What is a barracks. What does a military barracks look like?

Every country needs an army. The protection of borders and the defense of its territory has always been the primary task of any state. In order for warriors to be strong not only physically, but also morally, they must live according to a certain way. It is very important to be disciplined, to be independent and to strictly follow the instructions. All this can be learned in the barracks, surrounded by teachers and educators. Warfare requires endurance, character and will. In many ways, it is the barracks that instills all these qualities in soldiers. The barracks is a "school" through which every defender of the Motherland must pass. Life in a team gives the best hardening for a male character.

What is a barracks?

A barracks is a building or room that houses personnel. military units. The barracks are designed for long stays and are fully equipped to suit this. The number of people living in the barracks is usually less than a company.

The barracks is the place where military personnel spend most of their time. Exercises can be held outdoors or in special rooms, but the main free time the soldiers are spending right here. Such buildings are built according to the barrack type, that is, with a common bedroom. They have a full-fledged life support system so that military personnel can live comfortably here. long time. Usually one building or floor (depending on the number of personnel) occupies a particular division. Both junior command personnel and ordinary soldiers live here.

Origin of the word

It would seem that the barracks is primordially Russian word, but no, it came to us through Polish from the Latin language. The word is also found in Italian and German. It is translated as "house of weapons", "fortified military camp", etc.


Living in the barracks is not easy - you have to get used to it. Young people can not immediately adapt to new conditions of life, and yet everything gets better with time. It is very important to learn how to cooperate and work with a team, to understand that you are one family. The convenience of living in the barracks largely depends on the upbringing of the boy, his routine and lifestyle. If a person from childhood is accustomed to take care of himself, clean, be independent and neat, then life in such a military building will not bring any particular inconvenience. Accordingly, a slovenly and unassembled person will adapt for a long time to strict discipline, the need to serve himself and the ability to compromise.

The barracks teach young "chicks" that the most important thing is to control themselves and be able to independently manage everything. For a soldier, this is a very important quality, because in the conditions of hostilities he will have to take care of himself.


The order in the barracks is quite strict. It is important for a young fighter to learn that you still have to follow the rules, so it’s better to get used to it from the very beginning. Such a routine was not invented in vain, he teaches the soldiers that everything should be done in due time, as they say, "a spoon is the road to dinner." Anyone who did not know how to organize his time in a "civilian" and led a careless life, and in the army will not be able to quickly assemble and react in a war or other extreme situation. Just before military service the basic qualities of a soldier are best instilled.

The barracks, the essence of which is primarily in the education of a worthy warrior, lives according to a certain schedule. Getting up early is essential. The day should start in the morning, not in the afternoon - "who gets up early ...". For those who like to sleep, this item will be the most undesirable, but, getting used to an early rise, you can find out how much free time remains at the end of the day and how fruitful this time is for any undertakings. The soldiers wake up on a call and get dressed. Surely many have heard that a fighter must be fully dressed while a match is burning. After that, everyone goes to the formation, greet the senior in rank. This is followed by exercises, breakfast and the main classes in which soldiers are taught the art of war. It can be theoretical disciplines or workshops on the fresh air, in the gym.

Every evening, the military can do his favorite thing, take a walk or just be alone. Due to the tight schedule during the day, the fighters do not always have time to communicate and exchange information, so the evening can be spent in the company of like-minded people.


The history of the barracks dates back to Russian Empire. Then there was a huge complex of everything that the military might need. Bakers, artisans and shoemakers also worked here. In short, the barracks were a very large system. When the question of a regular army arose, they were built throughout the country.

To date, the barracks are also used. Here live young people who have decided to connect their lives with military service. Military camps are fenced with high walls with wire. They are also guarded by interchangeable guards.


Life in the barracks is impossible without work. Assigned daily to defend the building, as well as perform routine tasks. The barracks, the photo of which can be seen below, is a beautiful building. If earlier the interior arrangement suffered somewhat, then in this moment the barracks are equipped with everything necessary for the military to live in comfortable conditions. We are not talking about excesses, but the most necessary and important things should be present in every barracks. Much attention is paid not only to combat training as the main activity, but also to leisure. A soldier must have a cultural rest and develop as an all-round personality. There are many options to spend your free time with benefit: music, books, walks, Mind games etc. All this is available to every military man to choose from. This is not the Middle Ages, so the dark barracks will not be a problem for lovers of literature, because you can stay up late in the library.


