Lunar nodes in the horoscope. Predictions of fate (Celeste Thiel). Lunar nodes in the natal chart (Ascending, Rahu) and (Descending, Ketu)

Vastu Yantra Ketu

Ketu- this is the south, or descending, node (the point at which the Moon crosses the ecliptic in its movement from north to south).

Ketu, like Rahu, is a shadow planet and acts in the same way as the lord of the sign in which it is located. Many texts state that Rahu acts like Saturn and Ketu like Mars. Ketu has a restraining influence, creates obstacles to human efforts, or plunges people into poverty. Ketu is sinister in nature and weakens the house in which it is located, if it is not exalted or combined with any benefic planet. Poison, suffering and the desire for liberation are associated with the influence of Ketu.

  • Deity: Ketu
  • Element: subtle fire
  • Ayurvedic constitution: cotton wool
  • Varna/casta: outcasts, anarchists, out of caste
  • Guna: tamas
  • Taste: like mars
  • Number: 7
  • Floor: sexless planet
  • Age: from 69 to 108 years
  • Nature: fiery, dry
  • Character: eccentric and impulsive
  • Relatives: paternal grandparents
  • Geometric figure: flag
  • Clothing: monastic, tattered or leaky
  • Metals and stones: iron, lead, cat's eye, tiger's eye, chrysoberyl. Also, it is believed that turquoise is under the rule of Ketu.

Basic information

Ketu is Bottom part body of Rahu. Ketu is a headless semi-planet, as shadowy as Rahu, but not as inauspicious, it is considered moksha karata (the cause of liberation from the cycle of birth and death or an indicator of enlightenment, which frees a person from the shackles of the material world). Ketu gives spiritual tendencies, asceticism and non-attachment to worldly desires and ambitions.

Ketu is also a semi-planet that bestows the ability to discern, wisdom and jnana - spiritual knowledge, a true understanding of one's essence. To people who are under his influence, he gives psychic abilities and makes them skillful healers; allows you to heal people who are possessed evil spirits, ghosts and astral forces. People under the influence of Ketu often have the ability to enter unnoticed or blend into the crowd.

Ketu can be more destructive if it is in an unfavorable position or in close conjunction with another planet. Ketu destroys the power of the planet with which it is connected, or the house in which it is located, causing the planet to act in a completely unpredictable way.

Ketu gives stubbornness, but it can also give energy of intense concentration, deep immersion, enlightenment.

Ketu and the Sun are very similar in some ways - they both can give life and influence us very much. The solar side of Ketu is most pronounced when Ketu is conjoined in a chart with the Sun, or placed in the fifth house or in the sign of Leo. But Ketu can also represent the negative Sun, it can completely destroy, decompose the energy of the Sun, which represents our sense of self-identity, our "I". And for this reason, it is considered the most powerful of the planets.

Ketu can act as the highest aspect of Mars, he is even more impulsive than Mars. Both of these planets represent instinctive awareness, but in the case of Ketu it is deeper.

Of all the planets, Ketu pays attention only to Jupiter. If Ketu is somehow connected with Jupiter in the chart (conjunct, aspected or in its signs - Sagittarius or Pisces), the bad qualities of Ketu are suppressed, which is evidence of very good karma. But here, too, extremes can appear - either this will give the qualities of a great saint or a great demon. For example, in both Hitler and Mother Teresa, Ketu is associated with Jupiter.

Like Jupiter, Ketu can also represent all that is auspicious at all levels. A well-placed Ketu is luck, mercy, success, etc. Ketu performs well in the 9th and 12th houses, which in the abstract horoscope personify the signs of Jupiter - Sagittarius and Pisces.

A Jupiter aspect to Ketu indicates good karma from a past life. But here it is also worth considering Rashi-drishti (aspects by signs). Many teachers say that they are even stronger than Graha-drishti (planetary aspects).

Ketu is a very emotional planet, a planet of extremes. It represents either extreme physique (48th foot size) or intense emotions. Ketu's humor is, for example, Charlie Chaplin (very extraordinary, unusual, unpredictable and silent).

Ketu - planet spiritual world, she is responsible for enlightenment and liberation. Therefore, it is considered the most important planet.

Ketu is a very intuitive, psychic, psychological force that can connect us to either the higher or lower reality and take us beyond material plane. Therefore, Ketu is considered as one of the strongest planets and in many ways resembles the Sun.

Ketu is the force that binds us to the soul. He is responsible for yoga, the purpose of which is liberation and immersion in pure love to God.

Ketu represents space force symbolizing the beginning and end of the drama of existence. Without Ketu it is impossible to go beyond time and the repetitive cycle of birth and death.

The sign and house where Ketu is located show the area in which we worked in a past life and where we have deep realizations. This is the area where our true talents are located, in which we have achieved perfection in past incarnations.


Ketu- the god of the southern lunar node in Hinduism.

