Reproduction of spiders at home. Where do domestic spiders come from in the house - is it good or bad What do spiders eat

The category of the most popular species includes spiders, which are perfectly adapted for captivity, are completely unpretentious, and also have an unusual appearance:

  • Curly-haired tarantula or Brachyrelma alborilosum- unpretentious ambush spider, leading a nocturnal lifestyle. An ideal exotic for beginners, due to its original appearance, rather large body size, as well as amazing calmness. It does not have a bright color, and the unusual appearance is due to the presence of fairly long hairs with black or white tips. The base color of the spider is brown or brownish black. The average body length is 80 mm with a paw size of 16-18 cm. The cost of an adult reaches four thousand rubles;
  • Acanthoscurria Antillensis or Asanthoscurria antillensis- a spider native to the Lesser Antilles. The species belongs to the real tarantula family. This is a fairly active spider that hides in a shelter during the day and feeds on various insects. The body length reaches 60-70 mm with a leg span of 15 cm. The main coloration is represented by dark brown shades with a slight metallic sheen on the carapace. The average cost of an adult reaches 4.5 thousand rubles;
  • Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens Chromatorelma syaneopubessens- a popular and very beautiful tarantula spider, which is characterized by a body length of 60-70 mm, as well as a leg span of up to 14-15 cm. The main coloration is represented by a combination of a reddish-orange abdomen, bright blue limbs and a green carapace. A hardy species that can go without food for several months. The average cost of an adult reaches 10-11 thousand rubles;
  • crassiсrus lamanai- a species that is safe for humans, characterized by the presence of expanded joints in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fourth leg in females. The main coloration of the adult male is black. The body size of the male is up to 3.7 cm and the carapace is 1.6x1.4 cm. Sexually mature females are much larger than males and their body length reaches 7 cm with a leg span of 15 cm. Adult females are painted mainly in brown tones. The average cost of an adult reaches 4.5 thousand rubles;
  • cyclosternum fasciatum- one of the smallest in size, a tropical species of tarantula native to Costa Rica. The maximum leg span of an adult is 10-12 cm with a body length of 35-50 mm. The body color is dark brown with a noticeable reddish tint. The cephalothorax is colored in reddish or brown shades, the abdomen is black with red stripes, and the legs are gray, black or brown. The average cost of an adult reaches 4 thousand rubles.

Also popular among fans of domestic exotics are such types of spiders as Cyriosmus bertae, Grammostola golden-striped and pink, poisonous Terafoza blondi.

Important! It is strongly not recommended to keep a red-backed spider at home, which is known to many as. This species is considered the most dangerous of the Australian spiders and releases a neurotoxic venom, so the owner of such an exotic should always have an antidote on hand.

Where and how to keep a domestic spider

Sedentary spiders with a lack of characteristic roundness in the abdomen are most likely sick, malnourished, or suffering from dehydration. In addition to the exotic, you need to choose and purchase the right terrarium for its maintenance, as well as the most important accessories for filling the home.

We select a terrarium

In too voluminous terrariums filled with a large number of decorative elements, such an exotic can easily be lost. It is also important to remember that many species are unable to get along with their neighbors, therefore, for example, tarantulas should be kept alone.

A terrarium house will become cozy for a spider, the optimal dimensions of which are two lengths of the maximum leg span. As practice shows, even the largest specimens feel great in a dwelling measuring 40 × 40 cm or 50 × 40 cm.

According to their design features, terrariums are horizontal for terrestrial species and burrowing exotics, as well as vertical for tree spiders. In the manufacture of a terrarium, as a rule, tempered glass or standard plexiglass is used.

