Mikhail Prishvin - Bear: Tale. Little stories: Musician Prishvin bear musician summary

The old bugbear was sitting on a mound and chirping on a violin. He was very fond of music and tried to learn to play himself. He did not do well, but the old man was pleased that he had his own music. A familiar collective farmer passed by and said to the old man:
- Drop your violin, grab your gun. You're better off with a gun. I just saw a bear in the forest.
The old man put down his violin and asked the collective farmer where he had seen the bear. He took a gun and went into the forest.
In the forest, the old man searched for a bear for a long time, but did not even find a trace of him.
The old man was tired and sat down on a stump to rest.
It was quiet in the forest. Not a knot will crack anywhere, not a bird will give a voice. Suddenly the old man heard: "Zenn! .." Such a beautiful sound, like a string sang.
A little later again: "Zenn! .."
The old man was surprised:
“Who is playing the string in the forest?”
And from the forest again: "Zenn! .." - yes, so loudly, affectionately.
The old man got up from the stump and cautiously walked towards where the sound was coming from. The sound was heard from the edge.
The old man crept up from behind the Christmas tree and sees: on the edge of a tree broken by a thunderstorm, long chips stick out of it. And a bear sits under a tree, grabbed one chip with its paw. The bear pulled the chip towards him and let it go. The sliver straightened up, trembled, and there was a sound in the air: “Zenn! ..” - like a string sang.
The bear bowed his head and listened.
The old man also listens: the sliver sings well.
The sound stopped, - the bear again for his own: he pulled the chip and let it go.
In the evening, the familiar collective farmer once again passed by the hut of the bear-cub. The old man was again sitting on the mound with the violin. He pulled one string with his finger, and the string sang softly: "Dzinn! .."
The farmer asked the old man:
- Well, did you kill the bear?
"No," replied the old man.
- What is it?
- Yes, how can you shoot him when he is a musician like me?
And the old man told the collective farmer how the bear played on a tree split by a thunderstorm.

Prishvin Mikhail
Mikhail Prishvin
Many people think that you can only go to the forest, where there are a lot of bears, and so they will pounce and eat you, and the legs and horns of the goat will remain. This is such a lie!
Bears, like any other animal, walk through the forest with great caution, and, smelling a person, they run away from him so that not only the whole animal, but you won’t even see a flash of a tail.
Once in the north they pointed out to me a place where there are a lot of bears. This place was in the upper reaches of the Koda River, which flows into the Pinega. I did not want to kill the bear at all, and there was no time to hunt for it: they hunt in the winter, but I came to the Koda in early spring, when the bears had already left their dens.
I really wanted to catch a bear eating, somewhere in a clearing, or fishing on the river bank, or on vacation. Having a weapon just in case, I tried to walk through the forest as carefully as animals, hiding near warm footprints; more than once it seemed to me that I even smelled of a bear ... But the bear itself, no matter how much I walked, I did not manage to meet that time either.
It finally happened, my patience ran out, and the time came for me to leave. I went to the place where I had hidden the boat and provisions. Suddenly I see: a large spruce paw in front of me trembled and swayed by itself. "Some kind of animal," I thought.
Taking my bags, I got into the boat and swam. And just opposite the place where I got into the boat, on the other side, very steep and high, in a small hut lived one commercial hunter. In an hour or two this hunter rode his boat down the Coda, overtook me, and found me in that hut halfway where everyone stops.
It was he who told me that from his shore he saw a bear, how he waved out of the taiga just opposite the place from where I came out to my boat. It was then that I remembered how, in complete calm, spruce paws swayed in front of me.
I felt annoyed at myself for making a noise at the bear. But the hunter also told me that the bear not only eluded my eyes, but also laughed at me ... It turned out that he ran very close to me, hid behind an eversion, and from there, standing on his hind legs, watched me: and how I came out of the forest, and how I got into the boat and swam. And then, when I closed myself for him, I climbed a tree and watched me for a long time as I went down the Coda.
- So long, - said the hunter, - that I got tired of looking and I went to drink tea in the hut.
I was annoyed that the bear laughed at me. But it happens even more annoyingly when different chatterboxes scare children with forest animals and represent them in such a way that if you appear only in the forest without a weapon, they will leave only horns and legs from you.

