What does the name Alexei mean from Greek. implementation in society. Secrets of communication and compatibility

There are names that have remained popular for many centuries, and one of those that do not lose relevance is the name Alexei. It is incredibly interesting, and thanks to detailed analysis you can find out what secret of the name is hidden in it.

The interpretation of the name Alexei is largely related to how the owners of this name manifest themselves. They are strong-willed, strong in spirit, ready to go through difficulties and vicissitudes of fate, while maintaining their face and dignity.

The first thing to start with is to find out what is the origin of the name Alexei. To find out where the name came from, you should refer to historical sources. According to them, this word originated in ancient Greece. It is important to know that any name, including Alexei, has its origin, and the history of many names begins in Greece.

It must be said that this name also has a variant Alex, and this form male name, now known as Alexei, is of particular importance. Initially, it was used mainly in royal family or so the children of the privileged class were called. It is translated from ancient Greek as "protector".

As you can see, the history of this name goes deep into the past, and every Alexey should also know that in Russia, in the canonical form, this name was written as Alexy. Until now, during the rite of baptism, it is this canonical form of the name that is used.

To understand all the features of this name, you should pay attention to what famous people with the name Alexei are. I must say that many celebrities are called by this beautiful name:

  • Alexei Tolstoy is a poet.
  • Alexey Batalov is an actor.
  • Alexei German - director.
  • Alexey Chumakov is a musician.
  • Alexei Leonov is a pilot.
  • Alexey Venetsianov is an artist.

Personality and behavior

The character of the name Alexei is already manifested in young age. Therefore, if you named the baby Lesha, you should know the following: this child is kind and obedient, incredibly loves his mother. He tries to protect her, take care of her, behave affectionately and show all his masculine qualities.

It is important for mom to respond to him with love and tenderness and not to push the boy away when he wants attention. It should be called diminutively - Lesha - or use the petting - Aleshenka, this name is most preferred by young Alexei.

At school, he shows a decent level: he studies well, respects teachers and knows how to make friends with classmates. Already at such a young age, peers are drawn to him and often ask him for advice.

Adolescence is not so easy for Alyosha. He learns to manage his state of mind and cope with mood swings. I must say that he succeeds, but he spends incredible efforts for this.

He does not lose his ability to communicate and help friends and loved ones. However, sometimes it can be completely unbearable, especially when his dream is at stake. For the sake of achieving the goal, he is able to be stubborn and even stubborn.

Alyosha is a decent, peaceful and intelligent person. He easily resolves any conflicts and disputes, and often acts as an "arbitrator" in disagreements between friends. It is not important for him to defend his opinion - it is important for him that both sides understand the meaning of what is happening.

The adult Lesha becomes more courageous and collected, he already knows how to control his emotions, and this gives him a huge advantage: he understands that anything can happen around him, but this should not affect his self-control in any way. He tries to take everything seriously and responsibly, whether it's family or work.

He is prone to planning his activities, therefore he is distinguished by clarity and punctuality. He is purposeful, but at the same time a realist, does not suffer from empty daydreaming and always sets achievable goals, towards which he gradually moves every day.

Each passing year gives Alexey wisdom and understanding that the world is incredibly simple and at the same time incredibly complex. To talk on these and other topics, both friends and relatives and colleagues come to him. He can always give good and practical advice on almost any occasion.

To understand the meaning of the name Alexey, it is worthwhile to study the behavioral features of its owner in a little more detail:

  • This man is endowed with excellent health. However, you should not rely only on natural immunity, it is important to monitor nutrition and devote time to sports. Alexei is best suited for team sports.
  • Alyosha has a wonderful mind. He is able to critically look at any problem or task, noting all inaccuracies. He is erudite and has a systematic way of thinking, as well as the ability to calculate various options for solving problems.

  • Creative professions will help Lesha to realize himself and reveal his inner potential. But if the soul does not lie in creativity, then he can safely find himself in any male profession in which clarity, poise, pedantry and the ability to think analytically are needed. He enjoys transcribing documents, as well as their detailed analysis.
  • Also, this man can make an excellent businessman. But it will be difficult for him to build an empire alone, so you should do it with a reliable and trusted partner.
  • The characterization of the name Alexei cannot be complete without understanding the role of intuition in his life. And I must say that Lesha often makes decisions intuitively. For him, this is right, as his sixth sense works perfectly.

love pangs

To understand what the name Alexey means, it is important to consider the topic of relationships separately. This man in love is sincere, devoted, gentle and caring. And if he fell in love with a woman, then, most likely, this is forever.

He is looking for someone who can be his reliable rear, be not only a wife or mistress, but also a friend, assistant, ally. Mutual understanding and support are important for him, because he is ready to give himself completely to the family and expects the same from his companion.

Family means a lot to him. Lesha loves children, it is important for him to be with them, to watch how they grow, how they change, and to feel how he changes next to them.