Dressed in gray, with a smoke-colored body, with two arms, with a severed head, with the head of a snake, sitting on a snake, carrying in his hand a mace with a precious cat's eye in the crown of his head, bestowing blessings with a gesture of his hand - may the Divine Sovereign Ketu your mercy forever and ever.

Ketu is associated with Rudra (a terrifying form of Shiva as the God of death and transformation), as well as with Chitragupta - the God of death and karma, vigilantly watching all our misdeeds. In this respect, Ketu is close to Pluto, the ancient Roman god of the dead. Worshiping these sinister deities will help overcome negative influences Ketu.

In addition, Ketu is associated with Brahma - the God of wisdom. This connection will manifest as soon as we overcome lowest level energies of Ketu - we will defeat the fear of death. It also correlates with Ganesha - the lord secret knowledge and occult powers.


Om Namo Bhagavate Matsyadevaya

  • The name mantra for Ketu is " Om Ketave Namah!»
  • "Seed" mantra - " Om Kem!" (pronounced with a long "e")

These mantras sharpen perception. They should be repeated on Saturdays or Tuesdays or on the day of the planet ruling Ketu in natal chart.

Ketu mantras

  • Bija Mantra Ketu:

Om sraam sreem sraum sah ketave namah

  • Ketu stotra mantra:

Palaashapushpasamkaasham taarakagrahamastakam

Raudram raudraatmakam ghoram tam ketum pranamaamyaham

  • Ketu gayatri mantra:

Om ashvadhvajaaya vidmahe shuulaahastaaya dheemahi

Tanno ketuh prachodayat

Astrological indicators

Ketu weakens in problem houses (especially in the eighth), with aspects from malefics (Saturn or Mars), and also if the planet - the dispositor of Ketu turned out to be weak.

In cases where Ketu is strong (that is, it is influenced by a benefic planet in its own abode or in exaltation, or located in the twelfth house and not aspected by malefics), gems Ketu stimulate him superior qualities- the ability to assimilate knowledge, to spiritual insights and concentration.

Ketu in houses

If at the time of birth of a person Ketu occupies:

  • 1st house - intuition, insight. This is a person who took place in a past life. An independent, self-confident person (except for Ketu in Cancer). The figure is thin with a small tummy. The vulnerability is that a person may not be understood by others, have a slightly more vulnerable ego. Such people are easily manipulated through guilt. Therefore, it is better for them not to fall into a "childish" position, especially when communicating with a person who is equal or lower in spiritual level, who is not a Teacher. A person may suffer from unknown diseases. From my experience, especially if Ketu is weakened, there are almost always problems with the spine. If Ketu is in Taurus, then, as a rule, massive and rather shapeless figures.
  • 2nd house - a person is independent of the family, as a rule, separates from it early, often a divorce in the parental family, not very favorable for the accumulation of money. If the aspect of Saturn, then this can give care for the elderly. An introvert in speech, speaks competently and pleasantly if Ketu is strong. It is easy to hurt through speech. Under various aspects can give stuttering, speech defects.
  • 3rd house - such people are not obsessed with education, but can work there (if Jupiter is in a strong position). Not too ambitious, rather modest. Usually the affairs of the 3rd house are worked out - communications, short trips.
  • 4th house - a person in that life achieved deep inner satisfaction. Usually such people are not too emotional.
  • 5th house - perceptive intellect. Strange novels (break off, love at a distance). Not very favorable for childbearing.
  • 6th house - a person is more relaxed about enemies, competition, service, detailed work, can succeed in this. Communicative people, can build relationships with employers, landlords, etc. undiagnosed diseases.
  • 7th house - the person is a master in partnerships. You should not deeply experience family traumas, but you need to work on emotions. For such people, two extremes are possible: either they really need society, or they don’t. They can live alone for some time (if the house of the personality is harmonized). The partner can leave for a long time, be strange and introverted.
  • 8th house - good intuition, such people are not afraid of death. Weakened Ketu or Ketu in Cancer - gives too much fear of death and problems with the genitourinary system. Good for spiritual life.
  • 9th house - Ketu is considered a blessing. A person has a good attitude towards religion, can be religious, respects the Teacher.
  • 10th house is a good position. Such people are calm at work, work goes well from a past life. Not ambitious about a career. Often brings slander and deceit in social activities, unexpected changes.
  • 11th house - Ketu is a blessing. A person in a good way is not ambitious, often very giving, he is lucky in business, although there is no impudence. Such people were good friends In a past life. In this, as a rule, strong friends with a spiritual bias.
  • 12th house - Ketu is considered a blessing. The 12th house symbolizes Pisces and Ketu is received there best qualities. This position indicates a certain level of asceticism. A well-placed Ketu can give success in yoga, internal sexual satisfaction, which outwardly manifests itself as a lack of lust and, as a result, an inability to manipulate such a person. One of the indicators that this life a person can achieve liberation.