Many people think that you can only go to the forest, where there are a lot of bears, and so they will pounce and eat you, and the legs and horns of the goat will remain. This is such a lie!
Bears, like any other animal, walk through the forest with great caution and, smelling a person, they run away from him so that not only the whole animal, but you won’t even see a flash of a tail.
Once in the North they pointed out to me a place where there are a lot of bears. This place was in the upper reaches of the Koda River, which flows into the Pinega. I did not want to kill the bear at all, and there was no time to hunt for it: they hunt in winter, but I came to Koda in early spring, when the bears had already left their dens.
I really wanted to catch a bear eating, somewhere in a clearing, or fishing on the river bank, or on vacation. Having a weapon just in case, I tried to walk through the forest as carefully as animals, hiding near warm footprints; more than once it seemed to me that I even smelled of a bear ... But the bear itself, no matter how much I walked, I did not manage to meet that time.
It finally happened, my patience ran out, and the time came for me to leave. I went to the place where I had hidden the boat and provisions. Suddenly I see: a large spruce paw in front of me trembled and swayed by itself.
"Some kind of animal," I thought.
Taking my bags, I got into the boat and swam.
And just opposite the place where I got into the boat, on the other side, very steep and high, in a small hut lived one commercial hunter. In an hour or two this hunter rode his boat down the Coda, overtook me and found me in that hut halfway where everyone stops. Bear
It was he who told me that from his shore he saw a bear, how he waved out of the taiga just opposite the place from where I came out to my boat. It was then that I remembered how, in complete calm, spruce paws swayed in front of me.
I felt annoyed at myself for making a noise at the bear. But the hunter also told me that the bear not only eluded my eyes, but also laughed at me ... It turns out that he ran very close to me, hid behind an eversion and from there, standing on his hind legs, watched me: and how I got out from the forest, and how he got into the boat and swam. And then, when I closed myself to him, he climbed a tree and watched me for a long time as I went down the Coda.
- So long, - said the hunter, - that I got tired of looking and I went to drink tea in a hut.
I was annoyed that the bear laughed at me. But it happens even more annoyingly when various talkers scare children with forest animals and represent them in such a way that if you seem to only appear in the forest without weapons - and they will leave only horns and legs from you.

Nevertheless, it is pleasant to read the fairy tale "The Bear" by Prishvin M. M. even for adults, childhood is immediately remembered, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. Rivers, trees, animals, birds - everything comes to life, filled with vibrant colors, helps the heroes of the work in gratitude for their kindness and affection. The dialogues of the characters often evoke tenderness, they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. How clearly the superiority of positive characters over negative ones is depicted, how lively and bright we see the first and petty - the second. Dozens, hundreds of years separate us from the time of the creation of the work, but the problems and customs of people remain the same, practically unchanged. All the heroes were "honed" by the experience of the people, who for centuries created, strengthened and transformed them, devoting great and profound importance to children's education. Charm, admiration and indescribable inner joy are produced by pictures drawn by our imagination when reading such works. The fairy tale "Bear" Prishvin M. M. can be read for free online countless times without losing love and desire for this creation.