It is important to understand that a man like Alexei must find a good companion for himself, and for this it is worth studying the compatibility of him and the owners of female names:

  • Alexey and - the couple is not very successful. Olga is a quick-tempered and sometimes conflicting person, and this can jeopardize family well-being.
  • Lesha and are a great couple. Their union is able to help both partners reach a new level in self-development and self-understanding.
  • Alyosha and are a good couple, but in this family the woman will be the main one, and the man will have to reckon with this.
  • Lesha and are a couple with a possible bright future. They are able to build strong and loving family, because for Tanya at some point she begins to perceive Lesha as a deciphered code, she understands it completely.
  • Alexey and Marina are a couple that is able to treat each other with warmth. Sometimes they may not have enough time for each other, but, nevertheless, their union will be strong.
  • Alyosha and - people living each in their own world. This can create significant difficulties in their interaction.
  • Lesha and Anastasia are a union that can lead this couple to success. They can become excellent business partners and at the same time partners in life.
  • Alyosha and - a great couple! They have similar views on life, on the world, and are also unanimous in matters of family and marriage, which gives them the opportunity to understand each other perfectly and indicate their attitude towards each other in any way.

It is interesting to explore any name, including the name Alexei. It is important that the meaning, understanding of this name, finding out what the character of its owner is and what awaits himfate, help to advance in self-knowledge. Learning and describing a name is an important element in understanding the people who live near you.

Of course, for special reasons, our parents choose a name for us based on personal preference, or name a child after one of their relatives. But, wanting to emphasize the individuality of their child, do they think that the name forms the character and influences the fate of a person? Of course, yes, you say.

In our publication, we will talk about the name Alexei, an abbreviated form of which will be presented to your attention, in addition, we will consider the origin of the name, its compatibility with female names, and analyze what features are characteristic of a person named Alexei.

Meaning of the name

The abbreviated name of Alexei is Alyosha. Translated from ancient Greek, the name means "protector" or "preserver". There is another meaning of the name - "prevent". There are several short forms, but what is the shortened name for Alexei? This is Alyosha. We note that in our Everyday life it is quite rare to hear an appeal to the owner of such a pleasant name exactly as Alyosha. First letter short name Alexei is omitted, and it turns out Lesha or a friendly name - Lech, Leshik.

Name origin

So, we note that the name Alexei came, as we said above, from the ancient Greek name Alexis, Alexio. In addition, the name Alexei is related to the name Alexander, if Sasha and Lesha, two bosom friends, let's say, will visit or work in the States or in European countries, then one and the other will be called Alex. Alexander and Alexei are names that have a common root.

It should be noted that short form named after Alexey is not only Alyosha, Lesha, it is also affectionate Alyoshenka, Leshenka, Leshechka. At the same time, among Alekseev you will never meet such a bad boy, if Aleksey becomes one, then this can only happen in adulthood.

From the male name, the beautiful female name Alexia, which is rare in our latitudes, is formed, similar in form to the name Alexei.


Distinctive feature the character of Alexei is a well-developed intuition, it is simply necessary for the owner of the name to listen to it, since she can rarely let him down. Aleksey is an easy-going person in family life, he will help his wife with great pleasure, who can rely on him at any moment. close person Alexey will always help, prompt, protect from trouble. Lesha strives with all his heart to bring harmony into relationships. Practical and balanced, sincerely believes in justice, Alexey is a peacemaker by nature, bloodshed, quarrels and conflicts are alien to him. Aleksey can become on the warpath only in one case, if his sense of justice is hurt.

A certain youthful maximalism is not regulated throughout life, and at the age of 20, and at 60 years old, he will passionately defend justice in this world. He is a cheerful person, he is accepted with sympathy in any team. Alexey is smart, independent with early years, self-assured. Despite the outward softness, Alexei cannot be subdued, sooner rather than later, he will break out of the shackles that restrain him, although he is not prone to violence.

From childhood, Alexey is benevolent, hence it follows that big influence the environment of upbringing influences the formation of character. Excessive softness and some absent-mindedness are characteristic of little Alyosha. It is worth noting that no matter what the owner of the name does, he loves to bring everything to perfection, moreover, he is extremely diligent. Not devoid of ambition. But Alyosha's biggest enemy is laziness, which can turn him into a completely different person, so the environment is very important for Alexei's well-being and prosperity, in this case he must rely on his subtle intuition. In addition, Alexey is a creatively gifted person.

Compatibility with female names

With Irina, Daria, Galina, Margarita, Natalya, Sophia and Yulia, a harmonious marriage can develop. With women with the names Vera, Barbara, Claudia, Olga, Tamara, Tatyana, Nadezhda, very difficult relationships develop.

For the family, Alexey is just a godsend, as he is a flexible and faithful husband who puts the interests of children above his own. Extremely squeamish, so he never embarks on all the hard adventures. He will choose a smart, neat girl as a life partner. AT conflict situations takes the side of his wife. In addition, we note that Alexei is not an owner, not jealous, able to forgive betrayal. In short, the meaning of the name Alexei is the guardian of justice, who is extremely hard on his failures, criticism for him has great importance, therefore, domestic troubles and quarrels in the family have a hard effect on him state of mind.

Name day of Alexei

Twice a year, the bearer of the name celebrates the day of the angel. February 25 - the day of St. Alexei is celebrated, who, according to legend, in the 14th century cured the wife of the Tatar Khan from an eye disease, which for many years secured Russia from the raids of the Tatars.

March 30 is the day of the Monk Alexy, the Man of God, who, by the will of God, left his parental home on his wedding day, in the clothes of a beggar after a short wandering lived under the steps of his native house for seventeen years, after his death he was identified by his family by a letter found from him.

Famous and Famous

One of the three heroes of Prince Vladimir the Red Sun is Alyosha Popovich. A brave and courageous warrior who defeated Tugarin Zmeevich. In fact, there were many talented and famous Alekseevs in the history of Russia: these are kings, and writers, and athletes. Let's dwell on today and single out the owners of the name Alexei, whose abbreviated name sounds like Lech, Aleshenka, Leshka, in our opinion, who have great charisma and crazy popularity.

