Volzhanka for the winter cooking recipes. Volzhanki salty for the winter recipe. Recipe: Salty volnushki (hot method) - Preservation for the winter. How to cook volnushki for the winter in a cold way. Needed for cooking

How to salt volnushki at home for the winter in a cold and hot way, if there is a certain bitterness in their taste? Everything is very simple, before salting, they must first be soaked, during which all the bitterness will come out. How to do it right, as well as the best recipes for salting the waves, we will present in this article.

They are conditionally edible mushrooms. Most often, this type of mushroom is salted in a cold or hot way, the difference in which is the time the snack is ready after the start of salting the product.

Preparation in 4 steps

Before proceeding to salting, it is necessary to prepare the mushrooms. This happens in 4 stages. The taste and safety of the finished product will depend on the quality of the preparation. It is necessary to soak the waves for at least 48 hours so that all the bitter milky juice comes out. Let's take a closer look:

Sorting. Collected mushrooms must be divided by type and size. White and pink are salted separately.

It is better to select young fruits - volzhanka, which have a pleasant taste. Old and overripe mushrooms are no longer the same, they do not have such a taste.

cleaning. First, carefully so as not to damage the caps, with a toothbrush and a knife, you should clean the mushrooms from debris and cut off 2/3 of the legs. Rinse well afterwards to remove any remaining debris.

Soaking. This is a key step. Without it, the pickle will not be tasty. This process will take at least 2 days. In an enameled container, mushrooms are poured with water so that the water level is 5 cm higher. The ode must be salted. If in the future the mushrooms are salted in a cold way, then citric acid must be added in the following proportion: for 1 liter of water, 2 g of citric acid and 10 g of salt. It is necessary to change the water 5-6 times a day so that the mushrooms do not turn sour. The container with waves is covered with a piece of gauze, and left in a cool place.

control wash. Mushrooms after soaking must be thoroughly rinsed using cold water.

Then discard the fruit in a colander to drain excess liquid. After these manipulations, you can proceed to salting.

Important! You can understand that mushrooms can be salted “by touch”. Remove one copy from the container and gently press the hat. In well-soaked volzhanka, it should bend gently, but not break. If mold has appeared in the container, then the mushrooms are spoiled. Even after thorough washing, they should not be salted.

Cold salting

According to the recipe below, very tasty mushrooms are obtained. It is possible to prepare only waves in this way, or you can add other mushrooms. The aroma and taste is obtained by adding the following ingredients:

  • 10 kg of waves;
  • 5-7 oak leaves;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 3-4 cloves;
  • 10 g of allspice;
  • 0.5 kg of salt.

Salting process step by step:

Hot salting

Only dense and fresh mushroom caps are used in this recipe. The advantage of this recipe is that the fruits will be ready fast, compared to the cold method, as boiled mushrooms are used. Here's what's required:

  • 5 kg of waves;
  • 5-7 currant leaves;
  • 3-5 garlic cloves;
  • 1.5 st. spoons of salt;
  • 1 liter of water.

Salting process:

Watch the video! How to salt the waves in a hot way

Combined salting option

This method is perfect for salting mushrooms. Thanks to the leaves, they are fragrant and very tasty. At the same time, the cooking time is reduced, and the crunch of the mushrooms is completely preserved.

For cooking you need:

  • 5-6 kg of mushrooms;
  • 2 liters of filtered water;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 160 g of salt;
  • 6-8 currant leaves;
  • lavrushka;
  • a bunch of dill and horseradish leaves.


How to salt the waves for the winter in banks

Would need:

  • 2 kg of waves;
  • 40 g of salt;
  • 2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 4 things. bay leaf;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil.

Step by step preparation:

  1. All ingredients must be prepared in advance, soak the mushrooms for 2-3 days, not forgetting to change the water every 4-6 hours.
  2. Sterilize and dry the jars in advance.
  3. Spread the mushrooms with salt in layers.
  4. Bring the oil to a hot state.
  5. Pour into jars, on mushrooms laid out with salt.
  6. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator.
  7. The pickle will be ready in 2 months.

Watch the video! How to salt the waves for the winter

How to pickle waves?

There are practically no differences between salting and pickling waves. The pickling process is especially similar to hot pickling. Here recipe.

