Russian means of early missile warning and space control. Missile attack warning system

The missile attack warning system (SPRN) belongs to strategic defense on a par with systems missile defense, control outer space and anti-space defense. Currently, they are part of the Aerospace Defense Forces as the following structural units - the anti-missile defense division (as part of the Air and Missile Defense Command), the Main Missile Attack Warning Center and the Main Space Situation Intelligence Center (as part of the Space Command).

Russia's early warning system consists of:
- the first (space) echelon - a grouping of spacecraft designed to detect launches of ballistic missiles from anywhere on the planet;
- the second tier, consisting of a network ground radars long-range (up to 6000 km) detection, including the Moscow missile defense radar.


The warning system satellites in space orbit continuously monitor the earth's surface, using an infrared matrix with low sensitivity, they record the launch of each ICBM by the emitted torch and immediately transmit information to the early warning command post.

Currently, there are no reliable data on the composition of the Russian early warning satellite constellation in open sources.

As of October 23, 2007, the SPRN orbital constellation consisted of three satellites. There was one US-KMO in geostationary orbit (Kosmos-2379 was launched into orbit on August 24, 2001) and two US-KS in a highly elliptical orbit (Kosmos-2422 was launched into orbit on July 21, 2006, Kosmos-2430 was launched into orbit on October 23, 2007 ).
On June 27, 2008, Kosmos-2440 was launched. On March 30, 2012, another satellite of this series Kosmos-2479 was launched into orbit.

Russian early warning satellites are considered very outdated and do not fully meet modern requirements. Back in 2005, high-ranking military officials did not hesitate to criticize both the satellites of this type and the system as a whole. The then Deputy Commander of the Space Forces for armaments, General Oleg Gromov, speaking at the Federation Council, said: “ We cannot even restore in orbit the minimum required composition of the missile attack warning system devices by launching hopelessly outdated satellites 71X6 and 73D6».


Now in service Russian Federation there are a number of early warning systems that are controlled from the headquarters in Solnechnogorsk. There are also two checkpoints in Kaluga region, near the village of Rogovo and not far from Komsomolsk-on-Amur on the shores of Lake Khummi.

satellite image Google Earth: the main command post of the early warning system in the Kaluga region

The 300-ton antennas installed here in radio-transparent domes continuously monitor the constellation of military satellites in highly elliptical and geostationary orbits.

Satellite image of Google Earth: reserve CP SPRN near Komsomolsk

The information received from spacecraft and ground stations is continuously processed at the early warning command post, with its subsequent transfer to the headquarters in Solnechnogorsk.

View of the spare checkpoint of the early warning system from the side of Lake Khummi

Three radar stations were located directly on the territory of Russia: Dnepr-Daugava in the city of Olenegorsk, Dnepr-Dnestr-M in Mishelevka and the Daryal station in Pechora. In Ukraine, the Dneprs remained in Sevastopol and Mukachevo, the operation of which Russia refused due to the too high cost of rent and the technical obsolescence of the radar.

It was also decided to abandon the operation in Azerbaijan. Here, the stumbling block was blackmail attempts by Azerbaijan and a multiple increase in the cost of rent. This decision of the Russian side caused a shock in Azerbaijan. For the budget of this country, the rent was no small help. Working to ensure the operation of the radar station was the only source of income for many local residents.

Satellite image of Google Earth: Gabala radar station in Azerbaijan

The position of the Republic of Belarus is directly opposite, the Volga radar station was provided by the Russian Federation for 25 years of free operation. In addition, the Window node operates in Tajikistan (part of the Nurek complex).

A notable addition to the early warning system at the end of the 90s was the construction and adoption (1989) of the Don-2N radar station in the city of Pushkino near Moscow, which replaced the Danube-type stations.

Radar "Don-2N"

Being a missile defense station, it is also actively used in the missile attack warning system. The station is a truncated correct pyramid, on all four sides of which there are round headlights with a diameter of 16 m for tracking targets and anti-missiles and square (10.4 x 10.4 m) headlights for transmitting guidance commands to the side of the anti-missiles.

When repelling ballistic missile strikes, the radar is capable of conducting combat work in autonomous mode, regardless of the external situation, and in peacetime - in low radiated power mode to detect objects in space.

Satellite image of Google Earth: radar missile defense of Moscow "Don-2N"

The ground component of the Missile Attack Warning System (SPRN) is a radar station that controls outer space. Radar detection type "Daryal" - over-the-horizon radar of the missile attack warning system (SPRN). The development has been carried out since the 1970s, in 1984 the station was put into operation.

Radar "Daryal"

Satellite image of Google Earth: Radar "Daryal"

Daryal-type stations should be replaced by a new generation, which are built in a year and a half (previously it took from 5 to 10 years).

The latest Russian Radar family "Voronezh" capable of detecting ballistic, space and aerodynamic objects. There are options that work in the range of meter and decimeter waves. The basis of the radar is a phased antenna array, a prefabricated module for personnel and several containers with electronic equipment, which allows you to quickly and cost-effectively upgrade the station during operation.