So, Alexei Vorobyov is a Russian singer, actor, director, just a handsome young man, whose talent will delight us even more. long time.

Let's continue our list: the talented Alexei Serebryakov, Alexei Gorbunov, Alexei Makarov, Alexei Guskov, Alexei Dmitriev. The list of outstanding actors that make up the color of the profession is so bright and impressive. Each of them is an extraordinary personality, successful actors, whose work, without exception, had a huge impact on the viewer.


In conclusion, summing up what has been said, we note: if your choice is on the name Alexei, whose abbreviated name is Lesha, Alyosha, you can be calm about your baby. A man with this name is smart, conscious, has a penetrating mind, but still it is worth remembering that Alexei is not strong, does not control himself and does not want to do this. His will does not keep up with the iridescence of his feelings. He is more likely to give a strong reflection in his work or in his profession, rather than a lasting radiance. Bright creative person, calm, able to listen to the interlocutor, ready to support in difficult moment, good friend. It is especially good if your baby was born under the sign of Aquarius, then he will always be lucky in everything.

Like most modern names, the name Alexei came to Russian from ancient greece, and it comes from the word "Alex", which means "protect" or "protect" in translation. In Russia, the name became popular after the baptism of Alexei Mikhailovich, the second Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty. The canonical church form of the name is Alexy.

AT Soviet times the name was incredibly popular - the peak of popularity came in the 70s of the last century, now boys are called so less and less. Meanwhile, history knows many prominent personalities bearing this legendary name. Among them is the Soviet pilot-cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, Hero Soviet Union pilot Alexei Maresyev, actors Alexei Batalov and Alexei Zharkov, writer Alexei Tolstoy, poet Alexei Snezhin and many other prominent people.

Name days and patron saints

The Orthodox Church canonized many saints named Alexei, the most famous is Alexius of Constantinople, who suffered for icons. Coming from a noble family, Alexy, as educated person, did not approve of the religious and political persecution of icon painting that arose in ancient Byzantium. In 730, the iconoclast patriarch Anastasia, with the support of the emperor, banned the veneration of icons by Christians.

Alexy of Constantinople witnessed how they torn miraculous icon Savior from the Copper Gates. The warrior who plucked the icon had to use a long ladder. Alexy, together with other believers, pushed the ladder away and the warrior crashed. The emperor became angry and ordered the guilty to be imprisoned and subjected to terrible torture.

8 months after the capture, Alexy of Constantinople accepted martyrdom, and after 139 years his relics were found incorrupt.

Alexei can consider as his patron that Saint Alexei, who is mentioned in the calendar on his birthday or on the day closest to this date: February 17, 20, 25 and 28; 8, 22, 28 and 30 March; 5 and 18 April; 4 and 7 May; June 2, 5, 20, 22 and 23; 4, 6, 14 and 17 July; August 2, 4, 11, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27 and 30; 4, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25 and 29 September; October 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 18 and 29; 3, 6, 11, 13, 20, 22, 23 and 27 November; December 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 17th, 23rd and 26th.

Name characteristic

Firmness in spirit, sensuality, compassion, good nature and compliance are the main character traits of a man named Alexei. Compliance helps him to be happy both in his personal life and in the team. We can say that this unusually gentle and reliable person is simply created for everyday life, but not for great feats and accomplishments.

Alexey is a bit lazy, distracted, and such feelings as passion, heightened emotionality, sharp turns of fate and unexpected decisions he is completely uncharacteristic. If a man lacks ambition, then laziness can become a big problem for him, preventing him from achieving his goals. If ambition is developed excessively, then Alexei can be stubborn, striving to attract attention at any cost.

By nature, Alexey is a real peacemaker, he sincerely strives for justice, is able to bring peace and harmony to his environment. He hates any enmity and violence, but if necessary, for the sake of the triumph of justice, he will immediately enter the fight. Despite his gentleness, Alexei firmly rejects all attempts to subordinate him to someone else's will.

A man from childhood is very attached to his parents and family traditions, and this attachment he will keep for life. Mother, and then other women in his life, Alexey becomes a real support and protection.

In the character of Alexei there is such a feature as rejection of reality - in case of failure, he will always find an excuse for himself in his soul, inventing explanations for his actions. He is deep in himself, fantasizes a lot, hard to endure criticism. Activity is also not his forte. Sometimes it may even give the impression that while working, a man only dreams of returning home as soon as possible and doing his own business or ... doing nothing at all.

In general, we can say that all the features of Alexei's character are not pronounced, they seem to be rounded. He has a feminine type of mind, is very attentive to trifles, has a good memory, and is distinguished by curiosity. Thanks to goodwill and sociability, he easily gains trust and evokes sympathy.


Little Alyosha is very attached to his mother, he literally does not let her out of his sight and is very worried when his mother is not visible. But this does not mean that Alyosha will grow up as a "mama's boy", on the contrary, he will grow up to be a real mother's protector and helper.

From childhood, the boy is laconic and a little closed, he never puts his feelings and ambitions on display. At the same time, he is very sensitive, for which he is respected by teachers and classmates. At school, Alyosha studies at half strength, and natural laziness is to blame. The boy rarely becomes a leader in the team, but he will never be an outcast either.

Adolescence Alyosha can experience hard, often get into various troubles. But the boy will quickly grow up and correct his behavior, especially if he is helped in this by his parents, whose opinion he values.

