Origin and character of the name Monica. Monica (female name)

The name Monica is popular in Greece; Catholic girls are called Monica.

Short derivatives of the name Monica: Monis, Monique, Nika, Monisya, Monichka, Moni, Monya, Montier, Monikinha, Mika, Nini, Mona, Muniko, Moka and Monichino.

Similar names for Monica: Munica and Monique.

Monica as a name was "born" among the Greeks. According to one of the assumptions, Monica is interpreted as "unity" (from the word "monos"), according to the second - "reminder, inspiration" (from "moneo").

Monica in different parts of the planet is pronounced with any stress, which usually falls on either the 1st or 2nd syllable of the name. Some nationalities use the name Monica unchanged, only the French change Monica into Monique, and the Norwegians into Munica.

Shortened affectionate derivatives of Monica - Nika and Mika became independent names. They also act as derivatives of other names, both female and male.

Catholic believers revere Monica in their calendars, their patroness of this name is the parent of Augustine (Blessed) - Monica (holy helper of married ladies and mothers). But Monica does not celebrate a name day among Christians.

The influence of a name on character and fate

The person, named after Monica, is distinguished by a strong will, constant activity. Monica has these qualities from male traits character that she naturally possesses. It is common for a mistress named Monica to sometimes show anxiety, and this quality nullifies even the best aspirations. This happens due to the fact that Monica absolutely does not know how to hear personal intuition, preferring common sense and intelligence to her.

Monica has an amazing industriousness and stubborn desire for her goal. Monica usually considers employees to be rivals, but if necessary, Monica is quite capable of coping with aggressive manifestations in their direction. The bearer of the name Monica likes professions related to foreign languages, exact sciences; Monica will be quite successful as a pharmacist or doctor.

About Monica, we can say that it is quite possible to get along with her under the same roof: Monica is kind, erudite, easy, peaceful. Each Monica knows all her own negative qualities and, due to self-criticism, hides and tries to completely eliminate them. If the named Monica is offended by something, then she will not accumulate resentment in herself for a long time - 2 days will be enough for Monica to forget about the unpleasant incident. In life with her husband, Monica is strict with herself and incredibly decent, she gives all her best for the sake of the household. In the home of the hostess named Monica, comfort, order and cleanliness are constantly maintained.

All Monicas are distinguished by friendliness, sociability and a desire for close interaction with the world around her. It is difficult to persuade Monica to make any decisions if Monica herself does not want it or they are contrary to her interests. Monica is demanding not only to herself, but also to her surroundings, therefore, sometimes she is able to show a violent reaction, capable of literally knock the words off your feet. Since, for the most part, the bearer of the name manifests herself in a friendly way, relatives and friends can only come to terms with this shortcoming of Monica. By the way, Monica can quickly find contact even with strangers and has practically no enemies.

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The female name Monica has Greek origin and means "lonely". It has a fairly wide distribution in the world, although it is rare in Russia.

Characteristics of the name Monica

Monica's character can be called a little masculine, because usually she is freedom-loving, strong in spirit, an energetic and active woman. She is very demanding of herself, self-critical and sometimes simply underestimates herself. However, the high bar set for herself allows her to achieve a lot in life. AT childhood Monica is a sociable and independent child. She is very active, likes to take an active part in the social life of the school, has many friends, and is a good student. The adult owner of this name also never sits still. She constantly wants to learn something new, she loves to experiment, travel, make new friends. Communicating with her is easy and simple. Usually Monica is open to everyone, but she is more demanding of her friends, she wants to be sure that they will not let her down.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Monica is suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Sagittarius, that is, from November 23 to December 22. This sign can make Monica even more sociable and friendly. Under his influence, she will retain her mobility and desire to try something new, and also add to her disposition susceptibility to high ideals, some extravagance, cheerfulness and immoderation.

Pros and cons of the name Monica

What are the positive negative sides can be noted in the decision to name the child Monica? The advantages of this name lie in its rarity, sonority and good character of most of its owners. As for the minuses, the name Monica in many cases sounds ugly in combination with Russian surnames and patronymics, besides, it has almost no euphonious abbreviations and reductions (the abbreviation Mona can be called an exception here).


Monica's health is not bad. Usually she is well developed physically, can play sports, is hardy, but many owners of this name are prone to allergies and have stomach problems.

Love and family relationships

AT family relationships Monica appears as faithful wife and a very good hostess. One of her "fads" is cleanliness, so Monica's house always shines. But despite the fact that she tries very hard to create comfort for her family in the house, the excessive demands that she shows to the rest of the family can annoy and alienate them. This is especially true for children, to whom Monica should give more affection.