Ketu in zodiac signs

The connection of Ketu with Mars speaks of Martian, organizational talents. Ketu in Aries are pioneers. Ketu in Scorpio - mystics, gives super-intuitive abilities. Ketu in Leo - leadership skills from a past life. Ketu in Cancer - emotions, intuition, care, family values. Ketu in Virgo - intelligence, logic. Ketu in Gemini - communication, speech.

Physiology and health

In the body, Ketu is responsible for:

  • subtle brain tissues that provide a connection with subtle reality

Signs of Strong Ketu

When Ketu is strong, confusing situations arise, intrigues are woven, and behind-the-scenes struggle is waged. People with strong Ketu become " gray cardinals”, they are ambitious, cunning and seek power.

Signs of Weak Ketu

Typical symptoms of weak Ketu are undeveloped intuition, lack of insight, inability to clearly discern the truth and illegibility, self-doubt, self-doubt and inability to concentrate, clouded or distorted perception of reality, short-sightedness. Self-destructive tendencies are possible. There is a danger of violence or serious bodily injury. The weakness of Ketu appears here in the same way as the weakness of Mars, but with a touch of collective influences: a person can be injured in a war or suffer during riots. There may be a feeling of tightness and lack of freedom. A person can join the struggle for some obviously losing cause or for outdated values.

At the physical level, digestive and circulatory disorders, ulcers, anemia and chronic bleeding are characteristic. Possible muscle or nervous disorders, as well as intractable or mysterious diseases (multiple sclerosis, cancer, etc.), as with weak Rahu.


  • Autism
  • Nervous disorders
  • Madness
  • Schizophrenia
  • Epidemics
  • Hysteria
  • Chronic skin diseases

Upaya (methods of harmonization) Ketu energy

  • Constraints
  • Openness to new
  • Introspection
  • Rethinking life
  • Developing intuition and trusting your inner voice
  • Steadfastness in its path
  • To be surprised more often in life - as an alternative to stormy joy and disappointment
  • Finding time to immerse yourself in the inner life

Ketu in gunas

sattva Rajas Tamas
  • stubbornness
  • focus on the goal
  • connection with the subtle world
  • greatness of personality
  • charm
  • insight
  • wisdom based on inner strength
  • deep knowledge and understanding of the world
  • breadth of thinking
  • impressionability
  • idealism
  • compassion for living beings
  • self-sacrifice
  • subtlety of mind
  • trying to escape change
  • fascination with the Internet
  • obsession with stability
  • unpredictable behavior
  • sudden mood swings
  • unreasonable anger
  • impulsiveness
  • fears
  • problems with spirituality
  • insecurity in life

additional information

Ketu symbolizes the illusory power of our fears and attachment to our achievements. This force distracts us from constructive action and change. Ketu is death, from which we flee all our lives. The death we fear so much is not really death. physical body and the death of the ego. To overcome this fear, one must accept death as a creative force - the force of renewal and transformation.


If our life is predetermined, if the horoscope is a drawing of fate, then this drawing should have a sign that would tell me what to strive for, where to go, what to do in life. Fate must have a compass. And he exists. On the one hand, its arrow is the north lunar node, on the other - the south lunar node. And in the middle… In the middle there is a struggle… The struggle with oneself, with one's own destiny. As long as it exists, so many are trying to answer eternal questions. The purpose of a person's life is hidden from him, that's why he always wants to understand it. Astrology asks the question how much a person's life corresponds to his cosmic destiny. She tries to reconcile a person with his fate and answer questions like “who am I?”, “What is my mission on this earth?”... It makes no sense to be offended by fate. Everyone makes it for himself. The fate of a person is not a punishment, but a plan of work for life. The meaning of the struggle between the will of man and divine destiny is in the lunar nodes, the lessons of fate that we need to learn are determined. Like a life compass, the lunar nodes indicate the direction a person should follow in order to take place as a person and become happy.

Lunar nodes - an astrological fiction, but their impact on a person cannot be called a fiction. These are the points of intersection of the lunar orbit with the orbit of the Earth during the transition of the Moon from northern latitude south and back. The nodes revolve clockwise around the Earth, making a complete revolution in eighteen and a half years. In the horoscope, they are always in opposite signs of the zodiac. For example, if the north node is in Aries, then in Libra it is the south node, that is, in the sixth sign from Aries. And so on. The position of the lunar nodes in the signs changes approximately every year and a half.

SOUTHERN NODE points to our past life. This is what we come to earth with: our innate abilities, a certain way of life and activities, habitual thoughts, feelings, desires. This is something that is easy to obtain and gives support in life. This node determines what hinders the spiritual development of a person, characterizes our attitude to the past and the well-known.

NORTH NODE defines future life and defines the true task of a person, the path following which a person develops spiritually, and the goal to which he should strive. These are new abilities that can and should be developed, new things that need to be done. These are always difficult achievements on the way to the goal. The North Node characterizes our attitude towards the future and what is new for us. The line of nodes shows the direction of fate and predicts how one can and should live.