Parents and teachers of Alexei should know that it is difficult to get obedience from a boy if you talk to him in an imperative tone. Such communication greatly injures the boy and repels him from the interlocutor.


In general, Alexei is in good health, but fatigue. A man needs to observe the daily routine and diet, as in adulthood he may have problems with digestion.

By a strange coincidence, nature decreed that Alexei often suffers from some pronounced external or internal defect - stuttering, rickety legs, lisping, or even mental retardation.

Alexey most often believes in magic and the occult sciences, therefore he often prefers to be treated with the help of "magic", which rarely leads to luck.


In a woman, Alexey appreciates, first of all, appearance - he will never be attracted to a sloppy and groomed woman, since a man is very squeamish. No less important for him are such qualities as sincerity and fidelity, since it is very important for Alexei to feel the care and devotion of his beloved woman.

By nature, Aleksey is monogamous, he will not change partners like gloves. He is not very experienced in flirting, but thanks to his natural charm and pleasant character, he easily wins over the weaker sex.

For sex and living together a man prefers women a little older than himself, sophisticated and experienced, but affectionate and delicate. There is something childish in his sensuality - with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth. But at the same time, Alexey is curious and seeks to learn all forms of sexual relations, gain experience. He is a very sensual lover, gentle and attentive to his partner. A man seeks, first of all, to please his partner, and then to himself.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Alexei is very cautious about women, so he marries closer to thirty years. His chosen one should be clean, economic and maternal good woman, and the man will take on the role of a protector and a real father of the family. Aleksey will never forgive the betrayal of his wife, but he will not allow himself to look in the direction of other women either. Honest, trusting relationships - this is the secret of a happy marriage with a man named Alexei.

Compliance - a unique trait that Alexey possesses, will help him live in happy marriage all life. The family for Alyosha will be a safe haven, where there is no place for squabbles, scandals and betrayals. A man will yield to his wife in small things, but in serious matters he will make the decision himself.

Alexey will touchingly take care of his children, even when they become quite adults. Until old age, a man will retain filial affection for his parents. He will gladly take on some of the household chores, as well as financial support families.

A successful marriage is possible with women named Anastasia, Angelica, Anna, Barbara, Galina, Claudia, Larisa, Love, Hope and Svetlana. Relationships with Vera, Oksana, Tamara, Yulia, Alina and Tatyana should be avoided.

Business and career

Success in Alexei's career awaits only if he does right choice and his work will really captivate him, otherwise natural laziness can win. Alexey can become a good leader or public figure, as he knows how to get along with people, find compromises and does not succumb to other people's influence. Self-righteousness and other positive character traits help him influence the team.

All Alexei are people with pronounced creativity, so they make great artists, actors, designers, and writers.

Alexey loves to do exact sciences, so he will be successful in such professions as an engineer, physicist, surgeon or forensic scientist.

A man does not like painstaking monotonous work, but if necessary, he will diligently carry it out. He is pedantic and scrupulous, therefore he will not allow work "slipshod", in whatever field he works. Any employer will be glad to see such an employee in their team.

Talismans for Alexei

  • The ruling planet is Neptune.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Aquarius. Alexei is recommended to call boys born under this sign, then they will always and in everything be lucky.
  • Favorable season - winter, favorable day of the week - Saturday.
  • Lucky colors are green, red and blue.
  • Totem animal - elk and crab. Elk is a symbol of calmness, balance and greatness. It promotes problem solving and hope. The crab symbolizes an indecisive, sometimes cowardly person who prefers to get away from the situation rather than look for a way out of it.
  • Totem plant - mistletoe and lilac. mistletoe - unique plant which is neither a tree nor a shrub. Therefore, it is not surprising that it personifies everything that does not have a clear definition - for example, the character of Alexei, in whom all character traits are not clearly expressed. Lilac symbolizes sensitivity, goodwill and responsiveness. Excessive love for lilac and its smell can lead to loneliness and disappointment in love.
  • Talisman stone - lapis lazuli and alexandrite. Lapis lazuli is a symbol of sincerity, friendliness and love. He will bring harmony, joy and peace to Alexei's life, will contribute to the fulfillment of desires and plans. Alexandrite is a rare stone that is a symbol of sadness and loneliness. He will notify Alexei of impending troubles by changing the color.


Aries- courageous Alexey, energetic and active. In character there is assertiveness and ambition, but also dreaminess and sentimentality. He will be faithful to his wife until she needs to be conquered, otherwise she can easily go for treason. Alexey-Aries loves when they admire and praise - this helps him feel confident. But, unfortunately, he cannot distinguish flattery from sincere admiration, as he is poorly versed in people, does not see all the facets of human nature. As a life partner, Alexei-Aries needs a woman who will be a skilled and diligent housewife during the day, and at night turn into a luxurious priestess of love. Such a dream woman can be a lady born under the sign of Libra - this couple will not be able to take offense at each other for a long time, since both know how to apologize and forgive.

Taurus- this is a passionate and tender nature, distinguished by love of freedom and independence. He knows how to take responsibility for himself, he is used to achieving everything in life on his own. Alexei-Taurus is a stubborn materialist who knows how to make long-term efforts to achieve his goal. Another feature of his character is conservatism, he is distinguished by constancy in his habits, views and beliefs. He hardly changes, in an unusual situation and in an unfamiliar environment, he may feel uncomfortable. In love, Alexei-Taurus is honest and open, knows how to beautifully look after a woman. In sex, he is insatiable and unusually sensual, knows how to please his partner. The family is of great importance to him, and the Capricorn woman can become the best partner for this worthy man - this will be a fruitful union of two loving people in every sense.

