especially if at that moment you are in trouble or Bad mood, since the canvas has a good memory.

Unfortunately, anything can happen these days. For example, a mirror can break simply by negligence. But even in this case, you can minimize the risk of possible troubles in the future.

How to avoid misfortune

In order to get rid of misfortunes, or at least prevent them, several methods were invented that you should definitely use if a mirror breaks. The very first and most important way should be a positive attitude that helps prevent negative consequences.

If the mirror is broken, you need to properly remove all the pieces. Required condition- you must remember that you should never be reflected in them. Before removing the broken fragments, pour a glass of water on them.

Then take a broom with a shovel, put on work gloves, or, in extreme cases, just use a rag to clean up all the fragments. The main thing to remember is one nuance: never take fragments with bare hands. Firstly, you can get hurt badly, and secondly, you will incur all the misfortunes. After all the fragments are collected, be sure to vacuum or rinse the room so that even the smallest particles do not remain in it.

After all the fragments have been collected, it is recommended to wrap them in a dark cloth or any thick paper, as they will help to remove all the negativity from your home. The fragments must be thrown away where there is running water, which can carry away all your troubles and troubles. After fulfilling these requirements, you do not need to tell anyone about what happened.

If there is no river or stream near your house, then we advise you to hold the fragments simply under a gentle stream of water. This is necessary in order to wash away and carry away all the troubles from the house. After that, the fragments can be safely thrown into the trash.

You can also just bury the elements (but you should not do this on your own site). In this case, the reflecting side of the mirror should be directed downwards.

A broken mirror is often the cause of incomprehensible breakdowns and aggression of men in the family. Therefore, in order not to suffer even more from your husband or son, you should not drop broken fragments, thereby breaking them more. After all, this can significantly increase the negative effect of signs.

Instead of a broken mirror, it is recommended to purchase a new one. It is even possible for the purchase to be purely symbolic, in the form of a small folding or table mirror. The main task will be the ability of the new mirror to cross out all the negative influence of the old one.

It is known that the whole magical effect of a mirror lies in its ability to reflect what is happening, but this can be easily eliminated with one the easy way. For this you need to take dark paint or varnish and carefully paint all the fragments, both large and small. Thanks to this, all available forces will not have any effect on you through the mirror. Also, through the black color, negative energy cannot come out to harm the residents of the house.

Does a cracked mirror lead to trouble?

No need to keep a mirror in the house that is cracked but not yet broken. After all, it is believed that the crack that appeared on it will come to your everyday life. This is what will manifest itself in illnesses, quarrels, troubles, disagreements, and so on.

You should also not admire a damaged mirror - it's best to just throw it away. But if it is very large, expensive, old and you feel sorry for parting with it, then you can not throw it away, but it would be better to put it in a closet, under a bed or any other secluded place.

When a mirror breaks, that alone is unpleasant. And if you still find out what all this can result in, then you start to get nervous at all. However, it must be remembered that what we willingly believe in is most often fulfilled. Therefore, if the mirror was nevertheless broken, believe only in the good, and then misfortune will surely bypass you the farthest way. Also, a little tip: keep all the mirrors in the house clean - then you will certainly be able to minimize the risk that it will fall and break.

Believe only that everything will certainly be fine, and then no superstitions will be terrible for you, since you can easily cope with them.

Mirrors scare many people by their very existence.

Many stories and mysticism are associated with them. Almost from birth, we know that there is a sign to break a mirror. This scared every grandmother's girl: if it crashed or cracked - expect big trouble.

Even whole mirrors did not carry anything good. Do not eat in front of a reflection, otherwise you will eat beauty, or do not look at reflective surfaces, otherwise they will drag the soul away.

Even now, many believe that giving a mirror is bad luck. And if it crashed, then what to do, because all the misfortunes from Pandora's box will come to the house.

And indeed, a sign, a broken mirror, works almost without misfires! But how real is the fault of the mirror itself? Maybe it's just that a person himself attracts all the misfortunes that he attributes to a broken glass? We will try to find out the truth, and what to do in this situation.

