Family of Elizabeth Golovanova. Miss Russia: what fate awaited the first beauties of the country? There were some restrictions

(1993-04-02 ) (26 years) Place of Birth Growth Hair color


Eyes Citizenship

Russia, Russia

Golovanova, Elizaveta Igorevna

Elizaveta Igorevna Golovanova(born April 2, Safonovo, Smolensk region) - Russian model, winner all-Russian competition beauty "Miss Russia 2012". The final of the competition was held on March 3 at the Barvikha Luxury Village concert hall.


Elizabeth was born in the city of Safonovo, Smolensk Region. Mother Tatyana Golovanova is a doctor in the department of ultrasound diagnostics, father Igor Golovanov is the head of the Safonovsky interdistrict department of clinical pathology.

She graduated from school number 9 with a gold medal and the Moscow State University of Communications, Faculty of Law with honors. She graduated from a music school in piano.

In 2008, she became the winner in the Miss Anemone contest, held in Smolensk.

In August 2012, she represented Russia in the Miss World contest held in China.

In December 2012, she represented Russia in the Miss Universe pageant held in the United States. Entered the top ten most beautiful participants.

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  • (Russian). - Official page Miss Russia contest. .
  • (Russian). - "Miss Russia 2012": the most beautiful girl in the country was chosen. .

An excerpt characterizing Golovanova, Elizaveta Igorevna

A spiritual wound resulting from a rupture of the spiritual body, just like a physical wound, however strange it may seem, after a deep wound has healed and seems to have come together, a spiritual wound, like a physical wound, heals only from within by the protruding force of life.
Natasha's wound also healed. She thought her life was over. But suddenly love for her mother showed her that the essence of her life - love - was still alive in her. Love has awakened, and life has awakened.
The last days of Prince Andrei connected Natasha with Princess Mary. A new misfortune brought them even closer. Princess Marya postponed her departure and for the last three weeks, as if she were a sick child, she looked after Natasha. The last weeks spent by Natasha in her mother's room had sapped her physical strength.
Once, in the middle of the day, Princess Mary, noticing that Natasha was trembling in a feverish chill, took her to her and laid her on her bed. Natasha lay down, but when Princess Mary, having lowered the blinds, wanted to go out, Natasha called her to her.
- I don't want to sleep. Marie, sit with me.
- You're tired - try to sleep.
- No no. Why did you take me away? She will ask.
- She's much better. She spoke so well today,” said Princess Marya.
Natasha was lying in bed and in the semi-darkness of the room she examined the face of Princess Marya.
"Does she look like him? thought Natasha. Yes, similar and not similar. But it is special, alien, completely new, unknown. And she loves me. What's on her mind? Everything is good. But how? What does she think? How does she look at me? Yes, she's beautiful."
“Masha,” she said, timidly pulling her hand to her. Masha, don't think I'm stupid. Not? Masha, dove. I love you so much. Let's be really, really friends.
And Natasha, embracing, began to kiss the hands and face of Princess Marya. Princess Mary was ashamed and rejoiced at this expression of Natasha's feelings.
From that day on, that passionate and tender friendship was established between Princess Mary and Natasha, which happens only between women. They kissed incessantly, spoke tender words to each other and most spent time together. If one went out, the other was restless and hurried to join her. Together they felt a greater harmony with each other than separately, each with himself. A feeling stronger than friendship was established between them: it was an exceptional feeling of the possibility of life only in the presence of each other.
Sometimes they were silent for whole hours; sometimes, already lying in their beds, they began to talk and talked until the morning. They talked mostly about the distant past. Princess Marya talked about her childhood, about her mother, about her father, about her dreams; and Natasha, who previously with calm incomprehension turned away from this life, devotion, humility, from the poetry of Christian self-denial, now, feeling bound by love with Princess Marya, fell in love with Princess Marya's past and understood the side of life that she had not understood before. She did not think of applying humility and self-sacrifice to her life, because she was used to looking for other joys, but she understood and fell in love with another this previously incomprehensible virtue. For Princess Mary, who listened to stories about Natasha's childhood and early youth, a previously incomprehensible side of life was also revealed, faith in life, in the pleasures of life.

Elizabeth Golovanova.

Elizaveta Golovanova won the Miss Russia 2012 contest.

Elizabeth Golovanova.

Biography of Elizaveta Golovanova - winner of the Miss Russia 2012 contest.

Elizabeth's parents: mother Tatyana Golovanova and father Igor Golovanov are doctors by profession.

At school, Elizaveta Golovanova studied very well and often took part in regional olympiads: in Russian, in literature, in English. In parallel, Elizabeth studied at the music school in the piano class.

In 2010 Elizaveta Golovanova graduated high school with a gold medal, and entered the Moscow State University ways of communication to the Faculty of Law.

Elizaveta Golovanova and her mother Tatyana Golovanova.

