Great desire to work in your company. Why I work for a big company and I'm just happy about it


Constantly evaluate your actions. Self-criticism is a condition for improvement. Modesty and self-criticism should be combined with heightened self-esteem, which is based on the awareness of the real significance of one's personality, on the presence famous successes in work on general benefit. Suppress the increased self-conceit, boasting.

Learn to live. Always stand up for your views. Be active and overcome all obstacles, only in this case you can get everything you want. Realize your plans and ideas. Initiative and self-restraint will help build a career and get promoted.

Feel free to accept reasonable, hard decisions and implement them. Always take responsibility for your actions. Show your business and personal qualities actively and decisively. Don't be afraid of difficulties. Often such people, having the best intentions, achieve significant results in their work, become leaders.

Improve constantly. Build a mindset, beliefs, and ideals. Guide them in your actions. Thus, you will gain experience correct behavior with people that will help you walk on easily and confidently. Read more, attend performances, exhibitions, meet new people. Do not focus only on work, you must have your own hobby.

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Tip 3: How to answer the question why you want to work for the company

Interview - milestone when applying for a job. No matter how good your resume is, the employer will definitely want to get to know you personally and form an opinion about you. And if you don't know how to answer question why do you want to work in companies, the impression you make on him will certainly be unfavorable.


Familiarize yourself with the activities companies where you are applying for a job. If you have acquaintances or friends who work there, then talk to them, they can tell you about it in sufficient detail. In any case, you can find some information about this company on the Internet, even if it does not have its own website. It will be just fine if you manage to find information not only about the products that this company produces, but also about the history of its formation, as well as economic and social indicators.

You should get a clear idea about this organization and know how it is known in the market, its reputation as business partner and manufacturer or service provider. Well, if at the interview you can refer to some publications and about her activities that you could find in the media.

In the list of reasons why you want to work in this companies, mention those that are important to you as a specialist - the opportunity and professional growth, advanced training. For some applicants important point is equity participation companies foreign investors, which involves trips to foreign business trips and the possibility of obtaining international professional certification.

In a separate block, highlight the benefits that the company has in terms of social programs, level wages opportunities to encourage initiative and integrity.

In conclusion, you can talk about how you see the opportunity to prove yourself as a specialist in this companies in what you can be useful to her, what your knowledge and experience can be useful. Here you can list those places of work where you performed similar functions and duties, tell about those methods, software products known to you that you can use in this workplace.


  • why do you want to work in this job

Tip 4: How to answer the question why I left my previous job

If you have been invited for an interview as a possible candidate for a vacant workplace be prepared to be asked questions not only concerning your qualifications and experience. There is almost always a chance that you will be asked about the reasons that prompted you to leave the previous place. work. The result of the interview may depend on the answer to this question.

FinExecutive Russia site 2019-03-27

We answer competently: “Why do you want to work in our company?”

One of the most commonly asked interview questions, especially when it comes to starting positions, is one that many people are familiar with. “Why do you want to work in our company?”; What got you interested in our company? or “Why do you want to work with us?” - it has many variations. Regardless of the specific formulation, the response scheme is constructed in the same way. So, find out what kind of response the employer expects from you.

1. You searched for information and learned a lot about the company

The first thing directed this question- check how well you prepared for the interview, and in the long run, find out how successfully you can prove yourself in similar situations in the future, before meeting with a client or partners. You are required to have a minimum set of knowledge about the company, no more than what can be found on a search engine request or a cursory look at the company's website: information about managers, activities, strategy and products. It will not be superfluous to read the press releases and the list of awards and achievements, as well as to study latest news and Wikipedia pages related to the company. In general, all the preparatory work should take you no more than an hour. After taking the necessary notes, highlight three important points that you will rely on in your answer. Try to pronounce them by building consecutive statements.

2. You are interested in this job

Regardless of what exactly you are asked about, one of the main goals of the interviewer is to determine how interested you are in working for his company. The more enthusiastic a candidate is, the more success he will be able to achieve when he takes office. If there is no interest in the work or it is invisible to your interlocutor, counter interest is unlikely to arise, no matter how well you prepare for the interview. The lack of enthusiasm already at the stage of getting to know the employer can lead to the conclusion that the future employee will also treat the work itself with insufficient zeal. Any company strives to recruit employees who are close to its mission and vision, therefore, when answering the interviewer's question, make sure that you have shown not only knowledge of the products and the industry, but also your sincere interest in them and the willingness to make efforts to achieve a common goals.

