Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich classical astrology. Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich. Vronsky training


Would you like to meet a man who seems to me to be a very original schizophrenic? He says that in the mid-1930s, he, a Russian resident of Riga, graduated from some kind of occult medical institution in Berlin ...
- Can I take a comrade, a major of the criminal investigation department, with me? - I ask.
... We were introduced to a middle-aged man of pleasant appearance and quite correct manners, but with a sharp German accent.
- I was told, - N-sky nodded towards the owner of the apartment, - that there would be a conversation with representatives of the press and science. I would like to interest Soviet medicine in new methods of treatment.
- Why don't you offer your services to the Ministry of Health directly? I asked.
The interlocutor smiled wearily.
- He was, he said, but they take me there for ... - he twisted his finger at his temple.
I began to ask him about the past. Yes, from Russian residents of Riga, his parents died when he was five years old. In the early thirties he moved to Germany, entered the medical faculty of the University of Berlin, but soon a secret state commission selected him for a special group where they studied astrology and methods of bioradiation treatment. He served in the African Corps of Colonel General Rommel as a physician and bioradiologist.
In 1942, he ended up in the area of ​​Staraya Russa as a doctor in a German evacuation hospital. Among his patients was a wounded pilot captured by the Germans. He wrote a letter to his relatives about his fate, and to the authorities about Hauptmann N-sky's intention to return to his homeland.
Then everything happened, as in adventure films - under a camouflage robe, N-sky puts on the uniform of a Soviet lieutenant, goes to the front-line airfield where our U-2 is stationed, gets on the plane and lands in the area where the Soviet troops are located. There he explains who he is and how he is being sent to our front-line hospital as a doctor. After a German air bomb hit there, he was treated for a long time. Returned to Riga. Now he lives in Moscow, a disabled veteran of the Patriotic War ...
- Is it possible to use your knowledge on Petrovka, 38? I turned to my friend.
“We need to think about it,” N-sky answered. - I can make horoscopes, finding out the most prosperous days for their dangerous work. But you don't believe in astrology...
- And to look for hiding criminals and their victims?
- Photos required.
- And what will you do with them? the major asked.
- Like what? Ask where the criminal is hiding.
- Whom to ask?
- At the dead man, he will say.
It already smelled of spiritualism, and we did not go deeper ...
Much later, N-sky showed me his planchette and a beech triangle, with the help of which he communicated with the other world.
My interest in N-sky was twofold: I wanted to know about his life in the Reich and, of course, about the practical application of the methods of treatment, which were then contemptuously called "Mesmerian charlatanism."
The consent of the leadership of the House of Medical Workers for N-sky's lecture was obtained, but I thought: what if he starts talking about the influence of planets on the fate of people, about the reality of the other world, which was unacceptable at that time? Therefore, in a friendly way, he asked me to give me a text for viewing in advance. The report was interesting, but the author was still constructing phrases in German. I almost rewrote it. Alas, the meeting with the doctors did not take place either then or later ... But I, previously convinced that animal magnetism is an ordinary suggestion, suddenly saw the light ...
After listening, N-sky nodded:
- So after all, I have long suggested that you feel for yourself what you don’t believe in even now.
He was right: the insight had not yet convinced my skeptical mind that SOMETHING existed...
From the book of a psychic
IN AND. Safonov "Incredible"