Lighting, humidity, decor

Creating optimal, comfortable conditions for the spider is the key to preserving the life and health of the exotic when it is kept in captivity:

  • a special substrate in the form of vermiculite is poured onto the bottom of the terrarium. The standard layer of such backfill should be 30-50 mm. Coconut dry substrate or ordinary peat crumb mixed with sphagnum moss is also very well suited for these purposes;
  • the temperature regime inside the terrarium is also very important. Spiders belong to the category of very heat-loving pets, so the temperature range within 22-28 ° C will be optimal. As practice shows, a slight and short-term decrease in temperature is not capable of harming spiders, but one should not abuse the endurance of such exotics;
  • despite the fact that spiders are predominantly nocturnal, they should not be limited in the light. As a rule, to create comfortable conditions, it is quite enough to have natural light in the room, but without direct sunlight on the container;
  • as a shelter for burrowing spider species, special “houses” are used from pieces of bark or coconut shell. Also, for the purpose of decorating the interior space, various decorative driftwood or artificial vegetation can be used.

The humidity inside the spider's home requires special attention. To ensure optimal performance allows the presence of a drinker and the right substrate. You need to control the humidity level with a standard hygrometer. To increase humidity, the terrarium is irrigated with water from a household spray bottle.

Important! It should be noted that overheating of the air inside the terrarium is very dangerous for a well-fed spider, since in this case, decay processes are activated in the stomach and undigested food becomes the cause of exotic poisoning.

Terrarium safety

A terrarium for a spider must be completely safe, both for the most exotic pet and for others. It is especially important to observe safety rules when keeping poisonous spiders.

It should be remembered that spiders are able to move quite deftly even on a vertical surface, so the main condition for safe keeping is the presence of a reliable cover. It is impossible to acquire too high a capacity for terrestrial spider species, otherwise the exotic may fall from a considerable height and receive a life-threatening rupture of the abdomen.

To ensure sufficient ventilation for the life of the spider, it is necessary to make perforations in the form of small and numerous holes in the cover of the terrarium.

What to feed house spiders

In order to make the process of feeding and caring for your home spider as convenient as possible, it is recommended to purchase tweezers. With the help of such a simple device, insects are given to spiders, and food remains and waste products polluting the home are also removed from the terrarium. The diet should be as close as possible to the nutrition of the spider in natural, natural conditions. The standard serving size is about a third of the size of the exotic itself.

It is interesting! The drinker is installed in terrariums in adults and can be represented by an ordinary saucer, slightly pressed into the substrate at the bottom of the container.

Spider lifespan at home

The average life expectancy of an exotic pet in captivity can vary greatly depending on the species and compliance with the rules of keeping:

  • asanthoscurria antillensis - about 20 years;
  • chromatorelma cyaneorubessens - males live an average of 3-4 years, and females - up to 15 years;
  • tiger spider - up to 10 years;
  • red-backed spider - 2-3 years;
  • common argiope - no more than a year.

The females of Archonorelma deservedly belong to the number of centenarians among spiders, the average life expectancy of which is three decades.

Also, the champions in life expectancy include some species of spiders from the tarantula family, which are capable of living in captivity for a quarter of a century, and sometimes more.

- these are animals that since ancient times have caused both interest and fear in people. Each spider is interesting for its unique features of living, obtaining food, and reproduction.

In this article, we will cover these topics, consider the reasons for the appearance of cobwebs in our homes and study effective ways to remove spiders.

A little about spiders

Today on our planet there is about 40 thousand species of spiders. Only a few of them live in Russia. For the most part, they live in open nature, but quite often they appear in people's homes.

In fact, only a few species can live indoors. Spiders and cobwebs in the house often scare people, and you should understand that these arthropods are not interested in people, they are afraid of them and will never attack first.

Tired of pest control?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in the country house or in the apartment? They must be fought! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Mains powered, no recharging required
  • No addictive effect in pests
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Black and white house spiders

The most common domestic spider species are:

  • haymaker, which has a small body and very long legs, reaching a length of 5 cm.
  • Gray house spider.
  • Tramp.
  • Black house spider. They live in the house and weave a tubular web in the corners, which is a serious trap for its victims. They are quite large in size, their length is about 13 mm. They bite a person extremely rarely, but if this happens, it is very unpleasant and painful, since it can cause such consequences as allergies, swelling, vomiting, dizziness and general malaise of the bitten.
  • white spiders There are different types and live in different countries. So, for example, in the southern part of Russia, as well as in the countries of the Middle East, you can meet Karakut. Africa is home to the White Lady. In North America, southern Europe, Japan and Russia, a white flower spider is found. White spiders are rarely found in the house, they usually live in nature, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest, and their bite is the most dangerous for humans, and can even be fatal.