Mystical reflection or negative energy

People who work with human biofields and their energy are sure that there are "bad" and "good" mirrors. Moreover, it depends only on the person what his reflection will be.

If a person is accustomed to doing good, has a positive, then his mirror can never become bad. It is believed that the human biofield nourishes its reflection, and if it is broken, then the events determine which owner it was.

If trouble comes, then the owner was not very positive person. If you break the mirror of a cheerful and energetic person in the house, then nothing will happen.

In general, an initially cracked or broken mirror meant one thing: changes are coming soon. But nowhere was it written about the nature of the changes. Over time, someone came up with a scarecrow and the changes were transformed into an obligatory misfortune.

They stopped giving them out of fear of breaking them, just as they don’t give watches. Also, they say, it’s impossible: to separation or the dead. There are people who generally see only bad omens. And why be surprised if they always have something going on.

But all at once forgot about such a thing as the realization of thoughts, and about the fact that thoughts are material. Remember: be afraid of desires, for they will come true. With broken mirrors, the same thing: if you give it and do not think about the bad, nothing bad will happen.

A person has a great ability to attract all the negativity to himself. At the same time, almost everyone knows the art of self-hypnosis no worse than local witches or psychiatrists. It was from here that unjustified signs were born, according to which a broken mirror means:

  • Crashed - unfortunately for many years.
  • Cracked - to loss or quarrel with loved ones.
  • To give even a small one - to an early separation.
  • To break during fortune-telling - to loneliness.
  • Look into a fragment - see a demon, lose energy.

Mirror riddles

However mirror world has its secrets. For example, in Rostov, while dismantling the ruins of an old house, they found a strange handmade mirror.

Moreover, they discovered it by accident: one of the workers caught on the boards in the floor. These boards parted, and under them lay the find. The workers admired it for a long time, and one of them decided to take the find to himself. At first everything was calm, but one night the worker woke up from an indistinct sound. It was like someone was scratching the glass with their claws.

He got up, walked around the apartment: everything is as always. He glanced briefly in the mirror and thought he saw the face of a young girl. Attributing this to chronic fatigue, the man went to bed. But an hour later it happened again.

Then the man took the phone and went up to the reflection: the girl's face was clearly visible. She was sad, unusual shape eye. The man, without losing his mind, clicked the camera. More then, to make sure of the soundness of your mind.

But the photo clearly reflected what was in this strange mirror. The man spent a lot of time on the archives, but found out who this lady was.

It turned out that once lived in this house evil person but rich. During his travels, he saw a girl of fabulous beauty. His henchmen stole the unfortunate woman and brought her by sea to the kidnapper.

The girl was locked in a room and sobbed for hours at this mirror. Until one day there was a fire, everyone died in that flame. But who and why hid the mirror remained unanswered. There was also an image of a girl: a complete copy of the photo. How did she come, what did she want to say or ask?

But this happens more with antique mirrors, moreover, they have bloody story. For example, the mirror of Jeanne d'Arc. The mention of it is almost erased from history due to the fact that everyone who then owned it died in a fire a few years later.

What to do: broken mirror

First of all, remember the initial interpretation of the coming changes. Maybe they will be good, or maybe bad - no one knows. What will the omens say? The mirror is broken - what to do next?

Clean the house, collect the pieces, cover with a dark cloth and take it outside. If the situation causes great concern, then take it to a wasteland and burn it. Fire, by definition, purifies souls, so it will take everything negative with it.

Some then bless the house with an ordinary church candle and holy water. It's simple: cross each corner, starting from the left corner and in a circle around the room, like the hands of a clock.

But do not forget that the mind owns life, and not vice versa. We can attract the bad as well as the good. He who creates himself out of superstitions and fears cannot be happy.

