Live forest! (preservation and restoration of northern forests) Human Rights Environmental Foundation "Biarmia" Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Complex of Arkhangelsk. Presentation "Journey to the forest Presentation for children on the theme of the forest

Slides: 24 Words: 724 Sounds: 1 Effects: 66

Forest zone. Geographic overview of the forest. Forest plants. Forest animals. Forest and man. Coniferous forest - a forest consisting of coniferous trees. Many mountain ranges are covered with coniferous forests. exclusively coniferous species can also grow in less favorable places on the plain, for example, northern slopes or pits with cold air. Many coniferous forests are artificial. Deciduous forest - a forest in which there are no coniferous trees. Deciduous forests are common in fairly humid areas with mild winters. Leaf litter contains many nutrients. Biological processes are actively taking place here with the participation of earthworms and bacteria. - Forest.ppt

The woods

Slides: 11 Words: 257 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The nature of the forest zones. Coniferous forests. Mixed and deciduous forests. Use of wood resources. - Forests.ppt

Lesson Forest

Slides: 16 Words: 731 Sounds: 2 Effects: 111

The forest is a natural community. Stages of the lesson. I. Organizational moment 1) immersion in the lesson and reading the topic of the lesson II. Dive into the lesson. The topic of the lesson is learned from the students. booklet. Explain the meaning of the word community. Today at the lesson. Modeling. Uncovering the secrets of the forest. Learning to explain environmental forecasts. Journey to the forest. Halt. Everything in the world. Needed in the world! Everyone is needed - Who makes honey and who makes poison. Ecological forecasts. What will happen if ... Insects disappear? Cut down all the bushes? Will there be mushrooms in the forest? Will predators be destroyed? What if the forests disappear? Do not break the branches of childhood For an empty celebration. - Lesson Forest.ppt

Camping in the woods

Slides: 23 Words: 440 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Live barometers. Possible questions. Meteorological signs. Animal behavior. Mushroom place. Porcini. Mushroom rules. Protected meadow. Contestants. Federal Reserve. Plants from the Red Book. Animals from the Red Book. Enter nature as a friend. Competitors. Interaction with nature. environmental situations. Rules of conduct in nature. Help nature and natural objects. Evaluation criteria. - Hiking in the forest.ppt

forest nature

Slides: 13 Words: 62 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Lesson type: Lesson - travel. Lesson objectives: To expand children's ideas about the forest; introduce rare animals and plants listed in the Red Book; repeat the rules of behavior in nature; creation of environmental signs in support of nature; development of observation, cognitive interest, aesthetic taste; fostering respect for nature. Equipment: a computer, slides about animals, the Red Book of Russia, Buryatia, drawings of trees, insects, animals, a crossword puzzle, pencils and felt-tip pens, a board. Come into the green house, you will see miracles in it. Forest. Spider - cross. Coltsfoot. - Forest nature.ppt

Facts about the forest

Slides: 14 Words: 368 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

10 interesting facts about forest nature. Witch circles in the forest. Witch circles. The oldest tree on earth. Glowing mushrooms. Turtle from the sky. Walking palm. Lightning strike. Miracle from the Amazon. How many bacteria are on earth. a ton of paper. Clouds of meteoritic dust. - Forest Facts.pptx

"Forest" 3rd grade

Slides: 18 Words: 388 Sounds: 0 Effects: 47

What forest animals do you know? What forest plants do you know? Tiers of plants in the forest. What tiers of plants are shown in the picture? Write out from the text the animals of the forest of your tier. Forest animals: upper tier. Forest animals: middle tier. Forest animals: lower tier. Animals of the forest: forest floor and soil. Food chains. Find and write down the inhabitants of the forest, listed in the Red Book of the Kurgan region. - "Forest" Grade 3.ppt

Forest Knowledge

Slides: 14 Words: 520 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Visiting the Christmas tree. Expand the initial understanding of the forest. The forest is thick. I am a guard in the forest. Puzzles. Trees and plants. Who hid under the tree. Bear Den. A wolf lives in the forest. The bunny hid under the tree. Many animals live in the forest. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree. - Forest Knowledge.pptx