HEADLIGHT radar "Voronezh"

The adoption of the Voronezh radar station into service allows not only to significantly expand the capabilities of missile and space defense, but also to concentrate the ground grouping of the missile attack warning system on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Satellite image of Google Earth: Radar Voronezh-M, p. Lekhtusi Leningrad region(object 4524, military unit 73845)

The high degree of factory readiness and the modular principle of constructing the Voronezh radar made it possible to abandon multi-storey buildings and build it within 12-18 months (the previous generation radars entered service in 5-9 years). All equipment of the station in a container version is delivered from manufacturers to the places of subsequent assembly on a pre-concreted site.

During the installation of the Voronezh station, 23-30 units of technological equipment are used (Daryal radar - more than 4000), it consumes 0.7 MW of electricity (Dnepr - 2 MW, Daryal in Azerbaijan - 50 MW), and the amount serving its staff no more than 15 people.

To cover potentially dangerous in terms of missile attack In total, it is planned to put 12 radars of this type on combat duty. The new radar stations will operate in both the meter and decimeter bands, which will expand the capabilities of the Russian missile attack warning system. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation intends to completely replace, within the framework of the state armament program by 2020, all Soviet early warning radars for missile launches.

Designed to track objects in space ships of the measuring complex(KIK) project 1914.

KIK "Marshal Krylov"

Initially, it was planned to build 3 ships, but only two were included in the fleet - the Marshal Nedelin KIK and the Marshal Krylov KIK (built according to a modified project 1914.1). The third ship, "Marshal Biryuzov", was dismantled on the slipway. The ships were actively used, both for testing ICBMs and for escorting space objects.

KIK "Marshal Nedelin" in 1998 was withdrawn from the fleet and dismantled for metal. KIK "Marshal Krylov" is currently in the fleet and is used for its intended purpose, based in Kamchatka in the village of Vilyuchinsk.

Satellite image of Google Earth: KIK "Marshal Krylov" in Vilyuchinsk

With the advent of military satellites capable of performing many roles, a need arose for systems for their detection and control. Such complex systems were needed to identify foreign satellites, as well as provide accurate orbital parametric data for the use of PKO weapons systems. For this, the Window and Krona systems are used.

Window system is a fully automated optical tracking station. Optical telescopes scan the night sky, while computer systems analyze the results and filter out stars based on analysis and comparison of speeds, luminosities and trajectories. Then the parameters of the orbits of the satellites are calculated, tracked and recorded.

Window can detect and track satellites in Earth orbit at altitudes from 2,000 to 40,000 km. This, together with radar systems, increased the ability to observe outer space. Radars of the "Dniester" type were not able to track satellites in high geostationary orbits.

The development of the Okno system began in the late 1960s. By the end of 1971, prototypes of optical systems intended for use in the Okno complex were tested at an observatory in Armenia. preliminary design work were completed in 1976. The construction of the “Window” system near the city of Nurek (Tajikistan) in the area of ​​the village of Khodzharki began in 1980.

By mid-1992, the installation of electronic systems and part of the optical sensors was completed. Unfortunately, Civil War in Tajikistan interrupted these works. They resumed in 1994. The system passed operational tests at the end of 1999 and was put on combat duty in July 2002.

The main object of the Window system consists of ten telescopes covered by large folding domes. The telescopes are divided into two stations, with a detection complex containing six telescopes. Each station has its own control center. A smaller eleventh dome is also present. In open sources, his role is not disclosed. It may contain some sort of measuring equipment used to assess atmospheric conditions prior to activation of the system.

Satellite image of Google Earth: elements of the Window complex near the city of Nurek, Tajikistan

It was planned to build four Okno complexes in various places throughout the USSR and in friendly countries such as Cuba. In practice, the Window complex was implemented only in Nurek. There were also plans to build auxiliary Okno-S complexes in Ukraine and eastern Russia. In the end, work began only on the eastern Okno-S, which should be located in Primorsky Krai.

Satellite image of Google Earth: elements of the Okno-S complex in Primorye

"Window-C" is a high-altitude optical surveillance system. The Okno-S complex is designed for monitoring at an altitude of between 30,000 and 40,000 kilometers, which makes it possible to detect and observe geostationary satellites that are located over a wider area. Work on the Okno-S complex began in the early 1980s. It is not known whether this system was completed and brought to combat readiness.

Krona system consists of an early warning radar, and optical system tracking. It is designed to identify and track satellites. The Krona system is able to classify satellites by type. The Krona system consists of three main components:
- decimeter radar with a phased antenna array for target identification;
- centimeter-range radar with a parabolic antenna for target classification;
- an optical system that combines an optical telescope with a laser system.

The Krona system has a range of 3200 km and can detect targets in orbit at an altitude of up to 40,000 km.

The development of the Krona system began in 1974, when it was found that current spatial tracking systems could not accurately determine the type of satellite being tracked.

The radar system of the centimeter range is designed for precise orientation and guidance of the optical-laser system. The laser system was designed to provide illumination for an optical system that captures images of tracked satellites at night or in clear weather.

The location for the Krona facility in Karachay-Cherkessia was chosen taking into account favorable meteorological factors and low dust content of the atmosphere in the area.

