Will there be a harsh winter in the year. Common data. What can folk omens say about the upcoming winter in the capital of Russia?

He talks about the maximum minus of twenty-five degrees below zero. The average temperature should not exceed twenty degrees of frost.

It is also worth noting the possibility of a large amount of precipitation. Utilities will have to try to clean the roads of the city. The greatest precipitation is planned for the second half of the month. New Year promises to be snowy.

Forecasters advise not to plan large-scale trips for the month of December. In December, strong gusts of wind, snow blizzards and sub-zero temperatures are possible. This weather can ruin any trip.

Weather forecast for the month of January in Moscow

Weather forecast for winter 2016-2017 in Moscow (for the month of January):

As a rule, January is the coldest month of winter. It is for January that weather forecasters promise incredible snowfalls and blizzards. But not at this time. The weather should be much better than in December. Frosts will become a little softer, and the wind will be weaker.

The upcoming 2017 will be marked by only a slight drizzle. The sky will be very clear. It's just the perfect weather to finally go out with friends and have a snow fight. The weatherman is predicting snow. And all this in the first half of the month.

The second half of January will be somewhat reminiscent of December. In order to go to work or study, you will have to pretty warm up. Frosts will be severe, and the wind will pierce the body. But do not get upset in advance. This weather should not last long. As soon as Epiphany comes, you can exhale - everything will work out and nothing can interfere with walking with friends. The maximum possible minus on the nineteenth of January is seventeen degrees below zero.

Weather for February in Moscow

Weather forecast for winter 2016-2017 in Moscow (for the month of February):

During the day the frost will not rise higher than fifteen degrees. The average temperature is fifteen degrees below zero. But at night the thermometer can drop to twenty degrees below zero.
In February, sunny weather will prevail. It's time to take a walk with friends or loved one in the fresh air.

What is the expected temperature in winter throughout Russia?

Looking at the map of Russia, weather forecasters promise that the first winter month will be quite cold. From the first to the fifteenth of December frost can reach eighteen degrees. Snow is possible only in some areas. On New Year's Eve, the temperature will rise noticeably. In addition, weather forecasters are predicting heavy snowfall.

The real winter in Russia will come only in the month of January. From the fifteenth to the thirtieth of January will be marked by fairly severe frosts up to twenty degrees. The maximum minus is thirty-two degrees of frost. A slight warming is expected by the end of the month. It will affect only some regions of Russia. The first half of January will be marked by positive temperatures.

2. Vitamin D will save the body.

It is this vitamin that is able to protect the body from possible irritants. Before you start taking them, you should consult with your general practitioner. Most of the vitamin is made on an oily basis.

3. Sports and injections.

It may seem strange, but the flu shot is directly related to exercise. Before you make an injection, you should definitely visit the gym. After working out on your favorite simulator, invisible gaps will appear in the muscles. They will strengthen the body's immune defenses.

4. Temperature is not a reason to refuse training.

What to do if the temperature has already risen? Do not postpone sports for later. It is better to do a little exercise right now. Naturally, the temperature should not exceed a temperature of thirty-seven degrees. At the same time, you should not overexert yourself. This can be detrimental to health.

The current rhythm of life forces us to plan everything in advance. How and where to spend the winter holidays, many decide only after they find out the weather forecast for the winter. Yes, in the autumn such forecasts are still inaccurate, but an approximate scenario can already be found out. What will be the winter of 2016 - read in our material.

General weather forecast for the winter

In the winter of 2016, meteorologists predict that there will be no sudden changes in temperature. Long-term forecasts indicate that throughout Russia the winter will be moderately cold, and the difference between night and day temperatures will be insignificant.

The first snow promises to be early - in early November in the western part of Russia there will be snowfalls. In the middle part of Russia, as well as in Siberia and the Far East, the first snow will fall in October. The first snowfalls will be very heavy, snowstorms and are possible.

A mild, one might even say warm December will be replaced by a frosty and dry January. In February, frosts will sharply increase. But already at the end of the month, the first signs of spring will appear: warmth and sun.

Winter 2016 should be sunny and without frequent precipitation. The main part of the snow will fall in late November - early December, at which time there will be snowfalls in most of the country.

Weather forecast for December 2016

Weather forecast for winter 2016: December | oko-planet.su

December 2016 will not surprise us with a sharp cold snap, because winter will begin at the end of November. The first frosts in the central and western parts of Russia will begin even earlier.

Based on long-term annual observations of the weather, it can be assumed that the first day of winter in Moscow and the Moscow region will be quite cold. The average temperature during the day will reach -10°C, and at night - up to -18°C.

The weather forecast for winter 2016 in Siberia and the Urals promises residents frosts below -20 ° C from the very first days of December. Such low temperatures are expected until the middle of the month, and after the Russians a slight warming awaits.