"Forest Ecosystem" Grade 3

Slides: 19 Words: 653 Sounds: 21 Effects: 109

The world. Forest ecosystem. Nature is in danger. Development of critical thinking. Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland. Read the epigraph to our lesson. Appeal to the personal experience of students. Contact with new information. Forest. Group work of students. Students guess. Independent reading of the text. Ecologist. Answers to the questions posed. Statements that would answer the question. Prediction tree. Creative work of students. Prohibiting environmental signs. - "Forest Ecosystem" Grade 3.PPT

forest zone

Slides: 12 Words: 328 Sounds: 0 Effects: 63

Forest zone. Tiered cards. Find the extra animal. Animal. Read assignments. Vast forests. Plants. Coniferous forests. There are many animals in the forest. Check yourself. Crossword "Bear". Den. - Forest zone.ppt

Forest zone grade 4

Slides: 15 Words: 178 Sounds: 0 Effects: 80

Tomsk Regional Center for Internet Education. Forest zone. The woods. Taiga. Broad-leaved forests. Mixed forest. Coniferous forests. Spruce. Pine. Fir. Pine cedar. Larch. Coniferous trees. Birch. Aspen. Cedar. Deciduous trees. Oak. Maple. Linden. Forest animals. The meaning of the forest. House for plants, animals, mushrooms. Defender of air, reservoirs, soils. Resting place for man. Source of berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants. Source of wood. Forest problems. Cutting down. Illegal hunting. Air pollution. Shallowing of rivers. Lack of oxygen. Reducing the number of animals. Reduction and complete extinction of many species of animals. - Forest zone 4 class.pps

forest community

Slides: 39 Words: 1046 Sounds: 0 Effects: 25

The forest is a natural community. Why is it called the forest. Content. Community Study Plan. During the classes. Questions and assignments for the class. Animals that live in the forest. Work with students. The forest is a home for animals, where they live and eat. Independent research work of students. Does the forest need mushrooms? Research progress. In one of the steppe regions, forest strips were planted. Mushrooms are very necessary for the forest. Mushrooms feed on many animals living in the forest. Mushrooms are essential for the forest. How does natural balance develop in the forest? mouse offspring. Mice bring huge offspring. Foxes, weasels, owls live in the forest and feed on mice. - Forest community.ppt

The forest is our wealth

Slides: 11 Words: 47 Sounds: 0 Effects: 16

Spring forest. Autumn forest. Winter forest. Summer forest. Interesting facts about the forest. What not to do in the forest. Guess the animals. Wolf. Elk. Lynx. Rabbit. Guess the birds. Nightingale. Titmouse. Woodpecker. Schur. - Forest is our wealth.ppt

Forests of planet Earth

Slides: 18 Words: 290 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

The meaning of forests. Forest - part of the surface of the globe, covered with woody plants. Areas occupied by trees with a crown density of less than 0.2-0.3 are considered light forests. Do not leave glasses, pieces of paper, etc. in the forest. People, take care of the forest! Winter and autumn. Spring and summer. Burning forest. Food chains in the forest. Forest animals. Paper is made from wood. Pine trunks. Houses and baths are built from pine trunks. Take care of the forest!!! - Forests of planet Earth.pptx

The world around the forest

Slides: 11 Words: 165 Sounds: 0 Effects: 54

The characteristic soils of our region are ... A) chernozems. B) tundra soils. C) podzolic soils. D) gray forest soils. Chernozem soils predominate ... A) in the tundra. B) in the forest zone. B) in the steppes. D) in the desert. Soil fertility depends on the amount of ... A) sand. B) humus. B) clay. D) salt. From humus under the influence of microorganisms is formed .. A) water. B) air. B) rocks. D) salt. From the remains of dead plants and animals, under the influence of microorganisms, .. A) sand. B) clay. B) humus. D) ill. The composition of the soil includes ... A) carbon dioxide, limestone, air, water. - World around Forest.pptx

Forest - natural wealth

Slides: 21 Words: 308 Sounds: 0 Effects: 78

The forest is our wealth. What grows in the forest. Get to know the tree. This grandmother is a hundred years old, she does not have a hump. Recognize a tree by its leaf. Quiz "Forest". Shrubs. Nature must be protected and cherished. Forest flowers. The forest is the protector of man. Never do that. - Forest - natural wealth.ppt