Construction of the Krona facility began in 1979 near the village of Storozhevaya in southwestern Russia. The object was originally planned to be located together with the observatory in the village of Zelenchukskaya, but fears about the creation of mutual interference with such a close placement of objects led to the relocation of the Krona complex to the area of ​​​​the village of Storozhevaya.

The construction of capital structures for the Krona complex in this area was completed in 1984, but factory and state tests were delayed until 1992. Before the collapse of the USSR, it was planned to use as part of the Krona complex armed with 79M6 Kontakt missiles (with a kinetic warhead) to destroy enemy satellites in orbit. After the collapse of the USSR, three MiG-31D fighters went to Kazakhstan.

Satellite image of Google Earth: centimeter-range radar and optical-laser part of the Krona complex

State acceptance tests were completed by January 1994. Due to financial difficulties, the system was put into trial operation only in November 1999. As of 2003, work on the optical-laser system was not fully completed due to financial difficulties, but in 2007 it was announced that the Krona was put on combat duty.

Satellite image of Google Earth: decimeter radar with a phased antenna array of the Krona complex

Initially, during the Soviet era, it was planned to build three Krona complexes. The second Krona complex was to be located next to the Okno complex in Tajikistan. The third complex began to be built near Nakhodka on Far East. Due to the collapse of the USSR, work on the second and third complexes was suspended. Later, work in the Nakhodka area was resumed, this system was completed in simplified version.

The system in the Nakhodka area is sometimes called "Krona-N", it is represented only by a decimeter radar with a phased antenna array. Work on the construction of the Krona complex in Tajikistan has not been resumed.

The radar stations of the missile attack warning system, the Okno and Krona complexes allow our country to conduct operational control of outer space, identify and fend off possible threats in time, and give a timely and adequate response in case of possible aggression. These systems are used to perform various military and civilian missions, including collecting information about "space debris" and calculating the safe orbits of active spacecraft.

The functioning of the space monitoring systems "Window" and "Krona" plays an important role in the field of national defense and international space exploration.

The Missile Attack Warning System (MSRN) belongs to strategic defense on a par with anti-missile defense, space control and anti-space defense systems. Currently, the SPRN are part of the Aerospace Defense Forces as the following structural units - the anti-missile defense division (as part of the Air and Anti-Missile Defense Command), the Main Missile Attack Warning Center and the Main Space Situation Intelligence Center (as part of the Space Command).

Russia's early warning system consists of:
- the first (space) echelon - a grouping of spacecraft designed to detect launches of ballistic missiles from any place on the planet;
- the second echelon, consisting of a network of ground-based long-range (up to 6000 km) detection radars, including the Moscow missile defense radar.


The warning system satellites in space orbit continuously monitor the earth's surface, using an infrared matrix with low sensitivity, they record the launch of each ICBM by the emitted torch and immediately transmit information to the early warning command post.

Currently, there are no reliable data on the composition of the Russian early warning satellite constellation in open sources.

As of October 23, 2007, the SPRN orbital constellation consisted of three satellites. There was one US-KMO in geostationary orbit (Kosmos-2379 was launched into orbit on August 24, 2001) and two US-KS in a highly elliptical orbit (Kosmos-2422 was launched into orbit on July 21, 2006, Kosmos-2430 was launched into orbit on October 23, 2007 ).
On June 27, 2008, Kosmos-2440 was launched. On March 30, 2012, another satellite of this series Kosmos-2479 was launched into orbit.

Russian early warning satellites are considered very outdated and do not fully meet modern requirements. Back in 2005, high-ranking military officials did not hesitate to criticize both the satellites of this type and the system as a whole. The then Deputy Commander of the Space Forces for armaments, General Oleg Gromov, speaking in the Federation Council, said: "We cannot even restore the minimum required composition of the missile attack warning system apparatus in orbit by launching hopelessly outdated 71X6 and 73D6 satellites."


Now the Russian Federation is armed with a number of early warning systems, which are controlled from the headquarters in Solnechnogorsk. There are also two checkpoints in the Kaluga region, not far from the village of Rogovo and not far from Komsomolsk-on-Amur on the shores of Lake Khummi.

Satellite image of Google Earth: the main command post of the early warning system in the Kaluga region

The 300-ton antennas installed here in radio-transparent domes continuously monitor the constellation of military satellites in highly elliptical and geostationary orbits.

Satellite image of Google Earth: reserve CP SPRN near Komsomolsk

The information received from spacecraft and ground stations is continuously processed at the early warning command post, with its subsequent transfer to the headquarters in Solnechnogorsk.

View of the spare checkpoint of the early warning system from the side of Lake Khummi

Three radar stations were located directly on the territory of Russia: Dnepr-Daugava in the city of Olenegorsk, Dnepr-Dnestr-M in Mishelevka and the Daryal station in Pechora. In Ukraine, the Dneprs remained in Sevastopol and Mukachevo, the operation of which the Russian Federation refused due to the too high cost of rent and the technical obsolescence of the radar. It was also decided to abandon the operation of the Gabala radar station in Azerbaijan. Here, the stumbling block was blackmail attempts by Azerbaijan and a multiple increase in the cost of rent. This decision of the Russian side caused a shock in Azerbaijan. For the budget of this country, the rent was no small help. Working to ensure the operation of the radar station was the only source of income for many local residents.