The rules of the barracks are determined by its internal order. Each soldier makes a promise to follow the charter, follow orders and live according to the routine military unit. General provisions military order include:

  • accurate performance of duties;
  • compliance with the requirements of commanders and complete obedience to their orders;
  • active educational work;
  • following the daily routine and regulations;
  • compliance with the requirements for the safety of buildings and the use of weapons;
  • clear system of combat training.

The barracks in the army also lives according to unspoken laws that the newcomer must comply with. We are not talking about hazing, but some comrades still should show.

One more important rule- it is one military uniform. You can wear it only according to the established rules. For example, contract servicemen may not wear uniforms in their spare time, while conscripts are required to wear uniforms even when they are on leave.

I already wrote that on my first day in the army, the guys and I immediately ended up in the barracks. And to be precise, there was a sign "Soldier's Hostel" in front of the entrance to it. Considering that at the time of June 26, 2015, I spent the night in a student hostel just a day ago, where I lived for the last 4 years of my life, I had certain ideas about what awaits me and other guys outside the doors of this “soldier hostel”.

However, my expectations were not met. It turned out that this soldier's dormitory was much newer and more convenient than the one where I lived the last period of my life. However, first things first. I will immediately make a reservation that those photographs that you will now see are not the standard and the only option for filling the army barracks. Here I have collected photographs of only those premises, without which I cannot imagine any similar barracks in other parts. So, let's get acquainted!

Entrance to the company

The entrance to the company begins with the meeting of the next orderly in the company. He, as expected, is serving front door, near the weapon storage room. So we can't get past it. A soldier who enters the company must comply military salute daily and vice versa.

The red box in the first photo is where the fire extinguishers are stored. There are two of them. In total in a company, of course, it is more.

central aisle

Central passage or "take-off"

The central aisle used to be called the take-off. The Internet is still full of videos of how soldiers, during the execution of events, washed up the take-off with foam and rode on it on mops. As if taking off like planes on the runway. Hence the name came from.

From the central passage you can get to almost any part of the barracks. Both the main and emergency exits are connected, of course, to it. Well, in the sleeping quarters and all public places, the passage is also only through it.

tea room

The tea room is a favorite place for many. There is even a timetable on the front door of the tea room according to which the room is allowed to be used. So, dear mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, as well as our beloved halves, if you bring us food - know that we are either in the dining room or here we enjoy home cooking and your presents.

There is always an important rule in the tea room: if you eat, clean up after yourself. We have no other way!

Information and leisure room

Information and leisure room

This, by the way, is also one of the most popular rooms in the barracks. In the evening there is an opportunity to watch TV or just talk to relatives on the phones on weekends. And every day at 21.00 - watching the TV program "Time". Mandatory event on the daily routine in the army!


Here, I think no special comments are needed. The toilet should always be clean, beautiful and smell delicious. And these tasks are what is actively required of the .

In the foot basins we wash our feet every night before going to bed. cold water and also wash our socks.

Clothes drying room

Clothes drying room

Room for drying uniforms, and unofficially - just a dryer. This is exactly the place where our berets, socks and washed things go every day.

In the army, the law is simple: if the berets are not on their feet, they must hang in the dryer. The same with socks. in winter time the dryer is the most warm place in the mouth. After all, there is a bunch of heating batteries, which are especially hot in winter.


In the washroom, there is traditionally a full house only once a day - after morning physical exercises, when the morning toilet is on the daily routine. One way or another, I still do not remember a case when a soldier did not have enough time to wash and clean himself up before the morning inspection.

On the last photo can also be seen washing machines, which we actively use after the evening verification.

Shower room

Shower room

And this is what our shower room looks like. It is especially busy in the evenings of every day, in free time from 19.00 to 21.00. In total, we have 5 showers for a company of 80-90 people, which is quite enough to evenly wash everyone in 2 hours.

Service room

Room consumer services is a place where you can put your uniform in order and prepare it for tomorrow. Threads, needles, buttons, irons, gauze, shape cleaning brushes and much more are at your complete disposal.