While still at school, in 2008, Elizaveta Golovanova became the winner in the Miss Anemone contest, held in Smolensk.

In 2012, Elizaveta Golovanova took part in the Miss Russia contest and won the honorary title of Miss Russia 2012.

The height of Elizabeth Golovanova is 178 cm. Figure parameters: 87-62-89.

Elizaveta Golovanova at the Miss Russia 2012 contest.

In August 2012, Elizaveta Golovanova represented Russia in the Miss World contest held in China.

Elizaveta Golovanova at the Miss World 2012 pageant.

In December 2012, Elizaveta Golovanova participated in the Miss Universe contest held in the USA and entered the top ten most beautiful participants.

Elizaveta Golovanova at the Miss Universe 2012 pageant.

Elizaveta Golovanova at the Miss Universe 2012 pageant.

In 2015, Elizaveta Golovanova entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Art History.

Elizabeth Golovanova. Biography of Elizaveta Golovanova - winner of the Miss Russia 2012 contest.

Anna was born in 1977, all her life she was fond of fitness (although we did not know such a word in the 90s) and in 1993 she became Miss Shaping. It was after this victory that she decided to take part in the national beauty contest, which she won with triumph. However, Anna chose to connect her life with journalism, she graduated from the corresponding faculty of St. Petersburg State University, and now she teaches the basics creative activity journalist.

(the competition was not held in 1994)

2. Elmira Tuyusheva, Miss Russia - 1995


Elmira dreamed of becoming a beauty queen since childhood. Nevertheless, the girl took education very seriously and in 1994 she entered the Faculty of Cybernetics of the Obninsk Institute. nuclear energy. It was there that a fashion agent noticed a beautiful student and brought her to the Miss Russia 1995 contest. The victory was a turning point: Elmira left her studies and devoted herself entirely to the modeling business. She starred in many commercials and played several supporting roles, including in the acclaimed film Gloss.

3. Alexandra Petrova, Miss Russia 1996

A bright brunette with blue eyes, Alexandra literally from the beginning of the competition was considered the favorite. However, victory in the competition did not bring her happiness: success and popularity turned the girl's head, she began to appear frequently in the company of businessmen with a criminal past, and in 2000 she was killed in her native Cheboksary by a shot in the head, before she reached her 20th birthday only two days .

4. Elena Rogozhina, Miss Russia 1997

The beauty from Samara won the hearts of first the Russian, and then the European jury: in 1999, she was crowned as Miss Europe. Soon Elena met her future husband, an American, and left the country forever. Further fate her unknown.

5. Anna Malova, Miss Russia -1998

This was Anna's second attempt to become a beauty queen: in 1993, she took second place, but did not stop trying to conquer the podium. Not only did she succeed, in the same year Anna represented Russia at the Miss Universe contest and entered the top ten finalists. Alas, the fate of the girl is unenviable: in 2011, she was arrested in New York for forging medical prescriptions for drugs and sent to prison.

6. Anna Kruglova, Miss Russia 1999

One of the most modest "queens": after winning the national competition, Anna refused to participate in any such events and returned to ordinary life. Couldn't find any information about her.

(the competition was not held in 2000)

7. Oksana Fedorova, Miss Russia 2001

Perhaps the most famous and successful miss, who became famous not only throughout the country, but throughout the world: having won the Miss Universe contest, Oksana refused the crown, devoting herself to her studies and defending her Ph.D. security activities in Russian Federation". Oksana Fedorova founded in 2009 Charitable Foundation helping children, youth and the elderly "Hurry to do good!", hosts several television programs and is actively engaged in social activities. Oksana happy marriage and two children: son Fedor and daughter Elizabeth. Oksana took her husband's surname and according to her passport - Borodin, however, secular chroniclers, out of habit, represent her by her maiden name.

8. Svetlana Koroleva, Miss Russia 2002

Svetlana became not only the winner of the competition in our country, but was also recognized as the most beautiful girl in Europe. On the next year She was the main snow maiden country, but soon left the modeling business, devoting herself to her family. Svetlana has three children: in 2008 her daughter Sofia was born, in 2010 her son Andrei was born, and in 2013 her daughter Yesenia.

9. Victoria Lopyreva, Miss Russia 2003

Victoria began her modeling career in 1999 at Image-Elite, in the same year she won the Dona Photo Model contest, in 2001 - Rostov Beauty. In 2001, Valentin Yudashkin named her best model at the Golden Lightning fashion festival, and from that moment on, Victoria did not leave the screens. After winning a beauty pageant, she becomes a popular TV presenter, appearing in both fashion and sports broadcasts. Recently it became known that Victoria will become the Ambassador of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

10. Diana Zaripova, Miss Russia 2004

Another "quiet angel": after a triumphant victory in the competition, Diana refused all offers modeling agencies and disappeared from the radar of the press.