Satellite image of Google Earth: Gabala radar station in Azerbaijan

The position of the Republic of Belarus is directly opposite, the Volga radar station was provided by the Russian Federation for 25 years of free operation. In addition, the Window node operates in Tajikistan (part of the Nurek complex).

A notable addition to the early warning missile system at the end of the 90s was the construction and adoption (1989) of the Don-2N radar station in the city of Pushkino near Moscow, which replaced the Danube-type stations.

Radar "Don-2N"

Being a missile defense station, it is also actively used in the missile attack warning system. The station is a truncated regular pyramid, on all four sides of which there are round headlights with a diameter of 16 m for tracking targets and anti-missiles and square (10.4x10.4 m) headlights for transmitting guidance commands to the side of the anti-missiles. When repulsing ballistic missile strikes, the radar is capable of conducting combat work in an autonomous mode, regardless of the external situation, and in peacetime conditions, in a low radiated power mode to detect objects in space.

Satellite image of Google Earth: Moscow missile defense radar "Don-2N"

The ground component of the Missile Attack Warning System (SPRN) is a radar station that controls outer space. Radar detection type "Daryal" - over-the-horizon radar of the missile attack warning system (SPRN).

Radar "Daryal"

The development has been carried out since the 1970s, in 1984 the station was put into operation.

Satellite image of Google Earth: Radar "Daryal"

Daryal-type stations should be replaced by a new generation of Voronezh radar stations, which are built in a year and a half (previously it took from 5 to 10 years).
The latest Russian radars of the Voronezh family are capable of detecting ballistic, space and aerodynamic objects. There are options that work in the range of meter and decimeter waves. The basis of the radar is a phased antenna array, a pre-fabricated module for personnel and several containers with electronic equipment, which allows you to quickly and cost-effectively upgrade the station during operation.

HEAD RLS Voronezh

The adoption of the Voronezh into service allows not only to significantly expand the capabilities of missile and space defense, but also to concentrate the ground grouping of the missile attack warning system on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Satellite image of Google Earth: Voronezh-M radar, Lekhtusi village, Leningrad Region (object 4524, military unit 73845)

The high degree of factory readiness and the modular principle of constructing the Voronezh radar made it possible to abandon multi-storey buildings and build it within 12-18 months (the previous generation radars entered service in 5-9 years). All equipment of the station in a container version is delivered from manufacturers to the places of subsequent assembly on a pre-concreted site. During the installation of the Voronezh station, 23-30 units of technological equipment are used (Daryal radar - more than 4000), it consumes 0.7 MW of electricity (Dnepr - 2 MW, Daryal in Azerbaijan - 50 MW), and the amount serving its staff no more than 15 people.

To cover areas potentially dangerous in terms of missile attacks, it is planned to put 12 radars of this type on combat duty. The new radar stations will operate in both the meter and decimeter bands, which will expand the capabilities of the Russian missile attack warning system. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation intends to completely replace, within the framework of the state armament program by 2020, all Soviet early warning radars for missile launches.

The ships of the measuring complex (KIK) of project 1914 are designed to track objects in space.

KIK "Marshal Krylov"

Initially, it was planned to build 3 ships, but only two were included in the fleet - the Marshal Nedelin KIK and the Marshal Krylov KIK (built according to a modified project 1914.1). The third ship, "Marshal Biryuzov", was dismantled on the slipway. The ships were actively used both for testing ICBMs and for tracking space objects. KIK "Marshal Nedelin" in 1998 was withdrawn from the fleet and dismantled for metal. KIK "Marshal Krylov" is currently part of the fleet and is used for its intended purpose, based in Kamchatka in the village of Vilyuchinsk.

Satellite image of Google Earth: KIK "Marshal Krylov" in Vilyuchinsk

With the advent of military satellites capable of performing many roles, a need arose for systems for their detection and control. Such complex systems were needed to identify foreign satellites, as well as provide accurate orbital parametric data for the use of PKO weapons systems. For this, the Window and Krona systems are used.

The Window system is a fully automated optical tracking station. Optical telescopes scan the night sky, while computer systems analyze the results and filter out stars based on analysis and comparison of speeds, luminosities and trajectories. Then the parameters of the orbits of the satellites are calculated, tracked and recorded. "Window" can detect and track satellites in Earth orbit at altitudes from 2,000 to 40,000 kilometers. This, together with radar systems, increased the ability to observe outer space. Radars of the "Dniester" type were not able to track satellites in high geostationary orbits.

The development of the Okno system began in the late 1960s. By the end of 1971, prototypes of optical systems intended for use in the Okno complex were tested at an observatory in Armenia. Preliminary design work was completed in 1976. The construction of the “Window” system near the city of Nurek (Tajikistan) in the area of ​​the village of Khodzharki began in 1980. By mid-1992, the installation of electronic systems and part of the optical sensors was completed. Unfortunately, the civil war in Tajikistan interrupted this work. They resumed in 1994. The system passed operational tests at the end of 1999 and was put on combat duty in July 2002.