3. Your skills and experience will be in demand at your future job

Given your relationship to the company's goals, the interviewer never forgets your own goals. You will be a desirable candidate if the path to achieving your career goals and the goals of the company are aligned, and if your professional ambitions are fully satisfied in a new job. Therefore, studying the description vacant position, mark which of these moments are close to you. For example, if your specialization is related to a certain area, which also lies in the field of activity of the company, do not forget to mention this. Or, if the company was marked by rapid growth for recent times, and you are applying for a major leadership position, do not forget to note this fact. In addition to this, your common goals may relate to working with a particular partner, in a particular location, or within a particular type of corporate culture. Whatever the nature of this coincidence, point to it as the reason why you seek to cooperate with this particular employer and in this position. And don't forget to be honest. If you do not find common ground, then it is probably worth admitting that you have not chosen the most the right company. Remember that the interview is equally important for both the company and the candidate - you will get to know the employer in the same way that he gets to know you.

02.08.2016 05:53

Let's be honest: the interview question is "Why do you want to work for our company?" is difficult for those who are just starting their career. Similarly, a job seeker might ask an employer, "Why do you want to hire me?"

INTERVIEWER: So, do you have any questions?

APPLICANT: Yes. Why do you want to hire me?

INTERVIEWER: What? Who said we want to hire you? This is just the first interview. We can't say yet that we want to make you an offer.

APPLICANT: Exactly. That's why I was surprised when you asked me today, "Why do you want to work for our company?" Who says I want to work here? This is our first interview. While I can not say that I want to work for you.

If you look at the situation from a different angle, it becomes obvious that the question "Why do you want to work in our company?" is simply inappropriate. He assumes that the applicant who came to the first interview has already decided that he wants to get this job. But do you really hire such unscrupulous candidates?

People come to the first interview to find out more about the job and the company. The employer invites the candidate for the first interview to find out more about the candidate. An interview is needed to clarify the details. If you expect that all applicants will immediately demonstrate one hundred percent desire to get a job with you, you are mistaken.

HRs may object: “Is the question “Why did you come to the interview?” does not mean "Why do you want this job?". Why not just say what you mean?

How should an unemployed person answer the stupid question “Why do you want to work for us?”

The best way to answer it is to talk about the mission of the company, your intended role in it, or the initiatives you will be involved in if employed. This will show the interviewer that you have studied the information about the company and connect personal goals with its goals.

A few examples:

1. INTERVIEWER: Why do you want to work with us?

APPLICANT: As far as I understand, your company plans to develop in the field of children's literature. This industry is my first love. I started my career in a children's publishing house right after graduation. In addition, I myself write a children's book.

2. INTERVIEWER: Why do you want to work with us?

APPLICANT: I ​​like your corporate culture and the fact that you emphasize teamwork on products. I have never liked the rigidity of traditional development methodology, and I really want to develop.

3. INTERVIEWER: Why do you want to work with us?

JOB APPLICANT: My sister worked for your company when she lived in this region and according to her, it was her best job. She says that she learned a lot here and that if I can get a job with you, I will not regret it. Now you are expanding your team of customer support managers, I would like to take advantage of this opportunity.

What questions can be an alternative to the question “Why do you want to work with us?”

  • What did interest you: the opportunities that are opening up or our company as a whole?
  • What made you take the time to apply for this job?
  • What made you contact us?

Translation: Stepan Dobrodumov

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Job seekers consider the question one of the most uncomfortable and tricky in an interview: Why do you want to work in our company? Many of them think at such a moment: you found my resume, you yourself invited me, is it really not enough that I filled out your application form, came to you for an interview and now I’m sitting in front of you, demonstrating my interest with all my might? Why do you need to think of something else? Let them tell me what good things I personally will get if I agree to work in this company.

Really, just be honest with yourself. And everything will immediately become clear. If you find it difficult to answer this question, then this indicates that you have zero interest in working in this particular company, or even negative. Hiring managers are not asking this question as a mere formality. Thanks to the answer to it, you can get a lot of information about you and make up your personal characteristics. And not only based on the content of the answer, but also on how quickly you answer, in what manner - reluctantly, annoyed, at a loss or easily, joyfully and with a burning look. Try to think logically. Put yourself in the place of the person who is interviewing you and see yourself through their eyes. This person needs to know your motivation. Now it is important to clarify three main points:

1) how qualified you are for the position you are applying for; 2) whether you will work well for the good of the company; 3) how much you are aware in advance and loyal to the company in which you are going to work.