11. Alexandra Ivanovskaya, Miss Russia 2005

Sasha won the first beauty contest "Varvara-beauty long braid" at the age of 9. The length of the girl's braid was 135 cm! Winning consecutive Miss contests Far East and Vice-Miss Vladivostok, Alexandra became the beauty queen of our country in 2005, but she did not continue her career, preferring her favorite hobby since childhood - creating creative hairstyles.

12. Tatyana Kotova, Miss Russia 2006

One of the most successful beauty queens, almost immediately after the competition, she became a member of the popular VIA Gra group and has been performing in a trio since 2008, replacing another beauty, Vera Brezhneva.

13. Ksenia Sukhinova, Miss Russia 2007

After the victory, Ksenia represented our country at the Miss World contest, which she won with a huge advantage. In May 2009, Ksenia became the face of the annual Eurovision Song Contest, which took place in Moscow from 12 to 16 May 2009. On posters and video postcards, Ksenia represented all 42 countries participating in the competition. During the photo shoot, Xenia had to change more than 40 make-ups and hairstyles. Xenia accepts Active participation in social and charitable activities, goes in for sports and participates in fashion shows.

(the competition was not held in 2008)

14. Sofia Rudyeva, Miss Russia 2009

The girl got into the modeling business when she was 15, and almost immediately her career went uphill: Sofia received fees in the amount of tens of thousands of dollars. The money she won for winning the competition was spent on charity, transferring the entire amount (100 thousand dollars) to a fund fighting to preserve the seal population. Sofia has been the face of several commercial brands, and considers the invitation of designer Philipp Plein to take part in a photo shoot with Dima Bilan for the crown of her career. new collection designer.

15. Irina Antonenko, Miss Russia 2010

Another girl whose career is connected with Philip Plain: after winning the competition, Irina became the face of the brand, but she preferred to pursue a career as a theater and film actress. In 2001, she starred with Timur Bekmambetov in the thriller Phantom, and in 2013 she made her debut on the stage of the Theater Center. Meyerhold, where the premiere of the play "The Secret of the Magic Rings" was held with great success.

16. Natalia Gantimurova, Miss Russia 2011

After the victory, Natalya devoted her life to charity: in April 2011, she supported the action of the Good Planet organization to help orphans and disabled children, visited an orphanage in Sao Paulo with a charity mission, but after transferring the title to the next winner, she returned to studies and graduates from the Russian State Humanitarian University, department international relations and foreign regional studies.

17. Elizaveta Golovanova, Miss Russia 2012

An excellent student since childhood, Elizaveta graduated from school with a gold medal and an institute with a red diploma. The representative of a real medical dynasty, she violated family traditions and became a successful lawyer. Modeling and show business, according to the girl, was never interesting to her.

18. Elmira Abdrazakova, Miss Russia 2013

Sad story Elmira should serve as a lesson to all. Her victory caused a negative response on social networks, the girl received thousands of messages in which she was insulted for her national origin, ethnic identity and appearance. Network trolling with numerous offensive cartoons seriously injured Elmira, the girl deleted her social media accounts and disappeared from the horizon. What Elmira is doing now is unknown, but we hope that she is doing well.

19. Yulia Alipova, Miss Russia 2014

Despite the outstanding external data, Julia did not continue her public career. She graduated with honors from the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum, then received 2 higher education at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute with a degree in thermal power engineering and a translator from English and works as an ordinary manager at Eastern Energy Company OJSC.

20. Sofia Nikitchuk, Miss Russia 2015

Sofia's victory was overshadowed by a scandal: she posed for the cover of Stolnik magazine in the nude, wrapped in the Russian flag. The prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region conducted an inspection against Sophia herself and the editorial staff of the publication for such a frivolous treatment of national symbols. The case was not opened, but Sofia did not appear in public anymore.

21. Yana Dobrovolskaya, Miss Russia 2016

Yana is 18 years old, this year she will have to enter the university. According to the winner herself, she dreams of becoming a teacher or a child psychologist.

One of them was called the Russian Rapunzel, a girl from a fairy tale, the owner of "fabulous, eternal beauty" and "cat features".
Another rival contestant at Miss Russia was nicknamed the "forest beauty", and foreign connoisseurs dubbed the same Rapunzel.

One was born in 1987, the other in 1993.

Ruslana Korshunova, iconic Russian model from Kazakhstan mysterious death which still excites the minds, jumped out of the window of her New York apartment.

Elizaveta Golovanova, winner of the title of Miss Russia 2012, one of the top 10 at Miss Universe, is healthy, studies, works, lives a non-public, intelligent, verified life.

Meanwhile, despite the difference in fate, there are parallels in the biographies of the girls.
Elizabeth - what could happen to Ruslana if she finds herself in a different reality and if her character turns out to be different.

