The initials ai. The meaning of the word initials. New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova

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The meaning of the word initials

initials in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


initials, unit (rarely) initial, initial, m. (from Latin initialis - initial). The first letters of the first name, patronymic and surname, or first and last name, or more often - the name and patronymic. The initials are A.V., and the surname is Ivanov. Comrade Ivanov, what (or what) are your initials?

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Ov, unit -al, -a, m. The first letters of the name and patronymic or name and surname.

adj. initial, -th, -th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Initial letters of the first and last name, first name and patronymic, or first name, patronymic and last name.

    The first capital letters of text, chapters, etc. (usually oversized), sometimes decorated with ornaments, patterns, etc.

Examples of the use of the word initials in the literature.

Kis saw Anatoly, and, waiting for the engraver to finish drawing on it initials, they called Alexandra.

Svetlana Timofeevna was stunned looking at Tolin initials on a gilded case.

So the person whose initials ending with the letter B, had the right to wear such a crown.

You can find out about a person by first and last name. Our name leaves an imprint on us, endowing with certain character traits and inclinations, like a horoscope or date of birth in numerology. What the initials say about a person describes the character quite accurately.

Each letter of our name is responsible for a certain sound. And sound is a vibration that affects a person and subtle matters. Thus, the name and patronymic are the character of a person. This is what their initials say about a person.

What do his initials say about a person: the whole secret of character

What is the characteristic by name and patronymic and what do his initials say about a person? Experts have determined which vibration corresponds to each sound in the name. Vibrations differ from each other and have a special effect. Therefore, the experts were able to find out what influence each sound has and what the initials say.

How to determine what a person's initials say about a person? You just need to take the first letters of your last name, first name and patronymic, and look at the characteristic below. For example, if a woman's name is Petrova Zoya Leontievna, then her initials will be PZL. See the table below for the meaning of these letters.

Meaning of initials

BUT- a strong and powerful person who is used to always achieving what he wants. Possesses leadership abilities, leads people behind him, enjoys authority.

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B- the ability to love faithfully and sincerely. Such people are capable of great sacrificial love. If they love, then seriously and for a long time.

AT- a fickle person. Plans change regularly. It's hard for him to decide what he really wants. Life goals are unstable.

G- mysteriousness, behaves mysteriously. He is interested in esotericism, is delighted with comprehending the secrets of the universe and subtle matters.

D- very sociable person. Prefers large companies, very attractive to people. Has a lot of friends.

E- a resilient person who can always mobilize his strength and act in a difficult situation. He does not give up and does not deviate from his plans.

AND- an insecure person, sometimes suffers from an inferiority complex, thinks that others understand things better.

Z- always doubting everything, unsure of himself. It is difficult for such a person to realize his plans, as there is not enough perseverance.

And- very impressionable and romantic. Sometimes it makes the situation more important than it needs to be. Everything is taken to heart.

To- a person with big requests who wants to get the most out of life. It is difficult to satisfy him. A strong personality who achieves goals by any means.

L- has a sharp inventive mind, generates creative ideas, always finds an extraordinary way to solve a problem.

M- is not afraid of work, gives all the best, is distinguished by pedantry.

H- a person endowed with many creative talents. Extraordinary and extravagant. It has a large supply of energy that it spends on creative endeavors.

O- emotional, sensitive, vulnerable. Worries about and without. Sometimes nervous and prone to frequent neuroses.

P- a modest person who does not like to open up in front of people. Prefers a narrow circle of friends. Always with great pleasure will spend time alone than in the company.

The initials of the name are the key to the secrets of man

R- He reacts too emotionally to everything, from this he experiences psychological stress. Subject to private unrest.

FROM- an impressionable and vulnerable person. It is very easy to hurt his feelings and hurt him. It looks like a fragile vase that is easy to break with one touch.

T- for everything in life, a person has an ideal model. Always chasing his ideal, and therefore always in the process of searching.

At- often upset, afraid of many things in life, shy. However, he has an increased tendency to intuition, although he rarely listens to it.

F- femininity, knows how to adapt, softness of character, tenderness in behavior and women.

X This person's feelings are very fickle. Very amorous, and every love is like the last. Prone to sexual problems.

C- expressiveness of behavior, very clearly shows their feelings and emotions.

H- a loyal and devoted person, a reliable friend, you can always rely on him.

W- a jealous man who treats his chosen one as property. Doesn't compromise. Very principled.

SCH- very developed intellectual abilities, thirst for knowledge, the desire to know the unknown. A principled person who is not inclined to forgive others.

E- is always in search of harmony and inner balance.

YU- A very ambitious person with ambitious aspirations. I want to achieve the maximum in life, to reach the pinnacle of life.

I- a very creative person, the owner of a whole bouquet of talents. He has good manners, upbringing, very intelligent.

Also read about what are. If you are still alone, and the person you like is still in no hurry to invite you to a tete-a-tete meeting, then perhaps you are doing something wrong? There are secrets that will help even the most ordinary girl to become very popular among men.


Ov, pl. (units initial, -a, m. ).

The first letters of the name and patronymic or first and last name, less often the first name, patronymic and last name.

(Nina:) I ask you to accept this small medallion from me as a keepsake. I had your initials cut out. Chekhov, Seagull.

Misha called these pictures etudes, in the corner of each etude he put the letters M.K. - his initials. Caterly, Bronze spinning wheel.

2. Specialist.

Enlarged and (often) embellished capital letters placed at the beginning of a book, chapter, or paragraph.