Personal astrologer of Rudolf Hess

In 1933, the 18-year-old son of Count Alexei Vronsky came to Berlin from then independent Latvia to study. Already in his youth, Sergei knew 13 languages, and his grandmother, from a family of hereditary healers and clairvoyants, taught him astrology, palmistry, magic ... He also went in for wrestling, boxing, swimming, participated in auto racing, graduated from aviation school at the age of 17.
For exceptional abilities in non-traditional methods of healing, Vronsky was transferred to the closed Bioradiological Institute, where specialists were trained for the Nazi elite. In addition to traditional medical disciplines, students studied astrology, extrasensory perception, hypnosis, shamanism, yoga, acupuncture…
Soon, the Russian count became quite famous as a psychic physician and astrologer, he treated top Nazi officials and even Hitler himself with the biofield. He also met his deputy for the National Socialist Party, Rudolf Hess, who was fond of mysticism. Once at a party, Sergei promised an “extraordinary future” to Eva Braun, and soon Hitler fell in love with her ... Hess immediately called: “Your words came true!”
After this and many other prophecies that came true, he unconditionally believed the young astrologer.
The horoscope compiled by Vronsky foreshadowed Germany's complete collapse. That is why on May 10, 1941, Hess fled from Germany to England in a light plane. And he was not mistaken: he outlived his comrades by 40 years.
By the way, Walter Schellenberg, head of military intelligence of the Third Reich, in his memoirs confirms the involvement of astrologers in the escape of the second person in Germany ...
No one, of course, could have imagined that Sergei Vronsky was at the same time a Soviet intelligence officer, whose information was of particular value.
He also carried out specific assignments. For example, to eliminate the Fuhrer, he introduced the Russian boxer Igor Miklashevsky into his entourage. Later, however, Stalin abandoned such a plan.
After the escape of Hess, hard times came for fascist astrologers, and the stars predicted that Vronsky would soon be exposed. The order came to urgently arrive in the USSR. Having completed the documents, Sergey went to his native Baltic. There, with the help of hypnosis, he penetrated the German airfield and flew over the front line in an airplane ...
For days the surgeon Vronsky did not leave the operating table. During another bombardment with a log, his shoulder was injured and his insides were bruised. The famous surgeon Burdenko, seeing a familiar name in the lists of the hopeless (Nikolai Nilovich knew Father Sergei closely), demanded to immediately prepare a colleague for surgery.
In 1943, he was demobilized with a disability of the first group and sent to the rear.
In 1945, Vronsky was the director of a secondary school in Jurmala. And in 1946 he was arrested and sentenced to 25 years for refusing to lead schoolchildren to the execution of captured German officers.
To the chiefs in the camp, he seemed like a demigod - he treated them with hypnosis and psychotherapy.
Feigned the last stage of cancer - and the prisoner was released to die in freedom.
In 1963 he moved to Moscow, where he gave lectures to the metropolitan bohemia on astrology, on the influence of cosmic factors on the human body and psyche ....
One of the listeners “tipped off” about the propaganda of “pseudo-science” ...
Then, by personal order of N.S. Khrushchev, he was sent to Star City ...
Despite all the misfortunes, Brezhnev, Andropov, Yeltsin turned to the semi-underground astrologer for recommendations ...
Sergey Alekseevich died on January 10, 1998.
From the book of Nikolai Nepomniachtchi "100 Great Phenomena"

Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky (March 25, 1915-January 10, 1998) is the only certified astrologer in Russia. Descendant of an ancient Polish family. His parents were shot in 1920. He was the personal astrologer of Rudolf Hess, worked in the disinformation department of Hitler's headquarters. Secretly collaborated with Soviet intelligence.
Returning to the Soviet Union, he endured camps and persecution. He taught the first classes in extrasensory perception and astrology. He took part in the work of the Society for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena, studied ways to prevent air accidents. Developed a unique system for calculating favorable and unfavorable periods for various types of activities.
Author of the books "Astrology - Superstition or Science?", "On Marriage and Compatibility", "Astrology in the Choice of Professions", "Classical Astrology" (12 volumes).

"You will be the director"

From the preface to the edition
"Classical Astrology"
The Higher School of Classical Astrology begins publishing the multi-volume work of Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky "Classical Astrology". Finally, the reader has found a fundamental edition in his native language, which has no analogue in the world.
... The widow of Sergei Alekseevich Liana Zhukova-Vronskaya agreed to give us the manuscript, and the Riga astrologer Svetlana Semyonova took on the enormous work of editing the text.
Nikolay Strachuk,
director of the publishing house

It seems incredible that a person lived and worked next to us, whose life, full of trials and adventures, is more interesting than any adventure novel.
I want to talk about Sergei Vronsky as a person. His house was always open, literally and figuratively. From the threshold we were met by the owner, who did not lose his status and greatness, and we fell into his arms. We repent, we often abused hospitality ...
Sergei Alekseevich dreamed of the time when astrology would be recognized as a science, and did a lot to bring this time closer.
He considered the result of his life a multi-volume book, which was almost ready in manuscript. His dream came true: the Russian reader finally received this fundamental publication.
Svetlana Semyonova