Would need:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 0.3 l of water;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vinegar essence 70%;
  • 15 g of sugar;
  • 10 g of salt;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 2 g of cumin and dill;
  • 7 pcs. carnation;
  • 10 black peppercorns.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Prepare the ingredients and soak the mushrooms.
  2. Put a container with water on fire for 2 minutes, add herbs and spices.
  3. Add mushrooms and boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Distribute the finished product to banks, add vinegar at the rate of 5 ml per 1 liter of the finished product.
  5. Pour the marinade in which the mushrooms were boiled.
  6. Cover with lids and store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Watch the video! Pickled volnushki

Volnushki are unpretentious mushrooms that mainly grow in mixed forests. They have a furry and wavy hat. They are also called wolves. Such a mushroom does not need long heat treatment. Salting waves has a variety of recipes.

Volnushki are unpretentious mushrooms that mainly grow in mixed forests.

To salt the waves for the winter according to the recipe described below, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Wave mushrooms - 2 kilograms.
  • Water - 2.5 liters.
  • Coarse salt - 60 grams.
  • Citric acid - 3 grams.
  • Add spices as desired.

After all the ingredients are prepared, let's get to work:

  1. When the mushrooms are soaked, add citric acid. In this case, citric acid is used to kill harmful bacteria, mold, deposits, and microorganisms.
  2. After the volzhanki go through the soaking procedure, they need to be thrown into a colander and allowed to drain excess water.
  3. Then the waves are tightly placed in a jar (the jars need to be sterilized), after sprinkling each wave with salt and spices.
  4. We cover the mushrooms with a flat plate and put a load on top.

It is recommended to store mushrooms prepared according to this recipe in a dark and cool place.

The above recipe can be slightly modified. can be in an enamel bowl and after three days transfer to jars (sterilize the jars). Store at least a month in a dark place.

Salting waves (video)

hot way

With hot salting, the waves undergo heat treatment (they are boiled). As a result of hot processing, they completely lose their bitterness.

For salting you will need:

  • Mushrooms volnushki - 1 kilogram.
  • Coarse salt - 50 grams.
  • A few bay leaves.
  • Horseradish and currant leaves.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Dill - 3 umbrellas.
  • Horseradish root - 10 grams.
  • A few peas of allspice.

How much to cook volnushki: cook mushrooms for 20 minutes after boiling water.

Calorie content - In 100 grams of waves 35 kcal. As you can see, low calorie content allows you to use mushrooms in dietary nutrition.

Interesting and informative about waves

One of the most favorite mushrooms, not only for avid mushroom pickers, but also for those who just like to eat them, are volnushki. They belong to the russula family and have an amazing taste, as well as a set of useful properties. Volnushki are very rich in vitamins and minerals, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates and amino acids. It is interesting that abroad this type of mushroom is considered poisonous! In fact, volnushki are very tasty, tender, and many amateur cooks have been using them in the preparation of various dishes for a long time. These mushrooms enjoy special honor among the Russian people. But, before you eat such mushrooms, you will have to tinker with them.

Experienced mushroom pickers know that volushki mushrooms grow in birch and mixed forests. The best time to visit them is from July to October. There are white and pink mushrooms. Pink volnushka belongs to conditionally edible mushrooms, has a rather large cap, about 10 cm in diameter, and a leg about 2 cm thick. This species has dense white flesh. One of the advantages is excellent transport stability, so that you will deliver your “catch” home safe and sound. But the white wave differs from the pink only in a fluffy hat.

How to cook volushki mushrooms

You can use volnushki in boiled and fried form, as well as they can be marinated and salted. Perhaps pickling and salting is ideal for them. Volnushki can be a great alternative to champignons and oyster mushrooms. Volnushki, or milkers, do not eat raw, they are very bitter. Therefore, before cooking, they must be soaked in salt water, such a procedure will take from 2 to 3 days with a mandatory change of water at least 3-4 times, and ideally every five hours.

boil and drain the first broth. Thanks to this treatment, milky juice will come out of the mushrooms, which gives bitterness. If you decide to boil the waves, then after boiling the water, they should be boiled for at least 15-20 minutes. You also need to soak them in salted water.