(From lat. initialis - initial)


What INITIALS, INITIALS this is the meaning of the word INITIALS, origin (etymology) INITIALS, synonyms for INITIALS, paradigm (word forms) INITIALS in other dictionaries

INITIALS- T.F. Efremova New Dictionary of the Russian Language. Explanatory- derivational


initiate a ly


1) The initial letters of the first and last name, first name and patronymic or first name, patronymic and last name.

2) The first capital letters of a text, chapter, etc. (usually oversized), sometimes decorated with ornaments, patterns, etc.

INITIALS- Dictionary of foreign words


ov, unit initial, a, m

1. The first letters of the first and middle name or first and last name.

2. In ancient manuscripts and modern printed editions: the initial letters of parts, chapters, etc. (otherwise called letters) made in an enlarged size compared to the letters of the rest of the text and decorated with ornaments, drawings, etc.

INITIALS- Compiled dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language



(Italian). 1) capital initial letters of the word and name. 2) in book printing. deed: the initial letters of the chapter or articles.

In our time, asking any person the question: "What are the initials?", You can only get the answer: "These are the capital letters of the name, surname, patronymic." But translated from Latin, the initial means "initial", that is, an enlarged capital letter. In ancient times, the initial letter (as the initials were called in handwritten books) was often decorated with beautiful ornaments.

So what are initials?

Initials are capital, the first letters in the name, patronymic and surname of a person. Everyone knows about it. But few people know that there is a peculiar interpretation of the initials. Any letter has a certain psychological meaning. To believe in it or not is a purely personal matter for everyone. What are initials? Based on the list below, these are not just capital letters of the name and surname, but also some information about their carrier.

The meaning of the letters

  • A - defines strength and power.
  • B - a tendency to a sublime feeling.
  • B - uncertainty, lack of consistency.
  • G - a mystery, a riddle.
  • D - communication skills; the talent to win people over.
  • E - steadfastness, the ability to mobilize.
  • Zh - a weak life position.
  • Z - suspiciousness, constant discontent and money problems.
  • And - excessive tension, impressionability.
  • K - desire and overstrain during the achievement of goals.

  • L - logic, ingenuity.
  • M - pedantry and love of work.
  • H - huge creative ambitions.
  • Oh - emotions, the mystery of excitement.
  • P - loneliness, removal from people.
  • P - excessive emotionality and tension.
  • C - fear, depression, despondency.
  • T - constant search for the ideal.
  • U - strong intuition, frustration and rebelliousness.
  • F - tenderness, the ability to quickly adapt.
  • X - inconstancy, difficulties in love.
  • C - a manifestation of internal unrest.
  • H - honesty and devotion.
  • Sh - jealousy, uncompromisingness.
  • U - revenge, development of intellectual abilities.
  • E - the search for ideals and balance.
  • Yu - ambition, lack of harmony.
  • I am a pronounced intelligence, craving for creativity.

So, we figured out what initials are and what meaning they can contain. It is worth answering one more question that arises much more often in everyday life. Capital letters of the name and fatherland often need to be entered when filling out various documents. How to do it right?

Surname and initials: how to write correctly?

When filling out the questionnaires, oddly enough, difficulties often arise. Is there a space between the last name and initials? It is impossible to find an exact answer to this question in any GOST or in the reference literature. According to some sources, a gap is placed, while others do not. Therefore, you need to trust logic and common sense, and when typing data in electronic form, use the Ctrl + Shift + space key combination to avoid breaking and transferring information to different lines.

The initials are written before the surname, in the case of a written appeal to an official or individual. If alphabetical and bibliographic lists are compiled, then the initials are written after the surname, for ease of searching.

    INITIALS- (Italian). 1) capital initial letters of the word and name. 2) in book printing. deed: the initial letters of the chapter or articles. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. INITIALS 1) the initial letters of the name and surname, or in general ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    INITIALS- INITIALS, initials, unit. (rare) initial, initial, husband. (from lat. initialis initial). The first letters of the first name, patronymic and surname, or first and last name, or more often first and middle name. The initials are A.V., and the surname is Ivanov. Comrade Ivanov, how (or what) are your ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    INITIALS- INITIALS, ov, units. al, a, husband. The first letters of the first and middle name or first and last name. | adj. initial, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    initials- ov, usually pl., unit. initiation / l, a, m. 1) The first letters of the name and patronymic or name and surname, less often the name, patronymic and surname. Put your initials. Write your last name and initials. Censorship conditions and a political past forced Bogdanovich ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    INITIALS- Seeing letters in a dream in which you recognize your initials portends soon, perhaps, the most significant event in your family life, for which you will not even be mentally prepared, not to mention the material side. Aliens… … Dream Interpretation Melnikov

    Initials- (from Latin initium, beginning) usually relatively large and ornamented initial (capital) letters in books or manuscripts, marking the beginning of the text or one of its main departments. Initially, in the ancient scrolls, they were no different ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Initials- pl. 1. The initial letters of the first and last name, first name and patronymic or first name, patronymic and last name. 2. The first capital letters of a text, chapter, etc. (usually oversized), sometimes decorated with ornaments, patterns, etc. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T.F.… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

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    initials- Loans. in the 19th century from the French lang., where initial "initial" lat. initialis aka, suf. derived from initium "beginning", Suf. formations from inire “begin” “enter, enter”, related to go ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language

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  • Initials, Miroslav Florian. The book of poems by the contemporary Czech poet Miroslav Florian includes his poems from a number of collections published in different years. The poetry of M. Florian is characterized by originality, bright ...
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