The main object of the Window system consists of ten telescopes covered by large folding domes. The telescopes are divided into two stations, with a detection complex containing six telescopes. Each station has its own control center. A smaller eleventh dome is also present. In open sources, his role is not disclosed. It may contain some sort of measuring equipment used to assess atmospheric conditions prior to activation of the system.

Satellite image of Google Earth: elements of the Window complex near the city of Nurek, Tajikistan

The construction of four Okno complexes was envisaged in various places throughout the USSR and in friendly countries such as Cuba. In practice, the Window complex was implemented only in Nurek. There were also plans to build auxiliary Okno-S complexes in Ukraine and eastern Russia. In the end, work began only on the eastern Okno-S, which should be located in Primorsky Krai.

Satellite image of Google Earth: elements of the Okno-S complex in Primorye

"Window-C" is a high-altitude optical surveillance system. The Okno-S complex is designed to monitor at an altitude between 30,000 and 40,000 kilometers, which makes it possible to detect and observe geostationary satellites that are located over a wider area. Work on the Okno-S complex began in the early 1980s. It is not known whether this system was completed and brought to combat readiness.

The Krona system consists of an early warning radar and an optical tracking system. It is designed to identify and track satellites. The Krona system is able to classify satellites by type. The system consists of three main components:

Decimeter phased array radar for target identification
- Centimeter range radar with parabolic antenna for target classification
-Optical system combining optical telescope with laser system

The krona system has a range of 3,200 kilometers and can detect targets in orbit at an altitude of up to 40,000 kilometers.

The development of the Krona system began in 1974, when it was found that current spatial tracking systems could not accurately determine the type of satellite being tracked.
The radar system of the centimeter range is designed for precise orientation and guidance of the optical-laser system. The laser system was designed to provide illumination for an optical system that captures images of tracked satellites at night or in clear weather.
The location for the Krona facility in Karachay-Cherkessia was chosen taking into account favorable meteorological factors and the low dust content of the atmosphere in this area.

Construction of the Krona facility began in 1979 near the village of Storozhevaya in southwestern Russia. The object was originally planned to be located together with the observatory in the village of Zelenchukskaya, but fears about the creation of mutual interference with such a close placement of objects led to the relocation of the Krona complex to the area of ​​​​the village of Storozhevaya.

The construction of capital structures for the Krona complex in this area was completed in 1984, but factory and state tests were delayed until 1992.

Before the collapse of the USSR, it was planned to use MiG-31D fighter-interceptors armed with 79M6 Kontakt missiles (with a kinetic warhead) as part of the Krona complex to destroy enemy satellites in orbit. After the collapse of the USSR, 3 MiG-31D fighters went to Kazakhstan.

Satellite image of Google Earth: centimeter-range radar and optical-laser part of the Krona complex

State acceptance tests were completed by January 1994. Due to financial difficulties, the system was put into trial operation only in November 1999. As of 2003, work on the optical laser system was not fully completed due to financial difficulties, but in 2007 it was announced that the Krona was put on combat duty.

Satellite image of Google Earth: decimeter radar with a phased antenna array of the Krona complex

Initially, during the Soviet era, it was planned to build three Krona complexes. The second Krona complex was to be located next to the Okno complex in Tajikistan. The third complex began to be built near Nakhodka in the Far East. Due to the collapse of the USSR, work on the second and third complexes was suspended. Later, work in the Nakhodka area was resumed, this system was completed in a simplified version. The system in the Nakhodka area is sometimes called "Krona-N", it is represented only by a decimeter radar with a phased antenna array. Work on the construction of the Krona complex in Tajikistan has not been resumed.

The radar stations of the missile attack warning system, the Okno and Krona complexes allow our country to conduct operational control of outer space, identify and fend off possible threats in time, and give a timely and adequate response in case of possible aggression. These systems are used to perform various military and civilian missions, including collecting information about "space debris" and calculating the safe orbits of active spacecraft. The functioning of the space monitoring systems "Window" and "Krona" plays an important role in the field of national defense and international space exploration.

The article presents materials obtained from open sources, the list of which is indicated. All satellite imagery courtesy of Google Earth.


What is Russia's early warning system.

Russian early warning system - Russian missile attack warning system. Its main task is to detect a missile attack at the time of launch and transmit data about the attack to the missile defense system. Using the information received from the early warning system about the scale and source of the attack, defense systems calculate options for response. The early warning system consists of ground-based radar stations with a detection range of 6,000 km and a constellation of orbiting satellites capable of detecting a launch intercontinental missiles from anywhere in the world.

The development of early warning systems in Russia began in the middle of the twentieth century, at the height of the Cold War between America and the Soviet Union. The surge of scientific developments in the field nuclear weapons led to the emergence of intercontinental ballistic missiles, and, as a result, the question arose of effective countermeasures in the field of air defense. In 1954, work began on the creation of an early warning radar station.

The first early warning radars were deployed at the end of the 60s along the border perimeter Soviet Union. Their task was to find launched missiles and their warheads, as well as calculating the coordinates of the location of missiles in real time with maximum accuracy, determining the area of ​​impact and predicting the expected extent of destruction. After successful tests, a unified missile attack warning system was created, combining individual radar stations, nodes, complexes and command posts administration located on the territory of the USSR.