For the new year, weather forecasters promise stable and stable weather: -15 ° C during the day and -20 ° C at night for the western and central regions of the country. In the eastern regions, it will be habitually colder - up to -25 ° C. The northern regions will celebrate the New Year with real frosts - about -30 ° C.

Weather forecast for January 2017

Weather forecast for winter 2016/2017: January | allwomens.ru

The preliminary weather forecast for the winter of 2016 in January will probably please all Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region: weather forecasters promise a slight pleasant frost in the first days of the new year and light snow.

In the central regions of the country at the beginning of January 2017, the weather will be warm enough for winter - in the daytime to -10 ° C, and at night the thermometers will drop to -17 ° C.

The first half of January will bring frosty and dry days to Siberia and northern regions. Residents of these regions should not be afraid of heavy snowfalls. At the end of the month, Siberians will be freezing at night, as the temperature drops to -25 °C and below. Experts also warn that strong winds and snowfalls will be added to the frosts.

The end of January will bring precipitation, frost and wind to the central regions of Russia. But it is worth noting that such heavy snowfalls as last winter are not expected.

Weather forecast for February 2017

The beginning of February will delight all residents of the country with warm weather. Warming will affect the Central, Western, Southern regions and Siberia. Only the northern part of the country will remain dominated by cold cyclones.

Mid-February will return frosts and snowfalls to most of the country. The onset of cold weather will bring with it clear, sunny and windless weather.

The end of winter promises to be warm and almost spring. The first arrival of spring will be felt by the southern and eastern regions. Muscovites will enjoy warm days after February 25.

It is worth remembering that all forecasts are only preliminary, because what will be the winter in 2016, only time will tell. No precise measurements can predict weather and climate changes in the long term.

There is a separate category of people who prefer winter to all seasons. Despite the prolonged cold, winter itself is quite a beautiful season: everything around is covered with a white blanket, which transforms the usual outlines of the city beyond recognition. Together with frost and good clear weather, when all the snowflakes sparkle with millions of emeralds, winter ends in a fairy tale about the Snow Queen, who bewitched the whole world, making his heart icy and cold. Also, many appreciate this time because of the numerous New Year holidays, when the house smells of tangerines, and boxes with gifts are waiting for their owners under the Christmas tree.

There are many moments because of which you can really truly love winter, but this does not always work out in those moments when the weather outside the window starts to deteriorate rapidly. Let's figure out what the winter of 2016-2017 will be like in Moscow.

The main forecast for the Moscow winter

As it turned out, it was the winter of 2016-2017 that became a real stumbling block for domestic
weather forecasters. According to some, no specific changes in the weather in the winter months against the background of previous periods should be expected, while others are simply sure that this year winter will bring very unexpected surprises to everyone. Of course, it is impossible to say with a 100% guarantee what the weather will be like in almost a year, but it is quite possible to tell explicit assumptions about this.

December in Moscow

As practice shows, at the time of the onset of December, winter is already sweeping across Russia with might and main, and Moscow is rarely an exception. Despite the fact that December is only the first month of this cold season, all Muscovites know that it is often considered the coldest and snowiest. The temperature in the capital and the Moscow region in December 2016 will drop to the limit of -25 degrees, although the average air temperature will fluctuate between -15 -20 degrees.

If we talk about December, as a time of precipitation, then yes - this month will force utilities to try hard to clear the city of blockages of snow. True, most of the snowfall is scheduled for the second part of the month - just on New Year's Eve. This means that this long-awaited holiday will be truly magical: a Christmas tree, snow, frost ... What else do you need on December 31st? According to weather forecasters, you should not plan long trips during this period, because December can be tricky with strong gusts of wind and even blizzards, which will not only ruin your vacation, but also create many additional problems.

January in Moscow

It would seem that January should be the month that freezes everything around and simply plunges the whole city into a veil of impenetrable snow. But no – in 2017 things will be a little different. During this period, Muscovites can relax a bit, as the cold will become milder and the frost more tender. With the advent of 2017, the weather will calm down a bit and, apart from a slight frost, nothing will spoil the clear sky. At the same time, the temperature will remain at -17 degrees until the very baptism. After the equator of January, winter seems to go berserk - strong winds and snowfalls will begin, which together in just a few days will turn the capital into a kind of icicle. According to weather forecasts, such weather will not last long, and after the baptism it will be possible to breathe a sigh of relief. It is worth reminding Muscovites that even though a thaw is not planned and the frost will not go anywhere, you should not walk down the street for too long, because you can quickly pick up some kind of infection.