How much to cook waves

Since volnushki are one of the most popular and loved by many mushrooms, every housewife should know how to cook them and be able to. For direct consumption, boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes, and if the mushrooms are large, then about 40 minutes. Various spices, bay leaves, black and sweet peas can be added to the water with mushrooms. The broth obtained after boiling should in no case be used, since all the bitter juice of these mushrooms goes into it. It is advisable to drain the first water from the mushrooms, that is, as soon as the water with mushrooms boils, remove from heat and drain the water, pour clean water, salt, add spices and cook. What is it for? To minimize the ingress of mushroom bitterness.

Cold and hot salting of the waves

Salting is the most popular way to prepare volnushki. Our great-grandfathers used the so-called cold method of salting the waves. With this method, the greatest number of useful properties of these mushrooms are preserved. In addition, while they remain elastic and even crispy. To do this, first rinse the mushrooms under water. Fill the waves with water and soak in the manner described above. After that, rinse the mushrooms again and clean from the remaining possible contaminants.

You can pickle both in jars and in wooden tubs. The bottom of the washed container is laid with greens to taste - horseradish, cherry or currant leaves. Next, lay the mushrooms in layers, each hat down, sprinkling each layer with salt. The amount of salt should be sufficient, don't be afraid to oversalt them, as they will only take what they need, and so you won't oversalt them. Put oppression on top and remove the mushrooms in a cold and dry place for 30-40 days. Store delicious cold-salted volushki in the refrigerator.

In addition to the cold, there is also a hot method of salting. This method is more popular, because mushrooms still undergo heat treatment, which means that any risks are much lower. Just like with the cold method, the waves are first washed and soaked in water for 3-4 days. After that, they are boiled for 10-15 minutes. Waves are laid out in prepared jars and poured with marinade to your taste. Don't forget to add vinegar and some vegetable oil. Ready-made salted mushrooms will be an excellent addition to fried or boiled potatoes, and are also well suited as a pie filling.

Wave soup

The most delicious soup from volnushki is made very simply and does not take much time. To do this, you need the ingredients:


  • Fresh volnushki - 300 grams
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pieces
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Broth - 2 liters
  • Greens - a bunch
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons

Rinse all mushrooms thoroughly under the tap and remove heavy dirt with a knife. Fill the volnushki with hot water and let stand for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse again with cold water. We're preparing a fry. Cut the onion into cubes, grate the carrot or cut into thin strips. Fry them in vegetable oil.

Mushrooms, if they are large, cut into several parts. Add them to the onions and carrots and fry for about 20 minutes. Bring the vegetable or chicken broth to a boil and add the diced potatoes to it. When the potatoes are completely cooked, add the roast with mushrooms and cook for another 5 minutes. Salt at the end of cooking. When serving, decorate portioned plates with herbs and add a boiled egg if desired. Bon appetit!

Volnushki are conditionally edible mushrooms. There are several varieties of these mushrooms - pink, or, as it is also called, volzhanka, rubella, decoction. This mushroom can be recognized by its pink hat. The white wave has a color corresponding to the name, the faded lactic also belongs to a variety of these mushrooms. Salting volnushek usually begins in early July and continues until the first frost.

Useful properties and contraindications

Volnushki have a number of advantages over other mushrooms due to the presence of many essential vitamins and minerals. Eating them in food helps to improve the condition of the body:

  • The presence of vitamin C helps fight various anti-inflammatory diseases.
  • Vitamin A in the composition of the product improves vision.
  • The pulp of the mushroom has an analgesic effect.
  • Helps strengthen immunity.
  • Restores the body after overwork.
  • Improves brain activity.
  • By including this product in your menu, you can improve the condition of the nail plates, hair and skin.

Despite the large number of useful qualities of this mushroom, its use is undesirable in some cases:

  • For any diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines.
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers, as mushrooms are a heavy product for the body.
  • Children's age up to 5 years.
  • Prone to allergies to this product.

Preprocessing Rules

Before using the flakes for food, they must be carefully processed. Since all milkers have a bitter juice that needs to be disposed of, you first need to:

Only after all these manipulations can you salt the waves for the winter. They turn out elastic, crispy. A great appetizer for any table!

Application in cooking

But one kilogram of prepared mushrooms will need:

  • Coarse rock salt - 45 g.
  • Garlic - 1 head.
  • Leaves of currant, cherry, horseradish.
  • Stems of green dill with umbrellas.
  • If there are oak leaves, you can add them. They will not allow mold to form.