Many spider lovers keep them on purpose to add an exotic touch to their home, and they can also be classified as domestic. The most famous white spider among such pets is white-haired tarantula.

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What do spiders look like?

Each type of spider looks unique. Exotic spiders that live in terrariums tend to catch the eye with their impressive size, fleecy surface and bright colors.

Domestic spiders look more modest:

  • So, for example, a haymaker spider has a small body and very long legs, reaching a length of 5 cm.
  • Black spiders - black or dark gray, about 13 mm in size.
  • Gray spiders are very similar to black ones, having the same dimensions.
  • The tramp spider is brown and light brown in color, having an elongated abdomen and long legs.

Many types of spiders differ in their speed of movement, web, search for food, appearance, but the number of legs is the same for all - there are 8 of them.

The limbs of spiders differ in size and cover, but their main functions are inherent in all types of arthropods:

  1. Legs are the means of transportation for spiders. Someone has the ability to move by jumping, someone uses lateral walking, someone runs on water, and some change locations by stomping loudly.
  2. The limbs are carriers of many receptors: smell, touch, balance. They help spiders recognize danger, find food.
  3. The function of the paws is to weave a web. Thanks to this ability, spiders have the opportunity to get food.
  4. Spider parents with tentacles hold and move their cocoon to another place. It is for these purposes that spiders have such a large number of limbs that simultaneously serve them as hands, nose, vision, and even the so-called "sixth sense".

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Types of spiders in Russia

There are quite a few varieties of spiders in Russia, the most common among them are:

  1. Serebryanka- this is the only species that lives on the water and under it. The habitat is swampy water bodies of Russia. Refers to poisonous spiders.
  2. Spider-cross living in temperate climates, on the grass and branches of bushes and trees. It has a cross-shaped pattern at the top of the abdomen. Not dangerous to humans.
  3. South Russian tarantula- lives in the semi-desert and steppe regions of Russia, lives in burrows. It is a poisonous and dangerous species of spiders for humans.
  4. house spiders living closely with a person and safe for him. Weave a web in the most inconspicuous corners of the room.
  5. Spider knitter, which has the ability to disguise itself and become invisible. Refers to non-poisonous representatives of arachnids.
  6. jumping spider- jumping small spider. It has the ability to climb glass and capture its prey without the help of a web.
  7. H black widow (karakut)- the most dangerous type of spider for humans. Lives in the Astrakhan and Orenburg regions, as well as in the North Caucasus.

Are spiders insects or animals?

Many people are interested in this question, some people believe that spiders are insects, however, this is not so.

Spiders belong to the class Arachnida and belong to a species of animal, not insects, despite the incredible resemblance to the latter. Arachnids were born 300 million years before insects.

Both of these species formed separate classes that have clear differences:

  • Insects: have 6 legs, belong to the class of insects such as arthropods, for the most part they are omnivorous creatures. The main divisions of the structure of insects: head, chest, abdomen, wings.
  • Spiders have 8 legs, belong to the class of arachnids, the type of arthropods, are very selective in food, born hunters. It consists of only two sections - the abdomen, from which the paws grow, and the cephalothorax, on which the spider's oral apparatus is located. Has the ability to weave a web.

What do spiders eat?

Spiders, despite their small size, consume a large amount of food, however, they may not eat for a long time - from a month to a year. An interesting fact is that in a year the mass of food eaten by spiders exceeds the amount of food consumed by all people in the world.

Each species of spider has its own ways of obtaining food:

  1. Creating traps using web weaving. Caught prey is processed by digestive juice, corroding it from the inside, after which the spider swallows it.
  2. Search for food by spitting out sticky saliva, which allows you to attract food to yourself.

