Flora of deciduous forests. Mixed and broad-leaved forests of Russia. Description of the broadleaf forest zone

A variety of trees grow in this type of forest. In one forest there can be several dozen types of species. They are demanding on soil and climatic conditions. In these forests there are trees of various heights. As a rule, the highest are ash and oak. This is a group of the highest tree species. Maples, lindens and elms reach the level below. Wild pear and apple trees grow even lower. Basically, the tiers in the forests are clearly traced. Most often, oaks dominate in forest ecosystems, all other trees are companion.

Shrubs and herbs

In broad-leaved forests, there are a variety of shrubs. Rose hips are found in places. In addition, brittle buckthorn and honeysuckle grow, as well as hazel. Bushes, like trees, come in different heights. Some of the tall ones are hazel trees, reaching 6 meters. But the honeysuckle is below 2 meters. Even lower you can find lingonberries and blueberries.

The grass cover of the forest is rich. In dubrovniks, grasses grow in mosaics and cover only some places. Here grows a mix of herbs from sedge, greenfinch, common goutweed. Mostly perennial herbs. Some plants die off in autumn, but there are also species whose stems remain green during the cold season.

Corydalis and spring chistyaks grow among ephemeroids. Ranunculus strings, goose onions, and various other herbaceous plants are found in some places. They develop most intensively in early spring, when the area is sufficiently illuminated by the sun, high humidity and moderate heat. At this time, they bloom with all the colors of the rainbow - red and yellow, blue and purple, white and orange. In all forests, you can find moss cover among plants.

Different types of forests

Oaks dominate in the forests of Russia, but absolutely any tree species can be found. In the forests of Europe, the main representatives are beeches and oaks, lindens and hornbeams are less common. North American forests are diverse. It can be oak-chestnut, beech-maple, hickory-oak and just oak forests.

Broad-leaved forests are interesting for their diversity. The tallest trees dominate, and most often these are oaks. Other species may also grow among them. Shrubs are found in the lower tiers, but their growth can reach several meters. The herbaceous cover is also varied. In this rich plant world, the forest fauna is no less interesting.

A mixed forest is a territory in which deciduous and coniferous trees harmoniously coexist. If the admixture of tree species is more than 5% of the total volume of flora, we can already speak of a mixed type of forest.

The mixed forest forms a zone of coniferous-deciduous forests, and this is already a whole natural zone characteristic of forests in the temperate zone. There are also coniferous-small-leaved forests that are formed in the taiga as a result of the restoration of previously cut down pines or spruces, which begin to displace different types of birch and aspen.

Main characteristic

(Typical mixed forest)

Mixed forests almost always coexist with broad-leaved forests in the south. In the northern hemisphere, they also border the taiga.

There are the following types of mixed forests in the temperate zone:

  • coniferous-broad-leaved;
  • secondary small-leaved with the addition of coniferous and broad-leaved species;
  • mixed, which is a combination of deciduous and evergreen species.

Subtropical mixed fox is distinguished by a combination of laurel and coniferous species. Any mixed forest is distinguished by a pronounced layering, as well as the presence of areas without a forest: the so-called opolye and woodlands.

Location of zones

Mixed forests as a combination of coniferous and broad-leaved species are found in the East European and West Siberian plains, as well as in the Carpathians, the Caucasus and the Far East.

In general, both mixed and broad-leaved forests do not occupy such a large share of the forest territory of the Russian Federation as coniferous taiga. The fact is that such ecosystems do not take root in Siberia. They are traditional only for the European and Far Eastern regions and at the same time grow in broken lines. Pure mixed forests are found south of the taiga, as well as beyond the Urals to the Amur region.


Forest plantations of mixed type are characterized by cold, but not very long winters and hot summers. Climatic conditions are such that precipitation does not exceed 700 mm per year. The moisture coefficient is increased, but may change during the summer. In our country, mixed forests stand on soddy-podzolic soil, and in the west - on brown forest soil. As a rule, winter temperatures do not fall below -10˚C.

Broad-leaved forest plantations are distinguished by a humid and moderately humid climate, where precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year. At the same time, temperatures are quite high, and even in January it is never colder than -8˚C. High humidity and abundant heat stimulate the work of bacteria and fungi, due to which the leaves quickly decompose, and the soil retains maximum fertility.

Features of the plant world

Features of biochemical and biological processes cause the density of species diversity as you move towards broad-leaved species. European mixed forests are distinguished by the obligatory presence of pine, spruce, maple, oak, linden, ash, elm, and viburnum, hazel, honeysuckle are in the lead among shrubs. Ferns are very common as herbs. Caucasian mixed forests in large volumes contain beech, fir, and Far Eastern - birch, walnut, hornbeam, larch. These same forests are distinguished by a variety of lianas.