I met S.A. Vronsky in 1979. At the first meeting, looking into my horoscope, he struck me with a prediction: "You will be the director of the astrological institute." At the time, it seemed absolutely incredible! Sergei Alekseevich accepted me as one of his students, from him I received reliable and accurate methods for predicting events. And the horoscope he compiled is still kept in my archive as a relic.
With the services of S.A. Vronsky was used by the authorities of the USSR, and appeals from abroad are also known. In October 1990, I witnessed him working on the order of the US government - to calculate a favorable time for the launch of Operation Desert Storm ...
S.V. Shestopalov,
Rector of St. Petersburg Astrological Academy

In the mantle of a scientist
When Leonid Brezhnev asked me to calculate the time of death of his worst enemy Mao Zedong, my answer was: between 6 and 12 September. Mao died on September 9, 1976.
* * *
Scientists have come to the conclusion that there is a direct relationship between the movement of celestial bodies and the behavior of all life on Earth, including humans.
The main phenomenon of cosmic forces are the vibrations of the radiations of the Sun, planets and other celestial bodies. It is no secret that our Universe is not a void, it is filled not only with cosmic dust, but also with electric, magnetic and other fields created by the radiation of planets, stars, constellations, galaxies, nebulae and comets. Especially dangerous is the radiation of the Sun, which creates electrical and magnetic storms and other cosmic disturbances in the atmosphere, ionosphere and biosphere of the Earth.
Solar activity exacerbates chronic diseases, disorders of the neuropsychic and cardiovascular systems, increases the number of heart attacks and strokes.
* * *
Everything around us boils because of the interaction of cosmic forces. Stars emit radio waves, ultraviolet rays, high-frequency radiation, which we call light, change DNA and RNA cells. Solar flares, magnetic storms affect the weather, climate, human well-being, positive and negative ions of the Earth's atmosphere - our behavior, emotions and feelings. The planets, forming angles between themselves, the Sun and the Earth, are the cause of flares and spots on the Sun ...
* * *
The totality of all cosmic influences at the time of a person's birth creates the prerequisites for the formation of temperament, character, abilities and other qualities that determine his fate.
There are other interesting facts as well. For example, when water is drained into a bath, electric fields are formed. In this case, the positive charge goes through the pipes into the sewer, and the negative one remains in the atmosphere of the bathroom, creating a feeling of freshness and cheerfulness.
* * *
Ancient astrology, having put on the mantle of a scientist of the 20th century, came to life and grew stronger. I would like this science to be used in our country not for self-enrichment, as happened with many of my psychic students, but for the good.
* * *
Our science is discredited most of all not by opponents, but by "fair prophets" - amateurs, businessmen from astrology, deprived of the slightest moral responsibility, which is so necessary in any prophecy. They profit from frivolous and irresponsible forecasts-stamps. The public is familiar, as a rule, with the crafts of charlatans, with which the whole world is teeming.
* * *
A person receives his individual potential of life force, or astral energy, even in the womb, but mainly at the moment of birth. The life force is located in outer space freely and unlimitedly, it does not have a specific place of origin and residence, being everywhere and everywhere. Everyone owns it during earthly life, and after death it returns to the Universe to appear again together with other animated organisms...
S. Vronsky,
"Classical Astrology"
Volume 1, "Introduction to Astrology"

Prepared Leonid Terentiev
e-mail: [email protected]

Date of birth: 25-03-1915

Place of birth: Riga

Time of birth: 6:17 (GMT+2) (Rybakov's rectification).


The official biography of S.A. Vronsky is confusing and contains a lot of gaps. Nevertheless: "Astrologer and healer, surgeon and psychotherapist, popularizer of occult knowledge."

Sergei's father Count Alexei Vronsky continued the old Polish noble family. His ancestors moved to Russia in the 17th century. Before the October Revolution of 1917, being in the rank of general, the count held the responsible position of head of the encryption department of the Russian General Staff. He knew 42 languages. He received permission from Lenin to travel abroad with his family.

On May 19, 1920, the Vronsky family was preparing to leave for Paris. Suddenly, armed Red Army soldiers burst into their house. The general, his wife and children, two brothers and two sisters of Sergei, were mercilessly shot on the spot. Sergey himself miraculously survived - he was playing on the street at that time - instead of him, the five-year-old son of a French governess, his age, was killed. The governess hid the boy with neighbors, and then took him to Paris, where his grandfather and grandmother, who then lived in Riga, found him through the Red Cross.