What do spiders eat:

  1. The main diet of both street and domestic spiders are insects. Spiders in a private house feed on flies, mosquitoes, crickets, butterflies, mealworms, cockroaches, grasshoppers, woodlice larvae. Read the answer to the question for more details.
  2. Spiders living in burrows or on the surface of the soil love to feast on beetles, orthopterans, and even snails and earthworms.
  3. Some species hunt at night. So, for example, the queen spider creates a trap for moths at night.
  4. Exotic spiders, due to their impressive size, choose larger prey for themselves. So, tarantulas prefer to hunt frogs, lizards, other spiders, mice, and even small birds. And the Brazilian tarantula is able to catch and eat medium-sized snakes and snakes.
  5. Spiders living on the water catch tadpoles, small fish or midges floating on the surface of the water with the help of a web.
  6. Some spiders use the plant world as a source of food: pollen, plant leaves, cereal grains.

How do spiders give birth?

By nature, sexually mature males differ significantly from females in their small size, bright colors, and short life span. They are found in nature, as a rule, they are much rarer.

In some species of spiders, males are not found at all. It's believed that the female spider has the ability to develop eggs virgin, therefore, can breed offspring without even being fertilized.

The male independently fills the genitals with sperm and goes in search of the female. Some species of spiders bring a gift to the "lady of the heart" - an insect, as attention and approval by her. Males try their best to care so as not to be eaten by the female. They perform a wedding dance - the rhythmic movement of their paws along their own web.

Some types of spiders fight on the female's web, while others mate with males. Many males, in order to avoid the threat from the female, mate at the moment she has experienced a molt, while she is still helpless. Indeed, often a fertilized spider strives to eat its partner. Sometimes the male manages to escape.

Some types of spiders create families: they live in the same nest, raise offspring, share prey. There are cuckoo spiders that toss their cocoons into the nests of other relatives.

The female spider can breed at a time up to 200,000 children. Such incredibly large offspring can bring both large and very tiny species of spiders. Spider eggs go through two molts before reaching the adult stage.

An interesting fact is that spiders have the ability to independently cause their birth in the case of sick or weak offspring.

How long do spiders live?

The life expectancy of spiders depends primarily on their species. Most spiders have many enemies and rarely live to a natural death.

Spider lifespan:

  • So, some live only a couple of months, while others can live for several years. Moreover, about six months is spent on the egg stage.
  • The life cycle of males ends much faster than the cycle of spiders. Subject to comfortable living, males live only two years, but females can live up to ten years.

There are also such records:

  • Some female tarantulas can live for over twenty years.
  • Spiders of the genus Sicarius living in South America and Africa can live up to 15 years.
  • Some tarantulas can live twenty years.
  • It is clear that spider species that are pets of humans and live in captivity have a longer life. History knows cases when such spiders lived up to thirty years.

Are house spiders dangerous to humans?

All spiders are naturally venomous, but the dose of venom from domestic spiders is not significant for humans. Therefore, in case of a bite, which is extremely rare, you just need to treat this place with an antiseptic. They can be dangerous only for people suffering from arachnophobia (fear of arachnids).

There are benefits from several individuals living in an apartment, because they destroy insects, which, as a rule, cause discomfort and pose a danger to people. Of course, if spiders are found on every corner, this creates a feeling of aesthetic rejection and unsanitary conditions in the house, so they should be removed.

How to get rid of spiders in the house?

In order to completely forget about the spiders in your apartment, you must use the following measures to combat spiders:

  1. Create a clean living environment. Spiders are very afraid of cleanliness, so regular and thorough cleaning of the premises can bring out such tenants. Particular attention should be paid to the most secluded corners: the back walls of furniture, the bottom of the beds, the ceiling and walls.
  2. Use special preparations from spiders: aerosols, crayons, gels, as well as ultrasonic. Such chemicals as Butox-50, Tarax, Neoron have proven themselves well.
  3. Make repairs in the house. Spiders cannot stand the smell of wallpaper paste, paint and whitewash.
  4. Use folk remedies, they are safer and proven over the years. The best-known remedy for spiders is crushed hazelnuts, chestnut and orange, which must be spread in all corners of the house. The smell of these fruits is unbearable for spiders.
  5. Limit the access of spiders to your apartment: cover all cracks and cracks around windows and doors, check the window mesh, walls, sewers for holes, and eliminate them.
  6. It is necessary to call the appropriate specialists, if they are unable to cope with the invasion of spiders.