Twins- freedom-loving, dreamy Alexei, living in his own fictional world. He is divorced from modern realities, has a soft character, but he cannot be called a soft-bodied and weak-willed man. Inconstancy, windiness - this is his lifestyle, he avoids any obligations, including to women. his plans and life goals may change several times a day, no one can ever know his true thoughts. Alexei Gemini has friendly relations with everyone, he easily acquires the necessary connections and easily finds mutual language with people from different backgrounds. The versatility of personality and fussiness prevents Alexei from choosing strong beliefs and sticking to his principles. Beloved woman should know that Alexei-Gemini does not tolerate boredom and routine, and family life with such a man will be difficult. But he has a big plus - he will be a great father to his children. The Leo woman will be the most suitable couple for him - they both equally value personal freedom.

Cancer- a multifaceted personality who prefers to obey rather than command. Aleksey-Rak skillfully hides under his shell, he strives to ensure that those around him know as little as possible about him. But at the same time, he is kind and sympathetic, especially in relation to close people. Loyalty and devotion to parents and their family is an integral part of the character of Alexei-Rak. He does not like to leave his house for long periods of time and becomes an avid stay-at-home with age. Among the shortcomings, one can also note laziness, fatalism, uncertainty in own forces and a good memory for insults. A man needs love like no other. He is very serious about marriage, and, having married, will live only in the interests of his family. He needs a homebody woman, kind and not scandalous. An ideal couple for Alexei-Cancer can be made by a Taurus woman - they have the same views on family life.

a lion- selfish, narcissistic Alexei, whose all efforts are aimed at satisfying his "I". At the same time, he is generous and noble, can patronize the weaker and take under the protection of those whom he sympathizes with. The generosity of a man will manifest itself the stronger, the more he will be admired and admired. He takes praises in his address for granted, and therefore cannot distinguish sincerity from banal flattery. Alexey-Lev is honest and open, he will never lie and play around for his own benefit. It can be a devoted friend and an equally dangerous enemy. In marriage, he feels happy only if the world of a woman revolves exclusively around his person. Alexei-Lev will not tolerate any rivalry. In addition, the wife should always look great - the Leo man wants to be proud of his woman, otherwise he will get bored. A Gemini woman can become an ideal couple for Alexei-Leo - both partners perfectly understand all the benefits that this union gives them, and easily find a common language.

Virgo- purposeful, persistent Alexey, a fighter in life. Work is very important for him, but a man will never refuse to help a suffering person. Common sense and insight help him solve the most difficult problems, but increased criticality, both in relation to himself and to others, can spoil the overall impression of the ideal man. He demands order in everything, including the little things. Alexei-Virgo most often does not have too much strong will, he is timid and fearful, does not like to be in the center of attention, and the spirit of competition is not known to him. Thanks to his subtle sense of humor, he has many friends, and thanks to his diligence, he has a stable financial position. Romanticism is also not his strong point, but a man will be able to surround his chosen one with attention and care. He is not a brawler, and will do everything so that no one in his house raises his voice. His style is practicality in everything and a minimum of romance. A Scorpio woman will be able to understand and accept Alexei-Virgo - they have 100% compatibility of horoscopes.

Scales- a restrained, non-conflict, intelligent and well-mannered man, respected by relatives and colleagues. He skillfully hides his emotions, so it’s not easy for those around him - it’s not easy to understand the true goals and thoughts of Alexei-Libra. Around him, he wants to see only peace and tranquility, and for this he is ready to make any compromise. He can give in to a stronger character, because of indecision it can be difficult for him to defend his rights. Alexey-Libra is a driven person, he needs support and support in life. His most great desire- peace of mind. From a woman, he expects warmth and care, as well as responsibility for decisions made because he is not able to cope with pressing problems alone. In no case should his wife restrict Alexei's personal freedom, since if he is given a choice - family or friends, he will most likely choose friends. The perfect couple for Alexei-Libra, a Cancer woman can become - they have every chance to live a long and happy life together.

Scorpion- a real "dark horse" from which you do not know what to expect. He is an egoist, a strong and powerful person who is guided only by his own desires and emotions. At the same time, he is prone to self-criticism and self-destruction, often harming himself, but because of his stubbornness, he does not want to back down or admit that he is right. Alexei-Scorpio has excellent intuition, he is an excellent psychologist, he feels people on a subconscious level, it is almost impossible to deceive him. Achieving his own, a man can show violence and cruelty, he has an irresistible desire to subjugate. He is secretive and closed, never pours out his soul, even to the closest people. The main attractive force of Alexei-Scorpio lies in the huge natural charm- a man knows how to excite the hearts and souls of others. In love, he is the owner and jealous - life together with him will not be easy, but you will not be bored either. The family for Alexei-Scorpio is the most valuable thing he has. A long and lasting marriage is possible with an Aries woman - she will become his reliable friend and reverent lover.