The company is looking for a new employee, not just for the sake of staffing (although such options also happen, but they are extremely rare). The company is looking for a specialist to perform necessary work and wants to make a valuable acquisition.

Now answer yourself honestly to the questions: why did you get up at 7 in the morning, drive through half the city and spend your personal time on an interview that already causes you negative emotions? Was it your conscious choice? The work that in question and the company in which you want to get a job seems really interesting and promising to you? Maybe you are here and now simply because you ran out of money, there is nothing to pay for an apartment and you need at least some work?

Believe me, this is not the best motivation in the eyes of the employer if you apply for at least some interesting position. This may mean that you are just desperately looking for a job out of... desperation. At the same time, you don’t give a damn where and with whom to work, as long as the salary is paid. If you find yourself in this situation, it means that somewhere in your past you made a number of mistakes. How did it happen that you lost your previous job? Well, let it not be your fault (they laid off, the company fell apart, the relationship with the boss did not work out), but why are you now grabbing all the offers in a row, just to catch on somewhere? This may mean that you are short-sighted and irresponsible about your career. Perhaps you are just temporarily looking for a "safe haven" where you can ride out the storm, because now you just desperately need money and social status working. So now you want to get any job that guarantees stability, and right after that, you will start looking for the best place. It would be naive to assume that your potential employer dreams of hiring such an employee.

You can rightly be indignant that all of the above is not your case. But your difficulty is to answer the question - Why do you want to work in our company? - can be interpreted in this way.

There are only two options:

1) You really admire this company and dream of this position. Then it will not be difficult for you to talk for a long time, with enthusiasm and with a burning look, why you made such a choice. You don't need to do anything special. You know your goals and desires. You can speak about them clearly and clearly.

2) You are not enthusiastic about this company and the position is so-so, but you really want to get paid again. Then it is difficult for you to formulate your thoughts. You are trying to "guess" the correct answer. You fail to show genuine interest.

Should you deceive yourself? Time flies fast, you have one life. If you understand that your option is number 2), turn around and leave. Look for a place where you really want to work, because you find it interesting, wonderful and promising.

If your situation is so serious and hopeless that you urgently need any job, and for this you are ready to make any deals with your own attitude, then ... carefully prepare for the interview. Your confident and positive attitude will help hide your true motives. Read career forums and articles, choose the wording that suits you. Experienced personnel officer difficult to conduct, but at least you will demonstrate interview readiness, knowledge of interview etiquette and the ability to give compliments.

Examples of standard answers to the question - Why do you want to work in our company?

I always wanted to work in a large and reputable company in the business world.
I am sure that this is where I will be able to realize my potential. I am satisfied with the working conditions and are attracted by career prospects.
I am attracted by stability, the name of a well-known company, compliance with the Labor Code, development prospects.
The proposals of your company coincide with my expectations, which means that our cooperation promises to be mutually beneficial.
Your company is a revolutionary in the market. It is interesting for me to work in this area and contribute to your (hopefully I can say ours soon) company to become a market leader.

At every interview you will be asked: "Why did you choose our company?" The answer to this question will have to be carefully considered. After all, the entire course of your interview may depend on it. The thing is that the employer is always interested in why his company was chosen by one or another applicant for employment. If the answer does not satisfy the future bosses, you can forget about working in the company. In principle, there is nothing difficult in preparation. It is enough to use a few template ideas. What should you pay attention to?


First of all, you need to remember one holy rule - forget about the attractiveness of earnings. The fact is that you will succeed in a position with a good salary (and not very) only when you can prove your disinterest in income.

Money is good. But all companies have their ups and downs. The employer must be sure that you can stay with him if there are any problems. After all, the basis of profit is a strong, friendly team. So forget the phrase "high earnings".

Financial difficulties

Job interview responses play an important role. If you were asked why you chose this or that company, you need to find out about another ban. Which one?

In no case do not talk about the fact that you now have financial problems, you were fired from your job or left yourself for one reason or another. After all, this means that employment in a company is a simple necessity. And not your personal desire. It can be said that you are taking this step out of desperation. Such employees are not valued. There is simply no need for them. The employer at any time can hire a person for whom the company means something. Pay attention to this.

What if you really came to the organization out of desperation? You'll have to lie. Yes, this is not too fair and good, but if you need a successful interview, there will be no other way. The main thing - do not show your appearance that you are lying. It's not as difficult as it seems. It is better to prepare in advance several options for answering the question of why you chose this or that organization for employment. In fact, there are a lot of options for the development of events. You have the right to choose any of them. Or come up with something on your own.