We control rockets, trains, cars, complex equipment. So do not be afraid of some unfortunate piece of glass! Author: Ekaterina Lesovaya

Since ancient times, many legends and superstitions have been associated with mirrors; they are actively used in various magical acts and divination. It is difficult to imagine a modern home or handbag without such an indispensable accessory. Unfortunately, glass is a very fragile material and mirrors made from it often break into small pieces.

Signs, if a mirror broke at home, are familiar to almost everyone, but few know what to do in this case and how to avoid trouble.

What to do if a mirror breaks - signs

Psychics and fortune-tellers consider mirrors to be a kind of portal to other world. Therefore, if the integrity is violated, all the accumulated information can reflect on people who are in maximum proximity to it.

According to a more common version, a person who breaks this fragile object will be unhappy for seven years, and if the mirror was broken by an unmarried girl, she will not see marital happiness for the same period. Parapsychologists explain this belief as follows: pieces of a mirror are, as it were, pulled out of a person vitality, weaken his energy and as a result, he has no strength left for positive events and changes in his life.

Also, you do not need to look into a broken mirror, as a distorted image can bring trouble.

How to avert possible trouble if a mirror breaks?

There are several universal tips, here are some of them:

  1. This method will help only those who do not believe in omens at all. It consists in the following - no need to get hung up on the incident that happened. But in any case, it is better to collect the fragments as soon as possible, especially if there are animals or small children nearby.
  2. Paint over the reflective surface of the fragments with any opaque paint. The painted surface ceases to fulfill its direct function, respectively, and the mirror is already a stretch and trouble will not happen.
  3. Rinse mirror shards with tap water. Water perfectly removes information and cleanses objects, so possible negativity will simply be washed away.
  4. Light candles, as fire also perfectly cleans and harmonizes the space.

After the actions taken, the fragments should be collected in a cloth flap and tied tightly with a thread, taken to the street in a trash can or buried in a quiet place.

But what if a small mirror, for example, in a powder box, is broken? Here, again, it all depends on your belief in the supernatural, but you need to remember that the alleged troubles are directly proportional to the size of the broken mirror. Therefore, the best thing would be to simply throw out the old and replace it with a new one, trying to be more careful in the future.

What words should be said if the mirror is broken?

Here are just a few options that you can use in this unpleasant situation:

If you ask the priest in the church what to do if the mirror breaks, he will recommend reading a prayer. You can read a prayer that all believers know, or that they read with anxiety and fear.

Whatever you choose to do if a mirror breaks in your home, the first thing to do is to remain calm and positive. As you know, our thoughts are material and if you think about the good, then there is simply no room for the bad.

People have been talking about the miraculous properties of mirrors for a long time. It is believed that it is in this ordinary household item that all human energy flows are concentrated. And when for some reason it falls and breaks, many on a subconscious level begin to expect trouble.

Where did the folk omens about the broken mirror come from?

Like any sign, the belief that a broken mirror portends misfortune has its own history of origin. So, historians say that in the Middle Ages, mirrors made in Italy were especially valued by the European rich. Made of precious metals, they were insanely expensive, so many aristocrats were ready to sell their estates in order to buy such a work of art in their home. Of course, a broken luxury item did not bode well: serious material difficulties and a strong moral shock awaited the owner. As for the ancient Slavs, they often used mirrors to magical rituals. The fragile reflective surface was something like a boundary between the real and otherworldly worlds. Therefore, the destruction of the thin line has always meant trouble.

What it beats for: superstition and observation

Life consists of a series of different events, and no one is immune from such an oversight as a broken mirror. Behind long time a lot of signs and beliefs associated with this trouble have accumulated in the people's memory. Of course, the size, color of the mirror or what material it was made of is important, while its fragments still portend misfortune.

According to Eastern teachings, cracks in the mirror attract negative energy and poverty into the house. The same qualities are endowed with household dishes with gaps.