Sagittarius- a real romantic, constantly in search of perfect love. He is an optimist, believes in the best and tries not to dwell on his failures. He aims for luck, for tomorrow. But his fantasies can remain at the level of plans, and a man can pass off his most crazy ideas as the ultimate truth. At the same time, Alexei-Sagittarius knows how to admit his mistakes and ask for forgiveness. In relations with friends, he is kind and honest, cruelty is absolutely alien to him. Developed intuition and a sixth sense help him avoid many problems. From the outside it may seem that Alexei-Sagittarius walks through life easily and naturally, but he cannot be called strong personality- he is rescued by kindness, optimism and the ability to quickly get out of a state of stress. Married to Alexei - Sagittarius, a woman will have to learn how to build relationships for two, as he lives in his cozy world, in which no one has a way. This can happen with an Aquarius woman - they will perfectly complement each other.

Capricorn- Serious, ambitious and hardworking Alexei, who has a very poorly developed sense of humor. For the sake of career advancement, he is ready to work tirelessly. He rarely fails, because a man does not like to take risks, but on the contrary, he likes to calculate, plan and systematize everything. Alexei-Capricorn perceives life in gray colors, he is characterized by pessimism and melancholy. To those around him, he seems cold and inaccessible, but his outward equanimity and restraint is only an appearance. In fact, Alexei-Capricorn has a lot of fears in his soul, which he tries to hide with all his might. He is afraid to open his soul even to the closest people and does not need pity at all. He considers pity to be humiliation. His chosen one will have to fall in love not only with Alexei himself, but also with all his relatives, since the man is very attached to the family. A woman should not be afraid of outbreaks of jealousy or feigned coldness - this is just a manifestation of self-doubt. A Cancer woman will be able to become an ideal life partner for Alexei-Capricorn - their life together will be based on mutual understanding and the desire for stability.

Aquarius- freedom-loving personality, friendly and at first glance open. But in fact, Alexei-Aquarius lives in his own world, he is self-sufficient and does not need feedback for self-assertion. He doesn't care what others think of him. He does not tolerate boredom and routine - in order to feel happy, he needs variety and new experiences. He is an innovator, inventor and discoverer rolled into one - without such people progress would be impossible. Changes in his life can be abrupt and unexpected, so it is difficult for others to understand him. A man will not tolerate an invasion of his personal space, and even more so in the soul. In friendship, he is reliable and devoted, always ready to help. Being a freedom-loving person, in love he is a great owner and jealous. His chosen one will have to share the views and interests of her husband, otherwise the marriage is doomed. A Libra woman can make a worthy party for Alexei-Aquarius - two freedom-loving people can always find a common language.

Fish- a dreamer and visionary, constantly in search of the meaning of life. He is trusting, as if he never takes off his rose-colored glasses, his desire to help borders on sacrifice. A developed imagination makes him often lie and embellish his stories, but the man himself often becomes a victim of deception. Melancholy and loneliness - faithful companions life of Alexei-Pisces. He is insecure, pessimistic, arrogant and unstable. It is very difficult for him to decide to marry, but having married, he becomes exemplary family man. He will share with his chosen one both joy and sadness, he will be a sensitive and faithful husband. But his chosen one will have to take on the financial support of the family, since there will be little sense from her dreamer husband. She needs to know what if husband will fall into a depressed state, then it will not be easy to get him out of there. Ideal companion life for Alexei-Pisces, a Capricorn woman can become - their relationship will be productive and multifaceted.

The male name Alexei in Greek means "to protect". The meaning of the name Alexei has a very favorable effect on the character and fate of its owner. AT early years Alexey is distinguished by a calm disposition and curiosity. In his childhood fantasies, he often sees himself as a protector of the weak and disadvantaged. In real life, he tries to match the created image as much as possible.

Lyosha is a kind, flexible child. He respects elders, is always ready to help, and at the same time he is characterized by boyish mischief and curiosity. He loves animals very much and enjoys taking care of pets. The meaning of the name Alexey for a child is openness and good nature. The boy is open to knowledge, learns with delight the world and is drawn to new knowledge.

AT school years he is no different from most of his peers. Studying is not so interesting for him that he sits over textbooks. However, it can sometimes surprise teachers with unexpectedly bright answers and solutions. challenging tasks. The meaning of the name Alexey for a boy in these years acquires new characteristics: independence, seriousness, perseverance. By high school, our hero already knows where will he go to study further, shows diligence in studies.

Adult Aleksey has clear goals, constantly strives for self-education and achieves a lot in life. The fate of a man develops successfully, thanks to perseverance and faith in himself. The interpretation of the name will be incomplete without revealing the meaning in love, family and career.


Love for Alexei opens no earlier than in student years. First love is always bright, leaves an indelible mark on the soul young man. He marries closer to thirty years, when he has the material base to provide for his family. Love means a lot to him. It is an essential part of a man's marriage. Before marriage, Lyosha usually has little experience love relationships.

Failures in relationships with women in our hero are due to self-doubt. For him, trust in the chosen one is of great importance, the man himself is honest and open in relationships. In the absence of sincerity on the part of a woman, he becomes withdrawn, suspicious and jealous. Alexey is capable of real, deep feelings and can make his chosen one happy.

In marriage, he is faithful to his wife. If Lyosha goes for treason, then he does it rather from insoluble problems in marriage. In this case, he does not intend to live in constant deception and cheat on his wife all his life, the man honestly admits to cheating and demands a divorce. Honesty and mutual trust are essential to our hero.


Alexei's family life as a whole is developing favorably. He marries closer to thirty or even thirty years. Creating a family is a deliberate, meaningful step. Lesha needs time to get to know his future wife better, so marriage is preceded by several years of relationship with the chosen one.