Here, by the way, there is also a place for haircuts for personnel. There must be a freelance hairdresser in the company, who cuts a certain number of people every evening as needed.

Even some officers turn to his services from time to time. At such moments, he probably regrets that he cannot make good money on his skill. :-)

sleeping area

The main place in the barracks for many. The barracks beds are especially comfortable and beautiful, because you fall into them with special pleasure every evening.

On this subject, by the way, there is one interesting rule in the army.

It is forbidden for a soldier to lie down or sit on a bed before the command "Hang out". Punishment can be harsh...

In our barracks, by the way, the beds are new. They don't creak or fall apart. And this nice bonuses, which are not available to all Russian soldiers. Yes, and we have blankets, if you notice, without black stripes, as in the avatar of the post.

And this means that we have less trouble with making the bed. Be that as it may, order in the sleeping quarters is the basis of order in the barracks.

In total, we have 3 sleeping quarters (in the common people - cabins) per company. Each sleeps about 30 people. Enough space for everyone, no complaints. Some sleeping bags even have empty seats.

And this despite the fact that our battalion is traditionally staffed by 100%.

P.S. To be honest, I am extremely glad that I live in such conditions. I repeat once again that in my hostel in St. Petersburg there was no such improvement. Well, you quickly get used to the good. This is probably why I now want to live in an apartment with a European-style renovation upon my return from the army to civilian life.

I look forward to your comments and photos from your barracks and duty stations. It is insanely interesting to find out in what other conditions our soldiers live.

interactive list. Start typing your search word.


KAZARMA, -s, w.


2. AT pre-revolutionary Russia: hostel for workers.

| adj. barracks, th, th. barracks position(in war time, during the period of mobilization, anxiety: mandatory permanent stay away from home in a military unit, at a factory, in an institution).

What BARRACKS, BARRACKS this is the meaning of the word BARRACKS, origin (etymology) BARRACKS, synonyms for BARRACKS, paradigm (word forms) BARRACKS in other dictionaries

Paradigm, word forms BARRACKS- Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak

paradigm, forms of the word KAZARMA














+ BARRACKS- T.F. Efremova New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory- derivational

what is KAZARMA


kaz a arma


a) A special building for the accommodation of military personnel.

b) A room inside such a building.

2) Hostel for workers at the factory, industry, etc. (in Russian state until 1917).

3) outdated. Room for prisoners.

a) transfer. unfold An ugly building built according to the simplest standard project.

b) A room devoid of amenities, livability, comfort (in which several people usually live together).

+ BARRACKS- Modern dictionary ed. "Big Soviet Encyclopedia»

+ BARRACKS- Dictionary of foreign words

what is KAZARMA


1. A special building for military units.

2. ist. In Russia until 1917: a hostel for workers. Barracks - 1) relating to the barracks, barracks-mothers; 2) trans. rude and primitive (barracks humor).

Etymology BARRACKS- Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Vasmer Max

etymology KAZARMA



starting with Peter I (1703); see Smirnov 126; Christiani 36. Borrowed. through the Polish kazarma or it. Kasarme (At Nicolai; see Paul, Zschr. f. d. Wf. 10, 128) from It. saserma from *saserna (French sacerne), close to arma "weapon" (see Hamilsheg, EW 191; Kluge-Götze 288).

+ BARRACKS- Small academic dictionary of the Russian language

what is KAZARMA


s, well.

A special building to accommodate a military unit.

Cavalry corps, infantry regiments, artillery units had their permanent barracks in the distant cities of Russia. Sayanov, Heaven and Earth

A building for workers at a factory, industry, etc. in pre-revolutionary Russia.

(Kislyakov) climbed the dugouts, the barracks of the workers, taught everywhere, instructed, handed out books. Turgenev, Nov.

Inside the barracks, bunks in two tiers adjoin the walls. Gladkov, Volnitsa.

|| Razg. disapproved

Ugly, dull, pattern-built building.

At the high body that grew before her eyes, she stopped, amazed. --- I do not know and did not ask who built these gloomy modern barracks and stuck to them the old honorary name "Charles University". Shahinyan, Resurrection from the dead.