"Lunar" human life

Our lunar nodes return to their original positions when we turn 18-19, 37-38, 56-57, 74-75 years old. These are the key moments of life that make a person evaluate and comprehend the experience, find the reason for their successes and failures, make it possible to plan the future in accordance with the results of the past. These are critical and sometimes fatal years.

At the age of 18-19 years, the northern lunar node is fully turned on and begins independent life- the psychological period from the state of the child to the state of the adult.

The period of 37-38 years marks the main tests for maturity. The man was educated, mastered the profession. At best, he has already planted a tree, raised a son and built a house. He came to know life in all its diversity and now must report to the Lord about the material and spiritual work done. This period marks not only the statistical peak of deaths, when healthy people die in the prime of life and talents, but also such facts as the beginning adultery, trying to remarry or remarry, losing or gaining weight, losing or finding another job. All life undergoes fundamental changes: goals, tasks, tastes, partners change. This is the time when a person realizes: “I will also die,” and begins to pay attention to the external, momentary, in order to think about the eternal. There comes a period of crisis and deep internal restructuring. Is born new life in a person. If the birth was successful, he becomes stronger and wiser, if not, something irreparable can happen.

Astrologers predict our fate for a day, a week, a month and even a year. Is there an astrological factor that accompanies a person all his life, constantly interfering with it, and which to some extent determines his fate? ..

If my life is predetermined, I think, if the horoscope is a blueprint of my destiny, then this blueprint should have a pointer that would tell me what to strive for, where to go, what to do in life. Fate must have a compass. And he exists. On the one hand, its arrow is the north lunar node, on the other, the south lunar node. And in the middle... In the middle there is a struggle... A struggle with oneself, with one's own destiny and with the circumstances of life because of its ignorance.

How to turn life into destiny

Intervention in God's providence - the prediction of fate - has long been a pastime of mankind. As long as it exists, so many are trying to answer eternal questions. The purpose of a person's life is hidden from him, that's why he always wants to understand it. It is impossible to know the meaning of life or predict fate for certain, since it depends on many reasons.

The process of astrological prediction is peering through the keyhole of the "divine kitchen". They predict what they see. From this we can conclude that God remains divine, and for us - you yourself understand that ...

Life itself is a constant conscious and unconscious struggle against God, because although it is predetermined from birth, it at the same time depends on the will of man. A person has the right to choose ... however, only from what is offered to him in this life. A person depends on fate and fate depends on a person. Joint efforts from above and personal will or their struggle with each other and determine real life. In order to grow spiritually, a person needs to overcome something in himself or around him, he needs to fight for himself, for his place in the world.

Astrology asks the question how much a person's life corresponds to his cosmic destiny. She tries to reconcile a person with his fate and answer questions like “who am I?”, “What is my mission on this earth?”. I do not think that God was a bore and opposed astrological means. God, I think, needs help sometimes!

A person's life is the period of time from the birth of a person to his death, during which fate is embodied on earth. Life is called fate if they want to emphasize that it depends on the will of God and is predetermined. A person turns his life into destiny by thinking about it.

It is pointless to be offended by fate. Everyone makes it for himself. The fate of a person is not a punishment, but a plan of work for life.

The meaning of the struggle between the will of man and divine destiny is in the lunar nodes, the lessons of fate that we need to learn are determined. Like a life compass, the lunar nodes indicate the direction a person should follow in order to take place as a person and become happy.


Chapter 80

If the northern lunar node: either with Zeus, or with Selena, or Aphrodite, or with Helios, then such an exile creates [especially if the planet falls out of its sect]. And of course, together with Helios, he brings similar harm to his father, and together with Selena to his mother, revealing either her low origin, or her impudent (arrogant) disposition and arrogant speeches (pride), with the danger of violence against her, especially if at the corners. And of course with the benefactors, the north lunar node is excellent. On the contrary, with pests, then the south lunar node is excellent. Hence, if the lords of the trigon for those luminaries, the first and second lord, are not in tune with the side (of the luminaries) or something like this happens to each other [both lords of the trigon are not connected with the sign of the luminary and lunar nodes]. Or if both lords of trines are opposite to each other (diameter or 180 °). And without contemplation during the day, then of course under Helios, and at night under Selena. Then, it creates a similar: capture by enemies or a slave existence, or the fate of an exile on the run through a combination of unfortunate circumstances. And also, with his father, all of the listed misfortunes may happen. Selena and Kronos in the same sign of the zodiac, when they happen [with the lunar nodes], they create exile for a permanent time, and if otherwise, then by the age of 36 or for a period of time with that, renewable only if they find themselves in an excellent place. And if the lord of Fortune is found in the 7th or in the underground peg, then the same [with the lunar nodes] will also indicate exile. And if the lord of Fortune is in the 8th [with the lunar nodes], then with illusory wealth this will captivate [dreams of wealth] or indicate an unreliable position. And when pests surpass the luminaries [with the lunar nodes], behind a square or a hexagon, then such great dangers create, with the possibility of violent death someday.