Put the bottom of the selected container with leaves, lightly salt, add garlic. Put mushroom caps, salt. Layer with leaves. Salt the top layer well, add spices, lay out with leaves. Cover everything with cotton cloth, put oppression. Containers prepared in this way should be stored in a cold place for three days. During this time, a lot of brine will stand out, the waves will begin to ferment. If there is little liquid, you can add boiled water with salt.

Properly salted mushrooms will be ready no earlier than a month later. Then they can be transferred to jars and poured with vegetable oil. Store at a temperature of +1 to + 5 degrees in a dark, cold place.

Volnushki, salty, delicious mushrooms, especially if they are properly salted. And the fringe on the hats of salty waves is their hallmark. On the one hand, there are cold and hot methods of salting the waves. On the other hand, volnushki in Europe are considered poisonous mushrooms, and in our country volnushki are considered conditionally poisonous mushrooms in many (not all) smart mushroom encyclopedias. In order to be safe and preserve the true taste of the wave, we choose the golden mean in the matter of pickling mushrooms. We soak more and boil less (than with the classic hot salting method).

What you need to pickle mushrooms in a hot way:

Mushrooms fresh volnushki pink or volnushki white - 700 gr.;

Salt - 4 tablespoons per two liters of brine (water);

Carnation - 1-2 pcs.;

Black peppercorns - 8-10 pcs.;

Bay leaf - 3-4 pieces;

Garlic - 3-4 cloves;

Recipe for salting volnushek mushrooms in a hot way:

We clean the volnushki from forest litter, rinse under running water, transfer to a separate container.

Fill the volnushki with cold slightly salted water. We leave for 5-6 hours.

A couple of times during this time we change the water of the mushrooms. If you are afraid to forget to change the water (or have a bad experience), add a pinch of citric acid to the water. Citric acid is a good preservative, even when the apartment is hot, it will not allow mushrooms to "ferment" and the mushrooms will not darken during the soaking process. As soon as the mushrooms are soaked for the prescribed time, pour out the water where the mushrooms were. The soaking process will allow you to rid the waves of bitterness and all sorts of muck. Pour clean water into a saucepan and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, pour out the salt, add pepper and half of the existing cloves. We boil for a couple of minutes. Add waves to the brine. Cook them over medium heat for 15 minutes.

After the time is up, remove the mushrooms.

At the same time, we do not pour out the resulting fragrant mushroom brine, but filter it through a fine sieve.

In a sterilized jar (preferably small sizes of 0.25-0.4 l), lay out the bay leaf, cloves and garlic.

We spread the boiled waves tightly in a jar. Bring the mushroom brine to a boil and pour the brine to the brim. We close the jar with a lid scalded with boiling water. Turn the jar upside down. We leave for the night. Then we put it in a cool place. After 1-1.5 months, salty waves will be ready.

In the season of mass harvesting, many mushroom pickers are wondering how to prepare mushrooms for the winter. There are many options for this product. Mushrooms can be fried and boiled. But some types are only suitable for a certain harvesting method. These include waves. They contain milky juice, which gives them bitterness and, if processed incorrectly, can cause poisoning. Therefore, let's talk about how to salt the waves.

Usually they are salted in a cold way or pickled. The cooking process takes a little longer than some other types of mushrooms. However, the result is worth the wait.

Volnushki should be carefully sorted out, removing old and damaged specimens. Then they are washed using running water. After that, the mushrooms are soaked in slightly salted water. This process takes about 3-5 days. To soak them, you need to take enameled dishes or Mushrooms must be placed in a prepared container and put a load on top to prevent them from floating up. Change the water at least twice a day during the soaking period. Keep the container with mushrooms in a cool place.

After soaking in the waves, bitterness disappears, and the hat becomes soft and not brittle. Therefore, this process must be carried out before salting the waves.

The most optimal for the preparation of waves is salting in a cold way. Soaked mushrooms are laid out in a prepared container (except for aluminum) with caps down, forming layers. Every two layers should be sprinkled with salt and shifted with spices. They need to be prepared before salting the waves. Usually they take black peppercorns, dill (it goes very well with mushrooms), bay leaves and leaves of some plants if desired (currant, cherry, etc.)

For one kilogram of mushrooms we take about 50 grams of salt.