Sergei's grandmother was from an old Montenegrin princely family of hereditary healers and clairvoyants Nenadic-Negosh. This predetermined the fate of her beloved grandson: Princess Negosh not only received an excellent education in Germany and France, she was also seriously engaged in the occult sciences - astrology, palmistry, magic. And everything that she could do herself, she passed on to Serezha, who already at the age of seven was addicted to compiling horoscopes for school friends and teachers. He showed early abilities for hypnosis, psychotherapy, he was fascinated by spiritualism and magic. Sergey studied in Riga at the Millerovsky Russian private gymnasium. Already in his youth he knew 13 languages. He played tennis with the sons of the owner of porcelain factories Kuznetsov. He sang in the boys' choir in the Dome Cathedral. He took accordion and piano lessons. Seven times he received the main prizes at ballroom dance competitions. He mastered the auto business - he even participated in races. At the age of 17 he graduated with honors from the aviation school in Innsbruck, Austria. In 1933, Vronsky moved to Germany and entered the medical faculty of the University of Berlin. A student from Latvia very soon discovers exceptional abilities for non-traditional methods of healing: he makes diagnoses blindfolded, predicts the course of the disease, heals by the laying on of hands. Soon the young man is transferred to the closed Bioradiological Institute created by the Nazis. Of the 300 applicants, only ten were selected for study. A detailed horoscope was drawn up for each. In the most privileged, most secret scientific and educational institution of the Reich, it was supposed to train specialists with supernatural abilities to serve the Nazi elite.

Vronsky joined the Communist Party of Germany back in September 1933 and, perhaps even then, began working for Soviet intelligence.

01/29/1938 - received a diploma from the Bioradiological Institute.

Vronsky was well acquainted with the leaders of the Nazi Party, and Rudolf Hess was his first student in astrology. It is very likely that Hess's flight to England was a consequence of Vronsky's influence. After the escape of Hess, hard times began for German astrologers. Many ended up in prisons. In 1942, Vronsky was invited to urgently arrive in the USSR - allegedly in connection with the presentation of the award. Later, Vronsky said that, after consulting the horoscope, he saw extremely unfavorable prospects for himself. But it was also impossible to stay in Germany - the same stars predicted imminent exposure and inevitable death.

Having issued a German diplomatic passport, Vronsky goes to his native Baltic. There, in order to take possession of the aircraft he needs, he hypnotizes the attendants of the German front-line airfield, forces him to refuel a light aircraft, on which he crosses the front line. The plane was shot down ... From the burning cabin of the downed plane they pulled him out, took him to the front-line special officers. They were already going to send him to Rokossovsky's headquarters, but, having learned that he was a surgeon, they sent him to a nearby dugout that served as a field hospital. Sergey Alekseevich did not leave the operating table for days, until the infirmary was turned over by a shell. A log dented his shoulder, bruised his insides. The Specialists finally had to send him to Rokossovsky. But on the way to the headquarters of the front, an officer from the escort group fired at Vronsky from behind, as if by accident. With a severe head wound, he was taken to a military hospital to die. But the surgeon Burdenko performed a successful operation and saved Vronsky.

1943 - Vronsky was demobilized with a disability of the first group and sent to the deep rear.

1944 - was sent to Latvia liberated from the Germans as a civil aviation inspector.

1945 - was appointed director of a secondary school in Jurmala.

1946 - Vronsky did not last long as a teacher. From the class, Sergei Alekseevich went straight to the bunk. And all because he did not bring his wards to look at the public execution of German officers. Someone immediately wrote a denunciation of him “where it should be”, attaching to it somewhere a photograph of Vronsky in German uniform, obtained somewhere. They did not stand on ceremony with him, he was first sentenced to capital punishment, which was then replaced with 25 years of labor camps and sent to Mordovia, to the Potminsk camps. There, Vronsky successfully simulated the last stage of an incurable oncological disease - and the prison doctor contributed to the fact that the prisoner, who had served only a fifth of the term, was "released to die in freedom."

February 4, 1963 - moved to Moscow.

1968 - Vronsky was invited to the laboratory of bioinformation, where he lectured to future bioradiologists on the influence of cosmic factors on the human body and psyche.

05/11/1978 - Vronsky was discharged after completing hospital treatment. He lived alone, but his condition did not allow him to independently rehabilitate himself after his illness. For a sustainable recovery, constant care was needed. Avgustina Semenko agreed with one of her acquaintances that she would put him up for nursing in her two-room apartment. But the day before, she suddenly refused. Semenko called Liana Zhukova and described the situation. Liana agreed to host him. So Vronsky ended up with her, in a one-room apartment. There was a child at home, and her husband was on a business trip in Kazan.