If the northern lunar node is in the twelfth place, and Helios or Selene [both luminaries or one of the luminaries separately] together with Ares and Hermes will happen in the same place. In this case, he (the native) will be covered with suffering (leprosy?), or his bone will be crushed by proximity to the earth (falling from a height?), or he will be blinded, or he will be burned in the fire, or a bad death is intended for him at the end. life. Otherwise, even under enemies, he is destined to die, especially if Kronos joins the figure. If Zeus and Aphrodite are there (in the 12th), then this moderates evil, and in addition, it also saves from bad death at the end of life. If Zeus and Aphrodite happen there (in the 12th) only [with the northern lunar nodes and without the influence of pests], then they will not experience great evil, they will acquire an insignificant position or fortune for themselves, or even from a slave state they will be happy or gain benefits from slaves. If the south lunar node in that twelfth happens, and Ares and Kronos are in the same place or mark that place with contemplation also [a ray from the right to the 12th is preferred], then an excellent combination in everything. From here, either their ingenuity will be revealed (perhaps a foundling?) Or under someone else's principles they will receive a reward (in foreign lands or from non-clan property?). If Zeus and Aphrodite there (in the 12th and with the southern lunar nodes) happen only, apart from above contemplation from Kronos, Ares and Hermes [that is, the rays do not overlap in degrees the figure of the conjunction of Zeus and Aphrodite with the southern lunar nodes at 12 -ohm]. Then, inconstancy on the part of the wives and their offspring, or their rebellion or their waywardness, and all harm will follow his hidden possessions or his spleen (much chagrin). And if Helios, Ares and Hermes turn out to be contemplating on top (southern lunar nodes in the 12th), and Kronos in the same place (in the 12th) will happen. Then misfortune and misfortune will forever haunt this life.

If the northern lunar node is near the horoscope, and Zeus and Aphrodite happen there, separately from Kronos and Ares, then this man will achieve greatness and success, in battles and in the state field. If Selena witnesses them together, then the figure will improve even more for the greater good and his virtues. And if Helios simultaneously finds himself in that place, or if he also contemplates over the degrees, then among the highest nobility luck and success will accompany him. And, besides, powerful and great rulers also generate similar things. If Kronos and Ares contemplate over the degrees (north lunar node). And also if the pests are together near the horoscope, then the youth of the born will pass in the midst of vices or in complete insignificance, since he will belong to that breed of people who burns his life and his property [As options: die in a flame or die in his fire ownership?]. Spiritual sorrow, eye disease, constant failures will haunt the born until the dawn of his life crosses 36 years. And as soon as he crosses this age, he will be completely freed from evil. And when Kronos and Ares (with the northern lunar nodes) and together with Helios and Selena, are successfully located to Zeus and Aphrodite under their joint connection or under contemplation (benefactors) over degrees. Then, then, the bones will close due to his fault [I believe that the passage tells not only about the "breaking of the bones", but possibly also about fiscal torture or proscription] or he will go blind or, due to an accident, his limbs will be truncated, or somehow his the share of property will decrease (the division of the inheritance and possessions intended for him). And, besides, a cruel death awaits him someday, and even sudden death will overtake him in the prime of life.

If the south lunar node turns out to be near the horoscope, and Kronos and Ares happen there, separately with benefactors or without their rays, then completely good body succeed. Hence, in many sciences, he will succeed, achieve fame and influence, and even become a nobleman, create a dynasty, and acquire considerable wealth for himself. And if Helios and Hermes are together with those (pests, near the horoscope), then for his father, then a bad figure. For from here is promised damage to the father's deeds, his losses, deprivations, lawsuits, prosecutions and all sorts of tests of fate. And if Zeus and Aphrodite are there (near the horoscope), and only together with the southern lunar node (without the participation of pests), then such a vile state gives rise, and especially if (benefactors) together with Selena. In the latter case, no matter what he strives for, he will achieve only a mediocre result in everything and will not acquire anything of value to himself (from property or respect).

If the north lunar node in that “life-supporting place” (2nd) is found and Zeus and Aphrodite and Helios and Selena and Hermes happen there, then he will become a trustworthy manager of property (manager) and a money-lover (usurer). And if Kronos and Ares and Selena turn out to be contemplating degrees on top as well, then youth is fickle and rebellious (over the years, remorse) and full of suffering. Until the dawn of his life crosses 35 years. With that age, he will be freed from the sins of youth and begin the accumulation of wealth. And if Kronos and Ares happen there (2nd) only, separately from the contemplation of Zeus and Aphrodite. Then, in the latter case, he will become a loser when, as a result of life, he will find an unfortunate end. If the south lunar node is found in the place of life support (2nd place), then this is always bad for the father, since considerable damage is promised from envious sycophants for the father's property. And if Kronos and Ares are found in the same place along with the southern lunar nodes, then an excellent figure. From here, they will lay the foundation for the extraction of a considerable fortune, through constant dissatisfaction with their own affairs, through corpses, through wills, through the ruin of other people's houses, with the benefit of an unforeseen turn of affairs. But, if Zeus and Aphrodite are there (2nd), then he will not achieve wealth, since failures will pursue him in his endeavors.