When all the mushrooms are laid, they must be covered on top with clean gauze (in several layers) or a cloth. Then we lay a wooden circle, and put a small load on top. We leave the waves for a few days. Usually after 5-6 days a brine appears. Mushrooms become dense. If this does not happen, then the mass of the cargo should be increased, and the container should be covered with a film. Mushrooms should be kept in a cold place.

During the salting process, mold can form on top. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the wooden circle and change the rag. You can remove the top layer of mushrooms on which mold has formed. As salting mushrooms will decrease in volume. You can add new layers, also sprinkling them with salt and shifting with spices.

After 1.5-2 months, you can already eat without much hassle.

You can also preserve salted mushrooms. To do this, we take clean glass jars with a volume of 0.5 liters and put in each of them several peas of pepper (allspice) and one bay leaf. Throw the mushrooms in a colander and rinse. Put them in jars.

Next, you need the brine, in which the waves were salted, boil and strain. Pour two tablespoons of vinegar (5%) into jars with mushrooms. Then add brine to them. If the brine is not enough, then replace it with freshly prepared. To do this, dilute in hot boiled water (1 liter) 20 grams of salt.

After that, cover the jars with metal lids (but do not roll them up!) And sterilize them for 40 minutes. Next, the lids are sealed tightly and the jars are left to cool completely. Here's how to cold-salt flakes and keep them for a long time.

It can be served as an appetizer to any dishes and side dishes.

Many do not know how to salt volnushki, although this is one of the most popular snacks in traditional Russian cuisine. Mushrooms have a slight bitterness, but if cooked properly, they will delight your taste buds.

The use of salty waves in food helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and prevents the deposition of harmful cholesterol, and a high content of vitamins and trace elements supports the normal functioning of the body. If you prefer healthy and tasty food, you will definitely need knowledge on how to salt volushki at home.


Clean the mushrooms from forest debris and earth with a soft brush, being careful not to damage the hats - these mushrooms are fragile. If you have collected white and pink waves, do not salt them together, it is better to sort them by color. To get rid of the bitter milky juice, soak the mushrooms for 48 hours in cold water. Water should be changed up to 5 times a day - if this is not done, the waves will turn sour and will be unusable. Be sure to ensure that soaked mushrooms are completely covered in water, as they are prone to mold when exposed to air.

The most popular recipes with photos

It is recommended to salt volnushki mushrooms by cold, hot or combined methods. The main thing is not to violate the technology and strictly follow the rules of canning in order to prevent food poisoning. When cold pickling, mushrooms should be soaked in water with the addition of a small amount of citric acid and rock salt. Subject to all the rules, you can pickle the flakes so that they are crispy, fragrant, tasty and healthy.

Preparing mouth-watering fritters with salt and spices is a popular "grandmother's" recipe for an appetizer that goes well with "smoking" boiled potatoes. With a jar of salted mushrooms on hand, you can easily and quickly prepare a tasty and nutritious treat for guests or your family.

Servings/Volume: 4-5 l


  • fresh waves - 6 kg;
  • coarse rock salt - 350 g;
  • citric acid - 12 g;
  • dill (dry seeds) - 50 g;
  • cumin - 20 g;
  • black pepper sweet peas - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cabbage leaf - 3 pcs.


  1. Preparation begins with soaking - dilute salt and citric acid in cold water (per 1 liter of water: 10 g of salt and 2 g of acid). Soak the cleaned, washed mushrooms in brine and leave for a day.
  2. Drain the water, dry the waves slightly and lay them in layers in a large enameled container, placing them with the hats down. Sprinkle each layer of mushrooms generously with coarse salt, peppercorns, fragrant cumin and dill seeds.
  3. Cover the top layer of wedges with cabbage leaves and press down the contents of the pan with a wide lid or plate, placing a jar of water on it.
  4. Place the pot in a cold place (with a temperature of 0 to + ℃), where the flakes will be salted for 1-2 months.

Such pickling is not rolled up: it is not protected from botulism, and it is dangerous to cork it hermetically, so just keep it in the cold until you eat it (you can in the same bowl in which it was salted). If it is more convenient for you to transfer it to jars, you can transfer it (along with the brine), but do not close it tightly.

Bon appetit!

Juicy and tender fritters, hot-salted in jars, acquire a piquant taste due to heat treatment, spices and spices. This is a hearty dish that can be served without a side dish.