February in Moscow

The last month of the winter of 2017 is the final act in the play of the round dance of snowflakes to the howling of cold and the crackle of frost. There are only a few weeks left before the spring drop, but for now, the newcomer guest of February is on the nose, who decides to play a little prank in the capital. On the one hand, it may seem that the street will get warmer sharply, although the frost will continue to not miss the opportunity to pinch everyone on the cheeks. Nevertheless, the air temperature in the daytime very rarely rises above -15 degrees - most often it will be possible to mark -5 -10 degrees on the thermometer. But at night, winter will remind Muscovites who is the real mistress of the weather at this time, because the frost will again lower the thermometers to -20. Sometimes it will seem that this evil spirit is walking around the city at night, because of which the air in it becomes colder. But as soon as the sun appears on the horizon and illuminates the frozen city with its light, everything returns to normal life, and the undead hides until the next night.

Do not forget about the unpleasant February wind, which will be the longest for the whole winter. And while he will run amok in Moscow, there will be practically not a single resident in the city who would not want to say goodbye to winter for the next 9 months. There should be little snow in February, but it will still continue to occasionally appear for a short time, like an unexpected guest.

As a result, it turns out that the winter of 2016-2017 in Moscow should not differ much in its liking from its past “reincarnations”, however, any deviations from the norm are possible.

Notes about winter

Most often, folk omens, which have been composed over many centuries and almost always turned out to be true, helped our ancestors to judge what exactly the upcoming winter should be like. Try to predict what winter will be like in Moscow, knowing some of these signs.

1. Windy and hot summers are considered a harbinger of a snowy winter with frequent snowstorms.

2. Too rainy summers and relatively warm autumns hint at a long and snowy winter.

3. Dry and warm September is considered a harbinger of late winter.

4. After the first snow has fallen, exactly 40 days later it is worth waiting for the arrival of winter itself.

5. If it was very warm and sunny on Pokrov, then the whole winter will be very mild.

Against the backdrop of a cool Moscow forecast, the year should be a little softer and rainier. Nevertheless, no matter where she reigns, this is a wonderful time of the year, which should be respected and accepted with all the cold and thaw.

Winter 2016-2017 in Russia will be frosty, dry and sunny. In December frosts are expected from -5 -11 °C during the day to -11 -20 °C at night. The coldest will be the beginning of the month. A lot of snow will fall in the first quarter of December. In January, the air temperature will drop to -12 -22 °C during the day and -19 -26 °C at night, there will be little precipitation. In the first half of February, severe blizzards and frosts down to -28 °C during the day and down to -32 °C at night are predicted. At the end of the month it will warm up to -8 °C during the day and -14 °C at night, there will be little precipitation.

December 2016

December will be moderately frosty. At the beginning of the month, the average air temperature will range from -10 °C during the day to -18 -20 °C at night. In the first quarter of December, heavy snowfalls are expected, and the temperature will drop by 3-5 degrees. In the middle of the month, the thermometer will show -5 -7 ° C during the day and -11 -13 ° C at night. Light snowfalls are expected at the end of December. The air temperature will be -9 -11 °C during the day and -14 °C at night.

January 2017

Light snow is expected early in the month. The average air temperature will be -12 -14 °C during the day and -19 °C at night. After January 17, it will get 6-7 degrees colder for several days. There will be no big rainfall at the end of the month. The thermometer will show -20 -22 °C during the day and -24 -26 °C at night.

February 2017

Severe frosts are expected in the last month of winter. The thermometer can drop to -26 -28 ° C during the day and up to -32 ° C at night. At the end of February the weather will become milder. Heavy rainfall is not expected. The average air temperature will be -8 -10 °C during the day and -14 -16 °C at night.

What will the weather be like in the winter of 2016-2017 in the regions of Russia

Moscow and Moscow region

The weather in winter in Moscow and the Moscow region is expected to be 2-4 degrees warmer than in the rest of Russia.

December will be cold and snowy. Frosts down to -25 °С are expected. The average air temperature will be -15 -20 °C. In the second half of the month there will be heavy snowfalls. Strong gusts of wind and blizzards are possible in December.

Mild weather is expected in the first half of January. The average air temperature will be -15 -17 °С. Large precipitation is not expected. Strong gusts of wind and snowfalls are possible on January 15-18. After Baptism, “winter will calm down,” and the weather will improve.

In February, the weather will be mild and gentle. The average air temperature during the day will be -5 -10 °C. At night, the thermometer can drop to -20 °C. Heavy rainfall is not expected. Possible sustained winds.

St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

Residents of St. Petersburg and the region expect a mild and warm winter. The average air temperature in December will be from 0 °С to -6 °С at night. In January, the thermometer will show -4 -8 ° C during the day and -12 ° C at night. February will be snowy and not cold - from -6 -8 °С during the day to -8 -10 °С at night.