Forest as a natural community

Slides: 15 Words: 92 Sounds: 0 Effects: 60

Forest life. The forest is a natural community. Contents: Natural community. Forest floors. Trees Shrubs Shrubs and grasses Mosses and lichens. Trees. Shrubs. Shrubs and herbs. Mosses and lichens. Forest floors. The meaning of mushrooms. Forest pad. Fallen leaves, remnants of old grass, dry branches. Natural balance. - Forest as a natural community.ppt

The world around 3 class "Forest"

Slides: 20 Words: 142 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

L.N. Tolstoy. The forest is a natural community. Society. Scientific journal "Forest Brotherhood". 1 group-zoologists. 2 group-botanists. Group 3 - mycologists. 4 group-ecologists. Group work. Air. Plants. Animals. The soil. Water. - The world around 3 class "Forest".ppt

Forests of Russia

Slides: 23 Words: 451 Sounds: 0 Effects: 57

Forests of Russia. We get acquainted with the geographical position. Taiga. Coniferous trees. Mixed and deciduous forests. Trees of mixed and deciduous forests. Fizkultminutka. Animal world. Flame. Handsome. He wears a fur coat all year round. Horn brushes. We recognize the animal with you. Sharp knife. Bird. Trills. Flying all night. Food chains. Grass cover. Forest animals. The woods. - Forests of Russia.ppt

Russian forest zone

Slides: 23 Words: 710 Sounds: 0 Effects: 41

Natural zones of Russia. Forest zone. Lesson of natural history in the 4th grade. The nature of Russia is very diverse. Why does the nature of our country change from north to south? The fact is that the sun does not evenly heat different parts of the Earth. Map of natural zones of Russia. Ice zone - Arctic. The Arctic… There is an ice zone on the islands of the Arctic. Tundra. For thousands of kilometers from west to east, there is a cold treeless plain ... Forest. The forest zone occupies more than half of the territory of Russia. There are many ponds and meadows. Forest types. Coniferous forests. Broad-leaved forests. Cedar. Cedar - Siberian cedar pine. - Forest zone of Russia.ppt

Forest zone of Russia

Slides: 17 Words: 456 Sounds: 0 Effects: 145

"....... the zone of Russia." Natural zones of Russia. Test "Tundra". Check yourself. The card is a help. Forest and trees. Animals. Add text. Forest zone of Russia. Parts of the forest zone. Concepts. Problem question. - Forest zone of Russia.ppt

spruce forest

Slides: 18 Words: 305 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree. Green friend. Forest. Elnik. Borovik. Squirrel. Birds. A knock is flying through the forest. Mouse. Grouse. Hare. Project stages. - Spruce forest.ppt

oak forest

Slides: 14 Words: 397 Sounds: 0 Effects: 49

Creative project. Power supply schemes. Creative abilities of students. Make up a word. Sun. Weakness and strength of oak. Strength and weakness. Who is oak friends with. Oak. Food web in the oak forest. Food chains. - Oak forest.ppt

temperate forests

Slides: 16 Words: 5 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

temperate forests

Slides: 8 Words: 64 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

Topic: "Temperate forests." Answer the following questions in a group: Is the forest a natural community? Tree groups. Herbarium work. The benefits of the forest. Forest: coniferous (taiga) and deciduous. In a temperate climate, the seasons are sharply expressed: winter spring summer autumn. For a fish - water, for a bird - air, and for the beast - forest and mountains. - Temperate forests.ppt

Forest and man

Slides: 14 Words: 953 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Topic of the educational project: What does the forest give to a person? The world. natural areas. Russia is a country of forests. The purpose of the project: the formation of environmental literacy of students. Project Objectives: To introduce students to the meaning of the forest. Consider environmental problems in the forest belt that arise through the fault of man. To teach students to formulate educational tasks, to choose ways of activity. Develop public presentation skills. Stages and terms of the project: Choosing a creative name for the project (together with students) -2 lesson, 10 minutes. Discussing the work plan of students individually or in a group - 2nd lesson, 15 minutes. - Forest and man.ppt