You should have known Vronsky! He couldn't even come from the hospital just like that! Together with him, Semenko's husband brought his papers, typewriter, books and everything else necessary for his life.

The very next day, Semenko found options for its placement, remembering the promise given to Liana. But Sergei Alekseevich said that he would not move anywhere from here and that everything here suits him.

Augustina and Liana were ready for his nursing, as by this time they had studied herbal medicine, and fasting according to Nikolaev, and colic, and hydrotherapy according to Kneipp, and wrapping, and many other folk healing methods, including yoga. So they took him out.

In the autumn of the same year, Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky, having finally recovered thanks to the efforts of Augustina Filippovna, her husband Alexei Eliseevich and Liana Mikhailovna Zhukova, returned home. Consultations have already continued in his Moscow apartment.

There are many interesting and exciting personalities in the history of the world. And one of them is Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich. The biography of this man is truly unique, because he was an astrologer, a psychic, a surgeon, and even a spy. On his account - predictions of the fate of the rulers of the Soviet Union and the Third Reich. While he worked with Hitler, he spied for Stalin at the same time, delivering him the most secret information. Also during his life he wrote many volumes of the first in the Soviet Union "Classical Astrology". In addition, the method for calculating unfavorable and positive periods for an individual, based on biorhythms, was also created by this person.

Sergei Vronsky: biography

Sergey was born on March 25, 1915 on the territory of Riga in a noble family, which belonged to an ancient family of Poles. Serezha was the tenth child. His father was a count, general and secret adviser in the general staff of the king's army, head of the encryption department.

Vronsky's early years were spent in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The general earned permission from the Bolsheviks to go abroad, which was signed by Lenin himself, but, unfortunately, he did not have time to use it. In 1920, people broke into their house and shot Sergei's mother and father, as well as brothers, sisters and the son of their governess. Vronsky at that moment was walking with his governess, so he escaped from a terrible reprisal.

The escape

Sergei's governess did an incredible deed - running away to Paris, she took him with her, passing him off as her own son. Some time later, Vronsky's grandmother found them and took the boy to Riga with her. It was she, the clairvoyant, who told him about astrology and palmistry, and she also taught the boy magic, which she herself owned, and healing. Perhaps it was thanks to this woman that the predictions of Sergei Vronsky were so clear and significant.

In addition, Sergei had many hobbies, he liked sports, dancing, music and car racing. In his youth, he graduated from a driving school with honors. Under the tutelage of his grandmother, he received an excellent education, entered the elite Miller Gymnasium and graduated from it, at that time he had already learned 13 languages. But he decided to continue his education not in Riga, but in Berlin.

Student years at a secret institute

Arriving in Berlin in 1933, he entered the university at the Faculty of Medicine. Not much time had passed by the time he was transferred to the Bioradiological Institute, which was classified. It was in it that future psychic healers were trained for the management of the Third Reich. The difference of this educational institution was additional disciplines based on occult knowledge.

Healers practiced on prisoners. Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich during the practice had to work with twenty forced laborers who were diagnosed with cancer. He was promised that everyone he cured would be set free. After Sergey's actions, sixteen of them recovered.

In 1938, Sergei Vronsky graduated from both universities successfully. And next year he gets a job at the Military Medical Academy, where he heals oncological diseases using ancient healing techniques. His success attracted attention, in addition, friendly relations with helped him climb the career ladder. Using the biofield, he began to treat the highest officials of the Reich and even helped Hitler.

Friendship with Hess and the healing of Hitler

At that time, Rudolf was the Deputy Führer in the party. He loved astrology, so he began to communicate with Vronsky and trust him. When Hess decided to tie himself to his beloved by marriage, he asked Sergey to draw up a horoscope on this account. Having calculated the probabilities, Vronsky assured that there would be no wedding. Naturally, the reaction of a friend was not the best, he even threatened the astrologer with a concentration camp. But after a while, his fiancee died in a car accident.

This prompted Hess to be imbued with complete confidence in the astrologer, because he was really extremely amazed by the abilities that Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky possessed. His predictions also affected the unknown worker of the photo studio Eva Braun. He said that after marriage, an unusual future awaits her. On the advice of Vronsky, Hess secretly left for England in 1941, otherwise, according to the astrologer, death would have awaited him. True, after this, Hitler repressed many astrologers, suggesting that it was they who advised him to flee. But Sergei did not fall under his suspicions.