Professional area

AT professional field the owner of this name is suitable for work related to communication and active pastime. She can make a successful journalist, ecologist, translator, stewardess, public figure, personal assistant, hairdresser, circus performer, choreographer, manager, teacher.

name day

The owner of an attractive female name can conquer many men's hearts with one look or smile. not without reason Monica name meaning, translated from ancient Greek- “one, the only one”, because having been next to her once, you won’t want to let her go anywhere.

Thanks to her communication skills and sense of responsibility, not a single event takes place without the participation of the young princess. Sweet lady in without fail participates in all school productions, social meetings and even sports competitions.

The interpretation of the name provides for a huge creative potential that bursts out and requires public recognition. It is important for parents to notice this creative vein in time and correctly direct the girl in the right direction.

At the same time, academic performance and grades in the certificate matter for the girl. Despite his active position and great social workload, he is reputed to be smart and diligent student trying to fully justify parental hopes.

Love of freedom and sensitivity are two complementary features that characterize the meaning of the name Monica for a girl. A born coquette, the girl correctly uses her sexuality without looking vulgar or defiant.

Flirting for a girl is a kind of game, caused more by character than by the need for male attention and self-affirmation. At the same time, an intriguing play on words and gestures has nothing to do with the loss of moral character and the destruction of prejudices. The young lady has high moral principles, a strong desire to create a family and dissolve in it.

Monica is extremely demanding of herself and her loved ones. In friendship, it is important for her to feel not only support, but also reliability, devotion of people. He does not like all kinds of window dressing, preferring good nature and openness to them. For a girl, luxury and fame do not matter, but simple human relationships are important.

Exactly friends with both men and women, peacefully and reverently to any interlocutor and attaches importance to the words of the opponent. Thanks to self-confidence and an inner core, he easily avoids quarrels and conflicts, diluting the tense atmosphere with a radiant smile or an appropriate joke.

The name Monica is of Greek origin. According to one version, the name Monica comes from the word "monos", which means "the only one." On the other - from the word "moneo", which means "inspire, remind."

AT various countries the name Monica is pronounced with different stress, both on the first and second syllables. In most countries, the name Monika is not modified, but in France the name Monika is pronounced as Monique, in Norway - Munika.

Diminutives and derivatives of Mika and Nick are also independent names and diminutives of other names, both feminine and masculine.

The nature of the name Monica

Monica's character can be called a little masculine, because usually she is a freedom-loving, strong-willed, energetic and active woman.

She is very demanding of herself, self-critical and sometimes simply underestimates herself. However, the high bar set for herself allows her to achieve a lot in life.

In childhood, Monica is a sociable and independent child. She is very active, likes to take an active part in the social life of the school, has many friends, and is a good student.

The adult owner of this name also never sits still. She constantly wants to learn something new, she loves to experiment, travel, make new friends. Communicating with her is easy and simple. Usually Monica is open to everyone, but she is more demanding of her friends, she wants to be sure that they will not let her down.


Thanks to charisma, charm and natural coquetry, a woman can conquer any man without any problems, but this does not mean at all that this is the meaning of communication with them. She is fun, relaxed and never boring. In addition to external attractiveness, it has a special, inherent only to it attractiveness.

Monica only needs a strong, self-confident man, without despotic inclinations, who will not be shy about showing feelings. In a relationship young lady great importance gives his own freedom, does not tolerate control and orders.

A sweet lady belongs to the type of women with whom it is pleasant not only to spend time, but also to live under the same roof. She is educated, well-read, easily makes contact and smooths out sharp corners.

The family, in the understanding of a woman, is the most important acquisition. And this means that having formed her family, a girl can abandon the most ambitious ideas, completely dissolving in her household.

She is reputed to be a neat and clean housewife, who cleans her home to a shine and zealously monitors its cleanliness. He knows how to cook excellent dishes from ordinary, ordinary products and beautifully serve them on a reserved table.

She is always glad to have guests, her house is always filled with friends and acquaintances who are happy to come and have a good time.

She pays great attention to cleanliness in the house, in which every corner shines with freshness and brilliance. Sometimes, such manic cleanliness drives the household into a frenzy and irritates wildly, but thanks to her tact and peacefulness, a woman easily manages the growing conflict.