Product liking

"Why did you choose our company?" - the answer to this question is not so simple. It will be given to anyone who is trying to find a job. And in without fail. It has already been said that it cannot be specified here high income. And you should not show yourself as a needy person. So how do you behave?

Many employers want only employees who are attracted to the published/sold products to work with them. They don't like people off the street. Moreover, interested parties have some practice using the product. This is great for sales. Such personnel are able to advise the client without any problems and interest him. You will see not a template answer, but the real experience of the ordinary person. All this attracts new customers! This is the key to success!

Therefore, say (or show) that you are interested in the products manufactured and sold by the organization. And say that you have always wanted to be part of the company precisely because of your preference for using a particular product. A little flattery won't hurt. In any case, it is precisely this technique that allows you to arouse sympathy from the future bosses. Practice shows that a person with a poorer resume, but interested in the product being sold / produced, is more likely to be hired than a citizen who is not interested, but with a good "calling card".


"Why did you choose our company?" - a question that can put the applicant in an awkward position. And you can be sure that you will definitely be asked it. Let not immediately, but at the end of the interview for sure. It is necessary to give an exact answer to the question posed. Otherwise, you can forget about employment. Be aware of some restrictions.

Any employer wants to see constantly developing and interested subordinates next to them. They can help you achieve maximum profit and success. Therefore, you can answer the question of why you chose this particular company as follows: because of self-development.

That is, you not only like the products, but you also want to work and develop. Just what you need! Often the results of the interview after such an answer will not keep you waiting. A person who constantly develops, and even more so does it at work, is always valuable. You do not have to constantly think about the motivation of the frame. A subordinate who develops in the workplace will independently perform official duties conscience.


Questions at the interview when applying for a particular position will be. Some of them require special attention. For example, it is worth thinking carefully about how you will answer the question of why this particular corporation was chosen by you for employment. This topic often implies flattery, but very subtle and thoughtful.

Emphasize development prospects. Both you and the company. Point out that the organization is considered promising, it is interesting to work in it. If an employee has an interest, he will be in the price. Such personnel perform their duties without unnecessary pushes and reminders from management. Therefore, they can be trusted. Remember and work through this answer. Emphasize the prospects of the organization. A little moderate flattery in this matter won't hurt.


In principle, if you heard the question: "Why did you choose our company?" - the answer may indicate that this organization society and you want to do it too. It is preferable to combine several phrases in your answer at once. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

Remember: any employer is looking not only for interested personnel, but also for those who can bring some benefit to the organization. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to what you can give to the company. State that you think you can be of service to the corporation. After that, it is recommended to emphasize what exactly. For example, increase the number of sales using your skills, talents and experience. A universal answer for those who do not know what to say about their usefulness.

If you can show that you are really useful to the organization, they will definitely call you back. It is not necessary to describe all your skills and abilities in colors. Brevity is the soul of wit. Therefore, you should simply explain how exactly you will benefit. Short and to the point. Try not to star, pointing out practice and skill. No one likes a smartass and a daffodil. Typically, such personnel will not be too active in performing job duties. Therefore, do not focus on yourself. Better highlight the strengths of the company and how you can improve it.

Company study

You heard on "Why did you choose our company?" The answer may vary. It's not always easy to get the job done right. Indeed, after this question, sometimes the recruiting manager may ask you to specify what was said.

Therefore, try to study the activities of the organization before the interview. This is a great method that will help you not to fail if they decide to test you for knowledge of products or services offered. Without information about the future employer, it is better not to come to the first conversation. Such personnel are rarely hired.


You can point to the popularity and prestige of the organization. Just don't just use this answer. It is necessary first of all to report at least about your usefulness to a particular corporation. And only then say that they would like to work here not only because of personal interest, but also because of the popularity of the employer.

Small, but still flattery. Employers like to hear from subordinates that they are respected and appreciated. Therefore, they will definitely pay attention to you. Do not dwell on this answer if you were asked: "Why did you choose our company?"


What can be summed up? An interview is a complex process. It is necessary to prepare for it. Pay attention to the fact that you have to dissemble and embellish reality.

Before talking with a potential employer, study information about the products manufactured by the organization and the company as a whole. Speak clearly and to the point, without focusing on earnings or a hopeless situation. Many answer that it is enough just to remember the prohibitions. And give any answers, but taking into account the taboo. A little practice and you will notice that everything is not as difficult as it seems. plays an important role. Now you will be able to deal with one of the most difficult questions in the course of a conversation.

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