Along with this, work was underway on a program to create a space component of early warning systems. In 1961, a project for a space surveillance system was submitted for consideration, and in 1972, after a series of tests and improvements, a satellite equipped with infrared and television-type detection devices was launched into orbit.

Thus, in 1972, the system consisted of ground-based over-the-horizon and over-the-horizon radars and space satellites Early warning system, whose task was to register ballistic missile launches. The infrared sensors placed on the satellites were supposed to capture the radiation of the exhaust of the rocket engine during the passage of the active part of the trajectory. Over-the-horizon radars located on the territory of the USSR could register a missile launch signal in the USA, receiving the reflection of this signal through the ionosphere. Over-the-horizon radars detected missile warheads during the passage of later sections of the ballistic trajectory.

The development of early warning systems took place until the beginning of the 90s. To the existing Dnestr-M, Dnepr and Danube radars, the Volga stations and the new Daryal radar (with a phased antenna array) were added. In the mid-1980s, the space satellites of the PRN system were upgraded as part of the program for placing spacecraft in geosynchronous orbits. The new satellites could recognize rocket launches against the background of clouds or the surface of the earth. As a result, the early warning surveillance sector covered the waters of the North and Norwegian Seas, the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the North Atlantic, and also covered the United States and Europe.

After the collapse of the USSR, work on some projects was suspended, which led to delays in their implementation. Despite this, the SPRN, inherited by Russia from the Soviet Union, did not suffer any special losses and did not lose its defensive power. At the beginning of 2012, the SPNR of Russia included 9 separate radio engineering units (5 of them are located in Russia) and 4 spacecraft placed in highly elliptical orbits. The development of missile defense systems of the Russian Federation, after the collapse of the USSR, stopped a little due to the active intervention of the United States and NATO. In addition, control was lost over a number of radar stations on the territory former countries Soviet Union. Work on the restoration and development of new radar stations was suspended, but then the signed treaty on limiting missile defense systems in 1972 was violated by the United States (in 2001) and this finally marked the position of the States. If before that there was no need for the development of early warning systems, even more - this would to some extent contradict the terms of the agreement and the introduction of the radar station on combat duty could be interpreted ambiguously, then in the conditions of US activity, the restoration of all radar stations and the creation of new ones is a justified step.

(KV, as part of the Aerospace Forces). The competence of the HF includes tracking the launches of ballistic missiles and warning the highest levels of command and control of the RF Armed Forces about a missile attack; protection of important infrastructure facilities and troops of the country from enemy aerospace attacks.

HF monitor space objects, identify threats to Russia in space and, if necessary, respond to them. This branch of the military is also involved in launching spacecraft into orbit and managing military and dual-use satellite systems. HF facilities are located throughout Russia, in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

The most important factor in ensuring national security Russia is to receive prompt and reliable information about ballistic missile launches. For more than 40 years, the national missile attack warning system has been successfully coping with this task.

The SPRN includes two echelons. The first (space) consists of a group of spacecraft designed to detect ballistic missile launches anywhere on the planet in real time. The second (ground) echelon includes a network of ground-based radars that detect missiles in flight at a range of up to 6,000 km. The early warning system is in service with the Main Missile Attack Warning Center, which is part of the KV VKS.

The ground echelon (in addition to the Don-2N radar) includes the Dnepr and Daryal stations, as well as the Voronezh-type high-factory readiness radar, which should replace them. In accordance with the state armament program until 2020, it is planned to complete the re-equipment of early warning systems.

Colonel General Alexander Golovko, Commander of the Space Forces, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, said that during 2017, more than 50 launches of foreign and domestic ballistic missiles and space missiles were detected by the on-duty early warning systems, specialized means of space control systems and anti-missile defense.

"Tundra" instead of "Oko"

At the end of 2015, the newest rocket launch warning system satellite EKS-1 (Kosmos-2510) was launched into orbit, which operates in the Unified Space System (UNS) Tundra. It is being created as part of the development and improvement of the missile attack warning system.

The creation of the CEN is one of the key directions in the development of forces and means of nuclear deterrence in the Russian Federation. As a result, we will be able to detect launches various kinds ballistic missiles, including launches of prototypes from the waters of the World Ocean and from the territories of countries conducting tests

Sergei Shoigu

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

The EKS should replace the space echelon, which was based on satellites of the Oko-1 system. The last such device, according to open data, failed in 2014. The Oko system began to be created in Russia in 1991. In total, eight satellites manufactured by NPO named after Lavochkin were launched into orbit.

The CEN will include a new generation of spacecraft, as well as modernized command posts that provide control of the orbital constellation, receive and process special information in automatic mode.

"TASS/Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"

As a source in the military-industrial complex told TASS: "Starting from 2018, two spacecraft will be launched annually. Launches will be carried out using Soyuz-2 launch vehicles from the Plesetsk cosmodrome."

The second EKS-2 satellite was launched on May 25 of this year using a Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket from the Plesetsk cosmodrome by combat crews of the Russian Aerospace Forces. After the launch, he was assigned the serial number "Cosmos-2518".