Since 1933, Sergei Vronsky became a member of the German Communist Party and began working for the intelligence service of the Union. Thanks to the trust of Hitler and the top leadership of the Reich, Vronsky always had information to pass on to enemies. They trusted him, they had business conversations with him, and no one guessed that the doctor could be a spy.

He had to carry out specific assignments for intelligence. For example, there was a case when he needed to introduce a boxer from Russia, Igor Miklashevsky, into the circle of the Fuhrer's entourage. Although the main task was canceled, Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich did an excellent job. Another attempt on Hitler, in which Sergei participated, took place in 1939, but even then the Fuhrer escaped death.

Forties - fifties

At the beginning of the war, in 1941, Sergei Alekseevich was sent to Africa. He was supposed to become a doctor in the army and did an excellent job with this task. A year later, Vronsky receives information that Stalin urgently calls him to the USSR to present an award. He hijacks a plane to cross the border. His idea is not carried out, as he is shot down by special officers. While his case is being considered, he performs the duties of a surgeon in a hospital, but during one of the bombings he receives a very severe head injury. In 1943, he was officially sent to the rear due to a first-degree disability.

Report and camp

In the year of the end of the war, he ends up in Jurmala, where he works as a school principal. But a year later he is given 25 years in the camps. For five years, Sergei Vronsky treats all the bosses with the help of psychotherapy and hypnosis, after which he manages to simulate the last stage of cancer so that he is released. In the fifties, he wandered: he was either not hired at all, or he did not stay in one place for long. So he moved around a lot.

Underground astrology

Everything changed in 1963, when Sergei Vronsky arrived in Moscow. He began secretly lecturing on astrology. At the same time, he tried to find work in the KGB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This information reached Khrushchev, and Vronsky was sent to Star City to perform work related to his "specialty". It was there that the well-known system for calculating the favorable periods based on biorhythms was developed. And in 1967, Andropov instructed him to create a group of consultants for the KGB. In the seventies, Vronsky was treating Brezhnev.

Exit from the underground

When Andropov came to power, cosmobiology was officially recognized, and in the eighties Vronsky began to give lectures on legal terms: first to party workers, and then to everyone who wanted to learn about astrology. But Sergei Vronsky, an astrologer with a capital letter, became famous only in the early nineties, when the world saw his first book.

After the collapse, Vronsky returned to Riga and completed all 12 volumes of the encyclopedia of astrology there. In 1998, in January, Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky died. He made a great contribution to astrology. Many secrets of his biography have not yet been revealed.

Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky has an amazing fate. A brilliant education received in pre-war Europe, fluency in languages, amazing twists of fate - all this has formed a biography that, without exaggeration, can be called legendary. S.A. Vronsky was the first astrologer in terms of basic education in the most direct and formal sense of this concept, for he studied at the Faculty of Astrology of the Berlin Radiological Institute. Now it is very difficult to describe to readers of new generations what we, citizens of the Soviet Union, experienced in the 70s, receiving bit by bit the precious and always stunning information about this person that arose in our minds when we got acquainted with such facts.

I met S.A. Vronsky in 1979. At the first meeting, looking into my horoscope, he struck me with a prediction: You will be the director of the astrological institute! In that, now distant, Soviet time, it seemed absolutely incredible! It was then that Sergei Alekseevich accepted me as one of his students. From him I received a reliable method of horoscope rectification and accurate methods of predicting events. And the horoscope he compiled is still kept in my archive as a relic. And in the future, Sergei Alekseevich's forecasts convinced by their accuracy, whether they concerned himself, my family, other people or events. No wonder his favorite phrase was: Astrology is an exact science. The test of time only increased the value of Vronsky's methods.

Vronsky was a supporter of scientific astrology. Being a widely educated person, he urged not to consider astrology as a frozen dogma and sometimes changed his mind on some complex and controversial issues. With great tolerance, he treated the opinions of astrologers that did not coincide with his own, for he considered it quite natural for science to have different points of view on the same problem. He dreamed that his students would do everything possible for astrology to acquire the status of a science. He believed that systematically conducted research, proving the reliability of its methods, would do the trick. No wonder the first book of Sergei Alekseevich, published in 1990, was called "Astrology: superstition or science?" and saw the light precisely thanks to the publishing house "Nauka"!