Here's what they say about them.

In the military town where they lived, Ruslana invariably played the Snow Maiden. Santa Clauses were embarrassed soldiers. Matinees always went off with a bang...
In order for her daughter to receive a good education, Valentina transferred her to special school No. in-depth study German language.
Ruslana goes to a school for especially gifted students, teaches German plays the piano, takes singing lessons. And she has floor-length hair. They are her mother's dream and she takes care of them. Until Ruslana turned 16, she never washed her hair herself.
14-year-old Ruslana was brought into the modeling business by Eva Becher.
- I saw her in the German center, where we studied the language together. And I just couldn't take my eyes off, so sweet, Beautiful face, - says Eva, who herself once tried herself as a model. - Offered to shoot for my magazine.
Only after Eva promised that the new hobby would not affect her studies and that Ruslana would not have any nude pictures, did her mother give up. By the way, the new mentor kept her word. Ruslana graduated from the gymnasium with only one four - in physics. Goethe and Schiller read in the original.

- She has been smart and beautiful since childhood. She started talking at the age of one. At three - read and sing songs. She graduated from school with a gold medal, at the institute she now has the highest rating! We knew that she would win. Because she is very stubborn: she always achieves what she wants, - says Lisa's mother.
Elizaveta Golovanova was born in the regional center of Safonovo, where she graduated with honors from a music school in piano, general education - with a gold medal, was fond of English language, participated in various olympiads, was engaged in fitness, went to gym. Favorite writer - Victor Hugo.
Especially for her thick hair in Smolensk, they came up with the Miss Anemone contest, the winner of which Lisa became. She was prophesied fate successful model, but the girl refused in favor of a serious education - as her father advised.

What do we see? Both girls were born in a deep province, both were engaged in languages, music, were known for their unusually long hair, had a fragile purity inherent in special girls, in which sensuality is so transparent that it more expresses subtle essence dawn than the blossoming of the flesh. Both, by the way, loved naive girlish poetry.

Both have a completely unusual texture, which can be called the quintessence of the Russian spring, the avatar of Lelya, the youngest woman in labor of Slavic myths.

Chiseled cheekbones, a bright look, a clear pattern of naturally embossed, expressive lips, a thoroughbred neat nose, an exceptionally beautiful forehead, a profile, a beautiful fit of the head, porcelain skin and a mop of luxurious hair, uncertain lines of a too quickly elongated body - that's what unites them. But there are also differences.

Ruslana was wild child, a flower, wild at heart, smiling and direct, pure, impulsive, touching in her shyness. She knew three languages. Upon graduation, she received an international diploma. Selected animals. Didn't give in to glamour. I felt sorry for my friends. She was going to go to the Sorbonne or Harvard, saving money earned by honest work. She had gentle, cheerful fox eyes, almond-shaped, with sharp corners, bright, sparkling.

Liza is strict and closed, intelligent and purposeful, she studies at two universities, she is a perfectionist, she writes clearly and to the point, she does not keep public Instagrams. The look of her gray eyes, framed by velvet eyelashes, is dark and attractive. At 18, her eyes expressed kindness, now her gaze is proud, regal, intelligent.

AT Last year Ruslana lost a lot of weight before her period stopped. She cut her hair. Removed a beautiful fly on the cheek. She kept a diary on Odnoklassniki, filling it with dried leaves and poems about unearthly love, called herself a witch, urged "to live fast and kiss slowly." Model business ate it with food. From 16 to 20 - it would seem an insignificant gap. She didn't make it to 21.

After winning the national competition at the age of 18, Lisa, with her huge, chestnut braid thrown over her shoulder and regal posture, amazed interviewers to shiver. Male TV presenters could only blink their eyes in delight, unable to hold back a jubilant smile, because Lisa embodied a deity, Morena \ Live \ Persephone, and mortals could not cope with the dance of genetic memory. Women were divided in two, not understanding whether to envy or worship.

Legends are still being made about Ruslan, books are being written, trying to justify suicide. Ruslana is akin to a morning crown shining through the rays, her individuality is poured into nature, like the sound of dew-filled flowers.

Elizabeth, goddess of the earth's bowels and ore veins, mistress copper mountain gives the human race from his generosity. She was a princess, but she became a queen, young, scarlet, proudly carrying a heavy crown of braids.

Such girls do not necessarily become famous. I met them in everyday life: with rare quality hair, regular features, watercolor color type. They are all subtly similar, but each is an individuality expressing a special tone of Russian beauty. Foreign languages, music, dance, science, honors studies, early development - everything is easy for them. It is not difficult to imagine them in the outfit of a fairy-tale princess, in which pure beauty will be revealed by the aroma of an evening flower. An aura of perfection shines around them, forcing people to retreat in a half-bow, to treat them with careful, attentive love, as if they were a precious painting or the first lily of the valley.

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