Gives the material well-being of loved ones big weight, which means his constant desire to give his family all the best. The father of the family is responsible for his duties. He prefers to do all the male work in the house on his own. There is nothing superfluous in his dwelling. Our hero appreciates quality and durability, so he prefers expensive furniture and appliances.

It has a lot to do with raising children. He spends all his free time with children, he is ready to read books to them for hours or play games. The owner of this name is a wonderful, caring father who does not have a soul in his kids. For a man, planning a vacation with his family is of no small importance. Recreation for him is the time spent in nature, by the sea. He organizes any trip in advance and carefully prepares for it.

Business and career

For Alexey, the right choice of the sphere of his future activity is important. In the case of a correctly chosen profession, he will have great success and recognition. The work should captivate our hero, be creative and promise prospects further development. Sometimes, after working in a certain area, Lyosha goes to retrain in another profession.

Usually the sphere of activity of a man is associated with foreign languages, management, design, marketing. In the team, he is not particularly sociable, but he finds a common language with everyone and is characterized by a pleasant and conflict-free person. He always performs his work accurately and diligently, which means that he often achieves what he wants.

Not a careerist, but once in the chair of a leader, he knows how to create all the conditions for the successful and efficient work of the team. The ideal occupation for him is the creation of a small business where he could understand all the processes and manage them. The owner of this name tries to get to the bottom of everything, strives for constant self-education and feels dissatisfaction with routine and monotony.

origin of the name Alexei

The origin of the name Alexei originates from the ancient Greek word ἀλέξω - "to protect". The etymology is also associated with Byzantium. In ancient Byzantium, where the name came from, from the 11th to the 14th centuries. so the emperors were called. The history of the name has its continuation in Russia. Many representatives of the royal family of the Romanovs were called in this way. The most famous, the second Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty is Alexei Mikhailovich.

The mystery of the name is also associated with Christianity. The patron saint of men so named is Saint Alexis, the man of God, whose name is commemorated in both the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

Characteristics of the name Alexei

The characterization of the name Alexei has its pros and cons. By nature, our hero is a calm and balanced person. Among positive traits character, especially responsibility, decency and honesty can be distinguished. You can completely rely on a man in the most difficult situations. He will do everything in his power and donate his personal time to someone in need of help. However, he does not like to ask for help and tries to do everything by his own efforts.

The negative aspects of character include: forgetfulness, harshness, touchiness. Being a person without conflict, he is still capable of harshness and inadequate reaction in response to even the most insignificant offense. He can speak out sharply or flare up, thereby inflating “out of molehills”. A man carries grievances for a long time and cannot forgive the person who offended.

Listening carefully to the interlocutor, he can later say that there was no conversation. But this does not mean that the owner of this name is a deceiver. The downside of nature is distraction and forgetfulness. Listening to the interlocutor, he can go so deep into his thoughts that he will not even be able to remember what the conversation was about. Of no small importance for Alexei is to learn to listen and be attentive in dialogue.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone: lapis lazuli.
  • Name days: February 17, 20, 25, 28, March 8, 22, 28, 30, April 6, 18, May 4, 7, June 2, 5, 20, 22, 23, July 4, 6, 14, 17, 2, 4, 11, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 30 August, 4, 7, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25, 29 September, 1, 2, 4, 18, 29 October, 3, 6 , 13, 20 November, 3, 5, 6, 11, 17, 26 December.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign: Aquarius, Aries.

Famous people

  • Alexey Makarov - Russian actor theater and cinema;
  • Alexey Guskov - Soviet, Russian actor, producer, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation;
  • Alexey Chadov is a Russian theater and film actor.

Different languages

The translation of the name Alexei from Greek is “to protect”. How is the name translated into Japanese language according to its meaning: 助け (Tasuke).
Consider how the name is written and sounds in Japanese, Chinese and other languages:

  • Japanese: アレクセイ (are-ku-sei).
  • Chinese: 阿列克塞 (a-le-ke-sai).
  • Arabic: أليكسي (ali-ka-say).
  • HindiHindi: एलेक्सी (e-le-xi).

Name Forms

  • Full name - Alexey;
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Lyosha, Lyokha, Lyoshik, Lyoshenka, Alex, Alyosha, Alyokha, Lyoshka;
  • Declension of the name - Alexei, Alexei;
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Alexy.

It's no secret that the name is very important for every person. After all, it is not only an integral part of the personality, but is also considered the embodiment of the culture and traditions in which the child was brought up.

And today, many are interested in questions about the meaning and origin of the name Alexei. Astrologers at all times have argued that a name can give a person some character traits, and also in some way even determine his future. For many expectant mothers, it is extremely important to know what qualities this baby name will endow.

A bit of history

What does the name Alexei mean? Today it is perceived as something native, primordially Slavic. But it was not always so, a few hundred years ago it was foreign. So what is the meaning and origin of the name Alexei?

It is immediately worth noting that this is an ancient Greek name, derived from the word "alexis", which means "protect", "defend". At one time, men wearing it were considered real protectors.

origin of the name Alexei

As already mentioned, it came to us from Greece. And if in the ancient Greek state "defenders" were extremely common, then on the territory of Russia this word appeared already at the end of the tenth century AD, along with the Christian religion.

But even after that, for a long time the name Alexei was considered unusual - it was worn mainly by church ministers.