Fauna representatives

Mixed forests are inhabited by those animals and birds that are generally considered typical for forest conditions. These are moose, foxes, wolves, bears, wild boars, hedgehogs, hares, badgers. If we talk about individual broad-leaved forests, then here the species diversity of birds, rodents and ungulates is especially striking. Roe deer, fallow deer, deer, beavers, muskrats and nutrias are found in such forests.

Economic activity

The temperate natural zone, including mixed forests, has long been mastered by local residents and is densely populated. An impressive part of the forest plantations was cut down several centuries ago, because of which the composition of the forest has changed and the proportion of small-leaved species has increased. In place of many forests, agricultural territories and settlements appeared.

Broad-leaved forests can generally be considered rare forest ecosystems. After the 17th century, they were cut down on a large scale, largely because wood was needed for the sailing fleet. Broad-leaved forests were also actively cut down for arable land and meadows. Oak plantations have been especially hard hit by such human activities, and it is unlikely that they will ever be restored.

In the forests of this type, a rich animal fauna is represented. The largest populations of predators and ungulates, rodents and insects are found in forests, where people interfere the least. represented by wild boars and deer, roe deer and elk. Among the predators of the forest are large populations of martens and wolves, ferrets and foxes, weasels and ermines. You can also meet forest cats and lynxes, brown bears and badgers. Most forest predators are medium-sized animals, with the exception of bears. Populations of nutrias, squirrels, muskrats, beavers and other rodents live here. On the lower level of the forest you can meet hedgehogs, mice, rats, shrews.


Depending on the geographic location, different animals live in different forest ecosystems. So in the Far East, black bears, Manchurian hares, and Amur tigers are common. Raccoon dogs and Far Eastern leopards are also found here. In the American forests there is a small animal skunk and a raccoon beloved by many people.

Bird world in the forest

Many birds nest in the crowns of trees. These are swallows, and harriers, larks and nightingales, and hawks, tits and sparrows. Often in the forests you can meet pigeons, bullfinches, woodpeckers, magpies, cuckoos, orioles. Among large birds, pheasants and black grouse, as well as owls and owls are found in broad-leaved forests. Some species overwinter in the forests, and some leave their homeland and fly to warmer climes in the fall, returning in the spring.

Reptiles and amphibians

Snakes and vipers, snakes and copperhead snakes are found in broad-leaved forests. This is a fairly small list of snakes. Many can be found in the forests. These are green lizards, spindles, viviparous lizards. Marsh turtles, moored and pond frogs, crested newts, spotted salamanders live near water bodies.


It all depends on where the broad-leaved forests are located and what reservoirs are on their territory. In rivers, lakes and swamps, both salmon and carp species of fish can be found. Catfish, pikes, minnows and other species can also live.

The deciduous forests are home to many animals, insects, and birds. These are representatives of different types of fauna. They create entire food chains. Human influence can significantly disrupt the rhythm of forest life, so forest areas need protection at the state level, and not human intervention.

Forests make up slightly more than 45% of the area of ​​Russia, and almost a quarter of the total forest area of ​​the world. In the European part of the country, there are much fewer of them than in the Asian. The most common forest-forming tree species are spruce, larch, pine, cedar, oak, maple and hornbeam. Many berry bushes, mushrooms, valuable herbs grow in the forests, and countless species also live. leads to the reduction of forests and the threat of extinction of many animals. In the 21st century, it is very important to be able to reproduce, which play one of the main roles in regulating the climate on the planet.

Forest cover map of Russia in %

Russia is the largest country in the world, and for this reason there are many on its territory in which various types of trees grow. The forests of Russia, depending on the predominance of certain tree species, are divided into four main types: 1) coniferous forests; 2) deciduous forests; 3) mixed forests; 4) small-leaved forests. We'll look at each of these forest types in more detail below.

Characteristics of coniferous forests in Russia

Coniferous forests are located on the territory, and occupy about 70% of the total forest area of ​​the country. This zone is known for low temperatures and humid air. Coniferous forests stretch from the western borders of Russia to the Verkhoyansk Range. The main forest-forming species are spruce, pine, fir and larch.

In severe winter conditions, mixed forests are most often found: dark coniferous and light coniferous. Evergreen tree species thrive well. they begin in the spring with the onset of favorable weather conditions. Undergrowth is practically absent in the taiga. There is podzolic soil and many swamps. Conifers shed needles, which, when decomposed, release compounds toxic to many plants into the ground. The ground is covered, as a rule, by mosses and lichens. Shrubs and flowers mainly grow along the banks of the rivers, there are very few of them in the dark places of the forest. There is lingonberry, juniper, mountain ash, blueberry and curly lily.