It must be remembered that the most effective method of destruction is complex.

Causes of spiders in the house

Spiders are very voracious animals. None of them will choose their place of residence where there is no food for them.

Therefore, before taking out such tenants, it is necessary to figure out where the spiders come from:

  1. There are a lot of insects in your apartment: midges, cockroaches, ants, flies, mosquitoes.
  2. Accessibility to the entrance. Through open windows, small cracks, flowers brought from the street, not only spiders themselves, but also insects, which these eight-legged people love so much, can get into your house.
  3. Warm temperature in the house. In autumn, spiders from the street look for a warmer place to live.
  4. Favorable humidity level.

Spider signs

Since ancient times, it has been believed that spiders have the ability to bring good or bad news. Almost every action performed by a spider, or the events in which a person met with him, have their own explanations in folk signs.

Spider notes:

  • Spider on the street. If you meet a spider in the morning, failure awaits you, in the evening - good news. Caught in a web - expect trouble.
  • Spider in the house. We saw a spider in your house - a good omen, it will help you get rid of bad thoughts and avoid quarrels. If the spider runs on the table or floor, this is a move.
  • Where does it move. Creeps towards you - to profit, creeps away from you - to loss.
  • How it moves. If the spider descended on the web from the ceiling - expect an unexpected guest. A spider crawling up notifies you of good news. If a spider has landed on a person’s head, a gift should be expected, on the hand - for money.
  • Spiders and weather. If the spider folds its cobweb - to rain, hook the web with its face - to clear weather. If you see a spider weaving a web, then the weather will change.

Bad omens about spiders:

  • Crushing a spider is a deprivation of luck and health, which is why you can’t kill spiders.
  • If the spider descends the wall - to an imminent loss.
  • If the newlyweds met a spider - unfortunately in marriage.
  • If a girl saw a web above the door - to the betrayal of her partner.
  • The web near the icons - to the bad news.

If the meeting with the spider still upsets you, you should not be offended by it, since it is just a messenger of upcoming events.


There is a variety of types of spiders, but we can only meet a few of them in everyday life.

Spiders feed on insects, so if they are wound up in your home or garden, do not despair, as they can save you from annoying ants, bugs, mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches. In addition, these arthropods may bring you some news.

Squad: Araneae = Spiders

Eggs are laid a few days or weeks after mating. Fertilization occurs in the uterus, with which the seminal receptacles communicate. The masonry is placed in a cocoon made of cobwebs. Usually the female turns her lair into a nest in which eggs are laid and a cocoon is woven. As a rule, the cocoon consists of two gossamer plates, fastened with edges. First, the female weaves the main plate, on which she lays her eggs, and then braids them with the cover plate. These lenticular cocoons are attached to the substrate or wall of the nest. The walls of the cocoon are sometimes impregnated with a secret secreted through the mouth, impregnated with soil particles, plant residues. Most web spiders have a spherical cocoon, its tissue is loose and fluffy, resembling delicate cotton wool. Sometimes a dense outer shell is superimposed on top of the loose material. The female Pisau-ga weaves a spherical cocoon entirely, leaving a small hole on top, through which she lays her eggs. Since spiders usually sit on nets with the ventral side up, they lay eggs and weave a cocoon in this position, hanging the cocoon on a stalk or thread. Dense cocoons, which reliably protect the clutch, are characteristic in those cases when they are placed outside the nest or the nest is unstable. When the nest is firmly and well camouflaged, the walls of the cocoon placed in it are thin, and sometimes there are only loose threads of the cobweb that hold the eggs on the wall of the nest. A thin-walled cocoon is usually made in those cases when the female guards it or wears it with a cathedral.