With the launch of all vehicles into orbit, the space echelon of the early warning system will grow to ten satellites by 2022 and will be able to detect ballistic missile launches from any region of the world immediately after their launch. In addition, more than 10 new laser-optical and radio-technical systems for recognizing space objects will be deployed on the territory of the Russian Federation until 2020. The first such complex is already successfully performing tasks in the experimental combat duty mode on the territory of the Altai Territory.

For the purpose of retrofitting connections and military units About 50 development and research works are currently underway to create new-generation systems and complexes in the coming years

Alexander Golovko

Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Colonel General

As of March 30, 2017, over the entire period of combat duty, early warning systems detected more than 1.5 thousand launches of foreign and domestic ballistic missiles and space missiles.


Radars are deployed in the Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Irkutsk regions and Krasnodar Territory. Three more stations will be put on combat duty in the Krasnoyarsk and Altai Territories and the Orenburg Region. By the end of 2019, work will be completed on the deployment of a radar station for a missile attack warning system near Murmansk and Vorkuta.

Stations of this type operate in two main ranges: decimeter and meter. The range reaches 6 thousand km. The radar is capable of detecting ballistic, space and aerodynamic objects. It can simultaneously control up to 500 such objects.

The first station of this type was deployed in the village of Lekhtusi near St. Petersburg in 2008. As a result, the military has the opportunity to see everything that is happening in the air and space from the coast of Morocco to Svalbard, and in range - up to east coast USA.

According to the Izvestia newspaper, the Russian Defense Ministry is deploying a Voronezh-VP radar group capable of detecting cruise missiles over a distance of several thousand kilometers. These radars are being created on the basis of the already deployed Voronezh missile attack warning stations. main feature- they work in the centimeter range. The first such multifunctional radar has already been deployed near Irkutsk.

By the end of this year, a new-generation VZG Voronezh-DM station in the Krasnoyarsk Territory will take up combat duty. This radar, capable of reliably detecting ballistic and hypersonic targets at ranges of up to 6,000 km, was put on experimental combat duty (OBD) at the end of last year. Since that time, the operation of the radar station has been jointly provided by officers on duty shifts of the KV VKS RF and industry representatives. After being transferred to the combat duty mode, the station will completely switch to the balance of the VKS. During the OBD, the station's crews recorded six launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles. Area of ​​responsibility - northeastern part Pacific Ocean and north direction.

The Russian Ministry of Defense notes that the construction of a network of radar stations created using VZG technology is being carried out in order to improve the capabilities of early warning systems on the territory of the Russian Federation. These stations have higher technical and tactical characteristics. The creation of a network of new high-tech VZG radars makes it possible to as soon as possible build up the capabilities of the domestic early warning system and ensure continuous radar control all missile-hazardous directions from the territory of Russia.

Radar VZG "Voronezh-DM" has technical and tactical characteristics that compare favorably with the radars of the previous generation. In terms of the accuracy of measuring parameters, its capabilities are much higher, since this station operates in the decimeter range of radio waves. In addition, it has a much lower level of energy consumption and the volume of technological equipment.

In connection with the use of modern technological equipment in stations of a new generation, the process of servicing these radars has been significantly optimized, as a result of which quantitative composition the number of personnel involved in its daily maintenance is several times lower than on the predecessor radars of the Dnepr, Volga and Daryal types.

Financial costs for the construction of the Voronezh-type radar station are immeasurably smaller than the construction of stations of previous generations, which in modern realities is also one of the key advantages.


It is a ground-based stationary sector-type radar. It was put into operation in 2003. Operates in continuous duty mode.

Designed for continuous monitoring of outer space in the western direction in order to detect enemy ballistic missiles in sections of trajectories and artificial satellites Lands in a given sector, as well as for issuing information about them automatically to notified control points.

The decision to build it was made back in 1984: it was supposed, first of all, to use the radar to detect American missiles Pershing II, which threatened the USSR from the west. The station was located 50 km from the city of Baranovichi in Belarus. Even then, this made it possible to ensure the detection of ballistic missiles launched from the waters of the Eastern and Western Atlantic.

Today, Volga not only performs its main task, but also monitors the near-Earth space, daily recording more than 1 thousand objects flying in space, which are identified by measurement results.


Refers to the first generation of Soviet over-the-horizon radars designed for control systems of outer space and early warning of a missile attack. They were the main Soviet means early warning until the late 1980s. In the 90s, it was planned to replace them with more advanced Daryals, but due to the collapse of the USSR, only two stations of a new type were put into operation.

The Dnepr-type radar, put into operation in 1979, is capable of detecting ballistic missiles at a distance of 1.9 thousand km and monitoring outer space over the Central and Southern Europe as well as the Mediterranean.

Back in 2014, Commander of the KV Alexander Golovko (then he served as commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces) reported that the Dnepr station near Sevastopol was planned to be modernized and put on combat duty in 2016. However, in May 2016, the general director of the RTI Concern, Sergei Boev, told TASS that the final decision on the restoration of the radar station near Sevastopol had not yet been made. According to the interlocutor of the publication, in the Crimea they can build a station from scratch, which the military insists on, or modernize the existing Dnepr. "The issue has not been finally resolved, but we are familiar with this situation. When there is a decision from the main customer, we will do it all on time," Boev said.