It is the weather that determines. The temperate continental climate prevails in the zone of coniferous forests. Winters are dry and cold, lasting an average of six months. Short summers are warm and humid, with numerous cyclones. For autumn and spring, as a rule, only one month is allotted. Conifers are not demanding on temperature extremes.

Representatives of the animal world feed on moss, lichens, bark and cones. The high forest crown protects the animals from the winds, and the branches make it possible to build nests. Typical representatives of the fauna of coniferous forests are vole, hare, Siberian weasel, chipmunk. Of the large ones, one can note the Siberian tiger, brown bear, lynx and elk, and reindeer comes from the forest-tundra zone to coniferous forests. Eagles and vultures soar in the sky.

Coniferous wood is considered one of the most valuable. Its approximate reserve is 5.8 billion cubic meters. In addition to logging, oil, gold and gas production is carried out in the taiga. The coniferous forests of Russia are a huge forest area. It suffers from and uncontrolled logging. Due to negative human activities, rare animals die. There are many nature reserves, but for the full restoration of forests, it is necessary to properly organize protection and rationally use it.

Characteristics of broad-leaved forests in Russia

Broadleaf forest/Wikipedia

The territory of deciduous forests extends from the western border of Russia to the Ural Mountains. The main tree species are beech, oak, elm, linden, maple and hornbeam. The forests are multi-tiered: the upper tier is replaced by canopy and undergrowth, which, in turn, are herbaceous plants and forest litter. The soil is covered with mosses. There are areas in which lush crowns completely exclude undergrowth. Foliage, falling off, decomposes and forms humus. The soil in the undergrowth is rich in organomineral compounds.

Forests are located in the temperate continental zone. The weather here is much warmer than in the neighboring taiga. Summer lasts four months, the average temperature per season is +10°C. This contributes to the growth of broad-leaved tree species. The climate is humid and there is a lot of precipitation. The average monthly temperature in January drops to -16ºС. The maximum precipitation falls in summer, there is no deep snow cover.

The leaves cannot survive the cold period of the year, and fall off in mid-autumn. A dense cover of foliage, twigs, and bark protects the ground from excessive evaporation. The soil is rich in trace elements, it provides the trees with everything they need. The foliage that has fallen for the winter covers the root system, protects it from the cold and stimulates the roots to further growth.

The composition of the animal world in the European part is somewhat different from the Far Eastern forests. Asian lands are covered with thickets of fern, ilmen and linden. Elk, Himalayan bear and Ussuri tiger live in dense thickets. Cotton muzzle, viper and Amur snake are common reptiles. European broadleaf forests have become home to wild boar, elk, deer, wolf, weasel, beaver, muskrat and nutria. Mice, lizards, snakes, moles and hedgehogs also live there. Birds are represented by black grouse, owls, owls, starlings, swallows and larks.

The zone of deciduous forests has long been mastered by man, especially in the west of Russia. People had to significantly reduce the green area for the sake of grazing, crop production and building cities. Trees are the main raw material for the logging industry. Processing of secondary raw materials has been established. The subsoil is rich, and in large rivers there is potential for the development of hydroelectric power.

The forest area is significantly reduced, while forests are cut down on the same scale. Due to anthropogenic influence, Red Book plants and animals are dying out. Unscrupulous entrepreneurs cut down huge areas of forests. To preserve natural complexes, several reserves and national parks were created, but this is not enough. Broad-leaved tree species grow relatively quickly. It is necessary to organize the planting of seedlings on the territory of cut forests, as well as carefully use the remaining forest areas.

Characteristics of mixed forests in Russia

Mixed forests are located in the Russian Plain, West Siberian Plain, Amur and Primorye. A variety of tree species are found in this area. These forests are characterized by pronounced layering. Poplars, pines and firs stretch towards the light. Below them rise maples, elms, lindens and oaks. The tier of shrubs is represented by hawthorn, wild rose, raspberry and blackberry. The soil is covered with lichens, mosses and low grasses.

Trees of mixed forests are easier to tolerate the severity of the climate than in neighboring broad-leaved ones. The vegetation withstands frosts down to -30ºС. The amount of precipitation depends on the region. There is more snow in European forests than in the Far East. The maximum amount of precipitation falls on the warm season. Summers are mild and humid. The climate changes from maritime to continental, from west to east.

The continuous renewal of green mass contributes to the nourishment of trees and the cleansing of the earth from unnecessary substances. The inhabitants of the forest use the resources of all tiers as a food base. Coniferous seeds attract birds, rodents eat nuts, larvae under the bark are food for insectivorous birds.