(Italian caserma)

+ BARRACKS- Compiled dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

what is KAZARMA



(Old German kazarm). 1) housing for the lower military ranks. 2) a building to accommodate workers in large numbers.

In the barracks for the unit there are several rooms, each of which is intended for its own purposes.

The main room of the barracks is a dormitory (for rest (sleep) of military personnel). It is the most spacious, its location can be in a multi-storey capital building. The sleeping room is designed to accommodate enough a large number military personnel (100 - 140 people). High ceilings, walls can be painted with gray paint to a height of 120 cm from the floor. The floor is usually covered with linoleum. The premises are located metal beds in 1 or 2 tiers, in the aisle between which there are bedside tables for storing soap accessories and some personal belongings of soldiers, at the rate of one bedside table for two people.

From the end of the beds, which face the central aisle, the so-called "take-off", army stools are placed. On one side there is a TV for viewing news programs of the entire company.In addition, the barracks must have the following premises: a service room (“change house”), a pantry of a company, a training class (maybe 1-2), a dryer (for drying outerwear, mainly in winter, a leisure room (in the past - "Lenin's" room), office, platoon commanders' room, pea jacket, washbasin (in which a shower is also possible), toilet, weapons storage room (CWC).For each room there is an inventory of property, daily transferred to each other under the protection of a daily order.These rooms have:- in the "change house" there is almost everything necessary for the conscript to bring his appearance and clothes in order: ironing board(from 3 pieces), irons, mirrors (3-6 pieces), spools of thread (white, black and Green colour), bedside tables with a tool for cutting hair (machines, scissors), a tool and material for repairing shoes (although not all, but you can get it from the foreman). In this regard, in the change house in their free time it is almost always full of people. And in the evenings, a freelance hairdresser of the company works tirelessly in it;- in the pantry company"in the cupboard" the racks store all the property of the company (jokingly it is also called the "treasure island"), which is controlled and issued by the foreman of the unit. This is bed linen, household equipment necessary to keep all the premises of the company clean, everyday form clothes (tunic, shirts, trousers, boots, caps), duffel bags for military personnel, and so on;- in the classroom there are tables and benches designed to accommodate at least a platoon of military personnel (30 people) for conducting theoretical training sessions;

- in the dryer from the heating pipes, layers were made into the racks for drying things and shoes. In winter thanks to hot water circulating in these pipes,

wet clothes and shoes dry quickly. This helps a lot after serving in guards and outfits (especially in winter), as well as after washing uniforms;

- in the leisure room (former "Leninskaya") there are tables, chairs, a TV, a video recorder (DVD), a video film library, a music center, a guitar, board games(checkers, chess), some fiction(depends on the level of imagination of the deputy company commander for educational work), campaign posters, indoor flowers, a small "green" and "living corner" (aquarium with fish) can also be organized. In this room, the rest of the company's fighters is organized, of course, in their free time;

- in the company office - tables and chairs for the company commander, his deputy and the clerk, bedside tables, a bookcase, a PC for the work of the company clerk, a company commander's safe for some official documents;- in the room of platoon commanders there are also tables, chairs, a bookcase, a hanger for things, a PC for officers to work;

- sports corner of the company;

- hats, winter wadded jackets "pea jackets" hung in platoons are stored in the pea jacket; combined arms protective kits (OZK), steel helmets and bulletproof vests for each can also be stored;- in the washbasin there are taps with hot and at least cold water (at least 10 pieces) with shaving mirrors, there is a place for washing feet. In some places of our vast Motherland, 1 shower room may even be provided, for example, in the barracks of a new type, it is already provided. It helps a lot, especially the outfit for the company. A toilet with 5-8 cubicles is located in the next room;

- in the weapons storage room (CWC) is also located at the location of the company, as a rule - right in front of the orderly post. This is the most important room that requires constant protection. The pyramids are staffed military weapon personnel in the required quantities and sets, as well as gas masks, chance tools (sapper shovels), oilers, pouches, gun oil, training weapons (training machines for training their disassembly and assembly), small-caliber rifles, training cartridges and grenades. Also, separately (in a safe, a lattice room) in the CWC, the required amount of ammunition (cartridges) can be stored, for example, for an alarm group.

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