Being a deeply believing Orthodox Christian, in relation to astrology, Vronsky always stood on the positions not of Faith, but of Knowledge. He warned against the transformation of the science of the laws of the construction of fate into a new religion, against sectarianism in one direction or another of astrology.

On December 11, 1983, S.A. Vronsky began to read a five-year, official course in astrology in Moscow. The name of the course - "Cosmobiology of the Special Direction" - reflects the continuity that Sergey Alekseevich followed, continuing the work of his teachers Karl Ernst Kraft, Walter Hof and others. Kraft was an outstanding astrologer and represented a scientific trend in European astrology, the first to call it cosmobiology. I also took these courses. Vronsky held classes on Sundays, so every Saturday I went to Moscow in order to listen to lectures and talk with Sergei Alekseevich, which he never refused me, to return by night train back to Petersburg.

In relations with us, students, S.A. Vronsky was tolerant and loyal. The position of his age, great knowledge and intelligence did not convey to him arrogance or ambition. He treated us like colleagues and passed on his vast experience to his students without any restrictions, leaving no secrets. As a talisman, I keep a postcard made by the artist Luis Ortega, a great friend of Sergei Alekseevich. The plot of the picture is dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of Vronsky in astrology. Vronsky gave it to me with his large and sweeping personal signature.

The services of S.A. Vronsky in the past were used by the authorities of the USSR, appeals from abroad are known, both from official structures and people endowed with power. During one of our meetings in Moscow in October 1990, I witnessed his work for the US government. The latter, through the US Embassy in Moscow, turned to Sergei Alekseevich with a request to calculate the time for the favorable start of Operation Desert Storm, the first US operation in Iraq, which was sanctioned by President George W. Bush. This appeal is the strongest evidence of the recognition of S.A. Vronsky at the world level, and also indicates the prioritization and quality of Russian astrology. With a large number of predictors in their country, the United States turned to a Russian astrologer, and not to an American!

Sergey Alekseevich is a legendary person. However, based on fragments of his biography, scattered across the pages of many newspapers and magazines at the beginning of perestroika, it will not be easy for an inexperienced reader to separate journalistic fiction from the truth, which, however, is not surprising, given the position of half of the planets of his horoscope in the XII field. The last circumstance is clear to the astrologer without comment. Being an unsurpassed master of an exciting story, which he knew how to supply with an abundance of the most fantastic details, he baffled any diligent listener. Over the years, as our relationship deepened, I had to make sure that seemingly incredible stories sometimes turned out to be true. Unfortunately, he did not have the right to talk about many things, he expounded something allegorically, and much remained a mystery. It is interesting to note that in intelligence, the legend is the external cover under which the intelligence officer performs his mission.

The belonging of an astrologer to any tradition is one of the main conditions for his success in astrology. According to his basic education and scientific sympathies, S.A. Vronsky belongs to the German astrological school of the early twentieth century, known for its methodicalness and scrupulousness. German astrologers of the first half of the last century reworked and summarized the experience of world astrology, primarily Arabic and Indian, as well as the astrology of the European Middle Ages. The innate German punctuality had a beneficial effect on astrology, primarily in developing the scientific direction of this science and improving the accuracy of prognostic methods. It is known that in Nazi Germany, starting from 1940, astrology was banned, and many astrologers were persecuted and ended up in concentration camps. In the light of these tragic events, S.A. Vronsky became a link in the transfer of the invaluable experience of the German tradition to the renaissance of astrology in Russia at the end of the 20th century.

Student of S.A. Vronsky,
Rector of St. Petersburg Astrological Academy
S.V. Shestopalov

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many prophets and healers appeared in the former post-Soviet space. The personality of Sergei Vronsky stood apart in this cohort. He was known for his secrecy and alleged collaboration, first with Nazi Germany and later with the KGB.

Astrologer, healer and writer

In the late 80s, the Russian journalist Tatyana Thains helped him to become famous. By some mysterious coincidence, she decided to interview the healer and cosmobiologist (as he called himself) Vronsky. To this end, she came one fine day to his Moscow apartment in the Orekhovo-Borisovo district.

It turned out that Sergei Alekseevich was already waiting for her. Tatyana learned that she and the great healer would have a long collaboration. And so it happened. A few months later, Vronsky is already publishing with her help his first book on astrology. Tynes arranges radio and television interviews for him.