Numerous once animals were exterminated as a result of uncontrolled hunting. You can also meet roe deer and wild boar. Bison and red deer are preserved only in nature reserves. A well-known predator of the mixed forest is the common fox. The badger lives in the European part. Squirrel, mink, dormouse, marten, forest cat, brown bear are considered common representatives of the fauna of mixed forests. The world of birds is also diverse, especially a lot of woodpeckers, capercaillie, wild pigeons, finches and robins.

Stocks of valuable timber are located in the Asian part. Manchurian walnut, Korean cedar, whole-leaved fir are famous for their strength and resistance to decay. Eleutherococcus and lemongrass are used for medical purposes. On the territory of Europe, logging activities are carried out.

Mixed forests have suffered more than others at the hands of man. This has led to a number of environmental problems. The need for agricultural land has led to the deforestation of a significant part of the territories. Due to the drainage of swamps, it has changed. The growth of settlements, especially in the west, has led to a 30% reduction in forest cover.

The foliage of trees perfectly processes carbon dioxide. Deforestation, which has reached gigantic proportions, has destroyed millions of hectares. Because of this, they accumulate in the atmosphere, creating. Hundreds of species of flora and fauna are disappearing from the face of the earth. Through the fault of people, forest fires occur, radically changing the ecosystem. Rare animal species are hunted illegally. Resources are almost depleted, only the interaction of the state and citizens can stop the process of destruction of the country's mixed forests.

Characteristics of small-leaved forests in Russia

The zone of small-leaved forests extends from the East European Plain to the Far East. Forests stretch in a narrow strip, sometimes replacing broad-leaved ones. Small-leaved trees play the role of a second forest, replacing broad-leaved and coniferous species.

The main forest-forming species are birch, alder and aspen. Their foliage is distinguished by a narrow leaf plate. Trees are undemanding to climate and soil quality. Birch forests are the most widespread.

Often trees grow on the site of fires or felling. Alder reproduces by shoots, and aspen - by root offspring. Where there were no forests, trees grow by seed. An amazing feature is the ability to accumulate moisture. Thickets of alder and birch block the way to fire, do not allow spreading to noble species.

The animal world is formed under the influence of indigenous trees. A lot of birds. Of the mammals, there are hares, lynxes, moose and squirrels. Strips of small-leaved forests alternating with economic lands are favorite places for raccoon dogs.

Secondary forests contribute to the restoration of green areas, although it takes about 180 years for full rehabilitation. They act as a fire buffer. It remains to be hoped that small-leaved forests will contribute to the reorganization of the country's forest resources.

A mixed forest is a collection of coniferous and deciduous trees. In a milder and warmer climate, taiga conifers are replaced by small-leaved, and then broad-leaved plants. In the south of the mixed forest zone, conifers are represented mainly by pine. But there are many types of deciduous trees and shrubs. For example, oak, ash, elm, linden, maple and others.

The diversity of the flora of a mixed (coniferous-deciduous) forest makes this ecosystem more productive than a similar homogeneous forest. The upper tier of such a thicket is made up of trees, shrubs grow under them, and grasses, mosses, mushrooms, ferns, and berry plants grow below.

Consider some typical plants of mixed forests in more detail:

Pedunculate oak (common) is a broad-leaved tree of the Beech family. Lives up to 300 - 400 years. According to some sources, it can live up to 2 thousand years. It reaches a height of 20 - 40 m. The thickness of the trunk grows throughout life (the recorded maximum is 13 m). The tree has a developed root system, a dense, spreading crown, strong branches and a thick trunk. The bark of old oaks is blackish-gray, with cracks. The leaves are shed for the winter. The fruits are called acorns.

Scotch pine is a coniferous tree of the Pine family. The average life expectancy is 150-200 years. It reaches a height of 25 - 40 m and a trunk diameter of up to 1.2 m. It has a straight trunk, a highly raised crown and horizontally arranged branches. The bark of the lower part of the trunk is greyish-brown, scaly and thick; on the branches and upper part of the trunk - thin, reddish-orange, flaky. Dark green needles are 2.5 - 9 cm long. Seeds ripen in cones that open from February to April, after which they fall off.

Hazel or hazel is a woody shrub from the Birch family. Undergrowth component. Life expectancy is about 60 - 80 years. The leaves are wide, round or oval. The leaves are shed for the winter. Blooms in early spring, before leaves appear. Flowers are divided into male (in the form of earrings) and female (buds). The fruits of the bush are everyone's favorite nuts.

Wild strawberry is a herbaceous perennial of the Rose family. It grows on light forest edges and in shrubs. It has a creeping thickened rhizome with outgoing "whiskers" rooting at the nodes. The leaves are oval, with long petioles and sharp teeth. Flowers 5-petalled, white. The plant is valued for its fragrant and tasty berries, used, like the leaves, in folk medicine.

We could not find a video dedicated directly to the vegetation of mixed forests, but watch a beautiful video about the wildlife of Poland:

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