Business and career

Inborn diligence allows you to do great things, which means that a woman almost always achieves her goals. As a rule, he becomes a pharmacist, perfumer, doctor, philologist, psychotherapist, he can get carried away by the exact sciences, foreign languages.

Due to his activity, he often occupies leadership positions. Colleagues at work are often perceived as rivals, but if necessary, can cope with their aggressiveness and overcome the feeling of rivalry.

The secret of the name Monica

It is very pleasant to communicate and live with Monica. She easily establishes contacts with people and is an educated woman. Monica is not conflict and friendly. Can charm any man, thanks to which she has many admirers.

When marrying, Monica adheres to strict moral principles. She has an innate sense of decency and gives herself completely to her family. Such a woman can even easily quit her job for the sake of marriage.

Monica knows what her shortcomings are and can easily suppress them. She is self-critical of herself and often downplays her dignity.
Often, Monica chooses men as her friends. She has friendly relations with women, but no more. Monica can admire the beauty of another woman and not be afraid to say so. She can be offended easily, but quickly cools off.

  • Talisman stone - jasper, aquamarine, amber, sapphire.
  • Name day in Orthodox calendar missing.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Taurus, Libra.
  • The ruling planet is Venus.
  • Favorable colors are red, black, purple, brown, pink.
  • The treasured plant is a tulip.
  • The totem animal is a cat.

The name number 5 means freedom and independence. "Fives" rarely listen to advice from the outside, they are used to relying on their own experience. They tend to try rather than think.

"Fives" love adventure and travel, sitting still is not in their nature! They are players and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany everything they do. life path. The native element of the “fives” is bargaining, in any trade affairs few can compare with the "fives". It is worth remembering that the "five" by all means avoid responsibility.


  • Planet: Venus.
  • Element: Air and water, heat-humidity.
  • Zodiac: Taurus, Libra.
  • Color: Green, yellow-blue, pink.
  • Day: Friday.
  • Metal: Copper, bronze.
  • Mineral: Emerald, aquamarine, beryl, chrysolite, sapphire, carnelian.
  • Plants: Periwinkle, lemon balm, forget-me-not, lady's slipper, non-predatory orchids, iris, cauliflower.
  • Animals: Pigeon, bull, cat, rabbit, seal, fallow deer.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Monica

M- caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to "pull the blanket over himself." Being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
O- deep feelings, the ability to handle money. For completeness of realization, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that the goal is prepared for him and you need to use your rich intuition to single it out from the hustle and bustle of existence.
H- sign of protest inner strength do not take everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."
And- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
To- endurance derived from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, life credo"all or nothing".
BUT- a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Translated from Greek - "the only one."

This is the type of woman next to whom it is easy and pleasant to live. They like contact with the outside world, they are educated and well-read, friendly and not conflict. These are women who know how to forgive.

Monica has one rare quality for a woman: she knows her shortcomings and tries to suppress them, she treats herself quite self-critically, sometimes she simply does not know her worth.

Monica often goes to friends with men than women, although she treats the latter without prejudice, she can sincerely admire their beauty and speak out loud about it. She is touchy, but not able to remember insults for a long time, any conflict is forgotten by her in a couple of days.

Monica quickly finds a language with a stranger, she has no enemies, she knows how to produce pleasant impression and is able to charm any man - which she does from time to time.

However, coquetry for her is more like a game, a kind of passion, than an internal need to please, to evoke by no means platonic feelings in the representatives of the opposite sex. AT family life Monica adheres to too strict moral rules, she has an innate sense of decency.

Having married, she is completely absorbed by the family for which she lives. In the lives of summer-born women, sexuality plays a more significant role, and they are capable of frivolous acts. Monica is an exemplary hostess. Order and cleanliness are her fads, she is able to clean the house almost until the morning.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Notable people named Monica

  • Monica Bellucci is an Italian fashion model and film actress.
  • Monica Cruz is an Italian dancer, model and part-time younger sister of Penelope Cruz.
  • Monica Lewinsky is the main participant in the socio-political scandal that arose over the clarification of a sexual relationship with President B. Clinton and became the reason for the impeachment of a top official.

Name Forms

  • Full name is Monica.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Mona, Nika, Nikochka, Monique, Mimi, Monichka, Monique, Momo, Mo, Nini, Nukusya, Nikochka.
  • Declension of the name - Monica - Monica.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is absent. At baptism, the baby is named with a consonant or similar name.

What does the name Monika mean?
Such beautiful name how Monica means only - "the only one", or "lonely".

Origin of the name Monica:
This name could only be born in Ancient Greece.