Put into operation in 1983. Operates in continuous duty mode. Refers to the second generation of Soviet radars for over-the-horizon detection of ballistic missile launches.

The need for the appearance of stations of this type appeared at the height of the Cold War. In 1972, a project was developed in Moscow and the construction of seven new radar stations began, but only four were put into operation. Now one of them is located near the city of Pechora, about 200 km from the Arctic Circle.

Canada is under its control, most of USA, Western Europe. Its locators are able to catch any object at a distance of 6 thousand km, whether it be a satellite or space debris.

At the heart of the radar "Daryal" ("Pechora" - Pechora, according to NATO classification) is a huge complex of equipment, consisting of more than 4 thousand units of electronic radio equipment. The high-rise buildings of the receiving (100 m) and transmitting (40 m) antennas are separated by a certain distance, adjusted to the millimeter. The power and water consumption of the station were equivalent to the needs of an average city - with a population of 100 thousand people.

Until the end of 2012, the Gabala radar station was operated. In 2013, it was transferred to Azerbaijan, the equipment was dismantled and taken to the Russian Federation. It was replaced by the Voronezh-DM station in Armavir.

In 2011, it became known that the radars of the Daryal and Dnepr types had already exhausted their calculated technical resources and they were being replaced by a new generation of radars of the Voronezh family, which are being built in a year and a half (instead of five to ten years) and consume much less energy. The new station consists of only 23-30 units of technical equipment, while Daryal consists of 4070.


Stationary multifunctional radar station a circular view of the centimeter range, created as part of the tasks of Moscow missile defense. It can detect an object as small as 5 cm at a distance of up to 2,000 km.

The detection range of the warhead of an intercontinental ballistic missile is 3.7 thousand km, and the target detection height is 40 thousand km.

The Don-2N station is the central and most complex element of the Moscow missile defense system. Its tasks include the detection of ballistic targets and their tracking, the measurement of coordinates and the guidance of anti-missiles on them. The radar is integrated into single system additional information support missile attack warning and space control systems.

The radar is a four-sided truncated pyramid up to 35 m high. The operation is provided by a computer complex with a capacity of up to a billion operations per second, built on the basis of four Elbrus-2 supercomputers.

The only operating station of this type is located in Sofrino near Moscow.

Roman Azanov


In the north of Norway, by 2020, a new American radar station will be put into operation, designed to track ballistic missiles and space objects. This was reported by the Norwegian television and radio company NRK, citing a source in the intelligence services.
According to the publication, construction works will begin no later than the summer of 2017 with the aim of commissioning the station within three years. This follows from the report of the head military intelligence Norway Lieutenant General Morten Haga Lunde.
The new station will operate at the Varde site in conjunction with the existing Globus II station (AN/FPS-129 Have Stare) launched in 2001.
The official task of the radar complex in Varda is to track space debris. However, Russian and Western experts unequivocally point out that this object, located close to the projection of the likely trajectories of missiles launched from the European regions of Russia (including bases Northern Fleet), is one of the key links in the American system of warning about a possible nuclear missile strike.


The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) has published a computer image of the Globus radar in the city of Varde.
This is the first officially authorized image of radars aimed at Russia, NRK notes.
“The military released this illustration of the new radar station in Varda. What she will actually do, it is better to ask American sources, ”the caption under the picture says.
Globus system - a joint project US Air Force Space Command and the Norwegian Intelligence Service. The deployment of the system should be completed by 2020 at a cost of NOK 1 billion (about 107.5 million euros), according to NRK.
The Norwegian side said that with the help of the new radar it will collect scientific information, observe space objects and monitor the observance of national interests. At the same time, in a press release, the Norwegian Armed Forces do not talk about why the project is beneficial to American partners.
NRK found documents from the American side that suggest a completely different version.
According to the papers, Globus is closely associated with the American radar station in Florida, and both stations are subordinate to the 1st Space Control Squadron in Colorado. The squadron, in turn, is subordinate to the 21st Space Wing, which is engaged in the prevention of nuclear attacks against the United States and space threats.
Thus, the main purpose of the radar should be reconnaissance.
RIA News


Raytheon and the US Navy are working on installing the first AMDR (Air and Missile Defense Radar) radar off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii, Military Parity reports.
According to the developers, the first low-power activation of the radar has been completed, there is permission to bring the radar to full power to track satellites in orbit, which will be carried out by the end of summer. The radar, designated SPY-6(V), is intended to replace the SPY-1D naval air defense/missile defense radars on destroyers. Arleigh class Burke, starting with the DDG-127 ship, which are being built according to the modernized program Flight III at the shipyard of General Dynamics Bath Iron Works.
It is noted that the radar has scalable equipment (scalable sensor) - big ships can get equipment with enhanced capabilities, ships of smaller displacement can be equipped with fewer modules. By September 2017, the tests should be fully completed, after which a decision will be made to start production of the first batch.
"The Kauai station is not a prototype, but rather a full scale production version that could go into production today," the company says. The first operational radar for the destroyer DDG-127 is planned to be delivered in 2019.
Military Parity

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