Forest in human life

Slides: 28 Words: 448 Sounds: 3 Effects: 4

The value of the forest in human life. Forest. Hello forest. Our wealth. Types of forests. Taiga. Mixed forest. Coniferous trees. The forest is wonderful. Trees. Tiers of the forest. The forest is the home for all forest dwellers. Forest animals. Honey mushrooms. Medicinal herbs. The value of the forest in nature. The negative impact of man on the forest. Forests are the "lungs" of the planet. Absorption of carbon dioxide by different tree species. What are the benefits of forests to humans? human use of the forest. Wood is a building material. Wooden souvenirs. We use technology in class. Let's keep our wealth. Few forests - plant, a lot of forests - take care. - Forest in human life.ppt

The role of the forest in people's lives

Slides: 13 Words: 677 Sounds: 1 Effects: 0

The forest is our friend. Ideas about the role of the forest in human life. Russian forest. Grass. The role of the forest in human life. The meaning of the forest. Ecological problems of the forest. Experiences. Paper. Our help to the forest. Poem by I. Trofimova. Circle of ecological knowledge. - The role of the forest in people's lives.ppt

Invisible threads in the forest

Slides: 16 Words: 291 Sounds: 0 Effects: 81

Invisible threads in the autumn forest. The most fun thing in the world." Subject: Invisible threads in the autumn forest. Autumn forest. Lesson objectives: Install invisible threads in the autumn forest. Live nature. Animals. Plants. Microorganisms. bacteria. Inanimate nature. Sun. Water. Air. Invisible threads are connections in nature. Inanimate nature Living nature. Animals animals. Plants animals people. 1. Sticky buds, green leaves. Winter and summer in one color. 4. I have a longer needle than a Christmas tree. Very straight I grow in height. 5. Green in the spring, tanned in the summer. In autumn, I put on red corals. - Invisible threads in the forest.ppt

Test "Forest"

Slides: 15 Words: 707 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Test. Natural zone. Mixed forests. Natural zones of Russia. Permafrost. Fir, spruce, larch. What plants have adapted to life in a spruce forest. The following animals of the forest belt are listed in the Red Book. Which line lists only the animals of the forest zone. Ecological problems of the forest zone. There is a nature reserve on the territory of the forest zone. Phytoncides. Forest protection. - Forest test.ppt

Questions about the forest

Slides: 24 Words: 884 Sounds: 0 Effects: 23

Forest lesson. Lesson objectives. In the spring it amuses, in the summer it cools, in the autumn it nourishes, in the winter it warms. Dense forest. I got out of the crumbs - barrels. Examining branches of pine, spruce, birch, maple, oak. The role of the forest in human life. Wood products. The nimble little animal lives in a hollow hut. Let's help the squirrel to dry mushrooms for the winter. Planting a forest. Pine. Fizminutka. The forest is our wealth. Learning idioms and tongue twisters. A challenge for ingenuity. She sits on a branch in the forest, alone. Cuckoo. Feed the birds in winter. -

Pine Forest Shrubs: Juniper An evergreen shrub or small tree. On one plant, you can see at the same time very young cone berries, and one-biennial green, and mature black colors. It grows in the undergrowth of coniferous, mainly pine forests, both on dry and waterlogged soil. The wood is used in turning. Cones are used in medicine, perfumery, confectionery and alcoholic beverage industry.

Shrubs of the pine forest: wild rose, or cinnamon Shrub up to 2 m high. The shoots are covered with thorns and numerous spines. Leaves are pinnate. Flowers pink, fragrant. "Fruits" are usually spherical or elliptical, smooth, fleshy, orange or red. Grows in forests, forest edges and clearings; in the river valleys. The most important vitamin plant - contains a lot of ascorbic acid. The fruits are harvested for the production of vitamin concentrates.

Pine forest shrubs on dry soils: lingonberry Evergreen shrub, cm high, with a creeping stem. The leaves are oval, leathery, dark green. White-pink flowers are collected in a one-sided brush. The fruit is a globular dark red berry about 7 mm in diameter. Grows in pine forests, swampy birch and spruce forests, on ridges among sphagnum bogs. Berries are used for food in fresh and processed form. Food for upland game and bears. Lingonberry is a medicinal plant.

Pine forest shrubs on dry soils: Heather Evergreen shrub, cm high, with small leaves. Flowers are collected in one-sided racemes. Calyx 4-separate, like corolla pink, rarely white. Corolla bell-shaped, shorter than calyx. The fruit is a box. Flowering from July to September, fruiting in September-October. It grows on sandy soil in sparse pine forests, on dunes, burnt areas, and also on peat bogs. Honey plant.