The number of cocoons prepared by one female varies, often one cocoon, sometimes several, rarely more than a dozen. The number of eggs varies from 5-10 to several hundred, rarely up to 1000 (in some Araneidae). The size of the cocoon is usually from a few millimeters to 1-2 cm. The tiny spider Telema tenella from the Pyrenean caves makes cocoons 2 mm in size by placing one egg in them. Cocoons of large tarantulas come with a small tangerine. The color of the cocoon, if it is not masked by soil particles, is often white, but there are pink, golden yellow, green, striped cocoons.

The females of some spiders make more complex cocoon nests. Thus, in Agroeca brunnea (family Clubionidae), the nest has the form of a closed goblet and is attached to the stem of the plant with a leg. It is divided into two chambers, in the upper one there are eggs, in the lower one there are hatched spiders for some time. A kind of collective nest is built by the females of the Venezuelan cross Aga-neus bandelieri, placing their numerous cocoons in it.

Caring for offspring is very common among spiders and is most often expressed in the protection of the cocoon and caring for it. Females guard their cocoons in nets, mink or nest. In many stray spiders and some web spiders, females carry a cocoon with them, attaching it to spider warts or holding it in chelicerae. The female tarantula warms up the cocoon by turning it under the rays of the sun penetrating into the mink. When the spiderlings hatch, the mother helps them out by opening the seam of the cocoon. During the period of protection of offspring, the female usually does not eat anything, she loses a lot of weight, her abdomen shrinks. In some species, the female dies before the release of juveniles, and her shriveled corpse is found near the cocoon. Usually, after the juvenile leaves the cocoon, the female no longer takes care of her, but in some spiders, the juvenile climbs onto the mother's body and clings to her until she molts (family Lycosidae, etc.), or lives under her protection in the nest. In the spider Coelotes terrestris (family Agelenidae), juveniles remain in the nest for more than a month and molt three times during this time. The mother protects the juveniles from enemies; she recognizes her spiderlings by feeling them with her pedipalps. Spiders of other species of the same size are killed or driven out. The mother feeds her offspring with killed prey treated with digestive juices, and the spiders beg for food by touching the spider with their front legs and pedipalps until she places the prey in front of them.

With all the diversity and complexity of caring for offspring, it is based on instinctive behavior, the expediency of which is violated under unusual circumstances. For example, if a cocoon is taken away from a female lycosid and replaced with another object of the same size, shape and weight, then she continues to wear this useless object. Interestingly, cuckoo spiders are known to throw their cocoons into other people's nests, leaving them in the care of other spider species. In general, the instinct to protect offspring is the weaker, the more reliable the construction of the nest or cocoon. In cases where the fate of the offspring is well guaranteed by a nest or a strong camouflaged cocoon, it is usually left without the care of the female. ...

An Australian posted a video on her Instagram, in which she holds a spider in her hand with dozens of tiny cubs on her back. During the video, they do not stop moving, which horrifies many social network users who, out of fear, almost drop their phones on the floor. But this is how a spider takes care of its offspring.

Lisa Van Kula Donovan is an aspiring entomologist, which means she's not at all afraid of spiders, bugs, and worms. And where does the girl live? Of course in Australia!


Considering where she lives, it's no surprise that Lisa stumbled upon a "fluffy spider". We already wrote about him when he was, but there was no video. Now the spider with thousands of small eyes on its back can be seen very close in the video.

In fact, this is not a spider, but a spider, and to be quite precise, a female of the so-called wolf spider. This arthropod is not as intimidating as the name suggests. So they are called due to the fact that they hunt without the help of a web. Moreover, female wolf spiders are one of the few who take such careful care of their offspring, carrying spiders on their backs until they can get food on their own.

Lisa herself was very touched by the video with the wolf spider, but not all subscribers share her opinion. If you are among those whom spiders rather scare than arouse tender feelings, it is better for you not to go to the girl’s Instagram account, because there you can find, for example, this.

This is her favorite type of insect - predatory bugs. Unwarned about the content of this video, people throw their phones on the floor, as they themselves admit in the comments.

Instagram thinks I might like this video. Yes, I almost threw the phone on the floor! No, your videos are really cool, but I can't control my fear! Expand

And, of course, Lisa keeps arthropods at home. For example, she raised the spider in the video below from the moment it hatched from the egg, and now treats it like a child.