What happened: fell and broke, cracked in half, a chip appeared

If the mirror has broken into many small fragments, this may mean that all hopes and future plans will collapse, and dreams of something good will remain dreams. A sign takes on a completely different meaning if it is cracked in half. Most likely, the family in which this happened is expected to quarrel and discord.

No less trouble in life promises any, even the smallest chip on the mirror. It is believed that such places exude negative energy that can gradually poison the lives of households. But if a person crushes a mirror with his own weight, then changes await him in the future, as this symbolizes the destruction of any obstacles in the upcoming affairs. Great luck should be expected for those who have it dropped but not broken. Of course, this sign will be true, provided that the mirror fell by itself, without human intervention.

Large or small mirror

Oddly enough, but the size of the mirror matters when interpreting signs: the larger it was, the more serious the consequences. So, broken or cracked household items of impressive size can portend serious illness and even the death of a close relative.

When picking up the pieces, try not to touch them with your bare hands: wear gloves or use an old newspaper

At the same time, small ones, for example, pocket mirrors, accidentally damaged, can cause minor troubles and failures.

Whose mirror was broken: his own or someone else's?

If a person himself broke or somehow damaged his own mirror, this could mean a quarrel or the loss of a close friend. If the cracked object belonged to another, then your personal space does not accept someone else's energy, so you should take a closer look at this person.

Where it broke: in a house, apartment, car, at work and in other places

Most often, broken mirrors cause trouble in those rooms or places in which it was damaged. So, when a mirror falls and breaks in a residential building, this means that its inhabitants should be prepared for bad news right within it. If this item crashed at the workplace, then for sure this promises conflicts with superiors or colleagues, and in some cases it may portend dismissal.

Cracked car side mirror? Do not be too lazy to change it, even from a practical point of view, it is already inconvenient to use it

Did the mirror burst or did a piece break off in the car? Be very careful on the road: do not exceed the speed limit and often look around. Even just a dirty mirror impairs visibility, and a broken one completely distorts reality while driving.

Do not forget about the simple laws of physics. For example, if an old mirror cracked in a bath, there is a completely “earthly” reason for this: possible minor damage is to blame, which, due to exposure high temperature increased in size and led to a completely natural result.

Who crushed: themselves, husband or wife, child, cat or other animals

The meaning of the omen also depends on who damages the canvas of the mirror. If it cracks through fault young guy, then it is believed that for a long time he will not be able to find a life partner. The same means for unmarried girl. But if the mirror was damaged by a family man, then this indicates imminent change in the lives of spouses.

Your desktop mirror could be next, so try not to place breakable objects within reach of the tailed rogue

Cases when children's pranks became the cause of a broken or cracked mirror should not cause fear in adults. The fact is that in young children, by nature, the protective forces are more developed, which means that they are able to withstand bad energy. And also there is no need to be afraid if the mirror inadvertently drops a pet. This happens especially often with cats, who seem to strive to throw everything they want from shelves and tables.

Accidentally or on purpose

It is generally accepted that an accidentally broken mirror can bring trouble to its owner. Depending on the various factors it can be both minor household troubles, and quite serious problems such as illness and even death. If an outsider deliberately breaks a mirror in someone's house, this may indicate that he intentionally wants to bring trouble to his household, splashing out his negative energy. When the canvas becomes a victim of temper or anger, this only signals the poor upbringing of this person, and therefore, there is no need to look for any mysticism in this act.

When the trouble happened

A mirror damaged on a birthday portends a lot of trouble for the birthday man. Probably, the holiday will be spoiled by a series of small dirty tricks and offensive absurdities. One of wedding signs says that if on the day of the wedding a mirror is broken by one of the newlyweds, then their marriage and further living together are under threat.

Why you shouldn't look in a cracked mirror

It is believed that looking at your reflection in a cracked mirror is not only undesirable, but dangerous. The energy of a person who sees himself “broken”, as if flies into small fragments, and such a damaged biofield becomes more vulnerable to negativity, which means that in the near future he will be haunted by continuous failures. In addition, there is an opinion that mirrors long years they are able to accumulate energy in themselves, they, like a sponge, absorb everything that happens in the house. Breaking, the canvas releases all the concentrated energy outward, and a person, looking into a fragment, can absorb some of it and thereby bring trouble on himself.