If the northern lunar node near the "brothers" happens (synecdoche), and Zeus, Aphrodite and Helios, together with Selena, will be there (3rd) or will begin to contemplate over the degrees. Then, for the brothers (sisters), grief is placed on him (as options, mourning for the brothers (sisters) or misfortunes from them). He either loses them (brothers and sisters). Or, he keeps silence about them (as an option, brothers (sisters) go missing or he does not communicate with them). If the southern lunar node near the "brothers" happens, and Zeus and Aphrodite are there (3rd) or contemplate over the degrees. Then this indicates a bad configuration for the parents. And if Kronos and Ares happen there (3rd) (with the southern lunar nodes). Then, he himself portends a similar injury (wounds, fractures, mental breakdowns) or other evil. And his father is permanent harm (as an option, complete ruin).

The north lunar node is there (4th) along with Zeus, Aphrodite, Selena and Helios, or if those (stars) overlook (look down) that place. They promise well-being to the home (family) of the born. Helios together with Kronos there (4th, together with the northern lunar nodes) report childlessness (native), and the house from where the born was born will be ruined or will be alienated in favor of an outside owner. If Helios is alone there (4th) along with the north lunar node, then this indicates that the father of that person will reach power. If (Helios) together with Kronos and Ares turns out, then the house (family) of the one who was born with that will be ruined. And his father, in the end, or will be expelled from his possessions. Moreover, few summers of life are promised to that born. Or he will show inconstancy to his wife and children (as an option, he himself will be abandoned by his wife and children). If Selena and Aphrodite fall out with the northern lunar node, then he will become an astrologer, and from that skill he will begin to acquire (well-being). If Kronos, and Ares, and Hermes there (4th) will become separate from Zeus and Aphrodite (or, their rays). Then torment is promised to him, an accident will happen to him or severe illness. He will also be maimed or some other damage will be done to him. His limbs will be cut off or an unfortunate death will happen to him. And the house in which he was born will be destroyed (as an option, his family will be eradicated). If Helios also happens to those stars, then his father will suddenly die. And if Selena, together with Kronos, Ares and Hermes turns out to be. Then the mother of that child will suddenly die. If the south lunar node there (4th) happens along with Zeus and Aphrodite, then there will be no harm from that to his parents. If Helios and Selena are there (4th), then both of his parents will die an unnatural death or go blind or be overthrown (alternatively, abandoned by children).

If the north lunar node is there (5th) together with Zeus, Aphrodite and Hermes. Or, if those (stars) over the degrees behold that place (5th). Then in one of the cases he will be blessed with children [as options: he will know parental happiness, he will be surrounded by numerous offspring] or he will give birth to an eminent descendant, which will bring him a fortune. If Ares or Kronos, then they see the place [the verb "idosi" was used - "to see", "to survey", "to have an image", it is possible that we are talking about antis (isoskeles)], then the firstborn will die (in youth) or die during the year (in infancy). If Helios happens there (5th) or contemplates that place over the degrees, then (the first-born?) Will be delivered from evil (death), but some of his children will be harmed (physical defect, illness?). If the south lunar node is there (5th) along with Kronos, Ares and Hermes, then this will destroy the firstborn. Moreover, it will not hurt the wife (who gave birth to her first child) (the wife will not die during childbirth). And if the southern lunar node, together with Zeus and Aphrodite, or above the degrees, is contemplated by them (in the 5th), then his son who has reached the age of majority will not return from a military campaign to foreign lands [as an option: he will settle down to live in another fatherland, will not return to his homeland to parents from abroad.

Chapter 57

“North node in the 6th, along with Ares and Kronos, or beyond the contemplation of degrees (by malefics). Then he is threatened with falling into the water, into the ditch or into the well; as well as bone damage similar to him portends. And if Zeus, Helios and Selena are there (6th), and Kronos or Ares contemplate them, or they will be there. Then he will be delivered from evil, except that he save himself, after the expiration of 26 and 35 years. And as soon as he reaches the end of those years, then the danger will pass him by. And if the south lunar node is in that 6th, then he will experience adversity and suffering in his youth. And if Zeus and Aphrodite are there (6th), then diseases in the hidden places of the body will be with him. And if Kronos and Ares are in the 6th, then he will be delivered from evil, with the exception of wounds or damage to some parts of his body (a hint at the nature of the zodiacal sign).

Chapter 61 About the figures of injuries and diseases, in general terms

“If the north lunar node is in the place of damage (6th), and Kronos or Ares happens there. Then damage from a fall from a height or from a fall into deep well, as well as bone fractures are indicated to him. And then many ailments and wounds fetter him in chains. And it is possible that prison or captivity, as well as the fate of an unfortunate cripple or a chronic illness, are promised to him. And if Zeus and Aphrodite happen there (6th), and Kronos and Ares do not contemplate them. That will not cause such harm to that born. And if the south lunar node there (6th) happens, it promises similar adversity and suffering in youth. And if Zeus and Aphrodite happen there (6th). That, are possible from that illness in hidden parts his body. And if Kronos and Ares are there (6th). That will not harm his body, except that it will harm his lower limbs.