Servings/Volume: 1.5 l


  • fresh waves - 1.5 kg;
  • rock salt - 75 g;
  • blackcurrant leaf - 6-8 pieces;
  • dry cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • black pepper in peas - 10 pcs.;
  • black pepper sweet peas - 5 pcs.


  1. Soak the tangles cleaned of impurities in cold salted water for several days to remove bitterness (do not forget to change the water).
  2. Put the soaked mushrooms in a pot of water (it should completely cover the mushrooms). When the contents of the pan boil, continue to cook the volnushki for another 15 minutes, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon.
  3. Transfer the boiled mushrooms to a wide enameled container and mix them with salt. Add black and allspice, cloves, bay leaf and garlic, broken into thin slices.
  4. Pack this mixture tightly into pre-sterilized jars. Cover the top layer of mushrooms with currant leaves.
  5. Boil water and fill jars under the necks.
  6. Pasteurize jars with mushrooms in a pot of boiling water or in the oven for at least 10 minutes (for jars of 0.8-1 l) and immediately close them tightly with lids. Turn the jars over onto the lids and leave to cool completely. After 1.5-2 months, delicious waves will be ready to serve.

In a hot way, it is customary to salt the waves for the winter. After sterilizing the jars and pasteurizing the finished workpiece, you can store it not in the refrigerator, but in a kitchen cabinet or pantry.

The combined method is perfect for those who appreciate the naturalness of the product, but are afraid of poisoning and prefer the mandatory heat treatment of mushrooms before harvesting. The main difference between this method and hot salting is that the heat treatment is faster, and the waves remain elastic and crispy, salted in their juice. Mushrooms prepared according to this popular recipe are good as an additional side dish for meat, vegetable and cereal dishes, but the mushroom soup with salty mushrooms is especially delicious.

Servings/Volume: 3-4 l


  • fresh waves - 5 kg;
  • coarse rock salt - 250 g;
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • blackcurrant leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf 3 pcs.;
  • fresh / dry dill - 50 g;
  • garlic - 2 large heads.


  1. Clean the volushki and soak them in cold salted water for 2 days, periodically changing the water.
  2. Bring 2 liters of salted water (50 g of salt is enough) to a boil in a large saucepan. Put the prepared mushrooms in boiling water and boil for 20-25 minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam with a slotted spoon.
  3. Rinse the boiled mushrooms in a colander under cool water and put in layers in an enameled container. Shift the first layer of waves with salt, horseradish leaves and garlic cloves, cut in half. Cover the next layer with laurel and currant leaves, garlic and salt. Lay the last layer with dill umbrellas, the remnants of salt and garlic.
  4. Cover the contents of the pan with clean gauze, put a wide plate on top and press it down with oppression. Place the saucepan with salted waves on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Delicious mushroom appetizer will be ready in 3 weeks.

You need to store such a workpiece in the cold in any convenient container along with the brine (do not roll hermetically into jars).

Bon appetit!


How else can you salt the waves - recipes can be viewed in the following videos:

Freelancer with diverse interests and hobbies. He likes to be close to nature, eat delicious food and philosophize about the eternal. She has been writing articles on a variety of topics for so long that she is already erudite in the most unexpected areas. He loves forests, flowering gardens, space and fried potatoes with smoked ribs. He doesn’t like to stand at the stove, but among his friends there are several professional chefs who always serve delicious food and share cool recipes. pathologically optimistic.

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Do you know that:

Natural toxins are found in many plants; no exception, and those that are grown in gardens and vegetable gardens. So, in the bones of apples, apricots, peaches there is hydrocyanic (hydrocyanic) acid, and in the tops and peel of unripe nightshade (potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes) - solanine. But do not be afraid: their number is too small.

Tomatoes have no natural protection against late blight. If late blight attacks, any tomatoes die (and potatoes too), no matter what is said in the description of the varieties (“late blight-resistant varieties” is just a marketing ploy).

In Australia, scientists have begun cloning experiments on several cold-weather grape varieties. Climate warming, which is predicted for the next 50 years, will lead to their disappearance. Australian varieties have excellent characteristics for winemaking and are not susceptible to diseases common in Europe and America.

The novelty of American developers is the Tertill robot, which performs weeding in the garden. The device was invented under the guidance of John Downes (the creator of the robot vacuum cleaner) and works autonomously in all weather conditions, moving on uneven surfaces on wheels. At the same time, it cuts all plants below 3 cm with a built-in trimmer.