Character transmitted by the name Monica:

A woman with such sonorous name how Monica will be able to make life with her incredibly easy and very enjoyable. And, as a rule, she is unusually well-read and well-educated, and this is probably why it is not at all the slightest problem for her to easily contact everything. outside world. So in everyday communication, she is always friendly and absolutely non-confrontational. Monika is incredibly sociable, she can easily find mutual language with almost anyone. But she simply has no enemies at all, because Monica herself easily knows how to forgive all insults. She often makes a pleasant warm impression and of course always successfully uses this, often charming many men. However, Monica is not a coquette at all, she also absolutely does not feel a certain need to please absolutely all men and does not try to evoke in them, let's say, some far from the most platonic feelings towards herself. So her flirting is more likely to be akin to a simple game, or even excitement.

Monica from her birth is very honest man. And in her family relationships, as a rule, she is dominated by incredibly strict moral principles and rules. Monika always prefers to live only common sense, never relying on his not too developed intuition, since most often he considers it simply incompatible with normal developed intellect. And if suddenly Monica marries early, then be sure that her family can completely and completely absorb her, she simply becomes the whole meaning of her later life. And that's just Monica, who was born precisely in summer months, can commit incredibly frivolous and reckless acts, moreover, giving their sexuality the greatest possible significance.

Monica is always a very self-critical person, she also knows absolutely all her shortcomings and shortcomings, and of course she constantly and even very successfully fights with them. And also her simply excessive self-criticism may well even lead to some underestimation of her self-esteem.

It must also be said that Monica leads her friendship more often with men than with women of the same age, although it must be said that, as a rule, she treats the latter quite well, and of course without any unpleasant prejudices. She will never hide at all, if suddenly some woman may seem very beautiful to her, Monica will definitely make her a real compliment. Also, this woman is not at all deprived of some touchiness, however, at the same time, she is able to quickly forget about all grievances and already past conflicts.

And that's all household Monica, as a rule, is just exemplary. And she will always attach special importance to cleanliness and complete order, indeed, she will spare no time to restore it. She will always be ready to clean and clean her home, even from night to morning.

In etymology, there is more than one version of the origin of the name Monica. Some argue that the name has ancient Greek roots and was formed from the word monos, which in translation means one and only. Others - that this is a name of Latin origin, comes from the word moneo and is translated - to inspire, remind. AT Orthodox saints there is a saint named Monika. Name days are celebrated once a year - on August 27. For Russia, this is very rare name, is considered exotic, more often girls are called so in Europe and America.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Monica

The meaning of the name Monica is "one", "lonely", "the only one", "inspiring", "calling", "reminding".

As a child, Monica grows up as a cheerful, joyful, optimistic, positive girl. She is pleasant and interesting in communication, well-read, active, participates in all school activities, as a rule, she is chosen by the head girl in the class, everyone can rely on her. In the company of peers - the leader, mostly friends with boys. This does not prevent her from studying well, teachers praise her. The girl goes in for sports, dancing, music. She is a very energetic, cheerful and restless, creative, charismatic person. AT adolescence very popular, many imitate her, listen to her advice, because they consider her smart and wise. The girl herself prefers to communicate with older and more experienced people.

Self-critical, demanding of others. Sociable, participates in everything that is possible. He has his own opinion on everything, is not influenced, always listens politely, but does it his own way. Purposeful, energetic, persistent, always achieves the goal, works for the result. An optimist with incredible willpower. Executive, moving up the career ladder to the head. Understanding art modern technologies. Can become a writer, musician, designer, artist, scientist, journalist, teacher, politician, psychologist, translator, public figure, even an inventor.

Monica has a lot of friends, buddies, good acquaintances. She is a diplomatic, tactful interlocutor, does not like quarrels and conflicts, knows how to win over people, listens, finds for everyone right word. Not touchy, she quickly forgives and forgets insults, continuing to communicate with a person, she has no enemies. He loves freedom, he treats life simply. He does not like luxury and deeds for show.

The flirtatious, attractive, charming owner of this name loves to flirt with men, she has many fans. But her moral principles do not allow to go further than flirting, Monica understands what is good and what is bad, she will never become a mistress married man. Marries a strong man faithful man who can be trusted. She makes a great, faithful wife, a great mother, a great housewife. She likes to cook and receive guests in her house, but she is too clean.

He likes to attend all kinds of events, parties, dances, trainings, fitness, sports clubs, extreme views sports. Monica does not complain about health, the only problem since childhood - it's an allergy.

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