Pine forest plants on dry soils: bearberry Creeping evergreen shrub with shoots up to 1.3 m long. Leaves oblong-ovate, leathery. The inflorescence is an apical raceme of several drooping white-pink flowers with a jug-like corolla. The fruit is a bright red berry-like drupe. It grows in light pine forests on sandy or gravelly soil. Grows in burnt areas and clearings. Medicinal plant. The fruits are food for upland game.

Plants of the pine forest on dry soils: club club club Sporangia collected in spore-bearing spikelets. A plant of dry light coniferous forests, mainly pine. Lycopodium spores (trade name "lycopodium") were used as baby powder, as well as for bedsores and weeping eczema. The spores were used in the construction of sparklers and fireworks, and in photographing. Lycopodium was used in metallurgy for sprinkling molds, in shaped casting.

Blueberries are found on moist and rich soils. Low, up to 50 cm high, shrub with densely branched, green, faceted branches. The leaves are alternate, elliptical, serrate at the edges. Flowers solitary or 2, located in the axils of the upper leaves. The fruit is a juicy spherical berry up to 1 cm in diameter, black and blue. It grows in moist coniferous forests and moss swamps. An important food and medicinal plant. Used for tanning and dyeing leather. Honey plant.

On moist and rich soils, there is a perennial herbaceous plant 6-20 cm high. The upper rather large lanceolate leaves (there are usually 7 of them, which is reflected in the name) are brought together in a whorl in the upper part of the shoot; one or 2-4 pedicels emerge from its center, bearing rather large snow-white flowers. Sepals, petals and stamens are usually 7 each. The fruits are multi-seeded capsules. Blooms in May-June. The fruits ripen in July. A typical forest plant of a coniferous forest.

On moist and rich soils, there is also common goldenrod, or golden rod. A perennial herbaceous plant, cm high. The leaves are oblong-elliptical. Baskets are small, collected in common racemose or paniculate inflorescences. The flowers are yellow, marginal pseudolingual, median tubular. The fruits are achenes with a brownish tuft. Blossoms from May to September, fruits ripen in July-September. Grows in forests, meadows, ravines, bushes, meadows, roadside plantations.

On moist and rich soils there is a two-leafed perennial herbaceous plant cm high, with a thin creeping branched rhizome. Blossoms in May-June, fruits ripen in August. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively: rhizomes, growing, give rise to new plants. Distributed in Russia in the zone of coniferous and broad-leaved forests of the European part, in Siberia and the Far East. Grows on fairly loose and moderately moist soil.

Types of pine forests in the Arkhangelsk region Lichen - 10.2% - no undergrowth, the soil is covered with lichens; Green moss - 40.6% - the soil is covered with green moss; Dolgomoshnye - 14.2% - cuckoo flax prevails; Sphagnum - 25.5% - dominated by sphagnum; Grass-marsh - 6, 7% - have a dense grass cover.

The forest is an important object of human economic activity Today, 20 thousand products are made from wood. There is also a side use of the northern forest, for example, harvesting berries. Blueberries give kg/ha, lingonberries - kg/ha. They also collect mushrooms, medicinal plants, beekeeping products, resin.

Wooden architecture is one of the most important components of ancient Russian culture. Wood in Russia was a comprehensive material. Ships, fortresses, huts, bridges, mills, chapels, all peasant utensils were wooden. Pine was often used.

Literature 1. Gulenkova M. A., Krasnikova A. A. Summer field practice in botany: Proc. Benefit. - M .: Education, Izmailov I. V., Mikhlin V. E., Shashkov E. V., Shubkina L. S. Biological excursions. - M .: Education, Polyansky I. I. Botanical excursions. A guide for teachers. - M .: Education, Geography of the Arkhangelsk region (physical geography) Grade 8. Textbook for students. / Edited by Byzova N. M. - Arkhangelsk, publishing house of the Pomor International Pedagogical University named after M. V. Lomonosov, School tourist routes in the Arkhangelsk region. / comp. Manikhin G.I. - Arkhangelsk Order of the Badge of Honor, State Pedagogical Institute named after M.V. Lomonosov, Ecology of the Arkhangelsk Region: Textbook for students in grades 9-11 of a comprehensive school / Ed. Ed. Batalova A. E., Morozovoy L. V. - M .: Publishing house of Moscow State University, Electronic edition "Biology 6-11 grade". Republican multimedia center, 2004.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Forest - the lungs of the planet Deforestation is an environmental problem. Scientists have long been talking about the harmful effects of technological progress on nature. Climate change, the melting of ice, the decline in the quality of drinking water have a very negative impact on people's lives. Ecologists around the world have long sounded the alarm about pollution and the destruction of nature. One of the most important environmental problems is deforestation. Forest problems are visible especially in civilized states. Environmentalists believe that deforestation leads to many negative consequences for the Earth and humans.