For example, the first known historical figure bearing this name was Metropolitan Alexy of Moscow. The minister of the church possessed an amazing power of persuasion, thanks to which he more than once pacified the enmity between warlike princes. However, the main merit of the metropolitan is the construction of churches in Moscow, and Alexy was canonized Orthodox Church, after which he became the patron of all men bearing this name. Name days, by the way, are celebrated on the second of June.

The origin looks something like this. But it is worth noting that this name had a lot of abbreviations and so-called home forms. The boy could be called Olekseyk, Oleksha, Leksey, Oleksa - all these are different interpretations of the same thing.

By the way, the history of the name Alexei is displayed in folk art. Every child is familiar with the stories about the Russian hero Alyosha Popovich. This name is often used in proverbs and aphorisms.

What qualities does a child with this name have?

They say that by the name chosen for the baby, you can learn a lot about his mother. And the mother of the boy Alyosha is a calm, quiet, but self-confident woman. The child himself is already early childhood shows all his spontaneity and sincerity.

The boy does not know how to lie or cheat at all. He is outgoing and makes friends quickly. Almost always, such children become leaders in children's games, enjoy authority among classmates. And if Alyosha often gets sick in the first years of his life, then to school age the boy's body becomes strong, hardened.

Alexey is emotional, but with age he learns to hide it behind a thin mask of irony. Despite sociability, the child can express his thoughts to the offender in a very open and aggressive form. Even at such a young age, Alyosha does not tolerate injustice and shows his protest in every possible way - parents and teachers often get the impression that the boy is growing up as a bully and a bully.

Study is given to the child relatively easily, as he has a flexible, but whimsical and subtle mind. When raising and educating a boy, these character traits should be taken into account.

Positive features

Almost all character traits that manifested themselves in childhood remain in adulthood. Most often, Alex amazing person, which, if desired, can bring a lot of bright colors and harmony. By nature, this man is a peacemaker. He always tries to peacefully resolve the conflict. However, if there is a need to protect something especially precious (for example, a family), Alyosha will do what is required. As in childhood, the bearer of this name is extremely sensitive to injustice.

Alexey is a calm, cheerful and easy-going person, so he quickly becomes part of any team. Moreover, quite often he takes on the role of leader. Such a man will never forcibly impose his own point of view on someone. He himself also refuses to obey someone else's will.

Aleksey makes friends quickly, but he is very whimsical in choosing close people - it is not always easy to find a person whom you can completely trust. This is a real man who has a strong will, a balanced character and an unsurpassed sense of humor.

Negative Traits

Like every person, Alexei has some negative traits, although the degree of their manifestation largely depends on the upbringing and the people around him. Since such a person is naturally peaceful and calm, with too much pressure from parents and relatives, excessive softness and complaisance may appear. It is difficult for such a person to make decisions.

However, too aggressive upbringing makes Alyosha absurd and stubborn. Aspiring to grow up as a real man, a teenager may join companies with a dubious reputation. Ambition imposed on parents can lead to internal discomfort, resulting in excessive rigidity, stubbornness and a desire to attract attention by any means. That is why it is extremely important in the upbringing of Alyosha to maintain a balance between firmness of character and compliance.

The secret of the name Alexei

Modern astrologers claim that this name is not burdened by some kind of negative karma - Alexei can become both holy and extremely unpleasant person. The main character trait is balance. But with improper upbringing, they can manifest worst side character.

The element of the bearer of this name is water, and the planet is Jupiter. Alexey's ideal color is blue. To enhance the positive qualities, men are recommended to wear jasper jewelry.

Now that the meaning, the origin of the name Alexey has become clear, you can turn to tips on choosing future profession. Some innate data will help a person achieve success in certain industries.

For example, a keen sense of justice along with fortitude can make Alexei an excellent lawyer. He will definitely deal with the little things and get to the bottom of the truth. Such men make excellent lawyers and judges. Quite often, the bearer of the name chooses for himself political career- this kind of work is easy.

From birth, a peacemaker, Alexei can become an excellent diplomat - this has been proven more than once by the famous owners of this name. In addition, a man can achieve success in medicine thanks to a sincere desire to help, literally save people.

Alexey can create a prosperous business, but only if this business interests and captures him. If it deprives a man of the opportunity to show innate talents, interest quickly fades.

It is worth noting that the owners of this name are valuable workers. They can patiently engage in painstaking work, rarely become a cause of conflict. Alyosha easily and from the very first day fits into any team thanks to his intelligence, unsurpassed sense of humor and natural love for communication.

Secrets of communication and compatibility

Of course, the characterization of the name Alexei should also include some recommendations about love relationships. In fact, such a man craves not just passionate love, but sincere and strong affection. The future wife will firmly take an important place in the life of Alexei. It is believed that marriage with Irina, Julia, Galina, Natalya, Daria or Sophia will be successful.

As for communication, such men are pleasant in conversation, they are understanding and compassionate. But Alexei does not tolerate aggression, hypocrisy, attacks and rudeness.

The most famous bearers of the name

Famous people named Alexey were workers different professions. As already mentioned, this name was borne by the Moscow Metropolitan. Do not forget about the rulers, in particular, about Alexei Romanov. The owners of this name can become artists, which has been proven dozens of times. An example is Alexei Gorky, famous writer), Alexei Potekhin (writer), (poet), Alexei Egorov (artist). But Alexey Speransky is a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. There are generals, generals, aircraft designers, doctors, military figures among Alekseev.

In a word, the bearer of this name by nature has great potential. And it is extremely important to follow the upbringing, development and education of Alyosha, because his future will depend on this.

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