In little Denmark, any piece of land is a very expensive pleasure. Therefore, local gardeners have adapted to grow fresh vegetables in buckets, large bags, foam boxes filled with a special earthen mixture. Such agrotechnical methods allow you to get a crop even at home.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stalk celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have a “negative calorie content”, that is, more calories are expended during digestion than they contain. In fact, only 10-20% of the calories received from food are consumed in the digestive process.

It is necessary to collect medicinal flowers and inflorescences at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the content of nutrients in them is as high as possible. The flowers are supposed to be torn by hand, breaking off the rough pedicels. Dry the collected flowers and herbs, scattering in a thin layer, in a cool room at natural temperature without access to direct sunlight.

From varietal tomatoes, you can get "your" seeds for sowing next year (if you really liked the variety). And it is useless to do this with hybrid ones: the seeds will turn out, but they will carry the hereditary material not of the plant from which they were taken, but of its numerous "ancestors".

Both humus and compost are rightfully the basis of organic farming. Their presence in the soil significantly increases the yield and improves the taste of vegetables and fruits. In terms of properties and appearance, they are very similar, but they should not be confused. Humus - rotted manure or bird droppings. Compost - rotted organic residues of various origins (spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). Humus is considered a better fertilizer, compost is more accessible.

One of the options for processing mushrooms is salting. This is the easiest way, it does not require much effort. However, even here there are secrets and rules. First of all, you need to know what you are going to cook. Each type has its own nuances that need to be taken into account. Let's talk about what salting of waves is and how it goes.

With special attention should be paid to their quality. Wormy, rotten and old specimens are best thrown out immediately. This rule applies to any harvesting method. Collected or purchased mushrooms are sorted and the legs are cut off a little. They also need to be cleaned of debris, leaves and sand by rinsing with running water. It is desirable that the mushrooms are about the same size.

The salting of the waves is carried out after their preliminary soaking. These mushrooms are placed in water for a day, but no more, otherwise they will be unsuitable for further use.

If you add a little salt to the water, then the bitterness that these mushrooms have will go away.

In this way, salting of milk mushrooms, russula, mushrooms and some others occurs. You need to change the water twice a day.

If there is no time for a long soak, then you can simply pour boiling water over the mushrooms for one hour. Then you need to cool them in cold water.

Salting the waves in a cold way does not require much effort. In a prepared container (better if it is a barrel), the mushrooms are laid in layers. Sprinkle each layer with salt. For one kilogram of waves, you need to take 50 grams of table salt. We also lay cherry leaves, currants, dill sprigs, cumin, horseradish and garlic, cut into pieces, in layers. Volnushki should be laid out with hats down. Each layer should not exceed 6 centimeters.

From above it is necessary to put a clean rag and oppression. Mushrooms are stored for 1-2 days at room temperature, and then taken out to the cold. As salting, the waves will decrease in volume. Then new layers can be laid out in the barrel. After the barrel is full, brine should appear within 5-6 days. If this does not happen, then put the oppression of a larger size. Salting volushek lasts about 1-1.5 months.

This type of mushroom can also be salted hot. To do this, prepare the mushrooms in the same way as in the previous recipe. Then they put a pot of water on the fire (0.5 liters of liquid per kilogram of mushrooms). Also add salt. When the water boils, mushrooms are placed in it. When the liquid boils again, you need to put spices in it, and any seasonings. Foam that may appear during the cooking process must be removed. Volnushki cook for 15 minutes from the moment of boiling.

If the mushrooms settle to the bottom, then they are ready. The brine will become transparent. Then the mushrooms are pulled out of the pan and laid out in a container designed for salting. After that, they are poured with brine (two tablespoons per liter of liquid). It shouldn't be too much. Arrange the mushrooms in jars and cover with lids. After 1.5 months they can be eaten.

Salting can be done in either of these two ways. Store prepared mushrooms in a cool and not very humid room.

How to salt volnushki at home for the winter in a cold and hot way, if there is a certain bitterness in their taste? Everything is very simple, before salting, they must first be soaked, during which all the bitterness will come out. How to do it right, as well as the best recipes for salting the waves, we will present in this article.