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Without forests, there will be no life on Earth, this must be understood by those on whom their preservation depends. However, wood has long been a commodity that is expensive. And that is why the problem of deforestation is solved with such difficulty. Perhaps people just do not think that their whole life depends on this ecosystem. Although since ancient times everyone has revered the forest, giving it often magical functions. He was the breadwinner and personified the life-giving force of nature. He was loved, the trees were treated with care, and they responded to our ancestors in the same way.

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Forests of the planet In all countries, in every corner of the world, massive deforestation is being carried out. The problems of the forest are that with the destruction of trees, many more species of plants and animals die. The ecological balance in nature is disturbed. After all, the forest is not only trees. This is a well-coordinated ecosystem based on the interaction of many representatives of flora and fauna. In addition to trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, lichens, insects, animals and even microorganisms are of great importance in its existence.

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Despite massive deforestation, forests still occupy about 30% of the land area. This is more than 4 billion hectares of land. More than half of them are tropical forests. However, the northern ones, especially coniferous massifs, also play a great role in the ecology of the planet. The greenest countries in the world are Finland and Canada. In Russia, there are about 25% of the world's forest reserves. The least number of trees left in Europe. Now forests occupy only a third of its territory, although in ancient times it was completely covered with trees. And, for example, in England there are almost none left, only 6% of the land is given over to parks and forest plantations.

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Significance of the forest It provides humanity with oxygen. It is no coincidence that they say that the forest is the lungs of the planet. And it not only produces oxygen, but also partially absorbs chemical pollution, purifying the air. A wisely organized ecosystem accumulates carbon, which is important for the existence of life on Earth. It also helps prevent the greenhouse effect, which is increasingly threatening nature. The forest protects the surrounding area from strong temperature fluctuations, night frosts, which favorably affects the state of farmland. Scientists have found that the climate is milder where most of the territory is overgrown with trees.

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The benefit of the forest for crops also lies in the fact that it protects the soil from leaching, wind drift, landslides and mudflows. Areas overgrown with trees prevent the onset of sands. The forest also plays an important role in the water cycle. It not only filters it and stores it in the soil, but also helps to fill streams and rivers with water during spring floods, preventing waterlogging of the area. The forest helps maintain the water table and prevents floods. Absorption of moisture from the soil by the roots and intense evaporation by its leaves helps to avoid drought.

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What damage does deforestation cause? The ecological problem of the disappearance of the so-called "lungs" of the planet is already worrying many. Most people believe that this threatens to reduce oxygen stores. This is true, but this is not the main problem. The extent to which deforestation has now taken on is striking. A satellite photo of the former woodland helps to visualize the situation.

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What can this lead to: the forest ecosystem is being destroyed, many representatives of flora and fauna are disappearing; the decrease in the amount of wood and the diversity of plants leads to a deterioration in the quality of life of most people; the amount of carbon dioxide increases, which leads to the formation of the greenhouse effect; trees cease to protect the soil (washing out of the upper layer leads to the formation of ravines, and lowering the groundwater level causes deserts); soil moisture increases, due to which swamps are formed; scientists believe that the disappearance of trees on the slopes of the mountains leads to the rapid melting of glaciers. According to researchers, deforestation causes damage to the world economy in the amount of up to 5 trillion dollars a year.