At different peoples there are beliefs regarding mirror fragments, but they all boil down to one thing - it is dangerous to look at yourself in them. So, an English sign warns that if you look at yourself through the cracks, you can get very sick. The Portuguese, on the other hand, believe that you can’t look at your reflection in a broken mirror in front of the road, otherwise you can lose your horse (it turns out, in modern times, a car). In Sweden they say that to look into a cracked mirror means to say hello to the devil himself. And according to French belief, one who looks at himself in a mirror fragment risks losing his family.

Looking into a broken mirror - incur trouble

What to do so that bad predictions do not come true

Broken mirror - no doubt Bad sign. But you can mitigate its effect or completely eliminate the consequences if you do not panic and follow the instructions. The first thing to do is to collect all the fragments and parts of the broken mirror, the same applies if a small particle has broken off from it. It is important to remember that not the slightest part of the damaged canvas should be left, including the fasteners on which the mirror was held. At the same time, you need to try not to look at your reflection in the mirror fragments.

Mirror fragments must be disposed of immediately, following certain rules in order to neutralize possible negative

If large fragments are found, they should be carefully collected and placed under running water for a while. It is believed that in this way it is possible to wash away part negative energy and mitigate the effects a little. Large fragments, before being thrown away, must be folded so that the reflective elements “look” at each other. This will help prevent penetration into external world otherworldly power. Further, all the fragments are wrapped in cloth, preferably dark color, and burrow in a deserted place. If this is not possible, then the remains of the broken mirror can be carefully lowered into the trash can.

After that, you need to return to the house and try to get rid of the remaining smallest particles. To do this, it is enough to thoroughly vacuum the scene of the incident and carry out a wet cleaning there. To cleanse the surrounding space of bad energy, you can light a candle in the place where the mirror hung, and it is better to do this on the same day. In the future, it is recommended to please yourself with the purchase of a new one and place it in the old place. If the culprit was Small child, then his own or godmother should clean up all the consequences.

A broken mirror has always been considered a bad omen. Of course, believing signs or laughing at these superstitions is a personal matter for everyone. But in any case, do not give in to panic, because every situation can be corrected.

Every house has a mirror. This is one of the most useful and necessary devices for a person. But it has a significant drawback - it is fragility. Consider what to do if the mirror breaks.

Why does the mirror break?

There are many signs that have been known for several hundred years. If the mirror breaks in the house where he lives married couple, then relationship breakdown may occur.. According to this belief, a mirror tends to accumulate negative energy, so if it cracked on its own, it's time to think about your attitude towards your household.

Mirror broken by accident portends future losses , they may relate to money, work or personal matters. Often, reflective glass cracks on its own when another person uses it, for example, when changing tenants in a house, the energy changes completely. It's better to throw them away and put your own.

Accidentally broken even a small mirror can be a harbinger of tragedy and misfortune, sometimes cracks appear after the death of the owner of the house. Worry about negative consequences it’s not worth it, they can be greatly facilitated if you properly get rid of the fragments.

If the mirror broke: what does it mean?

The consequences of an object that has an invisible power can be of a different nature, depending on the type of damage. For example, if a small crack appears, then this portends a slight disagreement or quarrel with a loved one.

  • It’s not worth looking further into it, it’s better to throw it away and buy a new one, otherwise they can haunt you all the time.
  • A mirror completely broken into pieces can speak of the destruction of hopes and future plans for life.
  • The nature of the tragedy also depends on the size of this object. You can not worry so much about the consequences because of a small mirror, which usually lies in a lady's bag. Its damage can bring minor annoyances such as a damaged heel or a bad date.
  • A completely different character of consequences has a broken room dressing table, because of which illness or deterioration in health may occur generally.