Heavy snowfalls are expected in the subpolar and polar Urals. In early December and January, the thermometer will drop to -25 °C. There will be no severe frosts in February.

In the north of the Urals, the average air temperature in the winter of 2016-2017 will be -33 °C. There will be no strong winds. In early February, prolonged snowfalls and warming are expected.

In the Middle Urals, December will be moderately cold and sunny. A slight chill is expected in January. The thermometer will show -15 -24 ° С. In early February, it will warm up to -7 ° C, and in the middle of the month it will get colder, and snowfalls will come.

In the southern part of the Urals, the beginning of December will please with relatively warm weather. On the 20th of the month it will get colder to -8 °С during the day and to -20 °С at night. January will be sunny and with little snow. This weather will continue until mid-February. Then a few cloudy and cold days are predicted. It will get warmer at the end of the month.

Kuban (Krasnodar Territory)

Residents of the Krasnodar Territory expect a mild and warm winter. There will be little rainfall in December. The air temperature will range from -6 °C at night to +5 °C during the day. This weather will continue until mid-January. Then small frosts will alternate with thaws. At the end of the month, heavy snowfalls and icy conditions are possible. The thermometer will show from -12 ° C at night to 0 ° C during the day. In February, frosty weather, heavy and prolonged snowfalls are predicted.

Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region

Frosty, windy and unstable weather awaits residents of Novosibirsk and the region in winter. The average daytime air temperature in December will be -1 -13 °С, at night -3 -15 °С. There will be little rain until mid-January. After Epiphany, heavy snowfalls are predicted with snowstorms, strong wind gusts and ice. The thermometer in January will drop to -10 -30 ° C during the day and to -38 ° C at night. More severe frosts will come after Christmas. Unstable weather is predicted in February. The air temperature will fluctuate from -45 °C at night to -29 °C during the day. Heavy snowfalls possible.


A cold and snowy winter is expected in Siberia. In December, the average air temperature will be -15 °С. There will be little rainfall. On New Year's Eve, heavy snowfalls will begin, and the thermometer will rise to -10 ° C. In the first half of January, frosts down to -20 -25 °С are expected, and in the second half - warming up to -15 °С and heavy rainfall. Winter in February will be snowy and mild. The thermometer will drop below -15 °C.


A cold winter awaits residents of Volgograd and the Volgograd region. In December frosts, snowfalls, blizzards are predicted. The air temperature will fluctuate between -4 °С and -10 °С. In early January, it will get colder. On the 10th of the month, a short thaw will come, which will lead to ice. Then it gets cold again. The air temperature in January will fluctuate between +5 °С and -17 °С. February will bring prolonged snowfalls and blizzards. The air temperature will fluctuate between +1 °С and -21 °С.

The weather forecast for the winter of 2016-2017 in Russia was compiled by the Hydrometeorological Center. It is noted that on average the temperature in most of the country's territory will be near and above the norm, but in February in a number of regions of the Asian part it will be below the norm.

At the same time, it will be colder than usual in the North-Western, Central, Ural federal districts, as well as in most of the Siberian and western Far Eastern federal districts. We emphasize that this is a preliminary weather forecast.

Weather forecast for November 2016

Winter in most of Russia will come in November. In most regions, snow cover will be established and frosts will be observed.

The average monthly air temperature is expected to be above the norm in most of the Northwestern Federal District. November 2016 is expected to be colder than November 2015 in Taimyr and the northern half of Yakutia, according to the forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center.

Weather forecast for December 2016

December will be traditionally frosty and snowy. Above the norm, the average monthly temperature is most likely in the north of the Urals Federal District and in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In the Central Federal District, in the south of the Northwestern Federal District, it is expected to be colder than last year.

Also, the weather in the southwestern and southern regions of the Siberian Federal District, as well as in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, will not please with warmth. So Siberians should prepare for frosts.

Weather forecast for January 2017

The preliminary weather forecast for January does not imply any temperature records and anomalies.

Above the norm, the average monthly air temperature is expected in the east of Yakutia, in the northern half of the Khabarovsk Territory and in the Magadan Region.

The average monthly temperature in January 2017 is expected to be higher than in January 2016 in the Murmansk region, in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in Khakassia.

Lower than in January last year, the temperature is expected in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in the west of Yakutia.

Weather forecast for February 2017

The last month of winter will bring warming to the western regions of the Northwestern Federal District. In the north-east of Yakutia and Chukotka, the average monthly air temperature is also expected to be above the norm.

It will be colder than usual in the northeast of the Urals Federal District, in most of the Siberian Federal District and in the west of Yakutia.

Also, February is expected to be colder than last year in the European territory of Russia, in the Urals, Siberian federal districts and in the west of Yakutia.

Illustrations from meteoinfo.ru

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