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What happens after cutting? In open space, completely different conditions are created. Therefore, a new forest grows only where the cutting area is not very large. What prevents young plants from getting stronger: The level of illumination changes. Those undergrowth plants that are accustomed to living in the shade die. Other temperature regime. Without tree protection, there is a sharper temperature fluctuation, frequent night frosts. This also leads to the death of many plants. An increase in soil moisture can lead to waterlogging. And the wind blowing moisture from the leaves of young shoots does not allow them to develop normally. The death of the roots and the decomposition of the forest floor release many nitrogenous compounds that enrich the soil. However, those plants that need just such minerals feel better on it. Raspberries or Ivan-tea grow most quickly in clearings, birch or willow shoots develop well. Therefore, the restoration of deciduous forests goes quickly if a person does not interfere in this process. But coniferous trees grow very poorly after cutting down, since they reproduce by seeds for which there are no normal development conditions. Deforestation has such negative consequences. Problem solving - what is it?

Presentation on the topic: “Forest life. The forest is a natural community.” The work was completed by: primary school teacher of the secondary school No. 1 Sinetskaya Galina Gennadievna

The forest is not just for our fun. It contains trees, berries, herbs. Birds, animals and other creatures. Scientists also work here, they call the forest a community.

Lesson objectives: ?To form students' ideas about the forest as a natural community. ?Introduce the diversity of forest inhabitants, forest layers, forest litter and microorganisms, the role of fungi. ?To develop the cognitive activity of children, the ability to use the acquired knowledge in work, the ability to reason, express their thoughts. ?Educate the need for respect for wildlife.

Above the wide river, Covered in dusk, In the deep silence, the dense forest stands. N. Nikitin

The Chelyabinsk region is rich in forests. Almost a quarter of its territory is occupied by the green "ocean". Most of all forests are in the western mountain-forest part of the Chelyabinsk region. In the extreme west - in the Ashinsky district - broad-leaved forests are common. In the mountain-forest part of the region there are coniferous forests. In the northern part of the forest-steppe zone, pine, larch-pine, birch-pine forests alternate. To the south there are birch groves. In the steppe zone there are island pine forests - natural monuments of the Chelyabinsk region.

The lowest tier is mosses and lichens. Plants with soft green stems are herbs. Perennial plants in which several solid stems depart from a common root are shrubs. Perennial plants with a large solid stem - trees. forest tiers

Distribute the plants of the forest into tiers: crow's eye, raspberry, cuckoo flax (moss), pine, mountain ash, lily of the valley, birch, minik, aspen, cherry, strawberry, wolf's bast, fern

Choose the names of the birds of the forest: a) lark, quail, bustard; b) cuckoo, hawk, thrush; c) corncrake, eagle, wagtail. TEST

Choose the names of predatory forest animals: a) deer, roe deer, squirrel; b) lynx, marten, ermine; c) mole, hare, vole. TEST

Restore the food chains that have developed in the forest: a) aspen? _______ ? hawk; b) pine? bark beetle? __________; in) _________ ? squirrel? marten.

Check yourself! What role do forest plants play in animal life? What role do forest animals play in plant life?

FOREST LITTER How important is the forest floor in the life of a forest? Replenishes the soil with humus; Helps some animals to survive in winter; Protects animals from the cold. In the formation of the forest floor are involved ... Microbes and insects

What forest dwellers are we talking about? And on the hill, and under the hill, Under the birch, and under the Christmas tree, Round dances and in a row In hats, the good fellows stand.

Does the forest need mushrooms? The forest needs mushrooms. Mushrooms help trees suck water from the soil with dissolved salts. Animals eat and treat mushrooms. Mushrooms contribute to the decomposition of plant residues.

Russied mushrooms under the trees: a) boletus, b) camelina, c) porcini mushroom d) boletus, e) butterdish

Complete the task Read the words: Fly agaric, saffron milk mushroom, mushroom, russula, pale grebe, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, false fronds. Divide the words into 2 groups.

Forest life Give examples of natural balance in the forest, based on this diagram. plants mushrooms animals inanimate nature

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

Target: systematization and deepening of children's ideas about the forest, in particular about trees: birch, pine, spruce.



  • To consolidate and deepen the knowledge of children about spruce, pine and birch, as representatives of the wildlife of our region.
  • Learn to analyze objects of nature (trees), highlight essential features (trunk, branches, leaves).
  • To introduce children to new concepts: pine forest, birch grove, spruce forest, mixed forest.


  • Develop thinking, memory, curiosity of children;
  • To form the ability to compare these trees, to see similarities and differences between them;
  • Develop cognitive and research activities;
  • Develop children's play activities.