Many people think that they can only go to the forest, where there are a lot of bears, and so they will pounce and eat you, and the legs and horns of the goat will remain. This is such a lie!
Bears, like any other animal, walk through the forest with great caution, and, smelling a person, they run away from him so that not only the whole animal, but you won’t even see a flash of a tail.
Once in the north they pointed out to me a place where there are a lot of bears. This place was in the upper reaches of the Koda River, which flows into the Pinega. I did not want to kill the bear at all, and there was no time to hunt for him: they hunt in the winter, but I came to the Koda in early spring, when the bears had already left their dens.
I really wanted to catch a bear eating, somewhere in a clearing, or fishing on the river bank, or on vacation. Having a weapon just in case, I tried to walk through the forest as carefully as animals, hiding near warm footprints; more than once it seemed to me that I even smelled of a bear ... But the bear itself, no matter how much I walked, I did not manage to meet that time either.
It finally happened, my patience ran out, and the time came for me to leave. I went to the place where I had hidden the boat and provisions. Suddenly I see: a large spruce paw in front of me trembled and swayed by itself. “Some kind of animal,” I thought.
Taking my bags, I got into the boat and swam. And just opposite the place where I got into the boat, on the other side, very steep and high, in a small hut lived one commercial hunter. In an hour or two this hunter rode his boat down the Coda, overtook me, and found me in that hut halfway where everyone stops.
It was he who told me that from his shore he saw a bear, how he waved out of the taiga just opposite the place from where I came out to my boat. It was then that I remembered how, in complete calm, spruce paws swayed in front of me.
I felt annoyed at myself for making a noise at the bear. But the hunter also told me that the bear not only eluded my eyes, but also laughed at me ... He, it turns out, ran very close to me, hid behind an eversion and from there, standing on his hind legs, watched me: and how I got out from the forest, and how he got into the boat and swam. And then, when I closed myself for him, I climbed a tree and watched me for a long time as I went down the Coda.
- So long, - said the hunter, - that I got tired of looking and I went to drink tea in the hut.
I was annoyed that the bear laughed at me. But it happens even more annoyingly when various talkers frighten children with forest animals and represent them in such a way that if you appear only in the forest without a weapon, they will leave only horns and legs from you.


In the summer, as usual, I worked on a geological expedition in the remote Yakut taiga. From the base camp I was sent for two weeks to explore the headwaters of a small mountain stream twenty kilometers away.

Egor's assistant went with me, whose main duty was to dig pits. Egor was taken from local alcoholics, we hired them in the nearest town for the entire summer season. We had a “dry law”, and while working, they were undergoing, as it were, labor treatment. They worked well. In addition, they knew local customs, were well oriented in the forest, and were good hunters.

I examined rock outcrops near our river, found signs of copper. Yegor almost did not have to dig holes, he cooked food and gorged himself on berries. We lived in an old winter hut, cut down by hunters from thick larches a hundred years ago.

We also had neighbors - one or two families of bears. We saw them from afar, they did not let us close to them, they immediately left. But they left their traces everywhere in abundance: heavily rumpled grass and bushes, especially raspberries. The bears also broke snags, old stumps, decks and looked for something in the ground there. Berries bears sucked whole branches. In a word, the owners of the forest left behind a complete pogrom.

In the evenings, when the sun was setting and nature was quiet, I distinctly heard some strange sound: “Pbwa-a-a-m!” - and then fading rattling for 10-15 seconds. The sound arose every evening, and I asked Yegor:

What it is?
- Yes, it is clear that the bear is pampering.
- How does he pamper?
- Let's go and see.

We went to the taiga. About three hundred meters on a hillock, bad weather knocked down several larches. One of them broke, leaving long chips above the roots. Near them, on its hind legs, a one and a half year old bear stood with its back to us. He seemed to be completely absorbed in his work. It consisted in the fact that the bear with a clawed paw pulled one of the wood chips dried in the sun, because of which it made a characteristic sound, and the bear, bowing its head amusingly, listened. "Pbwa-a-a-m!" - carried in a quiet, evening taiga. The bear enjoyed his art.

I had a military-style rifled carbine (they don’t go in the taiga without a gun). But of course I didn't use it. It would be poaching, and it's a pity for the "musician". I shouted, the bear shuddered, sat down on its front paws and easily fled into the thicket. We did not see other bears nearby, which means that the music lover was alone. I remembered Shishkin's painting Morning in a Pine Forest. There, too, a splintered hundred-year-old pine was depicted. I constantly wonder if there was some kind of “bear love for forest music” plot here.

Several days passed, the forest music did not sound, apparently, we scared the bear. I felt kind of sane. But on the last evening before leaving for the base, we again heard: “Pbwa-a-a-m!” My heart became warm. So the bear returned to his "musical instrument" and continued to enjoy the sound. They also say that they are not musical. And they even came up with the expression: "The bear stepped on the ear."

Vsevolod Abramov

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