The most dangerous is damage. hanging mirror which in most cases can lead to death.

The degree of human influence should also be taken into account. If the reflective surface cracked by itself, then most likely this is a sign from above. Its owner needs to listen to him.

A mirror fell but did not break: a sign

The situation takes on a completely different meaning when the mirror has fallen, but didn't crash.

If this happened due to human intervention, then such a sign does not mean anything. A person should hang it in place and in the future be more careful and accurate.

If it fell on its own, then this portends a threat to the owner or danger, but he will be able to avoid this.

Before drawing any conclusions, it is necessary to check the condition of the support and fasteners. Perhaps the point is in them, and not in the intervention of an otherworldly factor.

In a word, a fallen but not broken mirror does not portend any trouble.

Broken Mirror: Actions

Below are the steps you should take if the mirror is accidentally broken:

  1. The first thing to do is cast off the panic. Yes, a favorite household item has crashed, but this may not lead to the most better consequences, but the situation can still be corrected;
  2. Next, you need to carefully pick up all the shards, frame or mirror support and discard it. You can not leave anything from it, not even the nut on which it hung. It is required to buy a new mirror that you will like more than the previous ones and put it in the same place;
  3. During the collection of fragments, categorically it is not recommended to make attempts to see your reflection through them. Many sources have information that because of this you can lose beauty, youth and vitality. There is a more terrible sign, it says that a broken reflection is an other world into which any soul can be drawn;
  4. If there are large fragments, then before throwing them away, you must carefully rinse with running water to remove all negative energy. Such a ritual can remove some of the troubles that have fallen;
  5. In the place where the favorite mirror stood, it is required light a candle in order to clear the entire space from the penetration of negative energy, it is advisable to do all this in one day;
  6. Large fragments must be folded correctly: reflective surface to each other. You can also paint over the reflective surface with black paint in order to prevent the penetration of otherworldly forces.
  7. All content required wrap in matter, preferably dark in color;
  8. Broken pieces are the best dig into the ground if this is not possible, then it is necessary to take them to the trash can;
  9. After the source of evil is neutralized, the house itself needs to be processed. Everything must be thoroughly vacuumed and treated with a damp cloth. All windows should be open at least for a few minutes.

What to do with a mirror that has a crack?

Into a cracked mirror can't watch as it can attract disease. It is also not recommended to break it into small fragments on your own.

It is required to carefully wrap it in matter and throw it away in this way. But it needs to be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage it further.

If a person does not believe in signs, then he can continue to use the mirror, masking the crack with paint or adhesive tape.

How to avoid trouble?

  1. As soon as a crack or broken glass has been discovered, you should say out loud simple conspiracy: "My mirror is broken, but it does not concern me and my loved ones". After which you can proceed to the removal of fragments;
  2. To remove trouble, you need to sprinkle the fragments with holy water, and then do the same in the place where the mirror stood and in every corner of the house;
  3. After all its fragments are thrown away, it is necessary to say a prayer to protect yourself from trouble:

« Great Lord, protect me and my entire family from troubles and troubles. I appeal to you, O Almighty, give us all spiritual strength, heavenly strength, keep us from dislike and evil tongues. Strike with righteous wrath our enemies, those who are unclean in soul and thoughts.(3 times)";

After this rite is completed, it is necessary to forget about the sign and not remember it anymore, so that you do not impose a negative influence on yourself with your thoughts.

So we looked at what to do if the mirror broke. Before taking any steps, you need to carefully consider it, perhaps on the contrary, it happened to a pleasant event.

For example, if it shattered into odd number of shards, which means that its owner will soon tie the knot.

It is also a good sign if it crashed after a person suffered a serious illness. This is how it is takes all the negativity out of the house. Many experts recommend sometimes breaking the mirror yourself and buying a new one with whiter and more positive energy.

Video about the consequences of breaking a mirror

In this video, the famous esoteric Margo will tell you what to do when your mirror has been broken:

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