  • Cultivate respect for nature.

Practical significance: This presentation allows you to include the child in the learning process and keep his attention. An animated owl, a physical minute for the eyes "revive" the material being studied, make the process of cognition more interesting and exciting. The presentation solves the problem of lack of visual aids.

Place of use of multimedia material: the presentation is used in directly educational activities.

Outline of the GCD "Journey to the Forest"

Directly educational activity takes place in the form of an excursion. An excursion to the forest is accompanied by a teacher in the role of a guide and an animated Owl. We explore trees: birch, pine, spruce.

Target: Systematization and deepening of children's ideas about the forest, in particular about trees: birch, pine, spruce.



  • Learn to analyze objects of nature (trees), highlight essential features (trunk, branches, leaves);
  • To consolidate and deepen the knowledge of children about spruce, pine and birch, as representatives of the wildlife of our region;
  • To introduce children to new concepts: pine forest, birch grove, spruce forest, mixed forest.


  • Develop imagination, thinking, memory, curiosity of children;
  • To form the ability to compare these trees, to see similarities and differences between them;
  • To develop cognitive-research and productive activities;
  • Develop children's play activities.


  • Cultivate respect for nature;
  • Repeat and reinforce knowledge of road safety rules as a passenger;
  • To form a conscious need for physical activity.

Integratable educational areas: knowledge, communication, safety, socialization, physical culture.

Types of children's activities: communicative, motor, cognitive-research, productive.

Forms of work with children: conversation, game, examination, problem statement, drawing.

Organizational form: subgroup.

Material: laptop, projector, presentation and music files (sounds of the forest, the sound of a starting engine), electronic gymnastics, seat belts, twigs and fruits of trees (birch, spruce, pine), coloring book and stickers for it.

GCD progress

1 slide. Surprise Moment - Owl Greeting

The teacher enters as a guide.

Owl sent me to you in order to accompany you on a virtual tour. How about we go on a tour? (Children's options). Let's take chairs and design our bus.

We sit down.

- Guys, do you know the first and most important rule of a passenger?

Buckle up.

Sounds like a motor .

Guys, in order to better see the beauty of native nature, I propose to do gymnastics for the eyes.

Slide 2. Gymnastics for the eyes. The owl speaks, the guide shows.

The sounds of the forest are heard.

Guys what is it? What are the sounds? Where do you think such sounds can be heard? ( in the forest). The sounds tell us that we have arrived in the forest. We go out, settle down, as it is convenient for children . Guys, it seems to me that Owl wants to tell us something.

slide 3. Let's solve the riddle.

slide 4. The owl asks a question. We introduce the concept Birch Grove

We talk about birch ( features)

- It seems that the Owl guys still want to make a riddle for us.

Slide 5. Spruce Mystery .

slide 6. Question of the Owl. We introduce the concept spruce forest

Cognitive - research activity.Children feel the twigs and seeds of the tree. We talk about fir.

- Guys, are you tired? let's get up and do the actions that the Owl tells us.

Slide 7. Fizminutka.

- We sit down more comfortably, Owl will guess another riddle for us.

slide 8. Pine mystery.

slide 9. We introduce the concept Pinery

Cognitive - research activity.Children feel the twigs and seeds of the tree. We are talking about pine.

slide 10. A picture of a mixed forest.

Children, please look at the picture that the Owl shows us, what trees are shown on it? What is the name of this forest?

Slide 11. Owl introduce concept mixed forest

Why do you think it's called that?

slide 12. repetition of new concepts. Game "Guess the forest".

slide 13. Farewell Owl.

The tour has come to an end, we return to the kindergarten. Guys, while we are going back, I will give you a gift from Owl. Let's get on the bus.

are seated,engine sound sounds, the guide distributes coloring pages.

Guys, what did you see today on the virtual tour?

Problematic question: What would happen if there were no trees? Why is it necessary to protect nature?

What would you like to talk about today at home?

Guys, well, here we are, it's time to say goodbye. I invite you to come out. I really enjoyed being your tour guide. In parting, you have a musical and dance gift from me. Look at the characters on the screen and follow their movements.

Interactive physical minute "Spring came".

Annex 1: Presentation.

Appendix 2: Outline plan.

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