Spider (Araneae) belongs to the phylum Arthropoda, class Arachnida, order Spiders. Their first representatives appeared on the planet approximately 400 million years ago.

Spider - description, characteristics and photos

The body of arachnids consists of two parts:

  • The cephalothorax is covered with a shell of chitin, with four pairs of long jointed legs. In addition to them, there is a pair of leg tentacles (pedipalps) used by sexually mature individuals for mating, and a pair of short limbs with poisonous hooks - chelicerae. They are part of the oral apparatus. The number of eyes in spiders ranges from 2 to 8.
  • Abdomen with respiratory openings and six arachnoid warts for weaving webs.

The size of spiders, depending on the species, ranges from 0.4 mm to 10 cm, and the span of the limbs can exceed 25 cm.

The coloration and pattern on individuals of different species depend on the structural structure of the integument of scales and hairs, as well as the presence and localization of various pigments. Therefore, spiders can have both a dull solid color and a bright color of various shades.

Types of spiders, names and photos

More than 42,000 species of spiders have been described by scientists. About 2900 varieties are known on the territory of the CIS countries. Consider several varieties:

  • blue-green tarantula (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens)

one of the most spectacular and beautiful in color spiders. The belly of the tarantula is red-orange, the limbs are bright blue, the carapace is green. The dimensions of the tarantula are 6-7 cm, with a span of up to 15 cm. The spider is native to Venezuela, but this spider is found in Asia and the African continent. Despite belonging to tarantulas, this type of spider does not bite, but only throws special hairs located on the abdomen, and even then in case of severe danger. For humans, the hairs are not dangerous, but cause small burns on the skin, resembling a nettle burn in effect. Surprisingly, female spiders are long-lived compared to males: the life expectancy of a female spider is 10-12 years, while males live only 2-3 years.

  • flower spider (Misumena vatia)

belongs to the family of sidewalk spiders (Thomisidae). The color varies from completely white to bright lemon, pink or greenish. Male spiders are small, 4-5 mm long, females reach sizes of 1-1.2 cm. The species of flower spiders is distributed throughout European territory (excluding Iceland), is found in the USA, Japan, and Alaska. The spider lives in an open area, with an abundance of flowering forbs, as it feeds on the juices of those caught in its "embraces" and.

  • Grammostola pulchra (Grammostola Pulchra)

Sidewalk spiders (crab spiders) spend most of their lives sitting on flowers waiting for prey, although some members of the family can be found on tree bark or forest floor.

Representatives of the funnel spider family place their web on tall grass and shrub branches.

Wolf spiders prefer damp, grassy meadows and swampy woodlands, where they are found in abundance among fallen leaves.

The water (silver) spider builds a nest under water, attaching it with the help of cobwebs to various bottom objects. He fills his nest with oxygen and uses it as a diving bell.

What do spiders eat?

Spiders are rather original creatures that feed very interestingly. Some species of spiders may not eat for a long time - from a week to a month or even a year, but if they start, then there will be little left. Interestingly, the weight of food that all spiders can eat during the year is several times more than the mass of the entire population living on the planet today.
How and what do spiders eat? Depending on the type and size, spiders get food and eat differently. Some spiders weave a web, thereby organizing ingenious traps that are very difficult for insects to notice. Digestive juice is injected into the caught prey, corroding it from the inside. After a while, the “hunter” draws the resulting “cocktail” into the stomach. Other spiders “spit” sticky saliva during the hunt, thereby attracting prey to them.

snail or earthworm and eat them calmly there.

The queen spider hunts only at night, creating a sticky web bait for careless moths. Noticing an insect near the bait, the spinning queen quickly swings the thread with her paws, thereby attracting the attention of the victim. The moth happily curls around such a bait, and touching it, immediately remains hanging on it. As a result, the spider can easily pull it towards itself and enjoy the prey.

Large tropical tarantulas are happy to hunt small ones,

Harvest spiders prefer grains of cereals.

Judging by the numerous notes of scientists, a huge number of spiders destroy small rodents and insects several times more than animals living on the planet.

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