All this contributes to its popularity. Kilometer-long queues line up at the doors of the healer's apartment. People in the hope of getting rid of cancer and other diseases come to Moscow from different parts of the former USSR. Soon such attention becomes burdensome for Vronsky and he leaves for Latvia. He has a lot to do with this country.


Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky came from an old aristocratic family and, by right of inheritance, was a hereditary count. The grandmother of the future healer was nee Nenadich-Negosh. This is an ancient princely family of healers and seers from Montenegro. So Sergei Vronsky inherited his gift from his grandmother.

He was born in Latvia. At the age of 18 he was sent to Berlin to study. This was greatly facilitated by my grandmother, who herself received an excellent education in Europe. She also taught Vronsky astrology and palmistry. Sergei Alekseevich received an excellent education, knew several dozen languages, played music, was fond of ballroom dancing, was an excellent athlete and, in general, a comprehensively developed young man.

Cooperation with the Nazis

While studying at the Medical Institute in Berlin (1933), he discovered the unique gift of a diagnostician. Sergei was able to make a diagnosis with his eyes closed. The gifted young man was immediately noticed by the Nazis. After some time, Vronsky was transferred to their closed "Educational institution No. 25" (Bioradiological Institute).

The students of this institution were taught not only medicine, but also all kinds of occult sciences. The Nazis generally had a tendency to master everything secret and forbidden with the aim of subsequently applying this knowledge in war. Occultism, extrasensory perception, palmistry - all this was a priority for Hitler. He proclaimed astrology an "imperial science." So Vronsky was quite in his place in the mid-1930s.

"Educational institution No. 25" Vronsky finished not only brilliantly, but also ahead of schedule. When the director personally congratulated Sergei in his office, military men in Wehrmacht uniforms were already standing next to him. So he ended up in the service of Hitler. By some miracle, the Nazis eluded the fact that Vronsky was already a communist in 1938 and managed to secretly visit the USSR several times.

Spy and personal prophet of Rudolf Hess rolled into one

The third most important person in the Third Reich, Rudolf Hess was obsessed with mysticism. On this basis, Vronsky met him during his studies. Hess became a student of Sergei. He was avidly interested in his future and the fate of Germany. Many later suspected that it was the astrologers who warned Hess about the defeat of the Nazis in the war and thus prepared his escape.

After studying, Vronsky immediately became the personal astrologer of his former student. Hess was extremely frank with him and constantly consulted about the plans of the top of the Third Reich. Sergei Alekseevich was already an agent of Soviet intelligence and, having received information from Hess about the Barbarossa plan, he immediately warned the Soviet Union about the upcoming war. Alas, his voice was not heeded.

Cooperation with the KGB

The dual position of Vronsky in the first years of the war aroused suspicion both among the Germans themselves and among the Soviet counterintelligence. Sergei Alekseevich compiled his personal horoscope and realized that his continued existence in the den of the Nazis would end sadly for him. In 1942, he skillfully organizes his own escape, stops his disastrous espionage activities and settles in his native Latvia.

In 1946, one of Vronsky's acquaintances who knew about Vronsky's past wrote a denunciation against him. This is followed by a trial and a sentence - 25 years of "imprisonment" in the Potminsk camps (Mordovia). After serving only a few years, the "educated palmist" feigns the last stage of cancer. The authorities decide to cut off his term and let him go home to die.

Of course, no one was going to die. Instead, Vronsky got a job in his specialty in the Ministry of Defense, then in Star City. He also collaborated with the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the laboratory of bioinformation he lectured on the influence of cosmic radiation on the human psyche.

Recognition in the late 80s

In the 60s and 70s the attitude towards astrology was ambivalent. On the one hand, they tried to study it, on the other hand, they branded it as pseudoscience. And again, on a denunciation, Vronsky was expelled from the laboratory. But he began to cooperate with many high-ranking people in the state. On foreign policy issues, Khrushchev himself consulted with Sergei Alekseevich.

In the 80-90s, Sergei Vronsky began to engage in private practice, taking patients at his home. In parallel, he wrote, trying to find theoretical justifications for his favorite science of astrology. After leaving for Latvia, he wrote the 12-volume Classical Astrology. This work is unparalleled in the world.

Sergei Vronsky died in 1998. He said that he had no right to argue with fate and, like any person, he should simply accept what was given. The main thing is to cherish the time allotted for earthly life.

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