If the north lunar node is in the 7th, together with Kronos, Aphrodite and Hermes, then on the wife's side this produces two marriages. (In a sense, the wife is promised marriage before marriage with a man who is the owner of the horoscope or marriage after him). And if Ares and Aphrodite happen there (7th) or find themselves on top contemplating those degrees (the northern lunar node). Then he marries a rich old woman or is married according to the lust of the eyes. (Idiomatic, since seseli is an oily plant dedicated to Cyprida; compare, with the Russian expression "oily eyes"). If Zeus, Aphrodite and Hermes are there (4th). Something like this inclines to marriage with a high-born person, gives love and friendly disposition to his wife, promises family well-being and considerable fortune after her death. If the south lunar node is there (7th). Then, in this case, the wife will die before her husband or experience some other harm to herself. Kronos and Ares, if there (the 7th) are or are overlooking. Something like that gives a wife constantly busy with work, or a woman from the common people, or a widow or an orphan. And if, besides, Aphrodite is there (7th) or surveys. Then similar gives a wife in color youthful years. And if Zeus at the same time with those (stars) will be there (7th) or contemplates over the degrees. That, then he will get a wife of a fickle or changeable disposition. And when Helios and Hermes are there (7th) or contemplate over the degrees. Then, then he is married to a foreigner or with unusual look woman. (Alternatively, on a fair-haired, blue-eyed or green-eyed woman, who differs in appearance from the Mediterranean race).

Chapter 57

If the north lunar node happens in that 8th, along with Helios, Ares, Hermes and Kronos. Or, above the degrees, that place is contemplated, by those indicated stars. Then, a similar bad death produces or gives a few years of life. If Zeus and Aphrodite are only in the 8th (separate from pests), then this indicates a peaceful end to life and considerable acquisitions (acquired fortune or inheritance?). If the south lunar node happens in that 8th, and Zeus, and Kronos, and Aphrodite, and Ares will be there (8th). In the latter case, such a violent death portends.

Chapter 77

If the North Node happens in that 8th place and is contemplated over the degrees by Ares and Kronos and Hermes. Then, such a violent death portends, or beheading, or nailing to a stake (crucifixion), or impalement. And if Helios marks the indicated configuration with his testimony, then the execution will be public or the skin will be removed from the person sentenced to death. And if it happens that only the benefactors contemplate, then the 8th place, separately from Kronos and Ares, then creates a similar peaceful death. If the south lunar node happens in that 8th place, both Zeus and Aphrodite and Ares will happen there (8th). Then a violent death like this produces or decapitation.

The north node in the 9th with Helios and Kronos and Ares promises misfortune and trials abroad or through foreigners, or captivity, or vagrancy, or a bad death. If Zeus and Aphrodite are there (9th) without the participation of Kronos and Ares, then this portends the location (friendship) of great men from abroad and prosperity in a foreign land. If Helios and Aphrodite and Hermes happen there (9th). Then, then, a God-fearing and pious person, or a clergyman (priest), will appear, offering votive offerings to the gods; and besides that, the sanctuaries (temples) erected under the authority of the gods or kings or great men. They also have honor abroad, profits from holy places, from articles and revenues established from public spectacles. Especially if Selena happens along with Zeus, or over the degrees they contemplate that northern lunar node, then it promises all sorts of benefits to their sources of existence, mainly when transferring funds (currency and banking transactions); and besides, they become lucky and durable. And if the south lunar node is in that 9th, along with Kronos and Ares or with contemplation of degrees above (from pests) as well. Then, like indicates an excellent figure. Since it promises a dominant position, glory and good luck in foreign lands. If Helios and Hermes are there (9th), then they will achieve wide fame in their chosen field.

The northern lunar node in the middle of the sky with Selena, Aphrodite and Zeus produces lucky people in everything, famous people who are universally loved and favored by powerful people. Kronos and Ares, if they are in the middle of the sky, and also if (the pests) contemplate Zeus, Aphrodite and Helios (near the MS). That, then similar reports a bad figure. So in one of the cases, it produces miserable unfortunates, thieves (embezzlers) living with unworthy women. So no matter what wealth they acquire, their property is destroyed or becomes public property (confiscation). In addition, they are promised a few years of life (they will not live to old age), or they will even die in the color of their years. Especially if Selena is present in the same place (near MS). The south lunar node in the middle of the sky, together with Zeus and Aphrodite, reports the impermanence of life and condition, more often through one's own fault, obsession with passions in one of the cases, dangers to life and property, the latter is true for those who earn a livelihood upon delivery of goods or gives at a percentage. And, besides, in one of the cases, about the pernicious passions of his mother. But mostly, about poverty or scarcity of funds. If Kronos and Ares are in the middle of the sky (with the south lunar node) or are contemplating this place [Another indirect evidence from Rhetorius of Egypt that the MC and the 10th place coincide!]. Then, in his youth, he will experience a lot of evil because of his cowardice or bad inclinations. And after that, a happy turn of fate will be indicated in his life. Because, with the end of youth, he will also acquire wealth, see his offspring and begin to receive a constant income. True, the beginnings and the stable position established by him will be based on other people's deprivations and tyranny. And besides, rude and uncouth sons, devoid of caring for their parents and a bit of greater prudence, will be sent down to him in return for the fact that Ares and Kronos rejoice with the southern lunar node. And when Kronos and Aphrodite will find themselves together in the middle of the sky with the southern lunar node. Then the like sends them obstinate and fickle wives, who after (an attack of possession) come to their senses, come to their senses.