Volnushki are conditionally edible mushrooms. Most often, this type of mushroom is salted in a cold or hot way, the difference in which is the time the snack is ready after the start of salting the product.

Preparation in 4 steps

Before proceeding to salting, it is necessary to prepare the mushrooms. This happens in 4 stages. The taste and safety of the finished product will depend on the quality of the preparation. It is necessary to soak the waves for at least 48 hours so that all the bitter milky juice comes out. Let's take a closer look:

Sorting. Collected mushrooms must be divided by type and size. White and pink are salted separately.

It is better to select young fruits - volzhanka, which have a pleasant taste. Old and overripe mushrooms are no longer the same, they do not have such a taste.

cleaning. First, carefully so as not to damage the caps, with a toothbrush and a knife, you should clean the mushrooms from debris and cut off 2/3 of the legs. Rinse well afterwards to remove any remaining debris.

Soaking. This is a key step. Without it, the pickle will not be tasty. This process will take at least 2 days. In an enameled container, mushrooms are poured with water so that the water level is 5 cm higher. The ode must be salted. If in the future the mushrooms are salted in a cold way, then citric acid must be added in the following proportion: for 1 liter of water, 2 g of citric acid and 10 g of salt. It is necessary to change the water 5-6 times a day so that the mushrooms do not turn sour. The container with waves is covered with a piece of gauze, and left in a cool place.

control wash. Mushrooms after soaking must be thoroughly rinsed using cold water.

Then discard the fruit in a colander to drain excess liquid. After these manipulations, you can proceed to salting.

Important! You can understand that mushrooms can be salted “by touch”. Remove one copy from the container and gently press the hat. In well-soaked volzhanka, it should bend gently, but not break. If mold has appeared in the container, then the mushrooms are spoiled. Even after thorough washing, they should not be salted.

Cold salting

According to the recipe below, very tasty mushrooms are obtained. It is possible to prepare only waves in this way, or you can add other mushrooms. The aroma and taste is obtained by adding the following ingredients:

  • 10 kg of waves;
  • 5-7 oak leaves;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 3-4 cloves;
  • 10 g of allspice;
  • 0.5 kg of salt.

Salting process step by step:

Hot salting

Only dense and fresh mushroom caps are used in this recipe. The advantage of this recipe is that the fruits will be ready fast, compared to the cold method, as boiled mushrooms are used. Here's what's required:

  • 5 kg of waves;
  • 5-7 currant leaves;
  • 3-5 garlic cloves;
  • 1.5 st. spoons of salt;
  • 1 liter of water.

Salting process:

Watch the video! How to salt the waves in a hot way

Combined salting option

This method is perfect for salting mushrooms. Thanks to the leaves, they are fragrant and very tasty. At the same time, the cooking time is reduced, and the crunch of the mushrooms is completely preserved.

For cooking you need:

  • 5-6 kg of mushrooms;
  • 2 liters of filtered water;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 160 g of salt;
  • 6-8 currant leaves;
  • lavrushka;
  • a bunch of dill and horseradish leaves.


How to salt the waves for the winter in banks

Would need:

  • 2 kg of waves;
  • 40 g of salt;
  • 2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 4 things. bay leaf;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil.

Step by step preparation:

  1. All ingredients must be prepared in advance, soak the mushrooms for 2-3 days, not forgetting to change the water every 4-6 hours.
  2. Sterilize and dry the jars in advance.
  3. Spread the mushrooms with salt in layers.
  4. Bring the oil to a hot state.
  5. Pour into jars, on mushrooms laid out with salt.
  6. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator.
  7. The pickle will be ready in 2 months.

Watch the video! How to salt the waves for the winter

How to pickle waves?

There are practically no differences between salting and pickling waves. The pickling process is especially similar to hot pickling. Here recipe.

Would need:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 0.3 l of water;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vinegar essence 70%;
  • 15 g of sugar;
  • 10 g of salt;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 2 g of cumin and dill;
  • 7 pcs. carnation;
  • 10 black peppercorns.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Prepare the ingredients and soak the mushrooms.
  2. Put a container with water on fire for 2 minutes, add herbs and spices.
  3. Add mushrooms and boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Distribute the finished product to banks, add vinegar at the rate of 5 ml per 1 liter of the finished product.
  5. Pour the marinade in which the mushrooms were boiled.
  6. Cover with lids and store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Watch the video! Pickled volnushki

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