If the lord of the 11th place falls on the Horoscope, and the Evil Demon (lord) at sunset (sits down). That endows like wealth in youth and moderate prosperity in old age. If the figure changes in the reverse order (the lord of the 12th in the 1st, and the lord of the 11th in the 7th), then luck (by age) also changes in the reverse order. If the north lunar node happens in that place (11th) and Aphrodite and Hermes are found in the same place. Then from the wife wholly to his possessions, prosperity will come. Or from the eunuchs the beginning of his fortune will be laid. However, at first he will show inconstancy towards his wife and children, as he will begin to experience fleeting passions for women. And if Zeus is also with them, then he will achieve all earthly blessings, laying the foundation for a huge fortune and power among his fellow citizens. And if Kronos and Hermes are there (11th), and beneficent stars, they do not contemplate the indicated place above the degrees. Then failures will befall him or he will fall into a trap (enemies). Or they will impose it on life and property judicial recovery. If Zeus and Aphrodite, together with Selene or together with Helios, will be there (11th). Then he will successfully acquire for himself great fortune. And he is supposed to be 70 years of life. If the South lunar node happens in that 11th place, and Zeus and Aphrodite end up there. Then the inconstancy of fate will befall his possessions and his brood. Hence, some part of his property will be irretrievably lost. And only after bitter losses will abundance come to him. And if Kronos and Aphrodite are there (11th) will be. Then he will experience adversity in his youth. And only after the tests, will they be laid the beginning of the state; and he will rejoice in picturesque places near the water, and the rest of his life will live excellently. If together from the southern lunar node to the northern lunar node (stars and luminaries) are in the passage, it is always good, both for the successful completion of that life, and for the beginning of acquiring property, and for studying the issue of accruing many years (life). But, only after (the judgment is true), both luminaries together with the stars will be in that passage. [It is certain that Rhetorius of Egypt talks about the exceptional position of the planets and luminaries between the lunar nodes, later the figure will be identified with the "Kala Amrita Yoga" in Indian astrology].

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On the that Roscosmos continues to develop the lunar base. It is supposed to accommodate up to 12 astronauts on it. Most proposals come down to creating a base on south pole Moon. This is logical, since in this area Moon four strategically important types of the surface of our satellite meet at once:

1) Areas of Eternal Shadow. Most famous example such an area is the bottom of the crater Shackleton. This large crater with a diameter of 20 kilometers is the closest to South Pole of the Moon:

The bottom of the crater can be illuminated only by weak scattered light (re-reflection from the walls of the crater). Therefore, it is believed that over billions of years, a lot of frozen water has accumulated at the bottom of the crater, released from periodically falling comets. In this regard, the bottom of the crater can be used as a source of water and rocket fuel. Besides areas of eternal shadow are perfect place to accommodate a lunar astronomical observatory, consisting of large optical and infrared telescopes.

2) Peaks eternal light . Near the eternally darkened craters are hills, which, on the contrary, are almost always illuminated. sunbeams. The photo below indicates four points that are illuminated by sunlight more than 80% of the time:

Dot D the image is illuminated approximately 86% of the time. These areas are ideal for Moon solar power plant, solar telescopes for observing by the sun as well as residential modules moon base(as is known average temperature on a surface Moon minus 50 degrees Celsius):

3) back side Moon. This region is characterized by the fact that our Earth. Therefore, large radio telescopes can be placed here, which will not be disturbed by terrestrial radio interference. As you know, now for radio astronomers it is necessary to allocate special frequencies. Therefore, radio astronomers Earth only a small portion of the radio spectrum is observed. back side Moon also famous for the largest impact basin in solar system:

4) Visible side Moon, from which our Earth. This area is great for placing communications antennas that keep the moon base in constant communication with the home. An example of such an area is Mount Malaper which are located north of South Pole and shackleton crater:

It is obvious that all types of the lunar surface just intersect near South Pole . It's believed that North Pole less favorable, because on it areas of eternal shadow much smaller in area. It is interesting to ask readers what other areas Moon favorable for hosting the first lunar base?

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